EET LLL LEY IN CONNECTION WITH Pacitic Railway Trains Leave Kingston 12.01 p.m. Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- fraw, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St, Paul, Winnipeg, Vaacouver, Beattle, Portland and Sdn Franscisco. 00 p.m.--Local for -Sharbet Lake, cofinecting with C€.P,R. East and West, 2 onday, Wednesday, Friday 245 a.m. Mited--For Renfrew and in- tuifnediate points, sengers leaving Kingston at b.00. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. re, 8.88 p.m. ; Toronto, Az Mantreal, 7.05 p.u.; Boston, 84d «ohn 12.00 noon. ww, KINGSTON--OT TAWA Leave Eingston, 2.01 p.m. arrive Ottawa, 5 p.o ve Ottawa 10.45 a.m. 8.56 p.m. i articulars at K, & P. and C. R. Ticket Oflice, Ontario St. Phone, F. CONWAY, ¥ Gen. Pass. Agent. 12.01 3 Peter- p.m. ; 7.80 ama.; arrive King- 1. 50. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m, daily (Sundays excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deseronto, - Bannock: be and all points porth. «To seeure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and nts .on Central Oftario, route ycur stip. ments via Bay of uinte Rail¥ay, further particulars, apply to R. DICKSON, Agent, one, No. 8 LESAN SYSTEM " Local Btraneh Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Depot, Foot of Johmson Street. GOING WEST. City Arr. City 1.07 p.m. 8.17 p.m. 9.47 a.m. 12.566 a.51%,m. 7.38 p.m. 8 Express #¢ 11 Local ¥ 1 Inter. * ~ Mail . 14 15 Local GOING EAST. 8 Mall 2 Fast Ex. 16 Local . 6 al . 4 Fast Hx: . 12 Local Nos. 1,2, 8,4,6.6,7 and 8 run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. Tickets, to For Pullman Accommodation' and all other information, aj4fly J. B. HANLEY, 'Johnson and Ontario Ont. Agent. Cor. Sts., King- ston, HEE RAILWAY | For Copy Of Notes by: the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between Montreal and the Atlantic Ports. Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St, James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. ~ QUEBEC S.-S. COMPANY. BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New by the 3 tons, Twin Screw ship 'Bermudian.' Sailings, 16th, 2: and 30th January, and alterwards. every Saturday at 10 a.m. New York to Bermuda, Nassau, Bahamas and return. 8.8. "Trinidad" 2nd, 18th February and 8th March. _ West India Cruises from New York New Steamer '"Guiana,'"' 3,700 with all up-to-date improvements. "Parima," 3,000 tons, 8.8. ""Korona 8,000 tons, sail from New York every alternate Wednesday. For beauty of scenery land perfection ot climate theSe trips are unsurpassed. illustrated pamphlets giving rates Dmsage and all information, apply OUTERBRIDGE & CO. "Agents, Steamship Jo., 29 Broadway, York; ARTHUR AHE nN, Sec Y Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, | P, HANLEY, and C. 8. KIR KT ATR ic 2 Kingston, Royal ALLAN "%iii' LINE LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. From St. John, Halifax, Is «.. Jan. 15th. Jan. 16th, Jane 22nd. Jan 28rd waseb. Sth. Feb. 6t} ASGOW SAILINGS. fron 3 Jan. Oth tous, 8.8 perian, sai upward 0 upwards, : 30.00 "Additional sailings plication to J: P. KIRKPATRICK, conde T'hird X Luss, and rates on ap- HANLEY, or 0. 3. Local Agent 8, King: THE FBONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sip Richard Cartwright, Money issued gn City and Farm Pro- perties, Municipal. and County Deben: Lures, Mortgages. purchased. Deposits received and. ipterest allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence street. OUR ROOSTER - BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and conts a pound, pay eighty-five c pLario slroels forty-five Why Andrew' Maclean, Chewing at a good tobacco. 8, JAS For | ol | { to FRUIT JUICES CLEAR THE SKIN The skin mirrors faithfully the state of the blood, and 'the blood shows how well--or how badly-~the liver, bowels, kidneys and the millions eof tiny glands in the skin are daing thelr work. If these organs are not properly clear- Ing out the waste matter, the blood will be poisoned and the skin sallow, "muddy" and sprinkled. with pimples. Plenty of ripe fruit helps more than any 'other food to cure this condition, but even more effective, as well as less expensive, are. "Fruit-a-tives." {These are little tablets of concentrated fruit juices, combined in'such a way as to many times increase their action on those organs that eliminate Impurities. One or two "Frult-a-tives" a day will keep the blood pure and give the skin the clear glow of health. - 25¢ for trial size box--~G0c for regular size--6 for $2.50. Dealers everywhere should have both sizes. If you are unable to ob= tain "Fruit-a-tives" in your neighbore hood, they will be sent on receipt of price. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Office Railings, Coal Dealers and Builders' Screens, Sifters, Fencing and Wire Work of every Descrip- tion manufactured at Partridge & Sons, Crescent Wire and Iron Works. Phone, 380. Everything She Ate , SEEMED A BURDEN TO CARRY. HAD STOMACH TROUBLE FOUR YEARY When your food has not been digested, your body has not receiv benefit it should. The exertions of the gastrio juice hive 'confined entirely to removing the unmasticated undigested por- tions of fuud which wit Ep uot opel digest asspoedily as possible from ys thereby only giving the blood a small ventage of nourishment with which to sa the tissues. Burdock Blood Bittesas=yu. lates tho bowels, promotes perfec'.<igestion, makes pure blood, tones the stomach, and thus restores perfect health and strength to the debilitated system. Mrs. D. A. Francisco, Rossland, B.C., writes: *INwas suffering from stomach trouble of the worst kind for about four years. Everything I ate seemed a burden to carry. I always arose in the morning with a sickening and feverish taste in ry mouth was also troubled with swe lings in my $ands and feet, which my phy- sician said wasdue to the disord state of my stomach. I tried everything that wig patchasable, and alssoliapalied two or thres physicians, but conld find no relief until one of my neighbors told me of a Ny thi wonderful cure by Bardock Blood Bitters. I used altogether ten bottles and am now rfectly cured. +I wish to recommend .B.B. to anyone who may be so unfortun- ate as I was. For sale by all dealers. air ealth Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been gray or faded, Promotes a luxuriantgrowth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out and positively removes Dan- drufi. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 23 times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Ys Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2¢ for free book * The Care of the 5 yy" Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. a Hay's llarfina Soap cures avin fed, rough and chappe: d hands, and all skin dis- eases. Keeps skin fine and soft. 25c. druggists, Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin.* ~B. McLEOD i (Rt The May's Market St. Regis Lumbago Cure Godfrey, Nov. 3rd, 1908. The W. A Sin Ont: gleton Co., Crosby, sentlemen : Last summer that d I took Rheumatism in I could scarcely walk taking" St. Regis Lumbago, it helped me, and I am well : walk. all right. 1so. had a bad pain in her] » took St.' Regis Lumbago it has helped her, I cannot ir Medicine too highly for and Lumbago, Yours Truly, JOHN WALKER." Sold by "all Druggists in Kingston. \ E vos od 4sad should kpew the wonderfv, | MARVEL Whiriing$ v sy a 'The new pocion yr! Sost conven It cieansea Fe Sr pinstant Asx your druggist fort. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept p~ other, but send stamp lnstrated book--sealed." It gives full pardoulars and roo ine WIREGOR SURPLY 00. Windsor, Ont Agents for Cada, 1 mantle THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE £ DNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1909. NEWS "OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points | in Eastein Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. A Successful Party. Ferguson's Falls, Jan. 11. --Joseph Murphy, Wolfe Island, is visiting] friends here. 'Lhe roads on the ice! age very good here now. Miss Annie Spence, Drummond, spent last' visiting her friend, Miss Julia Mec- Caffery of this I. A very suc- cessful party was held at George Gra- ham's here last Wednesday as a large crowd attended and the dance went on till an early hour in the morning. Thomas Hollinger and his sister, Alice, visited friends in Innisville yes- terday. Patrick *Dacey has returned to college in Ottawa after spending his Christmas holidays at home. Ice Very Good. Ardoch, Jan. 1l.