FRGE EIGHT. A THE DAILY BRITISH WHiG, MONDAY» DECEMBER 21, 3708: SEVEN IN LINE-UP SEVERAL DRUNKS APPEAR BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. rs Paragraphs aphs Picked Up By rters On Their Rounds. HER : NERVOUSNESS fe Bo i Sh CausD HER 10, SOME piano received at McAuley's. "Phone 778 Plain cream chocolates, 15e. J, aN : Her Husband Has Interests at Cobalt, in Arizona and Nevada Kingstonian Charged With As- | Crawford. ' Y St, Paul's church will hold special --Children Spent Some Time in a Toronto Convent. saulting His Wife, Bound Over i = "op <ctmas day, one at _8 Grand Rapids, Mioh., Dee. to Keep the Peace--One Offend- | , 1 and the other at 11. er Found in Sentry Box. Lennox tooth paste, regular price, 25¢. each, 2 for 25c., gt Wade's drug ie "We are seven," was the line-up in |T7™ 3 the police court, this morning. The store. 21.--~ | me a chance." thagisirate disposod of the cases in. quick order. James Burns is an old soldier, and | also an old. offender in police court. Ho was very drunk, Saturday night, and went into the sentry box at the Royal Military College and fell asleep. He was disturbed at an early hour by Constables Naylon and Me Adoo, and taken to the police station. "Well, boss," said Bums, when ar- caigned in court. 'Fk was trying lo get 10 my home in Perth. 1 have enough money, and will go if you give "I'll give you the chance if you take the noon train," said the magistrate. | will | remarked Burns as he leit. "But, remember, if you don't decide '0 go, there is a man over here who give you your Christmas din- ner. w "I'm awfully obliged your worship" He had no wish to spend Christmas in jail. John Cullin, arrested as a drunk, { appeared with both of hie eyes in deep mourning. "Case of as ssault,' "It looks lika it, a smile. "It certainly does," magistrate. Where blac k eyes ¥' "In the cells as far. as I know" Cullin. "You must have been pretty was the court's reply. A fine of 81 and costs or ten days * said Callin, with | remarked the | did you get those | i said | bad," { was the penalty. A citizen was arrested on a charge of assault, preferred by his wife. Ask- | ex. regular price, 25c. {may be presented "Don't forget" the Christmas morn- jing delivery of McConkey's and Huy- ler's high class candy from Gibson's | | Red Cross Drug Store. Lennox Caseara Laxatives for con-| each, 2 or 25¢., at Wade's drug store. James Burng, before the court for drunkenness, fulfilled his promise and left for Perth, on the noon train. Con- stable Craig bid him farewell at the station. Plain cream Crawford. "Think of the trouble it saves vou." The Christmas morning deliv- ery of goods purchased at Gibson's Red Cross for Christmas presents: It pays to buy there, Plain cream chocolates, 15c. J. Crawford. chocolates, 15c. J. an alderman, who has still another year to serve in the yty council, con- | templates resigning. His resignation 10 the city council this evening. A pair of silver mounted military | please him. Gananogyiel i is the location See display at Best's. looking longingly for there of the Wormwith Piano. company. The Reporter says, 'it is possible that Gananoque may soon enjoy. the benefits of--this impor- tant industry." Cigars in boxes for Pests. The Christmas service of Queen Street Methodist church Sunday chool on Sunday afternoon was quite pleasarable. and Christmas at rotection 1u is stated on good authority that | Phot "How do you - like the looks of this Jim 77. said Mrs. J. W..Searles to her husband yesterday morning, attired {in her night clothes, she stood . in their bedroom with an automatic Colt revolver pressed to her head. Be fore he could, move to stop her the pistol "spoke! and she fell dead, a ball through her brain. She had "suffered from extreme