THE DOCTORS SKID "THERE MUST BE I OPERATION *Fruit-a-tives " Cready Untold Sufferin 'Almost Certain Dea * Publish this for humanity's sake" Writes Mr. C. McCready, of Putnam, Ont, in his letter to the owners of - ft-a-tives" Physicians said that and Saved Mrs. Moe | Po i only an Spetation could save his wife's | le. ul t again "Fruit-a-tives" ed its wonderful powers, The were wrong--Mrs. McCready is to-day well and strong--and * Fruit- @-tives" have made friends of every one for miles around Putnam. "Dear Sirs,--My wife suffered for over & year from Indigestion and Bowel troubl Several doetors treated her for this trouble and advised her that | only an operation would save her life, us they stated it was a tumor that was causing the trouble. ' was to cost $200.00 and, while she was The operation | debating in her own mind about being | operated on, she was advised to try "Fruit-a-tives," which I procured for | her from our local merchant. From the first box she improved, and after having taken four boxes she is com. pletely cured and is now as well as | ever, I decided then that " Fruit-a-tives" was the most wonderful remedy in the world and it certainly saved my wife's life. She still takes one tablet every night, we also give them to the children with excellant results, and they have to thank *I'ruit-a-tives" for the fact that their mother is now with them, they fully expected she would be in her grave, Publish this for humanity's sake." (Sgd.) C. McCready. For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipa- ®lon and Bfifousness--for all troubles e to defective action of Bowels, Kid- neys and Skin, " Fruit-a-tives" is a certain cure. These tablets are made of fruit juices and tonics, are pleasant to take and quick to act. Trial size, 25c--regular size, 60c a box or 6 for $2.50. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. TO MIS MAJESTY THE KING . SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. [THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the : Medical Profession on account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" 1 "Bronchitis" Is generally the result of » cold caused by 2 Ris pat op in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, the price 25 ote. Be sure and acospt none of the many sub. Dyeing with Soap! Ma: le Soap is the Household Dye that washes and dyes with one opera tion. Used almost excl ly ia Ragland. Yields fast brilliantcolors. Dyes to any shade No streaks. And above all-CLEANLY, SAFE, SURE. Maypole Soap 2c. for Colove--ise. for Black, Found I. Bpnalict < Cos Mowtvesl, * Silver Plate that Wears" Sixty Years of experience and skill result in the spoons, forks, knives, serving pieces, efc., stamped "1847 ROGERS BROS. Beautiful patterns, enduring guaiity, finish and style, make s brand of silver plate the of the majority. Leading dealers carry our lize of beautiful, cream piichers, bowls, urns, efc., made by the MERIDEN BRITA CO. | | The greate«t earthquake in Maly was responsible for {ment on the part of the pope. Imme- diately after the announcement of the | disaster, this holiness « wished to set NO SCENERY, SAYS SHAW { Playwright Wants Curtains | on Stage. Rernavd bad health, 1s deeply forthcoming « production of his "Admival Bashville," tre, London. He says he wrote it {the Shakespearean of Elizabethan style, "just to show how easy it was." Elizabethan effects will used. Shaw the influenca scenery on plays is enormously gerated and prefers to return to times when merely curtains were He Says > "It is my own experience ag an au thor behind the scones that when a play 'is first put into rehearsal, say in some room, not 'on the stage at all, | thes scenes go © more easily and na- turally = thew: when ~ the 'netors lind themselves < sswmronmded 7 with weenery The offect upon them of seencry is de- solating, destructive of illusion. "1 believe that in the same way the scenery distracts the attention of the spectators." You have only watch the faces in the audience at the read- jing of a big play to see how their in- | Only George Shaw, despite play, in Tree's thea seenie considers exay the used. | | to the remarkable move- | his | imterested in the | out for Calabria and Sicily. This he i was persuaded not but he de- | fiedd all precedent by visiting survivors of the earthquake in the vaticam hos- pital. Thus, tho first to do, for time for et is held. It amuses me to hear , | peonle play [18 my wore giverd without scenery. It opinion that he made no use of Lit because he did not wish to. Elabor- cencry was used 'for masques, and vould doubt have wailed himself of it." Shaw the { but osoenre no also believes theaty to teach. lis object should be to them think. quently during the performance plays there is plenty of applause in the afternoon, but and again the curtain fell upon a | complete The people would exhausted alter three hours of hard thinking, yet they were glad wo icel they had got 's worth' the mission of is not to amuse people, maki over over silence, crawl out ulterh mone | Mrs. Charles Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, i : I have used every remedy for { sick headache