THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1909. STOCK QUOTATIONS. and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations are sup- plied by the City Brokerage (J. 0. | Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street, Telephone (480 A: ' Suggestions For the Committee of | Management--The Annual Re-! port to Be Issued in Attractive | Form. Cobalt pies Quicky A GRANT OF $600 Cured at Home +, HOSPITAL FROM LEN | . NOX AND ADDINGTON. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure--/ Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Cobalt Stocks. February 2nd. Sellers. Buyers. 8,11 R10 28 sol S34 2.74 494 16} 43 1 6.55 Aly 09 9.874 A3Y 328 2 disease, humiliating and un- to ali Lake . for | | A HERO POLICEMAN. inten- | Piles is a fearful but easy | Ler or uel : i 1 oerOus, cruel, thoard of governors, Kingston Gen-| Chambers ,. be cured--pi p safe and i the : s | we cured --puinless, nel "| nes (vice-chairman), Rev. Dr. Macgil- | Cobalt Lake... We mail a trial package free i : ) . ! i | Welch, Rev. D.' Laing. A. F. Chown, | La Rese . you the harmless, painless nature of | Nipissi by ; 3 ent igfac , | Nipissing this great remedy and start you well month brought in a satisfactory pis 3 box | Rochester from any druggist for 50c. and be = agement, Pay hl k % hn : the | Silver - Queen. «Jf the druggist fries to sell = you Ld won SAGE is ba Loh ones And. con- | he hands | tT You ean go vight ahead with your tion, this vear, to make it a little to cure if you go at it right, | Araaleamated ] rat with the Enife is dan-| . Rane : An operation with the knife is dan | The regular monthly meeting of the Beaver . necessary. | a : " oto eral Hospital, was: held on Monday, at { Crown Reserve re ust @ other sure v ; | » : LA - ' There is just one other sure way to four o'clock. Present : James A. Min- | Cobalt Central AV RON y . sit 18 Pyvra- d privacy of ing own home--it is Pyra i liveay, B. W. Robertson, Prof. Marsh- Foster Gf : tall, ¥. G. Lockett, G. Y. Chown, F. [Green who write, ' a . : - . . . . i Livingsto R. A Uslow and Col. (Little Nipissing it wiil give vou instant relicl, show | > jiston, XAlyow-ang. lof, ce 3 # 3 wy "WI Massie. 'The visiting governors = for Mein. Dary Savage | the I 'oa . . ifn ike | report as to the cleantiness and gener- Otisse. on. ti way toward a perfect. cure, tal efliciency of the hospital. making | Peterson Then you can get.a full-sized | ) ¢ pitah making of- | 2180 a few suggestions which will N Sect ked i ; . ry Nova Scotia ton. ono box. clires. [ looked into by the committee of man- Silver Teaf Tusist on having what you call for. Ls A communication was read from a Something just as good it is hrcause | clerk of the wok ; he makes ngitergoney "on a. hf of Hownrds the hospital. | oo od in NR he annual report is now in t | tntiord... x3 / F 3 | of \ inter i '6 ; rapidly until it is complete and | Of thi printer and will be ready permanent. distribution shortly. It is the } ior twa 1 or | He work and. be easy and comfortable all [More attractive in appearance, with the time. ' | numerous illustrations, also contain- | Sacrificed Tooth Evidence. London, Feb. 2.--No list of English | heroes ought to be considered com- a |plete without the names of the police of | man who sacrified himself in the cause whose | of duty, the other day, by having a was at | perfectly good tooth pulled in order of the board of | to provide direct evidence agdinst an also always a |unqualified dentist. As yet the name C. M Strange, | is not forthcoming, and the modest his membership [hero refuses to disclose himself. Only thie of governors, although | the story is known. present residing in Montreal { There are recipients of the Victoria There were 113 patients admitted to | Cross "who would shrink from the or em em i eee. 1 Lhe hospital during the month. Prof. [deal of a tooth extracted without gas, CLEANLY WOMAN. 1D. H. Marshall and Dr. R. E Sparks | and the policeman in question could -- 'were annointed visiting governors fer i not take gas as he had to keep wide Erroneously Thinks By Scouring | February, La BE |avake to watch the illegal act as it Her Scalp That She Cures | proceeddd. The dentist in the case Dandruff. [bad evaded the law for some time, lenny woman Hae sb erect on vo. ¢ = dt tio. a and the only way to catch him seem- oa Thi To ts Hh as oneos o ot ome nder the Len ed to to arrest him in the very act a pa! 0) Ssoupiiy a . Labor Law. jo pulling' a oth, 5 the policeman, curing the dandruff. She mov wash Washington, Feb. 2.