1 Christmas Shopping Done Here Is Always "Satisfactory. Fill your hands, arms, shopping bags and our de- livery with parce Is of every description for every member of the family and every friend. ceptable Christmas gifts to Lots of ac- be found here. How About the: Men ? People Soild about it being hard {o select gifts for the men of the family, but the folowing list should help any in doubt as to what to give : Men's Shirts, goods, 50¢., 75¢0., $1.00, $1.25. Men's Ties, in all the very latest New York Colors , BOc., 78¢. Men's Silk and Wool Scarfs, 50ec., Men's' Collars . and Cuffs, S Gloves, Lined and Unlined. White and Colored, nicely laundered and all new and "Styles, ?5¢., 90¢c., $1.00. uspenders, * Socks, Underwear and nip Pti-- Crumley Cash Coupons Bros HOW 1T FEELS TO FALL. A Good Many Things Be Thought Of, What it dmeans to have your bal: loon suddenly exploded 3,000 feet above the earth, and unceremoniously hurl you half a mile through space, has recently -heen graphically describ- ed by A. Holland Forbes, one of the aeronauts. who manned the ill-fated American Balloon in the recent inter- mational races in Germany. The mira- culous part of the nar ive the, fact that neither the writer nor his companion were injured in the least by the escapade. As quoted in the New York Sun, he says: We didn't think much of the dent while it was happening--there was no time for that. 1 had just re- marked to Post how well the balloon was working, when the noise of the explosion "came. Post coolly looked aloft, and said, 'Forbes, she's gone." 1 looked overhead and instantly com- prehended our danger. We were up exactly 2,900 feet, as the instruments showed. We came down that 2,900 feet in two minutes I grabbed the ropes and tried to para ente down. We fell 1,500 feet iike a piece of lead. We threw out thirty- eight sand bags™I had a ton of it in the balloon=a bag at a time. We were going dbwn so fast that it ap- peared that the sand was going up in the air past us as we. fell. Post and 1 were worried ting the people below. I remember we warned each other about that. But in those crowded two minutes we did | have tune worry about our- selves, ' Aiter mighty speedy work, 1 got the ropes into shape. Underneath I saw an apartment"house. It seemed to be coming to meet us, and it never , shall forget then--the coolest man 1 ever saw. When he got sight of the mansard roof coming up to wus he reached over and said, 'Good-bye, old man We shook hands, and that's all there was to it. 'Then we struck. The car of the balloon ing through -- the roof of ment tiles, and all, and ceremoniously room. May is acci about hit- not to some was coming fast, [ Post as he was crash- 'apart plaster, we found ourselves un entering a lady's bed Fortunately she was not at home. She was at the balloon grounds among «the. ather 80,000 or so, persons who had gathered to us start. The crowd was a mile square The kaiser gent a motor car us with of his 'adjutants, and the military and police helped to disen- tangle us from the rigging. They ex- pected to find us dead, of course, hut not hurt a bit, and the a box opera night went that house, lathing see to one we were er sent us following ka for the There are only two makers. of high class candy in Canadh, McConkey's and Huyler's. See their beautiful (Christmas + packages af sweets at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Bibby's $3.50 vests are gant A manicure set is just what wants for Christmas. Some "ole she beauties right up from the earth. | WOMAN MAKES GOOD. go : | Only Woman in New York Stew- ard of Big Hotel. The only woman in New York who is steward of a big hotel is Isabel Boyle of the Hoffman House, and so capable has shé proved herself during her five years bf stewardship that she has be- come the right land of the proprietor. Mr. Caddagan, the manager of the Hoffman House, claims that having a woman steward his own idea, and the digcoyery off this particular woman is his Rist, Mr. Caddagan's sisters were sent to a convent in Virginia to complete their education, and there as a fellow student they met Isabel Boyle, with whom they became warm friends. When they left the convent in Virginia the Misses Cad- dagan invited Miss Boyle to visit them in their northern home. This in due time she did, but her family had got into financial difficulties, and the girl was anxious to carve out her own way in the world; so she asked her friends to help her find a position. Mr. Cadda- gan, who happened to need an assistant | steward, asked her if she would like to take the position. She accepted and this was the beginning of her