THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, EHH IN GAMNIQE eT (OF JAMES.CORNETT, AGED |, EIGHTY SIX. ; aRiND OPERA HOUSE OUSE ) _GRAND " A | a Boy Had His Eye Eye Badly Injured TO-NIGHT And Week, might CONDENSED ADVERTISING = rt | --Row Between Two Women-- | Satine Xuag und Satuday. (15S RATES A GENERAL SKRVANT. NO WASH- Ra 2 PIANO. APPLY THROUGH . : y ing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Xd- An Indian Charged a Man BE EENNEDY and The First insertion lc. a word. Fach consecutive ward Booth, 248 Allred street. With Enticing Him to Drink. T insertion thereafter half oceat a word, . 3 ; CONDITION. AP- | . PARTELLO STOCK €0. - ne mention, Moe | Co apmvaNT, wren: |TUSNAGE 1%, GOOD CONDITION, AR. { Gananoque, Dec, 21.--Another of | po NTGHT-- "The College Girl." free insertions, ences ' Foquived. Apply 'between 7 and Gananoque"s old residents passed TUESDAY--*Cumberland, 61." - ¢ p.m, at 1U1 Johnson street. FORTY CHAIRS, D Fu HOUSE | away yesterday morning at his resi- Change of Play and Specialties Night-| . . use. Apply at So dence, Garden street, in the person of | |v. Cariocad of Scenery. { James Cornett, well and favorably | Special 10-20-30 A few 50¢ MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER FINANCE AND INSURANCE. A SQUARE' piAlto IN FIRST-CLASS | known throughout this section. De- | Prices Seats at rade. Gradual tes carn welve 10 | pnp AL. INSURANCE OFFICE, T. 0 . sell cheap, poln ceased was eighty-five years and eight | Seats now on sale. | eighteen dollars ly. | Help sesure J. Hoon, Agent. Uiee, 159 Welling: | hig office. months old, and has been in feeble at By Sump, instructiol ton. St. Keliable Companies repre-) sented. SECOND-HAND HOT ALR/JFUKNAUL, | health for several months past. Mrs. Ross Few weeks complete course. 'Ua cheap.) la good on. Apply | Cornett predeceased him several years logue, free, Wait Moler 'Barber Col office. T . * fig0. He loaves two fons, Promgs M. ; ge . ARCHITECTS. AN OXFORD HEATER, IN GOOD CON- "ornett, Church street' anc James 2 MEN WANTED, AT ONCE ON ene AN OR A TaN DOR, Ne | Cornett, of Colborne, and two daugh- y 1 One good man ARTHUR ELLIS, Ji ARGHITEOT, 4 h by applying. salary and expenses. 81 Univ ty 234 Princess street. | ters, Mrs. Richardson, matron of the in each locality with rig or capable om oy and residen asyhon fér the insane in London, ? introduce our guaranteed Royal "BENCHES, NINE TERE | LONG. ANY Monday -and Tuesday. of handling horses to advertise -and | Ont.,<gnd Miss F. Cornett at home. | pap : n Purple Stock end Poultry Specifics. | HENRY =P. ~ SMITH, ARCHITK: number ub tu, 4ixesm, $1 each. Ap- Fhe funeral will. be held from his late UEBE E No experience necessary; we ay out ge. Anchor Building, Market Sq s residen®é on Tuesday afternoon. your work for you, $25 a week an Phone, 345, Posit nent. Write CHRISTMAS TREES JLo SIZES Cattle buyers from the west have With D ipti talk b We yonkiun ona orIng Co, | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- as usual, aor a I heen. buying up a large number of 3 escripiave y London, Ontario. chant's Bank Buildi corner Brock son and University Ave. Holsteins, from the eattle breeders of FRANK "GILLIONS. and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212, : LA DIE 1 ND GIRLS' COA TS AT this sedtron during the past week, WANTED--GENERAL WM NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT Chines, mh good onde, Tory F oneaby S A | sore ta cir loads having been ship- THE PAGEANT. | - - gfe second floor over Mahood's for. cash buyers, at Turk's,"' Phone," pea Lo Lhe vicimtly ol London. Landing of Jaeques Cartier--Cartier at |p X , : ACRES ng re, corner rincess an 7 HALF PRICE A serious mix-up occurred on Thurs- | the Cours of King Francis--Champlain at FARM TOY or A 150 ACR 51 Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot eee m---- 5 - day evening last on Charles street, | Xing Henry's Court--Landing of Cham- Broek street. : streot. 