Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1908, p. 6

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ay. PA RES, I SPOR " -- ATL LEAN Rn TRY ANY . IN CONNECTION WITH ena Christmas & New Year Excursions A Hound trip: tickets will be sold at' 'One-Way First-Class Fare Good going ember 24th and 25th, re- tun mit, ember 28th, 1908; also g December 31st, 1908, and January + Rt return limit, January 4th, Fikst-Class Fare and One-Third od Sing Deceinher 21st, 22nd, 23rd, , 954, 98th, 20th, 80th, '81st, 1008, January 1st, 1900, Return limit, uary '5th, 1909. Il partienlars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket, Office; Ontario St. 'Phone, 00. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. 24 J AY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 'rain leaves union station 4 daily (Sundays e am, ee, J mm and all points north. itch to points on Central ments via Ba; further As " : On y of Ricsesar, ago 3 FUER NN HITTERS Christmas & Now Year Holidays 1908-1909 Round trip tickets: will he fssued at . . Single First-Class Fare Good $08 Thursday and Friday, Dec. 94th and 25th, returning om or before Manday, Dec. 28th and on Thursday and By, Dec. 81st, 1908, and Jan. 1st, 1999, returning on 'or before Monday, Jan. 4th, also at First-Class Fare and One-Third Good & Dec. 22nd, 28rd, 8th, 20th, 24th, 26th, 1908 and Jan, 18t, 1909, returning on 1909 or before Tuesday, Jan. 5th, Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. City 5 Mall .....o0i.. 12.88 1.07 p. 8 Express ...2.35 a. : 9.15 a.m. 00 11 Local . 5 * "1 later. Ltd. 12.25 n aoe . 8.19 p. wee 1.08 pm. ING EAST. Lve. City tee ds mi 12 Local . Nos. 1.2,8,4,5 6 7 and 8 mn daily All other trains daily, except Sunday. For Pullman Accommodation' Tickets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Oor. 'Johnson and Ontario Sts., King ston, Ont. INTERCOLONIAL T-NARLZN 4 For Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between .Montreal and the Atlantic Ports/ Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. > QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY. BERMUDA . Reached in 45 hours from New: York by the 5,580 tons, Twin Screw Steam- ship "Bermudian." Sailings 16th, 20th, Dec., and 6th January, and afterwards every Saturday at 10 a.m. New York to Begmuda, Bahamas a Nassau, return. 8.8. "Trinidad" fortnightly in February and March. West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 38,700 tons, with all up-to-date improvements. 5.3. "Parina,'" 8,000 tons, S.3. '"'Koronma," 8,000 tons, sail from New York every alternate Wednesday. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate these trips are unsurpassed. For jllustrated panipblets giving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & CO.. Agents Quebec - Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New. York; A. AHERN; Se¢'y., Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J. VP HANLEY, 8. KIRKPATRICK Kingston. Roan LINE : Mail WINTER SAILINGS TO LIVER- POOL. From St. John, Halifax. Grampian, sails wv. " Dec. 12th Corsican, sails Dec. 18th, Dec. 19th Tunisian, sails \. TO GLASGOW. Hesperian, from Halifax i. Jonian, from Portland ....... . 16th 3 ~Class, 50 upwards, Second- oh aot a3 upwards, Third-Class, $26.50 upwards. Additional sailings and rates on plication to J: P. HANLEY, or C. KIREPATRICK, Local Agents, King- ston. and . Jan. 1st; Jan. 2nd, | « Close~fit"' FITS CLOSE. TIE SLIPG EASILY. STAYS LOCKED. MADE IN TWO INCH ONLY. 2 FOR 25¢. a TOOKE BROS. LIMITED, MONTREAL | MAKERS OF i SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, VESTS --AND IMPORTERS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS, 3 nN AN ESTABLISHED AN ADMITTED Carbo-Me Cushion Straps, $1.00, Free booklet "Hints to Firm of A. L: SILBERSTEIN, &T¢ Sroadway, New York, N.Y, For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 69: 71 Brock Bt, Kingston, Ont. Skin Diseases. A diseased or disfigured skin will al leave its stamp on the mind of the