ms YEAR 76 -NO. 299. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, | DECEMBER 2) 1908. \ LAST EDITION = TO AID REVOLUTIONISTS. MONTENEGRO'S FUTURE. DEATH OF JAMES A. curries vo Probs bilities : | This is What Dutch Fleet is Ready | Prince Nicholas Speaks of ¢ Died Suddenly, on 'on Way Douth For s 2 Toronto, "Dee.. For. Glorious Death." His Health, ) ; ; 2l.--Ottawn Hague, Dec. '21.--That ondon, Dec' 21.--The Daily Mail's Jumes 4. Cutle managing. director 1 NZ AV Ji d U- Hak fleet off the Venezuelan ye > . Cettinge correspondent telegraphs an| -- of the Montreal Transportation com- ) alley an tands ready to aid the Venezuelan | interview with Prince Nicholas, the : pany. died, Sunday night, hile on ¥ per St. Eawsence revolution, whenever the movement rater of Montenegro, who is described is way from Hot Springs, Montana, | [8 hl --is Three Japanese Plumage "olution. whenever | the ; moverpent Of the Cabinet to Be in ler OF naa cia dsscrilor Diprs From Near And (= ov on Calder whee a wt | 11 am. Freeh announcement that comes from the) ' 1 tive dress and with a pistol in his| Distan ace going to spend tho winter for his {to strong wist. 0 Hunters Found. { ign office. Holland is desirous of | Taft s Administration. { belt, looking like a warrior and talk-| t S health. He has been aflected with : west winds ---- en lin: ¢ the Castro reign as 5008 22 | | ing like u statesman or a poet. bod i heart trouble. north nw ' 08 and her foree i in the Prince Nicholas spoke bitterly of the | Ald. Henderson, {his morning, re- clearing, fair and bean sea will go to any ih > dashing of the Montenegro hopes, and| ) ceived a message, announcing the sad cold to-night end M 0 NED ON ISLE aid the revolutionists in overthrow- said one day the Slavs' ambitions | event. Deceased was forty-six years of ? ing ro government. 1 Venezuela has {| would be realized and the provinces | age, and has been a frequent visitor to : actually declared war against Hel | they had conquered would be restored | Kingston, since his appointment to | land, of which that governmen nt has | to them. He declared that only the | tI¥ managership of the concern. On AND MIGHT HAVE PERISHED | it been officia y notified, the latter BUT IS REGARDED AS AN EX. | cession of this territory would satisfy | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- | Thursday last his wife and two chil 3 reported, will force Venezuela to his people's needs. He had under dren leit Montreal to join him in VERY SOON. ihe hér a war indemnity. | CELLENT FORECAST. taken to restrain his people id under] SIBLE FORM. California. He leaves a large family intern: : congress dete rmined their | ' . . "but this last hope failed," he! Matters That Interest Everybody Aged Cornwall Lady Dead. f Berlin, Dee. 21.--Upon the Re pt Elect Will .Lay Before the "I must resign myseli to their | --Notes From All Over--Little| "ornwall has lost one of its oldest lof a cablegram from one of his clos- Qearatan : | {oidonts, in the person of Mrs. Peter Them Never Returned--By Mere! est adherents, stating Acting Presi- Secretary of State When He | now the expense we would have of Everything Easily Read Thomas, Sr. a died on Friday Accident a Schooner Had to | dent Gomez had declared himself pre- Visits Him at Augusta, Ga., but we would rather end our and Remembered, Pe ut 11th, aged ninety-two years Deviate From Her Course. iden Wt of hg ucla, President 'asue During This Week. hundred To of glorious independ-| At Bridgeburg, Out., fifty thousand Hev maiden name was Janet Lagroul: - ; {immediately opened negotiations wit Lon ek bm ld ik "w : ence 3 aitle lars d , s done | fi rand she was a native of St. Poly Midway Islands, Pacific. Ocean. Dec ees u ne tl Cl Cr : Cincinnati, Dee. 21.