ge A ---------- 8 THE DAILY BRITISH WHI G, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1908. Again! Alive and ready for business after the mad rush o last week. Perhaps you have spent all your noney and consi- der it too soon to think of shopping again,.but we just wish to remind you that we are ready whenever you ds of seasonable, comfortable are--ready with all kin goods, - | Blankets, Tackdowns, a Flannel and Flannelette, WarmDress Goods, And Suitings, Overstockings, Toques, Sweaters, Etc, etc. Don't forget us when you next think of shopping. feet. Fee, $5.00. expended on the claim each vaid to the Mining Recorder. bas been expended or paid and requirements complied with may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING. --~Twe lenses of five each of a river may be issued to «< = Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 1S THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may ¢ homestead a quarter section (160 acres, more or less) of available Déminion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominien ds Agency or Sub-Agency for the strict, Entry by Proxy may be made any agency on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or $10 a mile per annum. cont after the output exce Ww. WwW. s $10,000, > CORY, Deputy of the Mi N.B.--Unauthoriz advertisement will not be paid for. ~~ Here WeAre At least $100 must be wer ol hen $50 othe the claim CLAIMS generally, milés one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, Royalty, 24 per ister of the Interior. publication of this LONGBOAT MARRIED AGAN FORGOT LICENSE. Ceremony, , fin Toronto--Indian Runner and His Manager Were Nervous; But the Bride Was Quite Composed. Toronto, Dec. 209.--Tom Longboat, '| the famous Indian runner, and his In- f dian - bride, Miss Lauretta Maracle, of Deseronto, were quietly married - last evening in St. John's Anglican church on Portland street, clergyman being Rev. A. H. Creegan, rector of the church the bride attend- ed in: Deseronto. : Thomas Flanagan, manager of the fleet-footed Onondaga, was best man, while the bridesmaid was Miss Esgies Clause, of Albany, N. Y. 'The bridd 'was given away by her brother, Albert Maracle, Deseronto. b Atothe church a hitch occurred in the proceedings, owing to Flanagan's having fargdgtten the license. Tom gritmedr and sat down stolidly in the Liront. seat. beside his flancee to wait 'while the Irishman dwrried back in a hustled in with the missing docu- | ment and something more, for he went gram from. the New York American asking that. Tom be allowed to com- pete in a £10,000 Marathon, at Los | Angeles, on Feh. 23rd, Washington's | birthday, with Hayes and Dorando as | the other competitors, and the mana- | ger had wired acceptance. | Tom, who had smiled often during the | evening, smiled again. "The bride was { composed during the ceremony, but | the: Onondagan was very nervous and the tones of his voice as he repeated his vows were barely audible. WANT TARIFF CHANGE | te [To Cut the Duty on Coal | Canada Agrees. Spokane, Wash., Dec. 20.--Commer- | cial organizations throughout the in- | land empire and the northwest will be invited to join the chamber of com- {intros and the 150,000 club of Spokane lin a memorial to the tariff revision | committee and. the Washington, Ore- gon, Idaho, Montana and Utah dele- gations in congress asking for the re- moval of tariff 'on coal. This means that a short ton will be fifty cents cheaper than 'at present, thus saving thousands of dollars a year to manu- facturing toncerns, steam plants, office {and hotel buildings and householders in distriets depending upon the Tiines in British Columbia for their fuel sup- {ply. If the reduced tariff is adopted {it will Be in the nature of a recipro- | cal measure with Canada. Ontaria gets most of its coal from Pennsylvania {and Ohio and the Canadian duty is fabout the same as ours. In New Eng- land much of the coal comes from New Brunswick. = It seems as if the change would work to the benefit of both countries. . if WILL SEND DELEGATES. Will Co-operate United States: Dec. 29.