Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1908, p. 3

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Here" Alive and ready for busin ces. last week. § 3 » vey Perbags you have spent all your money and consi- der it too soon to think of shopping again, but we just wish to remind you that we'are ready whenever you are--ready with all kinds of seasonable, comfortable goods, ° RR »r/ Eo Blankets, : Tackdowns, | Flannel and Flannelette, WarmDress Goods, And Suitings, Overstockings, Toques, i Sweaters, Etc, etc. Don't forget us when you next think of shopping. Bro Crumley - mS ¥ & five cents per ton. person eighteen years cant. Royalty, QUARTZ. --A age and over haviag may locate a clai feet.. Fee, $5.00. expended on the claim each paid to the Mining Recorder. bas been expended or pal and requirements complied with the clai may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. FLACKR MINING 100 feet square. Entry fee, DREDGING. --Twoe leases of each of a river may be issued to applicant. for & term of 20 $10 a mile per Annum. Royaliy, cent after the output exceeds $1U,uvu. W. W. CORY, uty of the Minister of the Interio --Unauthorigedd. publication of th ement will not be paid for. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE -SOLE head of & family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestedid a quarter section (160 acres, more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, | Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the minion lands Agency or Sub-Ageénty r the district. Entry by proxy fray made at any agency on certain Sou) Hors, by father, mother, son, dau other or sister of intending homest¥ad DUTIES.--Six months' residence and cult'vation of the land in ~ each of three years. A homesteader may live within nupe miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sidter. In certain districts a homesteader good standing may pre-empt a section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per atre. Duties.~Must reside six months {n each of six years from date ot homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fift- acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts Price $3.00 per acre Purchased homesieads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of the Cal-| gary and Edmenton Railway and the | West line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect » house worth $300. $5.00. r. De N. upon in quartar- WELLAND CANAL 1909. SEALED TENDERS dressed to the Superintending Welland Canal, St. Catharines, for Supplies Ont urday, the 16th of January, 1909, fc the supply and delivery of articles 'of 'Timber, Hardware, Oils, ete. and its branches for the year 1909. Specifications, forms 'of tender other information may the /Superintending Epgineer"s Office, Cathatines, on and er Thursday, 81st December, 1908. The lowest or any sarily accepted. NORTH. | an tender not SYNNOIPRIN OF K. L. JONES, Secretary. and Canals, 2, 1908. CANADIAN WEST MINING COAL .=Coal mining rights may ba leased for twenty-one years at an annuai vental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thas | ---- REGULATIONS, i Dep rtméntd of Railway Otfawa, Décémber Newspapers inserting t without authority from the Departmen will not be paid for it. ts A A Happy. and ~ Prosperous New Year To each one of our many customers, who helped to make this Xmas the brightest in our experience, we extend the heartiest good cheer for a Prosperous and Happy Year to you, and to all others we extend the same greetings, because we hope to have you us cur 'customer next year. You will be pleased to know our sales for the 12 days preceding Xmas Day was $761 in excess of last year. _This speaks the merit of ovr goods. mia tt ea---- "EP. JENKINS' GLOTHING 60. , ¢ = | dereook, 2,560 acres can be, leased to one appl} wade a discovery m 1,500 feet by 1,500 At least $100 must be wok or hen $500 other CLAIMS generally, tf five miles one veara. Rental 2% per Tenders for Supplies [or the year ad- Engineer, will be received until 16 o'clock on Sat- various Castings, for use on the Welland Canal be obtained at St. the neces- s advertisement a--------_-- 3 BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1908. Sb. in Eastern Ontario--What They Are Saying. Bicknell's Corners Notes. Bicknell's Corners, Dec. 29.