And Now For Our 11/5 DEGIEDLY GH TRINITY CORPORATION OWNS OVER $14,097,330. Maintains Ten Churches 'and Six- teen Schools and Loans Money | Without Interest. York, Jan. 6.--Trinity corpo- ration for the first time bas issued a financial statement in detail. Its as- deta total $14079,338.40, which in- cludes productive real estate valued at $13,646,300. : The corporation maintains ten churches and sixteen schools. Its to- tal income for the year was appro- simately %780.000, over $750,000 of which was derived from the corpora- | tions real estate holdings and only | about ¢818.000 from pew rents. The expenditures for the yéar amounted to over $791,000, leaving an actual de- ficit of $11 966 for: the twelve months. Trinity has a debt of ¥500,- 000 incurred in the erection of mo- derp business buildings and apart ment houses. The collections and contributions for the year amounted to about $94,500, and. following a custom that began after the foundation of the church in 1697, all of this amount was given for charitable and mjssionary objects, WHITEWEAR SALE All this month we will offer exceptional values in Whitewear, and the wise woman will lay in her supply of Muslin Underwear for the hot days now. All our stock is fresh and crisp and the daintiest to be had in town. All grades, from the u ntrimmed to the very elaborate garment, and at great 'money-saving prices. Corset Covers for 1.30 up. Drawers for 25c, $1 up. Petticoats for $1, 5.00. White Lawn Waists for $1, to 6.50, ¢ danadian Northwest Land Regulations, ANY PE RSON HO 18 THE head of) a sia Ain 4 ! bande years oid, may stead a CE § 3 TE pk Lands Keney or Sub-Agency : for the distretl Rhtry By 'proxy may be made at any ageuc, on certain conditions, by father, ST son, ron brother or sister of intending Lomeata Ser. DUTIES, --Six mont residence upon: and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live) within nine miles of his' homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sigter. In certain districts a homesteader good standing may pre-empt a section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. ~<Must reside six mhonths in each of six- years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to eatn homestead patent) and cultivate fift- acres extra. homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right aud cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead fin certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre, Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on éither odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, Fast of the Cal- gary and Kdmonton Railway and the fost line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian afd the Sault Railway line. Dutics.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty .acres and erect » house worth $300. YNOPRIS_ OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at-an annua rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thas 2,560 acres can be leased to one appli cant. Royalty, five cents per ton. + QUARTZ.~A person eighteen years of age and over having made a eT may locate a claim 500 feet by 1.500 feet. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 has, begn expended of paid and other requirements ¢éomplied with the claim may be pyrchased at $1.00 an acre. DY ACF MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING .--~Twe lenses five miles each pf a river may he issued to one applicant for a term-of 20 years. Rental, $10 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24% per cent after the output exceeds $10,000. W,. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior v.B.--~Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will pot be paid for. L.ook SOLE over (18 quarter. less) ofl Manifdba, 1 : by he apphidgant , r KE, he m at the Domidion in quarters 1, of 25¢, 48c, 45e, Would Any of These Suit You? il B. and: 1=New Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, CO. and furnace, also good stable drive-house, large lot, $2,000 2--First-class Nearly New Frame Dwel- ling, 4 bedrooms, B. & CC. $1,650 8--New Frame Dwelling, 4 petioums | B. & C., large lot, $1,550. 4--Good Stone Dwelling in excellent | repair, stable, garden and orchard of the | .Choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650. 5--Stone Dwelling, stable and one acre of good gardem land, $1,850. T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington Street. A NEW DISCOVERY! A preparation found that stor falling hair, in even the iy cases, in from two to fo Guaranteed or money refunded. Get application at KEYES', 336 X days. King street. Come and look over our stock. 