- An important Fanon to in a agreed to go her scalp every day, and vet have dan Himmigration e e wad dec ided [anc one of his molars in the draffi her life long, accompanied by Secretary Straus, of the depart | He went and suffered he falling hair, too. The only way in the ment of 'ommeree and labcy Ethel) f th lif dq rk) Bt >: * world to cure dandruff is to kill * the | Wright a Canadian womah « twenty- | 0 the ius iitied extracior of dandruff germ, and there is no hair five years. applied for admission 30 and prompt y Shrested him ator preparation that will' do that but the United States in order that joperation, Jo, the amazement of Newbto Herpici ors {might ¢nter the "Nurses" Home { dentist, Newbro's erpicide. Herpicide, by ie 4 killing the dandruff germ, leaves the | Nieago to study nursing. In hair free to grow healthy Natupe {on with. other student Nes intended. Destroy the cause vou re- the institution she was to be allowed move the effect. Kill the 2 small gompensa bic A specin] germ with Herpicide. = Sold board of inquiry; rejegted]: her abplien thir digests. Send 10¢. in tion and denied her admission. for sample to The Herpicide Co, di Wright appealed ler cage to trait. Mich Two Bc. Seeretacy Straus, and he hats fhreeted GW, Dlihod, apoctad [chat le be ite He Bie hat | Chores of sling. chicka. te --- oltibitions of the 'alidn fon trast ame. court he acquitied William Scott, proitin arn EAE Ottawa, charge of stabbing hor law. VED ) E ong | Clifford. Hollingsworth in a bar-room row at the Mansion house, Prescott, | The ovideunee showed that Hollings Shows | Worth went to the place under the in- | uence of liquor, prepared to clean it | | out, with the aid of an empty hotitle. , Ho attacked Scott and emerged from | the melee badly cut up. Neither Hol | lmgsworth 'nor any of the witne | saw Seott nse weapon. The J {considered that Scott acted in defence. to Get Tt is well, worth trying. ling a history of the hospital from its | Just send your name and address formation. to Pyramid Drag Co., 92 Pyramid|{ A resolution was passed to send Building, Marshall, Mich, and receive [note of condolence to the family free. by return mail the trial package | the late Mrs. 0. 8, in a plain wrapper. | husband, the late Dr Thousands have been cured time chairman easy, painless and inexpensive vernors, and was the privacy of the home. | friend of 'the hospital. No knife and its torture. No doctor and his hilis All druggists, 50e, Write for a free package. Strange, Strange, in. this | one way, in i her in | son, also retains board to-day | at NURSES IN TRAINING. she to-day lose | cause, y hands teeth | the ' che the | at ctom- | ACTED IN SELF-DEFENCE. Man Accused of Stabbing Acquitted. Brockville, Ont., Feb. 2. --Judge! Macdonald sent G. F. Blain to jail for three months at hard labor on" a at | as Ottawa dandruf lead stamps De- £1 sizes, wel charge crp---- Fine Tailoring on a CIVIC PLANT PAID. Guelph Water Commission Profits of $21,139. : Guelph, Ont., Feb. 2.----The repott of the city of Guelph commissioners_was presented to | city council and showed a net for the year of* $21,139, tne whole of the earuings when the con missioners trol of the department earnings for annual water the profit double 1906, con Melton and Beaver » Overcoatings. ywest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell 181 Princess street. 'wea a over 1H assumed The the past three vears were © 1906, S19,%48: T1907, 526,004; L190R, 830.517 Out of the profite the city was handed $1,000 oli- aross FLUNG INTO SNOWBANK. Two Children Saved From Death Gardoer, Ill... Feb. 2.