THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - WE BNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 23, 1908. THE NIGGER IN THE WOOD-PILE" | 'Thousands of people go through life | feeling more or less miserable without ever knowing, the reason. They suf- | fer from headaches, indigestion, pains' in The back, and at the slightest chill get rheumatism or neuralgia. They try to cure these separate out- breaks, never suspecting that the root of the ghole trouble is the. failure of 'the bowels to move regularly, and in many cases the sluggish action of kid- | neys and skin. The result, of course, is that the whole system gets clogged | with impurities, which soon turn to | poizon, and show their presence in va- rious ways. "Fruit-a-tives""--or fruit julce tab- lets--promptly stir up the sluggish liver, regulate the bowels, and stimu- late the kidneys and skin to do their work properly. . Thus they cure all these troubles by removing the cause, and make it possible to really enjoy life. 50c a box--86 boxes for $2.50. Trial size 25c. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa SE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Christmas& New Year Excursions ound trip tickets will be sold at \ One-Way First-Class Fare (iood going December 24th and 25th, re- turn limit, December 28th, also going December 31st, 1908, and January | in. 1909 ; return limit, January 4th, | 1909. First Class Fare and One-Third Good going December 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, a5, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 1908, and January 1st, 1909. Return limit, January Oth, 1909. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Tieket Office, Ontario St, 'Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. ENTS TELL US. in = Eastern They Are Saying. Locals From roms Lyndhurst, Lyndhurst, ie getting the skating for a game to be played on the lst. ost. Oscar Harvey Kingston model school days. Ernest Harvey Montreal. David ie home day school teachers practising for a Christmas entertain ment in St. Luke's church. E. S. Cready 'is very bad with quinsy. Glendower .Notes. Glendower, Dee. 22. --The snow fall has greatly improved sleighing in this vicinity. a surprise party at J. Wilson's BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves - union. station, Ontario street { pm. daily {Sundays geepted) for ty Tweed, Sydenham, Napan burn and all oy 'north. To on despatch to nnockburn, Saynooth, n points on Qentral Ontario, route ycur ments via uinte Railway yto RR. W.D RES LUMBAGO Cpe | i Remeoy. The Best On The St Market 8t. Regis Lumbago Gure Godfrey, Nov. oe spent by the young 2 Ry app . 8. Garrison is people. "Mrs. G. one, No. able to be around again. Anson Timmerman's. Misses Edit} and Rena Pero at their brother's, Pero; S. Gowdy at G. Sidney Deyo and Mr. Hoppins at J. Wilson's. LEVIS ARN TYRE EEE Christmas & New Year Holidays 1908-1909 Round trip tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare Good going Thursday and Friday, Dec. 24th and 25th, returning on or before Monday, Dec, 28th and on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 81st, 1908, and Jan. 1st, 1009," returning oun or before Monday, Jan, 4th, also at First-Class Fare and One-Third (iood going Dec. - 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st, 1908 and Jan. 1st, 1909, returning on or before Tuesday, "Jan. Sth, 1909. Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. 3O0ING WEST. Lve. City 12.38 a.m. and Mr«, J. duration. Mrs. G. Tim S. four weeks' merman and list. Fish Creek Tidings. Fish Creek, Dec. 22.