I could hear of for the { past fifteen years, but Carter's Little { Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest. { If a woman nags her husband it's 'up to him to supply her with plenty of cauie, I -- BRAID TRIMMED BOLERO. fe ERS 1 73 = $2, Se TN PHOTO ois By JORE FRDESS 2 3 This odd little bolero effect adds great character and indigiduali. ty to a simply made frock of satin. The bolero js cut i piece and braided with soutache exactly matching the ¢ the satin Straight sash ends of satin fall from shoulder seams and passing through slits in the bolero, fall to the |R knee, where they are weighted by silk tassels. braided ornaments on their | the tholic church set foot on Italian sofl. The vatican and its grounds enjoy the right of 'extra-tevritoriality, but the vatican hospital, although it belongs to the pope, is on Italian ground. Not only did his holinees thus show his compassion for the suffering, and his good will toward the Italian govern- ment, but he evinced what may, per- haps, without offence be called a great breadth of mind When he caused the vatican to answer the query of the mayor of Rome as to whether refugees could be received at the vatican in the affirmative, for Signor. Nathan, the mayor, is not only a Jew, but an ox- grand master of Free masons, who has always been an enemy of the vatican. | PLAN TO AID TOILERS. pitying Shakespeare because his | State Insurance and Sick Benefits Suggested. An attempt will be made at the coming session of the Wisconsin legis- lature to pass soma law providing for state instance, giving Wworkiogmen not only sick henclits, but alco old- age annuities. A repori covering such a system has already been prepared by State Labor Commissioner Beck, who finde mueli-ito recommend it. Ki- forts are being mada to enlist The sympathy of Gav. Davidson in behalf of the plan, and he has been hearing arguments in ita favor for some time, It is probable that a state commis tsion will be asked for to look into the system more thoroughly with the view of adopting a plan similar' to that in {vogue in Germany. Mr. Beck has found that ihe premivms now demand- {ed for insurance of the kind desired are too high and could be reasonably reduced without: running the risk of | opreciating: the security offered. A Laughing Baby. When baby laughs, and gurgles and mother knows he is well and happy. When he is cross, fretful and sleepless give him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets and see how speedily they will change him to a happy, smiling child. These Tablets cure all the minor ailments of 'childhood and bring healthy, natural = sleep; because they remove the cause of sleeplessness. Ii the little teeth are coming through they help them along painlessly. Mrs. Octave Paulin, Caraquet, N.B., says: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets. a splendid medicine for stomach and bowel troubles, and to promote sleep. I strongly advise mothers to use them when their little ones are ail- ing." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢. a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. crows ---- With The Minstrels "Yeas," said Mr. Bones, as he twist. ed his moustache, 'my sistah Lucey am a great belle. Last night she had two beaus callin' on her at once. Ome was named Mistah Little afd one was named Mr. Long. Sistah just sat deb ; singin' de whole ebenin'."' : | "Sat deh singin' de whole ebenin', | Mistah. Bones ?" broke in Sambo. | "What was de song de young lady was singin' ?"' "Why, Lub | Long." Me Little, Lub Me ALMOST SENSATIONAL. \ -- | There is General Surprise at the Great Number of Persoms in Kinggton Who Praise Booth's Kidney Pills. + It's but a short time time since the first hox of Booths Kidney Pills came to Kingston 3 What a work this stranger has complished ? fited and cured ac- Dozens of citizens bene- of lame, weak and aching backs, urinary and kidney troubles. Tt ig remarkable; the rea- son for it is Booth's Kidney Pills are a new blend of vegetable ingredients, having a peculiar action on the kid- ney tissue that brings yuick help. Mrs. A. McBride, of 39 Barrie Kingston, Ont, says: { have found Boeth's Kidney Pills an excellent remedy for headaches and lizziness resulting from inactivity on the part of the kidneys. 1 had suf- fered frequently with. these miserable symptoms' and very often 1 would have pains of a dull; bearipg-down nature across the back and extending into. my shoulders, + Although 1 had tricd several prescriptions I had found little or no relief. learned - of | Booths Kidney Pills through an ad- iE and procuring a box at Mr. Mahood's Pharmacy I used then, | soon found Booth's Kidney Pills to benefit me. The pains left my bdck, the headaches and spells of dizziness ceased and 1 have not been troubled since. I can think only Booth's Kid- ney Pills. Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The T. Booth Co., timited, Fort Erie, Ont, sole Canadian agents, A many vears, a head of the Roman Ca- | Mifmonsioes ., HMS. NEPTUNE. Work Begun on a Huge £2,000,000 Hal Warship. don Standard. < ortsmouth, Jan. 19.