---- oe rs Mrs. K. Kane, of Chicago, Uses Pe-ru-na in her family of five 'children, Grace, 'Myrtle, Edward, "Reeves and Pe-ru-na in the Home. Afterall, experience is the best teacher. Home doctors may write in favor of Pe- runs. Other doctors may write against it. Butlitis the testimony of the mothers urd fathers who are rearing families, ha love thelr children, who must .omize as to doctor bills, who are #inz little boys and givlsintoimen and men of the future, it is the testimony of such people that really counts, v here is no way to positively ascerts in Law masy families in the United 8 reiy upon Peruna for the many clims finents to which the family is sub) timber must be a gre Sey ITioms perhaps, io use i, and in their homes en ¥ : at one, re They have lear ned, Peruana for ordinary that way are against more serious how Catarrhal Croup. Few people realize how frequently | eroup is eaused by eatarrhal corpesti {of tho throat, Peron ent on finch allment\ as coughs and .coft ip is of the eatarrhal varie ty gore throat and eatarrh, croup and col indigestion and loss ana nervou nor: ptly Po urn gi Min father home ' anpe tit ined, all these 5 relicved hy a few doses the riya time. of provident uard ailme ' ions mothors the int ) 4 ilartman v, and pro'iting by bovklets and pers reed orafadyl. Probably nine cases cut of 1 EDWAR ReeVEs = = = T D Bs Eo GEORGE] "MOTHER BELIEVES IN PERUNA. A HEALTHY FAMILY Kept the Children Well, Anan TIRHRIRR, Joe JAF IRIs 2 GAs. = = ick NE SAA SR Wh TOR SP NR FOR 435 Mi aeas Mrs. K. Kane, 196 Sebor St., Flat 1, Chicago, Ill., writes: "Peruna has heen used so long in our family that | do not know how | could get along without it, "I have given it to all of my five children at different times when ey suffered with croup, colds and the many ailments that children are subject to, and am pleased to say that it has kept them in splen- did health, "I have also used it for a catarrhal difficulty of long standing, and it cured me in a short time, so | have every reason to praise Peruna." AAAS It is impossible to estimate how many homes have been protected against eroup | by the proper use of Pernna, Household Remedies. is no remedy in the world Ing proven ir for cats u:zoed for There 0 POD arrh the Removal Notice | EWS OF N | NEIGHBORS whaT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. R. L. GOWAN & C0. Stock Brokers, removed from 88 Yonge Street to King Street East Toronto. 2 | » i J) The tiave al Eastern People Are Doing They A%e Saying. in ~e 36 Ze Sayin Notes From Flower. Li have Ww Flower, Blan Jos. Revill 1 Oro F. Jack returned where from build a Mis in Ot an they ve helpin Pp Sir Henry Mill Reginald PELLATT & PELLATT [5 (Members of Toronto Btock Exchangs) STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN CIAL AGENTS. {ove s confined COBALT | severe attack of And other stocks bought and sold ow Vis commission Correspondence invited Orders may be wired at our expenss 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto Harrowsmith, Ja 'Phone Main 3963. mich busines though the FINE "FURNITURE. = = rail friends Pellatt. Pallatt. Norman McCrae 4 vi vesterday, of Dampere \ w Rendrew, 1 has McConeghy week Mise to the | bron hiti friend | cha fron was hi Liveitn with' am Mi Deachman is iting mm Cy To Have A Rink 15.--There is not on the village Woo are not rink hing is fine ms farmers new skating in prouress. Many seem p old | i Mi ' Manitoba erman and H. Wrig and ith Mis t spent vat M Smith 1 from Mi | Lemmon LIMITED. { Mr. and FORONTO vind ELLIOTT & 8. SON, 70 KING WEST, en - ren ee | : de flourishing y eontinue under M: York and Miss irass now putting 1 d quality, LONGS TO SEE. BUR. An it or: hoy Millionaire Would Give For Eyesight Mich., Jan. 16.-Charie Muskegon stone upervision of ell. D ice Up is te Notes. 5.~The was Wirske Me Oi, Hackley. the multi-millionaire, lind last dynamiie ¢ ore vou who went Marysville, Mis. SUCCESS: Jan. sale at a" decided good pric Ti homas Dow sammer while explodin wrtridee od offered X50. IRF John gE vihing sold : Turnbull and getting oA fon blastin ou for th ey tumps, to-day Jame s ) his eyesight ould gladly and to work laborer, if he could ¢ the eminent in return material on 3 said he w R22 GHO HN fine residences P appearance mon . He TH Established 1873 we 3 je A; WE most vain endeav has consui ulists of a shot school trusted i M ade Rt ings Account make the first steps ng your spare dollars. One Dollar will open an pass-book in which your account deposits a1 art No d with it KINGSTON BRANCH J. §. TURNER, Manager Cor. Princess and Bagot Streets. your money at any time, t+ te ESL LU duit Tidings From Various Points | Ontario--What | And What] th | returned ta cheese | Mabel A SCENE FROM THE SHUBERT : [oe A of most took bray surprise WW. Portex enjoyable Mrs. "M. J. Hunt, Hunt, Mr. and Mrs MeDiarmid were visitors Mrs. «J. C. Meagl hst a bad attack of urty house, posses sion Mr Mrs evening Mr, M and D. 2. Me on the ripe pins sick with g Joyceville® Gleanings. fe, J School 1 attendance, cement of Miss 19 al 12 cevil el with a large the m Leo Murphy ms re Ang John oper der able a has purchased \. Hutton is Rouse. Mrs o lin M preparing Frederick from th friends every Friday Mr Jovee's farm Joh to build Smith hospital, 1 ariane s New } ha $s returne home and will receive attery Maru ana Murph Jay, at + Mi A Mr James ors ned ville, at WwW. Murphy Metcalf Carey # P t From Selby J. MeFs ISINess W held to-day wrlane is Wood meeting his saw 1 annual Miss teach mill. Bros 1 ed to Fhe the Maribank, place Denison Mill is sad news ath Forest } to-day, « of y ughlin Hart and Miss ! sometimes assisted by the apothecary or the family doctor. Furnishing medical compounds direct to the people, through the druggists, simply the exténsion of the practice bo- zun by the people themselves. Nervous John Gi. "Om Hire Decer by a fall on u nur S' BIG PRODUCTION OF 'THE RCAD TO YESTERDAY," AT THE GRAND, ON TUESDAY. to i th at | M 1 Ww to Ww led t at tire n is e. countr tended m Y: the at is R. friends Mrs MeRhim J rm rs, ith 1 wa sg L. Fitzpatric Storms'. Elected By Big Majority. Jan. Akin thé 4th tl he noqus rity eo 113 votes polled of ovi received School Springs, and spent | weeks visiting and | Thomson at Joseph Tohnston high taking a System a Wreck. teld, Kas.,, write y I was nervous Sy si ta Fe R. rm wa " api after I spending J. funeral Camden visiting McCormick spent Denison MN Lronu, 161 of Smith's 1 rs K's; 13 East. friends Falls and mother, at Lucas at home The contested, 1 reeve ie hundre m ninety -three, re-ppened on mes alu hes Man } Cons N 1< sper Mi J hi N Todd farm fron at Pe Ss spending parents the McGuthess their Mrs, Sch Rev week o fi ole with at Miss ( Allison, d 1c ne pr i to he Br at the Maitland, | took six bottles, commencing in winter | had gained 63 pounds. ' and builder." Mr. John M. Stansberry, Amarillo, Tex., writes: "For sevefal years | had catarrh of the stomach. | was hardly able to do anything, and could not eat with any satisfaction. "When | commenced using Peruna, | weighed only 110 pounds. "I owe it all ta Peruna. It cannot be praised too highly. "I am forty-five years old, and my occupation is that of architect the spring, and by the following wr | | | | remained without strength. | "I then tried Peruna, and after using | it for three months was tofally well. | Iam seventy-one years old, and my work | on the railroad is hard and tedious, but [ can work like a young man in all kinds of weather, heat, cold, rain, snow or storm alike. i | | cine, it will help any perfon and cure any dis- case for which it is recommended. I rec-| yminend this medicine by my own ex- | perience to any one suffering from an ailment on the order of mine." injured sand my ia mo | "Peruns is the purest and best med and if used according to directions, For Herself and Children. | Aline DeP 76 