--The roads in excellent condition since the snow fall. Everyone is taking advan tage of them. Miss Edna Thompson made a flying trip to G. W. herd's on Thursday. W. Brown George Steele have 3rd, 1908. The W. A. Singleton Co., Crosby, Ont: \ Gentlemen : "Last summer I took Rheumatism in my knee that I could scarcely walk I commenced taking St. Regis Lumbago, Cure and it helped me, and I am well and ean walk all right. and drilling wells. E. Thompson's, on Friday, was attended, Mrs. B. OC, the prize for best flower M. E. as teacher; she and Miss E. son contemplate taking a trip | Visitors : Mrs. J. Burns, Oates; {M. Burns and E. J. eRe Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele, Keate's, Verona; J. Ward, : nda, at T. Fitzgerald's; Miss Barr at N. | Steole, at J. Steele's, Mrs, N. Shillington number of young people on evening. All report an time. Genuine Little Liver Pill e iver 1 S. Halpenny, of Sharbot Lake, offic ated. | The township council held the las | meeting for this year on | 15th. Everything was settled to | satisfaction of all. The concert | Ardoch was well attended. | closed for this year. The people ar all sorry to lose the '"My wife also had a bad pain in her back and she took St. Regis Lumbago Cure and it has helped her, 1 cannot praise your Medicine too highly for Rheumatism and Lumbago. wel maker. Arr. City 5 Mall .. 3 Expre 11 Local 1 Inter. 7 Mail 15 Local GOING Yours Truly, JOHN WALKER." Sold by all Druggists in Kingston. GA ST, Ie City 1.43 . Sarak Sr. Mr. entertained anc 12 Local . a Nos. 1.3.5 aud 8. rub daily All other trains daily except Sunday. | For Pullman Accommodation' Tickets and all 'other information. wpoly to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts., King INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY For Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted foi excellence of Sleeping and | Dining Car Service between | Montreal and the Atlantic Ports." Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, or mesa Happenings At Plevna. Plevna, "Dec. 22.--Drawing seems the order of the day. Mr. | Mrs. Ostler are home again. WoO anc White, when Miss M. Leeman, leigh, and Norton White were united in matrimony. Just and relatives were present. Present were pretty and numerous. Rev. Must Bear Signature of TR See Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. a py side of life. Mrs. L. { are visiting at Ardoch, f sees, Mrs. White's. Visitors: G. pie at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ostle 1 {Dr.) Adams at Mrs. Johnson's FF. Watkins at Miss E. J. Gorr at Mrs. 0. Gorr's; Brouse: at the Mountain. Kring at his son's, John Kring Elkington at the River View. Kring and sor g Mis FOR TORFID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. News From Florida. Florida, Dec. Lake is now quite safe. chison has leased A. and- intends moving spring. W. ter his recent illness. being heard - -of across Mud Lake). R. N. veturned home. Mrs. W. Babcock, iting herf son, T. Babcock, ed to her home in Wilton. of Odessa, has leased farm, and has moved there. Henry Davidson's farm on it in CURE SICK HEADACHE. erecting General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. QUEBEC S., S. COMPANY. BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the 5,580 tons, Twin Screw Steam- ship "'Bermudian." Sailings 26th Dec, and 6th January, and afterwards every | Saturday at 10 a.m. | ---- New York to Bermuda, Nassau, | Every Ww Bahamas and return.. "Trinidad" 2nd; 18th February and | is inte: d and sh ten ould know P=Y conven: That D: yes! s " MavroLe"!--that's the name of the cake of soap that makes successful dyeing at bome cleanly, successful; safe. The colors are fast and Dekiligne, It dyes to any shade, No streg No mess or aypole (oud. Give yourself a real pleasant treat with Soap cleanly * Maypole"! roc. for colovs. 15¢. for black, Prank L. Benedict & Co. Tr. plying wood for the school. len ter, Mrs. A. Babcock. has purchased of - the late Emily Stormes, tends moving there in Miss Lindy Babcock, ill with typhoic fever, is gaining slowly. Davey, Toronto, J. E. and has returned home. C. 8.8. 8h W. Martin's, Pittsburg. Visitors: Sniaer, of Wilton, at D. Martin's; and Mrs. James 8S. Kinner, East, at J. E. Stormes'; B. son, at J. Davey's; M, Carl, at his son's, H. Carl; Mrs, cock, at H. Mills, Wilton; Gooawin, of Toronto, Storme's. March, West India Cruises from New York \ AVE Wiig New Steamer "Guiana," 8,700 tons with all up-to-date improvements. S.5, | '"'Parina," 3,000 tons, 8.8. "Korona,' 3,000 tons, sail from New York every alternate Wednesday. I'or beauty of scenery and perfection of | climate these trips are unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets yglving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. ~~ QUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, Quebec Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J. 1. HANLEY, and C. S. KIRKPATRICK Kingston. W ALL PAPER Royal at lowest prices. ALLA Mail LINE D. . FRASER'S, WINTER SAILINGS TO' LIVER- | "Phone 373. 78 William St. . POOL. From St. John, Halifax. .. Jan. 1st. Jan 2nd Jan. 15th. Jan. 16th Jan. ond. Jan 23rd TO GLASGOW. Carthaginian, from Boston Corinthian, from Portland .... First-Class, $70.00 upwards Class $40.00 upwards, Third? £29.00 and $30.00 inh il wo cr op UES AND GENTS TALORNG icati J. P. HANLEY, 2 plication to or Local King: | SF ng a iv Instantly. cleanses Ba oh Samora su) i XR VEL at) Fe tr wy 5 k: abi bd De boo ges full culars and ire valuable oad Y CO., Windso: trol Ans pxiudant, Ont. I Keep the Newest in T. Mrs. at Death At Bloomfield. Bloomfield, Dee. 22.--Alfred more, who had his leg mangled in lied from inst. Mr. vears of aga. Monday from his residence ai Lake. He leaves a widow and sons. Rev. Elwood Bowerman is very sick at his home here. Mrs, Eda Mastin entertained company to the number of fifty +ling. The C.0.F, gave on Friday evening, the ily furnishing the programme. mers' Club - has will meet. every the cffects on Fenemore was the Tunisian, sails ... Hesperian Corsican Wan. Murray Auctioneer | 27 BROCK ST. Jan. 0th. | New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Jan. 16th. | ete., for sale. Sale ¢f Harses every Saturday. sails. a concert hore scond- been organized 'lass, culture. KIRKPATRICK, Agents, We fully guarantee superior ston. | correct ile, artistic workmansh | perfect OUR ROOSTER BRAND! J B. Ouellette, OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing, , at eonts a pound, Is a good tobacco. pay eighty-five 'cents Ontario street. scene of a gathering friends and relatives to witness marriage of his daughter, Annie, Clifford Raynor. Rev. Mr. Houck, Wellington, performed the coremony at eight o'clock in the evening. The usual collection of handsome presents were in evidence. On Friday evening a large reception was held at the home forty-five | ~~ . Why | President-elect Andrew Maclean. | loundation for "inet rumors, Taft says there is no any of the recent cab- NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND The Tidings From From Various Points Ontario--What People Are Doing And What Dec. 22.--A force of men rink in shape Clifton Sheffield is hauling brick from Seeley's Bay for a new house in the spring. William Lloyd and family are tting ready to move to the North- is home from for his holi- from Lioyd, Gananoque, at R. R. Tate's this week. The Sun- and pupils are Mec- recent the There was last week. A very enjoyable cvening was N. Kelly and Mise Ellen Kennahan at E. Timmerman's; Babcock is improving after a serious illness of Leeman on the sick are last Shep- returned home from Arden, where they were engaged The flower bee at Mrs. Atwood taking Miss Burne has resigned her position Thomp- west. Miss Fitzgerald at P. Jr, Cush- Barker's; Mr. and Mrs. A. a Tuesday enjoyable A pretty wedding took place at the home of EK. of Fern- intimate friends Mr. December the School has genial teacher, who always seemed to be on the hap- at her daugh- Gilles- Mrs. Woods' Mrs. Joseph Watson H. 21.--Crossing on Mud Hut- the Martin is around again af- (Strong talk is a bridge Lapum has vis- has return- Leeman, A. Martin's Bab- cock has secured the contract of sup- Miss Grace Wallace has returned home ai- ter spending the summer with her sis- Stormes the farm near Wilton, in- the spring: Miss Leita after spending a few months in 0 Pet- ers is spending a couple of months at H. Mr. Camden Hender- Yarker, Bab- E. L. Fene- a clover thresher about three wecks ago, 19th forty-five The funeral was held on West two last Thursday even- McQuinn fam- A Far- and two weeks for the dis cussion of subjects pertaining to agri- The home of Robert Hubbs was the of a number of the to of of Arnold Raynor, * in ow nor of the new by-married couple, where they will make their home. Mrs. Anglin snd family, of Mon- treal, are father's Christy. 8. a ys in Toronto this Sper Finlay Stewart has started a grocery and butcher shop. A joweller has started business in Isaac Spider's chop. Edgerton Switzer and wile, for- mer residents of this place, are here renewing acquaintances after a num- her of years' abe in Michigan. Death At t. Marysville. Marysville, Dec. 22.--John - Me- Guinnis, an old and much respected resident, passed away on Sunday morning from a stroke of paralysis, in his sixty-eighth year. He ves a widow but no children, The fun- eral took place this morning from his late residence to St. Mary's church, which was thronged with sorrowing friends and .neighbors. Sym- pathy extended to Mrs, John Fahey in the death of a brother at his home at Brewer's Mills on Dec. lst, after a lingering and painful illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Russell were at home to a number of their friends on Sunday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. koley, of, Watertown, spent two weeks with his father, 'Jam F Dato: Miss Eliza Roach, of the fi con- cession of Richmond, hai the week with Mrs. James Traynor. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Oliver and daugh~ ter, Vinene, and Miss Nellie Harvey, of Deseronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John C. Meagher. Lev Drummey is home again from the west where he had gone in the hope of restoring his health, but he is not much improved. W. McCol- ligh's friends called on him Tuesday evening and presented him with a beautiful gold watch and his sister, Eliza, with a silver sugar bowl, on their departure to reside in Deseronto. Mrs.. J. C. Meagher left to-day for Moore Lake to spend Christmastide with her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Secan- lon. [> 1] Tidings From Keelerville. Keelerville, Dec. 1 21.--The Christmas tree 'entertainment held last Friday night, was a grand success. Santa Claus was in attendance and delighted the children. Rev. Mr. Shorten chairman and the programme was good, and rendered in fine style. Sun- day was rally Sunday for the Sunday schoal. There was a large attendance. The public school will close to-morrow for the holidays. Miss Jennie Robb has been engaged, to teach the school next year. Mrs. C. Clark and Mrs. R. J. Stanlay were in the city last week Miss Ritchie, of Milburn, who has heen the guest of Miss Mary Boal for the last two weeks, has returned home. David Robb, of Queen's College, spending his. holidays with his brother, John Robb. J. E. Anglin is home for the holidays. Master Sleeth, of Cedar Lake, is visiting at David Sleeth's. (Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Sands, of Sunbury, at Clarence Hanley's; Reuben Clark, of Milburn, at Charles Clark's." Mrs. George Ruth- ven was in the city last week." Mr. and Mrs. Erwin « Caird are visiting friends at Battersea, to-day. George Richards and wife, of Battersea, at William Yateman's; Delbert Ames "and family have moved. to their new home at Westbrook. Mrs. Francis Sheldon, Oak Leaf: Mrs. Wesley Towriss, Glen Buell: Miss Clara Taber, Athens: Wal- ter Taber, Ellie Mil Wilfrid Taber, Newdale, Man, were visiting at their sister's, Mrs. J. E. Anglin, last week, Mrs. Kennedy, of Sydenham, at John Robb's. James Boal, of Cadar Lake, was at R. J.-Boal's last week. The municipal cleetion, which is to be held two weeks from to-day, is not creating much stir yet. A FASTER STEAMER i was 1 is 1 1 i s t e 8 Is Handling | Business on the Island Route. . Thousand lslanga Park, Dec. 21.