~The laying of late of his majesty's by any ceremonial such as commencement of heér on the building skip at Portsmouth--the Dreadnought, the Bellerophon and the St. Vincent. The reason for this departure from custom was that Lady Fanshawe, wife of the No ne who, was to Rave lormed inang ceremony, was indisposed, and a family bereave- ment also conduced to the eancella- tion of the original intention. The Neptune is to cost in round two millions pF tecling and due are worth comparing wi those of the name-ship of her class as shown in' the following table: - ° Dreadnought, Nefstiine ¥ 490 ft, 510. ft. Breadth 82 ft. 86 it. Displacement 17,900 tons 20,250 tons. The new battleship is, therefore, to have about a thousand tons more dis- placement than the St. Vincent, 'e- cently launched from the same . slip. She 'will be provided, like her Sato rs, with i ine engines of 35,000 Orse-power an armed with t 12 in. guns for her main A but the arrangement of these &ill be modified to increase the range of * ef- fective broadside and stern fire, and her secondary armament, to repel tor- pedo boat attacks, will probably con- sist of new pattern 4.7 guns. The vessel is to be ready to hoist the pens nant within two years. Miss Corelli's Income. The recent publication of the in- come of Miss Corelli, as sixty thou- sand dollars, is exciting envy on more than one continent. Even Mrs. Humphrey Ward must fall into sefond place, =o far' as financial returns from novel-writing are concerned. It will not be said, even by those who find Corelli fiction too vehement for their taste, that this ' popular writer has regard chiefly for the shekels. No one can doubt Miss Corelli's sincerity, no one can help admiring the vigor with which she pommels the vices of lofty and lowly alike. Her "Holy Orders" has done more, it is said, to rouse the nation to temperance reform than all the sermons preached in the United Kingdom and it is high time for Bri- tain to recognize the evil done by the "chemical beer" which is poisoning the lower classes. Miss Corelli is no re- specter of persons when there is a vice to.le exposed or attacked The bish- op is uo more held in awe hy this vigilant lady than the poorest drunk- ard in the tavern. Miss Corelli, of Stratford-on-Avon. may come danger- ously near to being a shrew, but she is no snob. Her industry and fear- lessness, to say nothing of her vivaci- ous imagination, 'are such that no one need grudge her one dollar of the sixty thousand which flow in an annual stream from the publishers. o Owns The Railroads ? Detroit News Tribune. Holdings of prominent men in rail- road corporations, which it is assert- ed are approximately correct, were published, yesterday, in a Wall street journal. The holdings of the Vander bilts in the New York Central, Tor instance, are given as about 8$14.- 000,008; of which W. K. Vanderbilt has $10,000,000. Harriman & Co. are cre- dited with holding $1,475,000 of this stock. John 8. Kennedy, is declared the largest holder of Northern Pacific, having $10,000,000 par valae. James J, Hill owns $8,000,000. Henry C. Frick is given as the largest individu- al stockholder in the Pennsylvania, owning $4,320,000. E. H. Harriman is credited with holding $75,695,000 of Southern Pacific common and $30,000, - 000 of Southern Pacific preferred, while Kuhn, Loeb & Co. are the gegistered holders of $14,000,000 common. Prac- tically all of Mr. Harriman"s holdings belong, it is sgid, to the Oregon Short line. In Union Pacific Harriman holds $10,000,000 common and $52,500 000 preferred. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. are the registered holders of $29,000,000 Union Pacific common and a similar amount of preferred. A Slight Change. Chicago Post. Henry Kellar, was talking stage magic. "It is not," it 'used to be. the retired magician, in Philadelphia. about he said, 'so good as The younger magicians do not study, and practice as we of the previous generation did. Hence nowadays stage magic appears rather tame. "But the young magiciains don't think so. They. arc like an elderly fat man who I saw at my tailor's the other day. " 'Let mo see, sir," said the tailor, 'you haven't been in for two or three years. Perhaps 1 had better remea- sure you.' All "Cou'll though.' "The tailor vight," said the fat man. find no change in my figure, got to work with This tape. The measurements were called out and jotted down. The fat man said at the end : t* 'Well, the measurements are about the same as they used to be, ch ** "Yes, «ir, about the same," was the reply. * Chest a. trifle lower down, that's all, air.""' Not Exorbitant. Youth's Companién. . The summer resident looked sharply at. Mr..+Jameson's guileless moon face and then at the mild and nonetoo sprightly horse he was offering for sale. "Don't you think 8130 is rather a stiff price to ask for a horse like that?" asked the summer resident. "How old is ne?" "He's only just Jameson, calmly. "Thirty years old, and to get £150 for him ?"' "I don't know as I expect io get it," said Mr. Jameson, without ran- cor, "but it scems as if I'd ought to have full as much as that. It don't come to but 85 a yéar, and he's cost me & good deal mpre"n that most years." 