career. Miss Boyle is of medium height, with wavy dark hair and soft brown eyes She has a cheery disposition and a fund {of real Irish wit that carries her over | many a rough place it matters not -whether found at work {or at play, buying little necks by the is | thousand or weighing Virginia hams ia {by the barrel, her personality is brights |and refreshing. She is a woman who {loves her work, so of course she has made a success of it. Tombstone Talk. - (Ariz.) Epitaph, Nobody ever dies in Tombstone, lecs----they brought it "with'm," fall into a 6004eet vertical shaft, 0 buy an aytomabile, or 'sass 2 hes mother-in-law, ~ or fry to thaw out | powder, or "misiake cyanide of potas sim for" sugar, or start offi a county seat removal racket. Some die of old | ace, somé "old partners" of 'Daniol Boone, but none have ever been known to die rom" phb«ical irregularities con- tracted in Tombstone, as ide from the aliove-mentioned causes, and sionally san abhormal tightne sx about the 'throat, sugerindueed bv a coil of panila rope, or from a cold caught through a hole made Qy a 45; Tombstone or A Well Known Fact. celery. Ii Car- If it' it's our good celery it's our celery it's good celery. novsky. . ® Bibhy's swell $3.50 vests. Have you selected that box of choco- lates yet? See Best's display and | have 'your choice put away for vou. Nee Bibby's $2.50 fur-lined gloves. How some women can even pretend to be proud of their, husbands mystery to other women. Waterman's safety fountain pens, to carry in any position in your pocket; or handbag. Keeley sells them. See Bibby's dainty $1 shirts. is- a un- | THE PALLY R= WIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1008. HEALTH OF THE UY | REPORTED GOOD BY MEDI CAL OFFICER. Only Nine Cases at the Fort--No «New Cases in Nine Days--There is Scarcely Any Contagious Disease Here, ( There are now only nine cases in the contagious hospital at the fort, and Medical Health Officer bell says these T'will all be out by the end of the month. No new cases has developed in nine days, so it looks as if the old fort would soon be closed up and deserted, and all have a Happy New Year's Day. The health officer says that since the recent soft spell ended, there have been no new cfises- of typhoid fever. The city's water supply was tested a week ago, and found to he the purest of the pure. Dr. W. T. Connell makes regular bacteriological tests of the city water. The few cases of typhoid originated from 'milk, The soft spell drew barn- Fard material into 'wells and contamin- ated them," he cold weather ended more typhoid has been re- this, and no ported. 5 Only one house in the city has diph-, heria, and there has been hardly any scarlet fever lately. © So that at the | present time, the health of Kingston is Slacknéss in the local hospitals an evidence of this. good, : | BUSY WOLFE ISLAND. | Takes Up Roller Skating--Dance on Jan. 8th. Wolfe Island, Dee. 18.--Roller skating | was first introduced mto the village on | Wedne hi evening. A large crowd ga- thered in McLaren's Hall to and partake of the fun. Abont thirty took part on the first evening and the two | young ladies in charge, Misses Briggs and Pryner, will conduct the skating | three evenings a week' from eight till | eleven o'clock, D. Larush and William Russell, two island sailor boys, are home and are looking fine. Dr. Grimshaw is visiting his parents here. He is located at Port Arthur, Mrs. John Baker is failing in health. The local hockey team held meeting last Saturday night. Louise Far- {go has maved into Mrs. Crawford's house at the village. The first dance of the new year will conducted by 'J. S. Briceland on | January 8th, in the C.M.B.A. hall | Marysville. The Wolfe Island cheesc factory is to hold its annual meeting o1 Saturday night at the factory. The lecture on "love, courtship and | marriage," which was to take place i the village hall on Wednesday evening, did not take 'place as the people of the | island do not seem to be interested ir {those things, so a crusty old bachelor [says. The Christmas devotions took place,in the Catholic church this 'week and were well attended. Peter Grant |is to move into James Davis' store afte: 1¢ new year. Jorn to Capt. and Mrs. Kenny, a son fidward Cuff and daughter, a trained { nurse, from Syracuse, N.Y. are visiting relatives on the island. James Andrews' daughter is very low at .present. Mrs Hiram Davis has blood-poisoning in her hand. STEEL INDUSTRY. will Use. Washington, Dec. 18 : with the published views of Carnegie on the steel tariff, see | be Bessemer Steel Be of No ~Disagreeing Andrew Schwab, States the house to-day