'Phone, 608, BAY HORSE, 8 YEAR OLD, KIND ¥ ' y . : lain at Queboc--Arrival of Ursulines and men to work single or double, a good To clear up our stock of Ready-to- Wear Cloth Coats | when two married women of the town plate at deo A an Ie CERTIENAN. ROOM ASD BOARD general purpose horse. Price, $100, 3 . got int a wrangle, ud' finished up nd Iroquois--The Indians Submit to the diuiy LL LARA NL RUS ied] TOLET. D. J. Hay, 126 and 128 Clarence St. for ladies and girls, we are offering the m at exactly hali| Bh a fists. I he participants x King Sof wo Review of the in priviite tumily. "Permanent # 505, STORE 1 BROCK ST. APP. LY JOHN Ni . a o > ) ( cintoroin. ahi Wi = haon ilk ies of Wolie and ontcalm. Frost ont. aaa LE, 109.2 44 8 4 «Y JOHN | 300 ACRES RAW, "WHEAT LAND, price, and for anyone nceding a wew cua this GHEES 8 satesuiow, ual thon bus bum Ab | Se ae SSI Fugorts sige yl nara br he Se Bp an: ie LE av y 164 ¢ tvies $ ZOS § ' eo ¥ i hd 3 issement Louis aumont, Oo 3 Ts ¢ Bg . i . Bre 4 saving, . pew la Styles, : yt : | past. The case came ur before Police | #r. sv iiten hat his exclimive ne FIRE INSURANCE RISES, S00D ROOM OVER WADE'S, COR. KING Healy, 124 Shuter 'St, Toronto. perfect fitting garments, Magistrate Carroll, on Friday, when | oi waking pictures of the Crest Pageants. companies, lowest rates, fair settle- and Brock streets; including hot |. § ; ] pn A re ments. J. R. C. Dobbs & Coz, 109 ) IX - . > YO 1 Minnie Jeroy charged Nellie Bishop Ju pletures of the Pagsants have before Brock. St. Telephone, 480: - water heating. Apply McCann, 51[{SIX ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, LARGR : \ : Brock street. lot and shed, also household furnis | with using grossly insulting language Other interesting pictures of the' Ter- id ture. Will sell cheap, as owner is to her, and assaulting her with her | tentenary given, including the! THEE OPPORTUNITY TO FURYISH "ROSELAWN"" ; THAT HANDSOME leaving city. Apply 54 John street. fists. In the evidence it was proved GRAND RE A 1TEW. estimates on electri¢ work. All kinds residence on Union street, at . mi . F. J. Bin . - that outsiders had to separate the of wark promptly done, P.'J eh, normal rental-for the winter. Apply ol : Electrician, 206 Wellington street. J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street.. | LATEST FAMILY SLEIGH, HIGH | pair, I'he magistrate taxed Mrs. Bish- PRINCESS ¢ THEATRE oo i OP full padded. spring bucks, cushions, op, as the aggressor, two dollars and A JOB "LEANING ASHES OU OF | ao NTRALLY LOCATED ' OFFICRS, | ° leather dash, acmé of solid comfort, | costs. R. LIPMAN, Prop yards or cellars, or ater baggage front and rear rooms, at 545 King at Frost 8, City Storage, 299 Queén | 2 P. T. BARNUM SHOW all this carted, Prices right. Appiy, ae St. street, over J. P. Forrest's Gent's Streak. oa : i ; Lytle, General Carter, alm Furnishing Store. Apply to Mr, Police Magistrate Carroll by David + SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRAC- - - -- rpeees = Forrest. SOLID BRICK TWO-STORY DWERI- Greenizen, of ls township, residing | © DOUBLE SHOW oS SOT TH AFRICAN Si RIE-WE_ ARE IN ae ne, a, Bath and >. Si few miles est of © ya ins 3 PRINCE MASYUL Eg, (in the market to uy . a 00! r. -- y