-Mr. Macdonnell * is drawing rails from Tamworth. Mrs. McPherson is gain- thy slowly. Mrs. William Hannah has returned home' after visiting her _Vhistéer : Several in the meighborhood are sick at present. Miss Pearl Amey is very poorly. ' ml -- Desert Lake Briefs. Desert Lake, Dee. 28.~Roads are excellent now. 0. Snook is busy haul- ing logs to the new mill. George Ed dy, -ef Michigan, a former resident of this place, is renewing old acquain- tances e." A namber of the young % peonle- Deseft Lake took in the Christmas tree at Verona. Mr. and Mrs. LL. Border, spent Christmas at Collin's Bay. Visitors: 8. oJ. Wilson, at E. H. Snook's; brother Richard, Glendower, at | iam Snook's; Mr, and Mrs. Kemp at J. Wilson's; T, | Noonan at James Wilson's. v Notes From Westbrooke. Westhrooke, Dée. 30.--The Christ- | mas, tree and entertainment, held last | Friday night, was a grand = sticcess. | Miss Smith has been re-engaged to | teach Woodbine school. Miss Scholes | hay secured the school here. PD. Ames and. family, Keelerville, have moved to their new home in the village. G. | W. Smith has returned home from | 'Emporium, Pa:, where he spent a few | weeks with his brother, Dr. S. Smith. { Misa Fthel Sproule, Methodist deacon: | ness, Smith's Falls, is spending her { holidays here. Mr. Ashley' and family | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. | L. Grasge A little girl has come to | stay at the home of P. Morley. Mr. | and Mrs. W. L. Grass spent Thursday { with frierids at Harrowsmith. Miss Hadith Saundercook is spending the | holidays with her brother, G. Saun- Bath road. A big time 1s ex- { pected at the tea-meeting to he held | here New Year's night. The . many friends here of 'A. Rankin, are anxi- ous for his election as reeve. Christmas At Wellington. Wellington, Dec. 30.--Miss Geraldine Rankin, Bast Lake; is «the gu of | her aunt, Mrs. J. E, Clark, Miss Bes- | sie Boyce spent Christmas with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyce. Mp. and Mrs. Ryersan Rankin visited | Rev. and Mrs. Stonack on Christma: | day. Prof. Kenneth Buck, of Albert | College, spent Christmas with his | mother. Vera McDonald, who has {heen confined to the house, throug! sickness, is improving and will soon pe around again. Miss Cora Clarke of Belleville, spent Christmas wit} hér parents. Mr. and Mis. Switzer of Michigan, are the guests of thei ¢&h. Kenneth, Land View. A Edwarc Switzer, formerly one of Prince Ed ward's popular horse trainers, now of Austria, is for the first time in Sia years, visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. Switzey is engaged with ¢ millionaire in Austria training. anc looking alter his string and bloodec stock. Last week he invested ¥8, 000 in the best brooded stock he could find in Kentucky and sent them to their stables in Austria. J Stanley "Richmond, Toronto, electri cian, is in town looking after W. P. Niles' electric. light system. Mr. anc Mrs. Harry Clemenson spent thei Christmas with Mrs. C--'s parents Mr. and Mrs. Powers, Picton. Wil Wilder spent hid holidays with hi parents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gar ratt, of Yonkers, N.Y., came to Mr (Warratt's old home to spend the holi {days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs {W. H. Garratt. Mr. Garratt f | brother of Frank Garratt, the gro | cer. The Christmas tree entertain | ment at the music hall was largely | attended, and had a satisfactory fi nancial result. Mr. and Mrs. Joh Graham, of East Lake, were th guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rankin last week.® Thomas Stinson, of Chi cago, spent Christmas with his fam fy here. Mrs. Violet Osterhout anc son spent Christmas with Mr. = anc Mrs. 