PAGE TOUR. , s00000000000000000008 i ti veo | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at | 806-8310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, {at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'Slock Fm. > WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Monday and Thurs. | day worning at $1 a year. 'lo United States, charge for Postige has tb be making price of Dally $3 apd cf | Weekly $1.50 per year. : | Attached is one of the best Job Print- iing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, {and cheap work ; nine improved presses. { The British Whig Pablishiug Co., Lt*d EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Rfuite 19 and 20, ices City Cha bers, 32 Church St. Toronto, H. | Smallpeice, Representative. Dailo Wing. HE SHOULD EXPLAIN. In a paper - read before the Ontario | Bar Association by Hoh. Mr. Morine, ton the relation of the bar to public (life, that Toronto gentleman | credited with "To | parliament is po road to emolument but he added, "it | was a fitting road for members of the (legal) profession to take.' The learn- ed gentleman has Is good healthy recreation . and 1 can supply you for same. BEST QUALITY | SKATES, STICKS, PUCKS, And will discount any Cat- alogue or Departmental Store : Price. CORBETT'S 00000000000 0000000 is saying, enter hy honest means," reason to explain 6 his meaning. retest GENIUS IN THE CONTEST. The battle in Toronto just now of The and anti-rednetionists, are contending is not one the ballots, but of the wits, license reductionists COMPETENT JUDGES. the for a revision of the voters' lists, and BeautyyDoctors Endorse Herpicide. \ thousands of names were proposed for Women The had the best of it, co far, and for the who make a business ol beautifying other women come pretty near knowing what will bring ; the results. Here are from two concerning Herpicide : "1 eun recorimend Newbro's "Herpi cide," as it stopped. my hair falling out; no superior. (Signed) registration. reductioniste have about best letters reason that the artis were not prepar- ed to vigorously or successfully chal- lenge the The hand, secured copies of the antis lists fom proposals of their oppon- row and, Ba-n dresing it has |®nts. reductionists, on the other Jertha A Trullinger, "Complexion Specialist, Morrison St., Portland, Ore." After using one bottle of "Herpi cide' my hair has stopped falling out and my scalp is from had them placed in the hands of can "901 vassers, and had the situation so ex- amined that they were able to object systematically to many motions from entirely frée | | the other side. Thus there has heen a dandrufi "(Signed.) new illustration of the power of intel- Grace Dodge, "Beauty Doctor, 195 Sixth Street, Portland, Ore " Sold by leadir druggists Se . : ; id by eading Iruggists. ¢ nd | fluencing this contest, but genius and 10¢. in stamps for sample to 'The Herpicide 'o., Detroit, Migh. 'I wis | foresight, and th KIZOS, A $l. 4 W, Mahood, | the {full to overflow | The Chatham the Ject in planning a campaign where the masses are affected. Mobey is not in- cao qualities are on ide where the treasury is not special agent, i > that to liberals MADE IN CANADA WLETTS CREAM ATARTARA CHEMICALLY PURE Canadian Government tests show we have the purest, and highest strength goods. Gillett's is used by the best Bakers and Caterers everywhere. Costs no more than the inferior adulterated kinds. E.W.GILLETT CO.,LTD. ; Toronto, Ont. ' LIFE Best of Security, Planet admits conservatives have nothing of West Kent. « The may have been bad, but they boast in were not any more corrupt than the con- good servatives. Open confession' is for something. | chert ------ 'WORTH TRYING THERE. The Hamilton paper which endorses political interference in the municipal | elections had only one strong plea to! offer in support of ils adiion. It was in ihat organization was necessary order to bring out the vote, and un- fortunately, when the politicians ran their machine they want the usual pay for the lubricants, namely the pa: tronage. Brockville, soma years ago, suffered very much from the excess of partizan- ship in local affairs. It is possible to of this kind of thing, came when the Brock- have too much and the time ville people, irrespective of adopted of letting the equal number was happily nominate an choice of mayor. parties with an alternate The experiment has been a great suce CCSS8, ) This year the old troublers, the men who want polities in eperything, even Many and choice plans. 