--Mrs, Albert; Wanzea saved the lives of two of her | children when their homo, niar here, burned, last night, by throwing them from second-storey windows into snow- banks. The mother, however, was probably fatally burned while rescuing the children, and a third child was | burned. to death, the flames prevent-! ing mother from reaching her room. Wanzca, the father, jumped un- injured from a window, Then the family, barefooted, witli the 'mother, almost roasted from waist to should- had to walk half a mile through ithe snow to secure shelter. | FIVE TRAINS ARE LOST There is Much Anxiety in the Far West. lowa, Feb. 2 Minn , are Wante It you have City property for sale list it with us as we cannot supply the de- mands of our clients. At present WE WANT ;-- 1. A small modern brick dwelling, (8 or 4 bedrooms) located, 2. A large house centrally sujtable for boarding house, 3. A good sized frame dwelling $2,000. 4. A medium $1 500. 5. A small 000 A double dwelling under $3,000 Mason City, from Sanborn, least, five trains are lost cago and North-Western, tertown and Gary. feet of Reports that, at the Chi- between Was At Sanborn eight SHOW the tracks: tele- phone lines down. Three of the lost trains are weported to be passen- ger trains, and there much anxiety over the fate of the passenger train and. two freights Mil- wankee and St on 1 ner covers are i= ors, stone well or and on the Chicago, | Paul reported lost. (ces pratt | located, Trade Disputes. | Ottawa, Unt., Feb, 2. | large decrease in trad Smallpox In Toronto There was a Feb, 2.--A man, liv has been remove! to the Cottage -Hospital. Dr. ® Sheard, " | he medical health offic said he 7. Three, four or five tenement del [fracted the disea e In Belleville, where lings that weld yield a fair rate of in-jbe recently lived. Ther three terest un the 'investment. other the house, the quarantine oulations have ens forced. T. J. Lockhart," Real Estate & Insurance, 139 Wellington St., Kingston. under Toronto, street, ing frame dwelling under under $1,- sixty-nine 1907 ane in 1906, con- | of ethiploy affected { 232, as compared with 34,604, (he fin time days was TOX191, The two principal disputes were the C. |p R. strike and the in Luebee, | 1908s or 1149 in number Crrace Swis frame dwelling o. vos was - nere working and heen persons in re cotton op ratives ree hn } 09ST VLVLLVBVVVBBLTLBI™AD : COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- ntee prompt delivery, 'Phone, 33. Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. a 1 ® 29 LLLTLVVNN SVVRVRVTVLVVITVTE RY Saves TBTTTTBTLTLRIND | pre -- As one grows old the bowels grows less active. Some; then and | their bowels harden. then they | multiply the dose. Some take candy Cascarets. They act in ---- take harsh cathartics, natural ways, and one tablet a day is sufficient. Vest-pocket drug-stores. boxes box, 10 cents People now use a million monthly, sil TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash. burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee | Are ready to contract for Immediate' delivery. rick that will stand inspec- The Famous Waltz in tion at reasonable rates. Capacity of plant 60,000 daily. The Grand, on Wed- "The Merry Widow," at nesday, Feb. 10th. an veered YT Sy | | case against him. ion charges of having secured money in Fire. | | Jerrold, | tween on! disputes during | , as comparcd PRASE FOR RADIUM SIXTY FOUR SUCCESSES IN SIXTY-EIGHT CASES. {Paris Institute's Report--No Long- { er in a Period of Expectancy, But in a Period 'of Confifma- | tion. = > yo . 4 . . { Paris, Feb, 2.--The impetus gives in Fogland in the last few days to the i development of the uses of radium {has drawn attention to the great work that is being done by the Paris | Radium Institute, where Mme. Cunie superintends the extraction of the wonderful {and other materials. "The institute now possesses fifteen {grains of radium, valued at $83,000, Experiments in the hespital. connected with the institute have beén so ex- tensive in the last three years tha 1 Pr. *Degrais, in charge, says: ' i . OW In a period confirmation." The institute reports sixty-four cures of surface cancer out of sixty-eight cases treated. Hundreds of cures have {been made of cutaneous affections, i cluding tumors, some of great size. {Thousands of birth marks, and scars have been removed and remarkable | cures of chronic rheumatism, eczema 'and tuberculosis have been recorded. t is expected that during the present {vear the laboratory will provide six times the quantity of radium above mentioned. MOUNTAIN LION | Mother KILLED BABY. Found it Crunching Re- mains of Child. Bilboa, Cal., Feb. 2.