Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1908, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1908. the fire was burning in the one room, ment had twelve nozzles. Only four of y WITNESSES OF FIRE os Ontario street. When he was ' these were satisfactory. The depart- . oN . wi ! there no hose wag taken up. : | ment* needed an aerial truck to fight t J : ] mmm - | Mp. Gommer said that when [the fires in) larger buildings. This truck e . ] ; : : J AS BY CQ NI | CAVE EVIDENCE BEFORE Ch eka. sulbimt 10 mon. ~A so shea wo. alo, peed Tt 11s the 'as 2 good stream, suthcient to 4 x 1 wv was also : ie' 3 ye Rei 2 COMMITTEE. : oe the ton a) the building. There 1" replace tho I ectlir. nr. : 2 ¥ - x 5 ri: : was a lack of water when the Merry- ith usand feet of hose was necessary. | ecCla ar ams . -> John Gommer Criticized Brigade weather engine broke down, and it} j, reply to "Ad. Rigney, the assis-|* A is so good for children, --Chief Elmer and Assistant pecame necessary to change the hose | i chiof said that about the only Lo 1 Chief Stratford Deciared Build- He thought that the brigade could| .¢ of Mr. Gommer's evidence he aa : for growing boys and ing Was Ablaze When They have done far better work had She agreed with was that there was a fire In Children's Mitts and Gloves. rls it's a pity to kee | Merry weather engine not brol Nin Wormwith's factory. Whew the . : : ' Reached It i lasted perh tw » . fr th . {down. This engine lasted per aps \2 | men of No. 1 station® got there, the . In Children's Stockings. it from em, The investigation into the fire de- hours, he thought, 4: that the thet, re was shooting fifteen feet out ol . . z partment, .in view of the criticisms: fire had got, on y ig il oe a the upper storcy windows. The state- 1a In Children's Underwear. made upon it after the late fire in, wal] Be ough towards the lake ment that there 'was only a little bit N the Wormwith Piano company's build-| hav : ot wae (Of fire in the building was false. The 3 3 * ing, opened on Monday afternoon in | instead of up Princess street way.|/ oo nine rived Tu ton min: In Children's Clouds and Toques. the city eo sil cham! before the Mr. Gommer said there were not ; we city council chamber belore tha . firemen with |utes, and was then ready for: pump- civic fire committee of which were pré, enough men to- help the firemen with |. 2 & p ing. Probably twenty-five or thirty Als . Cc Bl k unt, Aldermen Rigney {ohmirman), the, hose. to Ald. Nickle Mr. Gommer | minutes elapsed between the putting O In otton an ets. : H P . . e, . . x . Ne > Solicitor iy was in dant: | gave it ns his opinion that the Fre of the first and seventh streams on. ¢ i : could have been put out in an hour |Six strcams were on in hiteen min- ay . . - » 3 , y iy" to, cxamine those, or the ince Nowif 3F Tacgers: had worked and utes. Shaker Flannels, Kimono Cloths, Plaids, Ladies' and Men's Underwear. vestigation was being held, and invif-| there had been sufficient help with the 1 i i ' inion. . es . . J . 0 ols } 2. counel ber, hose. The firemen, he said, should Chief Elmer's Op! : R Ty che In juts copncil, hember, eve taken hose inside the building| Chief Elmer said he bad very litile Children 8 Winter Coats at Big eductions. come forward and tell what he knew, |and fought the fire inside. It was|to add to the evidence of the assistant . ; First of all he read a letter from fally haif an hour before any hoce|chief. When he arrived he found the Francis King, barrister, acknowledg- |was taken into the building. upper storey of the building all in h 9 ing receipt of the city clerks letter 5 flames. He wont up tor the third floor . regarding the investigation. Mr. "He Had A Dream. a. few minutes afler reaching the fire. 4 ; ® King's legal ' firm represented the| Chief Elmer was asked if he had{The chief eaid ho was pretty familiar Wormwith Piano company, and in a anything to say and he replied that with the factory. He was through it S------------------ letter to the city council after the he had. "I think the man had ala fow months ago. He made a prac- : ' . . oo fire, reflected upon the inefficiency of | dream," the chief said. 