he 1 ily ° fish 3 297. YEAR 76-NO. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRI DAY, DECEMBER 18, 1908, WILL SUCCEED: As Lord High Commission- er of Canada. SIRATHCONA RETIRES SIE HUGH MONTAGUE ALLAN CHOSEN ---- As the Man to Succeed--He Leading Steamship Owner of Montreal--Said to 'Be Well Fit- ted For the Position. Montceal, lec. ~l'here little doubt but that the tenure of the position of lord high missioner for Canada in the Kingdom will become vacant in the new year by the retirement Lord Strathcona. It under and has: been commented on in newspapers of the old country his lordship is anxious to be of the position that he now h consequence of his Lord Strathcona has filled the offi: that he now - holds with ag abilit. that has gained for him heeulogium that he is a 'statesman o) ki 1 ability and experience,' of untiring industry terprise Lord Strathcona has of his best for the benefit of dominion. He has spared neither &i to health nor his wealth to the is a 18 is "np com United | earls of | stood the that | relieved 11 olds 18 in advancing age man | en and a and dauntles best to further the interests country of which he i citizen, and of whose so able an advocate. cona's period of office ed by a progress so famous interests he is Strath has been mark which unparallel ed in the history of nations and the gratitude® of his fellow countrymen can never be suthciently expre sed Rumor is already busy with name of his successor and it is derstood that when the time for the resignation of Lord cona Sir Hugh Monta®\e be the man selected to ocenpy the exalted place, This gentleman is one of the men who has helped ~~ to make Canada gree As one of the members of the fib of the Allan Line of the H. and A. Allan Co. he has done much in the matter of immigra tion. Besides this he holds a number of directorships of industrial and com mercial concerns and has en a great interest in the and charitable organizations treal and of the dominion. sire to forward the welfare is one his' best a8 his business confined to world-wide his ability to interests the dominion unlimited. Thera the fact that there men who eould worthily: fil | the office of load high commission tham Sir Montague Allan and it undoubted that his delection would meet with the most hearty and dial approval of all Candians. Sir Montague is the secqnd the late Sir Hugh Allan, Lord th ur comes Strath Allen will tak benevolent of Mo His de Canada traits are but further are always of | | | | | | | i ok known connections Canada alone and! not | are the | of almost is are more no few, if anv, | cor- ) 4 fon DAILY MEMORANDA: { CQ furts itm That's Would From wed Civic lomuiittee Y.W.( Moral p.m Q . stic and Re ale of to-morrow Some Advts. A ne Your's (reeting I'he Jackson Matinee, ( Saturdy Bonnie Grand at 2. R€ad Bar in' Advts, of day's Whi For rich There I'hat can Made in the One qujre velopes, Open Pony swell Pres and store of Ge Linen P embossed wit night I'he Dec. 18th, 1884-- The Toronto 1809--The cepted CO artill 1908 pany their In Canadian mvention History onservatives in closed. Imperial anada"s offer I'he Grand 1 deposited one guaranteed. stock wit th the Goverr ment as security for the car ving the Grand Trunk Pacific project 1904--Purchase of the Midland Railway in Nova Scotia by the Dominion At lantic Railway. 1905--The Amgrica met 1907--The od £50.000 ferers from out Geological Society of! in annual session in Ottaws Dominion Government vot toward the relief of the suf- the eo quake me Jamwics Students' Lamps large variety - ---------- Robertson Bros. | Hounds, | there was a for | gainsaying 0 r| Lure In of the Montre al company. He in 1860 ana was ediiested at Bishop's | College schol, lLenmoxvile; He ien- tered the firm of H, and Allan lon entering his majority at present time is the Ne raRer hl that firm. He of the board of trade furer of that body from 1891 to 1892, In December, 1578, he assumed the name of Hugh Montague instead of Hugh Andrew Allan, by which he was previously known. In religion he is a Presbyterian.' In October, 1893; he married Marguerite Ethel, aaugh- jer of Hector Mackenzie, of Montreal, {and on the occasion ol his marriage he | was presented with his portrait by the members of the Montreal Fok of which he was the mas- He has always been a .pro supporter of sports and at time took a leading part in the (pastimes of Monta the dis trict Ocean Steamship A, and senior and was treas- | ter, minent one "and ANOTHER GUN VICTIM. | Boy Probably Fatally Shot Rehearsal. Man., Dec. 18.