PACE SIX. LETTERS OF Sidelights on Life of Her Distinguished MRS. BLAINE Hus- band---Retells Garfield Tragedy. Wew York, Dec. 18. --Messrs. Duffield & Co., issued on Saturday "The Letters of Mrs. James §; Blaine," ellited by her daughter, Mrs. ¥arriet S. Blaine, Beale. As excerpts from familiar letters that passed between the wife of one of the great historicil characters of America and: her children and relatives "and friends they have a peculiar and inti- mate charm. For. Mrs. Blaine, as the book proves, was an excellent letter writer, /vivacious, keen witted and hu- morous. She draws excellent little vig- hettes of Mr. Blding's famous contem- poraries, his friends and his. enemies. s' She makes passing allusions to the great events of the day which are full of insight and acumen. The iets begin in 1871, when Blaine was at the height of his populafity as the Speaker of the House, and end in 1889, when he was still a more or less disgruntled Sgcretdry of State under Harrison. The first allusion to politi- cal matters is under date of October, 871. It is written to Walker, the eldest son, from Augusta, Me. 1 have ever known. Do not misunder- stand me, 1 do not say that he is the best 'man that ever lived, but that of ail the men whom 1 have thoroughly known he is the best. "You must not think, Dear Joe, from the tone in which I write that we are cast down, or, if cast down, discouraged, but can one tread the wine press so long alone and not some time give out?" Here is Mrs. Blaine's account of the shootifig of Garfield in a letter written to her eldest daughter on July 3, 1881: "Dear M.:--Your father got up quite carly yesterday morning in order: to drive the President to the station, and at half-past nine Tom, the boys, Alice and I had breakfast. In the midst of it the door bell rang, and Tom was called out Then he called Walker; but as the house is besieged all the time, we, who were so fortunate as to remain unsent for, paid no attention to the prolonged ab- senice of the absentees; but shall 1 ever forget the moment when Maggie Nufse came running into the room crying: "Father," . writes Mrs, Blaine, "is An Bangor, accompanying the president. 1 drove as near the depot as 1 dared Tuesday afternoon. crowd, and Grant was as miserable as is his wont on such occasions. 1 did not see him, as 1 sat high up the hill in the carriage; neither did I see the other dignitaries who were present." Five years later the Mulligan letters and other scandals had assailed the good name of Blaine and as a consequence he lost his.chance, to be the republican standard-bearer in 1876. Bowed but not broken Mrs. Blaine wrote from Washington to her son Em- mons at Harvard, hoping he was "en dnting, like a good son, the fiery ordeal Khe defeat in the convention is as the stall dust of the balance to him, though nos one better knows than himself the prize for which he was contending. But the thought which takes the man- hood out of him is that you and Walker who are just entering life, may, perhaps, be forced to see, not only 'all your proud® and happy anticipations disappointed, but yourselves put on the derenstve, Not for a moment indeed, does the wife's belief in her husband waver. She answers a letter of friendly sympathy from Mrs. Joseph H. Manley, in these through which your father is Pe words: | "My Dear Friend™--The only tears 1 have shed in all. this bitter time have been over your letter. 1 could not read unmoved what you say of him, for you confirm, what 1 have always said, that those who know him most love him best. 1 dare to say that he is the best man jared There was a great | "They have telephoned over to you drs. Blaine, that the president is assassin- Emmons flew, for we all re- membered, with one accord that his father was with him. "By this time 1 reached the door, 1 saw that it must be true--everybody on |the street, and wild § Mrs. Sherman I got a carriage and we drove over to the White House. Found the streets in front jammed and the doors closed, but they let us through and in. The presi dent still at the station, so drove thither- | ward. _ Met the mounted police clearing the avenue, then the ambulance; turned and followed into the very gateway, where, on the 4th of March, we had watched him enter. "I stood with Mrs. McVeagh in the hall, when a dozen men bore him above as he saw us and held us with his eye, he kissed his hand to us--I thought I should die: and when they brought him | into his chamber and had laid him on | the bed he turned his eyes to me, beck- | oned, and when I went to him, pulled me down, kissed me again and again and | said: "Whatever happens I want you [to promise to look out' for Crete, the | name he always gives his wife. 