1) Way ; their religion, became conspicuous. hey wanted to return to the old con- the and squalor of degraded polities. The pro- ditions--to wretchedness Current Rates of Premium. Life and KEndow ment. | posal was very quickly squelched. The | independents met, as usual, and made Profits equal their nominatiodd, and peace and 4% compound interest. INSURANGE Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St. quictness "and business capacity will Ordinary Conditions. characterize tha conduct of municipal business in Brockville next year. The attorney-general at Quebec does the the Sunday theatre not appear to be anxious about of people, and the Mail lays the blame the federal Of The should re- gulate public sentiment. prosecution upon government. | course. government A COLLISION OF BODIES. 1 things, auring the last three the rare contingency forced it into action queer months, and for which was not always as studied as have been. But the culmin- ating act was to undertake a service, it might which that honorable body will prob- ably revise in its own way. The medi- cal health officer may have deferved Landman the special consideration of the board but all it pass a recommendation, and leave to | of health, could dg was | | | | conneil the responsibility « | | | acoepting or rejecting it. In all probability. the city solicitor will .be asked to pass the work of the Board of Health, and it is hardly likely that | he will give an upon A Present ourself--mot a bad idea perhaps you may know some poor v that would your ut opinion which will | favour the Board of Health. The me- g | dical health officer is an appointee of a thought | the council. His salary is fixed by by- of coal | { | trols law, and it can only be increased or supplemented by the body which con- the Apparently the | board of health, which is the child of | the hever you de cide, don forget We Have The Coal Crawford, Phone 9, Foot of Queen St oy = = i | ancy vests, 20 per cent, © aving a situation. council, has undertaken to per- | form the duty of the council, and the { elect of the people are disposed 16 re- | sent its proceeding. er ------ THE WHIG, 75th YEAR| { | | | | for. One judge has repeatedly played | | lature which abbreviates or abolishes the fort as a contagious disease | yune."' party, | 3 my fay cried, "Hold ! enough." The expedient Thé Board of Health has done some | reason that a | which clearly lies with the council and | CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES. Judge Anglin hus had something to say about legal reform, and it is that the proposed changes are not such as ever impress ome very seriously. Yhat has been radical, expected is something very which the people the awful waste of money something will save expensive appeals. The present leader of the government and bis attorney- forfn before they were called to the responsibilities of office, but they al lowed one term of the legislature to pass without any practical step being taken in the contemplated service. Before the dissolution of the house there was a resolution with regard to the subject, and that resolution may Le followed up by legislation when the house meets. But there will have be more than that which the bar as- sociation to has contemplated to war- rant the assumption that a real re- form is being attempted. Judge An- hag that which amounts to a principle of great value, namely, that "it is the duty of the judge to encourage settlement of ac- glin enunciated tions, but it should be assumed that counsel have done their duty in en- deavoring to get settlement." It that than advise settlement ecéunsel do more of They may advise that suits be not en- may he a cases. tered and it may account in part for the absende of that litigation which occupied much of the time in courts. It is a comparatively formerly "0 new experience when the judge leaves the hench, calls the parties to a suit together, and in the quiet of his room shows the folly of prolonging a quar- the of which eannot bring the satisfaction that is looked rel, outcome the part of the peacemaker, and he doubt taken it that the counsel have failed and that has no for granted he is at liberty to see what his per- suasion and logic may privately ef- feet. The part the legal profession is tak- ing in the alleged reform of the law is very much to their credit. They are in 'a sense, advising against their own interests, Every act of the legis to their financial