SIDENOR y ot water heated, electr ft few mils west cof the town, against The world's aL wonder- African land warrants. State price, ROM, 90D 3 BRICE RESH BNOE lighted and gon for evoking. Apply John Clarke, of 'the same section in magic. Fhe only authorized for . cash. Address + to Inter-Ocean rooms, including. extension kitchen at Godwin's Insurance Agency," charging him with coming to his Gree- {| inderstudy of Prof. Mermaf, late of Real kstate Co., 24 Aikins Building, hot water. heating, bath, ete. Bor Market Square. nizen's house and trying to 'get him eading I kgneh: Thentres in Haris, : Winnipeg. quire at 179 Division St» es : Sine > . RRINGTON, The 'rotean et ------ 5 P.. STR to drink, ( iree nizen being on the pro- | ject Comedian, who stands alone GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- : . 15 LER TEAM HOISY, BOLL BR ANE hibited list. Being refused admission he | he line of impersonations, late of s er overcoats made now, also last LOST. conditions nive; $1.80. Can he seen : y it deliberately broke several windows in fou, Jebbet Sretk 4 hy Nr tor oars: turned ood ee ns at. Ww. Coking s. Blacksmith Shop. the house, The case will-be aired in| 0 5, pihe "Won's You Waltz Home date suits. Price and workmanship | GOLIY BROOCH. JVALUKD AS K - Apply _ Gsapt Riorne, (318 University TABLE LINENS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS the Julice Fours during -the fore part | weet Home With Me." guaranteed to please. Thomas Gello- Sake, on Fridd 3 Miernoon, on = rh e.; Ringston. « s wk, Our Pictures TO-DAY Tailor, 181 roc t ellington (or rincess § . lewa 3 3. 4 1 1 bt I tt i Re vith of Kingston, late pro Subject Ee 1 "THE LITTLE ---- ta Pivny's Livery. for return to 48 Karl street. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER FRUIT Husbands, brothers and sons, if in doubt what to pret of Ri sion, Inte pre | rie wisvins A Tragedy | er -- a pr and Ornamental Trees, Vines and . "2 mM . y . . o . . el > £8 i » 3 Subiect 0. 2~"HOW STUS Gu 'ARMAN BRAC ELET, wil N Shrubs for spring planting, from the give, make it Table Linen. Nothing would 'be more ac-| which was recently destroyed hy fire, | HIS PORK CHOPS," Comedy. RSONAL " tials "D. B..," on buck, on Saturday celebrated E. D. Sraith's Helderleigh , ib | wak i OV ek DRY 3 Remember we change Pictures Daily. PE . fternoon, while shopping Finder Nurseries, Percy CC. Lawson, Agent, ceptable. Let us show you our Sur k, ahd even if you wa in Ger th Jute paiy of ux Vaudeville. Twice. a: Week.» New = Acts Will he Fowarded Ly returning sade] AR Centre St. Send meg tard tod 1 en't I tters, not hel admiring | week, looking over the old Canada | ud New Faces. to Whig office will call, \ arent up on such matter you can Kk © he | Cabinet Co.'s factory, with a view to Don't Joriety special attractions all | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, " * ity f cating ¢ i 3 Py vart, % Ove antly, » x yA" In AG \ pr f Mexican Di n Wor M course] the probability of locating a piano | his wee Warts, etc, removed permanen AROWN LEATHER HANDBAG. CON- bn dainty pieces of : py 1 manufagtory here in the near future. | without scar. Twenty Hor Sper! taining purse, 3 one dollar bills, MONEY AND BUSINESS we have the plain Table Cloths and: Napkins in all qual- The Star Bachelor hockey team went N 0 N D E R L A Vl D Noss, iuront" dia "skin "Hleniss articids, Friday. on Princess. Welling = : b : : : Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish articles, Friday, on Princess, Welling- Sk itieg too, so come here and we Ww ik Q pleased to help to Lansdowne on Saturday afternoon