75c¢, 85¢, $1, 50c, 60c, 75¢, 90c, 5 r~ 75 1.40, 1.50, 1.75 to 1.25, 1.35, 1.50 TRADEMARKS AND! COPYRIGHTS Books apd advice free.! Highest references. 20 years experietce, We are registered attorneys; memben oft , Federal CRISWELL & "CRISWELL 48 ano 45 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Washington Office, 902 F Street South African Scrip Bought Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St We Like*Taffey So does everybody. All kinds, at PRICE'S, at reasonable prices. Walnut, Molasses, Almond, Peanut, Fruit, Nuga- tine Peanut Butter and Butter Scotch, PRICE'S, Phone 845. 288 Princess St. NEW MACHINE SHOP A call 1s invited for all kinds of gén- eral manufacturing and machine Tepair- | ing, sewing mmchines, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, edged tools, dies; braz- ing, model and pattern making. 'Best of | attention ven all work. Repairs may | be tested ore - leaving shop. Ww guaranteed. Work outside citv attended to Uharges moderate. J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, Su Mon treal St., (near Princess) kingston iridars taken at Simmons Bros. and A Vanluven's Parcel Delivery. 'Table and Whip- ping Cream AT " | GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot ba LADIES" AND GENTS TR We fully guarantee superior qu correct style, artistic workmanshi | pevtect fit. or promptly ity, and Barber Shop! Jd. B. Ouellette, 228 Princess St, e Courts of ue.D: Dat ict Sf Colum: { New Yo! in addition to the sums directly ap- { propriated for these purposes. The corporation's outstanding loans [to churches outside cf its own parish {amounted to $370,946, and as it col- The KILROY & BRITTON New duction, The Big Melo-Dramatic Musical Success, SUR MARSHALL and a Rollicking Chorta of Pretvy Girls. Full Scenic Production, Ar. "Band Parade at noon. Sisk 1525-35-50 "iis Prices Higher. Seats now on sale. . THURSDAY: JAN. 7TH. Song SBhow ! The Dance The roa) 1 Show ! The Whim Show ! h C. WHITNEY'S Merry Musical Ha ! Ha ! A KNIGHT FOR A DAY The Original Company of 70 People. Holds All Long Distance Records. 600 Nights in Chicago. 800 Nights in New York, 4 months in Boston. '$1.00, Prices, R5¢., 50c., 7T5c., $1.50. Seats now on sale. BIJOU WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. | lecté ho interest on the loans Trinity in effect makes an annual contribution ito the work of these churches in {amount of the interest which it re | frains from collecting. Trinity's income of $780,000 is ex- | pended mainly through the three chan- {nels of its religious activities, its { FINE TEN-ACT DRAMA. | ' 1" ("A FIREMAN'S DAUGHTER | Synopsis : The Old WFireman--kHis Pretty Daughter --A Designing Rogue--The ¥ire Call-- The Elopement~The Father's Grief--A Burglar"s Plot--A «= Robbery--The . Dyna- |' schools and the requirements of its for its | property. The expenditures | ten churches and chapels amounted to | $277,114 and for its schools $63,756. ts estate expenditures amounted A to | 5344,180, the largest item being its taxes. Repairs was the item of next | importance, the figures for repairs, al- | terations and supplies to buildings other than churches and schools be- ing $103,973. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Kingston Urged To Arouse. St. Catharines, Dec. 14.--The domin- |ion government says that it has de | cided that Old Niagara shall be the | permanent abiding place of the an- nual militia camp, and seems to have get about to improve and preserve in |every way possible the historic pro- perty. Following the aecquirement {moro land for the camp, and the con- struction of new rifle ranges, comes the report that the. hi old fort, Mississagua, is to be repaired. and put | into better shape: i 1 The militia department, i ftood, will iprevent the of storie it is! under- take immediate steps. lo further ruin of the ffort, The plans are not yet aol bted, but they will inelude Aworl ebm- |erote breakwaters to profeet: the ram- parts from the action of the waves: of | bake Ontarioe hese breakwaters will | be about twelve feet wide amd: will ey- tend diagonally out inte the lake for abiontic130 foot, fie ritihihg Tout herly from tho east bastion of the fort and {the other' northerly 'ftédm' the horih I bastion. . The idea of fofming this {huge Voavigh, the fort in the apex is tho as to allow the action of the waves to pile up in the enclosure a wide, a beach. The gamparts will also, be repaired, | and AL gk cannon which used to lac i from the castern bastion ie likely he peplaced. New' doors will be put up, and the approaches to. the fort. improved. Port George will also be repaired. This news will be received with great | satisfaction thousands of Cana- dians who have been grieved to wit- {ness the havoc which storms of rect | yéars have done on {he embankments of this one of Canada's most historic forts, {out 0 by Jan. 4.