1 $ THE BAYLY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1908. . OPIS PISIRIPIII IFT 4 i Goldin Guwilight wOPPrdyrveideevevedvve o - - ' Mrs, The Bishop of Ontario and > dinner Lennox Mils eatertained at lust night, in honor of the Dean Ontario and Mrs. J. C. Their guests included Colonel ) W. D. Gordon, Colonel and Mrs E. TI. Taylor, "Mr. and Mrs, J: B. Pense, P. G. C. Campbell. * - Mie. Francis will have a Christmas ree, for her small daughter, Miss Cecil. - o - Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Earl street, will give .a Christmas tree party, to-mor _row night for her little people their friends. - = - There will be a dinner at the bar racks, on New Year's Eve, when the officers and their guests will watch the old year out and the mew year in. we. Mivs II. Mair; Union street, suil for England on January and will spena a year there, and pay visite, also, to Ireland and Scot land. » will M es Ethelwyn Mowat has returned from the old country, and is with Mrs. Herbert Mowat, in Toronto. Colonel and. Mrs. Sydenham McGill, gone to Toronto King street, have to spend a week or =o with Mrs. E II. "Bickford, and. their other daugh ters Mr. and Mrs. Bickford wil Jeave for the continent on the seventh of January. Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick bas gon up to Mrs. Frederick McGachen's, Oril la, and will spend Christmas with Miss Etta Kirkpatrick. - eo» Dr. George Dalton came home, day, from New York. Miss Lois Saunders, Stuart street, has gone up to spend the with Mis. Kennedy Mecllwraith, ronto. Mr. Keene Hemming will be | from Halifax to-morrow. My. Clive Betts will Ws Christmas with Mr, A Betts, Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muir are here from Grimsby to spend Christmas with Mrs. Muir's father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Mundell, . Brock street. Miss Lillian Mundell and Mr. Kenneth Mundell will go back with them and Miss Lillian will stay on for the wedding of Mr. Muir's sis tor, in January; at which she is be bridesmaid, to To om for H. down Mrs. be and we Miss Kathleen Ryan up from school at Montreal and Dr. and Mrs. Fdward Ryan have returned from oi is of Farthing. and Edward Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Miss Macaulay, Canon Starr and Mr, oe > Macnee, King streei, vornight, and 16th, there holidays to | Captain and Mrs. H. A, Kaulbach of the R. M. C., have gone to Truro N.S, to spend Christmas with'. Arch deacon and Mrs. Kanilhach, The Rev. Walter White, of Lanigan Sask., is coming cast on furlougn to-morrow Captain went down Captain and Princess street, . | Pembroke, . > > - Mis. A. UC. Johnston amd son, Cowrtland, came up from Montreal on Thursday to be with Mr. and Mrs William Baillie, Barrie street, | some days, 'and Mr. Johnston be on hand for the Christmas dinner, and Mrs, de Mowbray Bel to Ottawa, to-day. Mrs. Georges Roy lift, yesterday, for daughter, Montreal, will enjoy Christ- mas cheer with Ald. Toye and family at their Gore street home. Mr. Charles Sherman, Toronto, will be the guest of his mother at "Earls court," Johnston street; holiday. over the EE Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williams, Univer- sity avenue, are home from Poriland, Maine, Mr. "Jack" Williams will be home from Ottawa for Christmas. Mr. George and Mr. Thomas Tardy, of Schencctady, will spend ; Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tandy, King street. There will a family gathering there, on Christmas day, and Mrs. Thomas Tandy and her family will join it. Mre. James Pennington Macpherson entertainad, informally, at bridge, in Ottawa, this week, in honor of Mr. Kenneth Macpherson. > we we R. Maitland Hannaford is here from Montreal, and Mr. Hannaford and Master "Jack" will be up, morrow, night, gpend Christmas with Mr. and at the custom Dri and Mrs. W.'J. Johnston, Merrickville, will be here, to-morrow, for the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston, University ayenue. : "Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson, of Tweed, and Dr. 