--Gordon the fifteen-year-old son Robert Galbraith, of Gilbert is at the point. of death pital here as a result of accident he boy and Alfred Gray, were pra logue for Christmas at Markh kchool at Dauphin, Galbraith, of Plains, the hos- shooti companion, tising a dia entertainment the dialogue shooting incident. this part the bos twénty-two rifle Galbraith. The rifle, to be unloaded, bullet entered = passing octors in 0 a im In mock When Gray and ame to which 1 n¥T supposed i Gal ough hi ! d his recovery. SIASKAGICKS GOT WRONG Watertown, N.Y. Dec. 18.--Thinking that he was about to take a long "swig" of some particular- ly fine cider, Frank East- man, a farmer near Rices, drank "some of his wife's washing fluid. The acid which ate the dirt on wash days, did even better on Eastman's stomach in- ing. He was hurried to the Sisters Hospital « here and will recover. STUFF. * FHF A MEE FE EF ¥ 8 GOT $1.000 FOR ASCENSION Mrs. Roper Asked $25,000 For cident at a Fair, N.X., Dee, balloon ascension fair, on August was whirled ibition in a King involuntary Illenville he itical entan ton, 18. For at the 20th, 1206 loft at a throught" be gled dangling rope, the supreme court, rendered erdict in favor of Mr for 81.000. Mrs Rope I~ didster County Ag for 325,000. COMMENDED THE WORK -- EARL GREY VISITS A TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. win ext ona coming a jury, in Mary IE had Roper ued the 1 Society 1 ricul h, He Statéd That Cah- ada Was. Much Rehind All Other Countries in Techni Education--A Strong Ad- ate of Work. : Speec voc Montreal, Dec en probability ely 'No na hope to be important industrial inherited eflicieney of the the country. He yehin more ut? £ the acquired of and and women tt was in her technical hoped that the pro governments would that the amovement was institute work, his After and seein students lleney expressed himdelf pleased with the tht being made in the building of the first i on his lay the founda at as progress hich one of appointment was tion stone. Hon. W. } the evening to A. Weir, said that the work he thought on manufacturers od that was being wuld loosen their p «trix there would not appeal } but 8 as rie De any ne if thelr actur was advo Insti to act ntreal 1d with Colder Weather. gf nav suits, wa Crown : kind ul i Was born in Montreal | is an active membir | SIGNED THE Cheques Were fssued by James Holliday. the given of of have had of H: noon, ed th in Mr 1905, of about make day firm about tually 2 00 Mr. three tween other there Peopl count idea Wa As asked well Mr. Mr. fir eifl a uu take ed it held t« cougt He to lb not i The the being | to! Boud | "Of course | give Witness | been threatened, by in his speech dur-_| | quette's | | | him | man | the Sd H {co irt cheques payment. the Mr keep I Ma attendance showed iadse Asked" That Closely Marked As Be Wanted to The He Boudreau's Denial, Ottawa, A marine department niction with payment for the service: the ros." the told by houg ne simply Quebec had made each payable money i$ sell t 1 had with confirmed ) Van Ww here could 'not trace them. had so peculiar Boudreau. Mr. as later. partment, i da vever, Id ud have § Mr. Was a Dee. 18. inquiry story that J. Be A. v to King Edward steamship line, morning 1 he the h was igned the recolleg repeated mar on wh bank i Boudreau Be » CASHED BY FELSEN AND HANDED TO MARINE DE- PARTMENT OFFICERS. Be He Might Identified-- Bank. Manager Admitted Go-Between-- Joudreau of in Ottawa of James Holliday, man ques of doing it, Va had who Gregory, . posi that in his out three to beare bank over other to the and others the ace T o be for 3ros.' which Felsen overdraft the &nd Van he tat of » oc further told no him the L000, the deposited for and amount the King Félsen sai cheques, June 1th banks to was not Janik pay the and get to Mr. the che to the that tre he He lene Boudreau we the accountant he might w gone, Watson, part not strai Van Felsen--"Y¢ -between,"" "When that Witness you sc Er My did day said the m an official of of account he n I d to be pa to him hame, Holliday this was ir not aid and ull throug liscussic X3,000, excited a wrote in order Banque Bank money r y ors over a told | careful Asked why lliday [ 0 nd so the left to ret Trolliday and indi hold-up. His long tur up over be three pay the would the rel, on that traced. money was National, of Hochelaj Van the offic department with referred 'ques K.C.