| PAGE EIGHT. » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1900. > - g , EUR" 'COATS | oroerdin GUARANTEED. Sem J f OUR SPECIAL ecard N20 | MPorTED ENGLISH (GLISHIBEAVERTSHELL: CANADIAN RAT_LINING, OTTER BEAVER OR PERSIAN; LAMB {COLLAR 'wire FOR CATALOGUE, JOHN MZKAY 'FUR HOUSE) KINGSTON canada. | "OUR SPECIAL. | $ hiNES IMPORTED ENGLISH {BROAD CLOTH, PEL HAMSTER, SQ UIRREL, 08 RAT, LINING, LLAR anoREVERS, ! Jor! 3) SABLE,ISSOBELLA, FOX or PERSIAN K ILAMBS ) BN MeKAY FUR HOUSE ' NO CHANGE IN THE QUALITY JAP-A LAG Is the same the world over, only Varnish Stain made, that will withstand any wear, wears like iron, varnish, stains and polishes in one application, makes old furniture new. Sold only in Kingston, by W. A. Mitchell Don't take a substitute, but insist having the right thing. It is the in all colors on | ! | NEW LAID EGGS AFTER THE HOCKEY MATCH And you want to pre- pare a light supper, nothing comes so handy as a Spangenberg { Chafing Dish We have a good selec- -- USED LAME HORSE AND WAS FINED $5 AND . COSTS IN POLICE COURT. Charge Was Lodged By Constable I"! Arniel the Humane Society In- spectof--Animal Was Made to Haul Load of Coal. "It is not so, sir," said Edward Roddy, when arraigned in the police court, this morning, on a charge of cruelty to animals. After the evidence was taken, however, Magistrate Far- rell found the 'accused guilty, and im- posed a 'fine of $5 and costs, or fif- teen days. Constable Arniel, the hu- mane society inspector, lodged the charge, and J. B. Walkem conducted the prosecution. tion of these from the best makers and at § prices within the reach @, of anyone. SPANGENBERG § JEWELLER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. sou v GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot & Earl Phone 47. The Way Of Life. New York Life. Constable Arniel said that he saw the horse in question on York street, made an inspection, and found it to bé too lame for use, and notified the young man, who was driving, accord- ingly. Afterwards, he had Dr. Nicholls, V.8., inspect the horse, and he, too, said that the animal should not be worked. A citizen who would not give his name, had complained about the horse being used. The accused said the horse was not lame, but the trouble was caused by corns. He had secured new shoes for the animal, and had cared for it as best he could. Dr. Nicholls told of inspecting the horse. He informed the owner that the animal should not be used. The horse, he said, could not be cured and worked at the same time, and he con- sidered it cruelty to work the horse in such a condition. George Dennee said he saw the horse, yesterday, on the road. The animal was very lame. He believed that it was cruelty to drive a horse in such a condition as that. The young yman driving the horse, said that when he went home for din- ner, yesterday, the horse was not lame, and was not lame when he went Two ladies were sitting in close con- versation in an hotel parlor. One said to the other, "Are you married ?"' | The second answered, "No." The sec-| ond then asked the first if she had | been more fortunate, and she said no, she, too, was on the single list, and added : "Strange two such estimable | women as ourselves should have been overlooked in the great matrimonial market !"" The second then pointed | out a lady who had been widowed | four times, two of her husbands hav- ing been cremated. "That woman," she said, "is plain and uninteresting, and yet she has them to burn." Choice Persian Lamb Setts. At greatly reduced prices during | JAP-A-LAC. Not Guilty, But Wanted! Rafiles, famous, clever Raffles, made his escape last night in the vitinity of the Whig office on the stroke of 12 and is now defying Kingstonians, one and all to catch him. Raffles' Photos Are On Exhibition In Geo. Mills & Co's Windows. -- Th: original photos of the mysterious One. These are excellent 3 of the missing man and it behooves every man, woman, boy and girl to carefully study these and thoroughly acquaint them- likene: selves with his characeristics. $130 Just think of it! THE BRITISH WHIG GEO. MILLS & CO. (See conditions J. H. SUTHERLAND & 'BRO, L. T. BEST JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. E. P. JENKINS GRAND TOTAL 20,000 People After 'Offered for His Capture Surely this handsome amount is the time and effort spent in chasing him. Campbell Bros." clearing sale of furs. g Tonight Bibby's shirt special, 69c. $130 well worth Here's the roster. in separate "« « " « "« " «@ 6" " "«" "" "" One Man. out. The animal went lame on the streot, about one o'clock. Constable Arniel stopped witness on the street, to look at the horse. The constable told him then, that the horse was not in a fit condition to be used. Later, Dr. Nicholls said that the hqyse should not be used, and after this, witness took the hoi#é home, deliver- ing a load of coal on the way. "How did you come to take the load of coal after Dr. Nicholls said not to do so?" asked the magistrate. "It had to go," was the reply. "But who told you?" "Phe boss said 1 had better take | This concluded the evidence, and Mr. Walkem told the court that Mr, Roddy had no right to use it. Magistrate Farrell said that the ad- vice of the inspector and Dr. Nicholls should have been taken, and that the horse should not have been made to carry coal, afterwards. Mr. Walkem stated that he did not want to see a heavy fine imposed, but he wanted all teamsters to receive warning that they would not be al- lowed to ill-treat animals. A $25 CHALLENGE. Issued to the Standard to Prove, a Statement. A leading citizen called at the Whig office, this morning, to enter a vigor- ous objection to the following item which appeared in the Standard of Thursday, the 21st : "The hotelkeeper who raised his rates $1 a day for visiting curlers is getting more censure than praise. The most of the local curlers think it was a short-sighted policy." He declared that the statement was not only untrue, but injurious to Kingston. He stated that he had found out from the leading hotels that there had been. no increase on their transient rates, to curlers,yand "he challenges the Standard to To that there was. He deposited t¥enty-five dollars with the cashier of fhe Whig office, and challenges the Standard to prove what its item stated. If proof presented within five days, the twenty-five dollars will be paid to the Standard proprietor. 18 TWO GIFTS PRESENTED By Queen's Musical Club to Miss Singleton. After the glee club concert, at Grant hall, on Thursday evening, the mem- bers of the two glee clubs gathered at the residence of Principal Gordon, for a very pleasant surprise. The occa- sion of the 'visit 'was the presenting of two handsome presents to Miss Louise Who's Going to Land Him ? WHERE IS HE ? -- Livingston's Specials For Saturday. -- HS 7 yl Cleaning Up Our Before stock-taking. None reserved. See NAA Pv AA 9 Dozen Flannelette Night Shirts Regular price 75¢ and §1 00, To Clear, 59c. and Stiff Front Shirts - 1:25,'1.50 lines To Clear, 59¢c. All Sizes. window." Stock of Negligee All regular $1.00, Addin bh WAAR bcd Singleton, directress of the glee clubs, whose untiring efforts on their behalf have made them organizations Queen's can well be proud of. The members of the Ladies' Glee Club presented Miss Singleton with a handsome silver pudding dish, suitably engraved. The gentlemen's club pre- sented her with a beautiful silver tea gervice, also engraved. Miss Single ton, who was taken completely by sur- prise; thanked . "the boys and girls" for their kind gifts. -- SAYS HE WAS ROBBED. Reports His Wad of $175 As Miss- ing. Peter Ritchie, who claims Parham as his home, is to-day mourning the loss of the sum of $175, which he had safely tucked away yesterday in his pocket hook. He has been in the city on business, and this morning, when he awoke at his stopping place he found that he had been robbed. Ritchie called at the police station this morning. and reported the case, and an investigation is now being made. Pineapples And Tangerines. From Florida and the Little Lady seedless ofenges from California, sell- ing two dozen for m quarter, at Car- noveky's. I George Mclean, who lives near Beamsville, was run over by an HG. & B. electric car, on Friday, and a leg was so badly injured that it had to be' amputated. . Alexander McDougall, an Elizabeth- town farmer, pleaded guilty on a charge, of selling liquor without a license on the 2nd inst. He was fined $50 and costs. ' A Raffles" coupon and 25¢. box vio- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Look out for "Raflles." ; Bibby's men's sweater sale. See | Livingston's advt. for specials: Saturday. Good oranges, novsky's. : Mrs. J. W. Jones, Tamworth, is a city visitor. A Raffles' coupon with each purchase ove Se. a Best's. illiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. 