LORIE h IN QONNECTION WITH ¢ Trains | eave Kingston 12.01 p.m. Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Deaver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Witinipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Franscisce. 5.00 pmi~Local for Sharbot ke, conneeting with C.P.R. East and Wiest, . Monday, Wednesday, 7.45 a.m. Mited--For Renfrew and in- termediate points, Passengers leaving Kingston at 12.01 p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter- horo, 3.88 p.m. ; Toronto, 6.556 p.m.; Montreal, 7.05 p.m. ; Boston, 7.30 a.m. Bt. «ohn 12.00 'noon. KINGSTON--OTTAWA Ieave Kingston, 12.01 p.m., arrive Ottawa, 5 p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.45 a.m. arrive King- ston: 3.56 p.m. ; Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. -- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 3 1 uni A Train leaves union station, cial street Deseronto, Bunock ' , aynooth, and on Centra 'Ontario,' route your Fl Bd lin, WF ToxsOR one, No. RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Ofty : Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WEST, ve. City Arr. Oity L¥%s am. 1.07 p.m. 2.85 a.m. y GOING BAST. Lve, City Arr. Oity No; 8 Mall s. 1.48 a.m; "2 Fast E: 5 Nos. 1,2, 8,4,5 6,7 and 8 run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. ° Fér Pullman Accommodation' Tickets, { and all other fuformation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts., King-|| ston, Ont. [INTERCOLONIAL " RAILWAY LHoNOoNC For Gopy Offic oH i yoaeioffil suo¥ seauvonl » » Notes by 'the 'W, 8 dp triads ei, WIHh Tami Tae OF | TT I : Meritime Express 3 LEE Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between Montreal and the Atlantic Ports, Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, or' : General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. 24 i QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY. BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the 5,580 tons, Twin Screw Steam- ship "Bermudian." Sailings, 16th, 23rd and 30th January, and afterwards every Saturday at 10 a.m. New York to Beérmuda, Nassau, Bahamas and return. 8.8. "Trinidad" 20d, 18th February and 8th March. West India' Cruises from New York New Steamer "'Guiana,"" 3,700 tons, with all up-to-date improvements. S.S. "Parima,'" '3,000 tons, 8.8, "Korona," 8,000 tons, sail from New York every alternate Wednesday. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climdte these trips are unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of Pp ge and all , apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, Quebec Stemmship Co., 29 Broa way, New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y., Q , Canada, or to Ticket Agama, J. P¥HANLEY, and C."S. KIRKPATRICK, Kiaffton. . Soci LINE information ALLAN 59s 'LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. From St. Johan, Halilax. Hesperian, sails ... Jan. 15th. Jan. 16th. Corsican, sails . Jan. 22nd. Jan 23rd. Grampian, sails .. Feb, 5th. Feb. 6th. GLASGOW SAILINGS. Carthaginian, from Boston Sicilian, from Boston .........Jan. 28rd. First-Class, $70.00. upwards, Second- Class $40.00 upwards, Third-Class, 28.00 and $30.00. ap. Additional sailings and rates on plicatiog to J. P. HANLEY, or O. KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents, King stom. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal and County Deben- Lures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8S. €. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. Wah Long's Laundry Removed Fram 738 Clarence St., to 155 Welling- ton St., between Brock and Clarence Sts. Hest Taimllry in the city, . Goods called for and delivered. : i wid t ay. 4 * |B Ebi stipation and dyspepsia. The dull throb YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO FEEL "DOPEY" =~to have headaches--an easily-tired body---a stuffy-feeling brain--even for part of the time. There are too many keen alert men and women, always at their best, to give much chanee of suc- cess to one thus handicapped. . These things afe the direct results of a slug si Jiveb--constipated bowels-- | dry skigis overworked kidneys -- in short, of body whose sewers are' clogged. #7 Nothing opens up these outlets of the waste, and clears the system of poison so gently, vet so effectively, as "Fruit-a-tives." "Fruit-a-tives" are the julces of oranges, apples, figs and prunes combined---by a process that greatly Increases their medicinal value --with able tonics and internal an. arlene into tablets. | Také '@neior two "Fruit-a-tives" evduy- night, eat plenty of ripe fruit, and se€ How quickly your brain clears and headaches leave you. 60c a Dox § for $2.50. Trial size 26¢. Fruit-ge tives Limited, Ottawa. > do THE WILD CHERRY . TREE grows bark that contains sedative and bronchial tonic properties. Fluid Extract of this bark goes into Brick's Tasteless Cod Liver Qil as well as Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites. The finest Cod Liver Oil only used but that disagree- able greasy taste has been removed.' THE CURE FOR YOU if, you fack energy, feel depressed, all run down, thin; have a cough or cold is, beyond doubt, . BRICK'S TASTELESS. At oll: Driigeits, fo Dosti Kohat © No matter how long it has been gra jor faded. Promotds a Juxuriant growth tof healthy hair. Stops its fallin out, 'and positively removes n- 'druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. "fuse all substitutes. 25¢ 1 asm in $1.00 as 50¢. ize. §5 Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at ists Send 2c for free book ** The Care of the a Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay's Harfina cated Pimples, fed, rough and Stiapbed hands, and all skin dis. eases, Keeps skin fine and soft. 25¢, druggists, r "oy are of the -" AS. B. McLEOD. To Suffer From Headaches Makes Life Miserable. It takesa person that has had or is sub. ject to headaches to describe the suffering which attends them. The majority of cases are caused by con- bings, the intense pain, sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by the cause' which brings it on, purely indi- cates that there is something the matter with the stomach' or bowels. To the fact that Bardock Blood Bitters reaches every part of the system is due its success in re- lieving and permanently curing headache. It has proven & specific for the malady in all its forms." . Mra. Allison E. Brown, Sum- 4 "4 3 meabiomes.-~3 merfield, N.B., 3 writes : -- "I 1 WETS have been troubled with Constipation and Headaches for a; longgtingy After trying different doctors to no effect, a friend asked me to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I find I am completely cured after taking three bottles, I can safely recommend it to all." With Maypole Soap 'With Base at Home With Sure Results ec 2c. for colors, 155. for Black. i fx prank I Brecdet & Cou, © 88 Montreal. Sometimes {wo women can stop talking about others long cnough to + al RE iy kiss, # Imperial Underwear is {he kind you want for. your boy or your girl | rontonians, Hamiltonians and fon the 26th inst. to see the 'map. to Take any credit away fro at £1 tr ily } j a AGS STR wl e e, e Suits 'all parses. Made only by King- ston Hosiery = Co.,Ltd: Ask your deajer for it. : SEon THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1909. ES 5 THE SPORT REVIEW CAN oa COR TEAT Teftries Says He Gan tonghuat is Now in New York Training For His Race With Shrubb on the 26th. ' R. E. Walker, the Olympic champion 100-metres sprinter, has refused ofier to turn professional. + The Dorando party agree with Flan- agan and Longboat in ascribing Do- rando's defeat to the impossible pace set. Wanderers and Edmonton each about $1,350 as their share of the receipls of the Stanley . and 'Mrs. Lon, t are in New York where the Indian will train for the Shrubb race, that takes place January 26th. A Minneapolis despatch says that M.:W. Savage, owner of Dan Patch, has * bought the great pacer, Minor Heir, for $40,000. «lionghoat took 114 steps to cover one lip of the track (nine laps to the mile). Dorando strided 124 to 129 times each lap. Betting on this year's English Der- by already has begun, one wager of $5,500 to $2,000 being registered on the unheaten colt, Bayardo. The Belgign minister of justice is said to favor abandoning the pari- mutual system ol betting on race courses in favor of ready-money hook- making. There will be a big crowd of received ctive To- others from Canadian points in New York Shrubb- Longboat race. Wiarton has a new rink, 185 by 72, 'with sereen 'protection on all sides. Jt is a magnificent structure, but is poorly lighted, and the O.H.A. have ordered extra lighting. They say it was laughable to see Longboat strolling around the Avack in the twenty-fourth mile reading a special edition of the Bufialo Times containing a story of his victory and a photograph of "the start. Senator Agnew now threatens to regulate the New York newspapers by a law to prohibit the publication of odds 'on horse races. Publication of speculative news on other affairs is not to bel interfered with. The Cleveland Americans have of- fered $10,000 cash for Pitcher Bill" Burns, of the Washingtons. ~ Lajoie thinks he can win the pennant if he lands Burns. « But at least one other Americag_. league club will make a powerful Tid for this promising bozx- iH! 1 han, was at the Buffdl track 5 i Pen. tange for Dorando's appearan against... Uovey.r4n- Chicago an 22nd. Dorando races in Rochest Calllabin, the Chicago) bas his week, : ; «rons Aide TOMAR SES After Dorando had reached 'uw his "§ dressing room and his attendant® had revived him, he said : "I don'tHyant | is a wonderful nay, and a great rynper," Ww | i HAW Wition,' the! great Eaglish mile fen | wha Bolkds the watldk record" of 3 minutes 59 4-5 se@onds for ;ithe 1 1,580 metre 'run, will Tprq- bably emigrate to America in = the near future -and reside permanently. Wilson has been offered a good epen- ing in business in New York, "dohnson does' not class with.ameén Fitzsimmons," Jei- Jie Corbett or es says. ""He would have no show | to beat either of them if they could get back half the form thev showed when they held the title. ( not too old to train again, and might be able to get into condition to show some of his old-time form, If he did Johnson could not warm him up." LANSDOWNE. MATTERS. Only Two of Last Yeai's Council Returned. Lansdowne, Jan. 4.--Dr. Moxley, son of Robert merchant, hospital for several weeks, has been given up as past recovery. He under- went four operations in as many weeks, and has suffered indescribable agonies, only his wonderful vitality has sustained him so far. His many friends here, his boyhood home, are deeply -grieved. Thomas Hunt, of Ivy Lea, a prom- inent farmer, is seriously ill. J. 0. Redmond has disposed of his store and two residences to George Wood- ing, of Brockville. Mrs. Shurley, Wat- ford, Ont., is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. F. Deane. Mrs. Nore Landon, Mooretown, has moved into I. Bevin's house. New Year's Day the Lyndhurst hock- ey team met the Ramblers at the Stadium rink. here and were defeated four to two. Saturday the Wanderers defeated a Gananoque team at the Arena fink thirteen to seven. The funeral of the late Mrs. Welling- ton' Landon was held on Saturday, from Ker late residence, the being placed in the vault. The deceas- ed, who" was well known and highly Charles Moxley, tea réspected, died in a Buffalo, N.Y., hos- | pital. There was a very lively school meet- ing last Wednesday owing to the ques: tion of a high school here. Both sides canvassed vigorously for weeks and the oppositionists won, electing George Stevens as trustee. The ques- tion of teakhers for this year seems | to be in doubt yet, as no definite an- nouncement has yet been made. Master Robert Webster, who béen ill with typhoid for about two months, is slowly recovering... Miss Jane Cornett is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. A. Haig. New Year's night the Wanderer hockey team held a very enjoyable '"'at home" in. J7 R. Latimer's new hall. Cooke's orches- tra, Brockville, furnished music. Dr, Mundell, of Kingston, was called on Sunday in consultation with Dr. Shaw. The municipal elections yesterday re- sulted in many surprises. The old council were in much despair owing to increased taxation, and some bad blunders. "in connection with ditches and some other matters. The yesult was dhat there were fifteen candidates in the field. Those retirned were: Nel- Webster, ~ reeve; {O®ar Landon, deputy reeve; M. Steaty, W. Webb, D, has an Corbett is | who has been in Montreal | remains | VB be 4 Webster are the only omnes of the old council "retuned. to ; DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. Ermine and Lace Muff and Stole. AWAITS DIVISION, Estate of Lost WMrchduke to Be Settled in 1917. Geneva, Jan. 6.--The fortune leit by Johann Orth, of Austria, whose mys- terious disappearance is a matier of history, 'amounts' 'to between thirty and forty millioir crowns (between $6,- 250,000 and $8,350,000). Such is the interesting statement made by Herr Wolfling's counsel in a libel action brought by the former archduke against ' the editor of the Wehntaler, 'which has just been decid- ed at Zurich against Herr Wolfling. {Herr Bader, the lawyer in question, revealed the financial position of his former imperial client, stating that he was in the receipt of an annual in- come of 30,000 crowns ($6,250), pos- | sessed a capital of 200,000 crowns ($41,875), and expected a portion of Johann Orth's fortune in 1917, The emperor of Austria, it appears, has fixed that year for the distribu- tion of Johann Orth's fortune, "un- less Johann Orth, reappears." Johann Orth was formerly the Arch- duke Johann Salvator of Austria, and was ,. born in 1852, .In 1889 he .mar- ried .an-actness of the Vienna opera, renounced his rank, and qualified .as'a master mariner. In the following year he purchased « ship, which he named the -Santa Margherita, and: sailed from Lopdon in-¢ompany. with, his wife, for Chili, The yessel failed 'to. rwadh its estination,; and; is. supposed. to, Lave been, lost with all oa. board; off: Caple Horn, In, 11%. Wag ; re the late archduke was stitl alive and had been seen in London; but this vas not substantiated. 4 wo date Leopold Walfling is' the present num of the former Archduke Leopold of Austria. He lalso! renounced: his rank to 'marry 'am 'actress; [Wilhelmina Adamovich; ~ in 1903, 'and adopted Swigs ngtionality. They quarrcled in consequence 'of 'the lady's extreme de- votion 'to the "simple. life," aud a di- vorce followed. ' Herr Wollling after- ward married: Fraulein Maria Retter, 1 |a former Servant girl. | REPORTS FROM STELLA. Mailcarrier! Has a Hard : Time These Days. Stella, Jan. 4.--Mail Carrier W. J. Beaubien is having a hard time ow- ing to so much stormy weather. He |is a hard man to beat in a small boat. His money is dearly earned at this time of year. There seems to be no prospect for ice yet. Some of the weather men predict an open winter. Last year the first crossing was on Jan. 29th; 1907, fist crossing Jan. 16th; *. 1906, first crossing Feb. 6th, {and in 1905, on Jan. 4th. The English church concert and Christmas tree, held in Victoria hall, on Dec, 30th, was well attended. The school meetings were held in the dif- ferent schools on Wednesday. A few changes were made in teachers. Miss { Nancy Burleigh will take charge of { No. 2, and Miss Stevenson, Napanee, [of No. 5, Emerald. The C.O.F. hall in Victoria Hall, on. New Year's Eve, passed. off successfully. Tugwell's or- chestra provided the music. Mrs. Hugh Glen, under the 'doctor's care for some time, is recovering. Dr. A. W. Girvin, Strathmore, Alta., has arriv- ed home. I. Cochrane, Chatham, is visiting his brother. Mrs. A. E. How- ard has returned home from Detroit. Capt. T. Sanders, Detroit, is here for a short visit with friends. x 11. Rich- ards has arrived home frond Failing. "A GOOD STOMACH Means Good Health, Cheerfulness, Ambition, Persistency and Suc- cess. Mi-o-na will cure your dyspepsia or | any other stomach trouble by build- {ing up the flabby walls and making {the stomach so strong that it will di- |'zest food without pepsin or other ar- 'tificial aid. In other 'words, Mi-o-na cures dys- pepsia by removing the cause. G. W. Mahood is the agent for Mi- o-na in Kingston and he says to evéry reader of the British Whig, whose §omach 1s weak, who has indigestion r dyspepsia, "that Mi-o-na is guaran- teed to cure of m back. c The price is only) cents a large box, and one box is all you need to prove that you are on the right road to health and happiness. Mr. Geo. Linder, of corer Niu and Park streets, Elmira, Ont., says: "For about ten years I have been severely troubled with stomach 4reuble-and in- digestion so bad that I could not re- tain my food after eating. I could not eat meat or scarcely anything, and had headaches and cofistiphtion. I secured 'a package of Mi-o'na with the result that. now { and can.eat .anythipg, digest perfectly and am feeling ram" only too glad +o publicly endorse and recom- mend Mi-o-na,"' Dempster, councillors. Landon and ried that' taken two boxes I am entirely cured | gration officer in VISITORS AT -- to fall on the floor ome day recently, and | soverely injured her hip and it is fodr- ou Uist Su. of the bones is fractured. « Tarry, Westport, is in attendan Gordon Gallagher, Winnipeg, is spend- ing the holidays under his parental - |roof. Benjamin Tett, Bathurst, N. he has been the guest of relatives here, for tho past week. Miss Payne, Begd- ford Mills, is the guest of Miss Marnie Lyons. Roy Grothier, who has beén teaching for the past few years in different parts 'of Western Canada, js the guest of his parents. The Oil-A- Cure Medicine company is giving free shows here this week and selling' mp- dicine. Tho show is being fairly wal attended. Misses Francis and Tessie Lewis attended the rowing club hop tn Brockville on New Year's eve. A num- ber from this locality attended tho funeral of the late Thomas Ralph, which took place from his home at Portland, to Phillipsville, Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muncey and children are spending a few woelks with relatives at Chafiey's Locks. J. J. Gallagher, - manager of the branch of the Union Bank, spent the holidays at his home at Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gallagher, who have been in town for a few days, on a short honeymoon visit, left on Tuek- day for their home at Rouleau, Man. Joseph McNally left, on Tuesday for his home in Chicago, after a = short visit with relatives here. Miss Mary Carty was "At Home" to a company of friends at a charming little party on Monday evening. ; County : Hockey League, off the ri i of 6:tod; in fvor of the visitors, ter one of thd Hardest - fought loon tes in the history of "the! town. Ow Murphy, Portland; was referee, ani D. J. Morikddy,Ba@aloi was judge J play. Bdth officials! werd | catitaly in partial and: did) everything: ind 4 power to! olintingle! 5 Ohols tg 3h close 'elitdking, DIAL on" Both" "foams were Badly sed" by "Phe visitors Playa' Pier! of Athe Who 'it'ig'cla - | 1 Yesident, "6! #stpalt, and hats pr dh port aud ME, and ge 103] 0 £ <b .. Felix; McNally, on '4h 8th inst., twins, 'a boy and a girl Mri. E. Chamberlain is spending | th week | with relatives in Br i Schools re-opened on Monday, Miss Marie Lyons in Bell's school! Miss J. Johnston, Miss Mae Pinkerton and Miss A. Wright, in the village school; J. A. Moriarty in the college; B. F. Bolton in Crosby school; Miss Ida Donahue at Clear Lake, and Miss Luella Green at Freeland school. F. C. Landon spent New Year's . with relatives at Lansdowne. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, The Prices Paid at the Centres. Montreal, Jan. 4.--About 1,300 head of butchers' cattle, 77 calves, 497 sheep and lambs end 1,482 fat hogs were offered for sale at the Point St Charles stockyards this forenoon. The arrivals of live stock for the week at this market consisted of 2,177 cattle, 138 calves, 898 sheep and lambs and 2,558 fat hogs. The soft weather had a depressing effect on the market, and the pricos of cattle had a downward tendency, excepting for prime animals which "were not plentiful. Prime beeves sold at 4}c. to 5ic. per Ib.; pretty good cattle, 3jc. to near 4jc., and the common stock, 2jc. to 3jc. per Ib. Calves sold at from 4e. to Bic. per 1b. Sheep sold at about 4c. and lambs at 53c. per Ib. Good lots of fat hogs sold at 6jc. to Te. per Ib. Various Elected By Acclamation. Bloomfield, Jan. 5.--The council for the village of Bloomfield was elected hy acclamation. Reeve, Joseph drown; councillors, H. Y. Cooper, William Gough, Jolf' R. Smith and | James Swetman. The election for {reeve and councillors for the town- | ship of Hallowell resulted: Reeve, W. { B. Leavens; deputy reeve, James D. | Stinson; counciliors, Clarence Mal- {lory, Edward B. Purtells, and William | J. Gerow, Mrs. Newcombe and daugh- { ter, Toronto, were guests at L. E. | Mastin's over New Year's. John Run- dle, Toronto, spent holidays here, re- turning on Saturday. The Bloomfield cheese and butter company closed its | factory December 31st. Mrs. Clayton | Burr and family have gone te Toron- {to to visit friends 'for a few weeks. | Charles Clinton, Hamilton, spent | Christmas at his father's, John Clin- ton. Alex Sykes and family have {moved to Picton for the winter, Mrs. | John Clinton is ding a few days | with her son, Walter Clinton, Toron | to. H. McVeen has purchased a set of # steel rings for the building of cement | si i ,~ Bernier's Successor. ' | Ottawa, Jan. 6,--A recent visitorto the city has been Horace Chevrier, ex- {M.LA., who left for Toronto yester- day. Mr, Chevrier's name is being mentioned in connection with the va- cancy in the upper house caused by | the death of Senator Bernier. The {name of J, E. Cyr, ex-M.P. for Pro- after having | vencher, recently appointed an immi- rance, is also be- {ing mentioned in the same connection. Optimism and dyspepsia are' not on speaking terms, pa locdl | 'Annual January ental At this sale we are showing the largest sto rugs ever seen in Canada. The assortment cludes a great' number of the pe Beautiful Moderate-Priced ugs on the American Continent We have just recently opened several new bales particularly handsome medium-sized pieces, well as a lot of larger carpets and smaller m This new shipment of Persian and Turkish will also be included in the Annual January when all goods will be sold at vo Be 26 Per Cent. to 36 Per Cent. Reduc Among the stock of rugs are choice examples of such makes as Antique Iran, Mousul, Bon chars, Kirmanshah, Tabriz, Kazak, Serebend, Antique Ghiordez, Meshed, Bejar, etc. A great opportunity --Exeeptional assortment --Get first pick of new goods. Prices are a quarter and one-third less than usual. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS GIVEN OUR CAREFUL ATTENTION. Send for our handsome new illustrated Booklet . on Oriental Rugs. Courian, Babayan & Co., 40 KING EAST, TORONTO. OPP. KING EDWARD HOTEL - a v The . opening game of the Leeds is made from the finest pare- m= fully meitcted cocoa, beans; roasted by a special process to perfect the rich chocolate _ flavor. Cowan's is most deli- cious and most economical: el OR Slippers " YOU WILL FIND A GREAT SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM AT Stock-Taking Sale : gr fo We wish to reduce our BE "i Vlarge stock bofore stock-tak- fame ing by offering special induce- pa id ments. China Closets with swelled fronts and sides, only $15; Buffets in pretty designs, only $18; Sideboards, a t : variety from $12 up; Fancy --=_ Rattan Rockers, special only X{4 1$3.50; Iron and Bra | {Springs and Mattresse: ¥ sale prices. The, Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. at a JAMES REID, mene 135 Church St. Sugied Aide Toronto. Eat 1860 to Afflicted Trusses Our success in fit- 'Authors & Cox to be wondered - For : 3 ears, we have Bala tested, examined, invented. 'oda; guarantee to fit ev A Np mn with a truss, oat Ie not only easy and comfortable, but also ties, are afflicted in any way, write us for a truss that will retain the ruptare. appliance to help you.