THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, § ATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1009. KING'S VISIT Indications of Possible From London, 'Jan. 23.--Cables from Ber- lin indicate that there is much inter- est there in the approaching visit in Febriury of "the king and queen . of England to the German roval family. It is declared that the king will be received with the respect due-to him as the representative of a great na- tion. Unfortunately this cannot be stated with great certainty. On the contrary, there are already visible in- dications of possible disharmony in connection with the approach- ing visit of the royal party, and for this reason official efforts should be made to keep any unfriendly demon- gtrations within the smallest possible limit. First there are irreconcilable Anglophobes, whose belief that King Fdward i= an arch conspirator, bent on isolating and humiliating Germany bas become an obsession. They will consider it 'their auty to warn the German people against extending the alleged national enemy a too cordial welcome. Apart from these extreme Chauvinists there is some danger that King Edward's person may be drag ged into the German domestic politi- eal controversies. Will the emperor follow up his re appearance in the arena by also emer- ging from the political reserve in which he has clothed himself since his retirement to Potsdam seven week ago ? This question monopolizes pub lic interest here, and every sign and indication from court circles is eager- ly watched and discussed. Amid all these speculations regarding political developments some sudden turn of events may at any moment give rise to heatea political controversies It would Iw doubly unfortunate if the guccess of King Edward's visit to Berlin should Ye marred by thé in diseretion of those who may be tempt ed to introduce his name into the political polemics of a foreign coun try. There are abundant signs that feel TO GERMANY e Disharmony Received Berlin. ing still runs high. The demacratic element of the country is profoundly dissatisfied with the! slow progr made towards ° constitutional govern- ment. A despatch from Carlsrube states that a _ number of prominent demo- erats in the city have aeclared that they will not participate in the pub- lic festivities to be held in honor of the emperor's birthday on January 27th, to demonstrate their dissatis- faction with the existing political conditions and their demand for a further measure of constitutional government. . Some of the papers have been pub- i lishing all kinds of fiction about the king's health and movements. The latest story put forward by an ima- ginative journal, was that his majes- tv's physicians have ordered him off to Cannes at once, which is a pére invention. As a matter of fact, the king intends to make Buckingham palace his headquarters for between five and six weeks from Monday, 25th, after' which he is going to Biarritz, with the intention of heing absent from England until the beginning of May The report df the postponement of the state visit of the king and queen to Berlin was incorrect, According to present arrangéments the king and (queen will leave London for Berlin, on February lst, but the visit may pos- siply be put off for one week. Their majesties will most likely cross from Dover to Calais, France, and proceed thence direct to Berlin, by way of trussels, Cologne and Hanover. Their visit will extend over three days, and on leaving Berlin, the king and queey are to return .direct to London. An extensive programme of ceremonials and entertainments will be gone through during the three days in ac- cordance with the usual arrangements at the court of Berlin, on the oc casion of what is known as a SLICK YOUNG MAN A Sl b AFTER FOOLING THREE PICTON CLERGYMEN Got Caught By a Fourth--Further Details of the Ameliasburg Drowning 'Case--"Indians" in| | They Wear Trouble. Picton, Jan. 23. Three town minis ters "bit" at the plausible tale of a slick young man, named Graham, and claiming to come from Trenton. Gra. ham, it is said, came to town with the Trenton hockey special on Tuesday night, and has been around here ever since. He fold the most of those he met that he did an acrobatic stunt in a show put on by the Royal Alexan- dria Amusement company, but he told the preachers when he visited them that he had driven hiro dnd had an accident to the cutter. He needed the money to pay the damages. This was believed, and he secured $3 from threo preachers, buat when he went to Rov W. L. Armitage, the story was gues tioned, and upon telephoning the livery, it was found the story was un true. 