Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1908. THE COMMON YLI SH MITRED MINK COAT) SH M et DOMINION BREWERY. CO. again. Next day he was back and | brought a supply of tobacco.' ons ae | ST he handed nik a copy of the Kingston, | Chronicle and 1 was surprised to' see | my story of the war in,print. He then : . ¥ APPLE h GREAT SOURCE OF HEALTH "The Juice of the Ordinary Apple Is of the Best Things in the Worl For Keeping the Blood Pure. One d Fel people there are but enjoy a ripe, juicy apple. But how many realize that it is a medicine as well as a treat? z Apple juice has a very marked ef- fect on the kidneys, increasing their pow to throw off the waste products of the body, called urea, and thus prevent Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neu- ralgis, and similar troubles that come from: poisoned blood: 2 Similarly, other fruits stimulate the actiofi of the liver and bowels--others of the skin. Combined, they keep the blood pure--the body clean and healthy. To get this effect, however, one must 'eat a great deal of fruit, or bet- ter, eat a little fruit and take "Fruit. a-tives," "Frult-a-tives" are tablets in which the juices of ripe: fruits, with their medicinal value intenfified, are com- bined with valuable tonics. They act directly on Bowels, Kidneys and Skin end put them in perfect condition -- thus ensuring the thorough elimina. tion of all waste matter and polsons from the body. 'Trial box 26c. Reg= ular size G50c--6 boxes for $2.60. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Head the Christmas List With a KODAK For Everyone likes pictures of the persons and things that he is interested in, and 5 anybody can make pictues with a Kodak. 3 Kodak and Brownie Cam- eras, at our store, from $1 to $100. 4 BEST'S 124 Princess St., Kingston. HHEISISISISISISISISICIISICISIIIIOK Nok Headache and relieve all the troubles fnel to a billous state df the system, such a8 auses, Drowsiness, Distress aftef, esting, Pain in the Side, &c. While their mond gemarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, SICK yet Carter's Little Liver Piflo are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- wenting thisannoying complaint, while the; alse gorreetall disorders of thestomsch stimulate the Pver and regulate the bowels, Even if they only -- HEAD Rohe they would bealmost priceless to those wh pu fer from this distressing complaint; but fortus nately theirgoodness does notend here,and those #hooncetry them will find these little pills value le in 80 many ways that they will not be wil todo without t But after alla.'k heed ACHE $a the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast, Ovr pi'lscureit while others do not. | Ouvtare Little Liver Pills are very small and easy to taka. Ome or two pills makes dose. Yhey are strictly vegetablo and do not gripe os purge, but by their gentleaction pleasoall w use them. lo viaisat 25 cents 3 fiye for $1. uy dinggists everywhere, or sent by walle CARTER MEDICIRE CO., New Yori iy Sol BD. Smal Dos Small Brio ~Siloer Plate that Wears® FINE TABLE CUTLERY Knives, forks, spoons, ef¢.-- the best made--are i by the famous trade mark "184 ROGERS BROS. This name has three score ears' reputation for beauty, inish, style and quality. » SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Phe mark on candelabra, fern dishes, pitchers, ures, ould be MERIDEN 4 CO. NEW MACHINE SHOP 'A call is invited for all kinds of gen- eral manufacturing and machine repair- ing, sewing machines, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, edged tools, dies; braz- ing, model and pattern making. Best of attention given all work. Repairs may be tested before leavin shop. . Work guaranteed. Work outside city promptly attended to. Charges moderate. J. W: HUNTER, Machinist, 80- Mon- greal St., (near Princess) hingston. Orders taken at Simmons, Bros. and A. [Vanluven's Parcel Delivery: : POTATOES Ready for the winter trade. Two more ¢ars of fine Potatoes to be pdded to our present stock. Try them. A. GLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Earl France leads the world in wine pro- Ruction, making 1,000,000,000 gallons vear Bibby's or Imperial underwear, | IVFORT ERY Was a | Soldier In the Patriot's War. GEORGE H. KIMBALL HAD A MOST INTERESTING CAREER. ' Taken Captive By British--Joined in Movement to Free Canada and Was Twice Wounded in Battle of the Windmill. N.Y., Times. i In the person of George H. Kimball, who died at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. William Knox, in the town of Brownville, on Thuareday, aged eighty-nine years, eight months