Specialist, 258 Bagot street. ton, or Earl Sts. Reward for return LIVERPOOL, | LONDON AND GLOBR you to a decision Nor its first game of the season, and c cl to Whig office, Fire Insurance, Company, ; Avaliable bv A » net the Wanderers. of that village in | assets 6 ,215. In addition to 1 3 So MRS. CECELIA HERROD, (FORMER- which the policyholders have for x Jrienty Sarme ina E. Haffin 8 Li EXCELLENT PICTURES THIS ; Miss chrampfer). Dano-Swedish MARRIAGE LICENSES. security the*unlimited liability of all covered rink, the Arena, on Saturday = (certificated) Massage, Recommended the stockholders. Farm and city ovehing. The game resulted in a tic. WEEK. by the leading physicians of King-|C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF property insured mt lowest possible ancl " "Ort > ls » RICAN ston, Head, face and neck massage na Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. rates. Before renewing old or giving enol tenn Sgormg: seven goas, . x RE 1c EPTION OF } AMERICA. specialty. Address, Y.W.C.A., 'Phone, telephone, 0568; evening, residence, new business get rates from Strangh Fhe 'local bowlers are getting into LE ic J dart ivi of Hep an | _ 130. 88 Frontenac street. & Strange, Kgents. 'Phone, 568, line again for the winter, several On area . ; irrival and departure) of fleet. --_---- ic 3 Information has been laid before matches having been pulled off be 9 PLE MYSTERY OF THE GAR- feng can - EE -------- --t tween rival aggregations' during the ON." Drama. Kl I N G S TO No . 3 ' past week. A number of the ladies of § HIS FIRST JOB," Camedy. . Jthe town'® are 'also 'participating in 1--Song--""IN AFTER YEARS WHEN ASAE AAR this healthy and muscle-developing AM oLD." : SKATING RINK pstime. SHILDREN ONE CENT TO-MOR- | TET ry Ld hi _ The (question is asked coming ond Synopsis of Canadian Northwest | wy Phe méiny friends of Hugh Wilson ROW AFTERNOON. l ESO TICKET RATES 7 Ml going these days. lt will be O.K, if . who as 6 for severs ceks as 5 Aly ng . i | 4 ~ y o Land Regulations. TO THE ELECTORS : ear Tr fant Grand Opening | Conti Sinn vo Sarg © Col and Wood from ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE v learn ~~ with pleasure that he is pro { Children under 14 years \ bead of a family, or any ufaie over 18 | Having: been presented | ossing yobis Id, b tend 8 QUArLSr a ing rapidly towards recovery and v Rmily of : adeutne seine BG . \ y wv Wi "S ! © ole nia OOS eu q el : . hos . : 7 amily of 3 .. .} x g . A > } I section ' {160 rt BOTS or less) r with a largely signed re- | Mrs. Wilson, who has bes n with him is ION RIN K' amily of 'a cr : J . y o available Dominion land in Manitoba, so tes ag) « | ®Xpected home for Christmas. : Saskateewan or Alberta. The applicant | quisition, asking me to be a Miss Florence Taylor, attending "amily of 6 or $16.00, | ney oh Isdn ut the ia dt vandidate for the Mayor- Haverwal College Toronto, for some M d Ni ht D Nn t A Season Ticket will be the best "Xmas | district, Entry by proxy mny be made | 1t 1909, 1 1 y 1 id= months past, is here for her holidays on ay § 1 6c. 8 present that you can buy your Boy or Al any agency on curtain coudivionn, by | AY for 1AVE QCM: ith her mpther Mrs. C. W. Tavior, Sil Orlice. not open for. sale. af Sioa _ father, mother, son, daughter, brother or | ' Shurah sive alas ac a t Office no D $ of ti 4 | sister of intending howesteader. led to ac cede to the request, Shur h Sire i Denglas Bye & Princes Band in Attendance and lockers. DUTIES. --Sixgmonths" Pesidence ey vote | 3Urech 8 take ) rock e {zener- and "cul ivation of the land in each, of} L therefore solicit your vote al Hospital, during the past few days BE ratratear aa siog] and Influence. =} Yiospitel, Auring ie pak festaiay Adialenon. 