Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1908, p. 16

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PAGE stxreeN : (3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1308. rtistic' Arrangl . every English home one of the chief duties devolving upon the daughters of | the house is the arranging of the ow-| ers which each morning are brought in fresh and fragrant from the garden. | greenhouse or conservatory, Over Lere| there is mot so much of the real country life as is enjoyed by owe English sisters. but it is certain that as each year more and more months are being spent out of town the American girl is eom- ing to appreciate to the fult"the many clinrms of simple outdoor life and is quickly learning to derive as much] pleasure from the gardens and hot liouges | on her father's country estate as sh finds during the winter months in the Joss! health giving pleasures affordedlin a large city. | One is apt to hear it stated positively | that flowers. or plants can only be ef) fectively arranged by a hand possessing | an inherent -talent for the work, yet no| adage could be wore incorrect. With ul real love for flowers and perhaps a small) degree of natural artistic sense any girl | an with jusf a few plants and flowers] | | | | transform the poorest room into a charm the eyes is a siniple drawing room decor ing boudoir, while a veritable delight '| ated with numerous bowls and vases con taining all kinds and varieties of sweet] smelling roses, carnations or sweet peas. | enhanced in charm by more striking but] less fragrant chrysanthemums or dahlias And fortunately a love for flowers does not have to be born in ome, but can be quickly cultivated by mere intercourse It "is impossible to associate for long] with any object innately beautiful with-| out being imbued with a keen ap-| precintion of and sympathy with the | oy : { beautiful; and as in all art or nature | Old Chinese Vase with Calla Lilies and Ferns. nothing ean ever equal the perfect Joveli- ness of the tiniest flower, so a love for the beauty of flowers is soon acquired, and ence the appreciation is there a girl cin goon arrange them in ways ever varied and ever exquisite, o> ot o> XPERIENCE is avother great adn} -- mm --_--m mM --------------- ihe artistic arrangement of fowers, fora week she will change the water in it takes a little time to learn that the vases each morning and cut oft ut «hort stemmed flowers, as viole vde-1a inch 'of the stems of all those which ning, sweet peas and a fow varieties of [lave not yet commenced to fade or droop roses, require a short bowl shaped vase tobe | This --tast may be a. somewhat tedious kept in graceful order, that such flowers! task when there are many vases to be as carnations should not be plitced in alattended to, but assuredly = few mio: vise too spreading nt the ned k, and that ments spent thus in prolonging life, eve nf long, stemmed American Beauties, chrys-|plant life, cannot be wasted time A ping nl anthemums, lilie &ec.,. will be the more of salt, also, sprinkled in the water will] effective necording to the length of thelhelp to keep cut flowers from Iesing their} vase in which they ave contained. About |fresh, brilliant color the arrangement of the vases ln the room oH | experience or perhaps intuition ouly will OS'P impartant is it, if the poor cut bring that sense of the artistic which] flower is to live long to give fort] places a bowl of sweet DArcissus on some] beauty to the world, that the vise stand or table where its fragrance can be|ghould be wider at the fop than at the base, at once enjoyed, or puts a wide bran h of | and above all not of the goose necked st vivid 1: tumn leaves or wild flowers just! which squeezes in the stems in sich where + ecir brilliant color will give thelyway that the water cannot soak thronzi best ¢ t in the room. Only experience,ito the bloom nor air penetrate to -keev White Roses.and Ferns in a Delft-Vase. all for want of the slightest attention. Surely the daughter of the house. upon whose shoulders rests the duty of making all bright and happy about her should see to it that plants and living flowers shall grace her abode in plenty through out those months when the hours of sun- shine are limited and the bleakness of out of doors must be dissipated by the cheer and brightness within. Pretty Football Favors. OR the girl who 1s expecting to at- F tend any of the college football games a very pretty favor to wear is a satin ribbon flower in the color of her fa- | vorite college. These little flowers are not at all dificult to make, and they are very !lainty and effective, The little flower is made, of a rather [Lin satin ribbon. The materials needed too, ¢ # teach how to mass in ohe vase|the water sweet, Then, too, it or bow! a heterogeneous mixture of -Norally extremely difficult ¥ arrange y ; i 4 | § Dut i ! pt d : ch Copper Vas . forent kinds of fragrant or bright hued] fowers attractively in a goose necked) 4 Va aa ¢ De ars e with Yellow Chrys buds fresh from the garden and have|yase, which clutches the flowers in t them appear like anything but a minia- together just before they need to spread ture rainbow lout aud allows the stems to spread The girl who has grown to love flowers |lessly below. For the very short stemmed | { 3 : will be only too glad to do all in her{ flowers, as violets, sweet peas Or More 8 Victory Carnations and Asparagus Ferns in a Faience Vase. power Lp give as long life as she can to|pecially « rehids, the stems of whi h are in the blooms and plants which can do 80| comparison so tiny for the flower, a far 4 Autumn Oak Leaves. table can look quite charming! if tall, very narrow vases are employed, for they will require but two or three roses or carnations and but a small bunch | m------x= re fo pm ee much to keep alive in a house throughout{more satisfactory rec eptacle than a cut thé longest and dreariest winfer somé of glass or silver! bow! is a low, wide vase the happy &pirit of sunimer, Even when|covered with a wire screen, through: (ses with these wire screen tops arvejattractive as was her former domain she free flowers are sent in severnd times in| which each individual flower or fern i8 practically indispensable, for in no other must do much of the damtier work her- way can small stemmed flowers be made self. Or if now economy flavoring -amd serving t for irl to!ing with a simple but effed be able to decorate prettily a luncheon |flowers. or dinner table, for, althe h dari | In the artistic arrangement years of her girlhood s may be sur- on a dining or luncheon table MOTHER rounded with every imaginable luxury, vase used plays a most still there ar chances that whendand if economy is to be practised every EN ORE young girls. would have aj "When nose redness arises from an in-igy, pretty noses if they realized that flamed external condition of thal orgin it to arden sil 1t whntever food goes into tlie mouth may sometimes be cured by snreading upon will ultimately show its effects upon thelit at night a paste composed of refined "hut, unfortunately, they rarely app ate the evils of an ill advised diet until its a Yery = . a rr ace' observed the April Grandmother, {chalk, one part glveerine and (wo parts l f B b Ri , * F Tae MISEP PH Ae 2) anc wl i lwater, or a lotion of rose water mixed wit! SéS 0 a y 1bbon in ancy little carbolic acid, If the redness obvious. Often the scarlet nose cause py | very thin skin it may be relieved by appli- indigestion is mot only accompanied blotched cheeks and dull eyes, but by multiplicity of tiny lines running from the py|cations of water nixed with alcohol, which : y et sui- so loosely that there q(latter liquid, however tends to coamsen the cuticle whether apnlied externally ov taken : ery, a 1 lk and satin, in modation of severa E+ th 1, (internally Anv bath used for the nose ! outer corners of the eves and the mouth. Wt 2 : : {should be cof a tepid degree, as extremeas.ol These ave liable to aeepen at a rapid rate, 4 I : Framp finid as well as of atmospheric temperature and in a few years ¥v become furrows! ] ii 1 1 | SHottld be avoided. A simple meth d of re unless a strictly res ted diet prompuiy| . . } x : TT ieving a sli inflammation of the nose : . Gl a B 1 overconies the. indigestion, which more : . FARE ER n together with bat'y ribbon laced s to dust 1 with fuller's eart} quickly destroys beauty than any other| : 3. jacross. 4 nner » and bowknot photograph frames covered mental cotton, linen and siken fabrics are which will readily assimilate seen / hy'sical infirmity : : eans 0 physical infirm o cuticle and i tected will pass muster : a ames tie. Gurioht se "Th wo girl who would have a rice powder. .' . |! n is lo : g the i i seer in pale nose should 'show that she respects| "pg g met iar itis shave of: the S then ned to corréspondl row ¥ ) ¢ d o attempt to alter t pe of e ' . . i an : rer die . El lon the bottom section, the ribbon laCilg gga) her stomach by. eliminating from Ler diet nose after that feature has fully matored . Er 2 le ' . x ich opY: . being merely kiotted so that it may re whatever 1s o greasy nature, such. 3 to 'recklessly 'trifle with Fate. Dut}, : the . v . Eh dressed . wits : . {ily be untied and the feur- jue ed upr meats served with gravy and t essed | much may 1 one for its geveral ap-l on folded flatly over t bottom . : se olded flatly over tha bott sec: with sauce. She will refrain from eating! pearance br keeping it bleached with fruit puddings and heavily frosted cakes|giluted peroxide of hydrogen, with lemon her thirst|ar cucumber juices and rly fuse te nench " | A fraly yeu 9 hil lin position or from the. bottom when} with milk-diluted coffee aud tea, although} | | Orchids Supplant Violets. | folded, so that in 'its collapsed condition | she may separately take avy of the trio. | | the box resembles & portf Safety Pin Tape Needle. The best beveragy t ich to caré it IOLETS for street wear have com-| box I'he best beverage with whi h | ure in Wey ; tae ore Ele thoes digestion is a Guy of ht water in which a pletely gone out of fashion, and in q of sal s been sol ee the orchid reigns. A season ago; . . stall spoonfuy of sait has been dissolved 2 ee . J Te py 80/0 uprights the two. sections are Hane WY og . se AsSUmes. i rly certain New Yor eauty could al : » ; 1 Sométimey the nose assumes an ugly ge rac Beauty oo ith inside pockets, Ee ai cellowish tiige ile the cheeks ¢ "hi stinguished fr f3 yecs ite " x yellowish tinge, w hile the cheeks and chin iovariably hic exotic flower nishing the hinges and fastenings, as it remain prettily pink or opuanely Wie] RE Oe he Jira {also does for the fancifully bound engage X i f he is being imitated, and the demand for Risovo 8 ully d engage- This condition is au, indk ation that the|® ing ipwts + 8 he demt id } liver is more or less out of order and that {and baby books, any one of which may be the stomach will be the better for a diet imide suffici ¢ mental to be ac-i: the correct thing is to have two, back {nding plenty of cooked fruits-am mod=! : including plenty of « yoked fruit i yw a few delicate erately cool water he usey at all times, as the iced fluid is a} matching the gowers = t must be pinned on f« stomach lining when the giiock to the 1 waist line, where When uck. Eer tive table decoration so efficient, and to make a few pieces of fern! - strips of smilax or autumn lef ves ranged Gh vl about the embroidered centre piece, and! e C 00 s sure to excite delightful com-| to stand up gracefully. stant "consulted, then is sure to exile oe ira}. cp BY THE Quite as important as to know Low fhe house should assuredly cook in .order to be able to instruct inimake the luncheon or dinner table charm- N summer of course the que stion of table the di Only is older bl a home of her own! thing depends upon the size Not until the last scarlet maple leaf has par snow servants quite the vases. With only a small pumber of {dried up and been covered by Work. jes and bottom by means ol important role sized flat sectipns, their lower ¢ d . a a oi tifvingly is due to- the extreme sensitiveness of a : . . . effect upon the nose becomes me rtifyingly e To- the: extreme st ? od B » dl ant ny uumt { short intervals with and pierced evelets, and in reduced s the ends similarly brought iin embroid- space between the leaves for the accom: C Jig over the shade holder. The inverted ean-i i a .q rules she must observe. the roper 17 { handkerchiefs basket is suspended from the wall dle shade bécomes a hair receiver when yo blouses, ws. veils and laces, are n inch wide ribbon, knotted at the ends and provided with a cardboard bottom and lea ng fl the five = us of the bosicentre with baby ribbon j with baby ribbon dinner d Is « » wper in whicl piercing ends of the uprights and join-1 Photograph and stationery hangers j t top where the strands join. develgped in the same : holders are covered with losely set row of baby | Or the baby ribbon may | 1 closely about, the glass in celf-| two, three, five and hinged with baby ribbon rum ye piercing the sides of : » : colored or contrasting strands, and at ormed into calyx bunches extending mewhat above the receptacie's top. ger of closely twisted baby rib-| I-lJeaves, the outer sections be ing 'joined with baby ribbon fastenings, so that the arti le way be compactly tied u tion and protec by the lid, which swings| 71,sck and floor scrap baskets in {on wibd ros £101 he i + % ioin on ribban hinges from the.u 1e0{ nd four sections are baby ribbon joined Clie are atiived tio ' satchalis 3&8 C andelier shades placed in similar . 8 shaped silk bags, which are drawn over|one's self. It takes a hitte practice to who talks all the time instead of eativg the ridged lower edge of the shade firmly secured with a half inch ri Jecorated at fntervals with : 3 : a ly proportioned baby ribbon rosettes. It is a pretty rv to cho things, do not . think you must give up J bpd . . a 3 ¥ z ' ' . a : 5: : i a. ¢ ridge edged glas tube ma ith a design of one's favorite flower and | things--fingerilig your ginss or any ol the what yon are intending to do with it, b Ajmost any dge edged glass . resort tb a safety pin. A more ex ellent orchids is so great that ferists find it qf. ment, visiting, birthdey, bride, laundry |gypstitute cannot be found. 1" you mislay your tape needle, w princinle as. the boxes, save that in teu | constantly happening to the most derly of us, for they are elusive little ficult to supply In wearing them] yr' $ of the ribbon through the pin, and when it is clasped use the twisted end for ccrded h resting pid i ar) sle; point amd push it through which, lowever, shodld | farn and tied with ribbon e A Har 8 baskets of the re 3 wish jt, using no Ta ¢ needle, ouly, as it is broad an 1 . neads to be cogxed a little to (her is warm and to the entire systém he figure and form td live Bs are y ) uid K It will carry tape as well : the westher is cold { Jeftec : oh héy t fat qual really jnvaluable in an ew Japanese Vase with | ure half a yard of ribbon one inch wide White Chrysanthemums. (whatever color is wanted), seven inches . j of very narrow ribbon in dark green, a TT Ta, . thread of yellow embroidery silk and a | dges the necesgity arrive for looking fur-|{hread of green embroidery silk. | th@r than the out of doors for something| rhe ribbon is gathered across, from ake » 14 > 8 active. § id 2 i isthe oe ye attractive, and not un-jcajvage to selvage, at intervals ef one { ren does it become necessary to resort |i. . : : {to palms and tiny ferneries, with Fotgurel Lot 4d s hatfy Be Savhis iy ein | flowers as often as the greenheuse cam djswn up as tight aS possis 6.8 aatene bei Sf : Rrmly. Make eleven of these gatherings bring them to bloom or one can afford to b s at th 1 T ke th the purchase at the florist's. Four small iii he Ring at the ent. hen i 8 the zal + ver or cut glass fern dishes filled like the) oF at the end and fasten it to the third {to form a loop, which makes one petal | centre fernery in miniature add greatl | ; ! d greatly» the flower. Fasten each alternate [to the effect of table decoration, and these | i s % EH : VEE Leathering around a centre, making five i little potted ferns will last an astonishing : Hens : od apt MINE | hetals, with the gathers between as the ength of time, provided the inside tin is} t int of th tal e ."|outer point of the petal. perforated so that the water may drain y The three inches of ribbon that is left through, and provided also that the tin lis removed from the silver dish whenever | makes the stem of the flower and also a the plant is watered [little sachet bag. Turn it up in the mid- The care of various kinds of palms and] 41®, sewing the edges of the ribbon to- hardy ferns is very simple, and yet it {s| gether, fill the bag with cotton and sachet i of powder and fasten the end to the back | which is unadorned by any bit of living] Of the flower. Finish the centre of the green thing or flower. Left to the care flower with yellow French knots and # {of heedless servants, the plants not regu-| few green ones, The whole thing is {surpr sing how. often one enters a hous larly watered, or if watered, allowed