Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1909, p. 2

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PAGE TWO. : , THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8;-1903. FEBRUARY NEW VGA PREAG TE WLS OF QUEENS BARGAINS ¢ FURNITURE AND REV. I. W, SAVARY AT st.) EE ic soe. Nl, youre! xy BURNT AMES' CHURCH. | ed NRE S 'BIBLE, CARPET SALE. Le An Eloquent Discourse H Curling Matches at Brockville! } He Bec { Points Out Important Work to| Postponed--James -T. Suther- | 1 Starts Out to ome Wealthy, Says Prof. Morison-- Be Done, and Makes a Strong land Refereed a Hot Hockey | Ry Cons Physica: Drill | Parlor Cabinets ; Appeal For Service. i Match in Peterbore. pulsory For Freshmen. regular $55, reduced XB i Rev. 7. W. Savary, the newly- ap | Two rinks of the Kingston Ladies' | ! i : BA r Cabinets, pointed vieir, commenced his ministry | Cutling Club left at' noon for Mon: | Une 4 the best meetings, which the regular $45, reduced 2 at St. Jumos' church, on Sunday, and treal to take pari in the Montreal | {Ahna Mater Saciety has held for some PP 830. ' ; al the evening service preached tog a Ladies' Club bonspicl. Mrs. R. J. | ime. was its regular mecting on Sat Yor ar $85, A ter % very large congregation. His text | Hooper was unable to-go. The local |Lurday evening. Then was ge to $28, J ; grt | was based upotr the words, '1 have a | tcams are: javier » Jr only ma Parlor Cabinets, |! | mossage from Gods. unto thee" taken | 'Mise Leta Caryon, Miss Beatrice [but of ihe fairer sex, whose presence egular $25, reduced | {ke fl trom Judges ifi-20. ' Those word, be | Tandy, Miss Ada Birch, Miss label graced the gallery. The question of | Parlor Cabinets, said, could bo taken as an explanation | Dalton, skip. > ! compulsory physical drill for -firsi - $18, reduced for his position in the church to-day. Miss Redden, Miss lL. Tandy, Miss | year students in all faculties. was | | WL On no other ground. could he preach Edith Young, Miss Lorraine Dalton, brought before the society by William Others. for $7, $9, ki Goodwin, in absence of A. H. Gibson, $11, ete '0 the people, and he would present as skip. aan "8 | best he could God's word. Tn all Ns, ------ and brought forth much interesting : = *wnww work in the parish, this ope nicssage Eastern Ice Not Good. discussion. The motion was lost, how {would form the keynote. A minisicr | Two Kingston wirling rinks were to | 453 7, by a vote of fifty to thirty-sight: lucted as God's messenger, and he have played in Prescott on Saturday, Another interesting feature of | the | would he the messenger to His people. but the games were postponed on #e- mevting was the final debate io the | The personality of a preacher should | count of soft icc. To-day, four King- inter-year & series between the years | have nothing whatever to do with the {sian rinks were to have gone to and yk "Resolved, that the govern- i . | preaching. Brockville, two to play Eastern Hos. | ment 1 ould manuiaetuce and Soutrel | China > The speaker referred to his ordins- | pital and two against Brockville. This the sale ot spisitucus liquoke, es. : |tion here seven years ago, and. ex- morning, T. M. "Asselstine received u | LXI€ and ills, for year '1 Jull e PENITENTIARY NOTES. . [pressed hie pleasure at returning 'o {telegram that the ice was not in con affirmative, while Messrs. u and | " Cabinets | the old ministry. Of eourse, there had | dition, and that the games would have Telford for year '11, upheld the nega- | prisorer Transferred From St. 3 "heen changes, but as to dw many ho to be postponed till Tuesday or Wed- px This debate Yas one of the most Vincent de Paul. 3 Al sizes, for Wall or| would he unable to realize antil be vesday. The Kingston ckips will be : keenly-contested in the whole series The i ficial of St. Vino - Corner, $13. #16. 