advantage, and in applaud court procedure operates ing it they ave giving evidence of the patriotic instinct which they enjoy to so large a degree. antim-------------- EDITORIAL NOTES. The requisition with a names shows what the pgople think thousand of Ald. Couper's candidature. low much per day is the expense of re- rate be cut down sort 2 Cannot the very materially ? Dr. gazine, says 'the conservatives failed McPhail, in the University Ma- because their campaign was too That is very comforting. nic The mystery with regard pica- the been to | £3,000 cheque, alleged to have paid by the Hollidays, at Quebec, deepens. Can't the cheques be found ? They should tell their own story. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . » : . 1 which is now involved in useless and general promised to engage in law re- | ' MONDAY, DECEMEER 21, STATUS OF THE BAROMETER NATION'S POWER. Sermon By Dean Farthing--He Has Small Patience For a Wo- man Striving to Be 'a Man's Equal. "The family is the basis of our social #nd national life and the puri- {ty of marriage is the basis of family life,'" said Dean Farthing as he began his. sermon to students how in the city, in Bt. George's athedral, at evénsong, on Sunday. "The status of marriage is the harometer of a na- tion's power," he went. on, and then showed how the fall of the older na- tions of the world had come when woman ceased to bé man's companion and the marriage bond came to he held in light regard. Touching on divorce the preacher said that it was to the everlasting glory and honor of the Canadian church that she had, at general synod in 1905, forbidden her priests to re- marry those divorced, no matter what the cause. The mysterious, God- made union of life could never be dis- solved by the decree of man. The dean has small patience with a woman striving 'to be a man's equal. "She is his equal now, but in a dif- ferent way. Thus each is the help- meet for the other.' In scathing tones and words the preacher denounced those who talk of a "good" marriage How man has money, when most likely he is a gilded reprobate. "lLove, true, pure, love, is. the only possible basis of, a 'good' or happy marriage, and children its = crowning joy. Pity the homes where there is not the soften- ing. influence of a little child," The dean quotéd Augustine's words = "Hf Giod wanted woman to rule man, He would have taken her from his head; ii He desired her to be his slave, He would have taken her from man's feet', but as -He intended woman for man's companion, He took her from cide. "And so side by side, in the joy and the sorrows of life they go, till their true, pure love, is merged in the great love of God." Hiring Wedding Presents. New York Mvening Post. The Cleveland multi seht out invitations ter's wedding bearing presents will be an excellent example, which, if gen erally followed, would save the who to in bold script, recent ly no presents for the 'grand occasion. Sev- eral London, Paris and New York firms have grown rich by letting out for a night or day all sorts of finery and trumpery to friends of 'the bride and bridegroom have contributed handsomely. At a recent New York wedding cuests were more than amazed at the display of presents. Five rooms were filled with the costliest jewelry, bric- a-brac, tapestries, .paintings, cut- lass, china, ceramics, rugs, furniture, laces, etc., world without end. Amen The father of 'the bride is a practical joker. He couldn't keep a family sec- ret to save his - life. "What did you think of Carrie's presents ?" he asked an old friend 'two or three weeks af- ter the wedding. "Why, George, -old fellow, 1 was thunderstruck ! And just think of the hard times ! There must have been half a million dollars' worth - of stuff." George laughed. "Never breathe it to my wife," he whispered ; "but all that vast outlay cost me only $2,000. I hired four roomiuls for the occasion from -- & ('o., and we had 'em on exhibition for a week. bedroom were ours." ------ John Hoodless, an ex-chairman, says there should be at least five women on the Hamilton school board. The The day of women boom is on. gislators appears to he at hand. y ve W. T. R. Preston had a position once which appeared to be ideal, and did not keep it. librarian, and resigned the job become immigration commissioner. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS He was provincial to - It Does Indeed. Bulletin, | | Xdmonton Tait has selected a professed demo- erat and ex-confederate soldier for secretary of war. This looks like an unfair invasion of the "Solid South." | { | 1 | | ~-- | Training Methods. Monireal Star. = Dorando drinks wine while is training which puts him a few laps behind T. Longboat, who takes a few | while training and also before and | after. he In Luck Surely. "Foronto Star. Talk about lucky stars. Tait is to have the presidential salary raised to $100,000 the first year. Roosevelt had to pull along with $50,000. Gems In Evidence. ontreal Herald. The charity ball, it seems, was a | diamond exhibition on an unpreced- lented scale. Still, a visitor from {Mars would be wrong if he inferred | that the jewels were being sold "and jhe proceeds given to charity. | ™M A Wind Fall. Ottawa Citizen. An Ottawa laborer died and leit fortune of $13,000 to charity. shows that it is possible at the capi- tal for an ordinary man, even outside of parliament, to accumulate wealth; also that in the disposition . of it this man proves himself to be a prince. a Railway By Commission. Ottawa Frée Press? ; The Montreal: Herald has entered ypon, a campaign for the handing over of the Intercolonial to a private com- pany. maritime provinces' would never sent to such a step. Ii there is be any change why not adopt Borden's suggestion and put the tercolonial under an independent com- con- Mr, mission, free altogether from political control ? _ @ lbs. Besgy's Kisses, 15c. Edwards and Jenkin. le- | A Buffalo Statesman. Harper's Weekly. "'Fingy" Conners is an irrepressible soul. Tact andl he had nothing in common. A few evenings ago he met Charles Bissell in a crowded ho- tel and pounced upon him with reck- less joviality. "Hello-0-0-0, Charley !""" he cried, "How the deuce are vou. eh ? How's everything ? How's Herb? How's-- Mr. Bissell was worried. He pined for decorum. At his side was Mr. Jystice Brewer, of the United States | supreme court at Washington, ieserv- ed, silent, dignified. Mr. Bissell was inspired to use his majestic personal- ity as a quencher of VFingy's" exu berance. "Mr. Conners," {present you to Justice Brewer." | "How's the health ?"' asked |gy," giving the hand of the judge a | perfunctory shake. {back so as to afford more range he said, "let me at Mr. Justice Brewer very coldly and, 7 turning to Mr. Bissell; said: "Say, Charley, 1 thought I was on- to all the people you put bench, but I guess I'm on the in him judge. of ? Liquor Option Law. Montreal Gazette. In nineteen municipalities in Mani and nine for it. In Ontario nex month _many places will vote on pro MARRIAGE for a girl, meaning thereby, that the | his'| his daugh- | received," sets | ex- | pense in fashionable circles of hiring | make believe that | the | {| The few things in the hall | "Fin- Then, stepping to his glance of disapproval, he looked wrong | somewhere. What court did you make toba nine have voted agginst liquor said 1908 * INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reportess On Their Rounds. Bibby's store open evenings, Open evenings till Christmas. ingston's, Sweet oranges. ' Edwards & kin, 274 Princess street. "Wild Cherry" cough price, 25c. each, 2 for 2! drug store. Bibby's store open evenings, ; The Partello Stock company arrived in the city on 'Sunday. It will open at tho Grand this evening for a twa, weeks' run." Lennox Iron Pills, regular price, 2%¢. each, 2 for 25c.*at Wadé's drug store. flibby's store open evenings, With 'the arrival of the steamer Kin- mount, light from Prescott, naviga- tion with the M. T. Co., was closed for the season. 8 Bibbhy's store open evenings. Beef, Iron and Wine, "our own"} make; pint bottles, B06. at Wade's drug store. Bibby's for Imperial underwear. The largest aisortment of Christmas cards aud calendars in the cily to choose from. We are selling these at hall price. F. O'Gorman, King street hook store. : See Bibby's swell -81 shirts. Many of the South African veterans have sold their land grants, and some have received fine prices. Many = re- ceived as much as four or five hun- dred dollars for their serip. ; | Harrison Co.'s parlor and Morris I chairs for Christmas. Open nights. | Bibby's store oped. evenings. On Saturday, Ald. W. G. Craig, pre- wnted each man on the police force pwith a fine big turkey and a plum puddings for Christmas. The men | 'greatly appreciate the kindness of | Ald. Craig. . Ribby's for Imperial underwear. stiri A Leveller. loston Herald. Fanny Kemble 'once spent the sum- | mer at a small country town in Mas: | sachusetts, While