i i- vidual. Many suffering from dis- figuring ekin diseases avoid society and lose all pride irf their nal a When the skin bi s out in eruptions and sores it is due entirely to an impure | condition of the blood. | In all such cases Burdock Blood Bitters will quickly purify the blood snd drive all the impurities out of the system. Mrs. J. J. Mages, Jr., Kinmount, Ont., writes; *'Inthesprin, of 1906 I was trou with a Rash that broke out all over me. It on my face and head, had a dry, scaly py and when I would get warm it wonld become very itchy. I tried the doctor's medicine bub it did me no ood, so I then got one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and before it was all used the Rash was entirely gone." Mrs. Harvey Bark- house, Gold River, N.8., writes: * I was greatly troubled with #8ores on my face and finally be- came 80 bad I had to £ to the doctor about it, but he could do | nothing to help me. «1 thought about Burdock Blood Bitters and decided to try & bottle, 1 cannot recommend B.B.B. enough, as I had not taken all the bottle before my. face was cured. \ For sale by au druggists and deplors. American Qils Coal Oil, Lubricating OF, Gasol. We make a specialty of handling Lubr} cating Olls of all kinds Prices or application: W.F.KELLY &CO | | | was the worst rE SORES + ON FACE. 'Phone, 486. Ng Matter what Liver or Bowel médicine you are using, stop it now. Get a 10c. box--week's treatment--ol CAS- CARETS to-day from your drug- gist and learn how easily, natur- ally and delightfully your liver can be made to work, and your | bowels move every day. There's | new life in every box. CAS- CARETS are nature's helper.. You will see the difference ! 883 { CASCARETS 10c. a | a week's treatment, all drug: Biggest. * seller in the | world. Million boxes a month. Gc a la Grace /L Corsets Extra Long Back, Dip Hip Models for that stylish h figure effec POTATOES hox for { gists. FELL RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE J. T. SUTHER: ' LAND WAS SEATED. "Jim" Writes About the Long- boat-Dorando Race--Tells How the Indian Played With the Dago. James T. Sitherland, of Kingston, witndssed te Longboat-Dorando race in New York, on Tuesday night. Writ- ing about the contest he says : "It certainly made one feel that it was a grand thing to be a Canadian, and to be able to join heartily in the applause which was showered upon the famous Indian. About 15,000 peo- ple jammed the big Madison Square Garden and fully two-thirds were Ita- lian in sentiment, as well ae birth. | The ltalian band played all the popu- lar national airs of Italy apd Italians were crazed with joy over their hero, Dorando. That was before 'Long Tom'! took his measure. ("When the men had got under way, or a mile or two, I was quite cer- tain .how it 'would end, 'and enjoyed | the affair considerably more, because' of my faith is Longboat. He played with the little Ttalian like a dat plays with a mouse. First, he allowed Dor- ando to cut ad and show off his little red tight® to the delight of all Italy. Then when he thought the Dago wasinot going fast enough to tire himself out, "Fom' walked into the lead and hit the pace up a bit. Then he would wide-step and force Do- rando to take the pace again, The [talian's love of applause led him to fall into the wily 'Tom's" trap right along. Welleiit just lookéa to- me that Longboat 'could have beaten him 'any old time he-got ready, and get ready he did in the twentysfiith mile. It was then that the Tndian:moved up into the lead, and hit such a pace that af- ter going, four laps of the twenty- sixth mila, and while yet 1,200 yards from the finish, the Italian toppled over, dead to the world, right if iront of where 1 stood. . "The Indian never gave him: a thought, but hit it up for the balance of the distance at a speedier clip than aver. In fact the last two laps he sprinted in a 2.20 manner, and actual- ly took the breath from the specta- tors, who thought that if Dogando succumbed, the Indian