Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH #uic, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1908. I Sept. 2-Prof, Shortt appointed] | civil service commissioasr. . y J ! . fat. 1-0. BD Skelton, M.A, a;- ; -- | pronted to succeed Prof. 3hortt aot 3 Coun 8. THAT HAVE OCCURRED 'Si. DURING 1908. | A Number of Promirent Men mons. he . : Have Passed to t--Many | Sept. 28--Rained for the first time Interesting Fpisodes Noted in | in, three weeks. Brief Form. Sept. 28--Uity council decwdes to With its topaz-like COI i J, . Hy 3 yr : Bs 2 ; TR - - a on 4 : o oy ENF ANY .* 3 . | | restore. city buildings' dome of wood. - 3 a cup 7 3 PN otice : "1 can truthfully Say that I believe that, but for the use of your Emulsion I would long since have been in my grave. Iwas past work--could not walk _up-hill without coughing very hard." 15---Board of Health advises people to gel vaccimsbe i b+ Sept. 21-Hon. William Harty ac {cepts liberal nomination for the com- a od a : The following are some of the chiei | Oct. 1-Lity council took no ac clearhess and argmatic ran THIS, GW. Hower events that wecurred in Kingston dur- Hou on petition, pking, Joe, redué- | of Ehase & Sanborn's Coffee holds _ : a : ' San nie ar, Le, W. : ing the year, 1908 : 3 |tign in number of school trustees. ~~ aed aia 2 a Saki ing. Jan o. ton, Clark's Gap, W. Va. We ra 6--Dr. Ross elected mayor by | Oct. 5--Moral "and Social Reform aut a promise of deliciousness that will leave Se 7.45 would like to send you a full 171 majority. . : | League prioled, a 18 more than fulfilled in the te CE on oS ge , copy of his letter, or you Jan. 13--Inaugural meeting of city |. Oe. 5 on. v. 8. Fielding spoke drinking. oF at » yn sdays might write him direct. His council. © a oe nan Te Willi Hection Finaligac and Fridays only, No. 6 Cita was really marvelous Jan. 13~First sleighing since Christ- . Benne Hams For unqualified pe: ection in " areiv at Kingston, , « 3 as « J « Dy hh . : . 0 . but is only one of the many 1 coffee, be sure to order Chase & : aren ys and Saturdays only, a 'Sat hborn Ss. A ag ' { mas. Queen's athlejic championship. proofs that as ary : Yan. Oct. 12--Capt. = J. Reott aedi- Queen's dentally drowned in Swift & Los 4 | ture of other trains at Kihgston. Ee Scott S Full particulars at K. & P. and C. Pu Emul ion slip. % Oct. 14--Henry O'Hara, King street, is the most strengthening | Fob. 6--Great snowstorm blocked and re-vitalizing preparation | iraflic. died from 'fall from tree. in the world. -Even in that | Heb. Oct. 17--Fort Henry small-pox hospital. Oct. 18--Bright June day. v leost of opeming street railway line. o all diseases joo pe Feed : most stubborn of all diseases | Fob, 10~Ltica, N.Y., curlers delfeat- (consumption) it does won- {ed here by Kingston teams. ders, and in less serious Feb. 10--Diamond jubilee of House of troubles, anemia, Industry. Farewell The Old Year Welcome The New! Thanks to the patronage Ol our many ¢ ustomers, we were kept very busy during the past twelve months, To constantly increase our business . is our Him and , Object, HIGH GRADE, SUPERIOR PLUMBING AND HEATING such as we do, will add new names to our list and make this New Year the best in our experience. David Hall 66 Brock St. Phone 335 won 14--New medical building at formally opened. 1 Jan. 24--Rev. Dr. Henry' Wilson visited Kingston for a week. . Jan. 24--Last boat leit Kingston harbor for the winter: Jan. 25--Horses and across ice-bound harbor. Feb. = 4~Police Constable Megarry died. "Feb." 5--Coldest day in twenty-five years. Thirty degrees below zero. secured: _ for sleighs . came . and warm like 'a James via . games i exhibit in Ontario hall for a week. Oct. 21--K.. & P. company tablishes Thursday market train. Oct. 24--Sir Richard Cartwright . Mh spoke in Grand pera House, ON : 2 i to bu y re-es- ie b i Le : despatch to rn, City coundil decides 0 pay Oct. 27--Hon. William Harty defeat- Joints om Cu "of aria, toute, ed Dr. A. E. Ross by 348 majority. Rorther oF Ww. Oct. 30--Laymen's Missionary ; As- Agent, No. & sociation hanquet in. City Hall Nov, 4--Corner stone of House of Providence 'orphanage