'Don't | leave me until Crete comés." 1 took my | old bonnet off and just stayed. I never left him a moment. Whatever happened | m the room, | day will never pass from my memory. | At six or thereabouts Mrs. Garfield | came, frail, fatigued, desperate, but firm | and quiet, and full of purpose to save, land I think now there is a possibility {of succeeding." , ALLIGATOR KILLED EAGLE. Battle to Death in Mid-Air in San Francisco. San' Franeisco, Dec. 19.--A force battle in mid-air between a baby alliga- tor and a full-grown eagle was the un usual sight offered to a few spectators about the aviary at Golden Gate Park yesterday. Bismarck, the eagle, had been allowed the freedom of the place for nionths past, : In one of the ponds several alligators | are kept, and it was with one of these that Bissmark started the fight that end ed in death. A keeper had thrown a piece of raw meat to the alligator, and the reptile seized it and started for the water. From his perch above the pool the eagle spied the meat, and, swooping | down on it, carried both meat and alli- | gator into the air. | For half an hour the fight lasted, the big bird lifting the alligator from the water four different times, only to be | beaten off by the armored tail of the reptile, Finally the alligator stunned its reaching up with its severed the eagle's neck. felb to the pool unhurt. powerful jaws The alligator captor with a blow from the tail, ws ee | Don't buy Christmas packages of confectionery that have been shown in shop windows for three or four weeks. McConkey's -and .Huyler's | high-class candies. -for Christmas have | only been in Gibson's drug gtore ten days. A pleasant cvent occurred at East | Trenton on December 16th, when E. B. Mullett, Belloville and Miss Ida E. Brown, daughter of Mrs. Catherine E. Rrown, Trenton, were martied. Havana cigars in boxes, 10, T5¢.; 25, $1.25; 50, $1.75; 100, $2 to $18. A, K. | Routley, 173 Princess street. W. H. Brouse, Brockville, is to run for mayor on the independent ticket. Imperial Crown brand underwear is the kind that suils. a MURDERED HER HUSBAND. | Grey-haired 'Woman i During Brawl. New York, Dec. 19.-- "He is my hus- {band and 1 killed him," declared Mrs. | Mary Davidson, the grey-haired wife of | Christian Davidson, captain of the canal | boat Shamrock, who was found murd- | ered on hoard his boat at Corlear's Rock, | N.J, A blood-stained capstan bar lay | | | about sixty vears old. Empty whisky fore the murder, Mrs. hysterical, and the police had difhculty in overpowering her. She was charged with homicide What more present than 50 lbs of 9 appropriate Christmas 5 lbs., 10 Ibs., 30 lbs, "Salada" tea in origi nal cases ? You can purchase this your grocer in "Brown" label at: 30c. per Ib, or blue label at 40. per I, or the "very finedt quality in "Gold" label at 60c, per Ih. Your gift will be appreciated three times a day as long as it or | lasts. . A. quiet wedding took place, on "Wednesday, in Belleville," when Daniel Carr, a popular young man of Sid- ney, was united in marriage to Miss Lottie Hardwick. Will positively cure sick headaehe and prevent is return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See adver tisement. Small pill. Small Small price, Rev. Canon Roberts people ™of has asked his Adolphustown and Fred- ericksburgh to celebrate with him the forticth anniversary of his ordination | on December 200h, 1868. Bracelets, all styles and prices, at Keeley 's. Applause theatres. is forbidden in Russian Ask Him Ask your doctor about taking _ Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Trust him. Do exactly as he says. yersSarsaparilla . NON-ALCOHOLIC Lips white? Cheeks Consult your doctor. Bad skin? Consult your doctor. Weak nerves? pale? Blood thin? Losing flesh? No appetite? Poor digestion? Discouraged? Consult your doctor. Free from Alcohol . . C. AYER CO, \ Manufactaring Chemists, Lowell, Mass. #| ance was carried to profit and loss. The their heads, stretched on a mattress, and | [ never blenched, and the | Killed Him |that clever little comedienne, Miss Alice near the body of the captain, who was | flasks scattered near the cabin testified | to the revelry which had taken place be- | Davidson was | dose. | : : iin i - L gE DAYLY BRITISH WiQ, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1008 THE MERCHANTS' BANK. ------ 3 | A Year's Successful Business Now J « The directors of the Merchants Bank {of Canada, in their report to the share- I holders on the business of the year just | closed, say with reference to the world- wide