--Drawing hay is the order of the ddy. The first meet- ing of the new councillors will be held at Plevna, iosday. Miss Lucy Brown passed peacefully away last Wednes- day at noon after a long and linger-. ing illness. The funeral took place on Friday from the deceased sister's | house. The remains were laid in the | Mothodist - graveyard. She was the daughter of IL. Brown. Her people havo the sympathy of their friends. Owing to the absence of the Rev. John Lyons, the funernl sermon willbe preached © noxt Sunday in St. John's church, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Young are spending a few days visiting friends herve. A few of the young peo- ple have tried the skating on Malcolm Lake and repowt the ice very good. Notes From Maberly. Maberly; "Jan. - 42.~Mr. reeve for this year. » Mr. Alum has returned after an extended trip to Renfrew. The young people had a dance ui the hall on I'riday evening. Skating 'i¥ goo oh the river and much enjoyed by the young people. A number from here intend to. take | in. the Westport races. = William | Hughes went to Parham on Saturday. Mrs Dowdell returned home after visiting friends, and relatives at Clarendon. . Thamas Monroe con templating a trip to North Matheson, George rBuchanan number of men "engaged in. getting out ties for the C..R. company. Miss Muriel Thompson has been spending a week with friends in Maberly., Miss Stella Fife arrived on Saturday to visit Miss Minnie Korry. Greer is is George is has a Doings At Glenvale. 12.--At the annual school meeting for school section No. 16, Sidney Alport was elected trus- tee, A number of young people from here drove to the home of Mr. Keyes, Bath Road, on Monday evening, and spent an enjoyable time. Miss Inda Toplifie had the misfortune to freeze her feet very severely, while skating @» Thursday evening. Milton Gibson returned to Toronto on Saturday to resume his studies 'at the Dental col- lege. While returning from church on Sunday, Mr. McCracken's horse ran away, but no 'one was seriously in- jured. Visitors: Robert Curran, [mer- son, Man., at Mrs. T. Orser's; Lant Smith, Verona, at J. Curl's; Miss Walker, Front Road, at B. Coulter's: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Daryaun, King- ston, at R. EHerbeck's; Mr. and Mrs. Babcock amd family, 'Wilton, at G. Toplifie's. Glenvale, Jan. Runaway At Sunbury. Sunbury, Jan. 11.«<The new ship council met on Monday in the village hall and much business was done. Mré. N. Jackson has again im- proved in health. The Orange society held their annual oyster supper in the hall on Monday evening. The Presbyterians will hold a concert and tea on Thursday evening. J. McNeely | remains in quite poor health. A num- ber of visitors are here from the west and other places. . A very exciting runaway occurred in the pillage on Saturday night. Robert. Webb, a young man residing near Ida Hil, was driving to the post-office and when nearing the vil- lage the horse became frightened and ran away, but was suddenly brought to a standstill by coming in contact with a stone wall. The collision bruis- ed the horse badly, and smashed a new. cutter. {The young man received a few slight bruises. ; town- Salem Presentation. Salem, Jan. 1l. was spent on the afternoon eloSing: day of the Salem schogl, heing the leaving of the teacher, Miss M. Fox. She spent. about one year and a -hali "there and endeared herself to her pupils; who will many times look back with pleasure to the time spenit under her tuition. A Christmas tree was provided by. the teacher and was filled" with star boxes of candy the older children and Santa Claus boxes for the younger ones and a pretty eard for each. A few visie tors were present and a pleasing lit- tle programme the. chil- dren: Master Bruce Ferguson aeted as chairman. Master Earl Parliament reac .a short and appropriate addre to Miss Fox and Master Willie Fergu son presented herd on behali of with a beautiful little old clock and a small jewel case, as a slight token 'of their appreciation of her services among them. Old manta Claus then made his appear- ance much the surprise of the children. teacher asked him the to distribute the tree A pleasant time of the it for was given by school, to The chairman the and pre, sents of Point Road Pointers. Road, Jan. 11.--The dance tne voung bachelors on the 5th was a grand success. They in- tend holding another on the 19th, which will be looKed forward to another elaborate affair. The meeting of the new on Monday with T. Spence as reeve and J. H. Barrett, R. Dongldson, J. Gordon amd T. Bemnéett as coun- cillors Very Jittle business was done. 'F. McGrath was ap- fointed assessor and V.. Fowler = and L. Wood appointed auditors. A card RL will be held at T. Doyle's on. ednesday morning in aid of the Point given by first week ! Bay and | the | as | ¢ council was held | Sheet of" the Holy Name, Cushen-] dall. Baxter is taking a course vin the Fp te Susinets College for the winter, . Barret who spent a few weeks % home, soms time ago, is now in London and in- {tends visiting Paris and several other |544 slaces of note before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson have in- vited a few in for cards on Tuesday evening. A. LeHeup spent Sunday in Glenburnie visiting friends. Junetown Tottings. Junetown, Jan. 11.--Mrs. G. i Taylor, Crystal City, Manitoba, {arrived for an extended: ig wath Cher parents heré, Mr. and T. | Franklin. Mrs, M. Summers, of nh downe, is visiting her son, A. E Summers. A number of young peo- ple enjoyed a pleasant skate on Fri- day evening: 'Hgrley Ferguson. paid this hamlet a flying visit on Satur- day last. Miss Blanche Herbison re- turned home on Sunday last from a pleasant 'visit with. friends at Yonge | Mills. Mrs. Earl, Warburton, is vis {iting her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Her- bison. | . McLeam~and + Smith, cattle "buys, passed this way on Tuesday last. All are delighted at the result of the local option vote. The. Carey Bros., entertainers, were guests of Harry' Fran) "during their stay Rere,, Marie (Purvis leaves this week to take .a course at Arockville Business College. = James McArthur left this morning for a course at Kingston Dairy sehook Ro- bert Fortune entertained a 'party of {young people from Glen Morris, also a few of our young people here, on |i riday évening last. Music and dane- img were the chief amusements. Mrs. | William Welsh, Regina, and children, are visiting her mother here: R has Budget From Cannifton. Cannifton, Jan. 120K. Shorey has found it necessary, owing to in- creased trade, to put an addition to hig store house. At the special meet- ling &f this school section, on Friday night, it was resolved to unite with |Corbyville section and build a. new and up-to-date school. The ladies of the, W.M.S. "had a very interesting {meeting at the ome of Mrs. C. Cal- lery last week. 'They are arranging for a parlor social at. the parsonage ton January 26th. Jdbn Fraser, who {had his leg broken in the fall, is 'able to © be"out, with the aid of {crutches. The saw miil has heen re- paired and logg are quickly 'filling {the mill yard. -Mrs, Henry Kerr and {little daughter," of Ottawa, are' visit- ling friends here. Mir. and Mrs. { Henry Vesterfelt, of Picton, have mov- lear to the village. Thomas Ellis, badly "scalded "at ' Corbyvifle | week, is making favorable progress, [There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Stapléy, on Jan. 4th, a daugh- ter. On the sick list are Mrs, liam Naylor and Miss Elda Haight.. Mrs. Elijah Horton, of Carmel, and {Miss Myerd, of Prankfort; spent last week the guest of Mre. Gilbert Bed- dell. The usual Christmas crowd of visitors have rétummediio, their homes including' Br. * Albert «Cafléry, Port Huron; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ham- mond, Miss - Hattie da RES | a Rie Mr, Foster Gonsolus, oa ra! § Corners; My. and Mrs. Lom Had; ol eroft, H. Males, of Ofta Mr. Mr" p, D. Shorey, a Me, and Mrs. Herbert Arnold, of Durham; Miss Bessie Peterson, Toronto. was last » A Stern Rebuke. Goldwin Smith, in Farmers' Sun: Thousands are said to be starving in the streets of London. Not long ago, on the Mafeking night, these people were yelling with delight over the expenditure of untold millions in the destruction of Boer liberties, the killing of Boers, and the burning of Boer homes, for the purpose of' the South Africa company and its politi- cal friends. Now, how are enormous {quantities of the public money: being spent ? In the creation of. a mouster war navy which ws to dominate all the | seas, provoking the natural jealousy | of the other nations, and making war 'a certainty on the first: occasion when some spark falls on the mine of pas- {sion or thrust draws ithat way. The enormous' expenditure on war and preparations for war in | face of all this is surely portentous. But the practice, far from yielding to thé. wdvance of reason and humanity, seem. to belever: on the inerease. The one great' nation which appeared to have abjurcd it, the United States, seems now to he infected like rest, some sinister Streets Will Not Be Dark. Montreal, Jan. 13.--Some ago the Mantreal Light, Heat and Power company threatened to cut off the light of the city on January 15th unless the city. came to some agree- ment, but this danger was averted, when, at a meeting of the city cil, it was 'Gecided to ask the pany to continue lighting the under an open contract. 'This allow of further negotiations. com- streets will That Annoying Cough. one would tolerate a fully. realized that there was a remedy that would promptly relieve it. The Diamond Cough Remedy will cure promptly and shonld always be used as soon as a cough starts. In bottles, 25¢. and 56c., at "Wade's drug store, No he cough if Tongue Torn From Mouth. Ont., Jan. 13.--The two- [vear-old son of MHerbert Clark, con- cestion six, Raleigh township, fell off a high chair, Saturday afternoon. His tongue caught in the arm of the chair and it was almost torn from the mouth, Chatham, bit Bibby's 50 men's suits. This is the only up- to-date library jin the city, said a lady | Red Cross Drug Store, he is a member of. the { library, at the Red Cross. See Bibby's special $7.50 suits. Work on the steamer Bickerdike, in | the government dry dock, was com- | pleted vesterday," and the barge Un- gava will go in the .dock next. See Bibby's| 87.50 men's suits. It is wise to depend wpon your own judgment if you are self reliant, but you should 'be careful how you pass it around. "Prompt delivery." son's Red Cross Drug store needs. A dollar is seldom as big as thinks it is and rarely as small sou it. See on Tuesday. Tabard Inn 'Phone 230, Gib- Stere, for drug dad as who it will not be Wil- | poor: the [\ \ | days coun- | in Gibson's] LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at the Various Centres. J Montreal, Jan. 11L.=Abont 1,124 head of butchers' cattle, 42 calves, 544 sheep and lambs and 1,477 lat hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stockyards this forenoon. The arrivals of live stock here during the 2,365 cattle, 135 calves, 1,114 sheep! and lambs, "and 3,589 fat hogs. Trade was fair, with slightly higher prices paid for good cattle. Prime beeyes sold at 4§c. to Ble. per Ib.; pretty good animale, 3jc. to dic, and the common stock 2%¢c. ta 3je. per ib. Calves sold at from 3je. to Se. pee Ib. Sheep sold at about de. per lb and the lambs at about.5jc. do. Good lots 'of fat hogs sola at from 6fe. to Tie. per Ib. Chicago, Jan. 1l.--Receipts at the stockyards to-day were the largest on record, the estimated arrivals be- ing 42,000 cattle, 80,000 hogs and 26,- 000 sheep, comprising 3,279 ears. The high price of corn was given as 'the reason for the liberal movement. Cat- tle--The mar ket was weak, with pric- es off 15¢. to 25¢.; steers, $4.60 to §7.- 40; cows, $3 to $5.50; heifers, $3 to £5.75; bulls, 83.25 to $3.30; calves, 83.50 to $10; stockers and feeders, $2.- 50 to $5.10. Hogs--The market was weak with prices 10c. to 20ec. lower; choice heavy. shipping, $6 to $6.15 ; butchers", 86 to $6.10; light, mixed, £5.50 to $5.75; choice light, $5.75 to $6; packing, $3.70 to $6; pigs, $4.50 to $5.65; bulk of sales at $5.75 to $6. Sheep--steady; sheep, $3 to $5.90; lambs, $5.25 to $8.10; vearlings $1.25 to $7.25. East Buffalo, N.Y., ~Receipts, 3,800 head; active and 25e. lower; prime steers, $6.50 to $6.75; shipping, $5.50 to $6.40 butchers', 85 to $6; heifers, : to 85; balls, $3 ceipts, 700 head; Jan, '11.--Cattie VealeRe- active and steady at $7 to $9.75. Hous--Receipts, 28.000 head; fairly active and 25¢. lower; heavy, 86:15 to : mixed, $6.10 to $6.20; Yorkers, to $6.10; pigs, $5.50 to $5.75; roughs, $5.5 stags, $4 to $4.75; dairies, § $6.10. Sheep and lambs---Receipts 28 - 000 head, active, sheep steady: lambs | Z5c. to 30¢, | or; lambs, 85 to $7.70, ta. few $7.7 yearling wethers, $5.25; sheep, mixed Just One Half For The Chief. Jan. 13.