4 thutty," said Mr. you expect notice your Ever none of you ? There's. some good in how things that are business will interest overy hing and everybody looks for it. 2 \ derful salve, Healing, Soothing and Antiseptic, it touches the spot every time. A popular remedy at a popular price. All druggists and s'ores sell it, 25¢ per box, or seat oa receipt of price by the CUROL SALVE CO., Spadina Ave., Toronto. Don't pay big prices when you caa get the best for 25¢. Was it he 'Singer that you liked? Often the singer's personality the song you want. : ' : You get every inflection of the voice, every vocal expression in the Edison Phonograph. Wonderful progress' has been made in the perfection of the Edi- son Phonograph, until it is today the most perfect sound-reproducing instrument. The latest invention is AMBEROL RECORDS fir 'Gre EDISON PHONOGRAPH --the Records which play four minutes instead of two. They are no larger than the regular Edison Records, and can be played on any Edison Phonograph (except the Gem) now in use by means of an attachment which, however, will not interfere with playing the Records you now < have. If you buy a new Phonograph, it has the attachments to play both Rccords. Hear the Edison at a dealer's today. is' charming, but it is FREE. Ask your dealer or write to us for illustrated catalogue of Fdison Phonographs, also catalogue containing complete lusts of Edison Records, old and new. | We Want Good Live Dealers to sell Edison Phonographs in every town where we are not now well represented. Dealers having estab- lished stores should write at once to National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J, USA. . DEADLY : EFFECT OF BLOOD POISON There is nothing so deadly in its operation as Blood Foison and yet how subtly and unsuspecting it commen:es its work. First a Hay scratch or wound, not enough to demand attention. Then a little redness followed by a tiny red streak which rapidly broadens acd travels upwards, The doctor is called in. The, wound is lanced, but ia nine cases out of ten mortification has set in and amputation is necessary in order to save the lide of the patient, Ernest Bartlott, of 51 Northern Place, Toronto, just escaped this, He had a terrible finger. This is his story :--* I accidentally knocked the joint of my finger and it turned to biood poison. I tried lots of remedies but the hand ot worse. Fina ly 1secured asample of CUROL. This did so much good that I bought a 25 box and in five days the wound was doing nicely an | finally healod. Had I used CUROL earlier it would have saved me a lug of suffering. 1 certainly advise everyone Lo use CUROL for ail sores and injuries. A cut, wound, or sore should be treated at once with CUROL, [tis a won- CUROL cures Eezema, Running Sores, Bad Legs, SAMPLE FREE Send Coupon with name and address to ROL, Cnrol Co.. Toronto, Ulcers, Poisoned and Festoring Wounds, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, and all lacerated or open wounds or sores. 25¢ box. TRIAL~E.B. e Song ofthe i GREATEST 2} PRE Trae En OF HEALERS BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. £2"NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He was Surprised at how the sores healed "1 took your New Meron TreaTvest for a serious blood disease with which 1 had been inflicted for twelve years. 1 had consulted a score of physiciars. taken all kinds of blobd medicine, visited Hot Springs and other mineral water rovarts, but gniy got tem- porary relief. They would help me for a time, but after discontinuing the medi- cines the symptoms Youd break ou azain-- running sores, blotches, rheum- atic pains, looseness of the hair. swellings of fhe lands, pains " the handsseuting, itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic mach, BEFORC TREATMENT "I had given up in espair when a. ATE TRCATHENY friend advised me to consult you, as vou bad cured him of a similar disease R years ago. 1 had v6 hope, but took his advice. In tiree weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and [ becamo encourage). I continued the New Merson Taearsest for four months and at the ond of that time every symptom had disappeared. I was cured 7 years ago nd no signs of any disease sinee. My boy, three years old, is sound and thy. 1 ¢ertaiply 'ean recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to 'me privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish." ' W.H.E We trest NERVOUS DEBILITY, V. . STRICTURE, AL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, SKIN and PRIVATE Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and Y complaints of Men and Women Are you a victim® Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? - Has your dood been diseased' Have You any weakness? Our Ngw Mgrsod TREATMENT will cure you. What it bas done for others It will do for you. Free. No matter who has treated you. write for an hopest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books Free--"The Golden: Monitor," (Illustrated ) on Diseases of Mon NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, Everything confidential, Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. .