THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1908. Is good 'healthy recreation and I can supply you for same. BEST QUALITY SKATES, ' STICKS, / PUCKS, = # And will discount any Cat- . alogue or Pepartmental Store Price.' . CORBETT'S THE WHIG, 75th YEAR (DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published st $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 0" glock'. ix : WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 published in parts on Mopday and Thurs- dav morning at 3 a ne Yulee States, charge for thie as | added, making price of Daily $3 snd eof Weekly .50 per year. : Attacned is one of the best Job Print. ing' Ti "Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Pnblishing Co., Lt*d EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. oY 5 TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- rs, 89 Ohurch #t., Toronto, H. E. peice, Representative. Daile Wihig.-- INSULT TO THE FARMERS. 'An eastern contemporary comments on the great deficit which has occur- red in the United States postal free rural mail service. It is Wondered what may happen in Canada now that the-liberal government has em- barked in this extravaganee, free rur- al mails, even in a modified form. There should be uo "Rick" coming from the conservative party since the man who leads the party for the time being advocated this new departure, and his friends claimed that he had forced the issue upon the government. 4 New Suits, * New Overcoats Strong, well-made, perfect one well worth the price. Our Special Overcoat at $9.50 ls a wiBner--a handsome Heaver. Come and see it, buy a Coat. Special reduction on Rubbers of kinds, Isaac Zack's 271 Princess street, SOLD AND USED EVERYWHERE E. W.GILLETTCO,, LTD. v : fitting, latest designs, varied patterns--every Black before y If both parties believe rural mail de- livery tg be a boon to which the. far- mers are entitled it is folly to make it a political issue. The thought that in the better mail service an attempt was made by the liberals to bribe or the agricultural vote is in- sulting to a very large number of the people. influence missed his vocation a politician. With Mr. Roosevelt ou when he became all words he should have been an editor. His words were never meant for official letters or messages to the senate. A pen like his would have filled a place that has died, been vacant since Greeley PILING ON THE TAXES. The Weekly Sun has a right to de- {nounoa the attempt which was made, ingidiously, at winter fair (Guelph, to commit those present, in g public meeting, to a change in the tarifi in the interest of the woollen manufacturers. The one who intro- duced the subject, and in an address which marked with plausibifity, '| widently had his commission from the His proposal was that the taxation be based on the weight imported into Canada, not on the value of the finished arti. the was woollen men. of the goods by such a change would fall upon the poor men, the men who could not af- ford to indulge in the better or higher It the addition upon a winter suit would priced goods. was suggested that be only seventy-three cents, but this Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectuil Monthly 4 Regulator on which women can depend, Sold in three degrees $1; No. 2 . 8 r box or sepl of strength--No, 1, 10 degrevs stronger, $3; No. for Shecial cases, Sold 7 all druggists, on recel A repai it, of price D Pros pam hlet. Add ess: TH ST (formerly Windsor) f $)0K Menioing Co. TORONTS, is exelusive of the wholesale and tail re- merchants' profits. Our' contem- half woollens, thai they acquire four suits of persons use the imported fits per suit would be $1, and the tax the $5,000,000. The people simply cannot afford t6 pay this tax. for year The woollen men do not need it. LIFE ig Best of Security, Many and choice plans. Current Rates of Premium. Profits equal : 47% compound | Ordinary interest. Life and Iindow ment. Thomas Mills 79 Clarence St. Conditions. INSURANCE They certain' woollens free; import they import partially finished goods at twenty per cent; and they are pro- tected on their goods to the extent of thirty per cent. Should Is Should they ask for more * mork ? the people vote them there not a limit to the the farming and working classes ? The been Ontario municipal. board has from--in reply to . the talk of Toronto's coundil about the street railway. Mr. Leech, the chair- man, says he cannot talk back, but he and his colleagues are not going to be bulldozed "Go fiddle,V is the essence of his message to the controllers and aldermen. BATTLE OF THE BALLOTS. The fate of parties, causes now depends upon 'the voters' Let these' be manipulated by heard by any one. i persons, or 9 lists. one party and it is immaterial what ive Full Weight