Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1909, p. 3

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Hosiery For All! The Family it Just give us the opportunity of showing you our large stock of Men's, Women's,.and Children's} We feel justly proud of our Hosiery | reputation, and it will suffer nothing this season in 4 comparison with other ycaré? Hosiery. 25¢., 35¢. and 50c. ties, 25¢ and 35c. All our new Men's Fine All-Wool, seamless foot, Socks, extra soft and pliable, plain and fancy, for 25¢., 35¢,, ' Women's All-Wool Stockings, soft, fine quality, spring weight, full fashioned, Children's Hosiery, something extra as to wearing quali- Fownes' 1 4S i < L 49c. ribbed or plain, Gloves are here, all lengths, new spring shades, soft and pliable, for 25. $1.00, 1.25, 1.75 to 2.2 Crumley Bros. aad asi es. aR ly pd nia Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO" IS THE SOL of a family, or any ale over 14 years old, may homestead a gquarter- section (180 acres, more or less) of avaiable. Dominion land in Manitoba, Baskatchewan or Alberta. 'Lhe applicant taust appear in person at the Dominion nds Agency or Sub-Agency for the 1atiict. Entry' by proxy. may be made Any agency, on certain conditions, by Tnthoy mother, son, daughter, sister of intending homesteader, DUTIRS.~<8ix months' residence and cultivation. of the land in each of three years. A homestouder may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter- Section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per apre. Duties,--~Must reside six months in each of six years df homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased omestead in: certain districts. Price $8.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, ary and Edmonton est line range 26, and West third 'Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Dutied.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NXNORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal mining riglits may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres can be leased to one appli- cant. Royalty; five cents per ton. QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of age and. over having made. a discovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 foot. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 | feet square. Entry fee, $3.00. DREDGING .~Two leases of five miles each of a river may be issued to one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, 0 a mile per annum. Royalty, 23% per cent after the output exceeds $10,000. brother or upon from date East of the Cal- Railway and the W, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication ol this advertisement will not be paid for, ° SEALED TENDERS addressed to undersigned at the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, and marked "Tender for Timber,'" will be received until noon of February 22nd, 1909, for 144 cedar posts and 113 000 feet best quality spruce timaber of various dimensions up to 6 in. x 6 in. and 27 feet long. to be supplied not later than April 8th, 1909, Specifications may be seen at the office of the Chief Astronomer; Dominion Ob- servatory, or will be sent by on application. he Department does not bind itself to ,._ accept the lowest or any tender. V. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of -the Interior A NEW DISCOVERY! tlio hair," found that will stop fromm twb to four days alling hair, in even the most severe Guaranteed or money relunded. ole mail ol the A mother who is in a gondition Haile | er Bsc the lessing of a nstitution ; Diesaln ailing Sad yo reverse, The tiny babe brings to her a liv- tos up the mother's general con- siltation, and restore her feminine thy, normal on assistance that m £0 a heal ath on. The greatest Toran an, LYDIA E PINKHAW'S | VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. 