monetary stringency, that they had | early indication and prepared in advance for the storm. As a result their course through the growing pressure was made { easter, and - this without mconvemetice {to the clientele of the bank, The pre- | cautions taken included the holding of a | larger amount than is usual of the assets | cither in, cash or in securities or. loans |that could be at once realized upon. The | purpose was, of course, to enable the | bank to quickly meet any and all calls { which its connections might give rise {to. In this the Merchants' and all other | institutions which pursued a like policy, sacrificed something - of their earning | power, not for their own sakes, it may |be said, but more than for the sake of the | community, This caution was the more [necessary because the public had had {over-many lessons in what imprudent { banking might result in, and stable and conservative institutions had to be even {more than usually conservative. The | course of the directors and of the gen- eral manager Mr. Hebden, in the con- | nection received the commendation at | the meeting and will be approved of {generally by wise financiers. The result |of the operations as reported was also | satisfactory. The profits, on a paid-up | capital of $6,000,000, were $738,507. They | were used, $480,000 in the payment of | dividend of 8 per cent. $100,000 in re- | duction of the bank premises itemy in Ithe assets, and $25,000 was contributed | to- the officers' pension fund. The bal- | bankswhose capital is supported by a | rest of $4,000,000, has assets of $356,508, | 625, held, as said before, in shape to | mest whatever conditions may arise. | The likelihood of anything untoward | turning up is, however, daily growing |less. The directors were able in their | report to say that a clearer financial out- look has stpervened and they look for 1 general revival of trade. Their cau- | tion in the past has put the bank in a position to benefit to the full in the increased demand for bankers' assistance | that improved trade conditions will bring. AT THE GRAND. | To-Night, «The Bonnie Brier Bush" Is On. "The Bonnie Brier Bush" comes to the Grand to-night. The original Kirke La Shelle production will be seen here, presented by a company which is a very | large one. "A carload of scenery is used. | A pleasing feature of the performance is a quartette of male voices, and the | rendition of "Loch Lomend," "Mary of Argyle," "Annie Laurie," "Ye Banks and Braes." | | | { x Partello Stock Company. One of the strongest repertoire coms panies travelling, bogh from a scenic and, wcting standpoint is the famous Partello | Stock Co. The company is headed by | Kennedy, and her support this season is | much stronger than I of last season. | The plays to be presented in Kingston {are selected from well known successes. | The opening play on Monday night will | be that great success, ' Ihe College Gifl," | written by Justin Adams, the man who wrote "Quincy Adams Sawyer." Goderich Notes. 5. Pauline Johnson and Walter Me Raye have given two entertainments to good houses. All were charmed with | Miss Johnson's presentation pH vd own poems, By Mr. McRaye, Dr. Drummonds' | *Habitant" poems were exceedingly well received. | Our membeg for the house of com= { mons, E. N. Lewis, is very ill of bron: | chitis, and conjested lungs. | The eight teamers wintering at this [ port are: Awaga, Capt. Jordan; Win- ma, Capt. Garvie; Strathcona, Capt. { Cunningham ; Pellette, Capt. Irwin; | Glennella, Capt. McKay; Domacona, | Tecumseh, Capt: Murdock McDonald. | Donald 'McGillivray, son of engineer | James McGillivray, of Kingston, has | been "one of the crew of the steamer 'Luscarere," plying between Buffalo and Chicago. He will spend Christmastide with his--parents in Kingston. Miss | Jessie McGillivray, of- Kingston, whose | elocutionary powers are much appreci- { ated, has given a fine recitation at Bal- lantyne Statjon. | Srpe------ Campbell Bros'. Furs. | Big values in mink neck | mufis. pieces and | FGI | { |" There are only two makers of class candy in Canada, McConkey's| {and Huyler's. See their beautiful | | Christmas packages af sweets at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. For best B.B.B. briar, Glokar, Pet- | erson pipes, 75c., $1, $1.25 to $5. A. | K. Routley, 173 Princess street. |. Once in a great while a woman ge's a lme#that atually looks Like one. Children's overshoes, 31.50, at Aber- nethy's. See Bibby's nobby $2 umbrellas. Imperial Crown brand underwear is made in Kingston only by The King- ston Hosiery company. A traveller's liga of sample leather {and