'Phone 778; It wouldn't have been ners had Kingston clubs won all the cups. Tomatoes, two tins for 15¢,, Lom- bard plums, three tins for 25c., at Unmov ays. 10¢. a dozen, Car- couj bottle' witchhazel Best's. and regular 15c. cream, lOc, at Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- gulae price 25¢. each. 2 for 25c. at ade's drug store. = . Cunningham tuner from ot Te Auley's 8 . * Fresh Huyler's high-class candy in one and two pound boxes, at Gib- son's Red Cross a store, Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale. Miss Hazel Massie, Earl strect, ac- companied by her nephew, Master Nor- man Cooper, went to Toronto, to-day. Lennox Iron Pills. Regular price 25¢c. each. 2 for 25c., at Wade's drug store. y "Bect, Iron and Wine," the invalid's tonic, makes sick people well. 50¢c., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. John M. Hickey, advance agent for "A Man and His Mate," at the Grand on Thursday, Januart 28th, is in the city. Rev. A. M. Currie, M.A., of Deseron- has resigned, to take post-gra- duate work in the Union Seminary, New York. Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale. "For drug store wants' phone 230, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Prompt delivery. . ' George Hammond is having some ex- tensive repairs made to his steamer, while it is in winter quarters, in the Princess street slip. A Raflies' coupon and a 25c. guar- anteed tooth brush for 15¢. at Best's. "Nestles' Food," a fresh lot re- ceived at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. It pays to buy infants' foods there. The Montreal ladies to the number of si*teen left for home at one p clock this afternoon, sorry to leave the Limestone City, where they had a merry time. Buy Gillette razors and blades at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. You can shave with comfort with a Gil- lette, "Instant" Pain Relief for all pain, either internally or externally. Regu- lar price, 25¢. each. 2 for 256c., at Wade's drug store. Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale. A large number of supporters ac- companied Queen's senior hockey team to Montreal, to-day. From present re- ports the ice is im very good condi- tion. Capt. and Mrs. P. MeGlade ahnounce tho cngagement of their daughter, Anna Alice, to Henry P. MecGraih, Toronto. The wedding will take place in February. "Are you a member' of the Ta- bard Inn library at Gibson's Red Cross ?° New up-to-date reading for the winter at a very small cost. Bibby's 69« shirts are right Miss Sharp, Napance, is visiting her brother, C. H. Sharp, Queen street, on route to Syracuse, Boston and New York, where she will spend the ree mainder of the winter visiting friends. ?. W. Field, who played on. the winning Cobourg team at the bons- piel, was called home, yesterday morn ing, owing to the death of a relative. The other members of the team re- turned home last night. "The most up-to-date library in Kingston," the Tabard Inn library, at Gibson's Red * Cross drug store. Are you a member. George Adsit, carclaker at the fair grounds, killed a muskrat last night. near the corner of Princess and Gor- don sireets. Tho muskrat, which was a goodrsized one, had jumped up at two boys who were passing. Ibs. lbs. + Loy o- new dates, 25c. large prunes, 25c¢. 