'The young fellow, who is about twenty-three and well dressed,' was sorry for his misdeeds and was let go on promising to bo good. Twice an offendef against the liquor license law, "Jim" Brown, on the "Indian" list, made his third ap- pearance before Magistrate Currie in police court, on Thursday afternoon, He admitted the charge, and sentence was deferred. Evidently believing that an open confession is good for the soul,- Brown declared that all along he has been giving money to'a certain maw in town, who has been buying him the desired liquor on wndition that Brown would not "squeal" on him. Then * this man, according to Brown's story, has been helping him drink the prohibited liquid This is the reason' that Inspector Sexsmith will prosecute Wesley McKibbon,, hat ness maker, on Monday. "Tankard" Kelly, + who is also among those "listed," was served 10 appear in court on October 13th, but instead ho shook the dust of Picton from his feet and "skidooed."" A war- rant, out for him ever «nce, caught him, Thursday, and he was immediate ly iaken to court He was in an in toxicated state and grew vory insolent and threatening. He said ho was not guilty in answer to the charge of October, but the ease was proven and / a $10 fine levied, which being default od, he was sent to jail for a month. Farther particulars ave to hand about the double drowning off "the Amaohiasburgh shore on Thursday night told of in a despatch to yesterday = Whig. It seems the two men, Brooks and Fredevick, were under the influence of drink. In the cutier with them were their two wives, The night was very dark and dofbiless they were driving recklessly, Bhey drove into a crack. The two women managed" ta the waters with tha help escape from ! who had jumped to firm of PRrooks, "sovereign visit." ice. However, when he tried to pull Fredevick out the latter sceured a firm hold on him and pulled him down, | thus the two men wore drowned. The bodies were recovered early next morn ing. Gilbert Brooks was a fatmer of 'Allisonville, aged twenty-three, and David Frederick, aged fifty-cight, was a laborer, of Murray. | WOMEN ATTEMPT INNOVATION Their Hair About Shoulders. Paris, Jan. 23.--Women in evening costunfe with hair flowing loosely their backs and free to every wind, is the latest attempt at intro- ducing novelty into feminine toilet in Paris, 'The three ladies who at- tengited this daring innovation by appearing in the first. tier of boxes of a boulevara theatre were young and handsome. They wore hair brushed straight back from the fore- head and fallmg loosely over the shoulders and down to the waist without ornament or ribbon of any kind. Their appearance was striking but it attracted general critwisn from most of the other women in the audience, The promoters of the at- tempted new fashion assert that hair worn in this natural manner sets off a pretty or handsome face to the best advantage but the leading Paris papers assert that the new fashion is an impossible one: Loosely down Rules For Aerial Warfare. London, Jan. 23.--Major Baden- Powell, interviewed by a press repre sentative with regard to the an- nouncement that the French govern- ment has decided to call an interna- tional conference to consider the in- troduction of a code of laws on aer- ial navigation, said that while such rules were uaardly necessary yet, they would be badly wanted in two or three years, 'There must be some: thing in the way of international agreement," he proceeded, 'as to how these things are to be worked It is a very ditficult and complicated question, and there is a gootl deal to he discussed as to the rules of { the road. /Colhsions in the air will he always most dangerous, and there are other ditficult questions as to to 155 miles. Mr. Wright said that may pass' over private ground and foreign countries." Real Rubber Goods. We are as careful about our line of rubber goods as we are about drugs. | Careful about the prices also. Two- wt hot water bottles, made of pure | rubher (red) 50c. up, at Wade's drug | store Negligee and stiff front shirts G9. each, less than half price to-night. Livingston's See Bibby's | A Raflles' bottle Witch 1 Bests, i A Chinese proverb: "Going to law {is sacrificing a cow to gain a cat." ! Try Bibby's special $12.50 suits | The older we grow the shorter, the life of each passing year. $12.50 black suits. coupon and regular 15¢ Hazel Cream, 10c., at THE STANDAR OF CANADA i. It has a record behind it Established 1873 is a Rank of age and stre of 35 yearsiof sound and in resources and banking We invite you to-join tie { successful people who have BANK cossiul business, and is strong laree number of prudent, ind be g relations with : \ : : it both agreeable and profita 1f you have not yet be make a start to day by dey our Savings Department. save your spare dollars siting (ue Dollar or more in 2 3 KINGSTON BRANCH J. §. TURNER, Manager ry Cov. Princess a nd Bagot Strests. . LANSDOWNE LOCALS, Regiopolis College Hockey Team Welcome Visitor. Lansdowne, Jan. 22.--The Regiope- | liz College hockey team played the] amblers here Monday night. p game 'was fast, clean and very esting, césulting in a tie, four goals cach, AWer the game the visitors were entestained at supper. "The col- lege boys: will always be welcome herd A regrettable accident oceur- | red at the, end of the first hali wh Arthar Bums, Ramblegs' clever point, | sustained a bad fall, "dislocating his shoulder, He will be out of the game for the rest of the season and his loss weakens the team greatly. Miss Emily Montford entertained a few friends Monday evening. B. W. Leverette, Norwood, is visiting bere a iew days. He is suffering from a very soré hand. The remains of the late Alexabder Richardson, Bethel, were placed in the vault here Monday. The funeral of the late Miss Ida | Phillips. was held on Wednesday from St. Paulls church, Escott, to. Union vault. The family has been rarely afflicted as their mother, Mrs. John Phillips, passed away on Christmas day. . Mrs. (Dr.) Shaw entertained the mission band of the Presbyterian church last night. C. M. Quinn and bride, formerly Miss L. Cook, ar- rived home a few days ago. Miss Ladd, Caintown, has been secured as junior teacher and started her duties yesterday. A missionary meeting was held in St. John's church Tuesday night. The delegates were Dr. Preston and Rural Dean Dobbs. A sparring exhibition was given in Stewart's hall last night, the principals being Harry Sharp, local man, and W. Clifie, Gananoque, Several bouts between other local boys were also given Altogether the exhibition was clever and instructive. IN LIVELY ATHENS. Bachelors Play Broom - Hockey With Benedicts. Athens, Jan. 21.