While he practically admitted that the conditions which existed nine years age wouldehave yermitted a reduction in the steel Yel: he said that the cost of manufacture of steel rails had increased to such an extent that the present con ditions must be changed to permit (of tariff reduction. "In five years there will not be a bessemer steel converting works left ir the United' States," Mr. Schwab predict ed. Jessemer steel will be of no use Ihe same is true af structural steel-a well as rail They will be all made by the 'open hearth' process of manufac ture. Costly changes in the construc tion of the plants will 'be necessary te make the improvements in the method of manufacture." Mr. Schwab also declared that within | ten years the open hearth process would be superseded by the electric system o manufacture, which was Being develop- ed in many. "Th changes in the process of manufacture increase the quality of the steel," he continued, "but they als slightly increase the cost of productiog." Mr. Schwab said he was not in favor of any change in the tariff on steel and steel products. ways and means committee f THREW BULBS AT CHORUS. | Harvard Student's Misuse of In- "candescents. Boston, Dec. 18 --George B. Clark, of { Cooperstown, N.Y, a Harvard student | was fined $5 in the municipal court for malicious mischief. A charge of drunk- |enness was placed on file. At the. Ma Theatre, Clark became en- that he unscrewed two incan- jestic $0 thusiastic occa-+ descent globes and threw them on the stage, the lamps exploding with the noise fof pistol shots. One of the..chorus girls was slightly cut: upon that portion of {the anatomy which is located between the knee and foot by pieces of flying | glass. DRINK POSTPONES WEDDING. Would-be Bridegroom Takes Too Much and Arrested. Youngstown, O., Deé. 18 --Fred Dew- hist and Pearl O'Connor, of Beaver 'alls, came here to get' married. On | the Way Dewhist became intoxicated {ahd at the station created such a com motion that he was arrested. The gi called at the .police "station afterw {and said she would wait until Dewhist | was sober and probably would marry {and reform him. hey were well sup- plied with money and well dressed. iff, Charjes former president of the Nni Steel corporation; testified before er EE SDOg$ ry cll " ete Fmusements. _ GRAND. GPERRYHOUSE) ° ¢« SATURDAY, DEC. | Bargain Matinge, at 2.30. Evening, 8.15 WwW. Gi COLVIN cea Sav, The Beautital "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" Original KIRK LA. SHELLE Pro- duction, Male Bag Pipers, Carload of Scenety, etc, Bargain Matinee, 1%e. and 25¢. Pyening 15-25-35-50 Nothing 'Higher. yr now on sale, TWO WEEKS Cgmmencing ar W. A. PARTELLO @ Presents MISS ALICE KENNEDY and The PARTELLO STOCK €0. 'Monday--"THE COLLEGE SRL" Change of Play and Specialties Night- ly. Carload of Scenery. 50c Special 10-20-30 A bw Night, Prices pats at Ladies' 15¢. Tickets 'Monday limited to 200. § Seats now on sale. BlJ Friday and ey : TALKING PICTURES By the Thentre Ttoyal Dramatic Co. A Plot For Napoleon SYNOPSIS! A Bonapartest Gathering--The Police Intrude--Tempting a Wile--The Con- spiracy--A- Lrgitor--4gsoBnced-~The : Ar- rest--Dunishment. ATTRACTION 2. Talking "A Poor Family's Quting." ATTRACTION 8. "T' he Wife," or "The Lass That Soldier." "Love You Wiil West, Talking Pictures at Night Only. WONDERLAND _ THEATRE SIECTAL PROGRAMME, TRIDAY. AND SATURDA Township of salary, to The "Art" Richardson Co, | --~PRESENTS=1N=... "CAUGHT BY WIRELESS" 1,400 feat, great. "OUT IN THE STREETS" The Doctor's Lunch. --A COMEDY-- than Vaudeville, MEN YanteD TO LEARN ARBER rade. uates "eighteen" dollars positions. Will eq C. instructi tant practice, Few Wools Ri lete course. Cate foghe | yop Write Moler Barber Cols Toronto. WANTED---GENERAL, FARM .TO BUY. OF 100 OR 150 ACRES. near the city. Apply cCann, wl Brock street. RR Commenciby Mon- 'shaps. Gon: ROLL TOP DESK, GIVE DIMENSIONS and lowest priee. Apply Dox = 23, Whig office. NUMBER OF Sih Ho LAFRIC AN Land Warrants. Will Hiigties) spot cash price. Wm. cit th, Brock- ville, Ont. FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD companies, lowest rates, fair settle ments. R. C. Dobbs & ©Oo;, 109 Brock St. Telephone, 480, THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work: AW kinds ay yO hr prompt tly done. F. J. Birch, Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES ouT OF yards or cellars, or ather bagge go carted. Prices right. APP, ox 1% Ss. Lytle, General Carter, SOUTH AFRICAN SCRIP--WE ARE In the market to: buy a ' few South African land warr State price for h. Address Inter-Ocean Real ate Co., 24 Aikins Building, Pictures Winnipeg. GENTLEMEN TO GET' THEIR WINT- er overcoats made now, also last years' turned and made like new. Your own cloth made into up-to- date suits. Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tallor, 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. TEACHERS WANTED. Deserted Loved a Lots Besides,"'. sung by A LEGALLY for 1909, QUALIFIED for School: Section Bedford. Apply, Thomas Barrétt, TEACHE R, No. &, stating Sangs- LOST. WHITE BELT led buckle, AND SILVER ENAMEL- Thursday evening, be- tween Alfred and Wellington stréets, via Johnson, Finder please return to this" ofliom and receive reward, YESTR RDAY, (. Livingston & BETWEEN THE STORE Bros., 'Brock St. a the office of the Locomotive Works, Ontario St., a pair of gold rimmed spectacles, enclosed in case, bearing inscription of F. Spangen- berg, Kingston. Finder will be suit- ably rewarded by leaving same at the Locomotive Works Office. (Signed) Wm. Harty. Better TO-NIGHT. KINGSTON SKATING RINK A GOOD GESERAL SERVANT, Fol famil t "thres, Mrs. it, Ta Bet" R LENG: ATILY. TROUGH isin SBNERAL SERVANT. REFER- 7 and 9 irs "at 151, 6hibon" street. FINANCE AND INSURANCE, RED CARRYALL, APPLY TO 487 FORTY. CHAIRS, © oR HOUSE Apply at wile" ene | GEXERAT, INS CE OFFICE J. Boon, A i Ne 5 159 ing I" Wet Reliable | Companies repre- n . + Ee = ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, off and residence, 181 University SopND HAND wo HOT AIR FURNACE, cheap condition. Apply Whig office. BENCHES, NINE FEET LONG, num up to sixteen, $1 each. ply at Whig office. . ANY Ap HENRY P. ou} MitH ACH ROHTITH ete., Anchor ding, 'Phone, Vr Hg két Square. CHRISTMAS TREES OF ALL: SIZES, as usual, at ¥. Ostler's, Cor. Johns: © son and University Ave. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- and chante Bank ¥ Builiing. eorper. | PEeS A CHOICE NEW ren COW AND Cail, Apply Mra. Fo HWuke, Road, .Barriefield, wit, NEWLANDS, office second floor Drug store, corner Bagot streets. street. 'Phone, 608. . 8 ARCHITEOT, over Mahood's © and Princess Entrance on Bagot » | THREE TAYLOR'S SINGER SEWING -machines, in good order, very cheap, for cash buyers, at Turk's, 'Phoney F005. BAY HORSE, to work general D. J. BS YEAR OLB, KIND single or double,' a good purpose. horse. Price, $100. Hay, 126 and 128 Clarence St. STORE, 109 BROCK ST. APPLY McKay, 151 Brock Strept: ROOM. OVER WADRE'S, and Brock streets, water heating. Brock street. JOH COR. KIN including Apply McCann, hot 51 N 820 ACRES RAW WHEAT LAND, Moosejaw Sask., district, Twelve hundred dollars cash, Owner R. J! 8 Healy, 124 Shuter St., Toronto. SIX ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, LARGH "ROSELAWN" ; THAT residence on Union street, norinal rental for the winter. at App HANDSOME R. McCann, 51 Brock street.. lot and shed, also household furnis ture. Will sell- cheap, as owner is a leaving city. Apply 54 John street. ly RNISHED, THAT house, 136 King St., lately by W. B. Skinner. Possession 1st, 1909, Apply to We B. DESIRABI Ja occupied Skinner. JE | SOLID BRICK 0-STORY DWEL- ling house, 9 rooms, bath and W. O, n. separate, hot water heated, electrie lgnted and gas for cooking. Apply CENTRALLY LOCA front and rear rooms, street, over J. P. Furnishing Store. Forrest. TED at Forrest's Apply to OFFICES 545 King jent's Mr, Godwin's Insurance Agenc; Market Square. FUSE NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER FHUIT and Ornamental Trees, Vines and Shrubs for spring planting, from. the celebrated E. D. Smith's Helderleigh FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, roomg, including extension hot water heating, bath, ete. quire at 179 Division Sta with twel PERSONAL. kitchen En call, Nu ies. Percy ©, wson, Agent sponse St. 'Send me a card and 1 ve MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc., removed permanent! without scar, Twenty years' ence. Dr. Elmer J. Sale Eye, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot street. BIRTHMARK experi: Jar, Blemish Fire Insurance Company. assets $61,187,215. 1n which = the Polieyhoidors security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property: insured at lowest possible rates. Before remewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Btrange, Agents. 'Phone, B08. Avaliable addition to have for 8 y 4 MRS. CRCELIA HERROD, ly Miss Schrampfer). Dene (certificated) Massage, Recomipend by the leading - physicians of 1 Kin ston. Head, specialty. Address, Y.W.C.A., 130. SEASON TICKET RATES. Lady's Single, ...... Gentlemen's Single €hildrén under 15 Family of 2 Family of 3 .. Family of 4 Family of 6 or $3.00. years $3.00. $6.00. $7.00. $8.00 $10.00. or TO THE ELECTORS : Having been presented with a largely sighed re- quisition, asking me to be a candidate for the Mayor- alty for 1909, I have decid: ed to accede to the request I therefore solicit your vote and influence. Respectfully yours, D. COUPER. 