'Jack' McDowall, of Perthy Amboy, will spend their Christ mas withs Mrs. R. J. McDowall, cess street. Dr. James Gibson, of Hamilton, is | down for the holiday with his father, Mr. David Gibson, Princess street: "- - Migs Elsie Saunders will be kom from' Ottawa: with Mrs. Herbert Saun ders, Alice street, for her holidays. It is just possible that Mrs. F. IF. { Hunter, of Now York, (formerly Miss Kate Upper). may be here with her 'husband to spend New Year's, and, if s0, they will be Mrs. Francis Macnee' { guests. Mr, and Mes. Hunter are | staying with Mr. Hunter's people 16 Spadina Gardens Miss Margaret Mudie cama {o town Saturday, and will be en pension | with Ker mother, Mys. John Mudie, at | Mrs. Murray's, King street. She will be here till time in February, be Mrs. to- to house. of Prin- oe now al , Toronto jon some New York in time for the merrimént | when she will go to Philadelphia. they always have at House." Little Miss Carrie Fair home frean_ St. Agnes' school, Belleville. Mr." and Mrs. D. Craig, of tawa, who have been in town for a day, will spend Christmas at Cape Vincent and will be here for the New Year, with Mrs. W. G. Craig, West street. De. and Mrs. G. F. Emory will be here to-morrow, from Ottawa, spend their Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Samuel Bireh, Bagot street. and Mrs. Arthur McNichol, Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. J. Mahood, Johnson street. or is Ot- - Mr. 0. R. Casey is expected Syracuse to spend Christmas his sister, Mrs, Robert Carson, street, and Mrs Carson's Mrs. Casey, is also coming home time for the holiday with her children. Mr. Frederick spend his Christmas Switzerland. Miss Sarah Dickson, of Toronto, the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Earl street. Miss laa Ness, of Perth, guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph liott, at the parsonage, Cataraqui. Miss oJ. Drummond, William street left, to-day, for Toronto. - witl n grand Carson wil holidays i the El is - Mr. (. Read has gone down to Ot tawa for the holidays. Mies, John McKay, street, home ir., Sydenhar is from Toronto "Rockwood to and | of Ww: from Brock mother, we ee { Dr. and Mrs. Carleton Barkley, St. Adhahs, Vermontyge are here to spend | Christmas with Mrs. Berkley's .pa: rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller, Al fred street. Miss Greta Shields, Gananoque, turned homo, today, after friends in the city Miss Nina, Middleton, was visiting Iriends in Tuesday. re visiting Clananoyue the city or "we - - Miss Marion Lesslic, William street, home from St. Catharines. Huntley Gordon, of New York, will_spend Christmas with Mrs. D. NM (rordon, Queen's. Me. and Mrs. Elsdale Robertson and | Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson, of, Ot tawa, will be here to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart Robert son, Sydenham street. My, «Arthur Mills, has gone to Montreal. 1 Montreal for New Year's. Mr. JJ. 8. Skinner is coming up fron Montreal. to-morrow, to spend Christ mas with Mrs. Hoary Skinner, "Maitland House." - 1 Mrs 'Calder | wood," Theodore Lyman, will have four ane tmughtérs 'home for the ( hristma \thering--=Miss Helen Lyman came or Phil to-mot sons Monday from Boston, and Mr come from. ther Elizabeth and Mr n | Lyman wil row, Miss and, with his wife, will be in Ottawa tor will Mr. and Mrs. James Johirston and {gt Mrs their Mrs. Clarke Hamilton, 'Bishopscourt," Miss Geraldine Daly will be here from at Henry TT =r ma J1yman came up from Montreal, to- ,, day. -} "Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie street, and | Mr. Walter Macnee, Jr., will leave the Lend of the week for Montreal and New + York. Mrs, R. W. the guest of I George street. : - . Mrs. George Y. Brigstocke, Cobaly, is Mrs. William Lesslie, - - Chosvn, street, will have a Christmas gatharing, when the Lavells of many brancws will be 'present, and 'Mrs. A. P. Chown will entertain at "Edgehill," the rést of the: family, whieh has been divided in : half. Jarric we The annual gathering of the Craig "clan will be het on Christmas night James Craig's residence, Prine [cess street, and fortunate are the | members of this family who will have lan opportunity of joining it. - - - Miss Ada Chown, University avenue, has gone to New York. br. Campbell Laidlaw 'bas returned from the old country and visitin Mr. and Mrs. George Macdonnell, Uni- versily avenue. Miss Muriel King, Stuart street left yesterday for New York. Mr. Cyril Knight will be down from Toronto to-morrow to spend Christ- mas with Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street. . " Mr. Robert Shaw and wife, of Ot- tawa, bave arrived in the city to spend Christmas with Mrs. Shaw's pa- rents, Mr. and * Mrs. John Ballantyne, City hall. Dr. and Mrs. E. Cays, arrived, to- day, from Oswego to spimd the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cays, Barrie