--A Times-Sta dollars damage was done by a fire at oly 19. Stress of Wea whi k som 1 pi : i Ho) b Purchas +> special from Augusta, Ga., savs: When . rated tl x 1 the elevator. carpe, 'Que. She was ingrried in 183 bo gs oul it euch gom- 50, wser. rifles. Ii; the suspected | Prijander C. Knox. the Taft secrets prince nated that he would At Winmpeg it is reported that at St. Raphael, Ont., to the lat pelled the Commercial Pacific Cable | treachery of Gomez is eonfirméd Cas . ' alt retary | atisfied : Co.'s schooner Flaurence Ward to de- y . of state, comes to Augusta within the . Fi v | a te, / ! ee > ith the PO on of western soap companies have amalgas'icter St. Thomas. She is survived by ° a tro will plunge Vemezudla into a civi : : eS and the granting of autonomy i ' i : i: one son, Peter St. Tho f Cor 1 f g - E u 116) we rg "wis 4 ce] » " - 8 » \ . mas, oO orn wiate from her course from Honolulu! war in an effort to regain his power. next weck or so to discuss with th : i mated with, Wwe' million dollars capi; jot : : . : 1 S Four in the Party, But One Died-- Purchasing Mausers. What it is Said the President- The Schooner Which Landed than die a miserable, death." : snia and Herzegovina. . e ny 5. G to the cible station hare and rut' for president-elect the make-up of the re { | tal. wall, and four daughters, Mrs. Gag Yes Hermes lal ak oite Le - mainder of the new administration Fourteen barrels of bottled liquor, non, North Lancaster: Mrs. J. 8 i means of nd ox ol alter, wagithy PASTOR UPHOLDS DIVORCE. | cabinet, Mr. Taft will submit to him - y shipped by a Montreal house, to par- Randolph, Rint sein 0. Laroc Ave most: aceaptable' and always 1 three "tarcongd Japanese plumage] Without Tt Maiy Would Bo for his inspeetion and approval' the ties in 'redevicton, N.B., were seized | que, and Liss y ary Si. SuniB 0 a1 os = hunters from further torture and pro Doormod following cabinet list : : : / by the police : ' 3 | Cornwa The uneral took p ace o) | appreciated, In anticipation of 'a bably "from" 'death from . disease oF Doomed. Secretary of etate--Philander C i A story comes from Alberta to the | Sunday, the 12th, to St. Mary's starvation {| St. Louis, De )1.-- 'Beauty is a { Knox, of Pennsylvania effect that the Canadian Northern will church and cemetery, Williamstown - and was attended by many old friend A ness ih this section. We have record-breaking Christmas busi- " 8 tl Re » 'one F Secre he {FOR RUE "m ' i TR 5 ot Bw rchas s CP y Originally there: wore four" men' of duty, he Rev. Philip Cone Flet Secretary of the treasury--Myron T. i oo take over by purchase the C.P.R, Cal-! (of EE an ay. 0d TIC he the party, but one of them died. The cher, pastor of the First Methodist | Herrick, of Ohio 5 3 gary to isumonton line. schooner, which landed the men on tl og al church, South, in a lecture \ttorney-general--George A, Wicker 3 ; 50g Emperor Nicholas has pardoned ten |officiated at the funeral services isand and 'Was to have Felurnedi { 4 on 'Lo Courtship and Mi arriage. ' Isham, of New York 5 : : 8 of the participants in the Bialystok | Among the relatives present from ations. 8 and vas » have returned 0 wp > 3 v them. is supposed 16 have Bech 'lost f lie use of the powder pauff,| Secretary of war--Chas. Magoon. : hs nt massacre of 1905, whose penal sen- distance were: Mrs. Randolph anc For three months they had been | the paint brush and the brow pencil, etary of the navy--William Loeb, | § : cs tences were yet unexpired. | her . - oo ai Jaen of wake If re ne f ck 1 m 3 4 . 3 ier (C "oo N without any food "except fish and tl ou ean ma yourself more winsome, | of New York, or Charles A. Thomp- Baan L. J. Gauthier, K.C., government and Mrs. Fournier, North Lancaster } plete. flesh of sea birds: No fresh water you have my consent to use them fre Sof Now Vor 1} t is all nigh candidate in byve-clection for' St.| Among : the floral tributes were ohtainable and they were comp. / it to supplement the Sec w of the interior--Richard A hi 3 Mary's division, Montreal, in the Que- | handsome wreath from the omployee | di ' drink crudely distilled sea wate works of God. - To be ugly in an age Balli "of Seattle, Wash v i CH : bec legislature, has withdrawn. . of the Hotel Randolph, Kingston, anc : 1€S Wheh' a fire was neoded th wo | like this little short of a sin against Postmaster-general Frank H Robbers raided the bank at Cer-. 4 spray from Mrs. Galvin, ningston s compelled +5. Light it bv concent gine] 30% 2 self." Ritehico k, of Massachusetts go esco, Neb., overpowered a boy who! Lace Handkerchiefs, from the Be of ar els ane gnc ab od # fe di y div » court, Mr Secretary of agriculture--James | i : i surprised them at work, demolished | Four Popular Books. 50¢. to Be. of tinder through. the crystal of a lcher Sa : : | wi ilsén, (the presert secretary) i : Se the vaults, secured ¥3,000 and scaly It is a most remarkable fact, and: watch. y . » remedy of divorce] Secretary of commerce and! labor a od. : ¥ . fact of which Canadians may well | be from Be. to 5c. HA am Sa any a noble soul would be doomed | George A, Knight, of California. ee ; At Oakland, Cal., Mrs. Isabella J. | proud, , that the books which hav | Lived Together Sixty-Five Years. f earthly hell. But, ay,! : -- Ca 5 Hurtin, CORY icted of Forcpiraey i been selling best during this Christ Initialed Handkerchiefs, Straffordvill}, Ont., Dec. 21-M the marriage c mon y include! THE VERMITORM APPENDIX. | § a8 ! : ie Sytamiting o 3 ri ome of x ee mas season are "Sowing Seeds i from 12}ec. to 25c. avd Mra B, 'T; Martin celdbraited their: J Yords as "Those whom God hath er | : ob Eh ioemnyy [hv Nelue 1. MsGlumg, o Plain Hem Handkerchiefs and Mrs. Eo 1: Martin celebrated their | joined togother, let no man put asund-| May Greatly Aid Surgeon in : "H. Balkwell, Brantford, oy {Hlnitos, Hyritobs, snd "Songs of Ete Xty-| A ga ersary on th . Trouting Disesses : ; alkwe rantfore was con-i gourdough," by R. W. Service, o from Hc. to 85e 16th inst., at the home of their dang! bat: does God alwa¥e 'join' g t1seages. oF 8 victed of knowledge of "Black Hand" | paw:on City, Yukon, "The Story o 4 : ter, Mrs. B. Brian. Their three the two ? : re | mdon, Dee. 21.--What purport he 4 0 . o lebters being written to Buffalo men old Rongoton 7 by Miss Machar, an Kim ens Handkerchiefs, "Is God to ba charged with the McD. THOMSON He was liberated on suspended sen-| «jifa of Dr. : Robertson," by Ralp y very special, at 12}c. holy unions w el te place ? thn i : ; Who died (De He was auditor of tence a aii oi Connor," all four books by Canadiar Rea. xerchie Does God join together pe \ phy one of oii i Ss Hi he We : thet Guebets § Puta fi As hway oo spent Ts I! Fees, Toronto, visited| ythors. Within the last four week trom douse, Bandpsichi 8 . | get married in Mons' dens, i a £0 1 on apps ent! howling e in South Africa railway con SWero, Ys Sv owed the publisher of the first-named vol ] They are enjoying good health The -rounds, and up in balloons ? Cat fe ty hols RFE EON it. trent mr --eia apne lation by leaving a cheque! ume has produced and shipped over 9 2 loying good health. hey d. all marriages are ne nade preally h i a sn ann ireatn or 0 to endow a free bed in the | five thousand copies of this wonderfu Men have spent their lives in the township it heaven." dis \ og of the lower intestines; the | Cut In Two By 1 Train men's ward. o little book. A visit to R. Uglow ¢& i S of Bayham. | | disiicy] 2 1 V : t dstock, Dee. 21. Matthew sw Ellis,| At Oakland, Cal, at a benefit dance | Company's and a look through the . - . lower intestines is overcome by using 2 la arrie ¢ " >, stoc i Another Marathon Race. | SWINDLER "IN BROCKVILLE. the appendix as a duct. The opera a fa wily, aged i a yh) le rd hint 31% Sear: old C ahi Sod | magnifico lth ot holiday bosks: New York, Dec. 21.--Another indoor ! Stranger Adopts New Mathod of | fon gine gRactly the ni] as a while on his way to work on Satur: march with Miss Maxie Monteith, who | question, Initialed Handkerchiefs, } race at the Mazathon distance wba he Cateking GOITEIES." Jia ois Sia 20 or apps ndicitis, but day. morning. {1 appakently Was desdl0-yoars hie junior. ; A White and Colored. run. Patrick T. "Powers inddeed Al- i Eg ea. {Instead of removing the organ it if] wylking along the Stratford line 5611" ie proposed dock yard at Pearl First Congregational Church fred Shrubb, the great Euglish runner, Brockville, Dee. 21.~ A stranger go | threads 1 through the various lave the GLK. Avhen a freight came along. | Haxbor, Hawaii, naval station, is to Spodi soos were liald } : to sign his name to-day to an agree- (in under the name of J. T. Jamie- | of muscle in the "abdominal wall and | Apout the middle of the traip he at-! have an over all tength of 1185 feet, pects] services {re el in gt ¢ ment to meet Longboat in "Mudison | fom advertising for salesmen for | attached to the skin, It is then open tempted to jump on and cat h a ride, the largest ever: constructed . by the First 'ongregationa ¢ Bare on Sun . ' Square Garden nextmonth. The race] Whom he had good positions, operat-jed, and, bya tube passed through it, ng late and hurrying. In some way United States government. . day. In the moreiug ue Rev. J. CG. : Children S will be run either on the night of Jan-1¢! & new and novel methed of catch: |any necessary medicine cafy'be applied | ho missed his hold as he jutped and| QS ° Holmes, Buflalo, is ready t Villiers hse Lis "tout rom Tsaial uary Sth or January 9th. It is ang the unsuspecting in Brockville, ; directly to the mucous membrane of | was thrown beneath the wheels of the build a smelter at Latohtord 4 ee xii, 1: "And there shall come forth & Plain and Fancy Handker- | longer distance than Shrubb usually ©¢ weral young men applied at hi { the lower intestines. The appendix | {rain. His body was literally cut im as oe oteic lant of L500 h Biso {rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a oliiefs, from 2c. to 121c. attempts to compete. | headquarters in a I ading hotel. ~~ Hejmay safely be left open in this posi- | {wo. ate F rork » } ie branch shall grow out of his roots. Si { had jobs for them all, but 'stipulated | tion, because the abdominal muscles power, as S00R as work on the dam he text in the cvening was choser J | thad, eaeh should accompany him to a! protect it sufliciently. is started by the government, irom Luke ii, 11: "For unto you is Killed As She Waved Good-Bye: {hank for ithe purpose of identifying | eng ses HRARAAIORIAIIINNK At Jersey City, N.J.; John Rey- bagn this day in the city of David -: Chicago, Dee. 2I.