--1f Presidont- a sensitive musical éar, jarred on inauguration with a constant repetition of "Hail to the Chief." | Heretofore it has been the custom of band, drum corps, and other musical aggregation taking part in the inaugural procession to strike up this time-honored air in passing the presi dent's reviewing stand. At the forth- coming inauguration tho musical sa- lute will be plaved, but once and (hen by the band first passing in front of the president. Washington, Elect Taft has i day ! tune, the j every - We rebind old books at prices. British Whig office. The first shipment of horses allow- ed into Canada from the United States since the embargo, has reached To- closest ronto. week consisted of 0 use up an enormons amount of energy and vitality that needs replacing. Give them Vinol reg- ularly. It keeps them healthy, builds strong bones, sound flesh and muscle and pure rich blood. of value they do and tastes good | besides. "MY TWO CHILDREN, who were puny and ailing, rap- 'idly gained ficsh and strength when Ibegan to give themVinol. I proved that Vinol is = splendid tonic for delicate children." -- MRS. C. ALLEN, New Bedford, Mass. DELICATE GIRLS "My 9 year old danghier was weak, pale, and had no appe- tite, I gave her Vinol, and she began to thrive at once, She gained rapidly in weight, color and strength." -- MRS. W. H. GILMORE, Durand, Mich. VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COUGH YOUR MONEY BACK IF VINOL FAILS TO HELP YOU GEO, W. 'MAHOOD, Bras Nom You ean get [inol at the Leading sab Store in every Town ard City in this ,. State ' mn | TO THE PUBLIC. | -- | We Are Agents For Parisian Sage, and We Know the Guarantee is Genuine. Parisian the quick-acting hair restorer, is guaranteed. To stop falling hair. To cure dandruff. To cure itching of the scalp, To put life into faded hair. To make harsh hair soft and lixXuri- ant, 4 To make hair It is the most Sage, grow, or money Wack. delightful hair dress- ling made, and is a great favorite with ladies * who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair. Price 50c. a large bottle at G. W. Mahood's, or by ex- yress, all charges prepaid, irom Giroux Mig. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. dent to a bilious state of the system, such ad Dizziness, Nausea, Bi. tress after eating, Pain in the Bide, &o. ile their most remarkable success wn in CK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are squally RIOT Constipation, curing snd pre- venting thisannoy! laint, while th Softags all disorders fina etal OmACHAtNI ver Even: regulate the bowels, Kise | the only from Baialy theirgoodness does notend pe ie will 15d these little pills valu- fhieinse that they will not be wil- § 10 do without the But after all sick head CHE 1s the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast, Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two makes dose. They are strictly Yegetable anc 4 and do not id or purge, iS, but by their gentle action please all who _- frre MEDICINE C0., NEW TORK. Small BL. Smal Dose,» Smal Pie (jrand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free. Send 2¢ stamp for N.Y. City Guide Book and Msp Colts Saltvo Rot Soumpomud i { i } k Bick Headache and relieveall the troubles inci- | JANUARY BARGAINS! Ladies' Felt Slippers, 65c., reduced to 48c. Ladies' Felt Slippers, $1.25, now selling at $1.00. ' Other lines of Felt Slippers, 20c, 30c and 40c. Many lines of Shoes at reduced prices. See our Men's Tan Goodyear Welts Hoc- key Boots, regular $3.50, clearing out at 2.50. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE HFA EEE RR BEL ELESEEbEEt ttt BASS OcABCD Stock 'Taking Sale We wish to reduce our large stock bofore, Stosktak- ing by offering special indu ™ ments. China Closets [ih y swelled fronts and sides, only | | / | $15; Buffets in pretty designs, i only $18; Sideboards, a great J variety from $12 up; Fancy 6 <a ? ud Rattan Rockers, special only ----o --] | Springs and Mattresses at g¥'isale prices. $3.50; Iron and Brass Beds, JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. Best carload received in Canada this season just in. Come in and see them-- they're. beauties. Different grades at different prices. R. HI TOYE, King Street. Assurance Company ian ET Life Wants a good, live Agent for the oo of Bellc- ville, Energetic men desiro permanent connection, Should § 18 Market St, J.O.HU