strect. - Co Miss Minnie Kehoe, of Spracuse, is to pe the guest of Mrs. R. J. Carson, Brock street, for the Christmastide. Dr. Henry L. Wilson, professor of archaeology in the John:-Hopkins University, with Mrs. Wilson and their daughter, Miss' Glauce, arc the guests of Dr. Wilson's sister, Mrs. J. W. Gar- vett, and Mr. Garrett, 35 Aylmer avenue, Otlawa. Dr. ' Richard Cartwright Cartwright, of Napaneo, will be the guests of the doctor's parents, Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright, in Ot- tawa, this weck. Mrs. Adam Shortt left Ottawa Saturday for Hamilion to Christmas with her sister. Shortt will go up to Hamilton Thursday. ae 1% and Mrs. on spend Prof. on oe - > Mr. and Mrs. George Hague aud their young people are all going down to Montreal, to-morrow, to spend Christmas, and the week-end with Mr. Haguo's people. Mrs. DD. Norton-Taylor and Miss Lily Norton-Taylor have gone to New York to spend the holidays with Mr. Hugh Norton-Taylor. 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner and son, Donald, have gome to Campbelliord, to spend Christmas with Mrs. Mastin, sister of Mr. Turner. Mr. Turner will return on Monday, but Mrs, Turner will remain for several wecks. Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart Les- lie have left for St. John, N.B. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McLean, Arlington Beach, Sask., who are visiting friends in tho east, will = be with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Craig, West street, for the Christmastide. Miss (O'Neil, Gananoque, visiting friends in the city. . w we we of Bessie is The engagement is announced of : Miss Elizabeth Clinton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton Clinton, to Mr. Edward Hampson, of Ottawa. THE NEMS OF. WORLE | OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. ---- B Matters That Integest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything ° Easily ' Read and Remembered. Five candidates are out for mayor | in Toronto. Thomas Davies is chief opponent of Mayor Oliver. Mrs. John Doyle, of St. John, is dead. Addicted toi ' liquor she ended her life with carbolic acid. | A German line of steamers from | Hamburg to Canada is: threatened in | direct competition With the Allan line | from Havre. i + At Hamilton Joe Grogs, an Italian, was sentenced to nine months in Cen- tral prison, with twenty lashes on a: charge of gross indecency. During the night the premises of Wagner, Brazier & Co., wholesale furriers, Bay street, Toronto, were en- tered and ¥3,000 worth of furs stol- en. Philip Greenbaum, caught in the det of stealing a diamond fing from Porte & Markle's store, Winnipeg, was sentenced to eight years in the peni- tentiary. Robert Rogers, Hamilton, in evi- dence in an A.O.U.W. case, said "the order was rotten and bankrupt, al- though the majority of the members did not know it." The Turkish embassy in Teheran virtually besieged by the shah's troops to prevent the embassy quar- ters from being used as a further asy- lum by liberal refugees. ' The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox church, Nos 34 Johnson street, Chi- cago, was the scene of a riot on Wednesday in which three hundred members 'battled for possession gf the edifice. This morning two desperados broke in the door of Mrs. G. A. Lavoie's house, 36 Fabre street, Montreal, and robbed the place before the eyes of Mrs. Lavoie, who could do nothing to prevent it. Charles Smith, Toronto printer, was sentenced tor one year in the Central Prison for bigamy. He married Alico Groombridge, in Toronto, though his first wife, Bertha Heckerson, Sarnia, was living. 'Following a quiet investigation by three agents of the Inter-State Com- merce commission, the federal grand pany, Chicago, will begin to probe nto alleged rebating by the great packing houses of Chicago. A Manchester paper states that. J. Pierpont Morgan paid $120,000 for the fifteen Caxtons, part of the fam- ous library of Lord Amherst, of Hackney, recently disposed of at pub- lic sale. Frederick. A. Burnham, former presi- dent of the Mutual Rescrve Life In- surance company, New York, 'was found dead in his bed in his home, Wednesday morning, of gas poisoning. ! The police say Mr. Burnham commit- ted suicide. Judge Choquet, Montreal, has been appointed to go to England and Ire- land to secure evidence bearing on the case of James Smith, 'book agent, charged with. murder. . The defence claim the murderer tainted with