186. Skating Saturday Afternoon within nine miles of his homestead oo a farm of at least B80 acres solely oon Iv ost ti and occupied by him or by his father, | Respectfully yours, ' NT tw, ab. A Band in attendance. mother, son, daughter, brother or | Np Sublime Impudence. ' sister D. COUPER. | iemidtsconces of Lady' Churchil ictornia 'War Br. . . t oe Ja if Li ry Chur 11. in certain districts a homesteader iu] ior fo } ii a ste l AUCTION SALE good standing may pre-empt a quart | A ue lightf il man who came to ' tay TO THE ELECTORS. iv { ) section along-side his homestead. Price at Blenheim was Sir Alexander Cock- ' $3.00 per acre. Duties. Must reside six burn, Lord Chief Justice of England I most respectfully solict your] THERE Bokb BE OFFERED FOR months in each of six years rom date 3 "e a 'o a 1 2 dav . sale by illiam Murray, at his. Auction | of homestead entry Berqing the time| But he wa dangerous ! On day out | votes and influence -to- elect me as |p,oms, Market Square, on THURSDAY, required to earn homestead patent) and : shooting, while was walking with | your Alderman for, . Victoria Ward. | December 31st, 1908, the dwelling and cultivate fift- ucres extra. | him from one covert to another, he Premises situate on the South side of A homesteader who has exhausted his let hi i { 1 let his gun off by accident. Luckily the M h 1 P, Re id. Russell street and formerly" occupied by | rate ight cannot btain a ro - £1 Dela legeased. Up the al Domcatuad is nang taponat ure hosed{ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE |shot went over my head. "'I must be arsha €l | premises ar a I apie AjoYe homestead in certain districts. Price careful," he said placidly. 1 fled. ling and outhouses and the lot comprises | $3.00 per acre Purchased homesteads CITY OF KINGSTCN :-- I remember asking him what had ar i half an acre of ground mare or less > | 000000000000000000005 [edie 3 We Like Taffey So does i. All Nonds; at PRICE'S, at reasonable Requiring prices Almond, Walnut, Peanut, Fruit Nuga- Tailor-made Suits, Af- ternoon or Evening Gowns or Cloaks, will } ha | PRICE'S, ine Molasses, Peanut Butter and Butter Scotch, rrge-- Steacy's § mse mers Ladies' Tailoring or Dressmaking Depart- ments in a Jostsion to fill rush orders. Satis- KEYES", Barber Shop faction guaranteed. 336 King street 000000000000000000000 | 3 be quired on any available lands 7 : t ify - z TAY thor cu or even numbered 'Sections i been the most amusing experience of | ( Veteran's Land Warrants. | TERMS AND CONDITIONS made South of towhship 45, Fast of Ihe Gul} I respectfully ask for your votes hig, u career. In reply he: Youd me We, will pay you the high- ' {known at time of sale Rary and dmonlo 3 a | the story ol' a young barrister, w FC FURTHER RTICULARS, - West line of range 26, and West of thei and influence to elect me as Mayor | .... i {po a, eto Roan - ents est puice' for yeur watrant tL FOR X RIt Otfee AR Bi } Al A third Meridian and the Sault . Railway irom Tid tn ar di - i \ y and arrange to;precire it for tor, Brock street, Kit rh, He vrs arin] of the City, for 1909. indy ett before. Sir Ale || Yous no 'charge. Write us pac o ree years x ate y ret ne VISE © oh we » » Ale and erect » house worth $300, I HALL & & ARMSTRONG. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH DA. GIVENS., [a I iN eo roe (Both Veterans), ' 57 Ade- Sis W € 8e A + | { Mle ( h retort- * : : i : i ( Te rte r 343 WEST MINING REGULATIONS, + Kingston, 12th December, 1908. | ed the culprit, ' unless it is/that 1 had laide East, go putay > ips - thé honor of dining with vour Jord {A NEW DISCOVERY! A preparation found that- will stop falling hair, in even the most ® cases, in from two to .four Guaranteed -or money refunded, Get application at WM. MURRAY, Auctione Forssressererersereriarssrorestesy * COAL.----Coal mining rights may bet -------- ~ ; ; ship lagt night, and bad wine tells on MOVED | THE FRONTENAC - Jeased for twenty-one years at an annus 1 ¥ * 1 = s - : xis 3 Jeats 3 an embtyv stomach; E. Prom 73 St., to 155 Welling I I ren al of $1.06-an acre. N ot more thas | South African mpty st ma h RIFLE RANGE COMPLET From 7 Clargucs om 5, ve ling | Moric 0 GREDI ORS LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY : In matter of the estate of James cant. Royalty, five cents per ton . i ili 3 « a ( 2 it { £ QUART. --A person eighteen years of | More Pudding. Formally Taken Over By Military | Taking No Chances. B. Johnston, late of the Sity of Kine | ESTABLISHED, 1863. age and over having wade a disc ryt crip :veland Plain Dealer ' Board. ~ | The Australasia. { it Notice i Rorehy Ev Eun it President--Sir Richard Cartwright. may locate a claim 1,500 ot by 1,f i= said that when Macadlay, a : : : EN GLY Rmal cop il to "the Revised S - f ont aan Money issued on City and Farg Pros feet. Feo, $5.00° At least $100 must be a i dix wis ailed: 4 heey Sy [his morning a. military board.| Mark Hambourg and l'ommy 2 € Boni a $ tat ite = o Ont ario, , | perties. Municipal and County Deben hov of = 8 o ave some : : : : | 7, chapter 12¢ at 4 expqnded on Non y aim . > When' $5 00 : more pu Ming, he polit 0 = plied consisting ot Lieut.-Col. , Hemming, | Burns once stayed at the same hotél || hits PonTag Sine on TR tures. Mortgages purchased, Deposite vaid to the Mining Recorder. Len $500 | 10 « g, ely A dg : : che (Ot- . savelli : a Fig § 3 ok vy T Teh a t.q received and interest allowed. has been expended or paid and other "Thank von, I have enjoyed an ample (0, pre sident, Major De 4 { { when erave ling iit the Land -of the bof th said James Bl, Johnston, who died requirements complied with tha claim , , v sulficiehev." y : tawa), and Uapt. Bell, Kingston, as-| Kangaroo. One Sunday the pugilist on Sr Shout the twenty-fifth day of |S, C. McGill, Managing Director. may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. | This sa . | sembled and formally togk @ver the spoke to the musician. arch, 1908. are required, on or before 7 Clarencs strast PLACKIE MINING GLAUMS generally, I'his sage reply is matched by a lit- B field. Height 'Sav." he vo Red: - "Weo' the twentieth -day of January, 1909, to . . 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. . ' tle Cleveland girl who, when offered a | 2% rifle range on arriefie eights Sav, e remarkec ere two [send by post prepaid or to deliver to A s o 2 > loa x Willi Lacey, | celebrities Lt Guess we' » ho- | B. Cupningham;: of, the City of Kingstc DREDGING. --Two lsasés of five miles second frosted sake, showed her excel irom the contractor, illiam f th cele Iritie here, ae ell get pho Solicitor, or the AHR ELF x rE the { each of a river may be issued to one - lo ond rid bv rh " of Presoott, The vange is. ope of the | tographed together." Mark Hambourg ot : a 8 4 t term of 20 years. Rental i x ent training WY answering. Mam ad a ; . . ast will and testament: of the said de- whplicant. for a 1m. Royalty. 