Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1908, p. 8

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' . t #RGE EIGHT. Age ------ -- - from rapper lWoarer EKAY Furs & " Christmas Gifts for Ladies Furs are being more exten- sively worn than ever, and we have a handsomer showing this season, especially of the better grades. J. 5c. to offi fancy vests. 5c. J. pen To-Night| From 7 to 930 and Every Night : Until Christmas 'The Gift Shop 1f you have some friend to remember who has everything under the sun, and you are at a Joss to know what to give, let us help you Handkerchiefs FOR MEN, Pure Linen, Hemstitched, full sizes, 10¢c, 12}¢, 15¢, 20c, 25¢ and up. A special make at 3 for 50c, with dainty hand wrought Initial 25c. All over 15c put up in dainty Gift Boxes of three or six or one dozen to a box. HANDKEROHIEFS FOR LADIES, Pure Linen, Hemstitched, 10c, 12}c, 15c, 20c, 25¢. Also in Initial Handkerchiefs 20¢ and 25¢c. Fancy Embroidered or Lace Trim-- med, many dainty patterns, 20c, 25¢, 18¢, 15¢, 33¢, 85¢ and up. W2 maintain the highest standard in every detail of manufacture, using only the best skins, and finishing every garment with painstaking care and skill. That means unquestioned quality. ® & @® John McKay Fur House STORES : 149-155 Brock Auto-Strop safety ra- 107 Princess St. St. Buy : Ganong's Chocolates for Christmas, also Stewart's Fine Chocolates. See our special 60c, 75¢; and #1 fancy boxes. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58 AA A AAA A AA Apes Ag Children's Toques, Sashes, Mitts to match. Children's Red Overstockings to match. New Gibson Frillings Put up in dainty bozes, at 25¢ and 49¢ box. These make a most acceptable gift KID GLOVES for ladies, for men, $1, 1.25. KID GLOVES for girls, for boys, 50c, 69c. 1,000 Gift Boxes Sizes 13 inches long, 53 inches wide and 2 of an inch deep. Justthe thing for enclosing a pretty gift. These will be Ofpred To-morrow ab / 4c Each. AAA A PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Capt. Thomas Gaskin has arrived home from the upper lakes. L. J. Williams, University avenue, arrived, to-day, from Providence, R.I. The latter amount. is excl iron pipes for gateways. These figures are worth considering : Total Miles. Mileage of walks " 54.69 | Mileage of permanent wa 89 Mileage of wooden waiks . Mileage of concrete walks. Mileage of asphalt walks... .. As there are about twenty- of wooden walks in the city, it take over three years moxe to com- ° | Sleighs i For 'Xmas is certain to be pletely cover the city with permanent - | walks. . very much appreciated. TN one miles will ---- . Take Notice. We will have a delivery on Christ- mas eve and Christmas morning ol Sleighs| Of All Kinds Sleighs, for Boys, from 25¢c. to |? + $1.75. High Sleighs, Watches for men, Watches for ladies, Watches for boys. his | for - Girls, from 50c. Our $25 heavy solid gold Sleigh to $10.Cu. See Our STEEL UNBREAK- ABLE Sleigh, for all kinds of use. to 2 00, for Babies, from $1.50 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 1908. ABOUT THE STREETS), Zeomecnm=s> GHRISTMAS FESTIVAL A {Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By ! Sia TF a-- : Reporters On Their Rounds. ° i Cm FIGURES GIVEN BY CITY Al) your shopping done yet? ENTERTAINMENT AT THE sibby's store open evenings. - ENGINEER. Charming Christmas eethe. ° CONVENT DENOTRE DAME There Are About Twenty-One Miles | Ziain cram chocolates, 13¢. . % Yq A °° | Crawford. Plipils Invited Their Parents to of Wooden Walks Still in This| Toilet and manicure cases, Be Present For the Occasi Cityp--Detailed Cost of New | $25, at Best's. al he Macadam Roads. Twenty per cent. he | V Prog Was he Solow fi ; he it Livingston's. Most Delightful One. he followin, igures Iro the p i i 2s . engineer's, oe FE. Seine A onset lrish made Shiclets, he true pine of Chrismas Jab ear"s work on the streets in| T . - pated i "a » lust Yerost, gn the stisets wre gb in ae, Shops. ase erowaed; the mer night, at the' Convent de Notre Dame The following shows the work done | William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders to mark the closing for the holidays. on streets where new macadam roads | received at McAuley's. Phone 778 An cxcellent programme had been were. built ; Today. Tadge Madden held court in | Prepared for 'the occasion, and pupils Wards. Square Yd. Total Cost. | the city 'council chamber to revise the iwited their parents to be. present Sydenham 5877.2 2,005.44 | voters' lists. and enjoy the proccedings, and thore Ontario... ... ... .. 