Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1909, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY sheesh INTERESTING EVENT 2 WAS PENNILESS BUT WEDS HEIRESS. nie "Maori'"' Browne Instedd of Black- ¥. ing Boots Marries Girl Whose Sweetheart He Once Saved. Londdn, Jan. 13.--Colonel G. Ham- ilton ("Maori") Browne, was married at St. John's church, Hackney, last week, to Miss Sarah Wallis Wilkerson, a lady of wealth and old family. "Maori" Browne, after serving his country for forty years in New Zea- land 'and Zululand, . found himseli stranded and penniless in London Jthree.months ago. He applied to the Salvation Army and through a Lon- don paper offered to black boots for a living, Miss Wallis Wilkerson, of the Beech- es, Melbourn, near Cambridge, saw thiz appeal, and discovered that Col- ongl Hamilton Browne had long ago saved the life of her sweetheart, who was afterwards killed in the Soudan. "A meeting was arranged and the lady found that Colonel Browne's name was again and again mentioned in the bundle of old letters she treas- ured and the friendship thus romanti- cally begun led to the wedding. Colonel Browne, spruce and alert in a dark lounge suit, walked to the church, with Miss Wallis Wilkerson, who has been staying at Brighton for the three weeks of the publication of the banns. The bride wore a brown costume with pink hat. At the close of the ceremony ) Col- onel and Mrs. "Maori" Browne walk- ed away arm-in-arm. As they left the church an official of the Salvation Army raised his blue and scarlet cap and cried, 'A happy New Year to you both--and continued good luck." They left for Brighton, wheére the honeymoon will be spent, and they . will then take up their residence in Pembury road, Clapton. Sh Amusements. THURSDAY, JAN. 14TH. Jo ln VERONEPR. Amusemetth Co. Pre BUNCO IN ARIZONA By LILLTAN _ MORT RB, with : 2 i 18 EUGENIE BE! SERER an Fe ovis FARM TO F 1 150 ACRES, 3 th LIF, an Neca 51 TO BUY A SINGLE, OR DOUBLE house of about 9 ro each in central locality, at moderate Address Box "A B.C.." Whig VETERANS' LAND WARRANTS wanted. Will pay highest and arrange to procure same from Ottawa without harge. Address "Yeteran," ce. weeks course. Uata- logue free. Write Moler Barber Col- lege, Toronto. ice. YOUNG MEN, WHO DESIRE TO earn better salaries and. do mere} congenial work. If able to oud and write as Assit to od: wi cay q you for a on as mechanical, electrical, steam, civil, or mining engineer, architectural, etc. Write at once, stating ition want- ed, "IC. 8," 14 My St, King- ston, Ont. Indians, = a Cowboys, k Broncos, Watch for Street Parade. Special 15.26-36-60 Prices Seats mow onsale. SATURDAY, JAN. 16TH. Matinee at 2.80. Evenin HARRY GIRARD Presents Oriental Opera, = ¥ "SAN rted 'the Box 54, Whig o ™0 wi Barns OF gach THREE-KNEE BOB food box, marke lener,® oF for a sleigh. $15. DJ. Hay and Tas treet. . VOLUMES POPULAR ENCYCLOPE- dia Charles Annandale, De, beaut lly illustrated : colored Bw and in first-class condition. to quick buyer. Eng office, or address hox TO-LET. 109 BROCK 8%. APPLY JOHN - ay, 151 Brock street. ROOM OVER. WADE'S, COR. KING and Brock streets, including hot water ng. McCann, Brock street. $2 "ROSELAWN" ; THAT HANDSOME residence on Union street, at a nominal rental for the winter. Apply 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. Nat her gen SOUTH AFRICAN VET@RANS -I WiLL, v $400 cash for land warrants, if ivered .at once. i Ci Lower Bagot street, Kingston. FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD i lowest rates, fair settle- ments. J. R. O. Dobbs & Co., 109 Brock St. Telephone, 480. SHS, 3 SET OF with WANTED----FEMALE. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply Mrs, James Reid, 254 Princess g 8.15. The Dainty TOY" Sup by Original Cast. Agnes Cain Brown, Sam. Collins, Violet Colby, Harry Girard, Laura Christopher, "|'Hallan -Mostyn, Saberv Dorsell, 'Will Pringle. Chorus of 40, Mostly Girls. Prices, Matinee, 235¢., 3c ., 50c., Evening. 256c¢., 50c., 75¢., $1.00. Seats on sale Thursday. : 1J0U WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. YOU REALLY MUST SEE THIS. ATTRACTION 1. The Acting and Making of a Moving Picture, followed by the Picture itself on the screen, $ ATTRACTION 2. A Splendid Comedy, 'The Instalment Plan and How . the Instalmients Were Collected. TTRACTION 3. Another Comedy, "The Negro Boxing Match. ATTRACTION 4. Illustrated Song, by Will West. WONDERLAND 5c THEATRE 8c "THE TEST OF FRIENDSHIP. A young man, tired of fawning friends decides to put their friendship to a test, and finds the old adage: '"No Money, No Friends' to be about true. However he finds true friendship in one prety . maiden and marries hers An extra good | ¥ picture. E CAPABLE TEACHER FOR 8. 