We Always G Crawford " Queen St. another party may dol The dice being loaded, so to speak, at the outset of the game, and at a critical to nothing time, when the people are asked there is for the interest express an opinion, but whose defeat in store indifferent. The result of an election, or referen- friends have been in 'which {he peoples have bers consulted before the revision of the voters' lists. dum, is affected by the manner { Application will not be made to put Any one's mame on the roll unless or until he has given some sign of his having a preference, and once he has spoken in favour of an individual . or he into disloyalty. a cause is not allowed to lapse In Toronto, in" con- j nection with the municipal election, it lis proposed to have a plebiscite upon the question of license reduction, and this battle, the federal elec- in anticipation of sur- passing in ¢ interest searching tion, there as the greatest after votes. When the council open: led there were gpplications from 6,000 persons for addition to the lists. So the of it--the people whose business is at far antis seem to have the best Fstake ate the most insistent and. un- tiring in thejr offorts--but there is no telling what the result will be with the summing up. ~ his choice vocabulary of high sounding | at | The Sum figures it that the burden | porary estimates that a million and a | a year, that the specific duty and pro- | taxation which should be put upon | A SYSTEM ON TRIAL. So the present system of electing aldermen is a failure ? One. feature of it was very enticing--that a longer period of service would secure the at- tention of men who did not wart an annual 'appeal to the electors, with all the tufmoil and expense which it entailed. 5 : Somehow the three-year term has not challenged the . consideration of the business men, and men of leigure, and those who have qualification for office. So many do not aspixe for seats-in the public bodies. They have especially no. longing for the council, and probably because it has been run down in dignity, in usefulness and public spirit. The council of this year of grace 'has been especially weak, and everybody knows it. One wonders why certain persons want to be in the city government since they do not want to do the work which is incum- bent upon them. They do not attend the committee meetings, and here is where they can learn about the peo- ples' business and help it along with the exercise of reasonable judgment. The complaint is made that mem- bers cannot be induced to attend the conferences to which they are sum- moned. There is a remedy, of course, in the hands of the electors. Let them have the names of the indifferent or neglectful aldermen, with a record of the number of meetings they have at- tended. If they™do not appreciate the honor the people have conferred upon them, or if they do not esteem this honor a sufficient compensation for their laboars, they can be: left at home, on the great day of reckoning, three weeks hence. Is the present system of electing al- dermen contributory fo the neglect of duty by some members of the council? If so the sooner it goes the better, EDITORIAL NOTES. The 186th burglary has been com- mitted in Montreal without any i : j rest or detection of thé offenders. | ar- The students had the jollier of the Ontario government among them last night. He sustained his reputation. | ------ term the So ext It seems that the shorter the for which a man is elected to | council the better he serves. | perience teaches. + Did Castro, the Venezuelan leader, antwipate the uprising of thé people that has taken place. - Tn Germany he can contemplate what he missed, rest and be thankful. | | The . conservative executive re: | treated from the position it took ia It will not make a | slate for the municipal elections. Something has dropped. What is it ? has while ago. On' dit, that candidates may be put in the field , next year of the School of Pedagogy agreement with the 'board of educa: It that the. should know this in time. | | Longbqgat, - with feet tender for who will not approve tion. is well people that will be » next month, has made contracts for races in the first weck in January. He'll have a reverse the first thing may smile it away. sense in it. he knows, and Indian-like But there is no The marvel of the hour is that the | paper who had it that more money was spent in the Canadian elections | than in the presidential campaign, | is so calm and unruffied the saw-offs. There is a mystery in all i this, Has some one 'been hypnotized? | over Dr. Hodgetts, of the provincial istaff, sends out another warning to | the people of Ontario. It is that if 'they want to get rid of the nuis- | ances that have' been smouldering in their midst they must resort to