there she engaged nd | neighbor a plain farmer, to drive her { around. The farmer, desiring to en [ Lortain his guest expatiates freely up | on the state of the craps and the | { | | 9 Liv- i Jden- cure, regular ., at Wades i | | neighborhood gossip, until Miss Kem | ble remarked somewhat testily : "Nir, 1 engaged you to drive for y not to talk to me." The farmer said | more. When Miss Kemble was] ready to leave town she sent for the | | man and asked for her bill, One | | the items therein she could not un- | | derstand - and asked for an explana- | tion. - "That," 'said the farmer; 'oh, | that's £5. | don't very often | take it, but when 1 do 1 charge." | | no of 'Sass, | Willing To Play Up. | Washington Star. | Mrs. Nicholas 'Longworth, at a din- {nee in Cincinnati, tow. a quaint | story about' an English youngster. {a hey are fery precocious, indeed,' { she . said, "Lhose little chaps from Eton or Rugby, with their round, sober faces and their quict air. A very pretty American girl was talking | one evening in London to one: of these urchins. 'And have you got a sweei- heart yet, Tommy she said, play- fully. 'No,' said Tommy; 'still, I'm game enough for a bit of spooning, if | that's what you're after.'" To See His Motherland. New York Sun. A little Baltimore newsboy named [Josoph R. Fiddes recontly sailed with his sister from Philadelphia on an American line steamer for Europe. "Joe" is of Gérman parentage and had often heard them talk afieetion- ately of tho old country. So "Joe" {made up his mind to see the father- land, and he saved up every penny he [could make sclling newspapers with {hat object in view. The result was that in fourteen months he was able io buy return passages for mmself and | A Low Rating. ! Communicated. * his sister. \ ( | Aunt Fanny took little Mary to church, Sunday, and gaverher a penny to put on the collection plate. Little Mary looked at the coin with ovident satisfaction and then, nest- ling close to her aunt, whispered : 'How much ar¢ you going to give!" Her aunt, opening her hand, dis- | played a quarter of a dollar. | "Oh," exclaimed Mary, excitedly, | | dont do it! It isn't worth it!" | Prepare For Cough. | No one can question the wisdom of having a good cough remedy in the | home constantly = during the cold weather months. The one you ecanj absolutely depend upon to give | {prompt and thorough results = is the | : Diamond Cough Remedy. In bottles, ! | 25c. and Hoc., at Wade s drug stove: a-------------------------- | | -------------------- An Amateur At Work. IL.ondon Daily News. 3 "1 doubt yc are growing remiss, John, saidca Scotch parish minister. {I have not seen you in tho kirk | | {hese thece Sabbaths." John was not duly abashed. *Na," he. "It's no that I'm growing t remiss. Pm just tinkering awa wi' - ma soul masel." | ete. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Which = But it ought to know that the to'A. In-| positions of. license reduction or | i | straight prohibition. The temperance' Sweet Oranges ! Sweet Oranges. and prohibition forces in all parts of| Mixed nuts. Edwards and Jenkin. the country seem to have undergone a keen revival of the old missionary | patronize home industry and wear spirit and though they are opposed by Imperial Crown brand ~~ underwear, | a highly efficient and of course im-| in Kingston by the Kingston mensely wealthy organization in de-! Hosiery Coo, Ltd. Ask your dealer for fence of the liquor interest, the tem-! it. y > perance movement is gaining ground pp. Philippine islands number in all in Canada as it is gaining gropnd ino go0. Before the American occupa the States. ' It cannot be long before 15 gl Lumber was eftimated to be in one form or another the temper-'} 5gG ance question enters again the field of) Giltsumen like ai Livingston's. | | Lake Morat, in Switzerland, + : cod every ten years, owing Clemenceau's Indigestion. presence of a tiny plant, which M. Clemencoaw, the French premier, | cicible only through a microscope. a martyr to indigestion, and has | ess : {been a rogular visitor to Carlsbad | {for the past twenty years. It i | easier to direct a government than a stomach. \ hy Dominion politics. turn the is io 1. {18 Neuralgia Ins tantly Cured. to ex Ss 1s It is impossible for anyone Jerience worse torture than J. | McCollough, of "Falkirk, Ont. Year | after year he was bound down with You Want. [this trouble, but finally he tried Ner-™ To see the Old Squaw, and smoke ' viline, it/ cured him--drove the