Leh PEMBROKE LS 4 R - RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Christmas & New Year Excursions - - trip tickets will be sold at One-Way First-Class Fare Good going December 24th and 25th, re- turn limit, December 28th, 1908 ; also going Decetuber 31st, 1908, and January Jat, 1909 ; * return limit, January 4th, 1909. First-Class Fare and One-Third Good going December 21st, 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and January 1st, 1909. January 3th, 1909, Full particulars at K, & P. . Ticket Office, Ontario St. "Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. Hound 31st, Return 1008, limit, KH. BAY OF QUINTE RATI WAY ch Vrmn Aves yaion station, Ontario street, $ pm y undays excepted) for Sydenbam, Napanee, Deseronto, Md burn and all points north. To secure ic despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, points on Central Ontario, Toute your ol be ments via Bay of Be Railway Further ot pafticula 8 8 Piokso one, LEANN NE GRAND TRUN EEL Christmas &New Year Holidays 1908-1909 Hound trip tickets will be issued at +Single First-Class Fare Good going Thursday and Friday, Dec "4th and 25th, returning on or before Monday, Dec. 28th and on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 81st, and Jan. 1st, 1909, returning on before Monday, Jan. 4th, also at - : . First-Class Fare and One-Third Good going Dec. 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st, 1908 and Jan. 1st, 1909, returning on or before Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 1909. Local Branch Time Table. Tralos will leave afd arrive at Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WEST. 1908, or Civy ~ 12.25 noon 3.19 p.m. 7.03 p.m. COING mAST. Lye, BELEBE! - 12 Local Nos. 1. 2, 8, 4, 6,7 and 8B run daily All bther trains daily except Sunda For Pullman Accommodation' Tick and all other infarmati iv to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario 8ts., King ston, Ont. INTERCOLONIAL ra. SARL T 0 4 For Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for| excellence of Sleeping and | Dining Car Service between ' BEEEBE ots Montreal and the! Atlantic Ports. Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St, James Street, & or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY. BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the 5,530 tons, Twin Screw Steam- ship '"'Bermudian." Sailings 26th Dec.; and. 6th January, and afterwards every Saturday at 10" a.m New York to Bermuda, Nassau Bahamas and return. '"Trinidad" 2nd, 18th Februaty and March. ' West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 3,700 with all up-to-date improvements. "'Parina,'"" 8,000 tons, .8. "Korona,' 3,000 tons, sail from New York every | alternate Wednesday. For beauty of scenery and perfection of | clima these trips are unsurpassed. For | illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. |OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, Quebec Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, I'. HANLEY, and C. S. KIRKPA¥RICK, Kingston. Royal ALLAN Roa WINTER SAILINGS TO LIVER- 8.8 8th tons, S . JJohn, Halifax. 1st Jan 2nd dan 16th sails .., sails sails Tunisian Hesperian Corsican, Jan. 22nd. ' TO GLASGOW. arthaginian, from Boston Corinthian ~from Portland . First-( $7.00 Class £40.00 upwards £20.00 and. $30.00 z Additional sailings and rates on plication to J. P, HANLEY, or © KRIREPATRICK, Local Agents, King- ston. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing,» at forty-five csnts a pound, Is a good tobacco. Why pay. eighty-five: cents Outario street. Jan. 9th Jan. 16th Second- "(*lass luss upwards I'hi ap- | Ss. 22nd, 23rd, | Jan 23rd. | Andrew Maclean, | NEWS OF NEIGHBORS 2 em. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Point: in Eastern Ontario--Wha: People Are Doing And Wha: They Are Saying. Mount Chesney "Notes Mount Chesney, Dec. "19. Mrs. J Smith is at her home in Cushendall at the bedside of her mother; who is seriously ill. Marshall Cochrane and Bertram Smith and Thomas Hussey {at HM. Sears'; Mics Nellic Fowl at M. Fowler's: John Smith spent Sum dav in Cushendall; Miss Joanie Sears spent Sunday at home; Miss Annie Patter:on has returned home after visiting frends in the city. Notes From Glendower. Glendower, Dec. 19.