vac- ! cination and re-vaccination. Do hear that ? SPAT OF THE PS A Great Discovery. | Montreal" Herald. ; The old age pension plan has re- vealed the presence in Ireland of forty thousand persons whose exisicnce was hitherto unsuspected. It looks like an other case of money talking. you Women In Disguise. Teronte Star. So Mr. Lloyd-George will not talk i to any more meetings where there aro women, eh ? Now just watch the suf- fragottes appropriate the male attire and put a new brand of rough house on the market. Hens Still On The. Job. New York World: feos The drop in the price of eggs is due {0 the hens - in the west and middle west. Phe hens deserve credit for ime proving the opportunity the fine weather gave them to remind the egg trust that they are still in business. An Object Lesson. Toronto Globe. : The London Advertiser says that the public accounts of Ontario in the matter of supplies to the different in- stitutions of the province show a list of names similar to tho roll call at a conservative convention. Secure Handling. Montreal Herald. Every burglar should be treated by the court as a potential murderer, and the same treatment ought to be extended to the "thug," the highway robber, the "hold-fip"' artist, and the whole tatiered regiment of robbers with violence. Where violence is ac- tually used, a term in prison is not enough. The lash should thén always be applied. WHAT HE_GOULD DO JOHN D'S $4,000,000 CHRIST. MAS PRESENT. : With His Standard Oil Quarterly Dividend He Can Make 400 - 000 People Happy. New York, Dec. 18.--John D. Rocke- feller got ar Christmas t of $4, 000,000 from the Si rd, Oil com- ny, yesterday--a cheque for. that go amount as his share of the com- pany's dividend for the last three monthe of the year. The' total. divi- dend for the quarter amounts to $10,- 000,000 or $10 a share on its capitali- zation of $100,000,000, of which John 3 cller owns forty per cent., it is generally believed. With this Christmas present, of which Mr. Rockefeller has not the slightest need, he ean, if 'he pleases, make a few other Christmas gifts. He can buy 2,000,000 turkeys, and so make happy about 8,000,000 small. hoys and 'He can buy beautifu dolls for 4,000,000 of the youngest fe- males of this ration. Mr. Rockefeller can lay out his magnificent gift of his in purchasing 2,000,000 of good skates, or if he pleases he can buy reefer jackets for 7,000,000 small boys, or 500,000 winter outfits for little girls, or he can give cloaks or -suits of clothes to an army of poor, deserving women or men. Mr.: Rockefeller can put $100 in 'sav- ings banks to the credit of 40,000 men who arc struggling to maintain them- selves and rs familes, or he can give $1,000 to 4,000 helpless cripples, or $10,000 as Christmas presents to {00 hospitals, or $100,000 to forty asylums, or $1,000,000 for four univer- sities. Finally, Mr. Rockefeller can, if he pleases, add $4,000,000 to his account in the National City bank. #* NATIONAL RAILWAY. Cost to date, $70,000,000. Spent on government sec- tion $40,000,000. Total estimated *% cost, 8 ---- - = fv GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Emerald Isle." the Grand Opera House, last evening, '0 witness the romantic play in four acts, "The Girl Oi The Emerald Isle." The story of the play is yery intemest- Louise Vale, in the double yole of "Helmer Wyngate'. and 'Mre. Wheat- croft," has a part well fitted to her charming personality, and stamps her as an ' actress - of ability. Caroline Morrison, in the role of 'Pat O'Brien" is sweet and' attractive. Elsie Wil- linmson and Travers Vale won favors for their admirable acting. Tho whole eompany is good. The ruins of the ancient castle in Ireland depicted in the second and fourth acts were the scenic offects of the pla. During the intermission the a played a | ry ) 'The Bonnie Brier Bush."" One «f the most welcome picces of news that = our theatregoers haye heard in many a day is the en- ragement of "The nnie Brier Bush," which will be seen at the Grand on Saturday, 19th, matinee and night. The comedy with which the play abounds is supplied hy Archi- bald McKittrick, a tippling Scotch postman, whose love 43 a joke and the bottle is amazing, and Tammas and Annie, whose love affairs are a great source of ughter throughout the play. The original Kirke La Shelle production is carried and the same excellent cast. A male quar- tette interpolate the old-time Scotch ballads and a bag piper, Robert Ire- land, late of the 48th Highlanders, ndds to the local color by playing on the pipes. Partello 'Stock Company. The famous Partello Stock com- pany, great favorites among the 'heatre-goers of Kingston, and vicin- ily, is the attraction selected: to hold the boards at the Grand all next week. The company numbers