laid. Nov, 5--Convecation, at two new professors installed. Nov. 11--"Tom" Lougboat, runner, gave exhibition here. . Nov. 1l--Archdeacon Macmorine re- x deek- | tires from aetive duty as rector of RI Craig ap- | St. James' church. Nov. 14. --Hamilton Tigers defeated Ottawa rughy team in Kingston by 11 to 9 for championship. Nov. 16--City council decides on March 4:27, H. Metcalfe chosén by | compulsory vaccination. independent labor party as their On- Nov. 19--County council appointed tario legislature eandidate. J. W. Bradshaw, Tichborne, clerk to March 9--Prof. Macnaughton refuses | succeed' Dr. J. W. Edwards. to retract what he said about the Nov. 24--Dean Farthing chosen ! | Lancaster cadet case at R.M.C. bishop of Montreal.' * March 17--Hon. C. R. Devlin Dee. 3--8ix Queen's stutlents arrest- Anty Drudge on Mending.' Kingston. ed for rioting on Prinééss street. he y . March 91--Death of Capt. John Gas- | Dec. 6--~Wormwith Piano factory Mrs. Housewife--"T seem to do nothing but mend and kin, burned. darn all the time. Half the clothes are full of holes after a few washings." Oct. 20--Tuberculosis such as Feb. 19--Religious census taken in Kingston. Feb, 25--Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Clergy © street, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Feb. 28--City Engineer E. R. {with -resigaed; H. B. pointed. March 214th Regiment hockey {eam {won O.H.A: 'championship at Strat: { ford. bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, or loss of flesh from any cause the much quicker. Queen's; GRAND TRUNK Vsvem | NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS, 1909 round trip tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, ood going on Thursday and Friday, Doc, Bist 1908 and Jan. 1st, 1909, returning or before Monday, Jan. 4th, at FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD good going Dec. 29th, 3uth, and dist, 1908 and Jan, 1908, returning on or before Tuesday, Jan. Sth, 1908, Local Branch Time Table. Trains . will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. § GOING WEST, Lve. City Ar 1 effect is Indian ¥ 1 1 Ee Do hot delsy. Get a bottle of SCOTT'S FMULSTON.-be suro it's SCOTT'S and Melton and Beaver | { © Overcoatings ALL DRUGGISTS Let uo send you Mr. Howerten's letter * | and some literature on Consumption. in | Jaut send us a Post Card and mention | this paper. | | | | Newest Shades Ulsterings and Suit- ings. ohn Tweddell 131 Princess street. { LATE SCOTT & BOWNE T., C 2.88 a.m. 07 126 Wellington St, W. Toronto 8 a.m. Pp visits PTV VTVTTLTVTVTBTBTT LTV GOOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Oourses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Olasses, and Moderate Rates. ° FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Kingston: Nos. 1,2, 3,4,5,6 7 All other trains dally except Sunday. For Pullman Accommodation' Tickets, and all other informatic: uly. to 7. P. HANLEY, Agent. Labor Council Army immigra- March 21--Samuel Harper died. Dec. 7--City council knocks out the i Tar . a . ApFil. 2--Joscph Salter, well-known Dec. 8--Oivie Industries' committee Anty Drudge-- "t's the hoiling of your clothes in_the auctioneer, died. recommends bonus of $10,000 to J { ne weakens them and makes them soft just as it does condemns Salvation Dec. 8--Board of Trade banquet and meat or vegetables. Uso Fels-Naptha soap in cold {iin system, presentation to Prof. Shortt. from injury received from insane pa- longer." tient at Rockwood. 4 March 23-<Death of Robert Clugston. road paving scheme. 8 wash that causes vou all this work, Dearie. Boiling April 2--=Trades and Wormwith Co. " rote 1 the .¢ 3 will weds | "April 6--Budget presented % city Dec. 11--Gudrd:. 