2% per na has directed me t Jv ¢ vefra inst in Canada, having eighte¢h tar-{stammered, hesitated, suid he. would | censed, their. Christian and surnames Ho Ho lie "output. Sxceeds $10 oor" I h Mills fre nh 1 r a me or YAVS TEITAID |, is. The range, including butts und [see Mr. Burss,the next day. Mean | addredsés and descriptions, the full par. ) ite ' . y ¢ o A see ace 1 Sy uy € Se Rs 4 omas 9 thing ond. pice of any: and, will cost about $20,000. .Of this | time he consulted his man ticulars of their claims, the statement TOWNSHIP" OF OF PITTSBURGH WwW. W. CORY, A nin [BE : 2 heir accoufts and the nature of the 2 79 Cl St gratifving to know. however. | Mount the building contractor got] 1 get youn out of it, said that } 5. if any, held by them And] peputy of the Minister of the Interior. | arence 1S grauiying to know, however, between $12,000 and «:S 0). |astute person. "Tell him that I re rcher take notite 'that after such last | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVE te Vy N.B.-- Unauthorized publieation «of this that the childish nature promptly re- h t Yas. lone. ba . al of {dy oo 1 thet 1 have. exclusive: rial Lee a a Nomination for Reeve, De puty Re advertisement will not be paid for. asserted itsell, when the little maid 3 1ngston has long been in need OC. a jrtuge and, tha have exclusive. rights Ra distribute on rh § Jan Councillors to serve for th Ww add }: : : : vifle range, the old butts at Bairie-|to vour photographs. the deceased am ng the partie tii) od a Es J unieipat - man added : ' : ei} " 1 the de B ong 2 titled | chin ittshurgh, County 0 "But vou ean lay it on my plate, if ld being unsafe for some Teale. But why," the manager asked Mark | thereto, havipg regard only to the claims |. % Argh, un twill Id in. the Town i8 luereswed and should know field o'elock noon oles you please. practice interest im rifle shooting by refuse on your own account ?" that the said attministrator will not be | pocomber 28th, 1908 ; Y ER EL Whirling Sp. cy trridepimne i oe Sai Shining rator, will not be | Beceinher '28th, '190 \ \ 'he Yaginal Syrin A the 14th regiment members wil in- How did 1 know, he might not |} ta ny ge or "persons. of | wu THE ONL PLACE z Aa BO Basi ostomen | | 25c' Finest Made 25c. , L Hot " ici Lt AnE Defseh, or. perso d T ) oF ---------- -- NSD Sy sw that the new range is ready for |Hambourg afterwards, "couldn't you | of which they shall then have notice, and r ase, and Kingston will, turn out |poonch me ?" the musician demanded. | whe ¢laims notice shall not have been jent. It cleanses Chocolate creams, 25c., all flavors. | come more crack marksmen' of the Ep ---- d-- received shy: them at the time of such | === grep . : Th 3 cia . he jistribution. Dated. the twenty-first day 1 the city where 'Cream 4 wpe . J.C type ¢, Swaine ar ora. _ : distil . C "1 in the city vi LA rrr Eun fobs Nr Crawford. - pe of White, Swaine and Hora. The Spirit Of Christmas. of December, 1908, B. CUNNING- ~ Whore you get Nut Tailies E MAR VE hy I 8 y "h | ------"-------- \ -- Holl wreat] hi . HAM, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston fresh every duy. | othew bat send stamp / "It's not like a private library, i 0 wreaths to. hang in. your * J . « Mink Farm In Oregon. window, only 13c., at Carnovsky's. HAs Hooks sealed. Tt gives | T a . . s --18 AT w x n direct % 8 ow Tabard Inn Library books can be, ex- £3 3 3 } tinal Seder I ji x 3 or hanced in thousands of. cities where- Pom Staten has established a farm lent ot i Notice : : x TOWNSHIP OF OF WOLFE ISLAND Wp oO. . any £ - - a ice YW 3 . » Sr m- GHLIN'S : x Ba HPV, for Candas ever vou go. £1 for life membership, | for the raising <f mink at Rattle- Xmas Holly ! Xmas Holly. bog 200 JWATETONMS OF 1 ue OM" | NOTICE IS WEREBY GIVEN C | Se > ' - snake Point the Upper Klamatl < . : " with Piano company at present are | the Nomination . 