fancy os other cases at {less than wholesale prices. Medley's. See Bibby's nobby $2 umbrellas. i High-class" perfumes and confection- ery for Christmas. Gibson's Red 'ross drug store. If a woman is unable to preserve complexion she begins to pickle high | See Bibby's swell $2 umbrellas. Beef, Iron and Wine, '"'our own" | make; pint bottles, 50c., at Wade's tran stores | Sale of black taffeta underskirts at | Waldron s to-night; $7.50 for $4.95, I'ry Bibby's $2 umbrellas. Moccasins for children 35c. to at Abernethy's. Too much rest is even worse {too much work. | Try Bibby's B50c. knitted scarfs. Beautiful hand mirrors, from 75¢ up. Medley's: , Lennox Iron Pills, regular price, 25¢. | each, 2 for 25c., at Wade's. drug store. | Try Bibby's, b0ec. silk handkerchiefs. | Money usually goes with the young man at the same gait. | Hockey boots for little boys $1.25 | and 81.50, at Abernethy's. RBibby's for men's Christmas toggery Help to strengthen the Santa Claus { faith. See the hand mirrors at Medley's. See Keeley's $1.50 solid gold rings. Bibby's for men's Christmas gifts. than fast , | y a Sie r mre Ha : 2 Pa ee This Store's a ty Christ - * Gifts Galore ! gifts to dainty, the desirable, il Gifts for Women and Girls| Beautiful net allover lace; Lawn blouses from silk lingerie and 98. to $4.98 Dainty French lace scarfs .... Cream sitk shawls oo. gop niin $1.29 Handsome embroidered waist patterns $1.29 Up-to-date black beaver coats for ladies Ladies' fashionable walking skirts .... $3.68 ..98c. Dainty swiss embroidered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs ., +... 15¢. to 35¢. each 1dkerchiefs . 2 for 25c¢. ..35c. Ll... 8498 $3.98 to 20.00 ... $6.98 to 18.00 $8.50 to 18.00 ... 2.98 to 15.00 Whitewear, including embroideries, all going at greatly reduced prides. PE Fancy winter waists .............. Fine silk 'embroidered' handkerchiefs Fur throw scarfs ...... Fur stoles in all popular fur Comfortable fur muffs . Warm fur collaretts .... Fur muffs, new styles . Flannelette underwear prices, selling at very low Fancy side and back comb séts FROM. oso vissin 23c. to $1.98 Ladies fine elastic knit and natural wool un- derwear at Circ caaa ina G8, Pearl bead fecKhices: .:7..... 10¢. to 25c. Dress. suitings, fashionable shades @9c. yd. 42c. yd. sarge, 29c. pr vera. G9C. Fine silk for waists and dresses ai prices. : Fine French cashmeré waists, &c.. . Wool sweater coats . Cashmere embroidered stockings .. Warm woollen shawls holiday Come To-night--Come Monday--Come Every Day! This store will be open ever evening until Christmas ! | a Look where you will in this store and you'lkfin the left of you--gifts in front of you. @ifts b the useful, the serviceable, the them all, bat then the chief joy of giving is in the choosing. prices. Come early to-night and next week, and shop early. 8 Gifts for Men and Boys Men's suits Men's suits at 3 Men's suits. at Boys' suits at Boys suits at .. $3.98 Boys' "Cadet" overcoats Men's to 10.98 $2.98 | coats otter - collars nas Men's coon coats, selected skins . $49.00 Men's mocha and fur-lined gloves and mitts as .... 8148 Men's Dents' Perrins' and Clarke's silk-Jined gloves 98c. pr Combination sets--suspenders, garters and armlets; in fancy boxes .. BOc. to 98c Men's overcoats from marmot lined Men's: fur collars .......:.. Men's fine silk handkerchiefs from .......... Y.. ...85t to $1.00 . handkerchiefs from i. ) 15¢c., to 35c. h Men's Irish linen Men's fancy Men's: "President" suspenders ..... Wool Boys' Boys' Men's Men's Joys' Men' Men' Men' Men' Men's Silkene handkerchiefs, cieaianse Bc. sweaters .... oo » D0c. up knickers 6 38c. to $1.00 pr cardigan jackets ... Cais TE DC UP socks 23c. to 50c. ribbed wool stockings ........ ZC. pr. sweater coats x. ..i.nn cashmere fleeced underwear « elastic knit underwear : Scotch wool underwear ¢ fancy knitted vests fancy colored shirts van +. 10C, and up . the thousands, So come an «| Japanese Silk piano drapes .iuve. | Linen damask tablecloths, rich designs to | .. Gifts to the right of you-- e bright, the beautiful, the t would take pages to mention 'see. Everything going at sale . Gifts for the Home Wool blankets for the cold nights, worth $4 pair, for... i. .e i han AR A . «$2.89 .. $148 Fapestry curtding «..oov sees sues $2.98 pr. Tapestry tablecovers .. .. $2.39 to $348 Pure linen. embroidered and hand-drawn five o'clock téacovers ........ TDC tO $1.50 Traycloths .......... us cries 28c¢. to 70¢. et $1.48 to $3.50 Linen damask table napkins 90k to $3.50 dot Pure linen towels ...... 15¢, to Sc. pr. Turkish bath towels .. 