--A mountain lion crunching the lifeless end man- igled body of her two-year-old bo was the sight that greeted Mrs. Chri topher Brown, when she entered the family tent, four miles from the Ho- tel Delmar, after a short walk, mother, in despair, rushed screaming 'at the beastly slayer of her child. {The Lon growled savagely and backed slowly out of the rear of the tent, his mouth dripping with the babyis blood, and disappeared. The Brown family arrived from Delaware two weeks ago. 'DIAMOND, MAKER SENTENCED. Le Moine Will Get Ten Years if He ; is Caught. Paris, Feb, 2.--Henri Lemoine, the Frenchman whose claims that he {could manufacture diamonds were air- ed in' the courts of Paris, last sum- mer, has been sentenced to ten years' imprisonment in default. Lemoine fled just before the final hearin of the He was being tried from an English diamond mine owner on false pretences by declaring that he was able to manufacture dia- imonds. Douglas Jerrold"s Sayings. london M. A. P. wild republican said that Louis Blanc Saviour. *"On - Jerrold. When Judge Talfourd, the author of "lon," one day met the wit, he was accosted with the query: "Have any more lons in the fire ?"' Jerrold was prese nt on owe occasion when guns announced the birth of on prince, "How they do powder these babics !" he remarked "Call that a kind man," said an m- raged actor of another who habitually neglected - his home--"'a man who away from his wife and family and nover sends them a cent ® You eall that Kindness !"-~ Yes," chimed in Jerrold, "unremitting kindness." Speaking of Australia, "Earth," said he, is here so kind that just tickle her with a hoe and sh with a harvest." On a Frenchman's enthusing over the subject of wu proposed Anglo-Frenah alliance, and stating that he proud to seco the Frepeh and English such good friends at last, '1 "the best thing T'} France and Engle profanely was nex' which side 7" to our atked you is laughs was "said be- the Ww Reciprocal Courtesy. Philadelphia ledger. A lawyer having offices in a Philadel- phia building wherein there are Lhundreds of tefiants r itly lost a { cuff link, ono of a pair that he greatly ' prized. Being absolutely certain that he had dropped the link somewhere the building, he caused a notice {oo be posted in the following terms : "Lost. A gold cufi-link. The own- cr, William Ward, will deeply appre ciate its immodiate return. That afternoon, on passing the ddor whereon this notice was posted, what were the feelings of the lawyer to observe that appended thereto wore these lines : "The finder would deem owner wonld Kindly lose link." sone in cufi-link the other of the missing it a great favor if the Cigarette On The Track. J. Hampton Moore, Philadelphia member of the waterw and fores- try preservation commission, was des- eribing, on his return irom Europe, a wretched railroad in Brittany. "I never imagined such slow trains existed," said Mr. Moore. "They are certainly tedious to ride in. They bore vou dreadfully. All very likely ones, too--are told about the Breton Thus it said that one day. when an express pulled up in the middle of a dreary field of gray rocks, a passenger put head out of the window and shouted i to the conductor : what have this time for ?' : * 'Engineer's dropped his cigarette sir." was the reply trains. you stopped A Remarkable Coincidence. Ottawa Free Press, the night which saw. Hon. re-election in British Columbia shoul witness the exposure of the plot which he was robbed of his seat nr Victoria, which plot was, without ex ception, one of the most contemptible ever hatched in Canadian politics. "Buy cough syrups" at Réd Cross drug store. Fresh there. substance from pitchblende | The | sorts of stories-- his it was a remarkable coincidence that Toronto News. William Templeman leave on his campaign for by overdue. Gibson's ' PIT oF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Trenton defeated Bowmanville 12 to 1 in a junior O.H.A. game. } $5.8. Numudian 'has reached - Glas-! 'wow; 8.8. Buenos Ayrean at Halifax, { Traffic between . Prince Edward = Is- {land and the mainland is interrupted. { The net reccipts from succession du- ict, in Ontario, in 1908, were $1,153. 