nervousness for a year, and a trained purse left her only on Saturday night after a three weeks' stay. She seemed much better and had expected to entertain friends on Sunday. She and her husband sat up together till late, but he couldn't sleep when they went to bed, and got up at two o'clock, saying He would go down and smoke. She got up also and taking the pistol from between the mattresses, where she had kept it for when , he was 'out of the shot hersell dead. Searles bas silver interests in Arizona. and is in silver in Nevada. He is worth per: haps $250,000, Searles was the wo- | man's fourth husband. The pair met in-Florida and married there, They put their two girls--he had one and asked the court. | indi brushes, 42 case, at ¥1.50, would she had one--in a Toronto convent land had been travelling about the country until eix months ago, when they bought a beautiful home here and began keeping house. WRONGFULLY ACCUSED. 'The Complainant Found His Lost Money. On Saturday evening about o'clock a resident of the lower of the city came into the police sta- nine part He will be on view inour Show Window To-morrow, and every day until Christ- mas. : EVERY man, woman and child should sec him. > This Store The children sang el by the magistrate if liquor was | the cause of the trouble, the accused | said that it was not. The com-|, j.ted on the affair. plainant did but the | Pinest Iresh made magistrate said that he unders stood the | (pawford. He would bind the accused over | (pn Sunday evening next in to keep the peace, but if he appeared | Street Methodist church, Rev. 'again on a shuilar charge, he would | purke, will hold an old country o Ch a term without the option of | [Tio or ro Lenk ro wig across the bridge, and after thet cotils John Culhane was drunk, but on Nis | rami people return' to the old land, plainant's wife had received the mon- ey the other woman took it from way to the ecounuy to work for a.nd the pastor being an old country B J Mama : ters wer. ~The man said his two children farmer. He was given the chance 1olpan himeelf will hold an old country | caw her do it. The police could do make a. fresh start. | service; when all from across the water | thing as the afiair happened out- Patrick Durrill and John I'erguson, | are requested to be present. oS drunks, were cach fined $2 and or] A : 1 m-- od a first appearance drunk was dis- AISI ISICON , Charged. Buy tion to secure § warrant to have a woman arrested for theft. The man | said that he had sold his land grant in the west to a Toronto firm for | $325. He secured the money from | A the Standard bank on Saturday Brock . . : 1 + !morning, and when he went home : gave his wife $129. He and his wife were staying with another family recited in good fashion and E. W. Skinner, superintendent, is ; songra- Is ready for any test you may give it. There never was a better time to put this store to the test than 1ow. It never looked better, stocks were neyer more attractively displayed, gales people are alert, courteous and eager to serve. But after all, good looks and good service are not all im~ portant, A store's usefulness to you lies in the quality and variety of the goods it sells and the value it gives. Judged from this standpoint, this store desires no better test. not appear, chiclets, 25c. J. WHY NOT GIVE MR MAN A FUR-LINED ; COAT FOR CHRISTMAS ? We make all our own garments, and can sell you strikingly handsome garments at very moderate cost. We show Men's Coats in Pur and Fur-lined, with Caps and Gloves to match, and the quality of all our! Furs adds to their value for Christmas Gifts. dohn McKay Fur House. case ser- side the city and the man was hunt up a county constable. While he was away who walked in- to the station but the woman ae cused of the theft. She came to see her husband, who had been arrested earlier in the day for being drunk. | When the man returned to the station | without the county constable the wo- {man was accused of the theft, which {she promptly denied, and called the -------------- man, his wife and children some nice SCIASISS RCICISISIIOK 'names. The police could npt hold her SEAHCISIGIS HIKACHS SII so Constable Taylor was detailed to see her safely home. 2 On Sunday afternoon the man turn- ® led up again to say that the money had been found. When he returned # home the night before he found the # children playing with it on the floor. Mrs. John Culhane was arrested at * her 'home by County Constable Rob- ¥ ert Smith and lodged in the county ¥ jail.| She remained there until eleven ¥ Hunter, charged with stealing $129 # o'clock when she appeared before Col. # from Mrs. William Bowman. She % pleaded "not guilty." The evidence ¥ of Bowman was taken and was strong # against the prisoner. The magistrate Read the guide to Christmas shop- pers : High class candy. High class perfumes. High class toilet waters. English hand mirrors. Folding mirrors for -shavers. Fe "brushes. Safety | | I ie PORT ARTHUR WEDDING. B. F. Harmer, Formerly of King-| ston, the Groom. Port Arthur, Ont., on Dec. 15th, the wedding took place of Olive, daughter of Contractor James A. Dun- to Benjamin F. Harmer, freight 1.P.R. and C.N.R. Arthur and Fort William. J. W. Churchill performed the mony. The newly warried couple on their honeymoon trip visiting Tor- |e Ottawa and Montreal, and also | ¥ some time at Kingston, the we the groom. Mr. and Mrs. |# on their return, will reside in| 3 Wihnipeg for the winter, where Mr. | #4 Harmer has been transferred. They | % will probably return to Port Arthur in | x SE - | the spring. S . Ty Jere S>b>tod HAASE) Prominent among the wedding ¥ 3 Suitable | | | was a very handsome hall clock, of | # A WA | CH: 3% said he was of the opinion that the Christ | mission oak, presented by the staff of | 3 | the C.N.R. freight office. | | Mr. Harmer has heen a resident of | | 3 accused was guilty but as $120° had For Presents i Port Arthur for the past six and ale # been returned to, or found by, Bow- | half years, and all that time has heen | AIIIHIIICISIIISINIIIICIIICIN man, he would let her off on suspend- BRASS ANDIRONS, $7.50 to razors 5 Red 'Cross Drug Store. Prices Are Nowhere lower, while the goods are of that quali- ty that are guaranteed satisfactory or money returned. for Christmas, also Stewart's Fine Chocolates. See our special 60c, boxes. bar, inspector of the ( {| Port a - ES. 75¢, and #1 fancy VISIT FUE Sir Berlin, Dec. 21.--A squad- ron consisting of two battleships, now in con- struction, two armored cruisers and several small vessels will visit the United States next spring. The squadron will be command- ed by Prince Henry, the _ only brother of the kaiser. A flotilla of torpedo boats, phich will accompany - the squadron, will be command- ed by Prince Adelbert, the third son of the emperor. onto, | stopping home of | Harmer, iGanong' Sed ; A.J.REES, 166 Princess St} Phone 58 EEIOIIIIISIIISIEIC ISIS ISI ISIC aah To-morrow Morning From 9 to 12 O'clock Xmas is certain to be # | closely identified with railway office ed sentence. work. For . some years he was chief | $1 | hiller at the C.N.R. freight office, and| { a couple of years 'ago was Shcimelim Suddenly on Way South For very much We will place on sale a manufacturer's sale of samples of appreciated. INTERCOLLEGIATE HOCKEY. WE SELL Watches for | | Students Going Home. | A large batch of Queen's students ! left, to-day, to spend the holidays at their home. Among those leaving were | noticed the following: J. W. Dogher- Toronto; | ty, Cobden; George M. Sharp, New | Liskeard: Mabel Hurst, Cobden; A. [P. Menzies, Ottawa; Miss V. M. | Bleakley, Osgoode; R! J. McArton, for' the | Carleton Junction; L. Prittie, Pem- Mares | at McGill. | broke; Miss M. B. McKay, Smith's abot of marks ob-] Feb. 12th--Toronto at McGill; Laval Falls; J. E. Marcellus, Chesterville; honor standing, 300; | at Queen s. ; {3 N Forgey, a: emirate; Jarnes g. TEA KETTLES. watch for ladies is un- 4 |pass standing. 240°: | Feb. 19th--Queen's at Toronto; Me Gillie. £ hall RI Nise A : allan STANDS, $5.00 to $7.50. © 3! Honors--Clive Givens, 345; Teo Max { Gill at Laval. broke: wp S Russell, NO ekar 1. equalled in value. chand, 3I8: Cecil McConville, 315 :{ Feb. 26th--Toronto at Laval, ke A Hots, Ti 3D | rank O'C yg Prank act {at Queen's. . Frank O'Connor, 310; Frank Hast-|a uecn and] | Kinsella, North Bay; A. Mackay, | TIPO PIPL EPPO EP 4 Ieee to the position of freight inspector 4 Mr. Horm has always closely identi-| J : Winter. fied himself with sport of all kinds, be The following is the new Thunder | the intercollegiate hockey Jan. 22nd McGill at | Queen's at' Ldval. Jan. 20th--Toronio val at McGill. Feb. 5th--Laval at Toronto; schedule for series © member of the He is a brother of Kingston. an active Rowing Club. (Dr.) Waugh, B 3 4 i Battenburg Lace Covers and Mrs $10.00. men, y oi . alia at Queen's; La- BRASS Watches for ladies, FIRE SETS, ER, TONGS, Doylies and Teneriffe SHOVEL, pod Watches for boys. $6.50 to $13.00. tesults of Queen's fourth Total BRASS é | tainable 400; examinations orade of | Successful Pupils. senior St. + | : Covers All different sizes and makes"at a special bargain. heavy solid. gold school. McGill BRASS HOT $1.25. WATER KETTLES. Every Watc h Fully Warranted nge, 301; Edward Diamond, 300. The games in Toronto on 5th ae V. rove 203. B. Daley, 200; | 191 h of February will be played on] Scotstown, Quebec; C. H. Graham, J. Gallivan, 278; J. Downey, 275; Le Saturday night. Sinnott, ' 273; C. Turcotte, 258, MeDonald, 254; E, Ryan, 2 Cleary, 250; V. Kane, 249; M8: KK. Gallagher, 216; xc 246; H. McC wioheor, 245; H. bell, 244: C. Yellowley, 242 Between 50 and 60 per tent. gor, 229: R. Myers, 221; C. more, 218; S. Gallagher, 216; 0. Arupior; G. E. Kidd, Carleton; L. R | Omhill, Sault Ste. Marie; Li E. Ken { dall, Ottawa; J. Kingsley, North Bay; ; 1] y. } IN. B. McRostie, Winchester; - W. Me- Hockey League will be held in Tr. | Laren, Cobden; R. Richardson, Nor- Hol > : il Y et da 1 iol wood; J. S. Quinn, Tweed; Miss Helen | Ha ord, Broek Stee I. Sight Walker, Porth b, J. Dayle, Per; 0. C. Fol: | gus of entering should have represen Poth; RB C ncheon.- Cabden; "3. Ding- | tatives at the mectihg, as final ar-| George, Eganville; D. ¥. Dewar, Pem- is: 5. Hoslses oil ; Ol- | rangements will bo made for the sea- broke; S. Slipper Port Arthur; A. C. Owing to the closing of St. Mary' jon S Nope | gee ES Ee a 1 a y= | Smith's Falis; E. Savi > . school for. two. weeks in, Ermer | Will Not Play. ville; C. J. MiPhorson. Winchester, T. an we very irregular attendance | oa aT rk i .. |B. Soe y Me since the enforcement of compulsory | Iba Mic-Macs will not play in Bele Bk Speirs, Carleton Place; M. H. Me od | ville on Christmas ove as the rink Laren, Perth; J. H. Young, Almonte; vaccination, the results of the supple- od 4 "xr lv exami | could not be secured. Another King- D..d. Gordon, Toronto: J. H. Ram- mentary weekly examinations for the | 0 a: 8. > : : . i ston team will play there on Christ- | say, Ottawa; & Curtain, Kemptville; lower grades will not be published | ® IR Se Per ra: p till Easter.--Bernard O'Rielly, princi- | M88 night. 