820 wont among the people. The congre |S. R. Bailey, W. B. Dalton, E. Lyon and was very close. The leaders on d on 9 a ha =. meant ' up. A handsome styleloution was still substant shy the | and Capt. Bell. both sides did remarkably well, The oe a penibentaary . "trans | $145, reduced 10 $38. | game as when he commenced his work. | ---- judges were Dr. Swanson, D. Ram- | ferred to the penitentiary here, by oy- ; y . | "1 wish to thank you for the kind "Marty" Walsh Scored Four. sdy and J. L. Nicol. While he judges Ries of. the justice department, vhe } d i se received. | Vw a 3 ; were reaching their degision, Messrs. transfer being made out of deference = J welvome have revived' added tho | "Marty" Walsh is in the city for a tMeRostie. Orsce Annstroiig and Mc. | to the father, who did not want his WILL CURE . oe fri ing Fins wr Fin day. He Played a great game ". Callum favored. the audience with a | 50D under his care in a prison. Our line oi These Clocks in i {tor the preparations made for our wn affairey 9) pti Ma 1 Stree) uartctic, which was much apprecia- 3 was Separtéd ay; Oitavn thatthe A great many of those afflicted i fiugs, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, | \ on Saturday night, scoring four of 124" 1 "Swanson, inwannouncing the | binder twine department of the peni- g Marbelized Wood and Iron Brapes, Covers, etc, all reduced. 1t pays | Coming and for our comfort here. Ottawa's nine goals. He put in Ot- Jecision FIVE Ly + wave an lonothy | tentiary here was to be closed at with Asthma, honestly believe that : to buy now. We will hold for delivery Your kindaées = Sertuinly Sporieinted, tawa's first three goals. | criticism of the Penis tyke 310 once, and to be abolished. The re- } there is no remedy that will arrest are exceptionally good value. Rte ns ly that Collegiate/ ve, Queen's III. © matter cf the various debtors, and (POY is incorrest, However. The de. SE etiver thon oF. te We {there is important work %o be dono ollegiate; Vs. Hueen's [finally stated that the negative had partment will run till June, anyway, k |in St. James' church. 1 have come | Collegiates 'and Queen's III will play fwon by a very small margin, seventy. |88 there is material on hand to Keep ask Shain to Gy Cripps Sure and WE MENTION A SPECIAL IN Yours, Phone 90. : 3 . : the second game of their round in the | dove lo. Noventy-Six. ° lit going till that time. The depart- 8 x ey { heeatse of your invitation, and it ap- ) : : "see that they are being benefited, MARBELIZED woop CASE T. F. Harrison Co. pear to be the Di in ec 1 Intercollegiate junior contest to-night. | prof. Morison dealt with the teach ment has not paid, and it may later non . " Shout. come. Therefore, have" Queen nr od hoe iy Jo ing of Christ regarding wealth at his be abolished. we will returs the money. day night, andl hepe to pu own the shoul come. Therefore, ¥ dave ithe i Sle o oF Wa We have recommendations from 4 EEE io ht to expect, and I wi be very oad tof . * | regular ible class, Sunday morning, many who wer: mpelled t 1 ' 2 of boys. i ; 2) 2% o x y ere compelie: 0 sleep | mue h disappointed if I do hot get it, ead 'of the bipe and white boy $n old arts' building. Prof. Morison FOR MISSIONARY WORK | sitting up, but who now enjoy . your loyal support. in the work 'of the | {pointed out that there could be no i ? | v 3 » their refreshing night's. sleep. church.' Perhaps we may differ in the | J Kingston 5 Star Reforte. . doubt as 10 what Chiist. meant on Rev. J. Forsythe s Appeal at St. Contains no harmful drugs. {work, but I hope that vou will put | James (I. Sutherland refereed the big | (hic subject. If a voung man starts James' Church. [np with me, and do the best you can, | hockey game in Peterhoro, on Friday {out in life to becoun wealthy, he may | Rev. Joseph Forsythe preached at 50c. Laneh BOTTLE SMITH BROS { and 1 on my part, will do tne same. { night, etheen I ewrhore, aud Lind-{purn his Bible. It is utterly impos- | St. James' church, on Sunday morn- . |'Fhere is an important work to be say. There were about 2. specta- | giple for any man to become a mil- ng, and made a strong appeal for Jewellers, Opticians. bons here, and it cannot be done by | 10: The game was a hard-lought |Yionaire by Christian principles. Tho | missionary effort. He spoke of the d 00 3 rug ore fad doe | the clecayman alone. It can only he | Contest, at half time each team had | {apparent outburst of philanthropy on | capid strides made in missionary wor Issuers of Marriage Licenses, $ TT {done when cvery member of the eon- | scored one goal. Peterboro pulled the puwrt of some men whe have so far during this century, and ur oud | SOLE AGENTS, 350 Ki s "Ph 666 lice {away in the second half and won out { at ense 1 os: hat still ater efiorts he ut ing St. one, 3, gregation realizes his responsibility -- | \ " | gathered together immen ortuncs is | hat sti greater o put | the vespoysibility of service for God, phy 5 to 2, thus tiejng with «Lindsay | | simply a. means of covering up the de- iofth. | There should be earnest pray- [SF Ctarirrtesernerie 009 and by egel oue/doing his duty to Lah the leadership of that group. The vices employed in: getting: this wealth. | a for God's: Kingdom. - He . would | mera am------------------ ine es [fullest capuoity, the work will "be Peterboro Exbminer:hiys this 'to MYL Rey. B. Childerbose, RA superin: | dear 'this: prayer and give strength | 3 {complic hed. Pi of; the Kingston referee : tendent of missions for Northern On- ior. the "work. «The Christian people | | "Let this congregation. strive to be | i The wall-kngwn autor bucky an-1 ;arvio, addressed the neon University hould do néble- work for Him. There { thovity, James Sutherland, of Wings-} 0c: pa A Sat «| vas plenty of work for each p to | $ ¢ s Mwssgouary Association on aturday F y l one 0 h A ongrégition . of workers. Let us | ton, vefeveed the contest and estab- MN i CAE : | (AY > kers with try and build up 'the work of Jeshis ES . MW 1 morning. © After expres sing his plea- 1a, and' we should he co-wor Christ. . Not. only let us entéatdr "to! j lished 3 racord for petialties. He wes syre in being preset ni the spegker pre- Him. make our "work felt in" Kingston, but } rat in Jact, about the strictest pro- [all over the. world, and especially in| 5 eo Pr 4 " J ten one 1 bie a meee | ad com. ery hing, Tht | closely "to tliat message. Pp could ie no I8Wls Jaane with Bis Queen's graduates in that country. iouth Reuifrew's first. publie school in- Alas a Yown | The speaker: said that his one great The Petahore Times. said :* *"Refegne -- em pector, is fully qualified for the posi- Call and get anew ; | work would be to deliver God's mes- + Sutherland of Ki iL \ \ Returned Thanks. ion, "being an honor graduate of . y : sage } einhers" found. him | Litherland, of "hingston, refefged the ' is' chutelt. tord sacen's University, obtaining his M.A. <Q \ i sage, . and if the members found hw | host game séen here in many a sen At St. James' chureh, yesterday, a : € i i St d dF hi Sh ot us 1101S | wandering from this path, he woul (son. - His enile eve seamed: to 'eatoh | etter was read from Rov, C. L. Bil {uegree in 1902. He is a specialist in | an ard rash on 8 ibe grateful to them: if. they would | | everything. ¥ Thirty tlirée popalties key, the late viear, in which he . re- nathematics and an honor graduate in White Cambric Covered, in bring him back' to it. The message' 0 Gealt out, which is just about gn turned his sincere thanks to the mathematics and - physics, obtaining + i b & i t > £ for March all sizes. | could be summed up inthe; words" of () A" 'record. Both teams' and spéc- members of the congregation who so first-class honors and passing highest or are + sented, ina concite way, the claims . of Northern Ontario on the Christian Fully Qualified. church and spoke. of the excellent work | G. G. MeNab, M.A., principal of the which 'is heing done 'hy many of the | Gravenhurst high school, appoinied-as position that has heen seen here in some - time, but was shoroughly in is | seripture, = "God so loved ithe world; | {ators were well pleased with his kindly. made the presentation to him | in the year in hoth departments. He It's a beauty. It illus-- : trates the most up-to- TEA COSIES, in all sizes. ithat He gave His only begotten Son, } work, " of 'a purse of old on the occasion of | nlse took the honor work in the de | that whosoever 'believeth in ' Him Lo his ldaving. '1 feel that your bless- | partments of Englith and philosophy. C date styles in a way that will delight you. vr Pete OEIEIILH should not perish, but have everlast- Ottawa's Beat Wanderers. ing has followed me and T wish to | \fter he obtained Ris degree of M.A. R. McFaul |ing life." This was the message, in its fulness He would .heseech:- ev- 1 se, hockey amp in Houtrest, gn "or aa - Lory one to heed to 'this message. Ii | Saturday evening, in which game Ot tre Carpet W archouse. {we come with prayerful and listening | awn defeated the champion Wanderers B. A. Hotel Arrivals. hearts, we will hear something which 9 a bi i big excitement oe R. Gi. Wright, G. 1. White, A. Ww. T G L 1 E ill in = ' R ere recepv 2 | Grav : phot ; he Great Local Event. --_-- ' mil in some. way be of some help to] goal was séared, at several ho- Grasett, James Beecher, W. I. Hurd, a - Tew i. . Hare, w hing extr Wood's Phosphodine, In his concluding rcilties; the new { tels and business houses, and as the James Brown, Tcronto; W. H are There is always something extraor: » Picton: F. (. Hopkins, Cleveland, O.; | finarily satisfactory in the possession The Great English Remedy. | vicar (paid a warm tribute. to the | cores came in showing Ottawa lead- v WW 1 é QF I and { orates the whole | work of the rector of the chutch, Arch- {ing by ove goal and then another bul- thank you for your kind gilt," wrote |'s spent two years in post graduate Rev. Mr. Bilkey. vork at Queen's, and im 1904 reccived the appointment of tutor in mathe- natics at that university. Gourdier Toe Spring Style Book St. Johns, Pittsburg, Pa; Ci] of a treasure of whatever nature, but E. Kenny, Napanee; lewis Moses, | when the invaluable possession is a London, Eng.; 0. LL. Saunders, Clin-| balloon of the latest kind, mm whick ton. lowa: Arthur James, Prescott;]the city, aldermen will fly to aid Siood in oft Velna Chote MY | (oa Macmorine, whe, through ill- Jetin 'showing the teams were tied, ; { the. exciteme k ver point. ous Debidity, Mental and Brain Worry, Des | health, had been compelled to retire ! | Finally oy nt sashed le * oin : > Veaikness, Emissions, Sper | from active work. Y ¢1s in. It contains 1,000 §! M L od' | ro ed 1 illustrations. Also a CLeod's improy S. Griflin, Cobourg: Louis Fortier; | 'Queen Zenora," who is in great, & golupon ood for a 1bhe «0. io : Teta of a "Our rector hasvhad to give up the | showing. Ottawa ad Rojshed one gal G. Donaldson, E. Abrahams, Mon- {trouble owing to some wicked mon- 3 of y g Price of book ginine Tablets . Sold by all druggists or mailed in | active ministry," he said, 'but he | to the good, and loud cheers rent thei, 1. p Simpson, K. L. King. New | sters who are destroying her loved pattern. rice ' plain pg. on rocelp 43] wice, New pamphid | wil] still have that great ministry of air. The victory of Ottawa was very Y wrk. nes, the prompt action of the city 3 only 20e¢. : Formers indoor od Medigine Ca. 0 | \ercession Relieved from active popular. Tt is at least four years | "%"% -- athers should make every citizen re: 1 ) : drei) a ' nil sor s : EE 8 3 ? 2 SErvies a 3 since an Ottawa team has taken the : ion Sette os ' -- centre ervice, he will have more time « to Wecderers, measure in Montresl. Many Notice. 3 ojce and, 81 0uGs_ feouls 8 seit any ? (Chocolate ted) Wi for the parish he loved so well. Kingstonians attended th me. the | Office and warerooms of the Worm. | Witness the beautiful 1usical comedy. ------ : What that will mean for the work | Coll ence nh, with Piano company at present are "The Civic Council," in which the city I'dn nion 0 e { here, eternity alone can tell. No one Queen's oLnge team all 'being pres: |, 0" brincess street: next door to R. | fathers will be the fun makers. Opera lean calculate the power his prayers |" E ' ; + id' PT a , a=g || se sd friday, .S day Ro oms, $1.00 ¢ "D York CYB ilb bring. As for myself, I will do dy; Reid's forniture stove. . Phone. 378. Jo Sal Th ay on J i Designer for March10¢ Colds, Catarrh,- Bronchitis, ooms, $i. a vay what I think is in the best interests INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. All Skates At Cost. tsmm---- + : La Grippe, Etc. : Standard Patterns 10¢ AND UPWARD of the parish, and will try to be loyal | d 1 5 No disagreeable ringing A positive cure for > : . "tiachan's. The festival of the Purification of 'he would have me do. Nay God at-| Reporters On Their Rounds. ------ the Virgin Mary was observed in St. -- | tract our hearts and--so help in the , odd Tloyd Lgpum, of Watertown, N.Y. | Thomas Milis, 79 Clarence street.