--(To up, Kingston, been asleep too long. Get out after the goods possible, whether they Abandon the idea of voting for nothing. When an hotel capital will not fro.a-begging in the proper stsleéf hotel What Kingston wants first fore most is (mark my words) GTR. {to build in throagh the King «ion is too. colonial. Tt is not on ihe main in. "Never mind what s, then get out after your industries. Do yeu know that al though Canadians are not ignorant a there are school teachers in who don't know King- although they have heen over .R. from Montreal to Toronto t's it. Take my word for Kingston 'on the main line city will take fire and go Petcrboro and all the othor cities: in Ontario. Win not uso- something like the enclosed. Don't let St. Kits have it all their [own way.--CITIZEN. To Repair Fort Henry. the Edi wake up ! Wake all comy Kingeton, or) : Wake You have ip and .get busy ! or not. | £100,000 will pay {to put and the town. it line. Get it cost a class, Canada where ston is, the G. Funny, it. Get and your ahead of secord-class Cannons to be Re-mounted--Rifle Ran- | ges Historie Battleground to be Preserved for the Nation. Special .to the Whig { Kingston, Ont., Jan~ 2.--The do- Iminion government says it has de- cided that old Fort Henry shall be wu permanent abiding place for troops {and shall bé preserved (for all future | generations as a mark of antiquity and history of Canada's early times, and seems to have set about to im- | prove ana preserve in every way pos- | ible the historic property. Following {the construction of new rifle ranges {comes the report that the historic old fort will be drained, 'its walls re re-waggoned and the sored, cannons more the brilliant sight d by the reg when the colors--now Established--Canada's lace once Be of colors garrisons u to be -Edward lars tw yuaee n = of the queen's son militia department, it is de 4k will take immediate steps [to prevent the further ruin of the {old fort. The plans are not yet com- ipletea, but they will include proper | drainage, repair to its ancient walls, garrisoning the fort by a company of regulars The ramparts, many of which = are wm- mite Explosion--Another Fire Call--A Father's Heroism--Reunited, f | ATTRACTION II. "if Women Were Policemen.'"" A rattling comedy based on { the suffagretie idea. | ATTRACTION III. "The Dutenman and The Shirt, er The Trouble Which Hans Spiegleberg Made For The Public.' ATTRACTION IV. a strated song, entitled Heather Queen,"' is sung by WONDERLAND 6 THEATRE Be THREE LATEST PICTURES. And they are the best combination of pictures we have ever put on. 1--""A WORKING MAN'S DREAM," showing the great change money might raake in a wishing man's appearance and manner. 3--"BY A WOMAN'S WIT." by her wit and her saves the day for the Army, with which she pmapathizes. A thrilling war drama. 3--""THE ACTOR'S CHILD." Display- ing an actor's family troubles, the steal- ing of his child, and the restoration. 4~--Song-~"IT'8 'ONLY ME IN MY NIGHTY," (1908). CHILDREN ONE CENT AFTERNOON, FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be. Jersived by the. under- signed yntil TU PAY the 12th inst. for the purchas hit the stock in' trade of the edtate.of N. WARTELSKY, COLE- BROOK, consisting as per Inventory of General Goods and Fixtures, $2,523.26 Horse, Buggy, Cutters, ete. Book Debts "Separate Tenders iby be sent debired, but' ne Tender ndcessdrily " al- cepted: Broek and. Inventory may examined on the premises at, Colebrook. JOHN NICOLLE, beautiful illu- "Mary, My Will West, A woman cunning tastics TO-MORROW Terms, Cash. i : Assignee, t Kingston, Jani 4th, ANNUAL MEETING of the Storrington Township 1909. will be held at INVERARY, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20th, 09 at oné o'clock p.m. THE- COWBOY GIRL) be Agricultura] Society a word. Minin sertion, 25¢. ; six, §1; one month WANTED--MALE, A AR YOUNG BOY. AP- office, Britis! a hy h-A can Hotel. MEN WANTED TO 'LEARN BARBER twelve to secure ata oler Barber Col ON MEN WANTED, AT ONCE, and B man Hg