--The Canadian overnment is prepared to heartily o-operate with the United States in the plah proposed by President Roose- velt for an international conference with a view to taking joint action for conservation of the natural resources oi all North America. I'he president's invitation representatives from Canada onference in Washington 'ebruary will be accepted, and it r Canada With % | Ir Ottawa, e | | to send to a next is | | | | | sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within mine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned dnd occupied by him or by his father, other, son, daughter, brother .or ster. In certain districts a hoimmesteader good standing may pre-empt a quarter- section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestéad entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fift- acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased womestead » In certain' districts. Price $8.00 per acre, Purchased homesteads | may be acquired on any available lands | on either odd or even numbered Sections | South of township 45, East rel the Cal-| gary and Edmonton Railway and the West line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must reside /fix months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect » house wor, $300. WELLAND CANAL in 1909. SEALED TENDERS for dressed to the Superintending Welland Canal, St. Supplies Catharines, Ont 1909, fc of urday, the 16th of the supply and articles of Timber, Qils, ete, and its branches for the year 1909. Specifications, forms of tender other information may be obtained the Superintending Engineer's Office, Catharines, on and after Thursday, 81st December, 1908. I'he lowest or any sarily accepted. January, delivery Hardware, an a tender L JONES, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, December 1908, Newspapers inserting this advertisemen without authority from the will not be paid for it. eee K. 29 CANADIAN NORTH MINING REGULATIONS, SYNOPSIS WEST COAL OF Coal mining rights may ba Jeased for fwenty-one years at an annua; rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thaw £.560 acres can Pros leased to one appil cant. Royalt; ve celts per ton. . - FR ARTZ --A person eighteen years of] ton St. between Brock. ad agg and over haviag made a discovery! Bis. Best laundry 38 the city. way locate & claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 called for and delivered. Wah Long's Laundry Removed From 78 Claréhcd St., to 155 Clarenc i ~ New .-Year Gifts For Men Knitted Ties We have regeived a beautiful assortment of Silk Knitted T colors, 5Q¢. and 78c.' a ies, all os Sweater Coats Fine Sweater Coats, 50 and $3.50. Another shipment of those Hewson in ap- proved colors, suitable for curling, etc., $2. Scarfs rs and Silks. No two alike. $1.50, $2.00. for Women or Me Selling them at In beautiful Colo wholesale prices, $1.00. $1.25, , See our English Spun Silk Scarfs, Gloves Everything and anything you could des Mocha, at $2.50 ; Squirrel-Lined Reindeer, Lined, from $1.00 to $2.00. : FANCY SHIRTS, 50c. to $2.50. FANCY SOX, 25¢c. and 50c. SUSPENDER SETS, 75c., $1.00; $1.25, 81.50; FANCY VESTS, $1.00 and $6.00. SILK 'AND LINEN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS. AUSTRIAN COLLARS, IN BOXES, $2.00 DOZEN. E P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO. 14 Press iL. n, at $3.00. ire in Gloves, Fur-Lined $4.50 ; Mocha and Kid ® Tenders for Supplies for the year will be received until 16 o'clock on Sut- | various Castings, | for use on the Welland Canal St the not mneces- Department, Welling Goods I probable that the 'various provinces |of- the dominion, which have ju dietion over timber, minerals and fish- within their own borders, will i be rasked to name their respective re- | presentatives to accompany those {that may be appointed direct by the {federal government as delegates to [the conference. eries ad- | Engineer, | DID AS INSTRUCTED. oT | The Constable Said Chief Was in the Thieving. Simcoe, Ont., Dee. 29.--With cotirt room jammed almost to fodation the hearing of the charge attempted murder, pre ferred against Chief of Police Malone, opened this imorhing before Police Magistrate | Boomer Maione brought into | court. from the jail handeufied a | suard, and Constable Wilkins, al- | leged victim, was brought from tbe | hospital. The men did not glance | towards each other, Wilkins' left eye { was bandaged. He looked very pale and gave his evidence sitting down. Wilkins' evidence was practically the same as his previous story. He swore positively that he saw Malone fire at {him and the powder burned his face. Hé further swore that in the case of a | number of 'thefts he did only what | the chief instructed him to do. the d suf t of was to his it e City Council Meeting. A special meeting of the city coun- cil has been called for Wednesday ev- ening to receive the fire committee's report upon the Wormwith fire inves- | tigation. As the council is about to | vo out. of office, it is not likely that | it will do more than refer the matter to. next vear's body for consideration. Art Calendars, Half Price. R. Uglow company are clearing all fancy and art calendars at | price and under. off hali Mrs. M. Butteras, a cousin of J. M. Assaly, the Syrian merchant who was shot at Hawkesbury, on Monday, was brought to the Royal Viétoria hospi- 21, Montreal, and but slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. As- |suly has died. Salem Assaly, brother of the dead man, whe both, is still at liberi. | Goorge Dunstan, 128 Jarvis street, {secretary of the Standard Stock Ex- { change, Toronto, died suddenly in his ibe on Tucsday morning, of heart | failure. He had been in 'excellent | health up to the time of his death. | There was no meeting of the City Hnekey league on Monday evening: The above date was set at the last meeting but was afterwards changed. "Good 'tooth brushes," bleached or unbleached, are sold at Gibson's . Red Cross drug Store. W. G. White was run down by a shot | instantly killggl. i | : | Amusements. CEREMONY DELAYED;FLAN | the officiating |p ( aRkD. GPERAY ROUSE) "TO-NIGHT 4:2 oo ne this week, at 8.15. Matinees New Year's and Saturday. KR Re S08 PARTELLO STOCK GO. TO-NIGHT-- 'Tempest and Sun- shine." «Under Twa Flags." tay and Specialties Nightly. 10-20-30 ats at 50c Seats now on sale. "KINGSTON SKATING RINK SEASON TICKET RATES. : ..$8.00. Wednesda Change of Special rices Lady's Single . Jentlemen's SINEIE wiivmiinissisienns $400. Cbildren under 15 YEATS suewewsessns $3.00. Family of 2 db. : Fifteen minutes later Flanagan | lover to Longboat and opened a tele- | Family of 3 Family of 4 5 $8.00. Family of 6 00 10 .ceressenasnponnnr. $10.00. Rink Office now open for sale of tickets Whereat, | ai shunting 'ngine at West Toronto and | Take Hall's and lockers. AUCTION SALE THERE. WILL BE OFFERED FOR sale by William Murray, at his Auction Rooms, Market Square, on THURSDAY, December 81st, 1908, the dwelling and premises situate on the South side of Russell street and formerly occupied by Eliza Delaney deceased. Upon the above | premises are a comfortable frame dwel- ling and outhouses and the lot comprises a half an acre of ground more or less. TERMS AND CONDITIONS known at time of sale. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, en- quire at the Office of T. RIGNEY Solicitor, Brock street, Kingston. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. made J. , NOTICE. I, John Miller, will not be responsible for debts contracted by my wife, Emma Elizabeth Miller, from this date. EW RAILWAY RULES FOR BETTER PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES. Orders Issued By the Railway Commission--What Will Here- after Be Required of Railway Employees. Ottawa, Dec. 29.--After many confer- with the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen and officials of the dif- ferent railways, the commission has given judgment and promulgated or- lers for the better protection of rail- way employees. The orders are of in- terest to trainmen all over Canada. Among them are the following Every locomotive engineer must at least one year's continuous experience as a fireman, pass a satis- factory examination in regard to the proper care of locomotive engines, the handling of air brakes and train rules and regulations; be at least twenty me years of age, and undergo 'an eye and ear test bv a competent examiner before being eligible for appointment as «uch engineer, except in cases of emer- gency. ences have Every conductor of such companies must have at least one year's experi- ence brakeman conductor and at least twenty-one years of age, before being eligible for appointment as such. . I'he telegraph operators of such com- pany required to handle. train orders hall be at least eighteen years of age, able to write a legible hand, to send ind receive the ate of not less than twenty words a minute, and be. thoroughly familiar with and required to pass an examination upon train rules before a competent iner. . Every employee of such railway com panies engaged in operating trzins <hall; hefore undertaking such duties, be required to undergo a