---Theice harvest is now on, the blocks ranging from fourteen to seventeen inches in thick- ness. Floyd Howe, of Rosser, Man., who has been a guest of B. 8. *Cor- nell, has returned to his home. Ww. Ackland, of Calgary, was a guest of his brother last week. Miss Ethel Arnold is visiting in Toronto. Brock De Wolfe is seriously ill. Miss Ad- dison is able to resume her place in her grocery after an attack of grip- e. The broom ball game on the rink Monday drew a large crowd. The Jenedicts of the town were arrayed against the Bachelors, the game be- ing a species of hockey, played with a rugby football and broom. 'The players were masked, the Benedicts wearing' crowns of straw hats, the Jachelors wearing the rims. The game resulted in a score of I to 0 in favor /of the Benediets. The Shamrock Medicine company finished their week's engagement here last night. Every night the hall was crowded, showing the popularity of the performers. Ross filer, of Greenbush, got the $10 prize for bringing the largest crowd with one team of horses--his crowd numbering 109. Mr. Howard, ¢ Soperton, came in for second prize with a crowd ol 91, ' Prize for the handsomest man was awarded to Collins Miller; for handsomest lady to Miss Mamie Ro- nan; for amateur performers a prize of $5 was offered and was won by little Miss Edna Eaton, five years old, who impersonated 'Little Grand- ou Still Another Priz To the handsome sum of $130 twd more prizes of $10.00 each in Gold were added to-day by W. 50 In Baker and International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa., making the total sum such a come one that no one with a bit of sporting Kingston British WI Geo. Mills & Co. ig J. H, Sutherland & Bro. L- T. Best John Laidlaw & Son nN G6. P. Jenkins WwW. J. Baker 1. C. School, Scranton, PA. * to follow if you hope to be successful. Carefully Study "Raffles" Grand Total........ Mr. Raffles Is But, remember, that it is absolutely imma erial now when he is caught. but someone is bound to land him, provided sufficient ingenuity is shown. ' Photos At Geo, (see separate advt. for conditions) Sol blood in their veins can help but join in the chase . : | Here's the List: $50.00 a 0.00 - 10.00 a" © 10.00 w 10.00 ."" 10.00 10.00 $ 150.00 Mills & Co's. Store. Read Raffles personal letter, full of intere stranger you meet, and till At Larg He is remarkably clever, Here's the proper meth d FELDER ov sting information daily, and tackle every smooth-looking KEEP YOUR EYES ON "RAFFLES'" TURNOUT The handsome turnout procured from the old stand used daily. with the " New Number, 600," will be READ RAFFLES' LETTER ON FRONT PAGE. ma," and with her black gown, white frilled cap and apron, neckerchief, knitting and cane she did her part | most cleverly. Land Of Heart's Desire. By Channing Pollock. Where is the land of the heart's desire ? The land where men cease to mourn ? Does it rest in the west where -suns e\- pire, ! Or east where the suns are born Is it hidden deep where gold rivers flow? Is it high aloft where the sleep winds blow ? Or is it between, where the laurels gro This land of the heart's desire 7 Where is the land of the heart's desire ? The land of a hope fulfilled ? Goes one forth to the north where the hills are higher, . Or south where the fields are tilled ? Is it vastness the stretch of two singing | arms ? | Are its peaks of alarms ? Or are vales of charms Of the land of the heart's desire ? : { achievements above | oblivion the chiefest | Where is the land of the heart's desire ? Of what use that the sage, should say? So near that the eye and soul aspire, Yet a lifetime meeting of earth and sky A lithe beyond where the march lights ie ; Where the desert's mirage waters lie Is the land of the heart's: desire ! Kaladar Movements. | Kaladar, Jan. 21.--The oyster sup- | per held at the King Edward Bouse. | on Wednesday night, was a decided success. Mrs, O. H. Dunn and her aunt, Mrs. McHugh, are spending this | week in Torohto. Dr. Mather, Tweed, | gave the town a professional call to} day. Master Lyn Dunn is confined to | the house, this week, as a result of a | dog bite on Saturday last. Mrs. | Bathgate and. Mrs. Pickering spent | Wednesday in Tweed. Mr. Allan, of | Mississippi, is in town, this week, buy- ing lumber. A. Johnson, night opera- tor, has resumed his work, after | spending his holidays * with his par- | ents at Cavanville. Mr. and Mrs. O. | H. Dunn and family were guests at the Algonquin, on Sunday. Mr. God- win, who was confined to the house for some time, with a cold, is able to he around again. Mr. McDonald, who has spent a week here, on business, loft for his home in Hamilton, to-day. here, Life And Lowe. By Mrs. Browning 'Fast this life of mine was dying, Blind already and calm as death ; Snowflakes on' her bosom lying, Scarcely heaving with the breath love "came by and having known her In a dream of fabled lands, Gently stooped and laid upon her Mystic chrism of holy hands ; Dtew his smile across her folded Eyelids, as the swallow dips, Breathed as finely as the cold did Through the locking of her lips. So, when life looked upward, being Warmed and breathed from above, What sight could she have for seeing, Evermore---but only love ?"' Libby's $12.50 suits are wonders. W. Both, of Northbrook, spent to-day | Plain Facts About the Hair The short portion 0 opens somewhat like a funnel and is filled with the outer It is the duty of every one who is interested in hair subjéet to tell whether an advertisement for a hair remedy is reasonable States preservation to learn enough about the or unreasonable. In this connection, the United Post Office department has begun a much needed paign against false and misleading statements in adv. ments in general. While this wark is highly commendable ana should be greatly extended, still at the same time it tends to paternalism rather than to personal self-reliance, remedy are un- save you If YOU know that the claims for a hair re reasonable and untrue, that knowledge will money and prevent disappointment. The trouble lies in the fact that certain over tious Proprietors employ adv ertising writers who do not they write about, not expected to kmow the know the composition of the remedies and even if they did, they are therapeutic action of the various ingredients. familiar and oft repeated statements are, that Two color of the hair, once destroyed, can be restored, tural process. While both these every particular, it requires some little knowledge hair follicle to understand why the The hair follicle iz a pear shapea sack in, the that holds the hair root. At the a nipple shaped projection that remains in the whet a hair root is forcibly pulled ont. is the hair papilla from which the "hair "root" The continuous forces the hair proper out through the scalp. The hair papilla is surrounded by the hair root, thus takes a bulbots form. which occupies about three-fourths of the is the neck of the hair follicle, 'below which = the penetrating fluids known to Medical Science cannot trate. Therefore, the story of feeding the starved and im- poverished hair roots with an external application a myth. Send 10 cents in stamps to The Herpicide Company, Dept. L., Windsor, Ont., for sample and booklet. Two sizes: At Drug Stores. When you call for Herpicide, do not accept a sub stitute. and $1.00. the hair must be watered and fed just like a plant, and that the statements are false ind statements are false. bottom of the hair follicle and extending up into it for a short distance, is This projection addition to the bottom of the hair root, Above the hair root or bulb] entire follicle, | cam- ertise- ambi- very by ha- of the scalp scalp grows which most pene- is "all of the hair follicle above its neck scalp skin. Opening into this outer portion are the highly important oil of sebaceous glands . which, from their location, are most exposed to disease. When these oil glands become infected with a certain mierobic growth (the cause of dandruff), there is hair disease and finally hair death. Fortunately this outer portion of the "hair follicle can be treated by carefully rubbing into the scalp a suitable remedy. What remedy should be used ? Mani- festly one that will destroy the growth that causes dan- druff, itching scalp and falling hair, Newbro's Herpicide is the first remedy that was pre pared for the particular purpose of destroying this invis- ible vegetable growth. In fact, it is called the "ORIGIN- AL remedy that kills the dandruff germ." Newbro's Her- picide was not made until after Prof. Unna, of Hamburg, Germany, (ask your doctor about him), discovered that dandruff is a highly contagious disease caused by a mic- robe, The almost marvelous success of Newbro's Herpicide has caused advertising writérs to . claim germicidal pro- perties for other hair remedies, many of which were on the market years before Prof. Unna's discovery. Do you think 'that this new claim for old remedies is a reasonable one? Remember, that the hair gets its life, color and strength direct from the blood, and that good blood, deep breathing and sunlight favor hair dev- elopment. Out-door exercise, to insure fre¢: circulation in the scalp, also scalp massaging for the same purpose, are very helpful. Worry, indigestion and sedentary habits | oppose hair growth, while the dandruff gern will actually destroy the hair, unless it is eradicated and kept out of the scalp with Newbro's Her picide. Herpicide is delightfully cooling and refreshing to the scalp and almost marvelous results sometimes follow its continued use. It stops itching of the scalp almost instantly. YOUR MONEY will be refunded if herpicide is not as represented. Applications at Prominent Barber Shops. * See Window Display at GEO. W. MAHO0D'S, Special Agent. tmp ro