--T vou were taking which was Ottawa, ert enoug agreed that perhaps'i | tex Fel marine ag ely e Mr. cheques the was session, } mass of con tradictory evidence was presented marine sational at sen beer the con yA had in Holliday the featur: 5 he story wa second hand alleged le swore an n Felsen, told hi is a nephev rent a the aft Hollida for 1,00 in which he pasei ta amounted Holliday ple the adv ances, acc ie department amounted tc a Edw d money at money he to June them enough Ot taw was al ¢ through .o the de over with to hat June Bros Bank wa wo ke Holli of the bank Mr. ounts 0. Gregor 1S was reduction ard. ever 0 took the above, be 10th, tc cashed, m Holliday's cheque. whim going to ant 8, ( on un himself, n m h. tw money delayed were After Ansaction discuss "hen in a ghtforw sir. Mr. Bo 3 would put the proposition before Hol official in when gnant. Hey He had now, t Mr. Holl SEEM d it witl by sight out he mark hir to identify vou kney tran ard I was the A action Joudrear Boudreau had call and introduced him marine ce ling abou e Settling it thing? tain sun Me. Va a hold Bouctre he as hi to b Afte but ible 3¢ agreed. 1drean of the de the after approached He elaim had Finally ould be his longer beer he bet or ac still cheques payable en's rans secured Quebec oa. without endorsing the cheques wu on getting the ou a receipt then this house, liar, and a him . he r go to jail. maiien. Boudry things they evidence They and | unless as aschereau it of e¢ : Watson here re book in Mr, Boudrean from begi you know for declared Boudres that uguye ti n action couiu from the Bank and He got the money said I cannot this." In eau ound would he had not at (Quiebec, had, asked him not to could of al: 18 .& mat na that ns ited he h#i u and oth Senator Cho had called rel. 'Another have to bx know said made he fing Story Hén wh the via 1 that iepartme oF | (a got any maofiey whatever: from Van, Fe lse i. He put up affair. had been in the met Van Felsen, gust, To *this Mr. Van Felsen replied that the bark was closed up in August. Mr. Boudreau then admitted that there was a possibility he had been mistaken. However, he was certain "| had not been there in' June. INCIPIENT TUBERCULOSIS. claimed the story He to bea Peoples' Bank -and but that was in Au- Many Persons Cured at New York) State Hospital. N.Y., Dec. 18.~Three and 301 Albany, nts died pati- | were aischarged | out of a total of 477 treated during | the fiscal year just closed at the New | Treatment Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Raybrook, according to a report to- day , the. s hari ties; The instituti der its eare whom are piales. Of the 301 patients lischarged, many were reported as sured and others as greatly benefited by the treatment. [he average number of patients treated during the year was 158, at an annual cost of $9.47 per week 'per apita, and a total for all purposes i ®109,017. York State Hospital' for of at receiv FAAAHAK 4 REAL SANTA CLAUS. before all Twas : the night Christmas and through the house. Not a person was stirring not even a mouse, Except poor old Daddy, and he stirred because "Twas his Christmas Eve duty to be Santa Claus. Full softly he stepped to the head of the stairs, Excited with Christmas and all of its cares ; missed the top step-- with a noise like stage thunder rolled to and crushed plunder. AK FAIR HABIAARACIAK MA: Y WED HER. He the bottom all the He King of Portugal is Looking To- wards Germany. PRINCESS, VICTORIA LOUISE "Blac Berlin, Dec. iouncement I8.