PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1808. ---- SE ------ Soko THE SPORT BEVEW..2" is A ; o {Father 3 eWilliams Thirty-Eight i 'HE b-- . |, \¥ears a Priest: : yi LATEST TIDINGS OF Cajnding, Freon Detember 17ih, an ovent of universal interest was dily | observed - at the 'arehbishop's -palace, Intercollegiate Basketball Union-- of this city, on gvhich day occurred Winnipeg Opinion on the Hired | the double anniversary of the ordina- ltion to the holy priesthood of two : JW hg i Hockey Team of Edmonton. | worthy members of the cathedral staff . | | Cambriage university rugby team |__the thirty-eighth anniversary of the | defeated the north of Ireland by 11 | Rev. C. A. McWilliams and the fourth to. 0. The Australians drew | . i ia with {i the Rev. J. J. O{Rielly, secretary, | Aberstrogth, 18 all. lto the archbi$hop: The interest of For Father, Brother or Sweetheart | PS £4 a le ew |goode Hall, T.A.A.C. and Kingston, | SOnfirmation. Father 0 Rielly is one New Year's week will be a hard |}; very pleasing event was further i the schedule for "which was drawn up of the four pricsts of 'this diocese wha During the Two Closing Days of {week for Longboat. Married _oni.nhanced by the faut that Rev. Father v Monday and racing Dorando on Fri-| yo williams is an'old pastor of Father Roney & Co's Gigantic Sale ' | Monday night. LT | were baptized - and instructed in their day 2a seygre enough Yest for he best | 0' Rielly and "prepated ihe latter for Leon ww at {his first holy communion-.and for ihe | oR a Bhs the bei | worthy reception of the wacrament of The golden opportunity to give a useful present of | The first of the big league baseball | carly religions ities | by Pattee Se \ 3 . iL ties a rs inarir i tl H \ a New Suit, Overcoat, Pea Jacket, Fur-lined Overcoat, | 'iam, '0 Ro", Nicean team: | directed by him to the sherod calling | Working Coat, etc., at about half regular price. |1t will go. to Macon, Ga., March Ist, | of Wie ene The Stet thite we ' {for the first practice game. | the late P. C. rien, ose carly de | The Inter-providcial rugby union is|mise was so decply regretied by both THE VERY LATEST IN NECKWEAR, (30 dozen just arrived). (Presenting: the senior Tigers with cont |prisate a Rigo or Father i Sold all over at 75c. and $1.00. W i * |sweaters, and the intermediates with | Br Jarcy, the cpergenic pssst oO Price, 59c. each. Bi9 dB fancy, box | caps, Parkdale will receive shields. | Rev. J. P. Kehoe, of 'Gananoque, and : vores | I'he Canadian rugby union will ive Rev : Father James Keeley, at present FANCY TIES, in boxes, at 39¢. and 45c. oe |the seniers caps, while the juniors stationed at' Carleton Place. Thirty- 'FANCY SUSPENDERS, in boxes, at 45c. | and intermediates will receive shields. eight years of active and zealous pas- Winnipeg Saturday Post: li Ed- toral duty is a long space of time and {monton"s players are engaged for pariicularly when these years ; are | {only the Stanley cup series that spent, as is thé ease of Rev, Father | means something quite different, and! McWilliams, in one of tho most, if not i spells poor sport insted of , good. the most laborious missions of = this | | Rules or no ules, the JE eming up of | diocese. In addition jo he four : . {of a regularly organized team . just worthy priesis mentione ve en Kid Gloves, Fur-Lined Gloves, Buck Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, |for the sake of Lp some at ters the House of Providence and etc., at prices to clear in a hurry. | event is poor sport and shouldn't be 'Hotel Dieu, this city, owe their reli- | countenanced wherever it takes place. | giouw vocation after the grace of God, | Stronach, the well-known _ outside | {5 the good example, sound teaching Don't fail to visit our store during the remaining | Ying of the Ottawa football club, has apd wise direction .of Father McWil- : ' . | had opérations performed on both!}iams. j two days. Bargains for everybody. | his knees as the result of injuries re-| | ceived during the past season. It was | [in the Ottawa-Tiger game at Hamil-| {ton Stronach first sufiered injury, be- = | : i i t Various Open Evenings {ing kicked in the left knee. The thar Prices, Paid '= 3] FANCY VESTS, in boxes; at Manufacturers' Prices. THE NEWEST IN SCARFS, Prices from 19c. up. MOCHA GLOVES, (lined), all sizes, from 69¢. up. » LIVE STOCK MARKETS. | was hurt in the Ottawa-Tiger game at | Centres. { ! | Kingston. Montreal, Dee. 21.