and twelve days, passes one of the last, if not the last of the commissioned offi- cers who served in the Patriot war in the late thirties, when patriots from the United States endeavored to throw the yoke of British rule from Canada. Mr. Kimball's career was ro- mane in the extreme and he was twice wounded in the famous battle of the Windmill, the last stand of the patriots. A' ihe breaking out 6f the Patriot war in 1837, Mr. Kimball interested himself in the cause and at the battle of the Windmill had a commis- sion as second lieutenant, signed William -L.von McKenzie, onc of leader: the rebellion, Johnson the dominant spirit in the rebellion the Amcrican side and in February, 1838, Mr. Kimball took a force of 140 men io Clayton to meet Johnson, an attack on Kingston being contemplated. The force equipped with guns, taken partly from the Watertown arsensal. The expedi tion ended ingloriously. The forces went to Hickory Island for drill, leav- ing the arms and ammunition at Clayton, The sherifi of Jefferson county, Abner Baker, seized ihe equipment and brought it back to Watertown. When it seemed people in the provinces would rise and join forces with the patriots from the states, Mr. Kimball with a force of 100 men assembled at Sackets Harbor in November, 1838, to take passage down the St. Law- rence river in the ship United States. They not allowed ta.board the ship and marched to ( layton, 'where whey the Charlotte and Isabel. A council of war tookyplaced which Mr. Kimball attended, and it was decided to attack Prescott, aided by a large force which was expected to assemble at Ogdensburg, composed of citizens from the United States and patriots from Canada. On arriving at to An alarm was made by a and the boats, which securely fastened, drifted down Ihe one bearing Mr. Kimball stuck sand bar and remained there for Mr. Kimball and a party of men took the ship's vawl and to Ogdensburg, white they found 'a &cow with some artillery, smadl arms and provisions. The seow was the stranded schooner and a small body of men boarded her and dropped down io Windmill Point, wher taken of the stone windmill and near houres, which were strongly forti- fied. Only 200 mon weve in the little garrison, but they were determined and imbued by the bravery of Mr. Iimball On the 14th of November the British regulars came from Prescott and at- tacked the garrison, losing many men in the attempt. An opportunity was given the men to leave for Ogdens- burg, but only hali a dozen accepted the offer. In the second assault the regulars verntorced 1,200 militia. In, speaking of the fight som ago, 'Mr. Kimball said : "Our ammunition gave out and waited for the hand to hand conflict. The British soldiers had bayonets and we none, but we had to meet them. 1 saw a comrade stabbed through the body after he had fallen on the floor and another man shot down aiter he had stopped fighting. I came out of the battle with a bullet through the knee and a bayonet stab through the thigh. We were all taken to Kingston and confined in the fort. 1 was sent to the hospital and kindly treated. While a prisoner at Kingston 1 had an experience which has always made me feel that newspaper men are pretty vood fellows. 1 used tobacco in those days and of course: was de- prived of it in prison. One day a party of gentlemen came to the fort to While they were there 1 was turning my pockets inside out to get a scrap of the weed. One of the men asked me what 1 was looking for and 1 told him. H® took a cigar out of his pocket, handed it to me and we got into conversation. 1 spoke very frankly of my connection with the pat. riot movement on this side and gave an statement of how myseli and my companions happened to be in it. Without telling who he was he took my name and promis d to see me Shell Paper Test Watertown by the of William was on was that the Canada assured of were hoarded Prescott the schooners were towed the dock gentined, were not stream. ona hours. rowed alongside possession was hy were by time we had see us. honest yin Princess street. {being built in Montana, U.S.A. told.'me he was' the editor of the] paper. We became very good friends and he visited me often, not forget- ting to bring me a supply of tobacco. One day he came in with a party of men, among whom were Col. McDon- ald, Sir Alian McNab and other Cana- dipn officers: Some one in the party proposed that they, select a man from | among 'the "prisoners and make an effort to secure his release. This was agreed to and the Kingston editor sel- | ected me" In a few days we were poti- fied that their efforts were -successful | nd we could go home, There were 18 of us in-the party thus selected and | e were joined by as many more who hisd been equally lucky through an- | other channel, The whole party came back Shamel We were receipted for | by the sheriff of Jefierson county at | Cape Vincent, and that ended our con- nection with the Patriot war to free Canada." | ni------------ THE SPORT REVIEW. ---- The Longboat Victory Still Topic of Interest. The Maple Leafs defeated Winnipeg the Winnipeg professional zleague by 13 to 8. : : An Ottawa paper says that '"Mar- ty" Walsh will be the best goal-getter in the E.C.H.A. Dorando hae acepted an ofier of $10,000 for a three-cornered Marathon race nt Los Angeles. { The New York yellow 'journals had | Longboat's Indsan girl and some chiefs present in buckskins, blankets | and war paint. F'ommy" Burns that he will defeat sum that Johnson in twelve rounds. London Advertiser : boat owed his victory last more to his Indian ancestry than what 'civilization' and white have done for him. A: New York William, Hoppe, thd billiardist, annonnces that he has de | posited" with John Kelly $1,000 as a forfeit or side bet for a billiard match with George Sutton, Secretary Hewitt reports a kick or two on the O.H.A. groupings, but nothing alarming. Picton wants Cobourg in with them but the latter a » in has posted £5,000 | Johnton and a like | will not stop him | Probably Long- | night | tol mep | preferred to stay with Port Hope. There is trouble in the ranks. of Brockville's city hockey league, ow- WORN AY MISS BEUTL ing to the action of the executive in changing from the O.H.A. rules to the rules of the E.CHA., which | will govern this season's schedule. | The Catholic Amateur Athletic as-| sociation, which won the champion-| ship last winter, has withdrawn on the ground of being a purely ama-| teur organization, and not desirous of mixing with professionals. _-- i Lou Marsh, of Toronto, who hand { PITH OF THE NEWS, led Longboat in the big race and | i knows what he 1s talking about, says this about the New York newspapers : Longboat was not interviewed by a sin. gle newspaper man after the race, yet every paper came out with stories of the race purporting to be by the In- dian's own lips. Dorando wore the same red pants he wore in England and when he beat Hayes. The Indian, superstitious, re- fuseil to wear a new suit, but ran his old Irish-Canadian jersey, with its green maple leaf and orange harp. nnd will be pravogued., bo-dwy, "l never lost in my Irish clothes," he I'wo Chinese latindrymen were mu said, and his handlers had humor | dered at Winnipeg, and the erime him. {attributed to high-hinders. The New York Giants were "the! It announced in official circles greatest sufferers 'in the way of dis-|thal the Quebec legislature will ciplined baseball players last season. | called to meey on January 27h In the National league all told-there| A derachmont Reval Lanadian were ninety-four removals from | gpgineers ordeved games, sixteen suspensions and one | Wol ' Ie \ fime. Of this number the Gian drew , twenty-two removals;s one fine three suspensions. Boston was behind, with twenty-one removals, | one fine and three suspensions. Flanagan states that Shrubb | Chatles 'Kroicas have to come to Longboat's terms, ||. = Ci) hie wif and tbat Is for a race twenty miles ang Mr ol ® or over. He had offered' the English- irom SLEAZY, a was murdered man three: races at twenty, ten and fifteen miles before the race at New ham, va. . I s 8 York with Dorando. He says that he AA Philadelphia, = ames urren, dged is not going to rush the Indian into pighteen years, was killed matches, now that he is at the top with Benjamin Barnet, of the heap, where he belongs. "They n years, at are coming to us now, amd. they'll have to listen to our wants." Torouto™ Star : Longboat traducer ; in a member of his 1 Reserve, sho - holds a good position | Si¢ in Toronto--an Indian who has inter- | ol the present ycar. fered with Longboat's affairs many | The International Harvester times. When Lie heard the Indian |pany has. informed the United © States was 10 marry Miss Maracle this |commitice, NOW investigating the kndcker wrote a letter to her brother | tarifi question, that they no lovfuer painting the Indian in the blackest | need the tarifi on farm machinery. colors, and advising him to kee Some further official figures ont "of -& marriage -- with} been given out, showing that the This letter was sent to |tal of the western grain yield Longboat . by the recipient. It wor-{this vear is $126.,000.000, aboat. $30, ried Tom. He could not sleep. He [000,000 in