--The interesting an- is nade that negotiations the courts of Lisbon and upon a family matter are in King Manuel has in his hort m earned golden opinions hile Prince Victoria Louise, only hter of German emperor and mpress, is idol her AT up would rogress. Te 8 the tl whose In ideal in her possible outlook | to Be dau of winsome nake an wife seventeenth year. Ht King Manuel might, propitious, make She i uite if the visit were fore long SLEIED QUT PANTRY NEALTHY AMERICANS HAD TO GO WITHOUT DINNER. Dominion Inspector . Orchard Con- fiscates Game and Meat in the Private Car of Signor de Aguero and Party at Niagara Falls. rara Dec of Fall and party mining men private car, de New board 18.--Signor wealthy werd on "Sunshine," , at- d to the train leaving here at p.m. They haa just come from New York and were going to Cobalt inspect mining properties in which they are interested. Just before the train was sready to start Dominion Inspector Dr. Orchard boarded the and found in the pantry chick- ducks, turkeys, game and a ide of dressed/ beef. Inspector Or- hard told the occupants the ar they co 1d not carry, the viands nto Cana because of the dressed meat embargo Ht ordered them to bg destroyed. The occupants gi the 'ar protested that they had not dined © ani hungry. Inspector Orchard pointed out the absolute rigidit, he exclusion law, expressing his" re- gret at having to destroy =HeH fine irds, and thé party had to go with- wat dinner 11 the comtents of the pantry i he meat line were earried a t Trunk engine and and the them were isiniected Ag 10ero York their acl 9 to ar ms, of were of rand d ne f hehind t y « which were con- yelled the ro- iilwan a 5 pert compan, por Cent | uw | Wise er nev: d been discontinued, | | admitted that he | | | = | | te board of | now has un- | 163 patients, eighty of | a ---- = REFORM PLAN Of the Administration of India. CANNOT STOP THEM. Two Persons Uncounscious From Peculiar Hiccoughs. Londen, Ont., Dec. I8.--Mrs. Wil liam McKenzie, Putnam, and Donald Sutherland, Dorchester, have been un- conscious - for three days with hic coughs... All attempts to check the attacks have been futile. 'The at- tack set in in each case on Monday afternoon, and although not paid much attention to at first, in a few hours, after all wellknown home expediencies for cure haa failea, i Dr. Banghart, Dorchester, was called. |The few hours' delay had reduced the patients to such a condition that |A GREATER SHARE IN THE even medical treatment could not check the coughs. By Tuesday noon GOVERNMENT. both were unconscious, and have re- | mained in that state since. The doc Proposed For the Natives-- | tors, however, have not given up Prompt Arrests of Revolution. hopes of saving the lives of both. P {The man and woman, who are neigh- ist Leaders is, Quelling the Un: {bors, are middle-aged, and well- rest--Suspected Natives Give known in Dorchester township. * Assurance of Loyalty. London, Dec. 18.--Lord Morley, freiaty of State Lor, Sadia, speaking Were brought by the steamer Ma in the House of Lords, yes y {kura from Australia of the hauling ternoon, unfolded a plan for the re-| B a {down of the Dritish flag by the na- form of the governmental administra-| | tives "of Rokahanga Island, in the tion ig ig : ny he fOTAmmEYS PTO" Manahika group, who have declared a posals are, briefly, these : : 'republic. The island chief who led First, to increase the membership of 4 0" oo which was assented t » tudici g 2» viceroy's 2 Sse ° both the judicial and the viceroy's p= mass meeting, was made direct €ounwd by nomination and. election, of The dictator forthwith appoint giving the different classes of the {ed judges and | " : \ other administr community each its representative. | judg istrative 3 new police 3 2 officers and appointed a Secondly, to repeal "the prohibition | ¢ The pps of the Europea against the - legislative council dis-| opean cussing mgiters of general import | Pe ance. lhird, to increase the executive councils of Bombay and Madras from two to four members éach. to give the lieutenant-gov-|, Fourth, ARIS AR ARs frp pak Are as ernor an executive council of two AACIASISICISIOIISIIINIINNG AFTER BETTER JOB. Hauled Down. British Flag. Victoria, * 'B.C., Dee. se- 18.