-- I'he yacht Fleeta has taken the place of the Wittie on account of being a .arger and taster boat on the twice a-day route between here and ULiay- ton. Jay J. Gardner has returnea rom Boston where he went to pur- chase a new engine. 'lhe large new pulaing being erected on Union street by G. Ik. Brown is nearly en- closed and shingled. 'The sloop Glua Lidings, after aise narging a cargo of coal and lumber, has gone into win- er quarters. George Shoemaker has tne job of rebuilding the steamboat wharf at St. Lawrence Park. Floyd carter, builder, of this place, has just completed a hne motor boat. Several witnesses from this place attended court at Watertown during che past week. A musical and lier ary entertainment in the library, on Saturday night, given by the Literary society, was a success lu every way. J. P. Lewis, of Beaver Falls, head ot the Thousand Island Park executive committge, was here a few days ago arranging about adding an annex wo the Columbian hotel. D. W. Gardner has men engaged in repairing the ice houses, getting them ready tor biling. There is no ice yet in this locality except in South Bay. Part of Court Fine View, 1.O.F. tended the funeral of Mrs. George Dano, at Clayton, on Saturday. De- ceased was 'a resident of this place until a few years ago and her s is first death to occur in the above court since it was organized in 1896. J. A. Morris and wife leave to-morrow for Southern Pines, North Carolina. Santa Claus will entertain the young folk at the new M. E. church at Fine View on Christmas eve. 1 , at- What a Great Man Said to the Great American People. Parisian Sage is a discovery a celebrated scientist, who spent the best years of his life in pesfecting this great hair tonic. In giving his ecipe to the can people he said, "Parisian Sage is the most delightiul in dressing in the world, but it is more than a hair dressing. It cures dandruff by killing the germs that infest the roots of the hair; /it stops falling hair: - it gives vigor and strength to the hair roots. G. W. Mahood sells Parisian Sage at Dlc. a large bottle and guarantees it to do all that is elaim- ed for it, or your money is refunded. If you dd not roside_ploe a druggist who sells Parisian S@ge, send | H0c. to Giroux Mig. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. be sent you, all of 3 Ameri- and a bottle will charges prepaid. G. No a and wife | Frank | Hosiery Useful and Hand-| some Gifts; Handsome Chira Closets with swelled fronts, Combination Buffets and China Closets. Kx- teusion Tables to match, ) Specials Jardiniere Stands and Taberetts Medicire Cabipets, Parlor and Music Cabinets, Floor Mats and Rugs, Screens and Easels, at JAMES REID'S, The Leading Undertaker, Phone 147. Store Open Nights. PURE C 'RE AM PUFFS. ECLAIRS. CAKES. CHARLOTTE ~--Order them early-- RUSSE. Also a complete line of Xmas Stockings, Crackers, Nuts, Fruits, ete. Pure Cream Goods for Xmas ee Et a a Or a box of #4! high-grade Pen-Angle SILVER TEA SETS We have many beautiful Tea Sets ranging in price from ten ty sixty dollars, > E One of these would make a very acceptable Christmas gift and would be very much appreciated. KINNEAR & G°ESTERRE, JEWELLERS. Princess and' Wellington Sts. OPIN LVININGS Fine Tailoring M elton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. 131 Princess street. SPECIAL Our Own Blended Tea, 60¢, per 1b. Every 80¢., of 18 ounces. ounce guaranteed. We also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Confection- ery 40¢., 50c., Fresh Oysters R. H. TOYE, King St., Phone 141 | D. Couper, 'Phone, 76. 841-8 Princess PROMPT DELIVERY, St. FOR A LADY 1m 300 pairs of Ladies' Fancy Felt Slippers just a Brown, Red, Green and Black, trimmed with fur, Reéal good values will be sold at $1.00 Pai Many other styles at $1.25. 14 ts y ABERNETH 3 $0000003000000T0000000 190000080 00000000050009 A G0000000000000000000000000000000600000000000 $000 ONE DOLLAR BUYS'A andsome Gift rrived. We have them in r Store Open Every Evening