25e. to $1.00 pr. Cotton down condforters .. $1.95 to $2.25 | snowy white and colored bedspreads' . er rai. wee dean SBC to 81.9% Flanelette blankets at. : Cedi oa. 90c. pr, $1.15 pr, $1.45 pr | _. Gifts for the Kiddies | Bear skin coats oy. $1.85 to $348 I Créam fur sets, very pretty oo. ....isianisniens A 5 $2.98 to $3.98 Beautiful linen embroidered and hand-drawn carriage and go-cart. covers . « T5c to $1.25 Wool 25¢., 39c. Knitted wool gaiterd~, Lined anuiieg Babies' white bibs .... eu, Babies' silk bibs ....... ender PRE Gold-cased baby pins c.v.eivas toques ... | Strong tpoth brushes . Large rubber combs aks Cuff links from . 19c. to 39c¢. pr Collar button sets, 4 on a card Beaded purses ....... : | Leather handbags y THE MONTREAL STOCK CO. 180--Prncess 51-180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. SUCCESSORS TO Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY | Drs. Kennedy & Kergan NERVOUS DEBILITY | Thousands of young and middie aged men are annually swept | to a premature grave through EARLY INDISCRETIONS, EXCESSES AND BLOOD DISEASES, If following symptoms consult us before itis nervons and weak, despondent and gloom: eyes, with dark circles under them, weak ble. palpitation of the heart, Pashful, dreams and Jasses, sedi- imentin urine, pimples on the face, eyed sunken, hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless; distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change- able moods, weak manheod, premature decay, bone SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to Dr. Ker- gan being deceased, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, Medical Director, has associated with him Dr. Kennedy Jr. who haa been with the firm for several years, So hereafter business will con- ducted under the name of prs KENNEDY 2% KENNEDY loose. sore throat etc, system may affect the future generation. symptoms--OUR NEW METHOD cures them. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMEN' alone man of you, EW ME influence the EAY MENT active, pimples; biotches, and ulcers disappeat. clear, energy retu s to the body, an orated; all drains the moral, physical, se--no more vital waste from the system, No matter who has treated vou, write of Charge. BOOKS FREE---"The Go| READE Questisn List for Home Treatment Supt on Request. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, ~~ - - Buffets and China Closets. tension Tables to match. Specials Jardiniere Stands and Taberetts Medicine Cabinets, Parlor and | Musie-Cabi Ruigs, Screens and Easels, at JAMES REID'S, The Leading for an honest opinion Free Iden Monitor" (illustrated) BLOOD POISON t and most serious diseases. y lood of the victim, and unless eutirely eradicated ffom the Beware of Mercury. can cure you, and makes the blood purified so that all the nerves become strong as steel, so that ner- vousness, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face f and vital systems are invig- 'Dont let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard carned dollars. We\will cure you er ne pay. ts, Floor Mats and | ne ma 3 | A a . . "od ® 00 late, , specks before the ck, kidneys irrita- better made.: pains, hair Blood Poisons are the most They sap the very life It only suppresses the EEE DETROIT, MICH. Mattresses, Marshall, Hest Mattress, made, t= Hercules Springs, Rest made. Combination FIEHEROILIERIDEROIER 3 Short Days Necessitate Large We have 1, 1,2, 3 and 5 gallon cans. light comes from good oil. We have Ooal Oil, than which there is Price in gallondots Delivered to any part of the city. McKelvey & Birch 69 AND 71 BRO BOREL RECOEE 'Phone, No. 844. Oil Cans. | Good none 15¢, 18c and 20c per gallon. @ T. \ i Brass Beds iron Beds Now line just arrived Spetial all Brass Beds, $14.50. | Others, $24.00 $65.00 and $75.00. | Iron Beds, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, Sanitary. Ostermoor Useful and Hand- ime masz se some Gifts' Handsome China, Closets with swelled fronts. ete and $3.50 and $2.50: EX agosesscssese ¢ ery the choices Undertaker, Phone 147. -. ee Store Open Nights. Fancy Crackers For table or evening parties, containing Hats, Caps and Toys, one dozen 1a a box, at 15¢, 20c, 25¢, 50c, up to $3 per dozen. A. J. Rees, < 166 Princess St. 'Phone 38 r $0000606000000008 | Qur Stock For Christmas | § We never had a more complete Tine of Confection- is shown at eur store this year. The very @§ Chocolates, bulk or boxes. Florida, Mexi- can, Navel Oranges, Try us, is all we ask. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St. PLUMBERS : Try our PURE LEAD in five pound blocks. The price is interesting. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd 31 William 8t,, Toronto. a