8, No. "CAVE OF SPOOKS." 6, Bedford Township, for 1909. Ap- A spectacular picture displaying beauti- Ry io A: W. Gray, 115 York street, ful fire scenes. lngston. "WILLTE'S TROUBLES." A very laughable Comedy SONG---"BYE, BYE, CAROLI} of the latest song hits, sung by Smith. ' CHILDREN ONE CENT TO-MORROW AND 'URDAY AFTERNOON. $ -------------------------------- ge TOWN OF GANANOQUE, Street. 4 THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work, All kinds done. 'F. J. Birch, ellington street. SITUATION VACANT. MEN MAKE MONEY DURIN onths on selling our uaranteed ardy orthern Grown Nursery Stock. Try it in your district. The Canaan ursery vo. Limited, Mon- treal. A snap of work promptl uire at Whig 66," this city, Electrician, 206 WINTER A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. Aprly to A Lytle, General Carter, 3 ain St. 75¢. STORE, McK VETERAN'S SCRIP. I WILL PAY you more cash than anyone else in town for one Veteran's Scrip. To- night and to-morrow morning, only. C. C., Hall, Randolph Hotel. LOST, PARTY WHO TOOK ODD OVERSHOE at dance given in City Hall, Jan. 1st. can have mate, by calling at Whig office. NO SALE THE EQUAL OF "OUR "CLEARANCE." - . Everybody is buying and saving. Every price in the store has taken a slump and rock bottom prices rule. It's our deck clearing and selling time. IT'S YOUR BUYING AND SAVING TIME. Don't delay your attendance. Don't put off your buying. There are things here you need and will buy later if you don't lay them ih now. Later they will cost you one-fourth, one-third and one-half more. Every department is represented. Nearly everything in the line of Winter Goods is re- duced--and such reductions ! GENTLEMEN TO GRT THEIR WINT- er overcoats made now, also last ears' turned and made like new. 'our own cloth made into wup-to- date suits, Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tailor, 131 Brock St, next to Bibby's Livery. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLES, ARCHITECT, office and residence, 181 University Ave. CENTRALL LOCATED OFFICES, front and rear rooms, at 345 King street, over J. P." Forrest's Gent's Furnishing store. Apply to Mr, orrest. 5 AGENTS--WE WANT A GOOD MAN OR woman in every County in © d to sell our Medicated Toilet Soups and Family Remedies, in Combina- tion Packages. From one to four sold in every house. The greatest sellers ever offered to agents. One hundred per cent. profits. Write to-day for full particulars. The F. BE. Karn Co.; ) ir bast ence. Dr, Elmer J. eo: Eye, Fa y r ny - "A Limited, Cor. Queen and Victoria Nos " WA cond oor over Mahood's Drag | _Sirests,' Toronto, Canada. Speciaiisl, $58 Bagot street. Ben store, corner Princess and Bagot . " GS JAD. WRITERS--THERE ARE MANY siissts, ' Bitranee "an Bagot attest BUSINESS CHANCES. "Phone, positions open for Ad. Writers and Phone, 608 Advertising Managers. Salaries run . - as high as $16,000 a year. We can MERCHANT A SME CTR TEACHERS WANTED. teach you advertising 'in your 'spare Hix NICAL 0 vy EN ANTED, time and 'at a low cost. Ability to who are interested in the study of read and w rite and ambition to Jue. mechanical drafting. Farn while you ceed are all you need. rite, to-day, learn. Apply * at Market St, Kingston, on Satupday © afternoon, Jan. 18th, for full particulars HENRY P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete., Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. PERSONALS. a - HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etd, sdremoved permanently, without scar. Twenty years' ex 3 POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- °chant's Bank Building, corner Mrock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. TEACHER, FOR S. rington. Apply, llenry Scott, Ont. 8. NO. 10, STOR- with particulars, to Secretary, Battersea, for "Two Hundred Million Dollar Advertising Booklet," which gives full particulars, "I. C 8." 14 Market St. Kingston, Ont. nn MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, . LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable asséta $61,187,215. In addition to which ti polieyhdlders have. fo security the unlimited liability of oll the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. RING US UP! A 'phone order redeives just a8 careful attention. We deliver to any part of the city. n SWIFT'S. accept pupils in . - most improved method used ; also opén for all classical con- cert work. Apply either by Jetter or person for terms to No. 1 Stanley Terrace, Quebec street, Kingston, Ont. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. CE. - PARTICU- Kirkpatrick, 42 BURGLARY INSURAN telephone, 568. lars from C. Clarence St. = MEDICAL CARD. > one Clare ROBERT J. PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, and William streets. to 9 a.m. ; to 4 and 'Phone, 870. ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY 8 Brass and Iron Castings of Any Sige or. Weight, Place de Armes HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.CM. to GARDINER, M.D, Corner of Bagot Office Hours, 8! 7 to 9 pai INSURANCE OFFICE, T. Agent. Office, 159 Welling- Reliable Companies repre- AL oon, ton St. sented, G By ER 2 Come and See for Yourselves. Crumley Bros. Provincial Hotel Reverts to Mon- treal Legatees. | Gananoque, Jan. 13.--The funeral fof the late John, F. Cheevers, who met i death by ¢hokmg = on Sunday last, {{ while eating his dinner, took place i yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. McLaughton, Stone street, to Willow Bank cemetery. Deceased was in his sixty-third year and had been rather feeble for some time past. By the will of his father the Provincial hotel was in his keeping during his life and_on his death reverts to the Messrs. Greig, of Montreal. One of the: pleasing features in con- | 'nection with the installation cere- mony and banquet of Gananoque Hlodge, Non 114, LO.O.F., on Mon- 'day evening, was the presentation of veteran jewels to George Taylor, M. P., and W. B. Carroll, K.C., for mem- bership in the order for more than a quarter of a century, The ladies' aid society of Methodist church held a social evening at the residence of Jacob 'De Witta, Stone streét. . TRA X good programme was rendered and F. A-. KILPATRICK: R KILPATRICK: RS was followed by réfreshments. Pro- coeds are to be devoted to charitable purposes, Messrs. George Seott, King street, and John Seott, North street, left to- day for Cobalt, where they .purpose locating, The opening/game in'the schedule of the St." Lawrence hockey ledgue was played last. evening at the Maple Leaf rink between the TH y and St. Lawrence team. The Nhe Fesulted in a win for the Tigers by four goals to one, 2a 7 PHOTO BY REUTLINGE Rs | CORYRIGHT 1909 BXYINNY HERALD 0 DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. | Yellowish Cloth Evening Wrap. | Se ---- 7 2B LRH HVT VLRLLLETRL TLL LLLTRVRIVVVLBVON The Big hoe Sale Commenced o-Day. Everything reduced to extraordin- I am prepared Piano Tuition, - eo) id Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarters section (160 acres, more or less) available Dominion land in Manitofa, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion pods Agency or Bub-Agency for the district, Entry by hroay may be made ADy agenty on certain conditions, by ather, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon sad cultivation of 'the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned aud occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, lirother or sigter. n certain districts a homesteader fin good standing may preempt a quarters section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn Womestead patent) and cultivate fift: acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. © Purchgsed homesteads may be acquired on any available lands of Peterboro, at Pittsburg, seven years in the penitent: H. Pearson, was® sentenced, to Ont., Pa., ary for shooting Jacob Knoedler. Silas | | | | | | | | THE KINGSTON will meet at THURSDAY, | | | Laughter, Digestion And Health | An eminent Russian physician stated his opinion that laughter is {one of the best means known to | causes, reasons and origins of Dyspep- | sia, stomach and nervous diseases. Laughter, however, in a dyspeptic is like the memory of running brooks and shady glens to the famishing and | dying man lost in the diser. If one could but kndw all the causes, reasons and origins of Dysdep- gia, one would not wonder at a hali- [ heartedness of a dyspeptic's gaiety. { There is a ceaseless call for appe- | tite, food and enjoyment to a ays- | peptic, coupled with a morose, moody MEMBERS" OF | Lodge, No. 59, 1.0.0.F., Grace their Lodge Room, on Jan. 14th, at 1.830 o'clock, for the pur- last pose of attending the funeral of our Mrs late Bro. Jos. Daunt. Members of Sister A | Lodges invited. has Farewell The Old Year Welcome The New! Thanks 'to the patronage of OUr Any Customers, we were kept very busy during the past twelve months. To constantly increase business is our aim object. HIGH GRADE, SUPERIOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SWEDISH MASSAGE. Mrs. Cecilia Herod recommended by the leading physicians of Kingston. Head, Face and Neck Massage a specialty. Ap- ply 58 Clergy street, or Y.W.C.A. Build- ing. SOUL KISS. Husband Saw It From Stairs and Got Divorce. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 13.--Con- structor Holden A. . Evans, of the navy, made speedier time in securing a divorce than he did recently in com- our and at ary low prices. Our store 'will be Re- modelled in February and stock must be reduced. THIS IS BARGAIN TIME. | COME NOW! i J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. ? "STOVES." ° We carry in stock one of the largest as- sortments of Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in the city, and invite you to ex- examine before purchasing. See the &, "Art Garland" and "Art Treasure" Heaters. The "HAPPY HOME" Range has a large ventilated oven, handsomein design, econ- omical in fael and a perfect baker. 77 PRINCESS © TVR VTVLRVLLLE BVT LLL LVLTRE VLR BLRLTTRR VBR {belief and knowledge that such a call {is mockery and if indulged in will | bring discomfort, pain and regret, Perhaps if it were understood that the digestive system, including | mouth, throat and alimentary cana embracing as it does the stomach, | is composed of membraneous tissue | filled with millions of small nerves, { which control added millions of little | months or suckers. Perhaps if this | were known men could more compre- { hensibly understand that to disar | range such a system would mean in | deed intense physical pain. Now suppose that this aliméntary canal is a mass of worn-out, debili- tated nerves and mouths, each suffer- ing excruciating physical pain and discomfort, and suppose such a canal filled with the fumes and foul odors and decayed food from the last meal, and one has a slight idea as to the lack of laughter of a dyspeptic. { Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets * com- posed of the highest digestive ingre- dients--one grain of "a .single ingre- dient being capable. of digesting 3 - 000 grains of Mood--relieves the alimentary canal of its onerous du- ties, assists it along its entire length (30 feet) to perform its routine, im- parts strength and buoyancy to the stomgch and gives back to the blood a strong, healthy nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia' Tablets are na- tural adjuncts to digestion. They do not falsely stimulate an already weak- ened machine, but build up where building: is needed and remove where removal is necessary. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have nothing to conceal. Here is what they are made of : Hydrastis, golaen seal, lactose and aseptic pepsin. Forty {thousand physicians in America and | Canada use and prescribe them. They {snould be used after every hearty meal whether one is a dyspeptic or not. Every druggist carries them; price 50. Send us. ypur name and address and we will send you a symple pack- ape free. Address F. A, Stuart Co, 150 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich, RIGHT TO LYNCH NEGRO, Against Robert Powell, Washington, Jan. 13.<The case of the United States vg. Robey Powell, involving tha question whether "the fourteenth' amendment cdni be invoked in the United States courtéfta protect negroes against lynching Wha" decided by the supreme court' of the Uta States in favor of Powelbven a writ of error, bringing the case from the United States circuit court for the morthern district of Alabama. Powell i= under indictment on the charge of assisting a mgb in the hanging of a negro named Horace Maples, of. Hunis- ville, Ala., the specific charge being that as a member of the lynching party Powell had deprived Maples of | the right to a trial by due process of |law, The cirenit court. held that the fourteenth amendment was net ap- | plicable to the case, and declared that | it. coul®® not be involved unless the in- justice complained of was inflicted hag the state or its authorities. The su- | preme court's decision affirméd the de- {cision of the lower tribunal. . Died At Tamworth. Tamworth, Ont., Jan, 13--Fred. Coughlin, of this place, the young man who'had a leg taken off as the result of a tree~ falling on it last week, died this modding. Hé leaves a young widow and a boy five years old. Died At Prescott. Prescott, ~Ont., Jan. 13. <Jerusha Young, the wife" of x Mayor L. H. Daniels, 'died thi§ morning, after a long illness. She was born in the township of Angusta. She was a sis- ter of the Rev. Joseph Young, of the Methodist: church, 'Thornbury. he We print and engrave visiting cards, At home cards, ete, British Whig of- United States Loses Its " Case i pleting sthe big collier Prometheus the Mare Island navy yard. It was just sixteen minutes after the proceedings were begun at Solano, when a divorce and the custody of hig three young girls was granted to Evans. It is only five days since the first public intimation was given of trouble in the Evans family, due to Lieut. Osborne's kiss to Mrs. Evans on Christmas day. Assistant Naval [4 onstructor Sidney M. Henry was the only witness, and his testimony dealt entively with the soul kiss, which he witnessed with the husband, irom the head of the stairs in the Evans house. Evans is in the, hospital at Mare sland, suffering from an affection of the hand, for which an operation will be necessary. Cape Vincent Fair. Cape Vincent, Jan. 11.--The annual raeeting of the Cape Vincent Agricul, tural society was held at Jerome's Hotel. Reports of the sccretary and treasurer were rendered, the former | showing 182 Living stock holders and the latter © showing a good balance from the exhibition held last fall. The following officers were elected : James (Neil, president; M. J. Fitzgerald, first vice-president; Louis Radley, se- cond vice-president; C. B. Wood, trea- surer; Frank Dezengremel, secretary. {The Cape fair is the only town fair in Jefferson county, all others having 'gone to the wall. The Saskatchewan legislature suse) ed a resolution calling' for 'the ap- pointment of a royal commiksion of judges to investigate Mr. Haultain's charges against Mr, Calder, commis- sioner of education, in connection with the school book contract. want for your boy or your girl, | Suits all purses. Made only by King- ston Hosiery Co., Ltd. Ask your dealer for it. The Allan line steamer § Glasgow, docked at Boston' to-da Attend Bibby's 69, shirt sales such as we names to » this New experience, do, our list Year the will add new and make best in our David Hall 66 Brock St. Phone 335 on either odd ar even numbered Hections South of township 45, East of the Cal- gary and Edmonton Railwa and the West line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Rallway line. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect » house worth $300. YNOPSIS OF - CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal mining rights may leased for twenty-one years at an ann Kipsey Disease COMES ON Q UIETLY. - Perhaps no other organs work harder than the ki to of be by with some of Kidney to not suspect it. It may the general health most people are troubled have boon i system for some time, There may have been backache, ankles, dissurbances of th such as brick dust deposit in swelling of the feet and organs, urine, highly colored scanty or cloudy urine, bladder pains, frequent or supressed urina- tion, Imperial Underwear is the kind you Moan burning sensation when urinating, etc. rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thas 8,560 acres can be leased to one appli cant. Royalty, five cents per ton. y QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of age 'and over having , made a discov may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1.50 feet. Fee, $5.00. At least Ded to. the M #5 a 1 Pe Joea Sounded 'or rN othet, requirements compli wit! the claim may be urdbased at 500. acre. PLACER WINING CLAIMS cenerally, 100 feet square. ry fee, $500. Er _ DREDGING ~Twe low éach of a river may be 4emued applicant for a term of 20 rs. Rental, $10 a mile per apnum. RoOvalty, 24 per cent after the output exceeds $10.000. Ww. Ww ORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior; "N.B.~Unauthorized publication of this ddyertisaqpgnt will 'got be paid for. VOB VVLVTVVEVLRTUATLRBVCT EC, COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- $ anise prompt delivery. Pa Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET.

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