'Walter Chadsey. Mr. and Mrs Verdervoot, of Gilead, spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Ber keley, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Berkelay, of Toronto, spent Christ mas with Mrs. Berkeley's parents Wallace and Mrs. Stair. Miss Teskey {we are pleased to announce, is recov- ering from her recent illness. Mr and Mrs. John Walt and son, of Consecon Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs W. Jenkins on Christmas. "Miss Luella Broad, of Toronto, spending her holidays at her home Mr. and Mrs. Leman Smith] of Con secon, were the guests of Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. Peter Searls, last week. Harry Luffman, of Toronto, spent (Christmas with his parents. ° Harold Fitzgerald spent Christmas with hic parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W Fitz- gerald. Mr. and Mrs. Mor den, of Rochester, spent holi days with his parents. of mn if; ir is Or d t, i Garnet their - YARKER YIELDINGS. Budget of News From This Lively Village. 30. Hub timber i plentifully for the The boys have 'a fine {rink on the marsh, and should the | weather prove favourable Saturday, a game of hockey will be played be | tween Yarker and Tamworth. The Anglicans had their annual and Christmas entertainment for high school scholars. This was an event instituted by - Rev. D. Wood- cock. The 'Methodist Sunday school held its annual Christmas tree enter- tainment in the churéh this year." A harness' maker has opened up a shop in the Arcade. | Revival services are being conducted #t the little church on the kill im Yarker. A returned missionary is giv- | ing addresses in the above "%hurch which are quite interesting. Albert | Benn leaves Hominy next for Toron- { to, with his infant child for an oper- | ation in the 'hospital for sick chil | | dren. Stanley La Rue and wife of | Toronto, visited at Henry Walker's. | They leit for Lacona, N.Y. Alexander | Curl has. bought Yeuben Dobkin's { farm hall a mile north of Moscow. Yarker, Dec. coming . in quite | wheel factory ter the ( GRAND 1 SPERKTHOUSE) The Tidings From Various Points [o" ---- ARTEL People Are Doing And What { Prices Miss Wilson and | il- | George | T, Scott and J. | "Presents MISS ALICE and The PARTELLO STOCK €0. TO-NIGHT--* ! New Year's Matines 114 Jealous ois New Year's Night--** mughter e Poop. ' Sat. Matinee--' 'Tempest And Sunshine.' . Sat. Night--'The. College Girl." Soe! 10-20-30 .5v.. 80 New Year's Mat. same price as wight. Nut, Mat. children 1Gc.; adults, 20c. Seats now on sale. MONDAY, JAN. 4TH. The Cyclonic. Musical Success. THE TIME = THE PLACE AND THE GIRL Others, Mostly Girls. PRICES, 28¢., 50¢., Toe. $1, $1.50. Seats on. sale Friday. ., AL Tuesday Evening, Jan. 5th. The Saeason's Big Evert; Return En- gagement of The Grea{ Comic Opera Triumph, . THE CAY MUSICIAN With AMELIA STONE: and All The Favorites, and Superb Sipging Chorus as Heard = Here Last October. Now Crowding His Majesty's Theatre, Mon- treal. PRICES, 25¢., 50¢,; Thc, $1, $1.50. Seats on sale Saturday. COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH. THE OTTAWA (CLIFFSIDES) vs. THE 14th HOCKEY TEAM Monday, January 4th (tame called at. 8 pm. Admission, Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, Reserved Seats, 50c. With the exception of Vies, the Cliffsides © are . the amateir 'team in Canada to-day. Plan for sale of seats and tickets open Monday morning. KINGSTON TOWNSHIP ELECTORS AS 1 DO NOT WISH TO STAND FOR election Councillor, though my name appears on I would ask hy friends for me on Monday next. 25 bie. 25¢. Montreal fastest the as a 'Township not' to vote GEORGE W. SMITH. KINGSTON SKATING RINK SEASON TICKET RATES. Lady's Single ..i...iumee $3.00, $4.00. "$3.00. Jentlemen's . Single . Childrén under 15 years .. of 2 Family of 2 .iciimioe suvesiasin eee $6.00. ee $7.00. Family of Family of 4 or inersss 98.00. $10.00. Rink Office now open for sale of tickets Family of 6 ov and. lockers, all and friends hereby tendered to our customers CONDENSED ADVERTISING First MEN WANTED TO DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY BRITIS hg office. 