8. * Stevenson died or lukewarm water and the clothes will wear much Ald. April 6--Tax mills. rate increased to 20} . : Clergy: street, 3 Couper decides = to AGAIN eT VVVLLOSD Phone $804 BTOOKDALRE, Principal TT N; TUVVVVVTVHLVVLTLLVVROW 'April 6--J. M. Campbell 've-elocted l commodore of Kingston Yacht Club. | April 7--Steamer Charles Lyons, To- | i ouncil. | at request of hun- joss gives banquet Did you ever wear homespun? Prob- ably not, but your parents did. Old-time INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY . i 4 STEVE VOEAVRERRAND to aldermen and civie officials. Dec. 28--Alds. Couper and nominated for mayoralty, . Dec. 28--Investigation held by civic fire committee into the Worm with factory five, Dec. 30-Dean Farthing left Montreal to become bishop of diocese. {ronto io Prescott, first steamer, to | enter Kingston harbor this spring. For Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between Montreal and the Atlantic Ports, Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, Ald. Couper's friends are busy in his or behalf. He is the kind of aman they | 70 © = © ©. 7 © 'ar ' like to work for. He is one of their kid, free of ghile, deceit or condes- | HEPEONSCEOE CEELPUHEE TREICEEEEEORIEREEORES cension. Prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi- ness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, guaraniéed io those using Car- ter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. The steamer Bickerdike is still on ied the Nays oF fe, Ringston, dry ok fo he tow barge ngava, of the M. . oh silver . Bivii 31- Canon Lokels. eslohrated Co., Will go in next. ' of High Degree { fiftieth Sh ARVOpSaTY us 0 a We grind skates | | { | lin St. George's cathedral. ive i | The owner of spoons, knives, | g us a trial | I { i clothes were coarse and tough, able to stand the boiling and rubbing and pound- ing of the old-fashioned way of washing. that The delicate fabrics of to-day won't stand it. Perhaps your. clothes are boiled and rubbed hard, and that is why they get frayed edges, tear casily, and wear out before their time. Givens Clocks will get you up on time these One of our Alarm dark mornings. Every clock is fully guaranteed for ome BOKOKOKOKOKOEOKOKONKOHKD | April 14--Macdonald park big flag- | pole collapsed. Increase Your Efficiency |" April 14--Gold watches given 14th ¥ & An Regiment O.H.A. champions. Kingston Business College, Limited, April 18-Remains of © Rey. Henry Head of Queen Street. | Wilson, D.D., Rew York, interred in 'ataraqur cemetery. Canada's Leading Business School April 24--Ald. Rigney preso ted b Day and i De April 24--Ald. Rigney presen y : Shorthand i Bg Book {ety council with cabinot of silver on i Eczema Cured For 25e. | eve of his marfiage. Wade's Ointment cures all similar skin diseascs, time there is no more perfect remedy for cuts, burns, colds, sores, chapped hands and other minor skin troubles, Try it and you will never be witk out it. Cures eczema, salt rheum,. scaly ox itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, year. eczema and At the sane keeping, Telegraphy. Special ine dividual instruction for pupils deficient In English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at aay * v : + thwe. 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET- § April 20--<Queen 's University senai OALFE, Principal. referred church separation question to Sh oo RP NRE ASRS NR RE EN acral ms aul A RAE 1 1 r HOKOKOIKONKOMOKOKOKONKOM | ceneral assembly: | April | came number as previous year. . American | May 4--Ceonecrete building company formed in Kingston. | May 4--Mr. and Mrs. Eckard Hafi . ner. Durham street, celebrated their {volden wedding." 1 S | May 4--Dr. H. A. Boyce appointed superintendent of gencral hospital. April 29--Sixty-seventh gession of (Queen's University closed. Prices from $1.25 up. KINNEAR & G°ESTERRE, 100 Princess St. 3 Fels- Naptha soap is the modern wa 1 of washing. It cleanses clothes thorough- blotches, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, ly in cold or lukewarm water--no boiling, 25¢., at Wade's: drug store. Ki : . errr se -- no hard-rubbing, little time. Notice. Office and warerooms of the Worm? with Piano company at present are ; Wma |e aH, W. "Richardson elected | Tp eet, ee Dhons 375. (Coal Oil Lubricating Oil Gasoline | prosident of board of trade. . Reid's furniture store. Phone 378. ' ? i May 14--Dr. William Gibson resigned from board of education. May 18--Registration of manhood afirave voters for Ontario election be 30--Liquor licenses granted; ESSER ESSE Kingston. Follow directions en the red and green wrapper : X We Like Taffey So does everybody. i | We make a specialty of handling Lubri- { cating Oils of all Kinds, Prices on All kinds, at PRICE'S, at reasonable General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. eee -------------------- QUEBEC'S. S. COMPANY. BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the 5,530 tons, Twin Bborew Steam-~ ship "Bermudian."" Sailings, 6th, 16th, 23rd and 80th January, snd alterwards every Saturday at 10 a.m. New York to Bermuda, Nassau, Bahamas and return, 8.8. "Trinidad" 2nd, 18th February and 8th March, West India Cruises from New York New . Steamer "'Guiana," 8,700 tons, with all up-to-date Improvements. 8.58. "paring," 8,000 toms, S.8. "Korena,' 8,000 tons, sail from New York gvery alternate Wednesday. For beauty of scenery and perféetion of climate these trips afe unsurpassed. Yor illustrated pamphlels giving rates of passage and all information, apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO. Agents, Quebec Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New Nork; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y., application. gan { | May 18-Dr. Spankic withdrew from Nuga- 'W. F. KELLY & CO | Frontenac contest. | i N South Cot . ! May 22--Empire day observed in 1 prices. Almond, Walnut, Peanut, Fruit, tine Molasses, Peanut Butter and Butter |: Ontario and Clarence ¢ Scotch, PRICE'S, Phone 845. 288 Princess St. NEW MACHINE SHOP A call is invited for all kinds of gen- eral manufacturing and machine repair ing, sewing machines, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, edged tdols, dies; braz- ing, model and pattern making. Best of | attention given all work. Repairs may | be tested before leaving shop. Work | juaratieed. Work dutside, city promptly | ar y attended to. Charges moderate. | MERIDEN BRITS CO : a "7 me X | X - June 30--Watertown, N.Y., civic of J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, su Mon- bed 5 ie treal By (near Bah on ficials and Mayor Hugo visited King- Orders taken at Simmons Bros. and A { { ston. Vanluven's Parcel Delivery: 'A NEW DISCOVERY!| July 1--Rev. Dr. Macgillivray elect: | A preparhtion found that will stop |ed moderator of Kingston Presbytery. POTATOES | falling hair, in even the most severe! j.ly 3--Prof. N. R. Carmichael, of Ready for the winter trade. Two |Get application at Phone, 486. Victoria day celebrated in Kingston. May 30--Ex-Chiei of Housey Police Edwin Ne Strainers; Broilers; Toasters, Soap Stands, Sponge Baskets, ' Corn Poppers, Mashers, Skimmers, Drainers, Egg Whips, Pot Cleanefs, \ Cake Mixers. \ equal to factory; Halliday Electric June 1--W. F. Nickle, Hdw. J. 'B. |Go. forks, elc., stamped 0 Pense and oJ. I. Metcalfe nominated Xie tis fine oily" a few Hours "I847 BROS. for Ont ee more leap year privileges. ROGERS BROS. --_ Is proud of them because pratt VI STATISTES [8 EDGR, | Kingston by 392 majority. 3 standard of quality. iu ' : x NW) SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS s-- Gi Ad anv an : " : : i 2 tio : / OLD REMEDIES RETAIN THEIR | thc bos y everything in wire requir 0 ¥ POPULARITY > Beautiful, serviceable silver Investigations of French Physicians McKelvey & Birch Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J. dishes, trays, fureens, eic., Show that Large Production of 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET BU HANLEY, and C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, cases, in from two to four days.| ---- . more cars of fine Potatoes to be | ' < roy | SEYES , Barber hop Synthetic Medicines is Not Crowding Out the Old Favorites. (ings uarantee 5 oy rei p Queen's, died at King, Ont. 7 a. : Kingston. m-- Guaranteed or money refunded. Ey or iat. wiedked A late despatch from Paris says: C0000 0000 AI000 0000000000000 0CH - Royal added to our present stock. 