insanity. The jury in the case of the two Chinamen, murdered in their laundry at Winnipeg, on Friday night, found that the vietims came to their deaths at the hands of a person or persons unknown, and added a .re- commendation for the immediate in- stallation of an alarm and patrol sys- is is I'he marriage took place, today, in| Si. James' church, Toronto i Miss Elsie Munro, of Rosshire, Scot- | land, Mr. James Blacklock. The | marriage will take place quictly on | Christmas day, at the residence of | the bride's aunt, Miss Johann Ros Grafion; Ont Lo SITUATION AT QUEEN'S. '| Points to Provincial Aid, Toronto News. The Toronto News in discussing Queen's University and provincial aid savs that the facts confronting the provincial government are : " *(1y At Kingston there are assem- | bled some-1,300 of the young people of Canada, drawn mostly from Ontario. hese young people are as much en- titled as any others to the best edu- cation procurable in the province. (2) \t Kingston a going concern, a Says ) is Absolutely From Grapes, the most healthful of fruits, comes the chief ingred ient of IRFU) The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Costs a little more than the in- jurious alum or phosphate of lime powders, but with Royal you are sure of pure, healthful food. university of proved success and estab- lished traditions. It has endowments, equipments, buildings, staff and other appliances of education, which in considerable part have cost the state nothing; these are, available to the voung people for whose education the state is responsible; and they are available on terms which violate no principle of provincial administration. (3) To duplicate this equipment else- where would be exceedingly expensive, partly because of the large actual ex- penditure which it represents, partly because of the remarkably good value which has been obtained for that money -- the management of Queen's having been exceptionally economical and skilful. (4) A comparatively mod- [on contribution to such an institu- tion would produce exceptionally good | results; partly because buildings and {other equipment can be, provided at | Kingston more cheaply thin elsew here; partly because a great proportion of the money needed has been provided already, and the provincial aid would represent, not' the whole outlay, but a percentage of it; partly because measure of success attained already is | such that every dollar of additional | outlay would mean rapid -and visible { progress, (5) The university would | welcome an "arrangement whereby | state would exercise an influpn © upon the administration proportionate to ite share in the upkeep. Principal Grant several years ago worked out a plan which met this necessity. a situatiof' certainly' séems to point { to provincial aid." 15¢: Ib; Chocolates, 15¢. 1b. And up Edwards & Jenkin. ---------- |of the three companies is fined | 000, the | the | of ice ow river 'and harbor. 1 Such: living with his wife's tem. The supreme court bf Missouri hand- ek down a decision to-day ousting the Standard Oil company of Indiana and the Republic Oil company from the state and forbidding them ever again to do business in Missouri, and ®: | dissolving the Waters Pierce Oil com-|and Mrs. St. In addition each | $50,- | pany, of Louis. USED ELECTRICITY | In Stopping Hiccoughs Many Days Suffering. Spokane, Wash., Dec. 23.--Physicians lat St. Luke's hospital in Spokane have just succeeded in checking an at- | tack of hiccoughs, which has racked Daniel Melnnis, of Wallace, Idaho, cember 5th Dr. C. P. Thomas Dr. 8. E. Lambert; who has charge of the case, admit they, are puzzled by the character of the ailment, and they have ordered their patient to South- ern California in the hope that a change of climate will prove benefi- cial. The case is unique, though not without precedent, There are records that it has résulted fatally. The hic- coughing was violent the first seven racking the body and making p out of the question. Electricity was used in the treatment. To Be Heard In Court. One of the Portsmouth cases re- cently dismissed by Col. Hunter will go to the spring assizes of the high court. Not long ago James Shortt, Portsmouth, had another villager ar- rested for setting fire to his barn. When the case came. up for trial, the main witness for the plaintifi had skipped out; so all thé magistrate could do was dismiss the action. The defendant in the case has now taken action against Mr. Shortt for false