6,025.1 1,726.27] The city is not shovelling its walks | Was a. very large attendance. The St. Lawrence... ... 4,826.7 1,226.08 | and crossings. Park avenue has not programme was one which was thor- Cataraqui 5003.3 1,954.93 [been touched' this winter. oughly enjoyed, and which reflected Rideast ... wn + . 3,150.1 663.98 | Christmas shopping done this week |great credit, both upon the pupils and Frontenac ... .. .. 5,003.4 1,954.93 | will be late, but we Should all try |those in charge of the training. The Victoria ... ... +c not to let it be inhuman. * Jrooms were very nicely decorated for " "For hockey players," O.H.A. Lini- the occasion. 3 29,803.4 $9,772.31 {ment is sold in Kingston only at The musical selections were a special The engineer says that some of the | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. feature of the cvening, and were con worst streets in the city, if not the | With a hali-pound of candy, a faney tributed by the following : Anna worst, were chosen for the past year's | box, two yards of ribbon and a sprig | Hanlon, Mary Leahy, Irene Nicholson, work, and that the average cost per |of holly the average girl can make an | Laura Shannon, Kathleen Lovett, square yard for 1909 will not exceed | awful bluff at an expensive Christmas Charlotie Howison, Olive Simpson, 25 cents as against 32.7 cents for the | gift. Helen Dolan, Ada Cook, Esther Brice past year. Hundreds of pounds of McConkey's | land, Lily Campbell, Katio Broucher, In order to even up the amomnts | and Huyler's sweets sold every day Edna Fleming, Margaret Dolan, Bes: spent per ward on this macadam con- | now. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross | sie Dolan, Irene Donoghue, Irene Mills, struction he would suggest that the | Drug Store. Agnes Guirey, Eileen Staley, Nora amount available for 1909, be expend- Madison barracks, at Sacket's Har- | Staley, Margaret Mullin, Alma Rous- ol i such a manner that each ward bor, N.Y., is to be enlarged, 200, seem, Katie O'Brien, Ireme Harris, wil ; ave received as nearly as possi- | acres of land for drill purposes to be | Mamie Millan, Mildred Stroud, Doro- le equal amounts for~both 1908 and added. Then new buildings will be lthy Yellowley, Mary Bishop, Kathleen 1909, If such a system of spending the | reared. Donoghue. y ' special appropriations is carried 'out | Gillette and nog A " Sirike" was the title of a or Te ar ar |r a Be wabl ot up | Jeimied sheet iy iy . ved 1 3 a he man who said he would not buy |,,;5ilg of the junior third class, and term of years. a single Christmas present Kas al | Which was wedingly well put The various roads cost as follows : | ready sneaked wee large sized pack- as hemi a pub on : To . 5 Y, g Pp The children were on strike for short- Park avenue, from N.S. Barrie to N.|ages into the house through the cel- bool H S. West, $894.76; Bagot street, from |lar door. ONE Lo and spe brid N.S. West to N.S. Brock, $1,975.97 ; "Fresh on Saturday," over 800 lbs. sLrong 3 Ao Ne Brock street, from W.S. Bagot to |of MeConkey sr hate ' of Re: vase as presented yas most SUN W.S. Division, $2,204.67; Clergy, from | sweets for Christmas buyers. Sold and the little antierimncia were well N.S. Brock to S.S. Princess, $241.34; | only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug repaid by liberal applause. Those Division, from N.S. Brock to S.S. Store. taking part were : K. 