color test by a competent examiner, as or he messages at exam- --- " Beats All 'Records. Toronto, Dec, 20. --Returns received it the parliament buildings show that the aggregate of marriage licenses is- ued throughout the province, on Christmas Day, was 375. Christmas Day. always has been a favorite day for. marriages, but the number of licenses issued on that day this year beats all previous records in the pro- vince. Is Very Successful. Spokane, Wash," Dec.29,--The Cana- lian Zine company, of Nelson, B. C., has the distinction of operating the first electrical smelter established on a :ommercial basis. It is now produe- ing spelter gand Jead-silver bullion from mixed #in¢. ores, and the opera- tions of the plant have proven sue- cessful in every way! The resignation from the diplomatic service of hioyd €. Grisg pn, the Am- crican ambassador to Rome, is an- nounced by the Italian: - Two-quart Het™ wate #tles, made of pure rubber, from 35¢. to $2 each, at Wade's drug store. : : John McCormick, Connell, N.B,, was crushed to death by a falling tree in the lumber woods. _ » DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion sf the ear. There is only one .way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi- tion of the mucous lining. of the fustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed. you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when; it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is thé result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norm- al condition, hearing will he. destroyed forever ; nine cases out . of ten caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflaméd condition. of 'the mucous surfaces. We will: give One Hundred Dcllars for any case of Deafness (causéd by catarrh) | that cannot be cured by.Hall's Catarrh { Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DPruggists, 75c. amily Pills for constipa- tion. x are | ogue lege, Toronto. WANTED---GENERAL. A SHORT HANDY hand. Apply G. SKIFF, SECOND T. R. Ticket Office. FARM TO BUY OF 100 OR 150 ACRES, near the city. Apply McCann, 51 Brock street. FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, companies, lowest rates, fair settle- ments. J. R Dobbs & Cos 109 Wc Cl Prock St. Telephone, 480: VETERANS' SCRIP BOUGHT. HIGH- est cash price paid at your home bank. Write J. H. McDiarmid, Sat- urday Night Building, Toronto, OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work: All kinds of work promptlv done. J. Birch, Electrician, 208 Wellington street. THE A JOR CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or, cellars, or other bagga carted. Prices right. Apply to Lytle, General Carter, 8. ain St. ARE IN South SOUTH AFRICAN SCRIP--WE the market to buy a few African land warrants, State price, for cash, Address to Inter-Ocean Real Estate Co., 24 Aikins Building, Winnipeg. GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- er overcoats made now, also last years' turned and made like mew. Your own cloth made into up-to- date suits. Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tailor, 181 Brock St, next to Bibby's Livery. SITUATION WANTED. -- RECENT GRAD- Experience Apply "X. A STENOGRAPHER, uate wants position. more desired than. pay. Y. Z.,"" Whig office, A MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance Company. assets $61,187,215. In addition to which thé policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and' city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving Avaliable LONDON AND GLOBE] L GENERAL SERVANT, WHO UNDER- stands ing ; references required, 49 King street. - A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. XO washing. Apply in tke evening, wo Mrs. J. Jaequith, 160 Earl street. A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing or irening. A to Mrs. Ed- ward 'Booth, 243 Al street. TEACHERS WANTED. FOR 8. 8, 11, Township. Apply, stating uatifications to Samuel Irrean. Arden, Ont. TEACHER, Kennebec salary 'and Barker, Sec." TEACHER, FOR R. C. SEPARATE School, No. 11, Township of Port- land. State ary an ualifica- tions. Address Jas. Campbell, Sec. Box 148 Enterprise, Ont. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, - ARCHITECT office and residence, 181 University Ave. HENRY P. ete., Anchor 'Phone, 845: SMITH, ARCHITH(™ Building, Market Square POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Bank Building, eather Brock and Wellington streets. one, 2 1 § WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEOT, office second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. 