'He says he|tice of going through churches, public . the brigade. Mr. King stated that he was at the fire at ten minutes to buildings and other large buildings. ] ew ear S 3 5 termat had only a few hours' notice of the|two o'clock, and yet it was just siX|The elevator shaft made it difficult to investigation, and this was inade: minutes to two when we got the fight the fire. There was a standpipe quate, as. he had to leave Monday alarm." in the building, but he doesn't know THE HOCKEY TEAMS ARE . . s of noon #to accompany the remains of | City Solicitor McIntyre asked some | whether the hos6 was attached to- jt AT PRACTICE. ! yr the late J. A. Cuttie, general mana- questions for the chief. Mr. Gommer|,. , ot The water and hose supply os S Cc ime 2 ger of the M. T. company, to Mout- {said he lived opposite the Wormwith Beh | j was sufficient. y . real. His letter stated as follows { building. When he looked out it was' The chief said that the city needed The 14th Teams Worked Out Last rist S | "ven if I were definitely instructed {ten minutes to We glock It was| froman fof every thousand popu- Evening--"Senator Powell] To buy for those you have over- ] I ) ¢ 1 by Wormwith & Co. or others to pre- about two o'clock when he went into |) i, "A¢ least four or five more Anounces His Retiremént. . pare and present a case of any kind the building with Mr. Wormwith. Hie} labion. 2 eed A thoasand. Wr] i senior and faniar TS eR looked. Buy your New Year's : to the committee, it would be impos-|judged that the space that was burn-|g i of Loco and a new engine were! . ae ng ou enth " | gifts for men at "HUNT'S" where Left rers, broke sutt gible i inion t srocure the'ing was not more than three by a ' un Re whie giment ockey teams had a good elt overs, hroken suttes ible in my opinion to procure e ing L I required. In hie opinion, tlie chief | 3, k ic ines ae . > Odd pieces, all' cut to the|the attendance of withesms to wily {thre fet, Os Pao oh the | said that Kingston at present did not rink oy Tory Baw ogg ight every. article is the sorrect thing May. it bes Prosper: 1 8, all cud ) ' . he $ ink o : g 4 ! stantiate any charges, éxcept by |he saw a reflection of fire through the} -- oh ial truck. 'This city had . , , ® of ide is Fi ous and Ha one, is lowest possible, to clear out| means of subpoenas issued by com-|windows in the third storey. He and et ise on amount' of apparatus to nine o'clock. A large number _ of | and every price is right. PPY Y hil k king petent authority; and your committee, others had to throw up stones to Vier 1 ws th . sige An the seniors wera out, including Van- our Hearty wish to while stock-taking: Dr i teva {break the. glass. an Othe a ir Tadder oould he [nom, Crawiord, Bernier, Richardson, | wypg grLOVES, MUFFLERS 3 > 5: to assist in that way. No one will | ---- > BO. sixty-fivefoot. ladder wou'd be ,nd a host of Juniors. For the seniors : : ' one and all. Some - 20 Parlor Pieces dispute the statement that citizens | Evidence Of Mr. Maclean. t ancy tof pave it. au his. Siem opinion all that can bo said is i they are SWEATER COATS, UMBRELLAS, r 16.50. will not come forward to oblige. a| Andrew Maclean, jr., was the next Be gaia ih as good as last scason an when a bo $ 0 nplna by volunteering ence to give evidence. He reached the Sua she fac eli Souk 5 have heen aro out will be a strong seven. "Ed-| BATH ROBES, SMOKING i y i 1 4 { 'this ki n J ire | ry A i saved even with the aid ol an lie" Hiscock is still giving his ankle O¢ )é Curt: 8 f in a case of this kind and neither |fire about 2:20 a.m. At that time|"0 1° "oo adi i giving ld pairs Lu tains at cost Messrs. Wormwith & Co,, nor myseli the whole top storey facing Ontario wud. Tee fire had spread Woe far a rest, but will be back in the game JACKETS, etc. Some Odd Sizes of Rugs | care to rush into an investigation of street was in Hames." One hose was| ~ames Norms, proprieior o before long. The injury he received - oD to lay any charges before the commit- [going on Ontario street. Two fire- tawa Note), Just SPposire the nstolys by the fall will not hinder him any A nd F Car , | tec without being able to substantiate 'men were on a ladder into the third said hat v Te be ist es this season. d MI oy Kinds of Cax pets. | them." | storey.- They were Firemen John Hall it 8 Jot, ny oy do tly: afters At the present time the soldiers . . . Lan James Norris, jr. He got the dows. It dia break out shortly aller<i . .