--Advices traders were ordered closed. The islands are part of the Cool group and are incorporated with New Zealand as a part of that Jo- minion. = {members, Fifth, to adopt an oflicial majority council. Lord Mgrley said he anticipated criticism of this fifth proposal, but he | explained that he made no pretension | of inaugurating a parliamentary sys- | tern in India. What he wanted do was simply to assign to the In- dians a greater share in the gov- ernment of India, without divesting | the central authority of any of its powers. to secure | * legislative a3 device in the a New York, Dec. offer of a cabinet position to Congressman Theodore Burton, Cleveland, has been withdrawn by Mr. Taft and will \not be renewed. Mr. Burton was mentioned as the probable secretary of the treasury. Mr. Burton, it is believed will now make an active contest in the Ohio senatorial cam- paignj 15.--The to CH WR ETH TNS KEEEEKEREEEEK EEX Arrests Have Good Effect. Calcutta, Deg. ited etently Wy in causing the mfisteriously, of SH 18.--The course adop- the Indian #Huthorities arrest, swiftly and all natives suspected of revolutionary tendencies, is having a good effect on the unrest of the population, It is reported that the powerful native secret societies are dissolving as a result of the energy displayed by the government. de- legation of prominent natives, sup- posed to be implicated in the re volutionary movement, called on the local commissionér Westerday and gave assurance ol their support. io RHIAN will, Bénefit Larg Largely. Montreal, Dec. 18. --Through kindness of the members of trade, the annual charity ball was held in the Exchange Building aud there was a very large gathering oi the elite of the city and district. Th exchange has just had a new floor of hardwood put in and this made a ideal floor for dancing. Lord Lady Grey wre present and they supported by Whe leaders of Mon society. There Wan be no 'doubt that the Mater ospital, the behali which the bail was given will benefit considerably. from the of forts of the promoters of the of the board and were irea but EGGS PUT UP IN WAX. Hot Paraffin Vacuum. London, Eng., Dec. 18.---By 'a novel ------------------ | process of preserving, cues six months \ old are made to retain their "new x i laid" freshness, : x X d The prosesy has been a firm of Hu!l importers OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. theory that an cgg de -- composes owing to the entrance of bacteria through the shall. : The shes by the new process are first disinfected and then immersed in Nation yal Retesoss Every bul: -INOte rom ver-----la t of Everything Easily Read n | and Remembered. pores" | | in of in Immersed in the event. adopted by acting on the a iw | , when | wax a vessel ofshot paraffin wax in vacuum, 'and atmospheric 'pressure seallv | At Kioto, Japan, Gen. Inouye, {the Japanese army, ds dead. then allowed to enter the vessel F. W. 'Thistléwaite, L'Original, the hot is forced into the ¢ [ the which ' thus hone been appointed of Pre jeounty. it. Arc hbishop Wal sh; apor ai oted chancellor scot ition which eby | tically sterile, the | 18 | of the contents of has a harmful effect, ravented and the egg is prac- regastrar Dublin, of the re land. Trunk hh Saskatoon has hoe; new Nation al 1 niver sity of The first Grane {evoesed Battle Edmonton and The British government's bill, pro City Was Dishonest. Ont., Dec 18 Angl presiding at the non-jury sit- tings, here, handed out a hot roast] for » city in delivering judgment in Hpobiting the use of hop substitutes i an action directing that the. city SUD | the manufacture of beér has been with . co ce hs ply sewer service to certain town hip {drawn. residents and ordering that the city | | pay all the costs of the action, about $500. "The city has been so absolute: ly dishonest that it is entitled to no eonsideration," he suid. The action | "Three hundred men aro the city breaking an agrees |, the power dam at ment with the township of Barton re | work is proeceding with lative to water and sewer. Pacific bridge tran Justice | i botwees Hamilton, Prince next legislature city. Rupert will apply at th session of the British Columbi; for incorporation as 1 still at worl I ort Fran 0s great rapid arose over ity. | The plan of holding a centennial, ex position for the dominion of