4 . Saskatchewan province produced 105,589,543 bushels of wheat, barley, | oats and flax. | Hon. Jeremie Decarie 'elected by ac- clamation in Hochelaga for the Que- i bee legislature. | Frederick King, recently of Toronto, iwas drowned in Lake Pangus, near Lakoport, Maes, EL Dr. Milton Hersey reports a large quantity of brandy in the chocolates {ized in Moutses], : John Small, collector' of castoms i { Toronto, = troke,- lings have Leen & st eight of the licensed ho- | tels, On charges "of violations of the law, ' Sudbury reports successful raids con thirty-five more "Blind Pigs" in {addition to those reported during the {past few days, The succession duties for January totalled $44.508 from thirty-two es tates. This is a small increase com- | pared with January, 1908. | The Quebec harhor commission will, for further improvement of shipping to-morrow, ask Sir Wilfrid Laurier facilities at that port. The court of appeals is hearing the reserved case London in connection with the bye-election charges against {John O'Gorman and others. | The Dominion Coal company have felon Wd contracts for the delivery of | about 600.000 tons of coal to the CPR, and G.T.R. during the present Lyear. A. Malipeault, liberal, Quebec, was {elected by acclamation for the county (of Bellechasse. This election was caus- ed by the retivement oi Hon. Mr. Turgeon. . Heavy earthquakes have been cons tinuing for several days in the north- ern part of the island of Sakhalien. | An earthquake is also. reported at Alexander. Owen Davidson, who complained to | the rai'way commission of excessive train whistling at Almonte, did not {appear at Ottawa and his complaint | was dismi Carl Watter { young men arrested on mons, s and Clarence Naylor, of Lockport, N.Y., were complaint of Peter Sim- a_ fish dealer, who charges them [with attempted highway robbery. The 29th annual re-union. of the | Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite of Free. Masonry of Ontario, opened in Hamilton on Monday morning, The | attendance of delegates is very large. | Aunie L. McGuire, Ottawa, is suing | the corporation of Burks' Falls and the mayor for $10,000 for loss by fire of her hotel. She claims that the water pressure was too low for pro- tection. The judgment in the celebrated Do- minion Steel-Dominion Coal appeal will not be handed down by the privy council to-day as was expected. It is not stared when the verdict is expected. Toronto presbytery call of the church to Rev. G. sustained the Deer Park Presbyterian BB. McLeod, Truro, N.8. The presbytery nominatcd Rev, Pr. R. P. Mackay as moderator of the general assembly, Chiei Justice Meredith dismissed the motion to unseat Mayor Chant, .of Webbwood, made on the ground that to enabl: other persons to vote he had paid their taxes. The law did not pre vent taxes being so paid. The Presbyterian church at Colborne, Ont., was damaged, Monday evening, by fire, which was confined to the interior of the edifice. The loss from flames, smoke and wa- ter will be considerable. Several changes have been made in the Hamilton, customs house. A. H. Alexander, superintendent, is superan- nuated, and his place filled by Thom- as McCallum, George Burkholder sue- ceeding Mr. MeCallum H. Noyee, who swore at Port Arthur that. Mr. Hodder, had participated in la commission on the purchase of a {motor generator, will be prosecuted fore p charge of perjury. A warrant {has been issued for his a . Michael A. Pigott, Hamilton, II. BE. | Larkin and Alexander Ss. { Catharines, have entered suit against i the Guelph id" Goderich railway, iclaiminy #52 , as a balance on the {contract for the building of the road "named. A despatch from Lethbridge, Alber- ta, says Richard Vadnais, a French- Canadian rancher, vesiding south of Cardstone," has heen brought to the Lethbridge city hospital with two bullet holes in the head. Vadnais' wife is alleged to have done the shoot- ing, the outcome of a quarrel. One of the greatest ice jams proba- bly ever seen at Niagara Falls, occur- red in the chasm below the American and horseshoe Falls, this morning, which resulted in the carrying away of the great ice bridge of 1903. Half a dozen refreshment and souvenir shacks went ajong with the bridge, the occupants hav a varrow escape. Nomination pPoceediags, in connec- tion with the 'bye-election" for the Que- bec assembly, for