3 tots, Perth; Edith Hunter, Pet- pal. The 14th Regiment hockey team will | shorough; Miss E. Murphy, Paken- | havo its firsl practice of the season at | ham; Rintoul, Perth; L. Warren, | the Kingston skating rink, this even- | Berth; > A. Acton, Kemptville; J. ling. All the old players and some of | H. McDonald, North Bay; 8S. 8. Cor- the juniors will likely be out. | mack, OttaRa; Huvek, Tweed; G. + ' { BE. McDonald, Seg East. a mgs -- Chocolates, ' Chocolates 25c. Finest eating chocolates, 28ec. Ib. J. {C rawiord. | Spangenberg W. A. Mitchell' st JEWELLER Issuer of HARDWARE. Hockey League Meeting. CHAFING A meeting of the Kingston Amateur DORS, DISHES, CUSPI- | 2, % funn, i BRASS COAL HODS. { "Morri is, Camp- | o'clock Marriage Licenses. | | | | ---- Only Three More Shopping Days Before Christmas Considering the large Christmas business we have already done, our stock is still well supplied with presents men like. W arm Does INot Present Increase. The city. solicitor bas "advised the House water works' committeo that {he plan agreement. made between the city and! superintendent Hoes not prevent the! {committee (increasing the superinten- | dent] s salary. The ( agreement was {| made subsequent to the present salary | fixture of the superintendent, and the {two aro not dependent on each other |General Simon's Cabinet. : Port Au Prince, Dec. 21.--Gen Si- | @5e. mon, the .newly-elected president: of | Hayti, to-day announced his new ca- | binet as follows : Minister of the in- | | terior, General Hippolyte; foreign | A petition is minister, M. Claude; finance minister, | the Ontario IM. Hereaux; minister' ol war, Gen. | bridge ter the dit | Marius; minister of Tublie works, M:.|Prince g x v ky conned |, § Mayor Ross will entertain | angl; minig ter, of J Just sia - ¥. Magny andl tl officials at | Another Austrian Boycott 1 Moscow « 91.-A boycott league 3 Slippers betng circulated asking government to buy the which connects Belleville with Edward county and maintain it as a free bridge. "As a good sensible Christmas gift,' in the Tabard Inn a 'reader' has no equal, 3! ids onlr at Gib Neckwear, Hemstiteched Handkerchiefs, Silk Haadkerchiefs, Gloves, Neck Wraps, Pressing Gowns, House Coats, Fane y Vests, Umbrellas, Suspen ders. The nice kind, trimmed with Far. : "A new style called the Martha Washingten Slipper, high cutin back and front, red and white eglotg, $1 50, Qur best selling Slipper is the Red and Black, High- Cut, Pur Trimmed; Turn Sole House Slipper, $1 25. The same style of Shoe in a cheaper quality, $1. We also have a table full of splendid warm 'Felt Ju- liet Slipper, Fur Trimmed, reduced to 75¢. Auyvof these Slippers would make very fine "Xmas Presents, The Lockett Shoe Store. The Mayor's Banquet. J his evening, oting, | th © uk | a anqu rmen t mm the Cit hall civ Three dozen Bandana Neck Scarfs, $1.25, to clear, 75c. Prompt and Careful Attention. A A A AAA A AAA A AA A AAA NINN fe membership to regular | "vy | Notice. : | Legal forms. customs entry blanke, and BST tars 23 p fete, for sale at Whig office, the the annexation of Posnia | cheapest and best place to buy print- [ovina and the" disorda ing. 4 $ | of threp weeks fe» = i > 1 | 25c. Finest Made 25cq | Hundreds of powids of McConkey's : j Chocol ams, 25c., alt" flavors and Huvler's sweets sold every day Open Evenings Till Christmas | \ g Stor \il new, up-to- dat "When Miss reloaded fre morning | Ben tefice aa Christfabél Pankhurst is mn ym Holloway jail, Tues the complation of there will be a great tion by the embers of Women's day | on her gov tho Socal Political Union Biggest display of perfumes in holi day boxes at Best's. Coupon in each bex,- Y late { now. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross J. Crawford. Drug Store. Taboure ttes for hyrogaph hy, | ; Finest lresh made : esl's : i Crawford, chiclets, 20c.