also must - be nearly all id; but he showed. them that he was.as fresh' and speedy as a 100-yard sprinter. i "I tell you the Union Jack souvenir flags began to sell fast then, because everybody likes to be with the win- ner. The Italian colony was heart- broken. Their idol lay shattered in the dust. Canada deserves to do well by such noble sons as Longboat, Sherring, Kerr, ete., who place her name on the highest pinnacle of fame. It certainly thrilied me through and through to see the Indian boy with his maple leai, worked on his racing shirt, with head high and shoulders erect, swinging around that arena and proclaimed by all the best judges to be the greatest long-distance run- ner in the workl. "The three-Tom combination could not be bheateny viz; (Fom' Eyck;: the trainer: 'Tom' Flanigan, the manager; Tom' Longboat, the wonder. "They say in New York, that it took a Longboat to 'toe' the Italian 4nto the 'dead' sea. "One New York paper, the Glove says: 'Canada has no flag, but it has a great runner." Some sporting writ- ors on New York papers must draw calaries for their ignorance of other countries." GRAFT IN RUSSIA. Removing Difficulties Officer's Transfer. A young Russian officer wished to bo. transferred to another regiment and took his reyuest in person to one of the lights of the Russian general stafi. That powerful offiger, shook his head and deglared the matter very difficult to arrange--almost impos- sible. Then his glance fell suddenly upon the shoes of the lieutenant. To the amazement of his visitor, the senior officer said ~ that lieutenants shoes 'were not nearly good enough for an officer; and that he would strongly advise him to buy new shoes of a shoemaker whose address he gave. Then, telling hjs--visitor~ to return in eight days/ he (dismissed him. The latter was clever enough to realize that he could not returnwith- out the mew shoes, so he hurriea to the shoemaker. On hearing who had sent him the shoemaker said that the lieutenant could have the shoes in five days for the 'sum of $250. Much South Cor: Ontario 'and Olarence gu asvonished, the officer went to a com- réde- for advice. He was told to pay half of this sum at once and the rest when his shoes were finished. This the officer did, and wearing his new -boots, he duly kept his appointment with the general staff officer and learned to his joy that all the "grave difficulties' in the way of his transfer had been successfully removed. HELD FOR GRAND JURY. Alleged Postoffice Burglar Given a Hearing. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Dee. 18.--John J. Anderson, accused of the Standish postoftice burglary, has heen held for the action of the grand jury, John T.Tediord,, the assistant postmaster in his testimony said Anderson thrust his gun into his face and ordered him to open the vault. Tedford did not work fast enough to suit the burglar, who said if he did not hustle he would 'hore a hale' through him. Tedford said he replied that he did not think he could, shoot him as he said: his prayers {hree times a day. | Postmaster Keysor, when he came in,_ | grappled with the burglar and was | shot in the leg, but he succeeded clinging to 'the man. | in Santa Claus: Is delighted with the big values Campbell Bros' are giving in fino furs. Bibby's initial their umbrellas free Gilbert 's offering a few boxes last {vear's table raisins at 10c. a lb; | good - as -uew. as in Army, Hotel 'Shad at Abbotsford, B. C., Blown Up, ; : Abbotsford, B, ©, (Dec. 18.