3 en | only at Gibson's ted: Cross Drug Shake omt, on 14 amath Edwards and« Jenkin. 939 Princess street wi I {1h ¥ r Headguarters for ow? 3 < 3 " I ake. About a hundred of the ani "52 ncess str , next door to Lj lors to s Milk Chocolates, Maple Buds, So Wood's Phosphodine, dg J. Reid's furniture store. Phone 378. | Township c The sale is authoritatively annonnc- [mals are housed in cages or' cabinets, | Promo Film Pack and Plate' camer- * | Frontenac i be "held etc. ; The Great English Remed ; : Q ane o> well "and: thrive in| 1 reo { Hall, Wolfe Island, at 12 p Tones and invigoratesthe whole | © sof the ( olorado and Sonthern an 1 seem 10 Ho ~ q all fat and as, naw ; model, Just yeceived, A pipe, cigar case or king t Von MONDAY ter "28th, 1908 . -- WT p [ICTVOUS EyStem, wakes Dew | railroad to the Ghieago, Burlington captwvity, x they are; all. lat and | Best's. Prices to = oh). e 3 & pe, ga ns r 'smoking se! | * DoJ. DAWSON 204 'THICESS reef br Mental pg ey fand Quincy for $18,000,000. sleek looking > Dr. McCallum will likely be elected] or i hn esta display before Township Clerk ai 3 : : p-------------- . ; Shs F ; y y y i ? ie Od Fa Bt: imismione, Spee | Haveyou selected that box of choco- mayor of Smith's Falls by acclama-| You buy. ¥ou will not be sorry | Dated 'af Wolfe Island : Dec. 19th, 1908. ' 1 at torrhea, and Ffects of Abuse or Faxcesses | lates wet 7, See Best's display and "The first two items" on your tion. you buy it, there. ive 3 penbos sixior One will ploae, efx have your choice put away for you. Christmas. shopping hist should be Me- | Faney shaving mirrors, new styles, The veEnfe life of a dog is . from " plain DE. on teceipt of New pamphlet | At Woodstock, Ont., the young man: | Conkey's or Huyler's high class can- [at Best's. \ ten to jtwelve years; of a cay nine or TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS aie free. Tho - : om , ran wp yl =a i aba . EN aus A om | Bing. who pleaded guilty to stealing | dv irom Gibson's. Red Cross Drug For hockey plavers,". O.H.A. Lini: [ten years, and of a fox, abo nu . > i Bt 5 4 = or The Perfect Brick & Tile Co Wash- | formerly Windsor) s to, ' ET | several . acticles of jewelry from the | Stove. - : | ment is sold only Gibson's Red | teen z ars. ad rm, Ont. = To Home ade Tine Roval 'hotel, was sentenced to. three | The area oi the Pacific .oaean Drug Store. Or v 1WO pf ves have i Ad pi g of ; vil n : . 1 . a DEA § n PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Mar ad rs is vy place to get the | VEAars in pealentiary. shout the same as the ear th's ve | Finest lresh made chiclets, 25¢: J. ue aning 1 at In -- I . | Fe any ronage solicit 2 . y wx { x 0 sdale g Are ready to contract for immediate | good. old (fashioned kind that mother O.HA. Liniment fyr hockey playegs | area--ie., 55.00.0060. square miles | Crawford X are Lorg ingsdale and Lord Fore test 336 King Street delivery. Brick that 'will stand inspec-! used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage is sold only at Gibson's d Moss | ain® cream chocolates, - 15¢ J. The Ibaggest assortmient of 25¢. The United States congress has ad he tion. at reasonable rates. Capacity of |Meat is just the dressing you .meed. |, ... q/ . Crawford | perfumes in fancy boxes at Best's. journed until January 4th, 1909. | Next door to Wade's Brug Store, plant, 60,000 daily: Phone, 570 HH: J, MYRRS, g Store. y M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor, Three Chair. (Quick. Hervice. Your pate