~Prime beeves "Tom" Longboat will not race Al-|sold of 4}e. to, Be, per lb; pretty good | fred: Shrubb until the spring, ~ go | animals at 3je. to dic, and the com- - " S | "Tom" Flanagan says. Flanagan | mon stock, 24e. to 3ie. per lb. Last | { O i 1S O S has signed him up with Dorando at week Messrs. Johnston and Besser, ol | . the Marathon distance January lst, | Bonsecours market, bought seven ex- [Longboat will be married December | tra steers at Gc. per 1b. which was | 30th, in Toronto. Longboat will meet | about the highest price paid here, for J. J. Hayes at. the Marathon distance Christmas cattle. this season. Calves in Riverdale rink in January. ZLong- sold at from 3c. to Bie. per Tb. Sheep hoat has sent $200 to -his mother an | sold at de. to 4}c., and lambs at bic, Caledonia, Flanagan has received alto Ge. per Ib. Gooa lots of fat hogs sheaf of challenges from everybody | sold at about 6ic. per 1b. who ever was, or 'ever hopes to he, --per-- a runner. Those are the outstanding | Toronto, Dec. 21.--A load of export | ceatures of the Redskin's career "since cattle found a purchaser at £5.25, and | last we appeared." | the highest paid for butchers was | -------------------- | 84.60. Medium cattle were steady with the demand poor, Lambs are gome- LETTERS 10 THE FDITOR. what better 3 from £5 to $5.75. Hogs 4 are unchanged. 127 Princess Street, Kingston. « The Store That Sets the Pace, PEER EEEEEEERTREN SEPEERITICEEECEAEEO® | Rev. Dr. MacTavish Writes About, = the Bar-room. | Oil C 1 ans. Chicago, Dec. 2}. --Cattle, receipts, _-- 26,000; market steady to a shade Editor : A few days ago | higher. Beeves, 33.50 to £7.60; Texans, the Toronto Star contained an in- [83750 to $4.35; Westerns, $3.50 to forming editorial entitled *'Progress."'| stockers ah feeders $2.60 to That 'paper, 1 believe, has never béen | gq. 7 cows and theifers, . $1 50 to $5; accused of being an advocate of tem-| calves $6 to $8.50. Hogs--Receipts, perance, and for that reason the edi-|25000; market generally 5 higher. torial in question is all the more sig- | Light ' 24.80 to $5.55; miked, $5.20 6 nificanit. The writer points-out that | 85 80. heavy, $5.25 to $5.85, roujrh $5. there is mow only one liquor license | ox to $5.40; good to choice, heavy, for every 1,694 of the 'population, and | 8540 to $5.85; pigs, 24.75 that it would be almost impossible to| yuk of sales $5.30 to ind one citizen of Toronto, nog direct- | 18 000: market, 10e. highs iy connectéd with the liquor business, | 9 50 to, $4.75; Western, $2.50 to $4.- who would advocate an increase in the [75. yearlings, $450 to $6; lambs, na- - 3 aumber. He declares, also, that it] tive, $4.50. to $7.25; Western, $5.40 to cKelvey & Birch would be equally impossible to find a|§6.25, part of -the city that would tolerate | Kingston, Dec. 22. -- To the We have }, 1,2, 8 and 5 gallon cans. Good 4 Hight comes from good oil. BY We have Coal Oil, than which there is none & 8 better made. Price in gallon lots 15¢, 18c and 20c¢ per gallon. & Delivered to 'any part of the city. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Dec. 22.--Wheat, fall, bush. > the issuing of new licenses, or consent 69 AND 71 BROCK STREILT. 2 to the re-opening of any bar-room | which had once been closed. onc: wheat, goosé, bushi, 90c.; oats, Jut parhaps tlie most striking para-| pooh 42. barley, bush', 48c. graph is the following : "The opening | vo push, 70c. to 72e.; peas, TT daw brar-room in any part of the g7. hay, per ton, $12 to 313.505 hay, ity, especially in a residential local- No. 2. $7 to £10; straw, per ton, 812 ity, would be a detriment to the neigh-|; 214. Jressed hogs, $8 to $8.50; but- yorhood, and would tend to lower the | ter, dairy, 28 to 30e.; butter, cream- value of surrounding property. The .v 0c. to 330.; Te new laid, 45¢. | B d onverse of this is equally true. The si'. eugs, fresh. 30c. to 35c.; chick ron e S losing up- of bar-rooms tends to en : dressed; 1b. 112¢," to 13¢:; ducks, hance property values in the neighbor- sing. 10. le. to 130 a Th Now line just arrived q hood, as well as to promote sobriety, | 0c. to llc.) turkeys, Ih., 15¢. torlTc; y \ Ilé $ wrder, and law observance, | cabbage, per dozen, 30c. tq 50c.; cel Special all Brass Beds, $14.50. - LV a The (Others, $24.00 $65.00 and $75.00. / AN \ reflections. If Toronto has now only! soe, to 9c.; potatoes, bag, 65¢. to Ifon Beds, $2 $8.00, $3.50, etc: ) ore TRS one license for every 1,694 of the|1sc.: apples, barrel, $2 to $3.50: Mptircsss, Marshall, Sanitary. 