'Brien_{(chair- Princess, $4565.67; Queen street, from Peter Farmer, Brownville, N.Y.. man), fairies, Helen Lovett, M. Bro- W.S. Wellington to E.S. Clergy, $2,-|father of James Farmer, now under phy and Irene Harris, Mary Nillan, M. 153.11; Montreal, from W.S. Princess | séntence of death, died on Sunday at Phillips, K. Donoghue, Irene O'Brien, to 8.8. Queen, $1,756.79. Total, the age of seventy-five years. He | Laura Folger, K. Lambert, R. $9,772.31. formerly kept hotel in Kingston. | O'Leary, R. Anderson, M. Devliet, D. The cost of concrete walks a square Bibby's store open evenings. Yellowley, G. Martin, A. Rousseau, L. foot, including construction, interest | Ogdensburg is to make big efforts |Howisom, Mildred Stroud. ; and inspection, during the past few |lo capture some of the western grain Another part of the programme in- years has been as follows : trade. The harbor is to be deepened cluded a little dialogue entitled "The Year. Cents. | to nineteen feet. When the Welland Day Before Christmas," and this, too, HIBS... i ri sini rense tapaes rans 99.8 | canal is enlarged Ogdensburg will be | Was most interesting. Those taking 1904... ... . . 17.5 | ready for business. J part . weve: Helen Darragh, as 100%... 15.6 : Santa Claus; M. Harvey, as school 1906... .... 15.7 teacher; Laura Shannon, 0ld Father 190%... ... 17.3 Time; classes as follows : Marion ('- 1908... ... . 16.9 Connor, studying geography; Marie - 1d Lovett, botany; Hickey, natural usive of history; P. Devlin, astronomy; 5 Gravelle, hygiene; Kathleen Leahy, Euclid. Other parts were, taken as follows : Jack Frost, Lilian Me- : Donald; Jack of all Work, C. Howi- Mrs. George Cottenden, 47 Lynd |gon; Spirit of" Christmas, Margaret avenue, Toronto, died on Monday, | Aikins; Spirit of Mischief, Olive aged eighty-two years. Simpson. The following were pupils : James Swift arrived, to-day, irom | Eleanor Quinn, Etta Quinn, § 0'- the north couniry io spend the holi- | Regan, Violet Egan, M. O'Brien, B. days with his parents, Shaw, M. Williams, H. Doolan, IL Miss Louise Craig and Miss Jessie Gravelle, Ada Cook, Derry left, to-day, to spend a week | In "The Little Tots' Christmas with friends in Belleville Eve," another fine number, the fol- Mrs. John Collier, of Toronto, will | lowing took part: Helen Lovett, spend Christmas with her mother, { Margaret Brophy, Edith Spence, F. Mrs. M. Byrnes, at Barricfield. Turcotte, R. Simpson, A. Howison, Secretary Nelles has left to spend | C. Gomer, C. Norris. Annie O'Neil choice condectionery. Some clam to Christmas at Toronto. Mrs. Nelles | was Santa Claus aad Irene Coyle he |the only ones gelling pure and went to Foronto several days ago. mother. lrene Harris 'and A. Rous- | exclusive confectionery. Canada is Arthur Martin will arrive: on Wed- seau sang very sweetly. + . not such a small place that only one | nesday to spend Christmas with his A fino recitation, entitled Legend ior two can have a monopoly of all father, W. C. martin, Gore street. of St. Freda," was given by R. Fitz- the good things of this world. Wel H. G. Beall is home from Spring- patrick, of Brockville. Bessie Do- are selling just' as good goods, if notlfield, Mas«, to spendh the Christmas lan's solos were most enjoyable, her a little better, than eur competitors. and New Year's holidays with rendition of 'Silver Bells of Mem- | Remember our two deliveries of choice mother. ory being a decided treat. { confectionery. Edwards & Jenkin. Capt. and Mrs. Karl C. Folger, St. I'he proceedings were brought to a : . John's, Que., arrived, to-day, to spend close with a short tableaux and the Christmas with Mrs. F. A. Folger, | Sinaing of Glory 'to God wn. the Sr., Sydenham street. Highest. ---------- watch for ladies is un- Gave A Treat. The Victorian Circle of Kings Daughters gave the patients of the public wards at the General Hospital their regular Christmas treat this afternoon. An abundance of good things was provided by the ladies for the sick people. A number were pre- sent to look after the wants of the patients. This treat is always a wel- come event to the public ward pati- ents who greatly appreciate the kind: ness of the Kings Daughters. equalled in' value. A. M..Chisholm has been recently be- reaved by 'the death of two sisters, Mrs. Betts, Brockville, and Mrs. John Crawford, Belleville. Principal Gordon was in Brockviile on Monday night and spoke at the formal opening of a new wing to the Brockville Collegiate Institute. The funeral of the late William Hen- derson took place on Monday after- noon from his late residence, Mount Chesney, to Pine Hill cemetery. Dr. Harold Williamson arrived this afternoon from Port Arthur, Ont., to spend Christmas with his brother, Dr. A. R. B. Williamson, Brock strect. J. H. Dolan and wife, of Picton, will spend the Christmas holidays Health Officer's Request. with Mrs. Dolan's parents, Mr. and | Medical Health Officer Bell asks the Mrs. James Nugent, University | city council for extra remuneration for avenue. his services during the recent epidemic. Miss C. J. McRea, B.A., of the| The matter was referred to the finance Faculty of Edusation, and Miss Mary | committee, which means that it is | Macdonald, leit, to-day, for Perth to | shelved until next month. spend Christmas with Mrs. W. R. Ne-{ Rae. Get Rubber Goods Now. Our large new stock is here. The assortment is complete and the goods are the best to be had. New two- quart hot water bottles, made of red rubber, B50c, up; also fountain sy- |ringes, atomizers, invalid's cushions, {bulb syringes, etc., at Wade's drug store, Every Watch Fully Largest and best assortment in Warranted town to choose from. Spangenberg JEWELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses. GOODS put away and kept till CHRISTMAS. W. A. Mitchell's HARDWARE. Gloves. Knitted Gloves for Ladies, all wanted colors, also black, 25¢, 30c, 49c. Knitted Glovés for Men, special makes, extra strong. Knitted Gloves for Children, in Black, White, Cardinal, Brown, Navy. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- 1 -------------- Greetings From Mr.~Bute. A letter from James Bute, of Hous- ton, Texas, dated Dec. 17th, dtates that the temperature in Houston that day was eighty-five degrees, and no cnow lay on the gréund. Mr. Bute is eager to know if his fishing com-| panions, J. B. McLeod and Thomas lowie, have caught any salmon late- ly. He sends Christmas greetings to all his friends in Kingston. ling or protruding piles in 6 to |days of money refunded. 50e. OUT ON WAR PATH. Mayor Kearey, New Westminster, B. has aé manager of the in intending to take over he was at the police sta evening, The Case Dropped. The case of Charies Diamond, cab- $1, $2. $3, McBride's New Minister. "Don't forget" the Christmas morn- ing delivery of McConkey's and Huy: ler's high class candy from Gibson's man, against the city, for damages for injuries sustained by the overturn- ing of his hack at the corner Augustus Beceher,- whe has been cm- ployed by the Bell Telephone com- Toronto, is home to spend the Victoria, B. C., Dec. 21. -- Thomas Taylor, M.L.A. for Revelstroke, will of | pany, be sworn in to-day as minister of Brock and King streets, has been dis- Ordnance | works in the MeBride government. been | missed, as the plaintifi decided to on for appendicitis in Lon-| drop the suit. The city will pay what- | ever costs it incurred. 25c. Finest Made 25c¢. Chocolate creams, 25c., all flavars. has 25¢c. Finest Made 28c. Chocolate creams, 25c., all flavors. tJ. Crawford. wife, of Cobalt, will the Den- at 4 | To The Ladies : Claimed That His Brother-In-Law | on the warpath last night. Early | Seat fair, ther-in-law, whom he claimed, had Brownie cameras, ticate, but when the two arrived up that he would take out a warrant for Charles Hawtrey, actor, {aor ing further - was heard of the matter At Home cards, visiting cards, ete., | cheapest and best, at Whig office. Struck Him. A resiaent of Vine street, was out {C.. resigned the the -management of the new afternoon tion. vowing vengeance upon his bro- | newspaper there. struck him without cause. Constable | 36 and $9, at Best's. Filson went along with him to inves- on the scene, the brother-in law had disappeared The complainant Said | Red Cross Drug Store. his arrest, but evidently the matter | operated was settled between the two, as noth- Finest perfumes in handsome cases, to-day. | 26e., at Best's. (On Monday cvening a young lady As ad hd Only Three More Shopping Days Before Christmas Considering the large Christmas business we have already done, our stock is still well supplied with presents men like. J. Crawford. Buy Xmas Chocolates Of Quality. Edwards & Jenkin. Phone 775. | There are really so few items a | gentleman is permitted to give a lady as Christmas that makes the demand for good sweets like McConkey's and | Huyler's so great. The best taste is| | shown in giving these goods, done up % 3 {in fancy packages and sold only at Likely To Succeed. 18 3 The pice kind, trimmed with Fur. A new style called the Martha Washington Slipper, high cut in back and front, red and white colors, $1.50. Our best selling Slipper isthe Red and Black, High Cut, Far Trimmed, Turn Sole House Slipper, $1 25. The same style of Shoe in a cheaper quality, $1. We also have a table full of splendid warm Felt Ju- liet Slipper, Fur Trimmed, reduced to 75¢. Any of these Slippers would make very fine Presents. The Lockett Shoe Store. Neckwear, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Silk: Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Neck Wraps, Dressing Gowns. House Coats, Fancy Vests, Umbrellas, Suspendérs. Three dozen Bandana Neck Scarfs, regular $1.25, to clear, Toc. Prompt and Careful Attention. | LIVINGSTON'S. pen Evenings Till Christmas. tholidays with ms parents, strect. J. Denney and arrive here, Thursday, to spend ee Christmas holidays, with Mrs. Harmless Cold Curing. ney's mother, Mrs. M. Byrnes, The only proper cold cure is one Barriefield. : . . that removes every trace of the cold] On Monday morning in St. Mary 8 | was accosted by a drunken man on and leaves the system in normal con- cathedral, Archbishop Gauthier or- {Garreti street. The woman was on dition. This is done by the use of dained to the holy priesthood Rev. | her way home when the man stepped Wade's Cold Cure Tablets. In hoxes, Sherman Corrigan, son of the late | out from behind a tree and took a Money back if not satisfactory. |Dcnnis Corrigan, of thig eity. firmvhold on her arm. The young lady ---- Edward W. Charlton, Earl street, {had presence of mind enough to give returned from Watertown, to-day, ai- [vent to a scream, which brought a tor an abgence of foun weeks on busi- | man from a nearby house to aid her. ness connected with the Canadian | When tho drunk saw the other person Lead Mining and Smelter company. _|coming he made off. Major R. K. Barker and Miss Mary | Right Rev. John Michaud, Roman H. Labron, were married in Toronto, (Catholic bishop of the diocese of Bur- on Monday. Major Barker has served |lingion, Vermont, died at Now York twenty-two years in the Canadian |, Tucsday. Death was caused by militia and still attached to the | Bright s disease. ° : Queen's Own Rifles. He is a son of the | Tha Schenectady, N.Y,, Gazette's late Robert Barker, at one time post- | gitorial rooms narrowly escaped de- office inspector av Kingston. Aruction by fire, Tuesday morning. The blaze was confined tothe Regal 2 shoe store in the Gazette building. | Glass Red Cross Drug Store. The announcement in an Ottawa pa-| "Think of the trouble it saves A pretty wedding took place on Dec. | per that Major H. A. Panet was | yoy." The Christmas mornin deliv- {16th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, | shortly to come to Kingston to take | ary of goods purchased at Gibson's | J.L. Herbertson, Mountain View, the 2 permanent position, is interpreted | Rad Cross for Christmas presents. It marriage of their youngest daughter, bere to mw an that he is likely to be | pays to buy there. Nottie, to J. A. Wilson, only son of the successor of Col. Taylor . as the |" Mrs. W. M. H. Quartermaine, wife{ Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Wilson, Red- commandant of the Royal Military | of the rector of Renfrew, died on Sun: i nersville. | College. at the beginning of the day, after iwo weeks illness from | The eighteen months old daughter of September term. iparalysis. She was formerly of Brock- Mrs. Arthur Prevost, St. Henri, was = ville. , burned ta death on Monday in the Daly One "BROMO QUININR," that Is | W. Langdon, Glen Elbe, died on; mother's absence. Laxative Bromo Sunday after a brief illness. He was | Richard Rowe, a Toronto tinsmith, ------ a---- thirty years of age. - fells from a hopse on whith. he was ures a Cold in One Day, 2 Day: | Christmas morning delivery of high [working and was killed | class candy from Gibson's Red Cross | ~ Military brushes, $1.50 to $8. al. & on every ) ~ D= Pp eobox. Wc 'Xmas b » JPR bad Prug Store, increases in popularity pair, at. Best's. each year. . 4 & \

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