--While a bevy of | him so that he might cash cheq A. LUMBER MERGER. * nolds, thirteen years old, who pleaded made most extraordinary prepar- Just now assortments ere com- son, J. P. C. Fournier, Kingston Embroidered Handkerchiefs maining a laug hter 5 were pres nt to en joy "another pleasant day with their parents, Mr. Martin is eighty-eigrht years old to-day, and Mrs. Martin will be eighty-five years old next Augu an important disc v in reference the vermiform appendix is describ terious gar ruct his of applying medicines to the Plain Handkerchiefs, from 5c. to 45c¢. Silk Handkerchiefs. : y : Nh 4 | Saviour which is Christ the Lord. iy her dchool children, whom she had | purportin ». had a bank a GAVE TONS OF TEA. % guilty to the'killing pf Peter Bachin- avic Will hex open for 1 fift 1d i July last Special Music. was Fatuished by the every evening from 1 gi : ] > 8 : 31s , AT'S r : Lal . ) sve / o nti just: dismissed for the Christmas count in Mont . | United States C 3 ella, hitecn years old, in July last, | heim at both cervices, In the evening : hi : J a es Companies Pass In- xr > iver sn five-veny gh 3 5." cominentl TURST cation, waved loving farewells to Miss Three victims nibbled, one of whom| : mp: : > Colombo, Ceylon, Dec. ¥ has been given a five-year sentence. a malo fuartette, composed of Messrs Xmas, commenting TUBSDAY Mabel Crandal, a teacher, at Mever he caught for a "ten spot." The other | : i= to - : 4: 21,--~The Chamber of Com- ; David Moultrie, who-broke out of Winnett, Loach, Villiers and Boswel . : Ea road, the young woman stepped in! two cheques were for : of $25, but| Duluth, Minn., Dec. 21.--Official an- | merce and the Planters' As- 3 | randon jail, is still at large, With sidered a Christmas selection. Don 4 front of an express i : i bank managers became s fous | pouncement of the new $20,000,000 | 4 sociation of Ceylon gave a Moultrie was Henry Woad, alias | 414 and Maurice Brown rendered {rie line and was ir lv killec and refused to honor the paper. | lumber merger, known as th inia | %. banquet in honor of the ii Hury Clement, but he was captured ! 3, .t and several anthems were sung . : turns out that: he has no bank ac- {and Rainy Lake Hines, ein offers of hE Sa x a i tis" Baal [by the choir. 9 " 1 in leo oO t A ar lines, p en Ss et whic was in resident-lulect aft wl rO 0 y Hangs Himself In Cell. 4 it in Montreal, 2 telegram; to} ar . i . States at ' . y isi i : BY | yo 4 tHe lice say There : a warrant e rpor 1 ! CW company harbor there. .In the pres- Panama, accompanied by two cruisers. A Queen' Auburn, N.Y. \Dec. 2 James Wi "ifor k ost, but Jamieson has jump-|1S the amalgamation' of i fward | entation of 15,000 pounds There i¢ no legal provision for a sue- | son, A ed forty-thre, an d himself | oy the town ; ¢ Weirhaus . i of tea to the officers and 3 cissor to the presidency in the event | with hig belt in his Sod in Auburn pa ie at hé Virginia Lumber m men of the fleet the chair- f a fatality overtaking a president- | | Pomeroy a recent graduate o Prisor ast night. © Was convi « = In ' a ama le x ol 4 -? oad srior 10 his i sats ' ' » ™ y. he-am é » Wi 1 man of the Planters' As lect, prior io his inauguration: 3 . : a f arceny in Ne orl ast RY CASE THROW) 1 > ¢ : ' ; . Queen's. It is an account of a success grand larceny in New York RIBERY CASE THROWN OUT. [123 % the Duluth. Rainy Lake | Scciation expressed his pro- In New York, Henry B, Suydam, o| Qu aled i Boning Palm ugust and wa sentenced to tour fd Ba Vinnips allwav v y rig he o Tv vn £4 ¢ A i a stock rts kor " r the Bf t ad 5 i | Nothing to Warrant Sending. Men 1 > ¥ found admifation of the ining stock broker, member o 16 discrepancy between the quantities o PISS SrtA bbe "# 8 1b prison yo 2 g TT |property. © he Cans orthe 4 unparalleled achievement of urh stock market and an alderman positive and negative electricity liber - i Tr = ! Up For Trial . 'the amaigar d "% marshaling the American Plainfield, N.J., was shot and dan- | ola Coan. spray. The research wa BORN Thomas Dowling, Wicksen, died at Halif S., Dec 21. Stipendiar i t I \ S ¥ fleet in a stately procession gerously wounded in his office by John | undertaken at the suggestion and un JANE. --~In Kibhgston, on -Dee the Western Hospital, wonto, ld ra lement. in from sea to sea. 4 umsdlen, an inventor, who claim der the direction of Prof. W. OC. Bak to Mr. und Mra ( Ww sumably a the res f & low on i He and Hin mpany, a larg tract « m | ET \ Suydam refused to pay him fer, of the physics department at the King St., a daughter the head inflicted ubo oF : reighton a he cass oul 4 Se hory Fdinm, owned H Lhe | 4 ASISIISICIGIGIISISISIASIOIICISICIoR Jor an invention ah School of Mining, where the worl --- GEG ago in the course of a figh ver court I'his Se. WAS, Sf ' few | Woirhauser intere wad t) roy ee dda \ a vest padded with fiity girl. d hefore omir ¢ tion } tof the Virgin imbeér company, n- | 3 : nd e ndred dollar' bank bills to A toilet et' com ) SOY ng! hi a tWo. v h {prising in all about 3 000 fo Dog Changed Destination. of over £6,000, B. B. Bond, ghe has wished for many times. Mak t lil Y {of stumpage. arnia, Ont,, Dec, 21.--Rather Tenn.. was arrested ag he | ; " Funeral will leave the family n your seloction at Best's, Shete youlitos end 7 with her pot dog, fom which she out of the Hamilton post of- | the results of the above mentioned 447 Division St... Tuentls have the biggest OE to choose fre ling cing ken against them. | REVISION OF RULES not been separated or mine years, go. on a charge of obtaining between | thesis. at 9 o'clock. to 8, Mary's : re cress FT) vid , od in support of the : i. Hayes, BIRO, ND. gave up 2 og 000 and $9,000. hy false prelences dral. A Jolin reguiem 'pn - v roof y "EY visit with relatives in oronto, whom | ¢ i} od N ations k. N - . Le sung for the repose DAILY MEMORANDA. ct tod y of 3h Jes 4 | Touching Admizgio ion of Strwngers| he had not seen in ten years. When from the First National Bank, Nash An Acceptable Gift. Friends and 'acquaintances ht . a FO a io d + 4 "ville, 1 i 3 ly invited to attend Oity Cound : . b ve we ust cers . : . end nothing would } h lity Ce eros or for a job a to House of Commons. _ she arrived here the customs oficer At Cleveland, Ohio, advices received | For a lady oe A £ : Boor ard Soh plartelln Stot : iboter at the dt he man did | London, Dee. 21.--The sufiragette | told her that because of the strict the headanarters - of the. Nationsl| he, more acceptable than a handsome ys ed 0 De : } juently |eampaign, if it has accomplished no- | quarantine against animals they ud 'Glass Workers, indicate that toilet or manicure set from Best's Bijou Theatre he Celebrs I" Picture { t th } and tly A : : pia » Earre : : ndow {(rlas ¥ y f 8 to of Quebec Pageant f ou \ ' se, where | thing clse, has secured i se re woul not allow even a dog to eutc the members of the wiion uit work The biggest ainet Fives His play . k ROBERT J. REID, centenary, made by the ¥ i ommendati the | vision of the rules for the admission | Canada. \ ong wintry ol seen ere. gms oO ' The Leading Undertaker. Louis. Gaumont, of Frauce, und never\pe- he X recommen gio] | a ' ] : generally throughout the countty on| C1) be a constant reminder 'of the & o fore seen in Kingston \, Imavor and to another man. , easy |of strangers to the House o Com Saturday in order to enforce the hi t THIS STORE, ; \ s Mah At Princeton. The current number of the Physica Review contains an article by J. ( - PTET Frere was done. Mr. Pomeroy is now en DIED. | gaged 'in further research at the Uni- | yyy INE.