10 . A Season Ticket will be the best 'Xmas present that You can buy your Boy or Girl Rink "Office now open for sale of tickets wd lockers, Skating Saturday Afternoon Band in at tepdance. TENDERS FO FOR TOLLS Oataraqul Bridge Company SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, and marked "Tender For Tolls," will be received until] MON- DAY, the 21st day of December, = 1908, up to 8 o'clock p.m., for lease-of the 'Lolls of said Bridge for oné year from the first day of January, A.D., 1909, Those Ten- fering to name sureties. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ' "By Order, THOM AS MIT 1S, ec.-T're as. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF KINGSTCN :--- Dec. 10th, I respectfully ask for your votes ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF KINGSTON H 1908. and influence to elect me as Mayo: of the City, for 1909. Moores, Isq., Returning Officer Dominion Election, Kingston. Sir: 1. beg items as lhe Harty, in Member for 1908. D. A. GIVENS. . Kingston, 12th December, 1908, A NEW DISCOVERY! +A preparation found that will "stop falling hair, in even the most severe casés, in from two to four (days. Guaranteed or money refunded. Get application at 1 REYES, Barber Shep 336 King street. the of to submit expenditure the Dominion Kingston, following Hon. Wm. Election for October 206th, Advertising tent and Stationary er $1,251. 47 Clerical Help 33 4 ] 11. BIRKETR Financial Agént. Dec. 17th, 1908: -- Kingston, THE FRONTEN AC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued om City and Farm Pro perties. Municipal an® County Deben tures. Morigages purchased. Deposita received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. R87 Clarence street. AUCTION SALE. Pony, about 14 'hands. high, good driver, will be sold bn SATURDAY, at 11 o'clock, at the rooms of Wm. Murray, Auctioneer, Brock street. WAH LONG'S, LAUNDRY 'RE- MOVED 73 Clarence St., to 155 Welling- Best laundry in the city. From ton Bt. KEPT FOR A MONTH. form Didn't Need A Selection. Experiments With Gaulin Machine | philadelphia Record in Dairy School. A K mar tells of a music hall Montreal, Dec. 1S.--=Hon. Jules. Al- im a town of that state which bare the lard, minister ¢of agkidulture for this unenviable reputation of pbssessing ab- province, has announced tha results of solutely- the worst band anywhere. On experiments which have been conduct- |21€ occasion a "headliner" from Chicago ed. in connection with - the preserva- |13¢ been promised by the management tion of milk by means of the Gaulin [10T a "turn, and consequentlv, the hall machine, which recently brought | Was packed to the doors, - W hen, how- from France and installed in the ever, the t ime had come for thé "head- dairy school at St. Hyacinthe. It has liner" to appear;-instead of that eagerly- y proved that milk bottled. in No- [awaited tioty the audienée was as- vember is good over a month aiter- |! misied to the agitated manager wards. Mr. Allard promised govern-|tome befare curtain holding a tele- | tent aid to any factories installing [gram-in his the machine Se . "Ladies and gentlemen," i---------------- 7} {very much Tregre} inform you that the 'Great Stewa cannot (hisses and catcalls) possibly arrive for at least an- other half Hour. In the meantime the ansas was been the agit said he, "I 10 Several fancy baskets at $12, $10, £14 and $7 have been sold and put away until Christmas morning at i CRORMFR- face'and neck massage a 'Phone, sh ed 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICK, {48SUER 'OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. telephone, - 668 : evening, residence, 88 Frontenae street. TA When we do this we mean to keep on KE YOUR MONEY taking it by sending you best quality Coal and Wood. SWIFT'S. THVT VRE BVO S GOOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Coarses. never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and' Fvening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy, street, Kingston; 'Phone 880; ATOCKDALE, Principal; ™ N; ~~ FoxoxokoNko HOHOY 2 Ingrease Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Oanada"s leading Business eho) Day and Evening Cl Shorthand, Typewriting, keeping, Telegraphy. Special dividual {instruction deficient in English Rates moderate. Enter time. "Phone, 440. H. OALFE, Principal. 