twenty people, many of whom have appeared Tere before. The opening play selected for Mon- day will be "The College Girl," with Miss Kennedy in the title role. A car- load of special and electrical effects is $128,500,000. , Total mileage, miles. a Constructed or under way, 3,000 miles. Rolling stock already de- livered ; 14,500 flat cars, 2,- 000 other freight cars, 3,600 70 passenger cars, 50 locomo- tives. Forty-five elevators built between Winnipeg and Wain- wright. REF EFF FEFF FFE ERREEF EFF AEX EFEX EXETER EEA Fruits Of Inspection. Toronto Star. Two market reports, received hy mail, furnish additional evidence of the satisfactory : results : which have followed upon the adoption of the law providing for the better grading of Canadian apples intended for export, One of these reports quotes Ontario Baldwins as selling: in Liverpooi on the Sth up to eighteen shillings and sixpence; while the top for New York: Baldwins at the same time was' seven- teen shillings. Ontario Spies were j quoted in the same report up to twen-4 ty-two shillings and sixpence, while the best New. Yorks were only seven- teen shillings and sixpence. The second report makes the difference between Ontario and New York Baldwins four sh'llings and sixpence in our favor. The higher price secured for Cana- dian apples is mainly owing to the fact that there is ' a system of in- spection in force im this country, while in the United States there is none. Complaints are still oecasional- ly heard of the quality of Canadian fruit Janded in England, but these complaints would be very much more frequent were it not for the supervi- sion exercised over our export trade. Because there is such supervision ap- ple-growers in this country receive hundreds of thousands of dollars an- pually more than they otherwise would receive. A Very Simple Judge. Montreal Herald. A judge has just died in England who 'was famous for . his long senten- ops. He--Sir Ralph Littler--believed that a short sentence neither. fright- ened nor reformed the criminal. He did not, however, send a man to pri- son for his first offence if he could help'it. So long as he could believe that the man had merely "made a mistake" and had no intention of tak- ing up a life of crime, ithe judge was lenient: but when what he believed to be a professional criminal came before him, he was of the opinion that a short sentence was fair neither to the man nor to the community. More of that) spirit in Montreal 'vould rid us of some of our reputation as a happy hunting ground for crimingls. If the determined criminal knew that to get caught in Montreal meant an extra four or five years on his sentence, he wold usually operate elsewhere. And as for amateurs and 'first offenders," our police could probably cope with them. Slaughter Of Workmen. Toronto News. .-- Industrial pragress--on this-contin- ent is attained only at the expense of a fearful and 'continual destruction of, human life. Tn the, United States last year between 30,000 and 35,000 work- men were killed and two million more were injured while engaged in their daily labor. Publie opinion should so arouse itself as to. check this awful waste. The adoption of safety devices would avoid a great deal of it. _ You Must Have Walnuts. For Christmas, why not get religble nuts at Carnovsky's ? Genuine fresh Grenoble walnuts. The Lest shipment we have had for many a day, not a bad one in the lot, and only twenty cents a pound. ---------- The Tactful Husband. Cleveland Y.eader. "How did you cure your wile chattering so muell ¥"' : "1 told her that whew her lips were closed they formed a perfect Cupid's Bow. \ 3 x : . + of Bibby's $3.50 vests are dandics. | nod Latchford. carried. TO WORK THEM IN. Ifotel Licenses in New Ontario Towns. Toronto, Dec. 18.--Tha next license year to see an agitation for h- quor licenses in the mining distrggs There are licenses a Liskeard, Haileybury of New Ontario. present at New 3 It is said that a weil organized effort is under way fo in- duce the Ontario government to issue more at Temagami, Cochrane, Mathe- «on, Elk Lake and Cobalt. As © the government has not yet been ap. proached, no announcement of policy 1s forthcoming. . is te ee et Why Have Indigestion ? You cannot have indigestion for a single day without injury to your whole system, while continted indiges- tion undermines the entire foundation of health. : Decide to cure vou stomach trouble. Do it to-day. Day's Dyspepsia Cure sloes euro all forms of dyspepsia and indigestion. Each bottle contains six- teen days' treatment. 'For sale only at Wade's drug store. A New Smelting Company. New York, Dec. 18.