oF. 5a or capable and lary locality with i gling | he Pl pe) Ro, al n uce our Purple Stock. and oultry 8 0 experien co Docosihey | a; 4, work Por ou. a , Wok and expenses. Jon. permsnent. W. A. Jenkins Manufacturing London, Ontario. a AT = COLLENDER HOTEL, al ENERAL SERVANTS MAY SLEEP home Apply 157 eae 4 -- A GOOD GENERA SLRYANT, WELL to 164 Barrie street i Te. ¥ i COMPETENT Ma, FOR GENERAL te ening to et ie ing GENERAL SERVANT. residence J. M. F St., Datueen 6.30 and the evening APPLY 11 8 COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED Maid, for getieral Jiousewark, 0 in family. Apply to Mrs. C. F. Tah, 239 Albert street. TEACHERS WANTED. WANTED GENERAL, F FARM TO BUY OF 100 OR | near the city. App! y 0 ACRES, 51 Brock street. ann, AGENTS TO SELL DIOZO CABINETS, a new disinfectant ; marvel seller. Address *"'Diozo" Agency, 8 King street, city. SOUTH AFRICAN VETERANS I WiLL pay $400 cash for land warrants, if delivered .at once. J, Cairns, 86 Lower Bagot street, Kingston. FIRE INSURANCE RISKS GOOD companies, lowest rates, falr settle- ments. J. R. €. Pobbs & Co., 109 Brock St. Telephone, 480, THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work: 'All kinds of work promptly done. + J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. Appl: Lytle, General Carter, 58 Ytatn® st » CASH PAID FOR warrants, Money on production of Box. CQ. 0," $410.00 spoT South African paid in Kingston warrants, Address Whig _oflice. TO PURCHASE OR RENT, ner grocery business in section of the city. Apply stating particulars to care Whig office. A the by Box COR- lower letter, 75, GENERALS, DINING ROOM GIRLS, farm hands. We have on hand one housekeeper, excellent references, and one married couplé open for engage- ment. Canadian 'Employment Agency, Brockville, Ont. TEACHER FOR S. 8S. NO. 8 TOWN- ship of Bedford legally asad teacher, Catholic Prferred, Apply, stating salary, to James O'Connor, Cole Lake P.O QUALIFIED TEACHZR FOR SOHOOL Section No. 7, Township of Elzevir, County of Hastings. Apply, statin salary and qualiications to ot Dion, Elzevir P.O,, Ont. SITUATIONS WANTED. DOMES TICS--EXPERIENCED, oLD country, cooks, housemaids, table- maids and a number af Scotch gen- erals. Arriving Jan. 12th. Apply The Guild, 71 Drummond St., Mon- treal. Telephone Uptown, 2,261. SITUATION VACANT. MEN MAKE MONEY DURING WINTER months by selling our Guaranteed Hardy Northern Grown Nursery Stock. Try it in.your district, The Canadian Nursery vo. Limited, Mons trea 258 t street. MISS GERTRUDE R. years pupil of Conservatory, hi resumed her pit 0 violin and = theory classes: prepared for examinations of Torons to Conservatory. Studio, Front Business College. CRAIG, THRE Seifritz, "Sug % -- ARCHITECTS, STORE, Job, Rook ST APPLY abs McKay, 1 Brock stree ARTHUR ELLIS, office and residence, Ave. ARCHITECT, 181 University HENRY P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc., Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 845. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's "Bank Building, corner rock and Wellington streets. Phone, 212 GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- er overcoats made now, ow last years' tiftrned and made like new. Your own cloth 'made into up-to- date. suits. Price and workmanship guarantepd to please, Thomas Gallo- way; The Tailor, 131 Brock Bt. next to Bibby's Livery. BOARD AND ROOMS, LARGE FRONT ROOM, COMFORT. ably furnished, at 144 Barrie St. WM. over Mahood's Princess = and second floor store,' corner streets. I trance 'Phone, 608, -F NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFFIC rl brug! Bago! on. Bagot street} ROOM OVER WADR'S, K AI Co, Le water a pp! Brock Btteet y hi COR, clud "ROSELAWN" ; THAT HANDSOME residence on Union street, at Bominal rental for the winter. WAY 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock ALE; HE Qur 4 Sire over o - A rhishing i vighe Apply 3 gs Forrest, samlet 3 F 'nN Th MARRIAGE LICENSES. T : 4 -- VUE RIRKPATRICK, 18SSUPR O Marridge Ligenses, 42 Clarence St telephone, 668; evening, residen 38 Frontenac street. ART oF LYING IN BED, Bed is the Outcome Gradual Development, Jy some millions of oriental people the western custom of sleeping on a bedstead is regarded as an acrobatic performance, grotesque and danger- ous. An Arab who had never before seen the inside of a house was brought a few months ago, with a broken leg, to an American mission The of | F, 8. FERGUSON, Secretary. BOARD OF TRADE Special meeting TO-NIGHT, at 8 o'clock to discuss