arrest. The case will be tried at the | high court in the spring. | 2 lbs. Bessy's Kisses, 15c. Edwards & Jenkin. Thone i Tio. Another two or three days of severe cold weather will put a good coating 1 to [be hoped that navigation will not be {impeded until after New Year's day. a A bank employee says a 310 bill [lasts ten" or twelve vears. He must be folks. | A spoonful of success is better than {a gallon of failure. Breaks Up Colds. Nothing ean bp more efiective la drink containing thirty drops | than of Herbert Willard, Portland, died in |Nerviliné, a teaspoonful of sugar and Brockville hospital, after a short ill- | ness, aged thirty-three years. hody was taken to Newboro for inter ment. - Gillette and ors, at Best's. Bibby's 50e. See Bibby's Auto-Strop safety raz tases are dandies. | $2.50 fur-lined gloves. The {a cup of hot water. : This breaks up any lana pneumonia t relieves coughing -1 complication. { For all winter {the purpose like a 25¢. «{viline; get it to-day. and , a the NB, After | continuously since the morning of De- | and | PERSONAL MENTION, ) WE Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Principal Gordon is ill, under medi- cal care, Dr. J. H. Bell will be in Ottawa for Christmas. H. Spears has left on a visit to his home at Carlyion Pla e. Master John Ryan, of Newburgh, has left to visit friends at Watertown. Mrs. R. W. Allen has leit to spend Christmas in St. Lawrence county. William Mackie, of the K. & PI. offi- ces, is confined to the house owing to illness, Kenneth Martin, North Bay, is spending the holidays with friends in the city. To Annesley ' Burrowes is at the Hotel Dieu suffering from a severe attack of influenza. _ Capt. Robert Fraser, of the M. T. Co., was in Montreal, yesterday, * on business. J. J. Anderson, travelling passenger agent for the C.P.R., is in the city on business. ' Prof. M. B. Baker went to Strat- ford, Ont., to-day to spend the holi- day season. E Frank P. McAulifie, of Queen's, is spending his holidays at his home in Welland, Ont. Norval Hodgson and Kenneth G shaw, William street, are friends in Belleville. John Craig and wife left yesterday to spend Christmas with relatives at Cape Vincent, N.Y. Mrs. Walter Telfer and her two child- ren, have just returned from a two weeks' visit at Toronto. F. M. Pratt, the retiring Y.M.C.A. secretary of Toronto, will be banquet- ed by friends on January 5th. The late James A. Cuttle is to be buried at Riverside, Cal. He has a brother residing there. John Johnston, Brock street, ously injured by a fall some ago, is recovering nicely. James Forsythe has left for York to sail for England. He spend the'winter in Scotland. 5. R. Moore, advance agent for the Partello stock company, left to-day for New York to spend Christmas with frrends. rgt. Hurd, of the R.C.H.A,, leaving on a trip to Liverpool. will sail on the steamer Empress Britain, on Christmas Day. John Gaskin, Jr., Albert street, re- turned to 'the city a few days ago to spend the winter with his parents. He has been sailing on the upper lakes all summer. J. R. Urquhart, B.A., final year student of Queen's Theological Hall, left at noon, to-day, for Boston and New York, to spend Christmas with his two sisters, whom he has not seen for six years. X Major Panet's health. is not of the best and he will "have four months leave of absence. His next position will likely be with his artillery force, rim- visiting seri- weeks New will is He of {the R.C.H.A., of Kingston. The thirty-fitth anniversary of Sg. Paul's Presbyterian church, Ottawa, on Sunday, was marked by special services at which the sermons were de- liverdd by Prof. W. Jordan, of Queen's, Lawrence N.Y:, who G. R. McMillan, Binghamton; has been confined for sev- eral weeks in Graham Sanitarium, tochester, N.Y., with typhoid fever, is recuperating and visiting his moth- er, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lake, Queen street. The Kingston team to play in Belle- ville on 'Christmas day, will line up : Gaskin, goal; Hazlett, point; Lockett, cover; Tremblay, rover; Meikle, centre Hodgson and G. Kenneth Grimshaw, wings. A large number. of supporters will accompany the team. William Lake, Queen street, is slow- ly rallying from his recent severe ill- ness, and strong hopes are entertain- ed of his recovery. His daughters, Mrs. E. Shibley, Harrowsmith, tichard Bamforth, Madoc, who have spent some weeks at his bedside, have returned to their homes. Jacob STOCK QUOTATIONS, Cotalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations are sup- plied by the City Brokerage (J. O. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street, Telephone 480 A : | Cobalt Stocks. December 23rd. S Buyers. $.10 +25 Amalgamated... Beaver Chambers-Ferland Crown Reserve... Cobalt Central Cobalt Lake ... Green Meehan LaRose... ... ... . Little Nipis McKin. Dar. Nipissing...... Otisse... Peterson Lak Rochester... ... Nova Scotia Silver Leal... Silver Queen ... ... Temiskaming ... ... «.. Trethewey ... Watts... The Early Call. Written by Mrs. George Fralick shortly before her sudden death from heart disease : The call was answered, Lord, Iam hore Hopeful, helpful days. on earth for me ~dre o'er, And sweet sleep the' biessed Pilot Cowes softly, calling to the shore. near, better sleeps They where softly the waves-do roll, called 'when life seemed at best, -- the sea birds warning the spirits of night, God giveth his turbed rest. I hear beloved sleep, undis- Artistic Box Chocolates. At all prices up to SIR, Jenkin. Phone 775. | | | { Edwaras & | | It is understood that W. { Tisdale, K.C., of Simcoe, 'will bé ap- | pointed registrar of deeds for | county of Norfolk, and Dr. Fred. Spider, of Waterford, will be H. | tion to him by the other. officials of the G.N.W. cf a- hangrome starf pin. ¥ its Edgett the S. ap- pointed sherifi of the @ounty of Nor- tendency .to cold, wards of: croup | folk. : > Rubbed in the chest | P. Dwight, preésident'oi the Great prevents | Northwestern Telegraph company, to- | day reached his eightieth vear and the ills nothing serves !occasion was marked by the presenta- bottle of Ner- India Pale Ale XXX Porter invalid Stout Every Cork Branded RIGNEY & HICKEY 136 & 138 Princess St. Office. Railings, Coal Dealers and Builders' Screens, Sifters, Fencing and Wire Work of every Descrip- tion manufactured at Partridge & Sons, Crescent Wire and Iron Works. Phone, 380. R Warrant ; 3 0s Majesty The King. (£1 UEAD OFTICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD. General Manager { COUNTRY BUSINES banking business. Acc BANKING BY MAI this way with equal facility. . ¢ CORNER OF KING THE CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE Every facility afforded to farmers and ounts may be: opened by nionies deposited or withdrawn in KINGSTON Highest prices paid for House Furni-|¥ ture. We have on hand a good #ine of * Antique Furniture At very reasonable prices. L. Lesses. 507 Princess St., Cpr. Chatham St. A NEW DISCOVERY! A preparation found that will stop talling hair, in even the most severe cases, in from two to four days, Guaranteed or money refunded, Get application at KEYES', Barber Shop 886 King ~treet. The Original 'and Genuine Worgestershire For over 70 years, the world's favorite velish for soups, fish, game, fowl, chops and roasts. ANK ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,600,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England others for the transaction of their Sales notes will he cashed or taken [or collection. mail, and 116 BRANCH, AND PRINCESS ATS. P. C. STEVENSON, Manager aided hy any of our SPECI HUMAN DEFORMITIES, AUTHORS & COX, 135 Church We have been making and fitting for BO years. VISITORS TO TORONTO During the Christmas and New Year Holiday Season are cordially invited to take advantage of the opportunity 1FICAL LIMB, are sufiering from RUPTUR nsult us if ji 'need of an ART- and need a Truss, or can be APPLIANCES FOR to ¢ ALLY DESIGNED st, Toronto. or Endowmel given at the oifice, 18 Market St., Kingston. Address Labor Men. : Members. of the Social and Reform league have heen giving series of addresses before the mem bers of city, at campaign which for a reduction is of ed by Rev. T. E. Burke, of Street large attendance, f Take Out a Cotpound Quinquennial Life Moral a (the different unions, in the Labor 'Hall, in behalf of the to be carried on liquor licenses. The meeting last Tight was address- 5 Brock Methodist church. There was a ---- it. Policy in the Canada life Assurance Company as a Christmas prescut. Full information J. O. HUTTON, Manager. To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, ete., cheapést and best, at Whig office. Tax Collector Bartels hat just an- other week...in which to collect over- due taxes of 1908, Very little will he outstanding on December 31st. An Anglican church is to be built at Poidt Ann, at a cost of $3,000. The Lehigh Cement company has given a site, Suitable for Xmas Presents Take Notice