--There ickness in this vicinity. 1. Babeock i much better. James Cotter is on the sick list. A young son has come t Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judge's. Th school will soon close for the holi days. Mrs. F. Shaw is teacher. The High Falls mines have shut down fo. a while. Many people will be for feed for their stock this Lakes are frozen over now. Mrs. Sanford Leemon are at is muecl sear winter Mr. an Verona Locals From Lapum. Lapum, Dec. 19.--F. E. heen. buying turkeys them to Montreal.. J. E family, William Brown Lapum spent Tuesday Rose's. «J. E. Storms, purchased the farm John Storms farm there in the spring. returned from friends at points. Walt bush under the parental roof: Brown ha and shipping Joulton anc and Clarence evening av B Florida, ha known as the and will mos Mrs. Lavi Brown a pleasant Picton and othe spent Sunda has very visit with® PORTLAND TOWNSHIP. Officials' Salaries' Reduced--Man; Accounts Paid.' Portland township council met Harrowsmith, Tuesday, 15th, members all present. Minute of last meeging confirmed. On motion Irish-Walker, Hannah Babeock, Wil lam Walker and Miss M. E. Charlto: exempted from all taxes, 1908, excep school rates. On Irish-Yorke township will any shovelling ~ bills the opening of winter roads on order | of th council or authorized road overseer On motion, Henderson-lrish, salaries ob/Theve and councillors were reduce | from £50 and $40 to 230 each. Deputy returning officers appointed: Division No. 1, David Taggart; No. 2, Joh Jarstowe; No. 3, Roy Leonard; 4 Stanley Kerr; 5, Herbert Perey; 6 Patrick Buckley. Accounts passed: Sperry Red den, snow shoveling Jame Brady, repairs on brid; 3.20, Ben son Balwock, opening ditch in 9 Con. $631.25, W. W. Asselstine, principa and interest, balance of notes, crush er debt; $44.85, Dr. A. Leckhart, health officer; $1.50, Edward Tallon, collecting balance of taxes, 1907; $6.- 15, H. I Snider, snow shovelling and | balance of work on Brady's bridge ; $3.20, John Ruttan, snow shoveliing; £0.75, Reuben Redden, snow-shovel ling and crror in account; £5.60, John Wattam, work on crusher, 1907. %2,079.17," John Stewart, principal and interest, note ; £6, Awmdrew Wal lace, building culvert; $1, John W Redmond, cleaning culvert; 36 cents, Fred. Ellerbeck, three-quarter days' work, crusher, 1908: $1.40, Al- ton, snow showveiling: Wis Boyce, snow shovelling; Samuel Asselstine, rent of hall, six. sittings division court, half to be paid by Hinchinbrooke; f2.80, Alexander Thompson, cedar spikes and labor; 81,199.05, Metropolitan Bank, note, 21,200, due December 21st; $3.49, Fred Peters, plank and cleaning culvert J. L. Whiting, legal advice, prohibi- ion by-law; $6, C. Shay, al December motion, not pay for SNov $2.25, James $3.50, Le $12, ni --n?0.-™; sosinise 1 | i | | J. LINE ALICE Leading Lady with : thy Partello rap . f Saved From the Never has any remedy proved more | successful in curing piles than Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they give instant re- lief, restore: natural conditions, and prevent the haemorhoids from return- ng Nor is proof lacking *] fered about the limit ol human en durance, writes Miss Lueders, of Cornwall, Ont. 'I-was employed in a here, but had to give up work got cured 1 read about sui- factory ull 1 several | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, wveral James Bellrock; days work crusher Holland. bread for Lakens, 'moving John Kerr, ditch Storms sisters, chari- ty: $7 5 J. 8S. Gallagher, goods, 1907; $14.20, John Henderson, error in oilectors' roll, 1907; 50 cents, Maur- Kenny, balanee work, youndary: $2 rs. D assessment ; 387, C ay services road overseer and | vouchers; $21.65, J. S. pay interest on note at bank £5, Dowker, sanitary inspection; 3 Carr, snow 'shovelling and dam engine, defective road; $13.60 and wife, charity; 330, nolds, salary, reevg; X Yorke, deputy reeve; £30 each, 0. B. denderson, Samuel Irish-James Wal: ser, councillors; $60, Thomas A. Kerr, 64 months salary