excess of th confided in, Pom #lanagan. - He wired | previous years. for her to come on smmediately and | The Provinc ial she did. She and Tommy talked it | headquarters at has been over and she assured Tom that | incorporated. The provisional direc "every knock was a boost." Tom, are : Robert Heath, Biddulph contented, went back to training, anc Staffordshire; - F. Wo was as happy as a lark, but he says | Philadelphia: Rev he Il punch this chap in the jaw the | Beattie, N. F. Macpahtan and W. L first time he lays eyes on him. | Allon, Cobourg. + | marvelously coat, big muff accompanying this garment tude of litle tails, too many being year 's fads The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Alired Baker was found dead in bed Pelerboro. 1 A rising against all foreigners Lhreatened at Canton, Chigal The Montreal Terminal amilyay asking-permission "to build an leva ted railway in Montreal. : The British pasliament, completed the session's business on Saturday at is is to 18 18 he of from i0.--To been London, has tarracks, | ronto and! "pho veported. sale | of the Montreal close | witneed to W. R. Hearst, of The Am rican, Now York; is emphatically de 1: I nied by Mr. Dengail. will an Italian, travel and twelve children Sask.," to Virginia, and ar robbed. ne Gra in a boxing hou aged soa en tt the Broadway Ath letie Club. : I'he Duke of Westminster has miorn aled aced men and women drawing' pen his these ys will be digeontipued at the « has | sions from estate that pen own 1 nad cone have his sister the runner. value value of any Steel company, with Cobourg, | tors Cool- To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa- ture is on each box. 25c. January Delineator. The January number of the Delinea- | tor is quite up to the usual standard of this publication It is splendidly illustrated, and contains readable ar: { ticles on interesting 'questiong. There considerable fiction by well known Among 'the authors who con- tribute are: Florence: J}. Stoddard, Laura A. Smith, Frances Powell, Fre- | mont Rider and FE. Marion Crawford i ---- R.M.C. Cadets And Students. Come in and look over our pretty box chocolates before 'you -purche elsewhere. Edwards & Jenkin, 18 writers 6 4 9 . : , i See. Bibby's nobby 82 umbrellas. | The tallest. chimney in the world Don't Delay Curing Corns. What's is | the use ?. Every corn. you When finished, it will reach a height of 506 : moved with little, trouble. and feet. Hitherto, Germany béasted the hy use of Peckis Corn Salve no soreness Every consignment of shell paper received by us | is tested before the car is | unloaded. We make the samples into SOVEREIGN and CROWN shells, and then shoot them. If they | split or oijt off, the whele } carload is rejected. . | We use only American ! paper--ithe best made--and insist on quality regerdjess of price. 3 kind ata fens than duty ammunition. Our gaaran- T Il risk on the Daginion oe puts all risk on the ae Co., Lid, Mbltreal. DOMINION AMMUNITION' . | small, has | breasts | Christma {0 Gorman, Kine street book store. han humming bird its nest with cobweb, which is: a non- | {conductor of electricity. highest chimiey; - one of 160 feet in height. : Try Bibby's. $15 brown sovercoats. The wtoriny petrel, although immense wing power. storms ol observed In big boxes, 15¢., at Wade's. drug store. : ---------- of illness The human amount m nine days out of avirayge life is 80 Tt and | from the the has been land. every year Bibbyv's $2 umbrellas are A Japanese sword Seo Bibby's elegant $2.50 umbrellas. | the emperors about S00 B.( Don't forget that you can buy | existence s oards at bali psice. F.| seq, 2,600 miles § fine used by one of , iw still in Bibby 's store open: evenings. Sugar-g next to mining, 1 | the greatest industry ins h Airics Beiore a thunderstorm, the Augtra- IIbuse coats aud: dressing. gowns, 20 covers the top of [per cent off. Livingston. The finest lcad-pencil cedar { from Florida. > Bibby'y $12 overcoats are fine. | Bibby's store open evenings. rowing, Bibby's store open evenings ¥ COMES Willigm® | have can in a few days be entirely re-, LEE ANDRE A small ibrtune is represented in this scores of litle animal skins are matched in a clover fur work is particularly -notiecable at where the skins ave srranged to giv NG ar | | magnificent in mannees the bottom of the effect. The just now for a multi- according to this S ~ which The garment, most effective a graceful, rounded shows the fancy scarcely possible, -- Scans Township Politics. andque There hkely to be excite- ment at the municipal elections in the I'ront Leeds and Lansdowne. In