'M. Gilmer, of West Union, 8: C, writes to Mrs. Pinkham, FoR re air 1 a weakness peculiar to 1 began to take Lydia E. "I was suffering baby girl. Svery sick and ailing woman ---- give ink E. Pinkham' s Vegrtable Con cy TS. fiver, of Si St. Martin- ville, La., writes to Mrs. Pinkham he For years oe = inkbam the worst form of female troubles, and the doctor said I could not well without an operation. Lydia Pinkham's Vege- table Compound perfect health, and I have the sweetest little baby rl. I will never cease raise Lydia E. Pinkham's a FACTS FOR Sick AEN. For thirty ham's Jr Fars, Jodi Com; from roots and herbs, been le standard remedy for female i and has positively cured thousands o women who have been troubled with the worst forms. Why don't you try it? a Wah Long's Laundry Removed From 78 Ularepce" St., "to 155 Welling- ton St., betweéed Brock #nd Clarence: Sts. Best laundry ib the city. Goods ~alled for and ellvared. » You will want some Ho in Get application at a LN "» pr C han ved to eh me- Mi, Meat and hore is the place to good wld bioned re Man., Horse Drowned Near Dark Island-- South Leeds County Orange Lodge to Celebrate July 12th in Ottawa, Gananoque, Feb . 8.--~The eastwn wall 'of the ruined Grand Opera House building fell shortly before moon on Saturday, doing considerable dam- age. Considering it dangerous ef- forts' were, made to pull it down so that it' wonld fall towards the west but a, high westerly wind Sonpled it toward the east and crashed through the small oo adioining occupied '8s a meat market by Gi. "Rogers, and wrecked the _-- also the kitchen in the rear of the Jd. Ek. Rogers | block, occupied as res- taurant © by E. I. Latimer, crashing through it, smashing sideboard, stove and other furmiture, but fortunately, oithough Mr. Latimer's family was in that part of ihe budding, no one was injured. The western wall of the building was also tadly damaged, the plate glass window smashed and the roof also injured. The damage to the two buildings will amount to upwards of $1, 000, As a result of the wind storm Saturday the roof cf the new _ barn in connection with the Hay Island} house, on Hay Island, was blown off the damage to which will amount to a few ' hundred dollars and which will be total loss. A further result of the wind storm was a general scare for the residents of the town, a part of the wheel shop roof blowing off, deranging the steam whistle #0 that it kept up a con- stant blowing from about 12:15 to on 2 ny 7 PAID THE PENALTY. Gibraltar, Feb. 8.---Capt. Edward F. Qualtrough of the battleship Georgia, hav- ing been found guilty * by court-martial of being in- toxicated while on duty, and of conduct prejudicial to the good of the navy, has been suspended from duty for six months, with an additional punishment of the loss of ten numbers in rank. HATER HARARE RRR, oh TTT 12:30 o'clock, the entire populace turn- ing out considering that another had invaded the towh. Considerable excitement was caused cn' King striet about eight' o'clock Saturday moroing by the horse at- tached to Gibson's bread waggon tak- ing fright in the east end and dash- ing down the street. The waggon was considerably damaged but horse and driver escaped serious injury. Mr. Gray, Leeds township, a miles east of the town, lost a valu- able horse on Saturday, which was valued at $200, while driving on the ice near Dark Island, the animal breaking through and although ¢f- forts were made to extricate him they were unsuccessful, South Leeds county Orange lodge held its annual meeting in Lansdowne during the past few days. The ot- tendance was large. LOL. No. 51, of Gananoyue, was represented by ex Mayor Robert Sheppard and others. The following officers were elected and duly installed by O. W. Land PCM: WAM, Geotge Stevens, John Gilpin; Rev. Woodcock; WW. son; F.8.,, W. E, Brown; R.S., Warren; director of ceremonies, Morehouse; lecturer, H. 8, deputy lecturers, T. J. Webster, D. Moore. The annual meeting will be held next year in Gananoque and the county lodges will celebrate in Ot- tawa next July 12th, Gananoque lodge; No. 247, A.0.U. W., and Court Thousand Islands, (. 