to finished by tying the narrow green rib- drain through into the jardinidre be.! bon in a bowknot around the 'stem under- neath, there to remain indefinitely and|neath the petals, with the loops standing feause the roots to rot, have quickly died,|up against the little sachet. of violets or sweet peas to look quite Four, or possibly six, such) fl € jal Amenities Jor OW that the season for enter-] which is an art in itself. If you are giv- taining is approaching, lunches ling a luncheon arrange your girl friends and ders will begin to play an|harmoniously. Put beside ome another important part in the pleasures of those who will be congenial, but do not who arelplace all your talkative girls at one end gi and household decoration is readily an-} "out," of course, habitually at-|of the table and the quiet..ones at the for even if ther is no privale i,q dinners, but girls who are to be'lother end, for this makes arf unbalanced garden every field and every roadside i8{ qabutantes of ext season will be allowed {ensemble. Instead "mix those .children 4 OWers, to zo occasiondlly to dinners this winter,jup." as Little Buttercup said in "Pina- cularly « ¢ the Thanksgiving and fore," and the result will be happy, inae- Christmas holid _ while luncheons are{much as the animated girls will stir up ------=="--=" | permissible for them at any time apd,jtlie quiet ones. Never put sisters or indeed, form one of their chief amuse-i( ousing beside each other. Indeed, rela- ments. . itives should be as widely separated as | There is no place where a girl can more possible, t markedly show her breeding than at the! It is the fashion new for everything to these 1 a " rr) 0 . these ¢ahle. Her re ment, her thoughtful-ihe served first to the hostess, then passed hades. shades, ness and lier da tiness come conspicuous-{to the guest on her right, and so on t v be provided with ly into play here, and w hether she be around the table, The hostess does not an asbestos lined hole:centred top to fit jo oss ar guest there are certain well begin to eat until every one is served; {neither does she stop eating until her hostess you girls have responsibill-|slowest guest finishes. This last is a he success of your luncheon of post important point to be kept con- higtantly wind, or else the hostess, who you me t ~ To begin wi bh #iveimay be a quick eater. will finish fiest and z to t f your guesiSiitacflessly allow some more deliberate {guest to suddenly feel embarrassed at find- {ing herself eating aloné. - Save the Boxes. | It is not good manners to eat fast nor \ OST Christmas presents are now to talk when one has food in one's month, sent in boxéds covere with faneyiand, above all, one must not measticate paper, and while, of. eoarse, one can with one's mouth open. This is a néfnous 1t| buy very pretty one hey will be just | offence, yet some very mice looking and like those used by 1 ther people, Solotherwise well bred girls have been seen if one . original it is a good doing it he at} = } the averted | Plan to save all candy boxes or any other] Chatter all you please at the table, but boxes of good quality and cover {hem learn to talk and eat as well. The girl and {make them perfect, but any ome can do!and then delays the whole faple while bbon |it, and they are often uncommonly at-|she finishes the course is thoughtless to gen-| tractive. | the point of selfishness Another unde- yse @ paper! sirible trick ie that of playing with ndation for a catchall, end all gifts for one Christmas in boxes | appointments, or crumbling the bread. low bdskets. may be baby | covered with this same paper. The tissue | This ig a form of vervousness much to jed--accatrding to fancy or|paper used inside 4 the "ribbons for bé depidred, and if you are of this sort at hand--and suspended by|tying should be to am jor as theltry to break yourself of the habit [ flowers. | clasping your hauds tightly together if ly dwarf serap! Another plan is to use a paper with|your lap when not eating. This will help, tional design in gold and tie the | t vb, to give you the erect posture requisite 2 wuze ribbons. at the ta It is not good form to jean | be| back in your ehair, nor to put either yoir {hands or your elbows ou tue table,

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