336 King street. ail them. i Sackett's . NY. Che Prof. Grimbert presented bl S p N.Y. Crew had presented a notable off Sacketv's Harpor: > paper before the Academy of Medi- July 10--License Inspeetor Wright fae on therapeutic tendencies in the | issues writ. for slander against Rev, [7aSt ten years. Basing his figures WINTER SAILINGS TO LIVER- POOL. From St. John, Halifax) 20 Tunisian, sails ....... Jan, 1st. Jan 2nd. a IE. Burke. | on medicines furnished to 219 large LCLOVR Cor font El Parquet 5 |e Ere we REPLIES £58 ' : | C . el Hesperian, sails Jan. 13th, Jn. aah. anada | ife Assurance Company Corsican, sails .......Jan, nd. Jan 23rd; as a Christmas present. : BOR ONS | Pharmacy, he finds that the old- Flooring - : TO GLASGOW, given at the office, DES {fashioned medicines retain their --PRICES | popularity. - I Keep the Newest in ELLIOTT & SON, LIMITED: Carthaginian. from BOSIOR wai Jon. 9thy Corinthian, from Portland ... Jan. 16th; 18 Market St, Kingston. ' | | | | | i elected for 21--Lightning storm did great throughout the city. 26--Royal Military J une damage June | closing. June { way. College 27--Davis' dry dock dam gave Take Out a Compound Quinquennial Life or Endowment Policy in thes: July Quebec tercentenary celebration. July 14-44th "Regiment left ior Quebec. July 23--Lord Roberts invited to visit - Kingston. July 30--Policemen beat Full information J. O. HUTTON, * Manager. Fruit For New Year's California, Navals, Extra Choice Malaga Grapes. "posiies'" An expert authority on being inter- | viewed states that the tendencies of WALL PAPER | tmporters. "9 Kina Street W. Toronto. FirstClass, $70.00 ar ir Chase: at lowest prices. | the medical profession in Canada are | along exactly the same lines. He E. FRASER'S, | Opposite Grand oy is Central Station Phone 373. 78 William St. | GRAND [ Class $40.00 upwards, Third-Class, $29.00 and $30.00. - Additional sailings and rates 'om &p< plication to J: P. HANLEY, or" CO. 81 KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents, King | ston. D. at baseball, 6 to 5. | gives the following old-fashioned UNION Aug. 1-Mr. and Mrs. W. Hl. Cruse, | Gaoetable mixture as the safest and T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS |{ {HOTEL Albert Street, celebrated thew ¢okdén| pest treatment for all stomach and wedding anniversary. Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash- burn, Ont. : | liver troubles, constipation, disorder Aug. 4--Miss May Ghent, Charles PIG > 3 street, had remarkable raising from a | jo Se Epes aud bladder, and sick bed. sta s tha Susy A He lading Aug. 6=Nineteen hotal proprictors P yeiclaps use these mgredients In convicted of selling liquor in pro-| some form, often by some fancy and hibited hours, and fined. { SD ot I 12--Ex-Alderman Daniel Reeves | (1% ract Lascara....... PAISLEY & CHISHQLM, Lessee | - - hid. ? baiibgie Syrup Rhubarb : { | ] 1 Are ready to contract for immediate] Aug. | Carriana Compound . delivery. Brick that will stand inspec. | MEN AND WOMEN, ug | Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 A sasonal rates. Capac 'f b i ee . al : Ae sl a flucharses indanmatont | vents at Chaumont Bay regatta. Take ope teaspoonful after . each BC mucous membranes, | Aug. 22--Capt. Thomas Donnelly | meal and At _ bedtime. - Preveats | This acts in a 'pleasant way, and | | | The Aug. THE ONLY PLACE In he city "whers Cream 0 are made. --Where you get Nut Taffles fresh every y: ~--18 AT-- McLAUGHLIN'S. Headquarters for Cowan's Milk Chocolates, Map'e Buds, 204 Princess Street | 15--Death of Henry? Folger. 15--Kingston yachts won most ' Chocolates The very choicest, in bulk or boxes. R. H. Toye, ------ Phone; HH ~~ 802 King St. Ba Aug. 26--Eastern Ontario 1.O:F. jgh court met in Kingston. Y 00. ae 3 bottles §3. : Aug. 26--J ohn E. Anderson, school Circular sent oa request, | inspector and bigamist, died in peni- tenpary. . Aug. 3l--Military camp opened -- Barriefield. AR ponamons. | 5 Ee a tong o Is Sold by lis from the b 5" of 'Str | purgatives and s Athetics, 3 advise ail ous readers to cut a ual 'ormula out druggist tan 2 ie Shgreds Ba SEpesto. You cam | ' mix them at home if you prefer. Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. or t in in wral C : La plain TAPREs Over 10,000 colligrs are ouf of work in Glamorganshire, hs Sis. i . A sia Ate AA SSR SR Rr RO TEV rp NE

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