'Phone, 608. TO-LET. STORE, 109 BROCK ST. APPLY JOHN McKay, 151 Brock street. ROOM . OVER WADE'S, and Brock streets, water heating. Apply McCann, Brock street. COR. KING including hot 51 "ROSELAWN" ; THAT HANDSOME Union street, at residence n a n réntal for the winter. Apply nominal J. 8S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. LOCATED OFFICES, front. and rear rooms, at 545 King street, over J. P. Forrest's Gent's Furnishing Store. Apply fr. Forrest. CENTRALLY to FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, ete. quire at 179 Division Bta MISCELLANEOUS. ANY AMBITIOUS PERSON CAN EARN 8200 a month, home er outside; no canvassing. No capital required. Highly "respectable. 'articulars free. Florence Wagner, 524 School St. Chicago. SITUATION VACANT. eee ee ---------- A -------------- MEN MAKE MONKEY DURING WINTER months by selling our Guaranteed Hardy Northern Grown Nursery Stock. Try it in LOST. i CHECK, ON DRUINIGN JANE AN leave at this 7 : GOLD BAR WE INI. tials, "EB. Ho on ay on Princess St., | return to this Ofice. te LADY'S PURSE, CONTAINING 2 $10 bills, a quarter and $38 2 ue checks, around Brock or King Stay Reward for return to Whig o 3 LADY'S GOLD FILLED WATCH, INI OY "E, D.," between Gore and Princess Sts, on Wellington St. on Friday 204 . Reward for return to William street. 3 i A A LADY'S GOLD CHAIN BRACEL , Christmas Day, bet 164 Ki St. and 85 Wellington St. Finder re- warded upon returning same to 85 Wellington St. : « HT PIANO. APPLY THROUGH office. FOR SALE. UPRIG Whig A BQUARE PIANO IN FIRST-OLASS condition: Will sell cheap: Apply Whiggoffice. SECOND-HAND HOT AIR FURNAUK aap In good condition. Apply office. AN OXFORD HEATER, IN GOOD CON» dition. Can be seen by applying at 254 Princess street, : BENCHES, NINE FEET LONG. number up to sixteen, $1 each. ply at Whig office. ANY Ap- THREE BEAUTIFUL OLD-FASHIONED Walnut Couches, all re-upholstered, and covered. Very cheap for 'cash, at Turk"s, "phone, 705, NGLE Price, 128 BAY MARE, GOOD TO WORK SI weight 1,250 Ibs. $50. D. J. Hay, 1326 Clarence street and TWO DWELLINGS IN VILLAGE OF Harrowsmith., Small payment down. Balance to suit purchaser. Apply at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, King-*. ston. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENERAL J. oon, ton St. sented, INSURANCE OFFICE, T. Agent. Office, 159 Welling Reliable Companies repre- PERSONAL. BIRTHMARKS, MOLES, w , ete, removed perfllanently, without Tr. Twenty (yonrs - ence. Dr. Elmer J. e, Eye, Nose, Throat _and Skin Specialist, 2568 Bagot street. HAIR, MRS. CECELIA ly Miss HERROD, Schrampfer). {eertificated) Massage, by the lead ng ston. Head, fa specialty. Address, 130. (FORMFER- Dano-Swedish Recommended physicians of King- ce and neck massage a Y.W.C.A., 'Phone, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPAPRIOK, ISSUER OF your district. The Canadian Nursery LO new business get rates from 'Strange eins sn THE FRONTENAC ---- ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal an County _ Deben tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director R7 Clarence street." ' GRAFT IN THE KITCHEN. The Cooks in League With Supply Houses. Ottawa Free Press. All the graft is not confined to gov- ernment departments. The evil seems to have fairly well permeated all class of society. A. complaint made to a { New York newspaper by a butcher | that he was the victim of grafting cooks employed by his well-to-do cus- ai prompted an investigation | that led to astonishing results. Prae | tically it may be sald as a {quence of the investigation that every | houscholder who entrusts the pur- } clvase of food supplies to his servants has to pay the graft levied by these | peopde. upon the merchants with whom they deal. i Some dealer: have at different times imade efforts to break away from the | custom, but unsuccessfully.' The cook is too powerful. Denied her commis- { sion, she can very easily render the {meat supplied by the butcher unmsatis- factory. It is not a good thing "to place meat under a hot water tap just previous to cooking it, and the cook knows it: She also knows 'other | ways of attaining the same end and | she utilizes them, so that the butcher lis apt to lose his customer through no fault of his own. It