3 ne A opulation, and is in the midst of a|heef, hindquarté § 88.50; beef, » BS aljress mare, Ustermoof Vm ampaign to. still further reduce the | forequarters, $4.50 to $6; beef, choice, Pett Mattresses, $8.50, $12.50, $13:50, {i 3 » Senn \ umber, surely Kingston must havé carcase, 87.50 to £7.75; beef, medium, $15.00. . ag. £3) HR 4 together too many. when she has one > : A ewt., Hercules Springs, $3.50 and $2.50. or every H75 of the population. Best made v DOOOC x 0OQC00IAI0Q0O00IIO0000000NOOOL Brass Beds editorial suggests one or two cry, dozen, 30c. to 40e; onions, bag, carcase, 85 to $6.50; mutton, 1 | $6.50 to $8; veal, prime, per cwt., $8.- | If Toronte, with her small number 50 to $10; lamb, per cwt., 28.50 to f licenses, is making such rapid pro-: $9.50. rress, commercially and industrially, night not Kingston advance along hese lines more rapidly if the number if licenses were reduced ? The Star's' Showed Consecon' That It Can't | onclusions are in accord with what Be Trifled With he cates of temperance have r . -- ) ie advo ate of temperar ce have long Amoliasbarg, Dee. 21.--The council naintained, viz., that the barroom, held ts: last scting. (Tuesday night part altogether from its ruinous ef- It 9 ns SE lor - rid ui : fects, morally, is an economic burden i had granted $i0Y to: lang 8 COI 3 | eroto walk in the village of Consecon v terrible incubus upon the commup- Th : harwe: built i walk ty' that maintains .it. Truly has it| hose in charge: om ib a»loarewh heen said. "The saloon is the heaviest outside the village to the station: The HOCKEY BOOTS, 4 log upon progress, and the deepest | council refuse to give Ye grant an lisgrace of our age." Sincerely yours, otdered the hoardwa k tlaten up. 4 W. S. MACTAVISH. | delegation was here from Consceon, {but could not change the council and |so will lose the grani. A delegation | N Prepare For Cough. .| was here from Huff's Island, request sions do Gestion the wisdom Slime ug ol a Tas £ 3 0 remedy in the from the island toward Belleville. The y ,, y 3 | . . OVERSHOES and RUBBERS ome constantly during the cold |phigh water has flooded the bridge and . i weather months. © The one you can |ihey wish to build cement sides and MOCCASINS | absolutely depend upon. to givelg]) in. Tha grant was refused. 3 a prompt. and thorough results is the! A sigeon shoot 'was held here last 1 oug a) ; oR Jo 8 Gr 3 Vision Cough Tamedy. a bottles, | eq. Peter Bovay took the cup, and 20¢. and Ole. a ade's drug store. P. Russell the medal. There is one { i ; y | family down with small-pox in the All these kinds ir ravieti { A 3 : 1 these kinds in many varieties at the 5 Men s For Collars $4 up. l4ownship. Great numbers of white- fur caps, $2.50, at Campbell Bros. | fish and herring have been caught at T Wild Cherry' 'Goath o | Weller's Bay, and have been selling as C ITY cough cure, reguiar | : as s r 0 TORE Brice, 28s. each, 2 for 28a, at We ie {low as $1 a hundred pounds. 2 Mr. ¥ 1 > + . yw «00s, ade's | Mackenzie, manager of the bank, with i rug store. $ { FAERIE eee ALAA EAL The pope : Be a = ren . Leading Undertaker, AMELIASEURG COUNCIL. | PELE H HEAL EE EIA EL EER ELE EE SEEPS t Last Minute Suggestions When you're giving Xmas Presents, buy something useful. +4 { MuLe Hie Hockey Boot S444 e eS EVENING SLIPPERS, WARM FELT SLIPPERS, Geo ASLATER Ne . MAKER i py OVERGAITERS. : [his wife and child, are taking their he iv recovered from Js 1 3 4 hi i a8 lully recovere rom | holidays, #nd Mr. Norman, son of our his recent. 