~Tn_ Kiugston, versity of Princeton, where a feliow- yO8, Elizabeth, 1 ship has 'heen awarded him chiefly on . Divine, aged fifty i | | | f Phone, 577. 287 Princess street A . i i slimentary remarks fron ' . eet. had half a dozen adjourn at' |mons. A special committee has sub Eight Hour Day In Mines. adoption of the new wage scale, which giver. Compli ary n : 3 had half a doz jou ! 3 Wi : of + : 1 j the Jadwes are heard about the goods he request of the prosecution r - {mitted a long report, which probpbly London, Dec. 21.--The bill provid- carries an inerense $f practically wen- Th Bt ju of the y i . F : : every day. \0se cases range ir 1891--~The Hon. Charles Eugenes B bi do afternoor Stipendiary gg | will be adopted at the next session. {ing for an eight hour day in coal) ty-five per cent. | rhe from: 5c. 'to $20; Better de € ore eci ing ae B Neh ale Jurmed #n adn said he SOU ailing to whrtgnt put The 1 Printive) han § a n npani y i ne A which, - Rn. I on Rn : : A el ig Nasiid over the | cide on a case to-day. Come in anc atio ) : : ssi y omen, ACCOM Panis Nn o1 ec pg easuUre Lor ¢ ay of i steamer Schar & hie y " 4 A I onze: Howell Became | tills s Jofen on trial. wdimission ¢ 1 1 ; ment, becal meg } KO A y 4 teamer charnhorst, ay | hawe a look anyway. The goods arc lL what fo get-for the C hildrer Yremitr oF Camade and formed a ow ei -- -- {male esvorts, to » stranger's gallery { nine' hours, has "been finally "adopted | New York from Breme and Cherbourg. dng ; ' : ; ps : leasure to show. Remember Best's minist | Name Of Fort William. (OB application members. Theorcti- | by the House of Lords. The result is on the 12th' inst. It caught Janos P 1895 Manitoba legislature dis ange Nam t 0 | 4 ) r : he . ero 3 ] : ' ny {is the only place having a complete T S ith' S, { j solved, Mr. Greenway appealed, to the Kon Ont,, Dec. 21.--An agita fons Yo Bo his ; vs © a Phat, is a hours ground. Spent Kas il, a by age Pa re an | display at the low prices. om omit $ an a retile' ois the SEhnp Ausues and Teceivod tion is how on foot to hay the the Ne i bamate of tin E in on in Be rr with Nice that Hi skull was Ci St ki i Loo, aro ets wirble ey ele=t name of Fort William, the rising city lof the ladies' gallon. law also | HoII0IK EAI fractured by. the - full and he died | To Relieve Attendants. : aus 0c mgs ores om Le hs it the head of Take Rperic chang. | proposes making any disturbance of | 3 #* within an hou. 0 1 here 8rs. 'now only SEVER Cases In Nothing causes £0 much excitement, 1003--The new Labor Temple Ts Min 8 mewiial, Sumiax manner L101 he proceedings. a police court offer we "POLICEMAN KILLED. E At Anion City, Tenn Cel. R. 7. the isolation hespital at the fort. | or "gives such genuine pleasure. onto, was opened. by - Prot. Goldwin.| the change made the name of his ar re crzmr------ 13 Taylor, the companion «i Capt: Ran- | By orders of the board of health, the | prices, ge. 10c.. 200, 28 Smith place from Rat Portage a lew years A FUNNY.PLACE. Philadelphia, Dec. 21.