0.F., have received accommodation in the A.O.H. hall in Bennett's Block, King street, The young people of the Maple Grove Methodist church of Gananoque East circuit have organized a suc cessful branch of the Epworth League meeting weekly and holding interest- ing services. The following are the saviety's offigers : Hon, president, Rev. WU O. Tredinnick: presicent, Mrs. James Bell; first vice-president, Mrs. A. Seal: second vice-president, Clarence Keatings third vice- president, Ww. , Thompson; fourth vice-pre- sident, J. A. Seal; secretary, Miss N. Lake; treasurer, Miss Ethel Todd; or- ganist, Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Two funerals took Blab here yes- terday, that of Mrs. Herbert McArdle to Brewer's Mills cemetery at 9 am. and that of Mrs. Samudl McCammon at 2 p.m. to St. Andrew's church, thence to Gananoque cemetery, both being quite largely attended. Rev. H, Gracey conducted the service at St, Andrew's. The local Salvation Army opened up Sunday in their new quarters on Gar- den street, holding morning, after noon and evening services, all of which were well attended. Ensign and Mrs. McDonald were in charge. The "following have returned after vissting in town: Mr. and Mrs, J. Kenny, to Jones' Falls, after a visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McArdle, First street; Mrs. Grettan, to Ottawa, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Antisdel, Garden street; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payne, to Deloraine, after the past month with re- latives and friends, - The following are visiting out of town : with friends in Watertown, Mary Bolger, Stone ty friends on Wclie Island; Thomas Bristlon and H. Moore, jr., King street, with relatives in Kingston: G. W. Thornley, Stone street, with rela- taves in Springfield, Mass. five ' chaplain, treasurer, D.M. Cook; : Miss with To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah- lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Ww. Sroves signa- ture is on each bok. : Wiliam Minnes was in London "on {Friday and was a bearer ai the funo- a ind that 'mother member of a millinery firm, 1 of tho late R. D. B. Nicholson, fr few | old Fi og Mix 8i the World i aheness Fo amedingis ront of PRie es ites 25¢., 35e. WEDNESDAY, AY, FEB, HENRY W. SAVAGE THE : MERRY The Musical Bensath Direct from its run of Londen (and with the Prices, 50e; 75¢., $1, Seats now on sale. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Evening at 8.15 A Beautiful Musical Comedy in ar sented as Fun Makers. Prices, 25c., 85c.,.p0¢., Seats on sale Tuesday. lowns, | Seid oak ek SP Spgtacilur pany of over 200 and Orchestra in which the Mayor and Aldermen will be repre- "TUESDAY, TERRUAR ; Y.M.CA. "SIRCUS™ «Part. by w-Dow gro- Theat fs, at sale' Monday. at Box Office. fora. Offers WIDOW | "ot the Century, one year (winter and semmer) in New York, two ati running). "nglish Grand Opera Orchestra. $1.50, $2. ears in her SATUR- DAY, FEB. 11TH, 12TH, 13TH. Saturday Matinee 2.80. "QUEEN ZENORA AND. THE KING'S TOWN COUNCIL" Laughable by a Com- Tae. Heroism: of Lagardere. Or the Principal Characters Nevers ; Blanche de Nevers, daug ter ; the Duchess de N de -Gonsague; Count de Peyrolles, an inn pl Period, A.D. 16M Costumes Louis XIV. rinci he Ketack" The "Swords Out" "The Res Flight"'; "The "Plot at the Power of Gold" "The "The Hunchback' ; "The ardere's Triumph." "The which love, jealousy, gunstighting are interesting. Will. West in Illustrated 8 The seenc, Conspiracy" Assasdination' "The : "The Duel" ; BIJOU & "MONDAY AND TUESDAY: LEWIS WALLER'S GREAT PLAY. "THE DUKE'S MOTTO" Henri Duke his beautiful evers ; Count Lagardere ; cue' inn" Stratagem" "Lag- "COWBOY SCHOOLMA'AM" A Comedy Drama of the Wild West, in horsetanship features. Ong: de de France, :| LIVERPOOL, and Fost intention: de a mordés, Bach eon ord. Mins. conn in one in. -- three. six, $1; me mouth 4a: _ jy; 50e. ; |. ° bank MAN a wri ye 0 oa For Sipericaced Fay Box ¥ he a3 as hie NY 10 9. Ty I FJ ER Be. ABHES inesage OF i: Spey ng AT ONCE, "AT Ho¥ TO DELIVER : ponte Nor] tiny ora Now New MEN: WANTED 30 "LEARN 'BA Ghat, 1p. securn' Tr HE Few weeks complete' RO Lata logue free.. Write Moles Bar! ber Col lege, Toronto. - WANTED--FEMALE., A GOOD PLAIN COOK. REFERENCE: required; Apply at this Office, A CAPABLE GENERAL Appl stree "SERVANT rH in the. evening, at 125 King GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, WITH references ; no: washing ; good wages Apply Ars. R. J. Carat, 215 Broce) stree! § a SITUATION VACANT, MEN MAKE MONEY DURING WINTER months un selling. our Guaranteec orthern Grown Nursery it in your district. The ursery vo. Limited, Mon- Stock, Tr; Canadian treal. SITUATIONS WANTED. BY A YOUNG DBADY, with diploma, desires "position as stenographer, cashier, with knowledg: of bookkeeping. Law preferred. Ap ply Box 'F., 100," Whig office. EXPERIENCED MONEY AND BUSINESS. LONDON AND: GLOBF Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable : , In addition tc policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of al the stockholders. Farm and. eit) property insured at lowest possibi. rates. fore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strang: & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. BUSINESS CHANCES. KRAMER AND Pickaniny and Soubrefte, Song Hits and Comic: Danci THING ENTIRELY-NEW A This team pense direct from New York, you'll see something. great. SONG--'"THE MAN THE FIRE," March Song. Our Pictures for TO-NIGE FINEST OUT, direct iro turers, One of the finest dra that true Tove never dies, The Parting--lL.ost FAITHFUL, I'HE HUSBAND'S. HOME-C Our MATINEES two reels of Film, Song, VAUDEVILLE. Come to where you can, see a at W HO good show, Pictures this week are better' than ever. PRINCESS THEATRE ROBE. EIPMAN. RAYMOND in the latest Prop, in SOME- N yu NIQUE. Has been secured at great. ex- and are ex- ceptionally good. See thém to-night and | F. 1GHTS are' Tn) MARINE AND AUTOMOBILE |i tN m mas show ing | "AFTER MANY YEARS." { Sea~THE | WIFE~--Seven Years: Later-- OMING. are supreme. 'We show | FINE | and the Princess, Our Before the eruption took three other gubjects : 1H Colored ; "PERSIST T Comedy ; and "A JEALOUS MAN." The gréat cicilian p shown TWO DAYS ONLY. SONG--' "The Old Red Sch The Hill,"! hy MISS WHIT CHILDREN TWO CENTS AFTERNOON, Showing most beautiful. scenery Region of the recent Earthquake WONDERL AND 5c. TO-DAY and TO-MORROW 5c. "THE CICILIAN'S REVENGE" in the place. Also FLOWE RS" Su ITOR, FISHER- icture will be pol House On TIER. TO-MORROW OF THE See particulars later. Budget From & Stoco, Feb. 4.--Wood not successfully, catty ow: op account of option 18 life. has been despaited pst couple of weeks, is way to recovery. was soleinize church, Tweed, "last' Monda; many of his Tweed aid Stoco "ather Twémey's- ville, on Tpesady s son, Albert Murphy, ly and others were John Caul, The Mess tigiber id has been friends in worth. A: his section." spending Fair View, Snider aud family Sef fu home near Napanee. present from well Fredericksburg people are sorry to lose weme good neighbors. 3. C. Woods, i pe Ad ? old parishioners attended the neeal, in and Faicview. EXCURSION QUEEN'S ATHLETIC COMMITTEE TO TORONTO SATURDAY, FEB: 20TH FARE $3.35. ah ions or sleighing. . Local Still a subject Matthew 'Casidy's Title te. hose a the now on the The marriage Charles Akey and Miss Lizzie Casidy 'in the Roman Catholic A good rom late Belle- yo hemas Master- na Badge- |: summoned to Belleville, this week, for the trial for alleged assault Miss Tullock, Pringuse street, | robbery of W. A. Caniff, in December, tangemen of Allisonville lodge, attend Doodys , are buying up Jed the county meeting, of { and Keilty, Jr. some time. with | the neighborhood of Tam- Faniily Leaving Fair View. Feb. 6.--Thirty young Bruce McFaul, people gathered, at the home of: Al-[on Thursday, ired Snider to bid farewell before Mr. their new | ber were Hay Bay, The Mr. and Mrs. Snider from 'the neighborhood. They Longboat-Shrubb race, and had to ¥ "manages of | Home: SPLENDID aS SF ORTUNITY TO am in a stock of envelopes. No. 7 or size, printed, $1.50, unprinted, $1. 25 British Whig office. WIRING AND REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. manufac- SUPPLIES. Our Work Guaranteed: Tomball Flecrical Mfg. Co. A DOLLAR. Looks as hig as ® waggon us at this time of the year, Do Not Wait Till Spring &o Make Your Selections. Priceg are lower now ment greater. All kinds of Household Goods and sold. Try me for a square deal. L. Lesses, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts. Ont. wheél to aid our. assort- bought King- + ston, Auction Sales Rooms ALL -KINDS OF SECOND-HAND goods bought and sold, or gqods sold on commission. Auction Sales promptly at- tended to, at. the City Auction Sales Rooms, 88 Brock St., Kingston. J. E. JONES, Auctioneer. Budget From Allisonville. Allisonville, Feb. 6.