| Mary's cathedral, on Sunday. His Mec A U IL E Y, ul ding up of His church.' 15 %n the ety, renewing old hequain- | has several clioice building lots for | grace the archbishop blessed the can- « MCL >i lo he new vicar's discourse was ani: apges. : | sale. Terms of payment easy. dles and took part in the customary { eloquent one, and made a deep im- | Henry Tarrant, Watertown, N.Y, is proeession on such occasions. After- Undertaker, { pression upon "his hearers. | pending a few days in the city with wards, Rev. Father Hanley celebrated + + LT high mass. The sermon was preached * . : | d 5 »l | hig on was prea Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts.| 'A special cigarette," as supplied to! The water works committee's first Kingston's Famous Fur Store. by Rev. Father Mea, explanatory of + | the ladies' clubs in England, is soll |meetihg of the year was called for the nature of the festival. The sing- A 5 U t bile skates f specially At St. Mary's Cathedral. Baggage to and from Station tree. to him who is the rector, amd do as | Newsy Paragraphs Picked P By Automobil kate : I cially. y sensation in the head will Send 2% stamp for N.Y. Oity Guide Book and Map follow their administration. A None higher. Sold Propared by J.B McLEOD, Druggist, Cor. Princess and ° Montreal Sts., King- ewmani| $l } ; Make up your mind to cure all 1 ' P € 25¢. | . YOU SHOU LD wing 5 Bab, Montreal, about = 400 |clavs:. The har tly was as dotted with | | 3 JACKETS coughs promptly and insure this result : aw » - | neaple in this locality depend upon. | | skatcts all day * by using the remedy that hundreds of > v. and : : + Cc h: Remed : tting] (It is the Diamond Cough edy. The Always Busy Store. OWN A HOME | removed to the Hotd Dieu. Jackets is gettiag | Promptly relieves conghs, colds, sore ¥ y | From Caughs, Colds, Sore Thioats "Kasagra," in 25¢. and 50¢. 'hot- lower. Here are | throat and hoarseness. In' bottles, es and [Hoarseness ,By Uning | let at Gigson's Red Cross drug " | John Whelan, "bowrding at 215 Prin- ~ Qur stock of IMMEDIATE RELIEF. {cost -gtreet, was taken ill, to-day. some Fan Coats] |25c. and 50c.. at Wade's drug store. ? - The ultimate aim of every .¢ | Hyomei. | stofe. - The genuine is sold there. wo go i : 4 Inspect our stock ded' work before placing should be to own the ¢| Rev. 1D. McCallum getibied the pul that we otller at on corder, man por cubies pit at Bethel church, Sunday morning, A Company Ended Engagement. homie he occupies. and 'R.: 'B. "Nélles preached in the ) surprise PrICES.} | There - was a good audience present INSCRIPTION WORK Ambulance "Phone, 86l1a. {at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | thid afternoon. ing by the choir was greatly appreci- -- gh = | Manufactured by Benson & Hedges. Pr. W. J. Morgan, government food ~ SURPRISE PRIGES ated by the large congregation. eessssasassssssasssesseses® | A reception in hopor of the Bishop inspector, Montreal, 'spent Supdad at : to Montreal and Mrs. Farthing was |hid bdme here. FANCY Cough Wisdom. ven by Rev. Canon ¥llegood, in | The skating ong 'he barber is first When yom catch cold you want "ol | get rid of it as quickly as vow can. Y "ow ie ar The country dweller rents a § | ou don't want to lie around © the | farm only until such time as jlrcue foe a week swallowing nausea- | «if Suseial cigaretie" for ladies. as velties. very at jurday evening, at the closing engage- he can afford to buy one. R sel ii RY cupplied ts the ladie? clubs in Eng . S ment of the Power Stock company, There is n8 reasom Why the Why not avoid: all this? Why not Jand, and wanufactutéd hy Benson & traclive. + The bill produced was '"Ten Nights in cvoning. These are real no* | at the Grand Opera House, on Sat- i SOLICITED. p his The Kingston Granite city man should not do the vliove your voll in: five minutes ° Hedges, i sold at Gibson's Red Cepss IN Sea and Marble Works i an Why not eure it aver night 7 You can t eal | ® $1 * a Barroom The specialties were i : : a drigg store. y military with good. The company left for Peter "werews 1p STAND. {do it by using Hyomfi, the 'surc and | fo' {he February Woman's Home brass buttons, Price $45, for | boro, at midnight. vw Pri Clore Sig f gus a » for s, coug Sor We have constantl on If Kingston real estate guaranteed cure for colds, coughs, sore Companion, Anna Stedse Richardson $33. SO. } 4 i i declares that, the majority of busi- {No Alimony--Just A Separation. ness 'girls in large cities do not marry 1 Moire Bocharen. d ou ble { Peaceful, quiet separation, no dan- hecduse men 6 not earn as much breasted h. ger done, 'evervbody happy again -- money as they do. Mrs. Richardson 5 and very stylis tancy A » that's tho situation when you divorce after a greater experience than per- buttons, $45. $32. §0. . {your corns with Putnam's Corn Hx- were unreasonably high and (throat, catarrh, 'bronchitis and asth- hand the numerous little re- newals which are needsd IF X ou ARE where there are rubber goods § | " such ais : INTERESTED IN Rubber Tubing for Douches. Bulbs for Atomizers. Life Insurance Irrigating Tips for Ensma 'Syringes. ocks for Fountain Sy pau rents were low, it might pay | ma to "rent, but conditions here William Guesi, of Agr, Ont., says: most satisfactory treatment for nasal catarrh and bronchial trouble. I hate ha s 3 " i 3 o--don \ it S any other woman in America, tractor. Acts like magie--don't use sell' you a place at an inside doctored considerably for these trou- 3 Im. Caracul, box backs, tract Acts gz Rents are high, while I can : "The business woman is achiev- hi po : h in MRaancal sticeess at the sacritice of] fvery latest cut, braid trimmed, ay y are : {tng ever used WY given me Sue 3 ontent mat 1 tim i . ae Here you are : quick and lasting benefit as this «re i oo th ile sternal in-| {ete Sold at $15 and $18. for Died In Chicago. : $1,700 Brick 6 rooms, B. & C. | medy. 1 have found it especially good othan's Home Companion his $12. | A. H. Rackett, Sr., died at hig home 1,600 Brick # rooms, B. & C. {for cold in the head and cough. T ain established a Hiputation for beautiful " lany but 'Putnam's' --it's the bes, figure. { bles, and consaigntiouste say that no: 5 ' : . in Chicago on Saturday night. after a February Valentine Watch this space daily for lingering Hirose. He was. formerly $2,500 Frame 8 rooms, fur- very glad to cndorse Hyomei ak ah (illustrations. nace. article of uncommon merit." C0 {number is even richer than usual .in easy buying 1a Furs. handmaster of * Batts ry 2,850 Brick 8 rooms, B. & C Hvomei (pronounced High- ome) as display. C. Allan Gilbert's great new 0 or medicated and antiseptic dir. You |péinting, "David C prfield and Ag Corn Cure That Cures. \ All centrally located. {breathe it into the lungs trough a |des," is sebreduced op color The val 'Sai n Peck's Corn Salve cures corns-- small pocket inhaler and its soothing {entive. cover is painted by Howard | sometimes, but always. Money back influence as it passes over the in- | Chandler Christy. Other illustrations i i it dosn't. Cures any kind of eorns C ann, flamed membrance of respiratory tract, |are by Alice Barber Stephens, i Stoppers and Washers for | "Hot Water Bottles, ete Orson {quickly and thoroughly. In big hoxes, | stops the mucous discharge, allays the Lowell. Rose Cecil O'Neill and = Her- | The, as Wade' § drug store. Dr. A.P. Chown. Dru ggist and Optician, inflammation and the cold is cured.| A {mah Pleifor. The fiction is by Flor- } ~e > 51 Brock St. Somipleth Hyomei Ooutfit costs $1 and lente: Morse Kingsley, Juliet Wilbor Makers of Fine Furs It pays to buy tooth briishes .at . W. Mahood will refund your money Tompkins, Irving Bacheller, Mary Princess Street. i Gibaon' s Red Cross drug store, They AETV LLTLLTLLTALLRLLSLE Li it fails to cure. y Hastings and others. ¢ ¢ ? ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ i ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ 0 ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' $ are quite the reverse. { "Booth's Hyomei: Kas proven to be a ? ! ¢ ¢ ¢ Ld ¢ : 4 : 2 ' | won't wear out, the kind sold there, '

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