I I THE DAILY BRITISH Come in and see theni. They are going fast. JORN MGkAY: FUR. HOUSE SE00000600800606008004 AFTER THE HOCKEY MATCH And you 'want to pre- pare a light supper, 'nothing comes so handy as a Spangenberg § Chafing Dish We have a good selec- tion of these from the best makers and at prices within the reach of anyone. SPANGENBERG JEWELLER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. CIFIPIFIIIIIIIIIIININY NO CHANGE IN THE QUALITY JAP-A-LAG It is the in all colors wear, wears Is the same the world over. only Varnish Stain made, that will withstand any like iron, varnish, stains and polighes in one application, makes old furniture new. Sold only in Kingston, by W. A. Mitchell Don't take a subsditute, but insist having the right thing. JAP -A-LAC. "MY KIDNEYS HURT ME ALL THE TIME' Gin Pills Cured Them. Free Sample Box Leads to Cure, Only these who have been tortured with Kidney Trounle can appreciate how Mr. Trumper suffered. Deing a railroad man, he was called upon to do all kinds of heavy work. The constant strain of lifting, weakened the kidneys. I received the sample box of Gin Pills and was greatly benefitted by them. My kidneys were in such bad condition 1 could not lift of stoop without pain. In fact, they pained me nearly all the time 1 have taken three boxes of Gin Pills, working all the time at heavy work on the railroad and did not lose a day. FRANK TRUMPER, Napanee, Ont. Do sharp twinges catch you as you stoop! Are you subject to Rheuma tism, Sciatica or Lumbago ? Does your Bladder give trouble t Take Cin Pills on our positive guarantee that they will cure you or money refunded, 50c a box ~=8 for $2.50. At dealers, or direct if you cannot obtain from druggist. Sample box free if you mention this paper. Dept. B,, National Drug & Chemical Co, Limited, Toronto. 117 style and finish. Make early selection. [YOUNG MEN'S BANQUET x TT oT ------------ HELD AT BROCK STREET CHURCH LAST NIGHT. Pro f Toasts W Or ot ail on Sine Speeches Delivered--Call For Christian Service. : A banquet was held by the young men of Brock Street' Mothodist ay Thursday ovening, when about fity were present. The evening was most enjoyable in every way, and the whol tone of the gathering showed the op- timistic spirit now pervading this de- partment of the work. The. pastor, Rev. Mr. Burke, was chairman, and in his genial kindly way, made an ideal host. The menu was all that could be desired, from oysters to ico cropm. From the chairman down, cach man presont regretted his limited capacity, At the close of tho supper, a "pro- gramme of toasts wae carriéd out, "The King" was proposed b: Me, Burke. In his address, ihe chairman gave what was designated by himself, a brief speech. It was too much so, but in tho few minutes taken up, he gave a momentum to the gathering. The speech of the evening was given by Dr. C. C. Nash, who spoke of the advantages such an organization as the young men's Bible class afforded. Aw is customary with the aged, he grew reminiscent and presented a splendid argument for a clean, Chris \tian life. C. R. Drury responded. - Ho gave an interesting account of the class dur- ing the past eight years. The toast to the "Old Boys" was a most popular one. Edward Orser gave a splendid welcome," and the old boys who responded, proved that they wees in. hearty sympathy with the old class yet. "Bob" Robinson and Mr. Eby both spoke briefly. The ladles were not forgoticen. Mr. Gibson was poetical and not unna- turally so as the young ladies present were 'dreams.' Miss Hoppin was given an enthusiastic reception, and deserved every bit of it." She is the teacher of the Bible e¢lass, and it was very largely due to her efforts, that the banquet was the great succoss it wad. Mr. Burke was given a vote of thanks to which he replied hy telling, a typical Irish story. The Y.M.C.A. was represented hy the secretary. The event is likely to become an annual affair. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Vaccination Issue. Kingston, Jan. 15.