certain quarters there appears to be feeling that this year's. council has been extravagant in its operations, this feeling will likely develop opposition to those who seek rerelection. Noah Peck, reeve, will retive, it is expected, and Major Bow- en, deputy, is looking to step tthe chair'. There may be opposition to this plan, it said Norman Webster will also try for the position. Oscar Landon has announced himself a for the deputy-reeveship all comers. Messes. Webb will in the field for election as codncillors. teposter is some of a and i ome into candidate \rainst ang Conner be again underwear is for Canadian to it Imperial Crown brand the kind vou want Ask wine tor vour dealer show to yout Glass bottles were made by the Ro- the year 70 A.D, England, * back as Fheir in how- begun till Imperial manufacture not Pibby for over, was underwear. American | Oils Cal 0, abating, ase cating Oils -of all kiuds; Prices ov» application W.F. KELLY & CO South Cor: Ontario and Olarence Str libra, «86. Cotton Root Compound. | The great Uterine Topic, find safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which wi depend, Sold in three, h--No. 1, % per for & Sold E 3 pail ree pamphlet. A Soak Meowing 00. TORN TZ, ONT. (former! ) RIGNEY & HICKEY 1368 & 138 Princess St. I The smallest | can 1 box quadeuped is the pigmy ih. £ mouse of For Father FANCY LEATHER SLIPPERS, FELT SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES, DRESS SHOES, MOCCASSINS, RUBBERS, SPATS, RUBBER BOOTS, ICE CREEPERS. For Mother HOUSE SLIPPERS, EVENING SLIPPERS, OVERGAITERS, LEGGINGS. RUBBERS, ICE CREEPERS, OVERSHOES, HOUSE SLIPPERS, RUBBER BOOTS. RUBBERS. For Baby we have many styles in Fancy soft Soles Open Evenings REID & CHARLES -- OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, OVERGAITERS, SPATS, ITRGRINGS. HOCKEY BOOTS, RUBBER BOOTS. For Brother HOCKEY BOOTS, RUBBER BOOTS, MOCCASSINS, DRESS SHOES, OVERSHOES, Short Days Necessitate Large Oil Cans. We have §, 1,2, 3 and 3 gallon cans. & . light comes from good oil. ; We have Coal Oil; than which there is none G ood bet ice in gallon lots 15¢, 18c and, 20c per gallon, livered-to any part of the city. McKelvey & Birch 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET. 000000000 IOC00000000000C000000] - ash cian -- ---- Brass Beds Iron Beds Now line just arrived Special all Beds, $18.50% "Others, $24.00 $65.00 and $75.00 Iron' Beds, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, ete: Mattresses, - Marshall, Sanitary, & Best, Mattress made, Ostermoor 'and; Felt Mattresées, $8.00, $12.50, $18.50, $15.00; Hercules Springs, Bast' made; $350 and - $2.50; Underiker, R. J. REID Leading Fancy Crackers For table or evening parties, containing Hats, Caps and Toys, onic dozen in a bok, at 15¢, 20c¢, 25¢, 50¢, up to $3 per dozen. A. J. Rees, 'Phone 38 : 166 Princess St. In CUROL we Bave the embodiment of the bes! healing CUROL joes Sho i of all eradicatesevery particle of disease and foreign matter. often only a matter of days. : The healing done by CUROL is well done, clead aod free from impurities. poisonous s: fves may heal quickly, butdoa great the body, causin from thes: harmful minerals. R vi S10DL and Irritating Skin Discasc. Cm 1 Ormes : propertics known to {he medical world foot of the difficulty with a determination whica is simply marvelous. Jt first . Haviog accomplished this, the healing is for it positively will not heal until the wound is Not so with salves containing Zinc, Mercury, Lead, etc. These deal of damag: by driving the impurities into very serious consequences. You should shun such, and use only a salve free Such a salve is CUROL. Tiere is a total absence in CUROL of ray, fatty substances, ro often. found in cheap oiat- ments, and'does not cake, clog or become hard. ALS Eczema, Bad Legs, Ring- worm, Ulcers, Cuts, Burns, Poisoried and Fes- tering Wounds, Running and Cold Sores, Scalp Sores, Chapped Hands, Itch, and all Skin irrita- tigns and troubles. Itis a positive cure for Blind and Bleeding Piles. Tt is immediately absorbed by the skin, and thus penetrates to the seat of the disease. This fact alone makes URQL popular. Itis pare, and we have no hesitation in saying the best 25 cent salve\on the market. We ask you to prove this statement by sending gospons for a -free ple: All druggi and Stores sell at 25 cents a box, or postpaid CUROL SALVE CQ., ina Avenue, Toropto.: 6 boxes §1.25 i YL SAMPLE FREE RR MAIL THIS COUPON TO CUROL C9 SPADINA AVE.TORONTO. FOR FREE SAMPLE Namé....... - LOHIBED eo oscissesmmisers sinensis : Sf -- x

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