Canad: dearth of in 1912 at Winnipeg has takon so long | finite form. in church circles, will soon | A bill was brought before the Unites the opinion of Rev. Dr, [States senate, on Thursday, to in Davis, of New Britain, | | crease the salary.of the president fron declares that he believes $50, 000 to £100,000. Dearth Will C Dee. - 1 'hat for the/ ministry, se. Chicago, aspirants lamentea cease" is Ozora S. Conn., who de that more and more young men will | King Edward's visit to the seaside} in | note | last-| his election | the Chicago seek to become spiritual leaders the coming years. This hopeful for the future was sounded irht by Dr. Davis after the "presidency © of Theological Seminary. is due to an aflection o which lis recent attack o | at Brighton, the throat, | influenza has irritated. Harriet A. Thaw, aged sights five {years, aunt of Harry K. Thaw, diec fon Tuesday, at the Friends' asylun {for the insane, in Frankford, Pa. Plowing. | The large coal pile of the C.P.R., a e--farmers---of- Fort-Witham; icon fire and-the-com ad,uining this city, pany will use a steam shovel to en all bwsily engaged in plow- deavor to get at the heart of the fire ground is imperfect Ape A. Deucher, minjster of . commerce ly free from frost. This is was elected president oi the Swis time many years that the [republic for. 1909 the. federal as Kent have been ins {sembly. He will eed Dr: F. Bren plowi one TO | NEE, Mrs ari mntér with oO Kent Farmers Chatham Pees Dover township, are nearly ing. The and entir the om first m farmers of dulge 1n Christmas. Lived able io week bel ue ng Na la her rowdice tion, since on mint {ed aw th ° | 4 "Thre Year ther 1a x 1 1 Tha ld we ho etond fohn Watt \ x srk man living at Camden East, s At r small villa about two miles from employ ed on sewer construction, here, had back by the rench, a distance of twent nt of stantly killed. Hi won bu Has i Yelland oung broken He i pavalyz bh L fort, {bead struck I: Mr. Talt dinner pledged: his admini the should be able i al adhgrence to the platform [down at the Chicago aconvention. i L Lres and iadl Campbell Bros'. Japanese mink neck Ket par Naw as in York far as to lai Fuss. stration, § 1 - y Col « it, $5 up. t coltrol Campbell Bros'. Furs. . Choice Alaska sable iis, $10, 811, giz and up. Bibby's Sa. "Bedieat in boxes, Probabilities: Toronto, Dec. 18. --Qttawa Valley and Up. T St. Lawrence 1 am. Strong northeast to north= west winds, with . fon. Saturdav, Ee easies and cold. Steacy' S | | Gift | Sugges- | tions: i For A adios SILK WAISTS, LACE WAISTS, " WOOLLEN WAISTS, { MUSLIN WAISTS, SILK PETTICOATS, HEATHERBLOOM SKIRTS .MOREEN PETTICOATS, KIMONOS, DRESSING SACQUES, BATH ROBES, . FINE FURS, KNITTED JACKETS, SILK HOSE, CASHMERE HOSE, OVERSTOCKINGS, KID GLOVES, ! LINED MOCKA GLOVES, SILK MITTENS, DAINTY NECKWEAR, BEAUTIFUL BELTS, -HANDKERCHIETS, HAND BAGS and PURSES : SILKS FOR WAISTS FLANNEL WAISTINGS, DRESS MATERIALS, UMBRELLAS. Special Ifyou contemplate Black Silk for a Dress, Waist or Skirt. See our special guaranteed Silk; made by €. J. Bonnet. You'll like it. Foo et ete Ts eI EET «> Yi giving '§ PEPE CII PrP LEN PETE DIED. --At her h 190 AMEY 'uneral home Anglin, 85 ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. 'Before Deciding What to ge Tom Smith's Santa Claus Stockings Nothing causes so much excitement, ior gives. such genuiie pleasure PRICES, 10¢ »0c., 7hc., $1.00, $1.25 Come now while the assortment complete | Jas, Redden & Co.. Importers Of Fine Groceries. P.S COSSACKS AN OPEN FIRE: the best Grate Stove there is, of Heaters and Ceok Stoves. They must all go, as we dre' going to alter the store. TURK'S, 'Phone, 708: ---------------- A TY IC ET YL, Marked Like A Leopard. Kimbérley, Ont Dee. 18. Josep) Weber ver | his n thoy 40c., 25¢., $1.75. 20¢ and 5¢€., is I have iso a lot found h ' f town and grey on the back the sides, not ted ght, was proper color, part, and legs + leopard. I put up fight belare being despatelied chot, but like by a rifle 'Brockville Growing. Brockville, Ont., Dee. 18.--~Broeck.' vills's 'population ix 9,132, 206 mora than last year. There has been ako an increas 'in the assessment of 853,750. The total assessment -is now $3,560,045,