--Announcement is made of the formation of a new and powerful smelting and refining «>mpany to work in competition with 'he American Smelting and Refining company (the smelters' trust). Tho Ryan Cole interests are the principal movers in the new concern. The field of activities will be the United States, ('anada and Mexico. Ne details of the organization aro published, and it is stated that the names of those in the otganization will not be given out until next week, when a further state- ment will be forthcoming. ---------- The Hidden Cause Of Coughs. 1f you could seo just what is causing your cough you would he anxious to have it removed. Irritations and in- flammations in the air passages have a tendency to besome chromic, The Diamond Cough Remody removes them. In bottles, 23c. and 50c., ati Wade's drug store. May Share In Miilions. Madoe, Ont., Dee. 18.--Hugh Ross, an uncle of Thomas Cross and Miss Ann Ross, of this place, died recently in California, leaving an estate valued al $18,000,000, it is stated, made from successful investments in real estate. It ie presumed that his relatives in this vicinity ~ will come imJor a share of the estate. ™ . Reversed Its Decision. New York, Dee. 18.--~Tho United States court of appeals here reversed the decision of the circuit court, dis- misting the complaint in the suit brought under the anti-trust provis- ions of the Sherman act by the Penn- sylvania. Sugar = Refining company against the American Sugar Refining company for $30,000,000. in triple dam-, apres, That Stinging Corn." Tt is the sharp root of the corn that stings. You can take out the corn, stinger and all, with one or two ap- plications of Peck's Corn Salve. In big boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. -- ' Treasurer Of Thorold. Thorold, Ont., Dee. 18. --Miss Mina Dougan, for the . past tem years trea- surer of the town of Thorold, has re signed her position, to take effect at the end of 1908. Her successor will probably be. appointed at the first meeting. of the new coungil in Janu- ary. ----e Girls' Skating Boots. We have a good box calf lace boot just the thing for a skating boot, sizes 11 to 2. '$1.25 a pair, The Lockett Shoe Store. ' Bibby's for hrellas. Harrison Co.'s parlor and Morris chairs 'for Christmas. «Open nights. Sec Bibby's $1.50 silk-lined gloves. men's Christmas um- r Production of "The Girl Of The| There was a fairsized audience at} ing, pathetic at times, and holds the} attention of the audience to tho end. fine seloction of Trish melodies. | OUR CLARENDON 'OVERCOAT It js slightly form fitting, but roomy--reaches just below the knees. It has an individuality all its own. It is a Coa that is always right. The Fabrics and thé tailoring combine to make an Overcoat of elegance that any man will appreciate. Our Black Clarendon, See See See See See Our Black Clarendon, -- HAS BEEN PARDONED. Last Surviving Chief Brigand Bands. The last surviving chief of the old were vumbdidized by that dynasty and infested well-nigh the whole of South- ern Italy in the '60's. has been pardoned by King Victor Emnanuel, and was re- leased from the convict prison at Fav- This venerable, benev- whose name is Vincenzo Rucci, is now 82 years of age: At the end of a forlorn eampaign, which he carried on for six years at the head of a big body of banditti with: the ob- ject of reinstating the Bourbons, he fell into the clutches of the soldiers of 'the new regime and was sentenced to death by the supreme court at Langiano in ssination of a German engineer named Victor, and a Liberal Catholic archpriest, Don Guiseppe, both of whom were supposed to be salaried spies co-operating with the new gov- ernment in the repression of brigandage. sentence was afterwards Having Bourbon brigand bands, which ignana recently. olent-looking old man, 1866 for the ass: The death 1 commuted to penal servitude. 1 served six years, Rucci organized clever plot, and in 1872 succeeded in escaping, in company with ten convict sixteen kept heavily laden with chains till-as late as 1902, when the minister of justice, sanc- tioned their removal.--=Milan Dispatch comrades. months of liberty. Recaptured after Rucci was to London Chronicle. Several Kitley Deaths. Klyneshorough, Dec. 16.