--Archie Baxter, aged. fifty loyed at the Abbotsford Hotel, was fatally injur- ed by an éxplosi of gasoline. e was in charge he hotel's lighting plant and: mu hate heen smoking when he visited the gasoline shed, a short distance from the 'hotel. At five o'clock a terrific explosion was heard. The shed was immediately in flames, and Baxter was reached with great difficulty. the morning. He had lived in Ab- botsiord for #ome time and had been employed by the Abbotsford Mil company. ¥ " DAILY PARIE HINT. Blue Serge Costume, Braided with-Black niaison. TO BUY O'RRIEN. Spokane Interests Desirous of Pur- chasing Mines. Toronto World. Are American O'Brien mine ? There are persistent rumors afloat hoth in 'Lorbnto. and Montreal to that effest, and the result would appéar to put the prospective deal awvay up into the million dollar mark. "The rumor. is apparently well found- interests after the 'He died at six o'clock in |000. An effort iv being made in Sydney { il | Royal «Canadian Yacht | lenge to a' race for 'next "year, and Rochester was notified THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1908. THE SPORT EVEW NEW YORK OPINIONS OF LONGBOAT. "The Laughing Ghoul" a Critic Calls = Him--Toronto Club Withdraws Challenge to Rochester. Longboat's share as a result of the New York race will be close to $4, to prevent tne . Burns-Johnson fight set for December 26th. "The Laughing Ghoul' is how a New York critic described Longboat ue he dogged the footsteps of Doran do, . Longboat says he will run any man | {in the world now, any distance above fifieen miles. "I am after Shrubb now," eays Longboat. Shrubb, =the great English profes sional runner, may race Longboat over the Marathon distaneo at Now York on the mg of January 9th. The secret of gboat's Victory lies in the fact that the Indian obeyed or- ders. He was told to dog the Ita- lian all tho way, to go up and worry him occasionally, and to wait for the finish, depending on his woll-known great. sprint to win out ih the final mile. New York Sun: The general feeling among yachtsmen here is that the (Canadians are right in their opinion, that the Seneca is not eligible. That ling restrictions, and it would be un- fair to race her against a yacht that does. * After hearing the report of the futile mission_te Rochester a joint meeting of the Toronto executive and sailing commitiees decided to "withdraw the Club's chal the Canada's cup of the action. ; New York; World : "It was a great vindication of the claims of the Ameri- can Olympic team, that little Jolmny Hayes had run Dorando to his limit in the London Marathon, and it was a tribute to the fact that Longboat js the greatest living distance rupnor. The Indian's finish of the stunt. show- od this beyond a doubt." "Pom" Phillips is to get $600 from Edmonton for 'the Stanley cup, ganies, win or lose, or $800 if the challengers win "he trophy. There is no . doubt but that Ottawa will make a strep uous offort to keep Phillips im the vast, but he says there is no Ge. He intendw to quit hockey ior\Eood and all after the Stanley cup serics. Quite a number of United States horsemen, especially those in ihe ed, although ne official statement has | vet been made; either affirming = or denying the report. ' A | The capitalists who are thought to be arranging-a deal are from Spokane, | Wash.. and 'last week a'couple of re | sentatives, in company With a | prominent mining engineer of Toronto, spent. some days on the properly; ex- amining and sampling. It is said tHe thé Spokane, itterests are anxious to and at tho same time are casting around for other properties. jo the-anide outrightd states of New York, and Michigan, will have to forego the pleasure of Canadian ice-racing this winter = op. account of the embargo placed upon fiorses from the other side of the line on account of the foot and mouth dis- east, This will leave the field practi- cally to Canadian-ownced pi Dorando Pietro was first heard of in the Olympic Marathon, in which he | collapsed. awithin a. short, distance. o: the finish. The only other run of ote ho made was on November 25th, when he met Hayes over- the same indoor Jt was persistently reported, yestcr- | day alvernoon, that 000,000. hadl J been alrcady paid on account in cons nection withthe buying of.the QO Brien. EC GANANOQUE TIDINGS. ? Two of W. R. Acton's Horses in Quarantine. Gananoque, 'Dee. . 18.~Two horses belonging to the stables of WwW. R Acton. of this town, have been quar- antined at Ogdensburg, N.Y, for thirty days on account of the em- bargo. The friends of Charles Monahan, of Carthage, N.Y., a natiye of this town, who was shot a short time ago while hunting, will be pleased to learn that he is progressing nicely towards recovery. Edward Wilmott, a former resi- dent of this town, located for the past few months in Vancouver, B.C., and who has been for the past ten weeks in hospital suffering with ty- phoid fever, in a fale way to- wards recovery. G. W. Belfie, Mar- ket street, has been confined to his home for several days past on "ac count of illness. MissaNina Meggs, nurse-in-training in Brockville gene- ral hospital, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meggs, Osborne street, who has 'heen *ill for the past few weeks, will return here this week on furlough. F. J. Henderson, Brock street, left here during the past few days to start a sawmill at Thornloe, near Co- halt. J. R. Spearman, of Wallaceburg, has taken the position of drug clerk with Ira W. Harrison and entered on his duties, Mrs. Gordon Meggs, Garden street, has returned from a short visit wit Kingston friends. © W. R. Seace, df the Brockville, Times, was in tofn during the fore part of the week. Mrs. J. A. Jackson, Stone street, and daughter, left during the past few days, for a couple of weeks' visit with her father, Dr. Kennedy, in Perth. Mrs. F. J. Storey, spending some time here with her fdther, Wil- liam Edwards, has returned to. her home in Brockville. Mrs, A. E. Jackfon has returned from a wéek's visit with her' 'parents in 3rock- ville. ° is Never -Rifl es with a.+companion whid is getting all the game. Before- blaming your .arm or your skill, ask for some of his Dominion ammunition, and get at the bottom of the trouble. The explosion 6f Domin- ion Cartridges is practically instantaneous, because they track and the samé distance, and beat him in 2 hours, 44° minutes and 20 2-5 seconds, Hayes' time being 2.45:0541-5. That time of Dorando was-11 minutes better than Hayes' Olympic Marathon time. New York 'Times: "The last twe laps were, covered "at a remarkable rate of spoed, and when the pistol an- aounced The finish of the thrilling contest, Longboat was overwhelmed with congratulations #hd cheered to the echo. He was not the tottering Indian that quit -the Olympie Mara- thon in London, but the embodiment of the true athlete, and he lived up to the best traditions of the 'Indian race. He returned ' to his dressing- room comparatively fresh." "Tom" . Longboat came in the lime light through winning {the celebrated Boston Marathon. in 1907. After that hi ran several races, including ' the Montreal Star's King's Birthday race in 1907, in which he covered fifteen Suiles in 1 hour 26.55. Just before go- ing to the Olympic Marathon, he ran over the same course in 1.24.08. = Last Octobe he won the same race in 1.25.44. Then he started to prepare for the scries of races thai are to be run in Madison Square Garden. Now York Telegraph: "The walloph [ing the Indian gave that poor Capri baker boy was a shame, an outrage, and a disgrace. He ran circles around poor Dorando at any tima after. the fifteenth mile. He passed Dorando whenever he pleased, simply by slap- ping "his feet a few inches farther on cach stride. Dorando never 'caught him, but when he had tired of stealing Dorando's goal, Longboat would step to one side in an 'after you, Al (phonse,' fashion, and let the Italian take the lead again." Dorando is wanted back in England to run against Shrubb and the four men in the professional Marathon of October 10th, which was promoted by the London Evening News, and rin over the course in the Olympic Marathon. A purse of £350 was offcr- ed, but Dorando is doing so well in the way 'of gate money on this side that he declined. The first Tour and their times inthe Evening' News race were : H, Sirret, France, White, Ircland, 2.40.15 2 | wood, England, 2.41.10 4-5; lington, England, 2.52.17 1-5. All these times arc better than those Dorando and Hayes in the Olympic. $ of ---------- For Appeal To The Hague. Washington, Dec. 18.