¢ » point and wing man, but both Jewellers, Opticians. ; Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Ends of Linoleum and Only Efficiency Attacked. {nel to: bring more lowe: into the wards. The first engine was 0! bite bila bgdor nd Dionigi Brock St. OY . : ireme rere a lay | @Ct10n TY 9 y. 2 i E itivelv his S " " 1 Oil Cloth. oi someting upon que lever, Tear sh Siren Pins Sole ro play hydrant stream' put on reached the has ho Tes pda positively hE Agent for i & R." Collars, } 'hairms gney state t he rea- . » v : " 4 + rR oh 3 asn' Dy S i Y A good time to get good EE Vo Tia iii eing id ber pile. A ladder carried into he sop windows Sil Sign DH aan hockey lovers arc sorry to lose him. Ages y of 3 stage vas . a ek . x g eo o 2 Hag a oo? oc 'the s , . ili 2 ducted by 4he fire committee, was that (F¢8r could not be used as the ex It was sometime after he reached the! 'Senator had becn wne of the stays . value for a low figure { Iv "efficiency [tlh ire brigade | tension was frozen. He knew of three . | of the soldiers' team ever since ' its n 4 + 4 = * | only the efiqency of the fire hrigade streams being in use beyond those] Street that the five broke through the ® »« X 1d his pl Ar hel 1 : ro : ' P inses En Mr Maclean sai { roof. Mr. Norris said he thought the organization, anc 1s playing helpec fhone 90. Yours, was in a better position to deal with{on Princess street. Jr. Faclean sald |. gj.. o) Ontario street was got up them win many a hard fought fight. that matter than any other body or that the bragade had not enough ager on > 1 dar | 8 } i i The junior soldiers are in fine trim I = i st as quickly as could be expected. He | 4 ! : turk % i | apparatus, nd it was no strong « " + a Thaw Ww - « Harrison CO. | individual. Had there been charges of | aPparat ww d thei ¥ ; thought that the firemen did all they and at present look good. They will ' ¢ i rn enough numerically I'he brigade . Wodnes is graft, or misappropriation, etc., then 5 Ee possibly could.- When he first saw the likely have a game on ednesday it would have been in order to hold {had & Saough nowles, fof ane, SHBf: fire, it was a wicked looking blaze. night with the Gananoque junior team. had been attacked. The fire committee an investigation before a judge, but . 3 : Is stter - apparatus fire St. George's junior O.H.A. team ha | he didn't think it at all necessary to Chatham engine was working on the Yiu better i Dparabe the « Besa a HRA Ti Kingston rink ae . hold an investigation into the efficien- | wharf ai the foot of Princess street. | MEH: MVE CORE ' 2 X NN \ NY % mn : . Ah ah |The fire appeared to be more in" 'the The investigation was concluded at|night and show very good form. They ow. is. tho" best time to 3 > ANN 7 gade . m Now mi x 0.45 o'clock. The fire committee will | have not as fast or as sure a team as ' : rth-east end of the upper storey. It 1 : : | T Ald. Rigney stated that notices had north-eas Pi 2 rer y evidence 8 as seas still they have a bee : Sa tr te il persons k i to Was probably an hour and a half be- go over the wEidlence, and submit 2 la ¥ Scason, ut 4 hey Ei 0 een sent to all persons known fore the whole of the floor: was'. inj Teport at a special meeting of the city | crowds that play good clean hockey. |, : i have been interested in the fire, and flames. The force of thé water from council to-morrow evening. Their first game is . with the junior : We are getting ready ' for to some who were known to have been | hy ar 6 w 4 Dot cufficier t " in soldiers on January 15th. bE 3 2 : resent at it. They were invited to | '"¢ Ye ALS was nol suilcien 0 i ins. ow ted p- |; nventory and can offer you b in forward d give inform tio '| roach "the top of the building when . Chief Birher Explains ; lhe Mic-Macs have made Bel A . y y a " of To a By i > 16 ns on. "two streams were on. A hydrant Chief Elmer says that when he testi- {TAngemants for hte rip to] ¢ ville dome of these pariies had made s.ate-| ) > gtre Y There | find to! the civic fire committee that {on New Year's day to play. the Belle- ments in public reflecting upon the of- | Would send one stream up. There | fied to $ ! o | "e . Eas Gat : SRY 3 arial} vi inter iate team. The boys : i , ioturcy