--(To the Edit- or): The hoard of education itself, and certainly the citizens, have no reason to bo proud of their board, who have not yel learned the first principles of what liberty means. There is ng other place of any importance | on this Noeth American continent whore force is used in respect to vae- cination. It is a debatable question, but in many plans those in authority express to their citizens the desire and importance of vaccination. With many 1 watched, all through the sham {buted hy the Misses Crawford, was SPENT PLEASANT EVENING 'Junior Templars Provide a Fine Entertainment. Fourteen new members Kingston Star of Hope Juvenile Tom- ple. at the seesion held in the Sons of land hall, Thursday night, at seven o'clock, and a good programme of songs and recitations was rendered. Next Thursday, H. F. Norman will favor with some gramaphone se tions, and the children are anticipa- ting 4 jolly. time. : At the scesion of the Hope of King® ston lodge, at eight o'clock, two new members were initiated, and final ar- rangements wero made for a social, to be held next Thursday evening. Let- ters were recoived from grand chief templar, and the grand secretary, re ropaganda work in the county of Banas, and the lodge appointed a strong commiitee to consider this question. A dozen volunteers were in evidence when R. W. Allen appealed for half a dozen workers to cover a district that has been neglected in the canvass for license reduction. Non-members wore admiticd at 9 pm., when the chief templar read a very interesting paper on 'The Under- n , Eng.," written hy Rev. A. C. Holthouse, viear of Ail Saints' church, Soho, Eng., part of which showed that Dickens' descrip- tion of Seven Dials in '"'Skotches by Boz," will hold good to a large ox- tent, to-day, despite the efforts of = devoted band of missionaries, whoso labors are not much lighter than those oi their brethren who go to the un- civilized quariers of the globe. lt was resolved, that a letter conveying the thanks of the members, and their hest, wishes for his success in the work, he has undertaken, he sent to Mr. Holthouse. WAS A FINE EVENT THE SCHOLARS ENJOYED A GOOD TREAT. Annual Entertainment of Queen Street Methgdist Sun- day School on Thursday Night --Dr. Lake Showed Many Views. The Lact night the scholars and teachers sat down together to the annual tea. About: two hundred andi fifty enjoyed the good things provided, boing wait- ed on by the members of the Ladies' Aid Boviety of the church. After tea there wera shown by Dr. Elmer Lake lantern views, comprising a sories of pictures, illustrating the parables of our Loed, and a number of views of the Ridean and its lakes. Interspersed between the lantern views were a number of recitations, dialogues, solos and ductts. These items were contei- Rose, Ennis and Dodds, and Messrs. Harrie and Rock- well Gage, Elizabeth Pound, Gladys and Ruby Quail. The whole entertain- ment was very much enjoyed by all present, and at the close the vote of thanks to Dr. Lake, moved hy R. very freely given to the members of small-pox sears, for action to be taken against men: who refused to be vae- cinated. 'T'e threaten was easy, but | to act they dare not, knowing full woll that the law would not pepmit punishment for refusal. Now, thanks to the electors, wo neve a noble, nobla body, tha "board of education," who will visit vengeane upon thé children of our city, and that after the scare is over, forcing them to be kept from | school, contrary both to the laws of oun province and tha best interests of the community. It would be well if some parents do bring action against | thoee who say, "Your children must not attend school," while such chil- dren are healthy. Poor Kingston must bear the sin and shame heaped upons her by narrow men who climb into place.--~Yours, CITIZEN. Had A Jolly Drive. About twenty-five young people, from the city, last night, drove to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballantyne, Ballantyne Station, where they enjoyed the evening in games, music, ete. Several selections were rendered by the Bethel quartette, composed of Messrs. Allan and Fred- erick Haffner, Frederick Wilson and William Thompson. Although the drive was a long one, it was much enjoyed by all, as the weather was mild. The young people arrived home at five o'clock this morning. Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, etc., for sale at Whig oftice, the cheapest and best place to buy print- ing. Attend Bibby's $7.50 suit sale. "Castoria for infants." The genuine is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. { OUR CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT Our Annual Sale Commences Monday, Jan. 18, 1909, and Continues for 30 Days. Desiring to reduce our Stock, we offer the following specials in Suits, Overcoatings and Trimmings to order, individual in 20 Per Cent. Discount Any Man can satisfy his taste in Color tern. We'll take just as much pains in getting you. fitted, we will use the game Trimmings as if you were paying full price. Attend Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale. ¥ Weaves! and Pat- 3 tt { LIVINGSTON'S | A AA AAA AAA AAAS AAA did help given to the lady under Mrs. W. H. Asselstine, in noon, and also in serving the tea in the evening. = | #* FATE A MYSTERY. W Ww Jan. 15.--Advices received state that the French cruiser Admiral Aube, which went in search of the Fabre line steamer Neustria, on December 19th, has arrived at Gibraltar. No sign of the missing vessel was discovered and her fate remains a mystery. The Neustria sailed from New York for Marseilles on October 27th. Paris, ~ ¥ 2 EEER * GETS HIGH HONOR. A Queen's Graduate Who is : Climbing Up. ~ At the December meeting of the Royal Economic Society of London, Dr. Norris A. Brisco, of the depart- ment of economics, of the College of the City of New York, was elected a fellow. This is the second honor Dr. Brisco has received from abroad, as in December, 1908, he was elected fellow of, the Royal Historical Society. These honora come partly on account of the favorable reception of his book, "The Feonomic Policy of Robert Walpole." Dr. Brisco graduated with honors in political science and history from Queen's University, and was awarded the Gowan scholarship in political science, He took his graduate work at Columbia University, under Profs. Seligman and John Bates Clark. At Columbia, Dr. Brisco was successive- ly scholar and fellow in economics. Since his graduation he has been with the College of the City of New York. A Waring Issued. A city official called at the . Whig office, torday, with a sample of' a so- called "asbestos" covering for lamp wicks. It was sold in his home at 75¢. by a stranger, who guaranteed it to last three years and to be a great saving on coal oil. It lasted threc nights and then fell to pices. The ar- rangement is simply a perforated picce of thin metal, fitted fightly over the top of the widt with the aid of a pair of pinchers. The light department, as well as the local electricians deny that they have any ecenmcction with !the stranger or his schema The offi- ein} wished to warn citizens against the agent. Little Lady Seedless Oranges. Two dozen for 26¢.;- Mexican oranges, 12¢. dozen; Valencia ' oranges, 10c, dozen. Saturday, at Carnovsky"s. Friday, in the Ohio river, near Pitts- burg, Pa. The crew of twenty-six men narrowly escaped drowning. A Gillette safety razor free to the man guessing the corfect number. of cakes of Colgate's shaving soap .in Best's Drug Store window, jained ihe C very heartily earried. George The thanks of the Sunday school are jres taken to a cromatory, and tho as Collared While Working His Game in a Branch Lachine. Montreal, Jan. 15.~James Sugden, a bank swindler, cite whom the police' and the banks have been anxious to catch for some time, who was recent. ly caught working his game in a branch bank in Lachine, near here, appeared in court, to-day, and plead- ed guilty to the charges against him. He was remanded for sentence, It is believed that for years Sugden, who resided in Westmount, has been mak- ing a good thing out of the banks by » a 1 left a trai American cities before «coming here, The Allan steamer Corsican, of Sable Island, at 8:10 a.m. "a Ireland. THE LATE LADY WILLIAM BERES- FORD. Dorking, Eng., Jan. 15.--The fune- ral of Lady William Beresford took place at her lato - residence, Deepdenc, attended by a large gathering of rela- tives, friends and | employees on the estate. Among those prétent were the Marquis of Waterford, Lord Charles, Marcus and The Beresford, Cornwallie-West. Mrs, bordy | and ashes, following the expressed wish of the Ladies' Aid Society for their splen- | the deceascd, were taken for burial to teachers, | Curraghmore, Ireland, for interment | A tho | in the family burying place. {work of preparation during the after Words Of Much Interest. Speaking of Mr. Pense's semi-retire- ment from the editorial chair of the Whig, the conservative Stratford Her- ald says : 'Mr. Pense is at once one (of the ablest and most upright men in Canadian journalism. His newspaper is the leading one in eastern Ontario, | barring only the dominion capital. In every sense Mr. Pense and his newspa- | per' are looked up to and admired hy his confreres;" THE DUCHESS OF AOSTA. She was one of the first to commence the organization of relief of those who suffered from the terrible earthfjuake in Italy. Scrooge At The Bijou. Scrooge, the Miser," will be shown at the Bijou to-day and to-morrow. It is a drama of double length and un- usnal interest. There is also shown another double full and value. Will West songs, =, Jan. Reductions At Mullins'. 100 Ths. good family flour, $2.65. 21 lbs. best granulated sugar, $1. 8% Ibs. good lard, $1. 2 lbs. 35¢. pure Java cofiee, 50c. Corner 'Johnson and Division Sts. rescued, on coal 'mine, wrecked by a double ex plosion. recovered. Four thousand workers they were notified that no more union labels would be permitted in the hate produced. ! Roll fresh eggs, 30c.; sor acon, per Ib., 15¢.: lall kinds, special prices. Mullin's. Mrs. Nathan Sherrard and four chil- dren were burned to death at Ech- lin's Camp, Wis, on Friday. Nathan Sherrard, the "himself into the firp, Bank inl; of 2 ts in and manipulating forged papers. He Fat forgeries in Ontario and ! from Liverpool, for Halifax, and St. John, was reported ninety miles south-east LADY BERESFORD'S ASHES. Taken For Burial to Curraghmore Charles Dickens' famous story, "Old length drama, "The Plot in the Newtown Bank," which is of excitement and heart interest. These two: double length dramas con- stitute a programme of unusual length in illustrated 2 lbs. 35¢, blended Japan tea, 50c. One 'hundred and fourteen men. were Friday, from the Auks Sixty-one bodies have been in the hat factories in Orange, N.J., struck when butter, 26c; tub butter, 24c.; xv} 2 Ibs. roll bacon, The steamboat Dave Wood sank, on 25c.; 3 Ibs. pork sausages, 25¢.; Wind- Fresh meats, father, tried to throw i ingston, is visit- her mother, Mrs. R. Bailey, Belle- o Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. leave orders at Me 's Book Store. Cassie Pointer won te 240 and gular price #5c. each. 2 for 25c. Wade's "store. 's 69c. shirt sale. "Kola wine,"" Wampole's, the inva- lid's tonic. Sold in Kingston at Gib- son's Red Cross Drag Store. 'Phone Katie Sowards, Montreal street, left to-day, for Montreal to visit friends. She will remain for the ice carnival. Pour Wolfe Islanders came over to the city in ice boats this morning. The ice appears to be well taken, 16 ozs. cream cheese, 25¢., at Gil D.D.G.M. Lbert's, A. VanLuven, Kingston, of the Canadian Order of Oddfellows, paid an official, visit to Bay View lodge at Rednersville, on Wednesday. "Instant" Pain Relief for all pain, either internally or externally. Regu- lar price, 25¢. each. 2 for 350. at Wade's drug store. . ' . An unusually large number are in attendance at domestic science class: es, and they are being marked with great success: Miss Bawdén is in charge. Railway officials report freight traf- fic to be quite slack at present. Sev- enty-five crews were laid off on the western division of the G. T. R. Best's Snowflake baking powder, the purest powder, 25¢. a pound. Attend Bibby's 69¢c. shirt sale. "Balsamic toilet paper," two rolls for 25c. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Of the magnificent fleet of ice boats that was several years ago the pride of -Cape Vincent, none are left. Inter- est in the sport has waned from year to year, until now few if any indulge in it. Attend Bibby's $7.50 suit sale. The Regiopolis hockey team will play in Lansdowne on Monday even: ing. This team is securing many out- of-town games, and is considered one of the fastest ' junior teams in "this district, | REPUBLICAN PLOT. London, Jan. 15.~The Express prints a story from Lisbon, completely uncon- firmed, of =a Republican plot. It is stated that many, arrests have been made that the garrison, strongly reinforced, is kept constantly under arms, and that! the crews of 'the war- ships in the Tagus are kept in readiness to land. SHOW HORSES BARRED. Local: Livery, Horses in '"Bunceo In Arizona." As a result of the close watch giv- en by the authorities, regarding the foet and mouth disease, the horses owned by Ithe company, "Bunco in Arizona," were unable to do their turn, when the production was given at the Grand, on Thursday night. Lo- cal horses, from Mcllquham"s livery, were secured to fill the bill, and al- though not accustomed to stage work, went through their part with high honors. In this play, which is a regu- lar . "thriller," the excitement is in- tense, the battle with the Indians be- ing a special feature. It was at first feared that the horses, accustomed only to street scenes, and quiet life in a livery, would object to such doings, but with very little training they were put into shape for the footlights, and carried out their part perhaps just as well as the horses owned by the company, now having a well earned rest in Uncle Sam's territory. The show played in Ottawa, before coming to Kingston, and there, too, local horses had to be pressed into service. It is doubtful if anyone in the audience at the Grand, last night, had the least suspicion that the horses belonged to Kingston, and that any of them were being used as an '"'understudy." horses as soon as they cross the bor- der, | Special .Sale Of Oranges. For Saturday only : Two doz. Mexican sweets, 23c. 15c. Mexican sweets, 12¢. 20c. Mexican sweet or seedless, 25¢. Mexican sweet or seedless, 30c. Mexican sweet or seedless, 40c. Mexican sweet or seedless, B0c. Mexican sweet or seedless, 60c, Mexican sweet or 'seedless, 20¢c. marmalade, 15¢c. ' One each, Homestead Brand toma- toes, pumpkins, peas, 23c, k Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess St. Phone 775. Cash coupons. rt 17e. 2le. 33e. 4le. Notice. Eins seam al yom og with company at are 232 Princess street, next door to R. J. Reid's furniture stove. Phone 378. Hot House Tomatoes. Green onions, lettuce, ogre. spin- ach, caulifiower, salsify, , BAVOYS, beet root artichokes, horse radish, celery, ete., at ig, y 2 5 & We have just secured the following goods that were purchased at prices much be- low their real value. These we to clear out at our ial sale To-morrow at pices that will oe you some of the best argains this winter. o 2,600 Yards Embroideries Narrow, medium and wide, and from } to $ off. Don't miss those. 1,100 Yds Fine White Cottons} © Full widths, finished soft, ready for home | sewing. Good value regularly ab 10c. : Yours To~Morrow, 8c Yard. 25 Only Ladies' Black Moreen Underskirts | A manufacturers' sample lot Finished with flounce, 17 inches deep, full flare and four bands narrow sateen. These are worth fully $2. Yours To-Morrow Morning, $1. Good quality English make 490 Yds. White Flannelette Worth 10c¢ usually. Yours To~Morrow Morning, 7c Yard. r 1 REMEMBER All Ladies' ~All Children's Winter Coats AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. Come and select one now. Evenif not ready to buy, we will place it aside until required. "The company will pick up their; 6c. | Sle. for 25c., at Best's. Piwve big 10c. rolls fine toilet pars} 'Attend Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale, January Cut Price Sale Still Booming, ~ Special Bargains for Saturday 30 Pairs Ladies' Box Cali Blucher Lace Boots, good stiff . soles. A fine Boot for skating or street wear. , SPECIAL FOR. r 30 Pairs Ladies' Dongola Kid Blucher Out Boots. New goods and extraordinary value sesismeryah ion ... $1.35, " To-Morrow Onl y THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE