Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1908, p. 6

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8 ] Usetul Kimas Presents PAGE BIX. mm Of course, there's a lot C in making coffee right. But do your part right, and you need have no fear of the results as long as you use Chase & Sanborn's 4 Coffee. re and there is no excuse whatever for the statement. I The news item refers to the almost For Father, Brother or Sweetheart | For About Half Price During the Two Closing Days of Roney & Co's Gigantic Sale The golden opportunity to give a useful present of a New Suit, Overcoat, Pea Jacket, "Fur-lined Overcoat. Working Coat, ete., at about hall regular price. THE VERY LATEST IN NECKWEAR, 80 dozen just arrived). Sold all over at 75c. and $1.00. We put them in a fancy box. Price, 59¢. each. FANCY TIES, in boxe t 30c. and 45c. FANCY SUSPENDERS, in boxes, at 45c. FANCY VESTS, in boxes, at Manufacturers' Prices. THE NEWEST IN SCARFS. Prices from 19¢. up. . MOCHA GLOVES, (lined), all sizes, from' 69c. up. Kid Gloves, Fur-Lined Gloves, Buck Gloves, etc., at prices to clear in a hurry. a. Gauntlets, Mitts, Don't fail to visit out store during the remaining two days. Bargains for everybody. Open Evenings Roney & Co's 127 Prirficess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. rma Short Days Necessitate Large Qil Cans. We have }, 1,2, 3 and § light comes from good oil. gallon cans. Good We have Coal Oil, than which there .is none better made.. 2 Price in gallon lots 15¢, 18c and 20c per gallon. Delivered to any part of the city. McKelvey & Birch 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET. SEREEEEFEEE) PROEREEEE EERE REO@ Ran » NO_HONING=NO GRINDING "CARBO MAGNETIC" THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION. Are you Interested in a better Razor than you have? If so, your.dealer will deliver to you a "CARBO | MAGNETIC" Razor on thirty days' trial without obligation on your part to purchase. . "CARBO MAGNETIC" Razors don't pull--others will! Get one to day and you'll have NO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES. Firm of A. L: SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, N.Y: For sale by McKelvey & Birch, KINGSTON, ONT. pe-- coe 4 inept Omg of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1908. complete reformation of the girl". SHOULD BE REPLACED BY Such is a very desirable outcome ol imprisohment. Oue important purpose of 'a prison, besides protecting society from malelactors, is the reformation of the malefactor~an hospital for the cure of "the various moral afiec- tions. Many cases, unfortunately, are hopeless. Some, 'in which the outlook for a better life deems particularly good, are blighted by the evil com- panionship of their AJellow-prisoners, and when they leave the prison, cai: MODERN BRIDGE. The Need of a Better Structure Pointed Out By Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P.--County Road System Outlined. Cataraqui, Dee. 22--(To the Edit- or): Now that the by-law establish- ing cighty-nine miles of county roads |ry with them not only those moral has been passed by ibe county coun- | defects which they had " on entrance, ¢il and has received the sanction of [but many others contracted during the Oritario government, it iv the duty,| confinement. The problem of prevent of every person interested in 'the wel- ling such a calastrophe confronts those fare oi the county to do what he can |in authority and every means of to make the system as complete and [avoiding it, is eagerly sought. It is periccti as possiblel With the excep- | just possible, though I do not speak tion of of the council who has [as one having authority, that the openly and" repeatedly ignored the [case of this young girl was one wishes of the people and his col | which belonged to this class, and leagues, 1 think the county couneil, in | that in delivering her into the care of dealing _ with the quesiigu of county | the sisters, transferring her to a mor- roads may be credited with an earnest |ally healthy environment, © the auth- desire to do what it honestly consider |orities have done the very best for ad to be in the interests of the county | her. In this couneetion one recalls the as a whole. * | remarks of the judge, who sentenced Believing this, I am willing to give her some three years ago, wherein, hie avery consideration to opinions which regretted the lack of a suitable insti- may differ very greatly from my own |tution for the reception of such cases. and to render any assistance i It is well known that paroles have in solving 'a difficult problem. Of the been frequently granted during the dghty-nino miles on which the total past few years, even to these guilty stimated expenditure is $120,000 some of premeditated crimes; nor has there twenty-eight miles were formerly toll been undue newspaper comment. Very roads. There still remain over thirty charitably the press has refrained miles of toll roads, which, in justice from gmying notoriety to those who to some of the ratepayers, must be have satisfied the justice of their sxpropriated and included in the Touniny and who may ip new and fouity foad sysiem next vear. setter surroundings, redéem them- The: extpropriati . "1: | selves for past misdeeds, and: become 10 expropriating of these thirty soiul citizens And is it Christi niles and the consequent readjustment eg y iy 12808, 1 NE 28 8 y astian of the: mileage' in the seviral town. Shasity jo sing e out this unfortunate ships directly interested, will increase girl 2d herald hor advert to NEW. he length of the county road system oe id Ni ating oa hines n a news to about 150 miles. No county road Paper ey De i system can possibly be satisfactory | ooo nothing wl coh a} R dt pe shich obliges some of the people. to Pe to a beet on ts Te . help maintain free roads, which thoy | seems to me that the insistently curi- lo not Ja wills still paying toll on | us public: might well have heen left the roads hey do usc. } . in ignorance in this case.~--Yours Nor will the systetn be complete un- | {yyly, WM. GIBSON til Barriefield bridges free from tolls. In reference to this matter 1 beg per- mission to renew rome suggestions which 1 made a few years ago in the hope that the city papers, tha hoard f trade and influential citizens will rive it the attention it merits. That the present ancient Wooden crossing from the city to Barricfield should be replaced by a more substantial struc- ture, I think all will agree. That the dominion government could be induc- od to undertake the work if the mat- ter was properly laid before it, 1 fully believe, The federal governmént pays to the 'ataraqui' Bridge company' kn annual rent, which is, praciically the same as the interest at government rates on He capital stock Jf' the hridbe. A here ore, in figuring out, the actual cost of this undetakingi ther goycrgnint shoal dicugt Robt fb oh re- uired to prirdhie! thehetock afiel ro- onstruet the bridge, such a sum 18 would produce at govern- interest the annual est: wiueh lit pays the company and the value of the timber in the cold widge. A new crossing could be built Wt comparatively ismalll osttiby filling u- the whole Histquce, ayith, the excep- Alon of the pur ion 'requiréd for a wing bridghl Phereiis an dbindance | of, suitable, materigl for thig pugnose, Jdse at hand, whic céuld | cofiveyd «l rapidly and Cheaply" irom "Brie field hill. to the bridge, by means. of a temporary double track Yeamnway, | so arranged that the loaded cars go- ing down would haul the empty ones | Interesting News From the Var- up to be filled. The water at the : ak . bridge is comparatively shallow, and | fous Sperhing Fields, notifies his the _ bottom is hard and firm. The | Burns his friends in Eng- greater part of the work could be | land that he anticipates a hard bat- lone by convict labor, the prisoners | 11 with Johnson, but expects to win, beirig taken from Portsmouth to the | eV Westminster will defend the sceiie of operations by boat in sum- | Minto lacrosse cup against Tecumsehs mer and by sleighs, on the ice in win- |of , Toronto, and Capitals of Regina, ter. The prisoners in the county jail |!" May. A sould also be more profitably em- Shrubb and. Longboat have finally ployed at such work, than in carry- been matched for a race of twenty-six ing' a block of wood to and fro in the miles at Madison lail yard. By making use of prison January 26th. labor the width of the filling could in Advices from -the scene time be increased so as to provide the |1P¥ Johnson-Burns fight in Australia, necessary space for an @leetric fail- | arel to the effect that Burns is the way if required. Across the line, pri- {favorite at five to four, with much s6n labor 1¥ being used to prove | money wagered both Ways. the country roads, and I think any | _Dorando Pietro will attend the In: move 'in that direction by the gov- | ial 8 testimonial m Faronto, on swnment of Canada would be heartily | Monday. The distance of his race with mdorsed by the people. onghoat at Buffalo, a week from There are some very good reasons Saturday has been changed from fif- why the government should undertake | 1°¢2 t© twenty-five miles. this work. Kingston is a recognized From Boston comes the news that military centre, and of the outlay of | 'y Young may follow * that other over $20,000,000 for military purposes | member of the famns Hub battery, in the nearly Kall a Lew Criger, to St.-Lodis. President million has been expended over at Bar- laylor of the Boston Club is inclin; riefield. The new rifle ranges have been ed to favor Young's wishes in the completed, and the military camp will matter and sell his release to St. be permanently located there. From a Louis for a big cash consideration. military standpoint alone a substan- | Rev Mr. Creegan, of Deseronto, tinl Bide is a necéssity. To take will go to Toronto, next. Monday, to siece of heavy ordnance across the [Perform _ the marriage ceremony of agresent wooden structure slowly "Tom Longhoat and Miss Maracle. would be unsafe and to take several | reception will be held at Massey over together rapidly would be out of Hall after the ceremony and at the the question. It sould also be in the conclusion ol the big testimonial, interests of navigation and greatly which is being arranged for the. In- improve the harbor to have the swing dian. We . ¥ bridge farther from the . city shore, |, Toronto Globe : After his great per- The benefits to the city of Kingston |fovmance against Dorando, there is ana the townships of Pittsburg and [™ doubt as to the Indian's ability Howe Island of a free bridge, suchas |! 2° the Marathon - distance, 'while I hgve supgested are obviouss--J. W. there is 'a very prevalent belief that EDWARDS. Shrubb cannot. do twenty-six miles. That will be settled on the might of January 26th. : gpa Objécting To A Sentence George Bonhag, the former indoor La y . {long distance champion, denies he has Kingston, Dee. 22.--(To the Edi- | thought "of twrning professional in tor) : 1 crave the indulgence of space or to run -in one of the Marathon in _vour valued paper to, modify - the | races, Bonhag says that' he has no matter of a news item, which appear- {intention of quitting amateur ranks ed in the issue of the Whig of Decem- | and instead of increasing the distance ber 21st, and refers to the liberation | that he will run he has decided to try from the penitentiary of a young girl, | the shorter 'races: one can FIOTO BY KEUILINGER. COPYRIGHT 1908 BY TNEN.Y HERALD CO. DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. Pedr Color, Satin Pearl Evening Gown, Embroidery. with THE SPORT REVIEW. Square Gardens, of the com- last five years, | procedure not at all unusual. and of her being placed under the guidance and authority of sisters: | That this removal' is but a prelimin- ary step to her "'taking the weil" is announced in a matter-of-fact that would seem to indicate "Three Swallows." Sir John Power and Son's |"Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey. | Famous for over a century. {Of highest standard of purity. A newspaper, which ° prints such | Distillers to His Majesty the King. w ay, such a Lomi ml : : Anty Drudge in Court. Prisoner's wife (relenting)-- 'Yes, he did strike me, but it was ly my fault. I was washing all day and was bad-tempered, and didn't have his dinner ready." Anty Drudge-- 'Please your Honor, If you'll just sen- tence the prisoner to buy his wife Fels-Naptha soap it will end their, wash-day fighting. She won't have half as much work then, and there'll be plenty of time to get dinner. She won't be tired and cross, either." ----t-- Do' you spend 52 days of the year washing clothes? Fifty-two days bending over a tub of nauseous, steaming suds and 52 days of hard-rubbing on a washboard? Then stop it. Nature didn't intend any woman to work like a slave. Fels-Naptha will cut down the time spent in washing at least half. "It will cut out the boiling, the steaming suds, the hard-rubbing. Fels-Naptha will separate the dirt from your clothes while soaking in cold or lukewarm water so that a light rubbing and a simple rinsing will leave them clean. and pure--ready for the line. 1 Look for the red and green wrapper... 'DEWAR'S "Special Liqueur" is the Finest Whisky; in the World! i -------------- 7 ---- -- * Cash No Approbation The Retail Shoe Merchants of Kingston--Having proven to "the satisfaction of the most critical that The Cash System is. the only modern method of doing business, desire to announce that at a re- cent meeting of the Retail Shoe Association, it was unanimpusly de- cided to continue the present Cash system. It was further pointed out that Kingston Shoe Merchants, because of the Cash System, were selling shoes at much lower prices than Merchants doing busi- ness in Credit Cities are able to do, Kingstonians 3 therefore deriv- ing the benefit of close Cash prices, because of the dealer being in a position to buy his merchandise for Cash and to save his discounts: It was resolved that a copy of the "The Merchants determina- tion to continue the Cash System' be properly advertised so that they would not be put to the unpleasant necessity of declining to send goods on approbation or to charge same. "Abernethy Shoe Store A, E. Herod Jas. Johnston Shoe Store H. Jennings The Lockett Shoe Store Reid & Charles W. A. Sawyer H. Sutherland & Bro. Useful and ;Hand- some Gifts' Handsome China Closets with swelled 'fronts. Combination Buffets and China Closets. Ex- To the many' Customers of } THE BEST DRUG STORE i EA P.S.--Following our usual § Custom, this store will be . open Christmas morning, from 9 to 12. ed " Buy Them Now Christmas Presents. Men's Overshoes, $1.75, 2.00 and 3.00. Ladies' Overshoes, $2.00, 2.25 and 2.50. Ladies' Slippers, 925¢. to $1.50. Men's Slippers, from 50c. to $2. Men's and Boys' Hockey Boots. Rubber Boots for the whole§family. § Moccasins] to fit 'anysfeet. H. JENNINGS, King St from A - AN le AV) A 8 ELECTRIC eh 1s INTURI ESTIMATES GIVEN IE ITT " I I NY sion. Louse Wiring. a' 8 cifity ¥ Superh Elgetric afl \Fas StandsTmps: 5 per 'cerft SIT regular prices. Popular 'Xmas Present to give your piejend. Homes ate Electric Light. fet us wire your house, at small cost. THE NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., behind the age without 79 Princess St. American Oils: Coal 0d, Lubricating OH, Gasofie. We make a specialty of handling Lubri- eating Oils of all kinds; Prices om application. W.F.KELLY & CO South Oor; Ontario and Olarence Btes Phone, 486. Look! Would Any of These Suit You? 1e-New Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, B. & C. and furnace, also good stable and drive-house, large lot, $2,600. 2--First-class Nearly New Frame Dwel- ling, 4 bedrooms, Il. & C. $1,650. 8---New Frame Dwelling, B. & C., large lot, $1,550. 4---CGood Stone Dwelling in excellent repair, stable, garden and orchard of the choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650. 5---Stone "Dwelling, stable and one acte of good garden land, $1,850. T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington Street. FRESH FRUIT . > . : Just Arrived: Sweet Naval Oranges, from 20c. to 50c, per dozen. Malaga Grapes, 1b. Bananas every per dozen. Northern Spie Apples, all prices. Orders delivered promptly. T. Peters & Co., 184 Princess street. "Phone, 649. 4 bedrooms from 15c. to 20c.- per day, from 20c. to 25ei | | 69-71 BROCK STREET, | | news items is, I presume, vesponsible | & tension Tables to match. | ior. their authenticity and ultimate | Campbell Bros'. To-Night. even though it may not have | For the greatest values ip fine furs : : CY : rackers | them through the usual {Kingston has ever seen. hdl E ¥ 5 ; . Specials . For tabl : eal arti ontaini H | channels, i.e.,.by the lynx-eyed indus | ~ eH Jardiniere Stands and Taberetts Sor a gor evening parties, con aIning ats, try of the reporter. 1 beg to emphati: | Well, if' he doesnt. send you any- LN $ y ' Medicine . Cabinets, Parlor and Caps and Toys, one dozen in a box, at 15¢, 20c, Ltn state that the possibility : {thing Ol =F etend o » see . . + Laps. ! it Sd of (thing you ean pretend Hal to'. st Music Cabinets, Floor Mats and ~ 25¢, 50c, up to $3 per dozen. "taking \ the veil' {him the next time you meet on the a | would never have occurred to anyone |street. g Rugs, Screens and Easels, at A. J. Rees JAMES REID'S, The Leading . » 4 Phone 38 166 Princess St. MONUMENTS Inspect our stock and work before placing your order. INSCRIPTION WORK SOLICITED. ~ The Kingston Granite and Marble Works WELCH'S OLD STAND. Cui Princess and Clergy Sta as | at all cognizant with the requirements | 1f you are tired = tdking"the large Undertaker, Phone 147. of candidates for religious life. ~ The lold-fashioned. griping pills try. Car- lives of candidates must be free from |ter's Little Liver Pills and take some Store Open Nights. moral taint. Certainly the sisters do comfort. A man éan"t Stand every- not draw their recruits from prisons, "thing. One pill a dose. Try them. Rx

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