-- kif, a prominent att "ney, on the |doctor and nurse in charge will be re- | 30e., T5c., $1.00, $1.25 and $1 t is proposed now to make Fort? Edward Mooney, a mount- night Capt. Rankin wos murdered by leased to-morrow and Wednesday rt Come now ilk the assort ed policeman, was riding night riders. testified in the trial of | spectively, in order to ent down 'ex omplete. along Passyunk-avenue in | cisht alleged members of the mob who | pensies. Whether this is advisable is a . the southwestern section of = |. re charged with tho death of Rankin. | question. i Jas Redden & Hi it ; the city ha his horse 3 ilo could not identify any of th Laymen's Services §- ' "n J : : ok 3) i : lippe a oconey wes slavers. : . i Danger Bighal Por' Simmer. 1 pay Flector jspe f pro-} nrow tetly in front of : About one hundred sovereigns have] ' On Sunday afternoon next at four Jsaporters pe Eine Grocerim amps Ottawa, Dec. 21.--AR order-in council han,of he at 89%0.000 PPP 4 a moving trolley. He was # been minted at Ottawa from Larder | o'clock, the laymen of the city church- P.8.~COSBACKS. ¢ th ana; PerLY YA i : ih "ho via erushed to death. Lake cold. There are thousands of es. will; at their own request, be giv -------------------------- a ant rules of the road for the great i AT ibaa om : eo sian :loollectors and museums all gtir the'led a special service in St, George's AN OPEN FIRE . ior # nn x t n A R , em i keg, by making the danger gnal af: 1 have the best Grate Stove there is, it eo wf 3 } Hd A AHH fiaruciois WAKE world anxious to get these coins, | cathedral. Ii is to be interesting, he : i : Shih ultimately will command a verv | cause of a parting addres from Dean | als lot. of Heaters and Cook Stoves. i A 1s they al histone... Th vil - Lam) wm the chea ; rr - ach L ' he 1a vosterda hel k funcra in sokk to highest bidders Sleighs Wars Stolen. ; ; i) Lamps, from tha chea Srecial ikea 8 a cansht] Ir Square, over the woman From the townshi ips of Kenora, Yer. | Jouerl Minifeo, Montreal street, re- Quebec's Representatives At Rome. est' 10 the finest. Also ¢ full Hyman =, di, {raven Si] | faxed A Ag ¢ pain , face Lill which million and Jalley, thirty six women ! por 4s that two band sleighs were stol- Montreal, Dec. 21. -- Mer. Paquet, stock lob « every kind Philip Huds ay Lapsian, a 2 20 ceased to exist as a have been committed to the Mereor en from his yard, and up to the pre apostoli¢, prothonotary, has. left. for . - ers, Cavendi nd 'A. K. Reu § {dios RTA OO leit c of 1 measure, with "Baturday's ad-; Relormatory for six raonthe each as (sent no 'trace of them: van be found.| Rome, where he isito reside perman- Prices 25 PK ENT. LESS than rin : 10c., 20¢ HAtieg a PY © | journment ' lkeepers and inmates of disorderly | Evidently some person without mearis | ently. as the special FEDTaner : gi or eaubcre to 34 ib 10 : tbat ties. of . , \ dar -- houses. Pesid es committal of the i wished to play Santa. Claus, the ecclesiastical or ovinice x duchee. § vow ------------h A pi ber I de Oranges For 25c ymen, fines amofinting to $1,650 were RP The appointment is ren i necessary le ; gar cod | ' {wards & Jenkin, Phone 775. Neeted from people a the townships "I wish 1 would fet a camera or by the fact that since anada has b t B J " ars Ww \ ceeptak : ene te teanee found euilty of o liquor without kodak for Christmas' is heard on all been removed from the, mission list, a Ro er son 10S. : ut Rey : : vil o' than. \sift for ar i q ors Huy it 3 Banda neck handkerchiefs ia, licende, and ceeping - d ly (sides. See the different styles at repre sentative from each provifice must : : ; OT iat se : Ha £2 : : ton, jhouses, : : * | Best' s from $1 to $100, . reside at the pontifical court, | - Dec. Rist, In Canadian History ¥ a Algom spirit- 4 : : name Algoma. A pif | Nailed $250,000 Will to Washtub § NOW going i 0 | Students' ~ =m mE pn, ei -- envelope and nail KE de HH been passed amend A i