4B So HoKOKOKOKOKOKOHOKOS | 1 | | Synopsis of Canadian Northwest | Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 1S THE head of a family, or any male years old, may SOLE over 18 homestead a quarter- section (160 acres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or 'Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry'by proxy may be made at any agency on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES --8ix months' residence and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may live within' nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader good standing may pre-empt a section along-side his homestead. £3.00 per acre, Duties.--Must months in each of six years of homestead entry required to earn homestead patent): and | cultivate fift- acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a { pre-emption may take a purchased bomestead fn certain districts. Price | $8.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads | may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of the Cale | upon in quarters Price reside six from date (including the time Head the Christmas With a KODAK : For Everyone likes pictures L of the persons and things 5 that he is interested in, and anybody can make pictures with a Kodak. . Kodak and Brownie Cam- $ eras, at our store, from $1 ¢ to $100. BEST'S 124 Princess St. Kingston. List | gary and Edmonton Railwa and the | West line of range. 28, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Ru lway 4 | line. Duties, --Must reside six months in gach of three years, cultivate fifty acres | and erect » house worth $300. < ¢ i Z| SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--Coal mining rights may ba fisased for twenty-one years at-an annuss rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thas 12,560 acres tan be-leased to one appli | cant. ' Royalty, five cents per ton. QUARTZ. +A person eighteen Jeor of age and over having made a discover; may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,50 | feet. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 must be | expended 'on the claim each year, or | paid to the Mining Recorder. hen $500 | has been expended or paid and other | requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING .--Two leasés of five miles | each of a river may be issued to one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, | $10 a mile per.annum. Royalty, 24 per ¢ | cent after the output exceeds $10,000, W. W. CORY, Deputy of ths Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. #5 Ri ASK SHH RC HAH A i | i | | - = THE ONLY PLACE In the city. where Fudges 'are made. --Where you get Nut Taflies 'Cream Front * pe fresh every 'day. --1¥ AT= McLAUGHLIN'S uarters for. Cowan's bocolatés, Maple Buds, 204 Princess Street FREER | 10 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS | The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., 'Wash- | PAISLEY & CHIS HOLM, Lessee Are ready to contraet for immediate | delivery. Brick that will stand inspec- | tion at reasonable rates. Capacity "of | plant, 60,000 daily. band will play you a selection." At this a dead silence followed which was finally broken by a man in the gal lery. "Smitty, {let the b: and play {we will!' Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The high-class goods are sold there. i Foar more large cases of. MeCon-| key's "high'class candy will, be in from Toronto 'on Saturday ning | at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Ab- | solutely fre <h all goods sold there. |" Special ery of high-class | Christmas morning from: Gibson 1 shirts. i drug Phone 230, Every doctor in a small town thinks | he would have become world-famous had he located in a city. | straight, 35¢., 50c. A Remember the only store in King- | ley: 173 Princess street. ston with a Christmas morning de High-clasy perfumes and 1 livery 18 Gibson's Red Uross/ drug | ery for Christmas. Gibson's store, | Cross drug store. Waldron's sacrifice sale of silk blous- See Livingston's 21.98 each, worth 85, $6 : Bibby s smart $1 shirts, ~ Sce Bibby's handsome * from 78c. to $15, at Best's. Bibby's 50 vests are g Sale of fancy handkerchiefs 10¢., 1240. and up, also' silk handkerchiefs with initials New York Dress Reform. See Bibby-s A pair hair brushes, please him. bent I Sneais | OhE i K. briar pipes, and Rout- Sui 1" he shrieked We'll "Don't honest confection- aii Red be quiet, £3.50 knitted vests. gilver mounted mi litary in ease, at 3 See displgy at Best's. 50e. a Lennox Tron' Pills, regular price, 25¢. 2 for at Wade's drug store, candy s Red | { each, of and 75 deliv «would {5 Ihe Cross store, =0C., ey