clerk; $3, W. H. Rey- wl Is, selecting jurors; 35, Thomas A. Kerr, postage and stationery; 3. Gallagher, salary, treasurer. Great German Schemes. Hamilton Times. The great new schemes of taxation of the German government are putting a strain upon the people at a time when such a sirain can ill be borne. I'he attempt to raise 500,000,000 marks of new revenue is described by a. Ger- nan writer on economics, as "the most prodigious {ax measure ever at- tempted by any country in a time of peace, The German industrial classes wre naturally much exercised over some f the proposed taxes. This par- icalarly the ihe taxes on gas and eleetricity--eertainly the most ibsurd taxes over proposed in any country." Prussia also about to pass a measure to raise 28,000,000 marks Hy a new tax on {he earnings of joint stodk companies. These, new wid oppressive measures are causing much discontent, and are bearing hard on the business interests of the coun- try. small jobs, Alton, four 1907; 85.50, A. E. poor; 31.50, Emon rusher samp: 85.10, in Con. 365, ' ce Snider W. Martin, sheets, - Rey- James 18 case 1s A Perfect Cure. hatterer in Montreal Ilerald "There is only one way to stop elec- oral corruption, so far as Fcan see," | aid a thoughtiul student of public natters the other day, 'and that o clap in jail, he man found guilty eiving a bribe." That .would loubtedly make corruption far 'ashionable tHan it is to-day. We ast getting intd a frame of mind, as v people, thatfficeepts bribe-giving as art of the mathinery of popular gov ronment It is hard lation that runs bevond popular opin- ion, have often ound, but political corruption strikes io directly at the roots of representa- tive government that if we would pre serve the right of seli-government must legislate against the evil, natter drastic the laws have we made is of giving or re- Jess are to enforce legis as prohibitionists no how to To Cure A Corn In One Night. Apply Putnam's Painless Corn = Ex- tractor. It is sure, safe and pain- Never (fails, always cures In-| having the genuine '"'Put- less. ist on am =. Two Dozen Mexican Sweet Oranges for Regularly sohl elsewhere at 15c. a doz. Edwagds & Jenkin. Phone 775 2be¢. See He. hosiery were arrested by the ten o'clock, and all were had been scrapping and with - snow and just had a laughing Bibby's faney Four persons police betwecn eight and night, Some saturday drunk. covered others very were blood while on. Bibbs Imperial Imperial Crown brand underwear is - Made fonly the King- 'o., Lid., Kingston, dealer for it in mather O'Gorman, Jag for underwear wonder ton Hosiery ( Ont. Ask vour New designs Christmas. F book Hemstitehed Livingston' Bibby's . $12 tes a by cushions for King street store - linen handkerchiefs. 30 overcoats are favor KENNEDY, Stock Co., and: 'Surgeon' s Knife. Pills and after them two weeks was cured. | highly recommend them as a perfect safeguard against piles." Every per-| son is 'benefitted by Dr Pills; they regulate the system, make vou feBl well and' cheerful. Better these good pills, 25¢. per box, boxes for $1 At all dealers cine, or by mail from i Kingston, Ont Hamilton Ss medi- &i Co in Polson £3.20, [- Camden | error | Gallagher, to | 875, J. without option of fine, | un-' we All Next Week at The! using | Can | Hamilton's | try | or five | - Poetical Selections. The Children At The Gate. By Frank L. Stanton. 1 say that world is bitter-sweet, And its jot utes come too late; { But twilight fails, with the pattering feet Of the Roving at the gate. | And 1 know, whatever my toil may be, 11 heir arms, in the evening, will necklace i we ! | 1 say that the world has stormy skies, And faintly the sad stars shine ; But night brings stars when the ren 8 eyes Look teaderly into? wipe ; And | know, whatever my toil may Those eyes are welcoming lights to The Man Who Wins. Baltimore News. 