THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900. "LET KINGSTON PROSPER ===. ~ TIE EWS OF WORD|Z7 == ood Trost Michigan Town. Mrs. A. D: Macintyre, will give a ow, Biers "oe 85 | GOCURRENCES RECOUNTED | Nope, Jon, 5--The ied 'And Skin Diseases And Towards This End, Let Every Loyal ! " IN'BRIEF FORM. ons Sam > > > 'Alfred street, Mich., Nathan Bicknell, a former resi- : J w Mis, O, Jo Stevenson, Alfred; 878, -- Mich., Nathan Be "wid Napanee, | Quickly Suceumb to thie Beneficial » . : fe is uw pues - 5 Citizen Do His Part. ask) a few girls fo ten ths AEC iors That Interest Everybody brother-in-law of T: S. Henry, ana Effects of Stuart's Calcium ; 1 - a LT Notes From All Over--Tittle! Miss' B. 'Henry, Napance. Two broth- | © Wafers. The Ven. Archdeacon Macmorine has | of Everything ' Easily Read stn ond oe sister Suevive, one being i r 1 a : The reason why we don't progress | pathy that marks all progressive com- taken Ss ohio en Clergy fre and Remembered. A son and heir arrived to Mr. and Trial Pp ge Sent Free. faster, why business concerns are not tics are #0 deontlont, here hat tlio winter, oe will move tere, | The Canadian curlers lost the first Mrs. P. O. Berkley on Sunday last, | Science has proven Calcium Sulphide tumbling over each other to locate in the © dost re a ug t dio with his family in May. game in Scotland by 179 'to 170. January 17th. T. H. Wiggins, Saska- | to be the most powerful blood purifier Kingston, is not very difficult to ex- we : 2 an Si A Site. d | "iiss Louise Strathy, of Lachine, | Mrs. Robert Cunningbam, formerly | toon. Sask., is Viatng friends In Na- knows, Staars 8 process of giving the King, ve aut o_o pat oot re BE Re on of Cop To hn pp en BAD Hope gt hae hc calle br for tie i i : 1 di-| Brock street, E | 0 AIO Ee 1 3 . re. 38 1a Fin vi " ei I re Kingston: 554 th Josue That ee ey home. : | "Hon. Mr. Fielding is still in Paris. year or Japre, Jonyes to-day tor J in Rulphic ne the full strength of Calcium in running when it comes to securing | individual, is admitted by all who te Jolcoust. Moutren! mapoger, 21! Be hos Aled, his Dasuge 2s tive position. us Calcium Sulphide is not a poison. : Foti : i 3 tters| the N. A. " on r . : i Aw enter ptings that, Will swell cut re have sonéeendd themselves in matters rooms at the Avonmore. The congregation of Deer Park Pres- Mrs. T. H. Whelan, Fernie, B.C., ac- It is harmless, though greatly power- Heretofore, what has been everyboay's | Kingston can stand the knockers-- -~ - byterian church extended a call to companied Mrs. P. Gleeson home and ful. business, has been nobody's business, with the regult that the average citi- zon oxercises an almost selfish indif- ference towards the betterment of the city's commercial aavancement. In no manner can the truth of the foregoing remarks be better exempli- fied than in connection with the re- eent vote on the Wormwith by-law. The rank and file of the entire busi- ness community of the city were strongly convinced that to lose such a responsible and enterprising concern would be a distinct loss, and a step % in the wrong direction. But indiffer- ence lost the day. Ji enthusiasm and interest had been vitally imparted to the contest, if the men who might have swayed the votes of vhe electors had been imbued by a lofty patriot- jsm to their city's best interest, if these men had actively followed up their native conviction, that we must retain the Wormwith factory, and had cone * out energetically, feeling that when they are wrong they may be re- jected," when they are exaggerated they can be compelled to justify their statement, but Kingston or any other place has no redress against the individual indifierence that closes Ma eyes to plain facts, that feels the general interest to be remote from their interest--the indifference that will criticize men who have labored earnestly and are defeated because they have not had the active hearty co-operation, the aid and the im- pulse of the energy of the whole community to fortify the efforts that they in so public a way make in be- half of the community. If we are not to go down we must stir our- selves. 1909 may easily Bé an epoch year in an optimistic effort for us. Something for Kingston that will raise it a peg or two, first of all in the estimate of itself, and ultimately that we may not be derided east and west as lacking the spirit and unwill- morrow, for her British Columbia | The Saskatchewan government is ne- home after a long and pleasant Visit|gotiating with the Bell company for to Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald, | the purchase of the telephone system University avenue. gh] No in the province. Miss Alice Johnston, University ave-| The Canadian issue of ten-pound nme, left for Montreal, on Wednesday, | bonds, to encourage the small investor, Miss Jean Scott left, yesterday, for|is favorably commented on in Eng- to visit Mf. and Mrs. A. C. John-jjand. : ston. : | Mrs. James Hubbard was found Major kK. N. Mozley and Mrs. Moz- | guilty at Whitby of sending threaten- ley, R.M.C., with Miss MoZley and ing letters, and will be sentenced on New York and Washington. Miss Moz- |7yesday. 4 ley is on her way to England. Action on the Canadian waterways ae y treaty, in the United States senate, Mrs. H. J. Kilpatrick, spending the {on Friday, was delayed at the nor past month with her daughter, Mrs.| i (wo senators. ? hg Gordon, Napanee, has returned | gon white men and 150 natives were to Kingston. ai drowned by the flooding of a geld J Miss Jennie C. ,Bennedy, Kingston, | 0 in the Transvaal. Thirteen th: is spending a few days with her COU" | ory perished in a nearby town sin, Mrs. homas Higgins, Trenton. Sir George" Garneau, mavor of Que: Mrs. James Kirke and daughter, |, ies New York,.are with Mrs. Kirke's {0 hag sued La Vigie for $400 dam- 1 Wa ro Yaa: " |ages. The action §s based on an arti- mother, Mrs. H. Wilmot, Clergy street. | | which _appearéd in La Vigie on Mrs. I. Mahood, Brock street, « . av to- | i 3 : is visit her ts in Deseronto. Children ma; take it with freedom Mrs. W. H. Miller will leave, 0- | Rev. George McLeod, of Truro, N.S. HE A Dhar er eC bor and. their Fe hcate otgadiams' theiwe lady friends on Tuesday at euchre. Miss Caverhill, of Mr. and Mrs. street. William Wri in Ottawa, this Mrs. Eakins returned this week from a visit to Toronto. Mrs: Patrick Gleeson and children arrived home -week week from a six months' visit with her brothers at Fernie, B. C., and Wallace, Idaho. Mrs. A. De- roche, Ottawa, is visiting her mother, t, for a few aays. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and Leading Stocks Listed. The following quotations plied by the City Brokerag Hutton and J. R.C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street, Telephone 480 A : with its use. Skin_diseases flee when the blood is charged with this great eradicator. The blood at once feels its influence and erubtions cease and fade away- almost beyond belief, so immediate is its action. ; No matter what degree of eruptive skin trouble you may have, Stuart's Calcium Wafers will purify and enrich the blood. These little wafers go into the stomach just like the skin im- purities get in. They tone up this or- gan, enter the intestines, are absorb- 4 ed by the lacteals and lymphatics, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- are drawn into the blood, course WEST MINING REGULATIONS, dickly te every organ and atom of 1 SoM p= Con! Dining So. may the y, and remove secretions and or _twen a decay. The lungs are assisted, the sental of 31.00 an ecre. Not ory thay liver is aided, the stomach re-inforced, and skin diseases are assailed from their source. All retreat, for disease is cut offi from the rear, and very quickly nature routs the effects of each of th and erect » house worth $300. they were acting not individually but | ing to devote the energy to boom our} Irs 1. for the welfare of the whole communi- | city. visiting in Boston. ty, results would have been different. If the score of other cities that Mr. Gourlay Hankin, of Singapore, | "Can we spare eighty familes from | are holding out tempting offers that spent, the weck-end with Mr. and Mrs. ? ny bonus, free site, free taxes, free | Herbert Horsey, King sireet. 