--The secretary of state and the British ambassador have resumed the negotiations broken off last April, 'which have to do with | the submission to The Hague of the { Newfoundland fisheries question and | with the disposition of power, etc., in the boundary waters between the Un- {ited States 'and Canada, and with | certain pecuniary claims. ---- & Make Your Gift. A fur neck plece, mufi, fur or iur: Yacht | yacht does not comply with the scant- | first "a have bil 2 3 und: gallon canhditiuod, light comes hl sd oil. ios We have Coal Oil, than which th oii aN Coal, AM, n which there is none Price in gallo lots 15¢, 18c and 0c pét gallon, Delivered to any part of the citys: «+ © McKelvey 69 AND 7) 'BROCK ¥ 71 3 oh For Father: FANCY LEATHER SLIPP FELT SLIPPERS, QVERSHOES, DRESS SHOES, MOCCASSINS, RUBBERS, SPATS, RUBBER BOOTS, ICE CREEPERS. ; For Mother HOUSE SLIPPERS, EVENING SLIPPERS, OVERGAITERS, LEGGINGS, RUBBERS, ICE CREEPERS, ? OVERSHOES, HOUSE SLIPPERS,' RUBBER BOOTS, RUBBERS. 5 For Baby we have many styles in Fancy soft Soles 'Open Eveéhings : - For Sister EVENING SLIPPERS, . BED ROOM SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES, - RUBBERS, OVERGAITERS, PATS, EGGINGS, HOCKEY BOOTS, RUBBER BOOTS. ° For Brother HOCKEY BOOTS, RUBBER BOOTS, MOCCASSINS, DRESS SHOES, OVERSHOES; REID & CHARLES nn oe a --~--you strain the Every Time Y J : ry ¢ You Cough delicate tissues which lin: the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Stop this strain, by curing the cough. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum brings ease and comfortto the throat and lungs. It not only cures the cough---but also heals the membranes dod strengthens the respiratory tract. 25¢ and soc a bottle, Sold everywhere. : : Gray's. Syrup of Red Spruce Gum [sed over 40 yeats as a Specific. for Coughs, Colds, ete. b aad 88 2000000 206000006000000 0000000000000 00000000 Qur Stock For Christmas § We never had a more complete line of Confection- & ery than is shown at our store this year. The very ¢ choicest Chocolates, bulk or boxes. Florida, Mexi- can, Navel Oranges. Try us, is all we ask. 5 R. H. TOYE, Phone 141 302 King St. N Let the children drink all they want. Healthful, nutritious, delightful. . Absolutely pure. That rich choco- lavor. Very economical. The Cownn Co. Limited, Toron*s. 81 2 Brass Beds iron Beds: Now line just arrived Special all Brass Beds, $14.50, Others, $24.00 $65.00 and $75.00. Iron Beds, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, etc. Mattresses, Marshall, Sanitary. Best Mattress made, Ostermoor and Felt ~ Mattresses, $8.50, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00. Hercules Springs, S $3.50 and $2.50. Best made. : Leading Undertaker, PLUMBERS: our PURE LEAD in five Ready for the winter trade. Twa | See Bibby's $1 neck scarfs. more cars of fine Potatoes to be | "Wild Cherry" cough eure, regular added to our present stock. ~ Try [Drice, 25¢. each, 2 for 25c., at Wade's bi {drug store, . them, 3 | Bibby's store open evenings. | Imperial Crown brand underwear, A GLOVER, or & Earle kind for cold weather. h yi. Seo) Bibby's $1 kid gloves. 5 ~ $ " have the most sensitive priv mers inthe world. For all makes of arms. Costs sae-third toone-fifth less than duty paying ammunikion. a tee puts all risk Cartridge {lined coat from Campbell Bros', and 5 Try lit's sure to be appreciated. - OUR ROOSTER BRAND | OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing,: st pound blocks. The price is See Bibby's neck- ; interesting. Gilbert's raisins, currants and peels Canada Metal Co., Ltd 'e the finest imported. : rs X ; { See Bibby's $2.50 Reindeer gloves, 81 William 8t,, Toron o. ------------ display of 50c. on the Dominion Co., Lid, Montreal, ] DOMINION AMMUNITION! " = : » ents ® .pound, 18 & good tobacco: Why Andrew Maclean, pay eighty-five cents, Outario streets a

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