of Tord ins PP was safficient pressure with the en-| Kingston did not require an aerial | villa intermediate : ? Bleached Sheetings, 72x80 I ny Jol he Hifigade; and vie om {gines working. The brigade, Mr. |truck he had reference to the heavy ; will take up a strong team and try y : : g ue o en vould hike to hear rom them |yr.r.., said, should be at least |and oxpensive trucks used. He would and fhipent the. trick seSomplished, by | 9% and 90 inches wide, Plain or ; ne v Je r str y 8 3 re re Juke Jat te the matier the Harmony ub, on imistmas' day. . . ' h I'he only person to come forward at|faenty strong snd should, have more have lied to slohges ota es | A large number of supporters will ac- Twill, extra quality, =25c., Now. . See them before He alwrnoon steson Was Rober In reply to Mayor Ross Mr. McLean |tions. Tha local department, he ex- company the team. 30c., 35c., 40¢. a yard. @$ purchasing elsewhere. chief of the fire department in the | Said that men standing around would! plains, could not handle a heavy » -------- . seveniles, All he wichéd to. say was not aid the firemen. They stood onjacrial truck. There is a truck of a TWO MORE GO THROUGH Unbleached Sheeting, 70 & Ww F GOU DIE that a fire brigade could not Sy ex- | the sidewalks opposite and criticized. | lighter nature, however, which the mrt ; : . . Pte A = ie To hie che dita] For instance, \ the firemen hadn't|city might add to its fire equipment. The Ice Below the Bridge, While and 80 inches wide, Plain or of the night with the same coolness | ough help to put up one of the big | This js a simple truck that could be Skating. rs - ine ton Jo with Twill,; '22¢c., 25¢., 30c. a and precision as in the daytime, The | ladders, nor to draw along a line 'of | handled by the local brigade without |' Monday afternoon two more i] ' i : those. The firemen worked well when | jifficulty : ~ men were not quite themselves when : i" : . difhiculty. young hockey players succeeded in | § yard, Alas ka Dow n awakened suddenly "from their Sloop! hey gol thele bearings. ht. Was » i ---- getting- an unexpected bath below the ] 5 : ie arniver 8 Any Cold, Any Time. bridge. One of them was skating Pillow Cottons, 40, 42, 44, & clL.eod s ! buy supplies for your home. some big values. Exclusive Furrier at two o'clock in the morning. That . 2:20 o'clock. i i i C ushions was all he had to say. * ro Colds all start alike and can bo [along when, without warning, the. ice 48 inches. Pla Cireul The '© tice. remained in. sess] o------ y : : © wav bueno: i inches, Plain I'he committee re mained in session | Assistant Chief's Story. cured alike. All the remedies ncces- | gave way beneath him and he went e 3 or Lircular, an hour, and as there were no further | White Cambric Covered, in [| Sheesh asjourwed wT. ook | Assan Chit Stratford was the 813 4 cue aoe nclided in Nass vs, WE C01, F007 000, | § 180. & yard and wp. Cough Drops all sizes. in the evening. | et Ne or ie Seourtment, cure cole la grippe and headaches. there long sucugh lo freee. ok chaser > Pillow Cases, Hemmed, 42 TEA COSIES, in all sizes. From The Board Of Trade. same to No.4 Slation at 1:3 sui. BE if 0 Nolet rue Shows: rd went Fight in 4 inches wide, 30c., 35c. and i | oi ve Ring sedon of enquiry | pfire. When the rh at the ation : i to fhe sae fols a in nr de $ 40c. a pair. for R. McFaul, | : , looked out they could see the flames B. A. Hotel Arrivals. an rade hare sfore ii ' e scene drew him out. hoard of trade, appeared before the issuing from one of the top windows. A. 1 soon on the sone and : : ssmukell.. Winniper: J... ; ; Hemmed Sheets, I : h . committee. He said he came on behalf| A minute afterwards a line of hose Pall 4 Somplill,, Winnipeg; J. He had been in the water some little | me eets, Imported Coug S, Colds Carpet Warehouse, of the board which had discussed the | ) : ulton, D. C. McXaughton, Nontreat| i, and felt the cold very keenly. 