Neu- K. Routley's celebrated smoking |ralgia out of his head and shoulders, mixture, 15c.. 25c., 30¢., 40a, 50c., ! gave relief to stiffness and sleepless 173:5 Princess street. | nights, when all else failed. | This is just one case in a thopsand {that proves Nerviline is the remedy reduced for Neuralgia, rheumatism or muscle F. laches of any kind. Very powerful, | penetrating and sure. Try. a 205e. i bottle, J | i | toe i---- Try Bibby's $2.50 fur-lined gloves. | Seli-filling fountain pens from $1.50 to 81 for Tuesday only. AO oman. King street. book store. Bibby's for men's mocka gloves. T 1e H D.: Store Open Fvenings, | ------ re « « ; gy . Headquarters for Men's Things If you're st'll undeciced as to just what to buy him for Christmas, we'll take pleasure in showing you a host of things he would be delighted to have. New Shirts i The prettiest, neatest patterns we have ever shown, Stiff and Soft Shirt Styles, Cuffs attached or separate, pleated and plain bosoms, fancy stripes, spots and figures, Plain, Blue, Tan, Mauve, tireen A beauty for $1.00. E We appreciate 'the fact that a man i lore particular about his Neckwear tha. with reversable Collars, | any other feature of his apparel, For this reason we spare no pains securing the choicest Neckwear that he obtained. The colorings are néat, and | terns while quite '~ novel, have | richness that will appeal to | dressers. String 2he. Derhies, Puffs, { 70e. quadities, New Crochet Neckwear, 50¢,, NECK SCARKFR Perfect Squares and Suited Styles, $2.00 ! New Negligees, $1.25 in cin Hats Hat, the " Pai - quiet The Shape Derby carefut for $2.00 p22. 50 qualities, t Ties, Bows and Hook-on-Knots, | Tecks and Four-ln-Hand Umbrellas for Sue. The real swell ones, gifts, 'Three special lines, 2.50, others to $4.50. The Gems, for wh suitable $1.0 Xmas $2.00; nm to Bibby's--The Glove Store of Town We are agents Gloves, for Men. Kid Kid Gloves, Se -.nglish ¢ Our Display of Coat Sweaters for Boys', Ladies' and Men in all the newest colors, 2.50 to $3.50. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. { NRCK SWHATER, for $1.00, 50, $2.00. $2.50. For Boys, d0c., 756c. and $1.00. Fancy Hosiery Some very swell ones, Hoe. for Fowne's Glove, Unlined, © $1.00. | For Men, +1 $1.75°82.00, $1.50, $2.00 | For Ladies, $2.00, $2 Lined, $1.00, $1.2 Kid and Mocha Silklined to Kid and Mocha Furlined, $2.50, $3.00, $3.00. 2! Men, Reindeer Furlined, $4.00, Sealskin $4.50; $5.00. Reaver, | Fur $5.00. Gloves, and 25¢., J. 0. HUTTON, ESQ., Agent Imperial Guarantee & Accident *Assurance Co., City. Dear Sir :-- , : I desire to acknowledge receipt of cheque for $78.55, Pbeing amount of my claim for accident under policy No. 6,317. 1% thank you for your expedition in settling this claim, which was only filed on the 10th imst., and I received settlement to-day. ° Once more thanking you for your promptness in the matter, I am Yours very sincerely, ' EDW. T. STEACY. CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO'S SKATES Automobile, Automobile, Automobile, Model, 25 Model, 5 . For Sale at luminum Top WORSHIP -- SHIP + MAIL WHAT Animal Does Tis Sum SpeLL? Answer Wednesday. know that he 'had a queen to deal with. So, aiter testing the voice, he calmly said: "Madam, you have musical feeling, but no voice, You might have. made a success in operatta, but, to be frank, your face isn't worth anything." Roumania's King. King Charles of Roumania, who has been ill lately, is éxtremcly popu- lar with his subjects. Liki the late King of Denmark, he is a king with- out pretentions, and nothing delights him more than to mix freely with his people. He walks without ceremony™ amongst them, . rides on tramcars, and, in a word, acts much as an or- dinary individual would do. Like the king, the Queen of Roumania (Carmen Sylva),- likes to ascertain what people thinks of her, and, once, longing to know the real, undiluted truth, she went to a French singing master, and asked him about her voice--a voice, of course, that in the palace had been proclaimed the equal of Patti's by complaisant courtiers. The French singing « master, however, did not =n \ You Are Not Limited. To one or two makers of high-class confections when purchasing from us. Me have an enormous assortment of Canada's leading and best makers," some of which have won gold medals galore (against all other competitors) at our Canadian exhibitions. See them before purchasing. Edwards & Jenkin. Prices up to 4 Progress brangs dlothing. Living- eton's.