the Wormwitis| By-Law. All interested will please attend, J. S. TURNER, Acting Secretary. HERBERT C. TRENEER, A.T.C.M. Piano am to most for either to prepared Tuition, accept pupils improved used ; also open all classical work... Apply for terms Quebec street, con- ert letter Stanley Ont. by Nol 1 Kingston, person Ferrac e, SWEDISH MASSAGE. Mrs. Cecilia Héred recommended by the leading physicians of Kingston. Head, Face and Neck Massage a sheclaltys Ap- ply 53 Clergy street, or Y.W.C.A. Build- ing. ASE--------------------------------"--,SSLSSS EEE=:RTSN already in the state of approaching decay, will be repaired and buttressed and the cannons which look from the front bastion will likely be replated by new gun carriages This news will be: reééived with great satisfaction by thousands of Canadians who have been grieved to witness the havoc which the storms of the past, decade have done to the embankments of this one of Canada's most historic forts. | I ---------------- INJURED BY FALL. Tried to Descédd By Rope Fire Escape. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Jan. 6.--Fire was discovered yesterday in 'the lumbia -Hotél, . & five-storey brick structure. © The seventy guests all wot out, safely, but two employees, Lydia - Billings, an Indian girl, aged twenty-one, and Mary Swiaczeck, aged seventeen, were founa later ly- ing unconscious in an alleyg where they had dropped from a rope by which they were endeavoring to des- cend from the fourth Woor. Miss Bil- lings! legs were broken and she was injured internally. Mary Swiac- zeck was badly: injured about the klés and. feet : Co- Our eléetric skate grinder will do work to please you. Halliday Elec- tric Co. Special meeting, p.m. to discuss aw. Snowflake sucress every at Best's, boara of trade, the Wormwith mens a pound at " by- ] i Baking time, Powder 25 cents in | method or, hospital in Syria. When the nurses tried to. put him to bed he struggled frantically. He wanted to go to sleep; but if they put him on that high bank | he would" have to keep awake all tnight, holding on to the side lest he should roll off. Like ali really great inventions, bed was the outcome of gradual development. The credit for inventing the pillow belongs to Jacob, the of Isaac. Anyhow, Jacob's pillow, not the first, was the most famous in history, for it gave him a dream which has been a subject for the hu- mor of Mark Twain, and it founded | a tradition revived at the coronation of évery British monarch. If the famous Stone of Destiny Westminster Abbey was really Jacob's pillow, one wonders not that Jacob dreamed, but that he dreamed of heaven. No 'Fnglish sovereign sits up- on the stone at. his coronation with- out the interposition of an oaken board and ample cushions, and re- carded as a pillow it offers openings for improvement too obvious to need the brain of an Edison for their de- velopment. The sequel to the stone pillow was {the invention of the ~ stone bed, and the substitution of softer materials came long afterwards. Then, perhaps ! ages later, arrived the innovator who raised . the bed from the ground. Per- | haps he was a sensitive and nervous man, with an abnormal repugnance to the lower forms of life, who disliked the company of snakes and things as bedfellows; perhaps he was the hus- pand of an exacting wife, who wanted a bed that she could "sweep under' or a safe harborage for her millinery boxes. Anyhow, he dared and did: One can imagine the ridicule, not un- mixed with awe, of'the neighbors who assembled night and morning to sce him get into and out of this revolu- tionary contrivance. Doubtless, he suffered many bruises, perhaps some broken bones, hefore he acquired the art of not tumbling out, but, having acquired it, the laugh would be on his and his neighbors would be as eager to. learn to sieep on a hed- {stead as the modern boy is eager to learn to ride a biyele, We marvel at the habit of the stork in sleeping. balanced on one leg, and of the "bat «in sleeping &hspended head downwards by a claw, but regard as a matter of course our own cus- tom of sleeping on a raised platform little wider than our bodies. To most of us, indeed, the accomplishment has becomé so natural by long practice that it is much easier to lie in bed than to get out of it. the son if in side, we Study the past if you would divine the future, a ---- A us. You duce and' $ 1f you get your Coal 'and Wood fr policy: secu ny, the unlimited liability o the 'stockholders. arm propert, insured at low t frost rates. Vetere renewing old i new husiness get rates from i 8 3 get the best the Mines po the Forest grows. SWIFT'S. GROWING IN PO R. Lord Rosebery Government. "lI know there used to be a cheap sneer at municipal matters by calling them 'parochial.' 1 suppose 1 have what your more eminent bur- esses Beaconsfield, used to call a 'parochial mind." But my belief is that every day that passes over us the yreat municipalities of this coun- try are growing in power, in influence and in majesty. Their offices are daily 'more. coveted, their honors daily more cherished, and their work expands every hour in usefulness and benefit the country at large. I think not saying too much when 1 that the time not remote when men who wish to do the public gervice will prefer even to it in municipal rather than in par- liamentary life. And I think so for this reason, that in the practical work whwh you do in municipal life youn get a more immediate return for it than you do in parliament. A poli- tician s life is apt to be spent in fu. tile action and barren criticism. But you, on your side, if you embark in the council of the town to which you belong, have the opportunity of see ing your work ready to your hand fruitful around you. What you are {able to eficet you . see achieved at once, and you see the result in the increased beauty of your city and 'in the increased welfare and happiness of vour meighbors and surroundings. As we know, politicians, on the other hand, with the highest aims and oh- jects before them, often have to wait for their lifetime and not even {o see in their lifetime, the object realized after which they seek." on (Municipal one of Lord to 'am say is ao The Burridge Budget * Burridge, Jan. 5.--School reopened on Monday with a large attendance, with Miss Palmer, Westport, as toach- er. Wood bées are the order of the day." A mumber from here intend tak-! ing in the ball in Fermoy, on the Sth. Mis s Mary Shellington is visitikg h Mrs, A. Bygrove, Sherbro¢ Miss Pora Mc Cann; at. J. Donaghue Salem: J. Leddy, Ottawa, Mulville. Kingston, at rs 'ann's; Mr. and Mrs. M, J. seronto, at E. Golden's; Mr. and H. Smith, Westport, at J Mc- Gowan's;: Miss Maggie Golden has ro turned home after spending some time with friends in Deseronto. Mrs, B. Ferguson, Fermoy, died on January 4th, also 1 r. WM Meagher, -------- Nothing ovefromes passion than silence, more | big boxes, | LONG WINDED PREACHERS. | Three Hours Once a Fair Average Allowance, Dean Lefroy, who has expressed the opinion that ten minutes is long enough for a sermon, would have met with scant sympathy from some dis vines of past-centuries. Thomas Hooker = considered three hours a fair average allowance for a sermon, though, on one ocegsion, when he was ill, he let his congtegation off more lightly. Pausing at the end of © fifteen minutes, he rested a while, and then continued his homily for two hours longer. Cranmer's sermons were each a small book when set up in type, and Baxter, Knox, Bunyan and Calvin rarely reached, 'Lastly, my brethren," under two hours. 'George Herbert once said : "The par son exceeds not an hour in preaching, because all ages have thought that a competency" ; but a certain rector in Bilbury, Gloucestershire, was of an- other opinion, for he never sat down under two hours. The squire, We learn, usually withdrew after the text was announced, smoked his pipe outs side, and returned for the blessing. Held Cohfirmation Service. Brewer's Mills, Jan, Bi--Archbishop Gauthier admmistered the sdcrament of confirmation to a large number children in St. Barnaby's church on Sunday. School re-opened on Mone day under the management of Mr. Madden, Kingston. The funeral of Mary Webb, infant daughter of James Webb, took place to St. Barpaby's on Sunday: Her death was due fo pneumonia. Miss J. Milne is spend- ing the holidays at her home. W. Dockrill, Chicago, has taken his de parture after. visiting with his irents, Mr. and Mrs. Pockrill, Mrs, J. Murray, Buflalo, and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Lansdowne, 8 Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 7. Hur {ray. Visitors: JL EL ped "Kin tstom, at his grandmother's Mrs. rs | Berrigan, A. Rochefort, 'Kingston, at his uneld's, J. Rochefort; W. Ro Portland, at C, Milnes. eh Don't Pare Corns. You may get rid of some of) orn, and also your foot, "th blood poisoning. Better take ¢ out safely with Peck's 's Cor § Salve. 3¢., store. Notice. 2 forms, customs. en for sale at Whig abn and best place to buy p