Hochelaga county, necessitated by the appointment of the sitting minister, Jeremie Decarie, to a cabinet position, are going on, to-day, and there is every likelihood that Mr. Decarie will be returned by acclamation. With the full consent of her father, and with the sanction of the Catholic church, Helen Maloney was married at Spring Lake to Arthur Hebert Os- 'borne, the young New York broker, with whom she "went through a mar- | riage ceremony before the Mamaro i {neck justice of the peace, while Os borne was a student at Princeton | } i i i i { Port on Sangster, University. Civil Service Salaries. The advance in the salaries of the side civil service is a tardy conces- 1i Mon by the government of a right long | e. Moreover, the concession is) made , only under extreme pressure -: from the opposition and from indepen- » dent and' conservative journals. Tt! still remains for the government to recognize 'the claims of the outside civil cervive as regards the need of reform and of increased femuneration. . It has a record is a Bank of age and strength. ord be of ars of sound and successful business, in LL and banking experiéhice. ; © Wa invite you to join the large number of WE Ln who have found banking it both agreeable and profitable. . 5 have not yat beaun to save your oy at to-day bLy depositing One. our Savings Departuient. : KINGSTO} J. 8. RN] Cor. P - platio §.. What We Have, We'll h Vou Must Carry the Wormwith By-Lay Keep the Wormwith Industry in Kingston. Carry the By-Law and the cost to Kingston will be an annual charge of $1,264 to pay principal and inte the debentures, and this will be for ten years only. Defeat the By-Law and the cost to Kingston will annual loss for all time of much more than this $1,264 a in the loss of taxes payable by the members of this firm by their employees. The taxes of only 50 of the house-Suppe ing employees, at an average assessment of $1,500 andy a rate of 20 mills, would be $1,500 a year, The men are Sk workmen who must follow the industry if it goes. Defeat the By-Law and throw away also a steadily creasing pay-roll, which was $51,422.03 in 1907, and shoul kept for circulation in Kingston. T Defeat the By-Law and throw away one of the best of B ston's few industries, with all its promising connections advantages. .a : Defeat the ByiLaw, and leave the ruined walls a monum to Kingston's apathy and neglect. . To carry the By-Law will cost the individual votor 15 eel a vear for 10 years on each $1,000 of his assessment. To defeat the By-Law will cost the individual all it e0 the city, and the 15 cents will not be saved, for the tax. will. rise more quickly as the city goes backward than it wo if business improved. Look, How This Industry W Growing ! In 1893 the wages were...........$ 8,229.02 Tn 1898 they were ......auww: 0,011.06 In 1903 they were .. 206,336 61 In 1907 they were .......oinn. 91,122.08 & . srastrtiaanatrrnante Up to the date of the fire the total has been $307,404,189, Three-fifths of the citizens entitled to vote on this By- must vote in favor of it to carry it ; and if more than one fil of those entitled vote against it, then two-thirds of those @ titled must mark their ballots for it or it will be' defeated. You can vote in each ward where you own property are on the list. The Kingston Board of Trade, The Retail Merchants' sociation, and every citizen who has the welfare of Kings at heart is earnestly and actively supporting this By-Law. ¥o are urged to lend assistance in every way possible. Vote for the By-Law in Every Ward 1 You Can, and Get Others to Do So as Well. Your mere oversight or neglect may remove this indus from Kingston. COE000600060000000000000000000000000000 Ladies' and Girls' Coats Latest Styles--Half Price Ladies' $3.50 Coats, for .. Girls' $4.50 Coats, for .. & ; Girls' $5.00 Coats, for .......cccoonnns arrerie . Ladies' $6.50 Coats, for .... Ladies' $7.50 Coats, for . Ladies' $9.00 Coats, for ...... Ladies' $10.00 Coats, for ..... , Ladies' $12.50 Coats, for .... Ladies' $15.00 Coats, for Ladies' $20.00 Coats, for . Ladies' $25.00 Coats, for ........... David M. Spence, The Leading Mantle and Millinery 8 0 A LLLLPA. --_-- Ripe Tomatoes Ripe Bananas Seedless Lemons Bitter Oranges 30 Cents Per Dozen, A.J.REES, 166 Princess St