--Mr. Patterson, ' from Albert College, took Rev. bi g's work, on Sunday, ws he went (ictoria to. preach ahniversary oh on Congecon circuit Mise Ida Boyd gave a party to twenty-five young 'people on Wednesday evening. Miss Jetty Doolittle gave a, large par ty, on" arsday evening, in horior ol Miss Mabel Story, of Bloomfield." Mr. and Mrs. L. Hogle and Mr. and Mrs Spencer Huffman have been away foi a couple of weeks' visiting relatives in "Trenton and Frankford. Mrs. J. R, Marvine left, on Friday, for a couple of weeks' visit in Hastings county. The Conservative Club met, on Mon day night, and made artangements for a debate . in two weeks. Subject : "Which way can there be the most knowledge gained, from reading or {travelling ? Quite a number of Or in Northport, Mr. ahd Mrs. Willet Val leau visited Jessa Harnes op Thurs: { day. Mr. and Mrs. James Calman, lof Christian street, visited at H. G Anderson's; on Tuesday. H. A. Me | Faul was invited to his eldest son's, for a birthday dinner, the 4th. Rev. H. H. wife were there also. George Ferguson and wife and twe daughters, Florence and Louise, visit- js Grant Valleau last night. John {McFaul and wife went to Wellington, last night, to get the returns of ° the i fon Tuesday. Cragg and 'stay till midnight before word came. a) Routes * and mss Nash ir! wagon w ointed SubAlitute attached. mieux, 913 De H. Hv HOUSE, ABOUT conveniences prefer- .* Possessi ILL BE PAID FOR SOUTH Grant Warrants. Mike raft. with warrants and a J. Lorimier, Montreal. date IENTLEMEN TO er orértos ts rd ohn ft, an, ha nd Suits. Price and w ne The Buon ad] next to mow, ale" fast oma a St. ARCHITECTS. A RT Ave UR ELLIS ce and residence, ARCHITECT, 181 University HENRY etc., Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, POWER & chant"s second store, and Wellington streets, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE streets. "Phone, 608. RCHITECTS, MER uilding, corner Brock "Phone, 213, sou Bank floor gover Mahood's Drug corner Princess and Bagot Entrance on Bagot street FINANCE AND INSURANCE. lars SURGLARY INSURANCE from i 8B Clarence St., telephone, PARTICU- Kirkpatrick, 42 568. ton S sent onto. {ENERAL Boon, INSURANCE OFFICE, T. gent. Office, 159 Welling t. Reliable Companies repre ROBERT cian ai to 9 MEDICAL CARD. and ¥illinm, atrapts a.m. "Phone, 870. <c OA B NT ¢ ee J. SARDIN ER, nd Surgeon, M.D., PHYS] rier of Bagot Hours, 8 Office 2to4 and 7 to 9 p.m "1 CORN. RATHRNC0 Dm new, for $10, BOILER AND ENGINE, SUITABLE for butter factory. J anes Beatty, Garden oro Xi AN DAR LX AT a Turk's, PI i ue. GOOD COMMEROIAL neyo, 0. or Jrinted, yo Wie fis ves thousand ; thousand, British W ER. ND DIVISION Sts., aifh t he romed" Poin, latest ts, easy terms. fodern an 108 ine at street. TWO 0 ANELLINGS 1 IN Balance to Godwin ston. pasion 4 or hi mall Day snt own, ry Saat eet PP FIFTELR! [OUSAND ABSOLUTELY new ia records for any cviind« er mac Toronto Phonograph o'y) only $1.50 per dozen, former prige-3be, each, Bicycle Munson, -'Forontd. , : olum ONE ge J-ooTAVE Ju case g galdi stop, full h music doa, Sn pn all. Special Sg J. D. Hay, 124 and NE taronce street. TO-LET. STORE, 108 BROOK ST." APPLY JOHN ay, 151 Brock street. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITH board + out odern convenience. Aps ply 214 William streets CEFTRALL ront an street, over Furnishing Forrest. _-- TAOCATED 'F rear rooms, at 845 J. P.. Forrest's store. Apply IRS, Kin Gent's to Mey PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc. v 4 without scar. Twi ears' nos. Dr. Elmer, J. ose, Throat and Skin BIRTHMARKS od en Bonini] 258 Bagot street. A RED HOT FIRE UPSIDE DOWN THIS WEEK The workmen are pulling things to pieces this week AT SUTHERLAND'S SHOE Kindly pardon us for the confusion--but after the remodelling is finished we will be in a better shape to look after our patrons in every way. Cheap Shoes This Week For The kind that lasts longest is made with Coal and Wood from SWIFT'S. ---- - T STORE All. World NESTLE TSiows, bulk, 50¢ Chocolates: TOBLER'S CAILLER'S, okg. PETER '8S; from 5c. to 40c. FRY'S. 'from 5¢. CoWAN'S. from be. aT. Peters & Co., 's Famous Milk All Prices | , from Se. to 25¢. per pkg. from 5c. to 20c, per per pkg. 15¢. per pkg. abe' Sor pkg. pkg. 8, to from 5c. to 20c. to Roe, from be. he Jaton' Aid will acre an "At ie KEYS | Antiseptic Barber Shap pe | 8 Beans! Lima Beans California Beans Small White Beans a " Large FRESH OYSTERS D. Couper, Dealer 4p: Pure Fogd. Qrosaries:: 2 'Phone, 76. - 841-3 Princess St. FOUNDRY

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