'Cotton, size 70x90. Special, ; ! hn | was attached 'to the hydrant at Ou-|Ww., F. Kelly, Oil City, Pa; W. ( Wor ». The : le ATs BY. T I rmwith fire Th Wilson, F. W. Anderson, Toronto; At St. Luke's Church. $1.85 a pair. and Sore hroat nh both, board thought tario street. and a stream wae put 0 ne OSS shoul no ve occur- - 1 on 1 > '28 1 14 "ne 3 a 4 {right into the window. An attempt | Willie Rogers, Bruce Turner, Ganano- Hn A | red. It placed the big loss to the in-| yas a vo tv tnt 7 h p § 3 The Christmas Day musical selec: 2 * efficient fire servi At. the board of i 2s made to get up a sixty-five-foot ques W. H. Churchill, Perth; George re Chris £ 3 Blankets, Blankets, lots of , | : : (ladder. . The wires overhead handi- | King. Cornwall: Capt. A. Lefebre, | tione were admirably rendered by the J McC AULEY { trade meeting, it was openly stated | capped them. It required six men La x all; pt ] choir, under the leadership of Murs. them, in Union, All Wool, or ! . AL 9 | and not denied that the water service | {o raise it. Enough men could not Betts, and were in keeping through- ' | was not sufficient Xo, roach ie {IPPC | be got until some policemen came Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. out with the festal character of the Flannelette, all sizes, popu- 1 YA storeys of the building. we board! gver. Fir J : . . * scasion. » following deserve spe- : 5 Ea h Under taker, thought that the chief of the fire de- {Over ; Firemen, Hall and Jarnes Now Pazo Ointment . is guaranteed to 4) v on ic The 1 Nr "Te Deum' lar prices. Call and see our {i C Cc ieee . ris worked from the top of the ladder cure anv case of .itehing, blind, bleed. ; S12. I ution. n : Gor. Princess and Sydenham Sts ppattment should examine all large until ordered down, as they were y 8 ' 14 (Towis), the quartette was finely sung : y » buildings so that he could acquaint | danger. by Mrs. Betts, Miss Newman, Messrs. Ambulance "Phone, 861a. the brigade with them, In reply to| The assistant chief denied that the Pardoe and Hginsworth. The anthem, | City Solicitor McIntyre, Mr. Richard-|jadder wouldn't work. When it was after the third collect, .was the old re. | son stated that he thought the conclu- | raised the w rarni ite by Sulliv "It € U ~ a o whole varnish room, th favorite by Sullivan t Came on PtP OPO SS . + sion of the board was based on the iS ' W | sion © ) i on partition and part of the roof, were] Kingston's Famous Fur Store. | the Midnight Clear." During the offer- New ] 1a 4 inefficiency of the brigade and its lack | completely enveloped in flames. When tory Mrg. Betts gave the solo, e 4 Invest You | of equipment. : a | enough assistance could not be got WINTER CAPS FOR MEN "Brightest and Best of the Sons of | | Again, in reply to the city solicitor,| to raise the big ladder Fireman .John the Morning' (Salvator) by Robert- ; | Mr. Richardson said that*it was stat- [Hall had to cut off his hose and aid d son Geddes-Harvey. On Sunday last : Mone | ed that workmen had gone up into the |in raising the ladder. Probably three 3 FH 3 this programme was ed: St. aw : y + | thjrd storey and removed their tools. mwmutes elapsed before this stream 3 A Luke's is to be congratulated on hav- \ oe Hence, it was concluded that the fire- was played into the window again. | § ing such a painstaking and efficient The Always Busy Store. bd u 1cIous y 2 | men, if they had the appliances, could |There was another stream from the i choir, leader, and also in having such \ 3 have with safety gone up there and|corner of Princess and King streets. Sa : a proficient organist as Miss Newman. m : vet ela te fought the fire, which they did not do.|On the first load 1,000 feet of hose The choir is a numerous body and I'he gambler risks his ; It was stated that there was not|came to the building and from 4 would be a credit to any church. upon the turn of a card. . | enough apparatus for the firemen to] upper station 1,000 feet came. Af- { Little less hazardous is 2 | reach the fire from the outside. For terwards 600 feet were brought down . Eczema Cured For 25ec, | instance the ladder equipment was!making 2.600 feet in all. The w. # 3 Iade's Of 7 | we = g = . > water Wade's Ointment cures cczeina and the purchase of stack sllsged io be short, Bs. Ticker] .. | supply, the witness said, was good. tall similar, skin diseases. At the same | ave ou in-an enterprise that is & | he He ' fo mer ot oe 3 Ric hae son i The steamer Merryweather fed two i I time there is no more perfect remedy | @ : | A | - : | the me moers of the ; ard of trade | streams for from three and a half for cuts, burns, colds, sores chap