is true that he can appeal to the customer and tell him why he is get- ting poor results; but what is the use When a man is fortunate enough = to secure a gaod cook he thinks twice about summarily dismissing her. Butchers asked their experience in this regard produced letters from their customers. One man wrote that it was. easier for him to pav the 5 per cent. commission, demanded 'by his cook than to find another as satisfac tory, so would the butcher kindly add the 5 per cent. to his bill. way of it. There is so much inferior service offered that when a man who has money is lueky enough to find competent household help he is willing to pay much more than the market price for it--almost anything in_fact-- rather than ° have his domestic peace disturbed. | | os conse- It Satisfaction, Guaranteed by King- Ask for 200 Imperial underwear. has three good qualities : comfort and perfect fit. unshrinkable. Made only ston Hosiery Co., limited. San Francisco is contemplating a municipal water plant. It is propos- ed to drain the Sierra Mountains for the purpose, at a cost of aboit $42.- 000 0600, Beef, Wine, "our own" 50c., at Wade's Iron and make; pint bottles, dgng slore. Mrs. Adelaide Smith, Calais, N. B., was suffocated by coal gas fumes' in "her room. 2 { a LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY That is the | Limited, treal. A lar ed wood, Mon- | 'Hardwood and Kindling Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St, telephone, 568; evening, residence, 88 Frontenac street. ge stock of carefully select- delivered promptly, cut and split as required. SWIFT'S. Hockey Boots 'Men's Hockey Lightning Hitech, Tan and Black, $2.50, 2.75. ' Boys' Hockey Lightning 2.25 and 2.50. Men's © Hockey Boots: other good makes, $1.50 2.00 and 2.50. Boys' Hockey other good makes, 2.00. $1.25, Ankle Supports, 25c. [rk a Department of Railways and Canals. DOMINION CANALS. NOTICE TO: DEALERS IN CEMENT SEALED TENDERS, endorsed '""Ten- der for Cement,"" will be received by the j undersigned, up to 16 o'clock on Friday, {the 20th January, 1%9, for the supply | of some 160,000 barrels of cement, more | or less, required for the construction and maintenance of the various canals of the Dominion and to be delivered in such quantities, 'at such places and at 'such times as may be directed. Dealers in cement may total quantity required, | portions thereof as may | venience. I Specifications, information can tender or suit the such con- for for their forms of tender and full be obtained at the De partinent of Railways and Canals, Otta- wa, on and after this date, The Department does not | accept the lowest or any | By order, | L. K. { Dep bind itself to tender. JONES, Secretary. artment of Railways and Canals. i Ottawa, 24th December, 1908. Newspidpers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the parimenty will not he paid for it. LADIES' AND GENTS TAILORING We Jully guarantees superior correct style, artistis workmanshi perfect fit. . . : p J. B.i Ouellette, 4g Princess Bt; i Boots, | H. JENNINGS, King St | i De- | eA fo N | aM OPW Ro} ELECTRIC CO. [ FIXTURES IN STOCK ESTIMATES GIVEN a) 3 FN IES TILE Hiteh, Tan and Black, $2,| House Wiring a Specialty. Superb Electric and Gas Stand Lamps. 5 per cent off regular. prices. Popular 'Xmas Present to give your friend. Homes are -behind Electric Light. I £L us wire your house, at small cost. THE NEWMAN-SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess St. Look! Would Any of These Suit You? | | 1=sNew Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, B. & OC. and furnace, also good stable and drive-house, large lot, $2,600. | 24First-class Nearly New Frame Dwel- | ling, 4 bedrooms, B. & C. $1,850, | 8~New Frame Dwelling, 4 bedrooms |B. & C., large lot, $1,550. | 4-Good Stone Dwelling in excellent | repair; stable, garden and orchard of the | choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650. 5--Stone Dwelling, stable and one acre | of good garden land, $1,850. T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington' Street. ne | the age without MONUMENT Inspeet our stock and work before placing your order. H INSCRIPTION WORK | SOLICITED. | | 'The Kingston. Granite | and Marble Works | | SE aRanaR Cw OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO ; Smoking .and Chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, (s a good tobacco. pay eighty-five cents. Andrew |