E.165th St. | New York, N.Y $ i "Yt : ) tr iany to th fzrunansd Manalia Mrs. Rese | the time ho" had thigh ering misfortune to injyre her is slowly recov people Spring- entertain Md. Visi y SO ago, it in wife and field are practising for Fridag, Weir, I *s, Brewers an grand- January mm Picton AW ment or nds: davs Visi \ bh Township Council At Odessa. a oe Ode 14. ~The { conneil January presefit. ( A A # Jan sa, township Lith, all the Aiter routine wits appointed Donaldson and chosen auditors the met on members being busin NW lark P were und Gardiner tion W Timmerman was l The clérk and of health salaries placed on tr i 1 $ ¢ rer ad their raised) it of ward 0 ib \ held a success here last week, and their The skat- ethodists dy, the meetin Mr Mr th Rs : Warrington, { Goodrie INDIGESTION AND NERVOUS TROUBLES cured by and iter the Pepsin Ca e | of Hygiene dorsed | best tonic. u en- the W orld's the own Kin Gan in Write for free HYGIENE KOLA LIMITED, rch i sample gstor who Kingston 84 Chu St., Toronto. his vaca 2 |. trustand heliovs in Dr. ' \ » i . ing rink is having "I was afflicted for over seven years with catarrh of the head, throat and digestive organs. 1 consulted many physicians, but they did me no goed. "One day I happened to read some tes- timonials in your Peruna almanac. I decided to try Perunw-and Manalin, I bought a bottle of each and after taking them for a week, I noticed a change for the better. So I kept it up and after us- ing twelve bottles I was perfectly cured. "I also gave the medicine to my child: ren and they had the same beneficial re- sult, I would never be without these remedies in the house. "I highly recommend Peruna and Manalin to all my friends, and, in fact, to evervbody.! Thousends of families have learned to Hrrtman's jada ment, and to Jely on his remedy, Reiy. ...» a successful run this fine weather. Miss Helena Sharpe is visiting in Kingston. Mr; Lewis Snider and bride have taken up house- keeping here. M. W. Chayter. organiz- er for AOU. W., was here this week for a couple of days. Sharbot Lake News. Sharbot Lake, Jan. 13.--The people of Sharbot Lake held a meeting in Hetherington's hall on Monday even ing, and discussed organizing an ath letiec and®*amusement club, .and arrang- ing for a library and reading room ap There was a large attendance and all seemed in fayor of the plan, it will likely be Parker, who has time, has recovered, return to her -' home Grove. Miss Scott, to. is to hold a meeting in the Meth- odigt church on Friday evening. The Anglican church people intend holding a concert on Friday, January 22nd. Lyndon Hetherington, who" has been ill, has recovered. Thé skating on Sharbot Lake has been splendid dur- ing the past week, and the voung people seemed - to enjoy it. Invita tions are out for a ball té be held in Hetherington's hall, on the 15th inst. 0 that Miss M, ill for some and was able to at Mouritain deaconess, Toron- a success, been TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Their Duties. council-elect met January 11th: Anthony kin, rees John Purdy, deputy ree Clgin Henry Stover, Wiiliam R Coulter, councillors, Communications from Ss. and W. 1. Blacklock were the local board of health, trustees the interested tips respectively, surer were The on Monday, MeGuin Ran- °: d, Jenson - S. Corbett referred to and to the school The clerk and trea- appointed to drait a pro- per form of application for use of persons seeking compensation for sheep killed by dogs. The reeve and treasurer to be a committee to get leon] advice regarding the Smith and Havpell cases, The resignation of Dr, Edwards asx medical health officer for the township was accepted. Mepsrs. Reid and Coulter moved that J. F. Gibson, M.D., be appointed medical health officer, hich was carried. W. J. Smythe pppointed for two years, and William Blacklock for three years as members of the board of health, Moved, by Messrs. Stover and Coul that £. K. Purdy be appointed assessor for R70. which was carried Messrs. Reid and Stover moved that to facilitate and to supervision - of the township be divided into four To Councillor Reid. all roads east the Perth road and exténding to the Ridean canal. To Councillor Stover all roads west ob the Perth roar and extending west to Glenvale, to Councillor Coulter, all of Glenvale, and extending to West brooke and north of to and including Florida; to Deputy Reeve Purdy, all roads south" of the York road; and that the reeve act only (with regard to roads upon request of a council 1lor or the denuty reeve--carried, Vot- ed. $17 to Dr. Edwards, for wisits to small-pox case and fumigating home: $6.50 to George W. Smith, wood for town hall; $37.50 te warden of penitentiary for stone; $3 to Benj. of see- ter, roads, the w0C- public tions. ot Atkinson gists and Stores. Kish and #4 to Frederick Riley, bon- The Kingston Legislators" Began. qualified. * secure a better | roads west | February 1st, Hinchinbrooke Council. Piccadilly, Jan. 11.--Council sub scribed to declarations aid qualifien- tions as followes :* Reeve, R. A. tou; councillors, 0. Rk. Clow, Wagar, P. Dayer and John Walker, Moved, "Walker:Dwyer, that: bill fr British Whig be paid and taken on application of J. buy timber on Tichborne voad--Cars ried. Applieatio J. G. Smith, W. E.Clow for gffice a assessor.: Moved, Walker Wa rar, tha Thomas 'N $40, no » Walker-Divyer, 'that rs reeve sell the timber on line between concession 2 and 3, opposite lot 3. Moved, Wagar Clow, that, W. D. Black, C. Sills be auditors for 1908, salary 85 each - Carried.: Moved, Clow:Wagar, that 'W. D. Black be appointed delegate to go to Toronto to look after grants on roads, ana he receive the sum of twenty dollars for expenses--Garried, Moved, Clow-Wagar, that the petition of the Ontario Municipal Association be signed and forwardeéa to Wo J, Paul, M.P.P.--Carried. Moved, Clow- Wagar, that the collector's time be extended until February lst, and he settle with the treasurer an or before that date. Moved, Clow-Wagar, that William Goodfellow be appointed a member of the board of health for three years--Carried. Council adjours ed to meet 'at Parham on Saturday, Febraavy 27th, The Ald Required. If vou tire easily, if you never rest thoroughly, if there 18 'a constant sense of weariness or exhaustion, what you need is new, rich tissue-building and nerve strengthening blood. Wade's Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative), supply just the aid required every time. They benefit. They { are a great nerve strengthener, and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's Drug Store Money back if not satisfactory. Banquet To Pastor. Brockville, Ont., Jan. 16.-Broek- ville citizens to. the number of nearly 200, hanqueted Rev. D. Strachan, this evening, under the auspices of the board of trade, of which the guest was a leading 'member, as a mark of ap- preciation of his efforts during the past eleven years while pastor of St, John's church. Hon. G. P. Graham, Hon. W. J. Hanna and Senator Devs byshire, were present. He goes to To» ronto, as pastor of Rosedale Preshy- terian chureh. isi immer ond - "room at lonesome Ii top"' there. How She Got Rid of Her Fat Range Bid No Starvation Diet, or Exercises Necessary. The Free Trial Package Will Convince You. COSTS NOTHING T0 TRY. is tha must there it always be rather No Longer Any Excuse To Be Fat ang Sloppy. Use Rengo, It sat it Jike fruit safely reduce For sale by full size box, is perfectly or candy your fat' a all druggists at by mail prepa 3332 Rengo . The Company will gladly send you a trisl package free by mail, J you wilt write them direct to Detroit: no free packages at drug stores, tenga is for sale and recommended it Kingston by Wade, Druggist. safe. You and easily and potind a day. $1.00 per aid, _ by dg, Henry Have you tried Walsh's 2° Jt has burning 'qualities and is well rd give quick and thorough up