1s r + . . PY oneagay last. Cobalt Stocks such maladies, which appear in the pied Hugh McIntosh, a farmer, aged J : a form of pimples, eruptions, blagk- | equirements 5 | sovenly-five years, residing in Kenyon January 23rd. heads and scaly formations. aay be purchased at $ ri "township, was burned to death in a Sellers. Buyers. Yow have science backed up hy SAE INI : Kingston 2 | : : Mrs. E t Cunmingh reurnbd ¢ | fire which destroyed his residence on Amalgamated ... % 11 $8.10} | years of actual proof when you take | DREDGING.~Twe lenses of five miles Can we afford to lose the prestige | water, exemption and assistance are} ° rs. SITIeS unmng am Te n O | Wednesday morning. ALL 33} 93" |a Stuart Calcium Wafer. Not a mere ;ach of a river may be issued to given us by this important manufac- | endeavoring to secure the Wormwith | Toronto, to-day. The Toronto license reduction by- Chambers-Ferland .. 814 803 | feeble effort at relief, but a remedy | (PPlcant for a term df 30 years. Rental, i 'oneer listributing its high [industry then surely it's lain "go nw» h 3 Servi 70 2 oli Y 1110 a wile per annum. RO turing concern, distributing its high ISLEY, oh ) 3 a | Pla Mrs. John Webster 1 ne Bor law may be attacked on the ground Crown Reserve : 70 of nature that has relieved human | ent after the output ex s $10.000, class product from coast to coast, business proposition for Kingston tc Mrs. John Viebsicr has 2 ay {that the annexation of East Toronto Cobalt Central... ... 01 53 | subjects greater in number by far W. W. CORY, everywhere keeping the name of King- | be so much alive to the importance to Hamilton after her visit io azel- | | ated mew conditions affecting the Cobalt Lake... A8 5 than the entire army of America and | Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ston to the front? and necessity of passing the by-law, | dell. | vote. Foster... ... -. bl '49 | Canada. For chronic or temporary N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this Will it be wise to convey the im- | that election dav will see every loyal Some of the gowns at the drawing- | The action brought by Cyrus Naw Green Mochan... 22 19% | blood disorders and skin diseases wivertisament "will pot be paid far. pression abroad that when disaster citizen at his post, voting right and [room in Ottawa : + "Dundas pain t the. Dundas Hoawis s 6.50 |these wafers are without an equal By . ' y | seeing is frie a} re r Car icht S x ; i 5 agains + wr, : Not acd - ual. ps ed ei KOE Se, a Sr lt or SE ee, pga |S a. i Bk wise fo'soue drugs an | NJOW that a supply of Tee nanufactures, a gpir ym- . silver gray oF ro apdict {opr > McKin. Dar. Sav 'oe 96 ask him the virtue « 'aleium 8 3 heavy Russian embroidery. eB cant, | Nipissing. ; 10.50 | whide, his answer will confirm thes is assured, we are pre- 4 Miss Hetty Cartwright, yellow dueh- ras, g : 3 § » A costs, Obisse...... .. A staterionts 1 oie . . Boos FIIFIRIISTINOSIINT As to Mr. Alexander Paterson's ap-| css satin with rose point Yace- Twenty ve Hiygsand Gollars Joy Piorson a 40 B ateent dit Waters the: will bated to Al all orders for i p re is ry I'e py rr la , 'Yo rtwri . 5 : lage was done by ure in e coal anc » a rie sl : ' a 0 « jotting nt there is very real congratu Miss Molly Cartwright, rob of | OR eard of P. Burne & Co., Toron- Ruchster nn he 254 '241 lalso say, are the most popular and ce Uream a . . ' ! SOFREE om a Pinna] YOVE Scotia... i. or 4 * 664 | scientific method of using this won- ; Gold in s Mi M Ki . Ali \ with iridescent and gold sequins, with jo, comer oi Ysplatade and Brineoss Silver Leaf... ... ... 13 lderful ingredient. They sell for B0c iss Muriel King, Alice street, has vhs zo velveu rer or 8, ly $ ) g. Silva a A as) us vour ' 60 P returned from New York where her Sol hee lof Brows Yel, OW San James Gillies, son of the late John lve ie La 6 LT oAT pe package > ol' end i Jo Dane Cc er uart ty INE , : satin. 1 li ash C -l Wt pl WH li . ; el B. g . AUS ant address am we wi send you a eg vikit has been a very gay one includ- Mr hr nbd oh Gillies, Carleton ace, died suddenly | a . b A 3 i . J : ' Mrs. Adam Shortt, handsome gown PR " iy 7 Te T'rethewe; : ve ie Be tr ska ge ron RE . . Buwilight ing grand .opera and concerts as well. | ¢ © champagne duchess eatin, orne- [on i riday working ju Toronto, whith- | w. tq y pi Leia] package, by wall Sree No change mn quality. Incidentally very pretty things were : Ts =} u er he went a few days ago with his Nt * her he FM © 0 dtus Len said of her playing by musical eritics mena pearls and peridots. family to spend the remainder of the Marshall, Mich. ! playing by, musica tics, wee . Pri B SPI SIIUISSPPIRIRY | ho praised her unstintedly after her | yoo Fhel Slater, lovely gown of winter... Lr. is 288 Princess St. o- o WW numbers at some of the musicales giv- EE our stiie ion de solo. | ictor Grayson, M.P.; informed a n-------- The door of Mrs. D. M, Gordon's | en for her by sical friends She | White, silver striped, ninom do sole. reporter that on the re-assembling of That He&s Been Made Between en for her by musical friends. She ¥ . om Tf you but |Erice s, phen ses home, in Queen's College grounds, has | also played Miss Carolina Molina's over petticoat of habutai silk and lh, British parlinment, his health per Austria and Turkey. : 4 ti . . greater p . German lace. fitting i rt ake hia saad on x: z . heen thrown wide for the greater part | yecompaniments at the MacDowell an iilian Slater, simple girlish mitting, he will take his seal in the London, Jan. 23.--Sir Edward Grey, knew what harsh of the week. On Monday night she and | Club, and heard after the warm words i 'house, and will "put it to the test | secretary for f Hairs. i ' Yo 3 Sagar rrp y e Wi pa A} ar ) b st. | secretary for foreign afiairs, in a ini < the principal welcomed Queen's divini- | of encouraging commendation which frock of el pink, embroidered net, | whe ther he or Inspector Scantlebury | speech, yesterday, at Coldstream, ex- Catharties do, you'd always ® ties, giving a dinner party for them. | make the artist do better work. While | O¥°F pink silk. knows most law." d use Cascarets. Candy tablets, : y Ld f x ! C 1 % 1 arty le i NC V i ssed relief and satisfaction that an On Thursday the girls in college, |in New York, Miss Muriel was the Mr * William Hasty ol pa pik | There was a lively clash in the House | agreement had been reached be{ween| vegetable and mild. Yet just : nearly two hundred sweet girl under- | guest of her former teacher, Migs | liberty satin, trimmed. Wilh Ia s pearl | 6 Commons between Sir Wilirid Laur- | Austria and Turkey. 'It would be too| as effective as alt a Northern Spies and Talman graduates, were Asked tor tea. Helping | Mosher. and diamond ornaments. ior and. Mr. J s salts an ; on . : Porden over an alleged | much to say," he declared, "that the Sweets. the hostess and * her daughter, Miss "w ow Miss Margaret Taylor, of Galt, is cave sent by. the conservative | Rel hv is ¢ vi 3 a 8d} '{ calomel. Take one whey, you : : . : t Wednesday, 1 g nt by the conservative lead- | sky 1s clear. There are still other i : Katie Gordon, were Mrs. A. D. Macin- Miss Lois Saunders, Stuart sireet, coming to town, next ednesday, 0 to Pritish Columbia for use in the loads lowering, but in one part where need it. Stop the trouble pouring cofiee, and Mrs. Cecil Lavell | Thursday, in honor of Mrs. Charles | street. s Pearl Mogerip wii alse part. of the published. message dealing | ing, there is now the most gladdening night. . Fresh Oysters cutting ices. The daughters of many ' Abbott, of Stratford. The other pay a V it to Mrs. ckson for a ih the exclusion of Asiatics ADpeATANCS of some blue sky." y ; of the professors dispensed refresh- | guests were: Mrs. E. T. Taylor, Mrs. time before leaving town, | "Mes . PF 4 > SKY. Vest-pocket box, 10 cents--at v oe i = 3 ! ae " four years old, who dis peared: fr Russo-Anglo exch 3 onfidences genuine is marked C C C. ouper dining-room, and the principal had | glove, Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. Ar- Mrs. Charles McDunough and Mrs. Ee i at Caro Pig Oe iy RueSg Ale hc ance of confidences ® $ wiven up his study to icés and the ac- |yhur Flower March, Mrs. John Bell A. DP. Christmas, of Montreal, are bushand and'. small 'child behind. ) 1 dl the lnct that both Ger Bir Henry Mill Pellatt. Norman McCrae | Phone, 76. 841-3 Princess St. companiments. Red carnations decked | Carruthers, Mrs Alan Palmer, Mrs. | 29% with their cousin, Miss Bessie e 5 ild behind, hac | tion, and said the fact that both ter R the rooms. On Thursday night, the | poe . St webs ns, and Miss Lily N r Smythe, West street. : Se : J 3 : , x a i Glee Club, about eighty all told, were |% oy Stew an, Bt fo Mrs. Van Straubenzie has returned Faunty jail Sarnia, having been: ar- Yorking for pea © with weference to PELLATT & PE LATT cked to supper. Miss N. Drummond | on-laylor. ver ( v 18 al «Kirkleatham,' from Toronto, but rested, charged, with several others, | Balkan afiairs, removed all risk of (Members of Toronto Stock Exchange) ° usa i $ Pr RO do tana | re With being a disorderly person. friction with them. He trusted that STOCK BROKERS "ND gs y Miss] gus '| ' e y 4 oar. rave 3 b ; them. And last night the debaters | There was iolly little surprise main for a time longer . THE LAT OBERT M King Edvard 8 comng visit hoi . the CIAL AGENTS , No charge to come in and examine our had thoughts of a delicious supper hl wt Mr T T Dick n' ah Mrs. William Campbell, of Balti- ? E ROB T c¢MILLAN. p Raiser non promote confic nae 1n . large stock of Household Goods. g L »arty at Mrs. C. T. Dickson's, Darre «. Marvland, is the guest of her - erlin of Great Britain's intentions COB nd welcome to cheer them through I . : : more, Maryland, 1s e gues f he : 3 ( A She a of argument. The see, Jas ight, when Shou a dozen | juuohter, Mrs. Timothy Rigney, King Died in General Hospital on Sat- | and good will. : And. other wtitks Al, and soi ob 20 PER CENT. hospitality "of Principal Gordon and gr . Wi Shei: patings, rngiog. UP | street. | urday Morning. - commission. Correspondence invited Discount off &ny article for the balance . v . \ . p 0 ) yenty-iour NAC rer . _ | 1 < i . . . his most charming wife is indeed un- vile evening RB nin A bei Ro aid ds. Ruzhan Phillip { o Robert McMillan, a well-known resi- GREAT RAILWAY DISASTER. Orders may be wired at our expense. of this month hounded. tof amusament. 2s : the | Cornwall, Ont., have announce the dent of Kingston, died, in:the general ; 401 Traders Bank: Building. i i ehiek RSeme nt, and the jatormality engagement of their daughter, Fran- hospital, ne 11.30 o'clock oy rR One Section Crashes Into. Another Toronto : g Antique Furniture Miss Frances Hora gave a large fun e affair' made it all the better| je, to Mr. Clarence Michael, of Mon- morning, after a long. illness of dia- Ahead of It. 'Phone Main 8968. And old-fashioned articles a speciality. Miss 8 g . real. tes : . Ah pia a 3 : ee ------------------------ , card w i 2 bridge party, yesterday afternoon, at > - - treal betes, followed by Somplica tious. For Johnstons, Pa., Jan, 21. ~Rurnitiy > lo! Jord will bring me to buy - Miss Hora's, King street, There were Lb aaa hindbes x? many years, Mr. McMillan: was a tra- } at a high rate of speed, of nearly fif- R IN t : i six tables in play and the prizes were owe re Bue chic fly user TROUBLE-WITH A TRUANT. velling representative for a Jurge Un- | ty miles an hour, the second - section emova Oo 1Ce won by Miss Mabel Dalton and Miss Suge: lh oD a. gal Tg Mack ---- ited States hardware house. During'| of the St. Louis express; on the Penn- J { ° esses, Carrie Waldron. = Those who played i, on Wednesday irl oy \ ack) He Was Rounded Up By Truant the past two years or more, ill-health | sylvania railway, which left New York . L. ry £07 Princess St., Cor. Chath St were Mrs. Arthur Flower March Mrs. » as the cause of Bs ming : and | Officer Arniel. compelled, hug tg yeiue front ustive ta} - 1.55 o'clock yesterday aitenoan. S k B k -- ee : ir cong ahd) ; ae a Is doy or : yt soul hic Charles McDunough, Mrs. = A. P.| very pleasant it was. But with Mrs Constable Arniel, the truant officer, work, and he spent most of his time crashed into the first section, Whit h toc rokers, A Modern Macduff Chri «Miss Mabel Brownfield, | Ellis as 2 A Sa i # in Kingston. A month ago be became { had met with an accident at a point | . hristmas, Miss Mabe rownfield, | Ellis as hostess cela va sans dire torday rounded up a lad who has boen : : : > : : Atchih Glol Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Lettice > - ok . playing hockee"™ <irom™ school: for seriously ill, and was removed to the | between South Fork and Summer Hill, | Have removed from 88-90 Ahifaon Hohe bs Tov oi td § : d my g ¢ ying ) or Ea . f z : re : 4 / ittle Swede boy presente - fandy, Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Fla-| Mrs, Norton, of Montreal, gave a several days. The lad has promised general hospital. ; : known as. Running Ground, with_ter- Yonge Street to {oli before the po hi A, Fou Me Turner, Belleville; Miss Nor / ; : . 2 i WL: : reo = He . is survived by four sisters and | rific force, early this morning, killing | : 3001Ma am, Who BE} vi y ny r, " i evi e; ! he Li largely attended tea, on Thursday, at} C resume his studies at Frontenac! prother : Mrs. Madden, Toront nd injuring many' passenger 4 fd his name. Gordon, Miss ildred Jones, Miss Lil- a ractor i . rs." Farth- school, where he is enr dled KC 1e Br: Mrs. Madoen, Lo onto; 1 an njuring an) assengers. 1 "" ' an" he repli linn Ko ie Dorothy Brownfield the rectory. in honor of Mrs. Farth . ie. 18 enrodier, and » | Miss McMillan, Kincardine; two un-| The second section was a double 36 King Street East, Yonny Olsen," he replied in Rent, Mas orothy DBrownlied, | ing, who received with the hostess, long as he keeps at his desk, there married sisters living t 38 U header ith ro lar toe TvoR \ | "How old are you?' asked the Miss Lorraine Dalton, Miss Loretta | wearing a pale green gown of Liberty will be no further trouble. a rie : sisters 1 ve 2 M Mi ni-{'header, with 1iwo large ocomotives, TorontQ. i teacher : Swift. Miss Irene Swift, Miss Frances | Roman satin. Mrs. Norton was in The police have had very fow cases Yorsity avenge, amt onald McMillan, | and is said to hav e ploughed Ils, way : } "Ay not know how old ay | 8"? Sulli Miss Mari Redde: Miss oF or : & tr i ? 3 of Chicago, who has been here for | through the line of cars of the first n know how 0ic ay bane Sullivan, Miss Marion Redden, Miss | pearl grey silk of truancy to deal with, for some tim X : . : Ww 9, ' Well he were vou born ? hleen S ar Miss Madel ' : rt. of some days at his brother's bedside. | section. ood's Pho ell, when. Were you tom; . eal Kathleen Saunders, Miss Madelor "> ewe past, and the report of tho attendance mT : i : fg an ali ' tinged the teacher, wi arly fainted Carter. Miss Phyllis Short Mis : i : | The late Mr. McMillan was a popu- Orders were sent for all available The Great English Remedy. "" 6 teacher, Who nearly Taihies arter, iss vil Short, Miss Mrs. W. J. Mahood, Johnson street, | 2% the schools has been very good, jap ot HE hi : : Tonesand invigoratesthe whole | at the reply : Mamie Garrett, and - Miss Frances ave a large r las icht; with considering the fact that quite a large ar man, widely known and highly es-| physicians at both Johnstown and pervous system, wakes new | (A } bor 1] Hora herself. Miss Hora : Mise Tove 8 argd party 'ast ght, with TIE B 2¢ teemed. He was a member of Cata- | Altoona, and within less than an |W PP Elood in old Veing. Cures Nero | y not born at all; ay got step ora hersell. THES ra and Miss | yoo Jdward Thompson, formerly Miss number were barred from their class aqui Masonic lodge, of this city. 1 k p rly. fifty /sicians ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Pes | mutter Lily Nortou-Taylor dispensed tea, the | Flossie McKay, as the guest of I es. owing to the fact that they wer qui Masonic lodge, of his city. In| hour nearly hity physicians were ono go gn Weakness, Fmissions, Sper LL ---- iris Jielping the Among those WHO) Grog a Y, as the guest ol honor. en ; * religion he was a Presbyterian, and | the way to the scene of the accident. TAL 4 "Abuse or Freesses. | sivls helping them. Among those who | Cards and dancing filled up the eve not vaccinated. A great many of . \ _ he 3 natorrhoa, and Fjects of Abuse or ILICesses. | |, ; ; came in for tea were Miss Ethel Wal |; or. 8 p the even | hese. obildre have bee D oad connected with Chalmers church. The Five bodies had been taken out of| 'roces$1 ner box, sixfor$5, One willpleasc, six | Post cards for Valentings Day, six : Mise Alice. Macnee : Muriel ing for the guests, w ho numbered] * y iC en 3 € een notices funeral will take place, on Monday ai- | the mass of wreckage at 2 a.m. will Sold by all druggists or mailed iv | for De Mahood Bros Kine, Mis on : A oe, Mise shout, sixey, around the streets, and some citizens ' {orngon, from the residence of his sis- plain yp ee The Xe i pal | hing, Miss Lrace emming, Als o - - were of the opinion that there were ? Umivabes ata A Wi Mailed ins ay on Grace Martin, Miss Marie Carruthers, 2 Wed 2 many lant iy of truancy. ters, on University avenue. ' Is Falconio To Return? Windeort T a Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Susie L In . @ nesday ove Mrs. J. M Just yesterday a prominent citiz an The Queen Ts MI Toronto, Jan. 23.--In Ronan Ca: a RE ig " Anglin, Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss | (aN ha) 9 n_ stree ro Riialned at alinterested himself in one case, and | | J an 1 . Al " tholic circles it is reported tlmi Arch- Bessie Richardson, and Miss McAdam Nope hey es in. Aonor of when he asked the lad why he was om on, a fo Hown Funes bishop Falconio, apostolic delegate to lm we gs y. he other guests were|, | at school, reweived he reply, 12S. een conte mn 30IS 07 ie | {he Catholic church in the United | 2 Major and Mrs. E. N. Mozle Prof . » pi ast. few days. It is stated that shel g : : : - . i Mrs. Nathan F. Dupuis was hostese ] oe rol. | "please, sir, I can't go to school, ; P° oo id : : 1e | States, with headquarters in Washing- | and Mrs. John Waddell and Mrs. Cur- | 00 I iam " iis suffering from catarrh. Nothing is has resi 1 1 will ret 6 | Hh h rie recause am nov vaccinated. known, here concerning a report that ton, has resignec anc wil return 10 house on University avenue, yester : a. her. mal ty hue cancelled her visit Rome in line for a cardinalate. He | daw. She received alone, in her . , . ' the majesty i x ie = was for a time the papal represenia- beautiful flower-filled drawing-room. Capt. and Mrs. P. McGlade an- Queen's All The Way. with King Edward to Berlin. Her de- tive in Canada, The fact that. church mod with exquisite Venetian point daughter, Anna Alice, to Mr. Henry | Laval, last night, by the scorc of nine Over & week. passed directly into the hands of ihe Jace. In the tea room were Mrs. = Yetta, of Torante, The wed-| to one, in the first ot the intercolle- | -- | cardinal scerctary of staie is said to W. 1. Goodwin making tea, Mrs. A.|dngW take place in February. giate senior hockey games. The game Several Earthquake Shocks. be. responsible for his resignation. ] Gabe nT ar i ; oi . roal: o I ) ; M rtheton cutting does, _ I'he girl as A number of little affairs had Mrs Laval I goal: . Hebert, from Houghton, in the upper peninsu- Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. sistants were Miss Kate Gorge n | John Webster. of Hamilton, as guest point: R. Joron, cover; Lajoie, rover; ju states that several earthquake P Ointment i uarantesd to | Miss Kate Murray, Miss Mona Knight | of honor during her stay in town, Dostaler, centre; L. Joron, right wing; | (hocks occurred there vesterday. The azo Uintm 18 guaranieec | was centred with pink carnations, the | tea early in the week. Queen' s--Daniels, goal; Macdonnell, | ji llowed by a second. one two min- ne or protruding piles In G10 he / vase holding them standing upon a : ww ee point; Pennock, cover; George, rover; | yies later, and several followed at ays or money andec: i centre of Brussels' lace. The guests Nis. RB Crawford, centre; Dobson, righ! wing; | intervals. | 5 | N jt x 6 Ww ry '" their daughters, with a' sprinkling ol Rederee--Walter Smaill. | The Formal Beginnin Lord Northcote will succeed Eur} e Guarantee Eve Load. . i tds tetlv 5 y 'a . Cavern. Bo | e Forma g g- Grey as governor-general of Canada. | a reser matrons and maids not strictly aca- Goals--Crawford, 1: George, 9; Camp- | « : « demic i hell. 2: Dobson, 1: Dostaler, 1 | Arrangements are being made for | He has just returned from Australia. | -- -- white lace spangled and embroidered GLAD OF AGREEMENT. 852. game of bridge. Miss Madeline Straubenzie will oe oe oe we "> o- Putting it on ice won't always keep a secret. h Vashon 'Rogers, Barrie street, will give her third tea on Wed- nesday next, when the professorial ladies of Queen's have teen invited. : ; Rs ay, to troub Strictly Fresh Eggs tyre making tes, Mrs. Oscar Skelton | gave a dinner at the Country Club, on visit Mr 1ckson, The campaign Mr. Borden repudiated | the clouds were particularly threaten- promptly. Never wait till p .- | Gertrude M. Wateon, twenty- Sir Edward . instanced the Franco- drug stores. Each tablet of the ments. fea was partaken of in the T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. James Gilder- y 2c ; h J eginald Pellatt: ROMPT DELIVERY. {been located in a cell in the Lambton | many and Italy had been genuinely P I E at a very delightful tea in her lovely wearing a soft white gown, trim nounce the engagement of their] Montreal, Jan. 23.--Quecn's defeated parture for Germany is not due * for matters in the United States have I". Knight pouring coffee, and * Mrs - ae was Queen's all the way. Detrbit, Mich., Jan. 23.--A despatch ad Mi Mover." The ble 1) enc. lait wing : a AR cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- and Miss a Meyer. 1€ table | among them Mrs. J. Maule Machar's hampagne, 16 mg. first shock occurred at 9. 15 o'clock, | 3 A ibbv's for snapk in shirts were chiefly the college: ladies and Campbell, left wing. Bibby's for snaps in shirts. ------------ - ww we we : i { the induction in St. George's cathe- Earl Grey had been "in office four | Mrs T. W. Milo, 146 Johnston 4 |dral, on Thursday evening, February | years last December. He is the ninth k be 9 4 s street. will receive on Thursday, Jan Meeting Of Templars. 11th. of 'Rev. Dr. Bidwell, as rector of | Canadian governor-general. He will | news has come to Mrs. J C. Pater- | 3th. and after that on the first and Six new members were initiated at Kingston, and for his installation as | probably stay till next December. ) ! . son, University avenue, Following the third Thursdays of the month. the session of the Star of Hope ju-' dean of Ontaria on the following See Bibby's $12.50 black suits | ! word from her son, Mr. Alexander "> ie ae | venile templers held in the Sons of morning There is no improvement in Arch- | : Paterson) ag hi had heen waiter. Miss Macaulay gave othe i ho { 'ngland hall oun Thursday evening. | - mci 1 bishop Sweatman's condition. The | Ther + - . « . ~ Soup I fontres ranch of the ; ki htful Bethe hn I another eo a 8 p.m. he hall To opened Jor Prince Daniel. of the Civic band, ! bishop passed a poor night, and his | eres a big 'ace on for him. If you are in it, erchants Bank, to be agent of that { delightful _ little luncheons, yestert ay; the frst public soca given: by the will sing "Kingston First and For- | condition is causing anxiety. ur x of 1 . ~ . bank in Stratford, comes the knowl- | tor Mrs. C. C. Abbott, who will be in Hope of Kingston lodge, and eighty | ever," at Ngee 7 Lenora, in the op- Bibby's for snaps in shirts. have a receipted bill for Coal or Wood pur-- 1 era house, February lIth, 12th and Francis Bickerdike, Montreal, son of : chased from us in your pocket. It means $10.00 to you. : : adwe of the illness of her son, Mr. {town till next week. | members and friends spent a very ' 3 Very good news and very distressing Donald Paterson, of the Bank of op = - mjoyable evening. There was a 13th. Robert Bickerdike, M.P., has been ap- Montreal, Montreal. The latter has A few people dropped in to Mrs st-class mfisical programme, an in- Remember the tea 'and sale in St. | pointed Canadian trade' commissioner heen in hospital for three weeks. suf- | Jeromy Taylor's, Earl street,' last | terval for refreshments, and then James school room on Tuesday, Jan- | in Belfast. fering from typhoid fever, but has | night, and made up a couple of tables! games till 11:30 o'clock, Next Thurs- {vary 26th, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m A Raffles' coupon and a 25c. guaran- heen doing as well as can be expected. | of bridge. {day the quarterly election and in-| \Try Bibby's for Imperial underwear. | {ced tooth brush for 15c., at Besi's. [he crisis is expected to-morrow and a stallation of officers will take place. | We grind skates equal to factory Our electric 'skate grinder will do his many friends here hope that his Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Princess street, Son ! | give us a trial. Halliday Electric Co, { work to pleas® you. Halliday Elec- pécovery after 'it will be very rapid. lgave a young people's dance, last Try Ribby's for Imperial underwear. Bibby 's shirt sale for snaps. Re Co. 2 i