'The man who wins is © works-- The man who toils while the next child- be, we the man who man shirks ; The wan Who stands in his deep dis- ress ; With his he high in the deadly press-- Yes, he is the man who wins, rhe" man who wils who knows The value of: pain is the man and the worth of Woes-- Who a lesson learn$ from the man who ails And a moral finds in his mournful wails, Yes, he is the man who wins. The man who wins is the. man who stays Hn the unsought 'paths and the rdeky ways, And, perhaps, 1 the {To help BS oni failure to rise again. Ah, he is the man who wins! who lingers, and now { What Does He Say ? { By Hannah G. Fernald. a little neighbor, 1 have whom 1 often meet. very le and on the street. | We often stop to gave a chat winter days. "His manner's very pleasant--but 1 tell what he Says, 1 think he talks about the | how the beechnuts taste, And how he loves the bread crusts that { I'm rather apt to waste, on { but there! 1 must confess 1 cannot understand a word, and have to guess. sister studies German and my broth- er studies Greek, But those are not the languages should care to speak, For pone of all their lexicons can it clear to me w hat that little squirrel means 'chi 1" and "chir-r-r ! : 'cheb My that 1 make Juast by and A Question. Washington Star. If there isn't any Santa Claus, it turns your feet who is | Toward the shop where gifts are smiling | ! as you walk along the street ? Who is it sets you thinking, though you're bus as can be, About the songs and laughter children's Christmas tree ? Fhough vou vow "this Christmas busi- ness is a nuisance, anyhow,' I'here's an influence at work that | the frowning from your brow ; The small 'tin trumpet sounds that wakes your soul serene To homage for the doll who is and' a queen. And the once prosaic world where it has been your lot to dwell lis a realm of fascination i mystic fairy spell ! | If there isn't any Santa Claus, it day by day | 'round the clears a a 'neath some who is That turns our houghts to Christmas strive to shun it as we may ? w at this bleak season armed | with telepathic arte | And by generous suggestion | our minds and hearts? ho comes dominates | He's A Proud Parent. Chicago News 1 know some things I never knew before, thoughts are running in a quite 1 ~ new channel, Hie always puzzled me why infants wore | Those bands of flannel, I know the properties of acids, too-- Lactic as well as antiseptic boric ; ir ye also lately learned just what to With paregoric. do | I know the way that milk is modified, How peptonized when warm enough for feeding, That most instructive Mother's Guide," Just now I'm reading. I'm posting up on adenovids--a thing That interferes, 1 find, with proper breathing : And 1 can tell you what is just the ring To use for teething. work, "The | It's wonderful what mothers have know-- And fathers, stances. am a father--cor I take no chances. I'm proud of what I've learned, man, wcially--and this is bona fide-- just as well as any one 1 can Put on a didy. too, in certain . circum- cientious--so being a > Thé Soul Of The House. {| By Burgess Johnston | Locust timbers, bricks and stones Are its bones ; them wrought together keen autumnal weather, by joint and bone by bone a plan, As sages build of fossil forms remembered fan. | And I saw {In the Joint to fit some un- | | i | | Lath and shingles for a skin | Clad it in; {And it took on form and feature {As of some familiar creature, j Standing silently, in duil, repellent guise, | it' looked on me from | window eyes. | { And soullessly staring own soul seed, deep in earth At my birth Lay as lifeless and as hidden By the sun and rain unbidden, {| Until love had fed it smiles i and toil-- Then green and gracious buds of it came forcing through the soil. My and So, my house there reared its head, Cold and dead, With a chill to linger always-- Till Love breathed along its hallways. Laughed and wept there, , toiled and dreamt there in. the gloam ; those windows eyes are brimming with the wakened soul of liome. Now Chocolates Of The Highest Class. And winners at our all other Jenkin, of many gold medals Canadian exhibitions (against competitors), at Edwards & 274 Princess street. Indian Clubs. Boxing gloves, Whitley exercises, dumb bells, indoor baseball supplies. A. K. Routley, 173-5 Princess street. nie, 82 umbrellas live Imperial Crown wool underwear, por- garment guaranteed Ask your dealer for See Bibby's nobby | Ask for 200 | brand, natural fect fit. Every |antd unshrinkable. it i See Bibby's swell $153 overcoats. { The only royal doctor of medicine in Europe iss Duke Carle Théodore, of | | Bavaria | Bibby's stora open evening The population oi Norway) which King Haakon rules, {9 300.000. | over is roughly Ribby's store Oysters open evenings Edwards & Jenkin. wears a coat of reddish fur at home| sunny | can't | woods and | And how he wishes spring would come-- | so 1] blast | to} J tears | { 1908. i 1 | always the best. 3 | Everybody should make it a point to open 'up the on their purses this Christmas time. stone City has lots of things to be joyful over at this season of Everybody's vaccination "took"' consequently the 'Doctors' ings ane as nothing to what your friends feelings Strings' the year. & Sanborn's delicious Coffee is alwals the same and If you are a coffee Chase & /Sanborn's will win your heart. ) lover, HAAR in Kingston are feeling good. "Latch The old Lime- in good shape, and But their feel- will be on Christmas morning when they find a pair of They make the best and Sutherland's Shoes in Their Stockings most useful gift of all. Let us show you our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS LINES. J. H. SUTHERLAND_& BRO. The Home of Good Sho¢ Making. Let's AllHave a Real Jolly Christmas; AAAIACSAIASICRACIACIAACK HOOK RII lady | | | | § io i : 3 Phone 141 a i 0 29000000 000000000000000003000000000000000¢ Qur Stock For Christmas Ve never had a wore complete line of Confection- ery than is shown at our store this year. The very choicest Chocolate 8, bulk or boxes. can, Navel Oranges. Try us, is all we ask. swelled Buffets and China Closets. tension Tables to match. some Gifts' fronts. Specials Parlor Casels, at Undertaker, Phone 147. Store Open Nights. en Florida, Mexi- R. H. TOYE, I ------ x 302 King St. 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 PLUMBERS : Useful and-Hand- Handsome China: Closets with Combination Ex- Jardiniere If and Taberetts Medicire Cabinets, Music Cabinets, Floor Mats and Rugs, Screens and JAMES REID'S, The Leading and oo Try our PURE LEAD in five pound blocks. interesting, Canada Metal Co.,Ltd 31 William 8t,, Toronto. The price is » Err re TEA SETS We have many beautiful Tea Sets ranging in price from tea LT) sixty dollars. One of these would make a very gift and acceptable Christmas would be very much appreciated. en re KINNEAR & d°ESTERRE, JEWELLERS, Princess and Wellington Sis. OPEN EVININGS Fine Tailoring Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. owest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. i Tweddell 131 Princess street. SPECIAL 10c., Our Own Blended Tea, 30¢,, GOc. per Ib. of 16 ounces, Every ounce guaranteed We also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Confection- ery. boe., Fresh Oysters D. Couper, 341-8 Princess Si. PROMPT DELIVERY. = FRESH FRUIT Just Amved! Naval from dozen. Phone, 76. Sweet Uc. per Malaga b. Bananas per dozen. Northern Spie Apples, all prices. Orders" delivered promptly. T. Peters & Co., 184 Princess street. Phone, 649. Take Notice ture We fe on hand a good line of . Antique Furaiture Suitable for Xmas Presents At Oranges, 20¢, lo Grapes, from 15¢. to 20c. per every day, from 20¢. to 200, very reasonable prices, L. Lesses, 507 Princess St., Cor. Chatham St. I Keep the Newest in WALL PAPER at lowest prices. E. FRASER'S, "Phone 373. 78 William St. Wn. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness D. | ote. , for sale. Sale 0' Harses every Saturday. LADIES" AND GENTS TAILORING We fully guarantee correct style, perfect fit. J. B. Ouellette, 238 Princess St, superior . quality, artistie workmanship we JreerreIeentssesese 0000000000600000000000 s00000000000tststttee ust New lot of Girls" and La. dies' Snow Shoes, $2.50. New lot of Men's Warm § Slippers. New lot of $5 Special Leather Suit Cases. About 200 pairs of Ladies' Fancy Felt Slippers, Red, Brown, Good values fr $1. Red and Black. Store Open 'Every Evening iABERNETHYS | 00000000000000080000000 190006080000 00020000000 2000000000000000000000 | Many other new things coming every day.