6 [« insertion lc. 8 word. - Each consecutive ion thereafter Bali cent o L insertions, oe pe ran To WANTED--MALR, ' LEARN BARBER fi we a secure . Con- instructions Few weeks complete course, Cate: logue free. Write Moler Barber Cor lege, Toronto, + . 3 e. Graduates SERA Wil x stant practice. & WANTED GENERAL. FARM TO BUY OF 100 OR 150 ACRES near the McCann, * 5) A city. Ap Brock street. of id , COUPLE, WITHOUT do covking and general Box *"R.," Whig MARRIED children, to housework. Apply ' office, SOUTH AFRICAN VETERANS <1 winl pay $400 cash, for land warrants, i delivered at onge, J. Cairns, 86 Lower Bagot street, Kingston. the ballot, | with a largely signed re- FIRE companies, ments. J, Broek d ee eters ee ------ VETERANS' SCRIP BOUGHT. HIGH est cash price paid at your home hank, Write J. H. McDiarmid, Sat- urday Night Building, Toronto. INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD lowest . rates, fair Settle R. C. Dobhs & Co. 108 Telephone," 480. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. . JaRBireh, Electrician, 208 Wellington su A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or, cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. ADDI to 8B Lytle, General Carter, 8 in St. ARE IN South SOUTH AFRICAN SCRIP--WE the market to buy a few African land warrants. State price for cash. Address to Inter-Océan Real Estate Co., 24 Aikins Building. Winnipeg. GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT er overcoats made now, last years' turned and made 1 new. Your own cloth date suits. P thip guaranteed to plete. Thomas Gallo way, The Tailor, 131 Brock St, next to Bibby's Livery. SITUATION WANTED. EILDERLY LADY AS NURSE FOR child or assistant housekeepef. Ap- Box *'A. "' Whig office, ply MAN AND WIFE. WIFE A GOOD plain cook, and husband handy in house, or. with horses. Apply Box "M. W.,'" Whig office. BY SITUATION VACANT. MEN MAKE MONEY DURING WINTER months by selling eur Guaranteed Hardy Northern Grown Nursery Stock. Try it in your district. The Canadian Nursery uo. Limited, Mon- treal. mm TO THE ELECTORS : Having beeh presented quisition, asking me 10 be a candidate for the Mayor- their year. Our Desire Is to serve them better tham ever in' tha year, that is to come. New Year's Day (To-Moxrow) for the patronage during 28000004006 8208688060008 | Our Thanks : i | : Are CEETEVETUROV OIE Our store will be open till 12 o'clock. AndersonBreos., Cor. Princess & Division Sts. Another arrival in fowny the wife of William Connoily of a son. Mural Oldham of Kingston, .is.at Dr. Old- ham's. At. Sine Babeock's, Peter Heath and daughter, Odessa, John Heath and wife of Odessa, H. Heath and wife of Ohaumont,-N.Y. At F. E. Benjamin's; Mr. and Mrs. N. Con- the annual meeting of "the methodist Sunday §8hoal there were ho changes made. Mrs. Egerton Vanluven was ap from Napanee for a day or so. The Chosen Friends will «have; an oyster supper in Ewarts hall, Thursday nicht. There were about thirty, all velatives, at James Freeman's for Christmas. Miss Daisy MeDonald is home. from Toronto, Miss C. Kennedy of Newburgh, was the guest of Miss Irene Winter. William Carr has pur- thased the farm of Arlington Benn. It is the old Benn homestead. * J The death occurred in Delta on Mon- day, of a highly respected resident and a. member of a pioneer Leeds county family, Harvoy frown, add sixiy-five years. He was born near Addison and on reaching man's was mar: ried to Miss Elizabeth, damghter of the late 0. 0. Stowell, of that place, and a sister. of Cyrenus Stowell, of Brockville. His wife survives, 10° gether with two daughters, Mrs. John Ste ine pg estale, | | | | | alty for 1909, I have décid- ed to accede to the request, I therefore solicit your vote GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: MAY A Mrs. Leman : tor TEACHER, TEACHER, FOR sh at home. a A Radia, 157. Svaaham (street, "+ NERAL SERVANT, WHO UNUER- Ta Poking ; references required, 49 King street, © ; TEACHERS WANTED. FOR 8. 8. RO. 1), Township. Apply. Sating ualifications to Sam Arden, Ont. Kennebec salary and Barker, rel as. , ait: R. ©. SEPARATE School, No. Port- 11, Township of Jand. State salary pr | ig ifica- ns. > # v Bor™148 Enterprise. Ont. : 'ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR SLLAS, AR BE office and residence, 18 Ave. CHITECT, University Pp. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Square. 345. HENRY ete, "Phone, ARCHITECTS, MER- corner Jrock Phone, 213. POWER & SONS, chant's Bank Building, and Wellington streets. (EWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE over Mahood's Drug Princess and Bagot op Bagot street. WM. second floor store, corner streets. Entrance 'Phone, 608. + TOLET. STORE, 109 BROCK ST. APPLY JOHN McKay, 151 Brock street. COR. KING including hot 51 ROOM OVER WADE'S, and Brock streets, water heating. Apply McCann, Brock stréet. "ROSELAWN'; THAT HANDSOME residence on _ Union street, at a nofninal, reptal for the winter. Apply J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. fas QUARE PIANO IN FIRST-OLASS condition. Will sell" cheap. Apply Whig office. 3 i ie ok % AY . eh on at 254 Princess street, . : oi Siw BENCHES, NINE FEET n ply at FoR GREY MARINE BNGINE 8 ovens, single cylinder, 4 horse-power, eom= plete outfit, $30. D. J. Hay, 126 and 128 Clarence sireet, , TONG. A $1 each. Ap- - ED and covered. Ve cheap "for - cash, at Turk's, Niione: 705. : - THREBR BEAUTIFUL OLD-FASHION - Walnut Couches, all re-uphal TWO. DWELLINGS IN VILLAGE OF Harrowsmith, Small payment down. Balance to suit purchaser. Apply at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, King- ston. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENERAL J. Boon, ton St. sented. INSURANCE OFFICE, T2 Agent. Office, 159 Welling= Reliable Jompanies repro- | PERSONAL. MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, ete, oved Tianently, w hs without " ence. Be. Elmer J. Nose, Throat and Specialist, 268 HAIR, Skin Blemish street. Bagot LOCATED OFFICES, front. and rear rooms, at 545 King street, over J. FP. Forrest's Gent's Furnishing Store, Apply r. Forrest. een 1 ~DBRICK RESIDENCE, street, with twelve extension kitchen, bath, ete. ¥n- St. CENTRALLY to acT. Division rooms, including hot water heating, guire at 179 Division FROM 181 MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, TONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $61,187,215." In addition to which the polieyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before remewing old or giving MARRIAGE LICENSES. . 8 KIREPATRBICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenges, 43 Clarence St, telephome, 868 ; evening, residence, 88 Frontenac street. MISCELLANEOUS. ANY AMBITIOUS PERSON CAN BARN $200 a month, home or outside ; ne canvassing. No capital required. Highly respectable. Particulars free. Florence Wagner, 524 School St, Chicago. "Al nid BOARD AND ROOMS. LARGE FRONT ROOM, COMFORT- new business get rates from Strange Mean RIDEAU WARD. ro THE ELE Ladies and Gentlemen : cepted the nomination for Alderman in ORS : Having ac and influence. Respectfully yours, D. COUPER. | {your votes and influence. Russell, of Delta, and Mrs. Hartwell, of Manitoba. : On! pretty 'wedding wat soléfnized at the | Mrs. S. W. Hollingsworth, Picton,] when their' danghter, Clara Evelyn, | was united. inthe holy bonds of ma- trimony to Frank D. Rice, Vancouver, B.C. Cheitimad'Sdvy WS unusually | 10 T1iE ELECTORS : home of thé bride's parents, Mr. and [for re-election as Public Sch {your representative | Thomas Lambert. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF KINGSTCN :-- I respectfully ask for your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor of the City; for 1909. D. A. GIVENS. Kingston, 12th December, 1908. Victoria Ward TO THE ELECTORS = I most respectfully solicit your votes and influence to eléct me as your Alderman for Victoria Ward. Marshall P. Reid. TO THE ELECTORS OF .VIC. TORIA WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN If my services for the past have been. satisfartory, I fully ask you to clect represeptative from six years would respect- me again as your this Ward. i C. J. GRAHAM. FOR VICTORIA WARD TRUSTEE Ladies and Gentlemen : Having Board been requested to stand for the of Education, I have consented, and solicit S. J. KILPATRICK. Frontenac Ward I beg to 'solicit your vote and influence ool Trustee, opportunity of" thanking favers for electing me as and take this you for past ELECTORS OF CATARAQUI WARD ludeau Ward, I respectfully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as your representative for 1909. WM. R. CLUGSTON. RIDEAU WARD. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL RATE- PAYERS OF RIDEAU WARD. Ladies and Gentlemen--I respectiully solicit 'your votes and influence for Public School Trustee ing election. 0 H. F. METCALFE. Principal Kingston Business College SYDENHAM WARD. THE TO ELECTORS : Ladies and Gentlemen--I{ my years of servite as an Alderman met with your approval, I would ask 'your vote and influence to me for 1909, twelve have again re-elect R. H. TOYE. hc TO THE ELECTORS OF SYDEN- HAM WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 1 1 eordially thank you for the honor of being one of your representatives on the Board of Education for the past four years, and having been nominated as a Candidate for Alderman, 1 respectfully solicit your sf@pport. G. ANGLIN. Dec 30th, 1908. St. Lawrence Ward Ladies and Gentlemen-- ¥ respectfully solicit your votes and influence to elect me School Trustee for St. Lawrence Ward. as Youts faithiully, W. H..Macnee. ELECTORS OF CATARAQDI WARD I respectfully request your votes and influence to elect me as Alderman for Cataraqui Ward. JOHN TWEDDELL. Your votes and influence are respect- fully requested to elect me as Alderman for Cataraqui Ward. JOHN McKAY. Swit best quality. S in the approach- | ably furnished, at 144 imm-- t's Coa s well screened, dry and Try it. WIFT'S. Department of Railways and Canals. DOMINION CANALS. NOTICE TO DEALERS. IN SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "Ten« der for Cement," will be received by the undersigned, up to 16 o'clock on Friday, the 20th January, 1909, for the supply | of some 160,000 barrels of cement, more | or less, required for the construction and maintenance. of the various canals of the Dominion and to be delivered in such yuantities, at such places and at such times as may be directed. Dealers in cement may tender for the total quantity required, er for such portions thereof as may suit their con- venience, Specifications, forms of tender and full information can be obtained at the De- partment of Railways and Canals, Otta- wa, on and afler this date. The Department does not hind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Jy order, L. K, Barrie St, ® SN ik CEMENT. JONES, ¥ Secretary. Department of *Railways afd Canals. Ottawa, 24th December, 1908, Newspapers inserting this advertise. ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it, AT THE REQUEST OF A PROPER. ly signed petition, I hereby announce that a Public Meeting of the Citizens of Kingston will be held in the City Hall, on TUESDAY, Jan. 5th, 1908, to dis cuss the advisability of petitioning the fegislature- to abrogate the special ' aet under which election of Alderuien is made for three years, 'and for the re establishgient of the general act under * which Aldermen are elected each year, and for the discussion of such matters, pertaining to Civie Government as the meeting may decide to consider. y A. BE. ROSS, ayor. | Kiggston, Dec, 20th, 1908. Money issued 'o® perties. Municipal and tures. Mort, received and interest 8. C. McGill, A Jot of people resolve and don't | 87 Clarence street. Better one Miscre creed

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