--Mrs, E.F. ist, con® The death of Mrs. Walker removes respected piaheer resi: her death (which took place a short time with her son Robert Walker of Kitley. She leaves one som living in was a devout member Mi- daughter John Dempsey, resident of Kitley. Sle leaves, besides her husband, a fa- mily of seven children, two sons and J. Connors, Burns, and of Kitley, Misses Maggie and Katie at home. The body was buried at St. Philip Neri's ceme- tery. A high mass was sung for the Many from here attended the funeral of Edgar' Flood, his home in Delta, from St. Louis, ¥o., o Columbus. Mise Minnie Fowler, of To- ledo, is home from Lanark on a visit Hefferman, on the sick list, is valescent. and Mrs. Michael Donovan two highly dents. The former lived up till ago), Kingston. She of the Church of England. Mrs. chael Donovan was the of five daughters. Mrs. W. Burgess, Mrs. Edward Mrs. John White repose of her soul. whese remains were brought to by four of his brother Knights to her mother. No Room For Criticism. We make our fur-lined coats so per- fect that the most exacting person can Better make a selection now or leave your order and you will have a garment hat is ur- find no fault with them. Pros', the faultless. Campbell lined coat specialists. What A Foul Name. Sporting Tiles. Mulligan--The byes say ye man's feolin's. Hartigan--He's » shinake in grass. as his contimperary, and I'll be contimperary to no man livin'. To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, ete., cheapest and best, at Whig office. A Brownie camera - at $2 or would make a your . boy or girl. See them st's. Sce Bibby's $2 fur-lined gloves. "Instant" pain relief for all pains, cither internally or externally, regylar price 25c. each, 2 for 25¢., at Wade's drag store. Sec Bibby's $1 mocka gloves. Our 'Brown Beaver, at $15.00. | Our Fine Rawedge English Meltons, $18.50 and $20.00. Our Queen's College Ulster, at $12.50 and $15.00. The H.D. Bibby Co. Kingston's Cash and One Price Clothing House. HESIIBISIISIIGIOIIIGICIISICINE. Bourbon licked poor Casey. Shure, he niver hurt iny the The blackguard referred to me the $3 most sensible gift for at | 7 o at $12.00, at $15.00. | ALL ON THE OUTSIDE. Another Remedy Wanted For Morning Headaches, \ Philadelphia Ledger, before, or rather, he had Stayed in late in a little affair at bridge, and about all he had to show for it in the morning made headache. In hope of relief, he had sought his old friend the barber, and the latter had been busy on, Bentley's head and face for the past hour, + "By Jove! Karl," said Bentley, as the barber rubbed the top of his head, "that feels mighty good, 1-can tell you. The man who invented massage was not only a genius, but a benefactor to the whole human race. They ought to put up a statue to him. There's nothing like it when a fellow feels seedy. There's only one trouble about it." | "Vot iss it?" asked Karl, hoping that perhaps he might overcome the difficulty. "Why, it's all on the outside," said Bentley. "If thére were only some ap- paratus that would enable yeu to get in- side a fellow's head and clear out the pains of the morning after, what a bless- ing it would be." "Vel," said Karl, "I think that maybe some day dose vacuum-cleaner fellers vill do dot already yet . Vot?" a News Budget From Arden. .. Arden, Dec. 16.--The hotel property formerly owned by. George Gray, was put under the hammer on Tuesday the 15th, but as the bids did not go up to the reserve bid the property will go to vendors, B. F. Detlor & Son, who have rented it to -W. H. Potter, of Kingston, until May 1st. A tea- meeting was held at Dead Creek last week. A number went from this place. Dr. Geddes was chairman. He took a load of young people from here. Rev, T. H. H. Hall, Bancroft, was here on Monday, returning to his mission on Wednesday. Mrs. Hall and family ae companied him. Mr. Hall's many fridnds are pleased that he got through his examinations all right. Mrs. (Dr.) Geddes is very busy prac tising the children for the Christmas entertainment, to be held on Christ: mas eve. Frederick Cole, of Bethany has leased the property of Mrs. N. Scott and is moving into town. C. W. Sniaer, has his residence about completed, and is moving into it this week. A. Hadis, of Toronto, has started a branch store in part of J. E. Barker's block. Mr. Hadis is put- ting 'a rig on the road. John Black iz building a barn ou his property on Queen street. Born to Mr. and Mrs, lidward Barker, a son. Benjamin Loyst is on the sick list. The Glee Club, with Frederick Whitmarsh as leader, guve some good selections in singing on Tuesday evening. John Black took a trip to Verona on Tues day, as witness against some parties fer tampering with. milk. ! Another Golf One. Washington Star." 2 George Husted, the New England golfer, was playing last month at Newport, N.H., and with a particular- ly long drive sent his ball clean across a brook into a fencea vale. "What is that plaes, boy ?"' "The cemetery, sir," was the reply. "Ah, T sce," said Mr. Husted-- "the last~hole."" Only One "Bromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of E. W. Grove. sed the world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. Wasting Time. : Philadelphia Inquirer. Speedy © Justioo-- "Guilty. or. not guilty 77 asked a Dutch justice. "Not guilty. "Den what do you want here? . Go about your pisiness," See Bibby's 81 kid gloves, Bentley had been out late the night. was an old-fashioned away-from-home-. aA