eds at the )ESt merely had before them any information as| to. four hours. It was not started ih nds 1 other minor ape pa $d "" $ | to the condition' of the building anys ant : ; ' promising. at [for three-quarters of an hour - 4 x : : b+ tt ' s . | § ur after : = ny a . ® | six minutes to two o'clock. when the I'ry it and you will never be with or O en the Chatham engine was brought int i x: 4 | brigade received the alarm, or w here | lay - F ghee 4 pus it { rig Se ha pay. ? , Cures eczema, salt rheum, scaly or uy mgston 3! the fire Dtigisuted. ¥ Ne. Richarson 'Tha assistant chief declared that the ; litching eruptions of the skin, pimples, | Anyone J / 1.1 said. he dudn now y had. 3 r-five- g 5 i ye | F = : Real Estate DE : ~ sixty-five-foot and the thirty-foot lad- | blotches, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, | Yo 3 . ders. were in use to his knowledge. He + ¥ It is the real thing, Hit The Brigade Hard. didn't know if the forty-foot ladder The largest variety and A . S| John Gommer, who yas present at{was used or not. He was famili ' 1 p i i Real Estateis the very , the fire, came forward to give evi: lonly with the lower flat of the build. best valuein Caps is found A Coming Event. ' | foundation upon which § dence. Ho suid he wi present ating. The mill portion he knew. Theo | [IR this store. Py a ow] all other values rests | moms (ou Thon Reser he | nostri, it the building, oo ho | | Caps with inside bands || Your's eve, promises to bo a big suc | t oi . § s p » JO. : i i ' the basis of all wealth. 3 men were stringing the hose. He help- | - g J of fur to let down (like ig and the Somisitiee in charge "of | g ; 1 ] . e, arrangements, are sparing no | } Perfumes always an accept- Property anywhere 3 ladders to the building, but this was Needs Of The Brigade. the picture) are shown}| i. to make it a memorable +] : y 2 Boxes, in ing or protruding piles in 6 to bargains. days or money refunded. 50e. McLeod's Drug Sore bebe oteoeL 125¢c., at Wade's drug store. | A load of COAL from Walsh's |Yard | Any Faney Goods at Sur- @ |will make a nice CHRISTMAS GIFT. = prisingly low prices. See our Fancy Packages of ot ae COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. - SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar. sutes prompt delivery. 'Phone, 138. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. od to do this. They tried to put up | here is a good invest- an impossibility. Three he saw go ssistan Thiel Sustiond Solara in a great many patterns conn 5! able giit. h a 9} oy | wouldn't work The ladders were so |that he didn $hink it possible io 50 hw otice. ment, but it, will pay [tightly ~ attached that the sections | fight the fire inside. 'He didn't sce at 50c. Other sty les and Office and warerooms of the Worm- | you to see us before i | would not slide. They couldn't be | What could "have been done that | Jprices up to $1.50. with Piano company at present are! b eo iL | beaten apart with a couple pf axes. [wasn't dome, for the. fire exiended - 232 Princess street, next door to R. | uymg. Not one ladder reached further 'than| pretty well back. He went'into the : J. Reid's furniture store. Phone 378. | {the first storey. One of the ladders | building about ten minutes - after | BOOS a ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOI AtepesreseON 4= ES Chown's Drug Store, "Phone, 343, 185 Princess St. i$ | afterwards started to burn. There reaching the fire and found "that the '/ Imperial underwear can be supplied | { al ] ] ) | were 16ts of men to help to put them | men couldn't have worked on: the ® - : 'by any of the leading dry goods and | : {up 'Mr. UGommer said there wasn't {fourth floor. There were plenty of Makers Of Fine Furs. furnishing stores. Satisfaction guar- | : ili | one. suitable department ladder at| nozzles, but some of them are not Importers of Fine Hats anteed and prices always right. Made | 81 Brdck St. Rt |the fire. He and Mr. Wormwith were | suitablo and should bo discarded. As| Pe 128 Princess St. only by the Kingston Hosiery com-| FHPLETETEEETHEEITSe on the third flat of the building. when: far as he could remember the depant- ; pany, limited. LTR TLLLTRTHLLHLTLELLBLN 2 lr = - Pd

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