1liness. . | worthy M.P.P., is here in his place. ----- PLUMBERS: |The Appetite of Youth! Try our PU i? i LEAD in five What would vou give for it? low he pound blocks. The price is |e to enjoy Saupe a you did twen- | ty J vears ago! Trouble is food dis- op : ot & br Lapa interesting vol : a: 3 3 Fell him there is no baby, direct - . | agree with vou, causing sour tom led Mrs. De Style, "And Hortense !" | } DD . ach, hoadache and indigestion. Now. | "Yes : lady." Canada Metal Co., Ltd His Sau sh be changed by Dr: Ham- | rE fot 'the horrid crea- yo aNd m lilton's Pills, which revive the appetite { <i 1: 1.2 \ 31 William St,, Toronto. {of youth quickly Your stomach wilt" kies Fido $ {grow strong, indigestion will depart ------ CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO'S SKATES | oui Sonnet chert tao to sesesbaivasa nny $4.25; A Caution To Dave. lease, mum, there's a candidate in front yard wants to kiss the baby." | {rested; you'll grow strong by using | Christmas shopping and we're offering 350. Dr. Hamilton's. Pills; because they in [big values in fur and fur-linéd coats, Automobile 2.75 | vigorate the stomach, kidneys, liver neck pieces, muffs, ete., at Campbell Jodel, 237 react -- ' omnnieed | ipesrseniriis. S08 {and bowels. . Bost medicine on earth. |Bros.', the store of quality. Automobile, *'Aluminum Top Automobile, "B."" GEE a man coming home from ot the persons aia "things forge or furnace or factory-- P15 ptedy, sts make pistes face covered with grime and soot eras, a% our store, from $1 --it only takes five minutes to : lather his face and shave as clean | : to $100. a : BEST'S as the palm of your hand with + a Gillette Safety Razor." Then he is ready ¢ S for an evening of rest. x The Gillette is one of the comforts of life, that every/Avorking man can afford--it costs : < $s but it lasts a lifetime. * Lubricating . Coal Of, Oil, Gasoline. We make a specialty of handling Lubri cating Oils of all kinds; Prices om applications a TL es JW FKELLY&EO Gill (ol 8 Ct Ad South Cor; Ontdrio. and Olarence Ste tr FRESH FRUIT hy ' Just Amved Sweet Naval Oranges, from 20c. to poe. per dozen. Malaga Grapes, from 15¢. to 20¢. per 1b. It is the one safety razor that is safe-- cannot cut your face. 'The only razor that can be adjusted for a light or close shave. Stop at a store and buy a Gillette to-day Standard Gillette Razor with 12 blades {24 cutting edges) $5.00. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL. 3 Bananas every day, from 20c. to 25¢y per dozen. Northern Spie Apples, all prices. Orders delivered promptly. TT gueke 25¢. per box, or five for $1, \ at all} in x For Sale at - - STRACHAN 'S HARDWARE (21 or Polson & Co, Kingston, | Lennox Iron Pills, regular price, 25¢. Ont, + each, 2 for 20c., 'at Wade's drug store. T. Peters & Co., Fancy Crackers le POTATOES For table or evening parties, containing Hats, Binds for the winter tiade'T pj . . . = Ne eady ior e winter trade. wo Caps and Toys, one dozen in a box, at 15¢,20c, | more cars of fine Potatoes to be ona 5 ; ; { <9C, 50c, up to $3 per dozen. added to our : present stock. Try A. d. Rees, '= * 'an dt 'Phone 58 = 166 Princess st. , A. CLOVER, or. Bagot & Eat The Up-to-Date Skates Lighter by Ounces Than Any Other --And Stronger This light-weight skate means that you can go further with more speed and less fatigue than if you were using a heavy, blade. The Avtomebile Skat » is lighter by-ounces than any, made--and stronger. . x The Automobile Skate The blade of the ' Automo- hile' Skate is of tempered nickel steel--the toughest metal yét compounded. Do not confuse nickel steel with nickel-plated steel. The former is 'a metal made from the best' of steel mixed in the furnace with pure nickel. It forms a powerful, tough composi tion and is used exten- sively as. armour plate to withstand the attack of steel projectiles. It turns out to be also the best thing vet discovered for the making <f good skate blades--nickel steel per- mits a lighter blade of oveat strenoth and of such finigh that it improves the appearance of the skate. Although nickel steel con- tributes much to the light- ness and strength of the "Automobile," it is the aluminum alloy top that makes for perfection in these particulars. Alum- inum figures as the lightest metal in the catalogue, but it: ean only be applied to such articles as skates by expert grading and mix- ing with baser metals. The manufacturers of the «¢ Automobile Skate" have discovered a process for the making of skate tops which has .proved abso- lutely satisfactory. So wonderfully good indeed that the Company stands behing every '" Automobile Skate?" with a pledged guarantee for one year against breakage. We stand behind this skate with an absolute gnarantée for one year against breakage. Write for now book of hockey rules and catalogue. Canada Cycle & Motor Co. Limited TORONTO. ie -- cm -- wa wasn rr ANGROVE BROS, AGENTS