2 lbs. evaporated apples, lbs. evaporated peaches, 25c. Ibs, lard, 25c. Mullin's. 25¢. Looking For Raffles. A young Kingstonian was "stung" this morning, at one of the hotels, in his search for Raffles. He saw a strafi- ger go into the bath room, and after sizing him up, was sure that he was on the right track, and could almost see the money coming his way. Run- ning over to the newstand, he picked up a copy of last night's Whig, and ran with great haste to make a "scoop." "Get ou ; I'm only a poor travellér," was the reply he received. Opera House Won. The Grand Opera House hockey team last night trimmed the Granites, at Zion rink, by a score of seven to nothing, and to-asy the theatrical men are saying "What Happened Then ?"' A return match will probably be played shortly, and the Granites will endeavor to turn the tables. a -------------- Building May Bé Brisk. There is a likelihood of quite a number of buildings being erected in Kingston during the coring spring and summer. At least a dozen con- crete houses are already being planned for. . t------------------ The monument of Queen Victoria, in Hamilton Gore, was solemnly decor- ated with white and purple wreaths, on Friday morning, in memory of the queen's death, eight years ago to-day. Special bargains in corsets, hos- jery and underwear, all kinds, Satur- day and Monday. New York Dress Reform. «A Raffles' coupon and five big 10c. rolls of toilet paper for 25c. at Best's. A Moral and Social Reform council for Nova Scotia was organized Lt Halifax. It is expected rate will he eighteen mills. Dr. Sheard, medical health officer, may enter the service of the Toronto that Toronto's tax and one-hali let talcum for 15c. at Best's. railway company. A SONG "NT HONE GIVEN BY MINDEN LODGE -~ LAST NIGHT. There Were 150 Present--A Fine Programme Was Presented-- The Masons Voted Royal "Hosts. Minden lodge, No. 253, AF. & A. M., held one of the season's most successful "At Homes' in the Mason- | ic hall last night. The rooms were tastefully decorated with fragrant pot and cut flowers, , ete, and presented a most i effuct. Around the walls were hung many of the banners of ancient Freemasonery. About one hundred and fifty persons responded to the invitation of Wor- shipful Master George W. Mahood and the officers of Minden lodge, a most enjoyable time was A very excellent musical and in- strumental programme was rendered by the following ladies and tle- men: Mrs. Andrews, Miss Ne Mrs. Routley, Miss Welch, Messrs. Eva, Crumley, Smith, Smea- ton, Halliday, Forester, Routley. A double male quartette made quite a hit with their humorous selections. Cards were indulged in by those in- clined to enjoy themselves in this manner and refreshments of the most * appetizing order were served. The general decorations and other matters were under the direction of Worshipful P. M. Lockett and Tyler Bunt and reflected credit on the dii- rerent committecs. The "goat's" stable was the object of mu ou- riosity, particularly amongst the la- dies. The pleasant event came to a close at midnight, the guests all vot- ing the Masons to be royal hosts. t. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. A Suggestion to Criticize Nearer Home. Jan. 22.--(To the Edi- tor) : I-notice that the Standard has been 'nosing' into the London postmastership appointment, and giv- ing the Laurier government Hail Co- lumbia for appdinting an outsider. If the Standard would turn its atten- tion nearer to home it would be bet- ter. Will it tell the people why the Whitne, government did not appoiot a Kingston lady as matron of Rock- wood hospital ? Why shouldn't King- ston have had that appointment, .in: stead «f an outsider ?--CITIZEN. Kingston, Found Money. 1f some one put ten dollars into your hand it would be to you found mon- ey, wouldn't it? Such a thing will happen to you. The condition is so simple that all may have an - equal chance. You simply make your drug purchases at Best's and be they large or small you will be given a re- ceipt which you must have in your pocket, together with the latest.copy of the Whig, when you catch the mysterious Raffles. Postage stamps are not considered as a 'purchase but any sale from Be. up entitles you to a coupon. By trading at Best's for your drug wants you are saving mon- ey, especially this month, when many things are greatly reduced. Remem- ber the conditions: Have the re- ceipt. A Whig newspaper, catch Mr. Raffles and the $10 is yours. Fine Bill At The Bijou. A Drama in Monkeyland is a unique attraction at the Pijon for Friday and Saturday. It is a realistic drama, but all the characters--the hero, the heroine, the uniortunate fa- thér, the cruel villain, ete.,~are enaet- ed by monkeys. There is also offered "The Gold Hunters," a thrilling story of the California gold fields in 1849, with the fall line of western wining characters, including Indians and desperadoes. '"T'he Football Fiend," or how Jenkins, the hali-back went crazy over the game, is a rol licking comedy, and gives a fine view of a hot game of rugby. A spe- cial extra attraction omitted during the rush hours on Saturday night is "TheDual Life," a story of love, peér- fidy and misfortune, Will West in illustrated songs. Special Sale Of Oranges. For Saturday only. Two dozen Mexican sweets, 23e. 15¢. dos., Mexican sweets, 12e. 20c. Mexican swect or seedless, Be. Mexican sweet or seedless, 30c. Mexican sweet or scedloss, 26¢, 40¢. Mexican sweet or scedless, 33c. 50c. Mexican sweet or scedless, 4lc. 60c. Mexican sweet or seedless, Slo. 20c. marmalade, 15¢c. One cach Homestoad brand toma- toes, pumpkin, peas, 23c. Edwarde ana Jonkin, 274 Prineess "Phone 775. Cash coupons. 17c. 2c. street. Heart To Heart Talks. Before the hour for opening the meeting arrived last evening Brock street hall was again well filled to listen to Evangelists Irving and Crombie. Poth speakers gave more heart to heart talks than sermons, telling with much' quiet earnestness the need of a Saviour and how well Jesus Christ filled that need. The attention was intense throughout the whole service. To-night again a good meeting is expected. ; Resignation Accepted At a special meeting of the King- ston presbytery, held on Friday morn- ing, in Chalmers' church, the modera- tor, Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, presiding, the resignation of Rev. A. M. Currie, of Deseronto, was accepted, and Rev. J. R. Conn, of Napance, was appoint- od moderator, during the vacancy. Game Not Played. The Harmony 'Club-Portsrouth game scheduled for last evening at Rock- wood rink in the senior City League series was postponed owing to the bad condition of the ice, The game will be played the early part of the week. Hot House Preducts. For Satprday, we have cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, leaf lettuce, green onions, head lettuce, spinach, etc., at Carnovsky's. A plumber named Royal was sulio- cated while working in the Cote des Neiges College at Montreal. His torch exploded, and he could not get out. The Manitoba legislature would mest on February 4th, Some Janu mushrooms, | 75 Pairs Pure Wool Blankets, beautiful, soft make, closely woven, and a quality that wears and washes well. 15 Pairs Blankets, worth $4, for $3. 25 Pairs Blankets, worth 4.50, for 3 50. 23 Pairs Blankets, worth 5.50, for 4.00. 10 Pairs Blankets, worth 6.00, for 4.50. Whether you need them now or not,don't you think it a wise investment to buy now, saving as much as you do. * ¢ Every pair of Blankets fresh and perfect. All Ladies' Winter Coats At exactly Half Price. IF you have not already bought one and are likely to need a stylish Coat, we ask you to see them. i | ) Every Coat here is new this winter. - oe You May See Mr Raffles In Our Store To-Morrow As it is likely he will be on Princess Street during the morning and after- noon, and has arranged to call at seve- ral stores, you may recognize him and secure p BELLERAALLEAMARRRNANA. Warm Snaps 30 Pairs Ladies' Light Grey Spats, regular $1, for 12 Pairs Ladies' Satin Fur Trimmed Juliet Slippers; regu- lar price, $2 only. Sizes 4 left to 2. ...28c. A Few Pairs Ladies' House Slippers, regular price, 60c. and B5c. HOW ..pcriiiicnr semsnionniirnas Se sinsiaier. seesisvasues Sheasensuniurnn saarsisasee 35¢. 24 Pairs Girls' Felt Slipers, Leather Soles. Size 11 These were 40c. ERO oe '8 Tables Full of Cheap Shoes and 6 Baskets Full of Cheap Felt Slippers. Ne THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE