PAGE sIX. TRAVELLING, 5 hii Wi NGSTONS J"EMBROKE URN IN CONNEUTION WITH ' Canadian Pacitic Railway 3 ry 2 R Trains Leave Kingston 12.01 p.m. For Ottawa, Mon treal, Quebec, John, N.B., Halifax, Boston; 'Toronte, Chiesgo, denver, Ren frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul Winnipeg, Vancoliver, 'Seattle, Portland and Ban Franseisco. 5.00 p.m.-~Locak for Sharbot , Lake, connectMig with CPR, East and West. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7.45 a.m. Mited--For Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving bun. arrive' in Ottawa boro, 4.38 p.m. ; Montreal, 7.05 p.m. | St. "ohn 12.00 noon, . KINGSTON -- OTTAWA Leave Kingston, 2.01 p.m. Ottawa, 6 p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.45 a. ston 8.55 p.m. . Full particulars at K. R. Ticket $ice ontaric F.C AX, £ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pm. daily (Sundays excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Descronto, Bannock: burn and all points north, To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your ship ments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particulars, apply to R. Ww. DICKSON, Ageat, one, 0, Express St, 12.01 ; Peter pan. | 30 a.m y 6.55 o, 0.4 Jostom, 7 arrive m., argive King- agd C. P 'Pine, 50. Pass, Agenl. & P. Bi. Local Branch Time Table. arrive at Street. will leave and Foot Trains O1ty Depot, of Johnson 1 Arr. ad 1.07 . 8.1% GOING City No. 5 " WEST dai City n.m au. ve 5 3 Ex 11 Local 1 Inter 7 Mail .. 15 Local GOING EAST, 8 Mall .. 2 Fast E 16 Local 6 Mall ... 4 Fast 12 Local Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 5 All other trains ds 9 $ 12.95 noon 12.566 p.m . 3.19 pom. 3.51pm 7.08 pa. 7.38pm Lve. City . City wee 1.48 a.m a.m . 2.856 a.m. a.m 16 a.m. a,m r Arr 2.1 3.1 8.4 " 7 7 7 p.m. p.1o. and 8 except p.m 7.98 p.m run daily Sunday. Through Pullman Ottawa via Brockv and 5, leaving Kin Ottawa, 6.45 p.m. For Pullman Accommodation, tickets and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Ont Sts. Sleeper to and from le y on iLrains 5 a.m. and Cor, Johnson aud rio Royal Mail Train, y 4 Maritime Express Famed for 'excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, John, N.B., Halifax, FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. St. Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot. Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Tickst Office, 130. St. James Street, * or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. < QUEBEC S. COMPANY. BERMUDA from New York Screw Steam- 13th, 20th erwards every Ss >. Saturday at 10 ao. New York to Bermuda, Bahamas and retur da Februar Nassau, n. 8.8, rir v and 8 March West India Cruises from New Ste "Gui , with all "Parima,' 8,000 tons, alternate Wednes For beauty of climate these 1 fllustrated paw passage and all A. E. OUTERBR Quebec New Y Quebec, { P. TANT} New York ' 3,700 ements. . "Korona,' York every LL tons 8S. 3 enery s are unsurpassed. giving rates of apply to Agents, Broadway, and perfection of Yor anada, or to Y, and C. 3 Agents, J. REPATRICK, DANGER SIGMLS They Tell Us Plainly That Something 'Is Wrong Inside. There are tablets and powders that | will. stop a headache promptly--but removing a danger signal does not | take away the danger. In nearly every case a headache-- of whatever kind--is a symptom of poisoned blood, due to Bowels, Kid- neys and Skin failing to thoroughly remove indigestible food and waste, worn-out Jlastie from the body. Then digestion - Is poor, causing sick head- aches, or uric acid is formed and de- posited on the nerves, causing neural- gia. Not onlwithe danger signal, but the danger: itaelf as well, is quickly re- woved by "Frult-a-tives." "rrnif-a-tives" are tablets made of he combined juices of oranges, ap- Jles, figs and prunes, containing all heir. medicinal properties, . concen- rated and intensified. They cause he lyer, to, secrete mote bile, which noves the howels frecly and. regular- - and cures the most obstinate cases on on. They stir up Kkid- nevs and skin to throw oft all the ufea; or dead tissue, which has been poiscning the system, TRey sweeten 1 stomach, improve digestion and tovie up the whole body. "The head aches disa because the source is removed. a box---6 for $2.50, Trial size, 26c. ottawa. it YOU CAN'T BRIDGE OVER." The Coal questian. You have to con- it. For best duality. Try WALSH'S, Barrack St. § WOMAN'S BACK WIS NOT MADE TO AGHE. Thousands of Women Suffer Un- | told Misery Every Day With Aching Backs That Really Have No Business To Ache. Under ordinary conditions i gaght to be strong and ready to bear the burdens of life. 16 is hard to do housework with an ach- ing back. Backaches come from sick kidneys, and what alot of trouble sick kidneys cause, But they can't help it. If more work is put on them than they cam stand it is not to be wondered that they get-oas of order. Backache is simply a warning {rom the kidneys and should" be attended to im- mediately so as to avoid of terrible suffering from kidney troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills will cupe you in the eame way a8 they have thousands others. 4+4+4+4+44+4+ Mr. O. Warren, Radis- 8 3 won, Sask., writes: "I PAINS IN + was troubled with very BACK. : severe 'pins in my back Terre for years. I tried every- thing I could think of but they did me uo good, A friend told me about Doan's Kidney Pills and after taking two boxes, I have not been troubled since. ' ; Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.35, all dealers or mailed direet on receipt of ice by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'oronto, Ont. When ordering specify * Doan's." iw the Trade Mark when you buy spoons, forks, knives, etc. Ifitis "1847 ROGERS BROS: wou are sure of your money's worth in. artistic patterns, style, finish and quality. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Piichers, urns, dishes, trays, etc. i %of extraordinary beauly and wearing "quality are made jy MERIDEN BRITA CO. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, | GENTACHES RE GREAT WASTE OF TIE | enth day in the provincial legislature | like the other. gix, there has been noth- {ing done | ness that has heen transacted. { this light, be Fruit-astives Limited, | wo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG not yet - the last of which they have shown themselves to be eapable, and that they will endeavor not 16 We {caught next time, the public would | think just as much of the paper as |it does after the explanation. and { apologies it has tried to make. | Meanwhile, Barnard holds his seat, gained by the false pretences of 4 dirty, indiscreet tactician. Quite the proper thing for him ito da, under the circumstances, would be 46 resign, but will he do it? Netamuch ! This would not be, according. to their principles. They, the conservative party, may not be accused of keeping the .command- ments; but' they RT keep everything politically speaking, that they can get their hands on, and we might wild, drawing 'out' inference from the above incident, "by Toul "mbwns or "fair. I never knew an election to pass yet when the conservatives did not have something to "spring" upon the people at the lagt moment. It is an old game with them, and yet it seems that they ean play it over and over just as often as they like, and there are always some unwaty that they can cateh: The honest politician should, of cotivse; represent the whole of the people; but how about the wily duffer = who'is landed by such tactics as the above described? Does he re- any | present the whole of us? ' out] In conclusion, I would lke to ask (N LEGISLATURE OF BRI TISH COLUMBIA. Member Takes Up a Whole Day, to | Tell About His Own Greatness --A Newspaper in Trouble. Special! Correspondence. Vancouver, B.C., Feb: 1.--The sev- of British Columbia, Has passed, but that even the most ardent { supporters of the government can lay their fingers on, or point to as busi- So 'far the time scems to have been taken up {in trying to find "explanations why such large sums of money were drawn immediately after the federal election, | and where #hey went to, all of which, in a way, the people are interested lin, but which it would seem, is an uncalled for waste of time. The sey- enth day opened and closed with Bowser, and = was Bowser practically all the way through. Bowser a great man--in his, own estimation, and when others do not view him is ready to spend in and amount of time, in the house or pd ET of it, to convince us of his greatnesp. {as a favor that you keep wn eye open Consequently this seventh day was | down there for anythig that our taken up by him. not in the discus { member from Vanconyer may do at sion of aby measure that was before | JAY, and if ho should be able to the house, for there was none, but inj Reep rom dropping his notes upon telling his' listeners how much he had | the floor of the house long enough' to { done for the! province, and incidentally ome at tences, kindly let us for the party in the past, and how | BO Zs. two PA are, | much more this amounted to than | bh do ior BY anything of, him would have' been possible with. any ron and we are ahxious.--E. H. other mai.» For seven days the house . fs has 'listened: to this kind of babble when will they get down to business ? 6 t N Vite It ' That was; a pretty little mess that 0 ow a ty the Victoria Colonist--conservative, oi ' A + course--got itself into over that fake } Pre d App tit telegram, which, undoubtedly, was ne ase 8 i 6. the means of tarning the tables in'fa . ror of Buejatd, the Sepaseyative call" | True Strength, Vigor and Buoyant didate for 1ietoria. ot nnu Si | Wilirdd Fdurier made the "accusation Health Quickly Followed Yhe {in the dominion house, that R. L Use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. { Jorden was responsible for the tun } By purifying nourishing the | things had" taken politically on the | blood, Dr. Hamiltan's "Pills quickly | Pacific coast, owing to a certain tele: impart new vigor to all weak organs. giiim having: been sent by Borden to |7he kidneys and liver are stiraulated, { the Colonist, .on the eve of the elec: | gisease-breeding poisons ave carvied tion, did the people know of the fake | the cntire bedy is renswed and 1 he telegram, as it appeared in the L restored. Colonist, read: 'Your re: | Lack of appetite ceived. The 'conservative party stands |poon zest for food, message is changed into : ; ) Digestion and as- (for a white Capada, the protection of | grailation are made pericet. Thus, all white Jabor, and the absolute exclu- | you eat is turned into nourishment, sion of Aspdtics. Borden denied hav {and building material. ng 'Such a message, and stated | Road the gyidence published here; it that the following wa what he did | tls just how Dr. Hamilton's Pills send : "Your received he lure the sick and help the weak : onservative party stands for white : 1Canada and absolute protection o white labor." | { The put "up against | lit," as the saying is, and it has bee | very busy since trying to explain how | tand why it all happened. It has of | sent message 1 Vital Energy Increased. "I always felt 'draggy' and tired. "When I arose in the morn- ig my limbs ached and 1' felt dull. "1 didn't énjoy © my meals and couldn't digest properly. "Pr. 'Hamilton'# Pills strengthened my stomach, purified my blood, made me feel like new, No better medi- cing exists, (Mrs.) L. M. Morang, Colonist was more wily | fered several explanations, none of | which, howeyer satisfactory they may he to the Colonist, are satisfactory tc i the people. 'The Colonist says that it very much regrets the incident, and that the lesson will not be lost. Tak en as it means, this would read that the Colonist regrets that it was | caught in its dirty work, and the les Sidney, C.B. {son 'will teach it to be in | Dy relving on Pe. Hamilton's Pills | the future. If the Colonist would {yon are sure of strong vitality, nour- come right out and tell jus the truth :ijshing blood, bright, chet ty spirits. t hat it was a dirty tactic charecter- |The marvel of this medicine 'is nhat it | istic with the conservative party, in: [keeps you well--prevents and wards off tended to serve a purpose, which it |gjckness of covery kind. undoubtedly did serve,' as Barnard | Dr. Hamilton's Pills kecp thousands | gained a victory, by a small major. of people healthy. Won't vou se | ity, "tis true, which he did not expect 8 5 Sold overywhere in 2c to gain, That this. is not the hem Shy il py ™ i ADVANCE MODEL IN LINEN. | a | { portion of the reserve, which, if "wore the maple leaf, and. it was Alex- stration of 'the crowd when the win- Interesting News From the Var ious Sporting Fields. Johnson has signified his willingness to meet Jeliries. According to Marty Walsh this may be his last year in hockey. Toronto Telegram : Steacy's King ston juniors are very light, but are speedy and clever, and next year will probably be heard from, Harilton Spectator: It was' here that Longboat got his first start, just as it was here that the Caflerys and Sherrings were wroduced. Ham-, ilton is the Canadian home of the long-distance game, ~ Napanee won and lost in Brockville curling matchés. The Brockville rinks were "defeated by twelve shots, and the Eastern Hospital won by ten. The Fastern Hospital leads the league with four straight victories. President J. J. McCaflery received an offer for the franchise of the To- ronto ball club from a firm of To- ronto lawyers, who are acting for come hig league club. Mr. McCafiery feplied that the franchise was not for sale, 4 The Pittsburg Hockey league closed on Saturday. The season has béen a poor one from every point of. view, and for half of the short season the league consisted of only three teams The Bankers have a dog lead on the other two. Matthew , = Maloney, champion" Marathon kers, N.Y., hds sent in his resigna- tion as an amateur athlete, and has issued a challenge to Longhoat for al race in Madison Square Garden for the world's Marathon championship. The Vancouver team are now on 'a tour of several United States cities, and have no dif- fieculty in arranging matches across the line. The authority of Mr. Sul livan's A.A.U. counts for nothing on the Pacific coast in actual, practice. Poronto World : The tne was ri- diculously slow even for a Mardthon; and to those who will now: persist that Shrabb will surely beat Long- boat at ten or fifteen miles « it 1& only necessary to point to the In- dian's time for those distances, and next race he'll surely have the ad- vice to go at the faster clip. The Eastern Hospital, of Brockville; maintained their winning streak when they disposed of Napanee in the Cen- tral Ontario Curling League series by 35 to 25. Napanee went fiome with an even break as they won from the Brockville club by 12 shots. The hospital curlers have played fom the amateur runner, of Yon: Y.M.C.A. 'basketball | Regular $3.75 and 4.00 Tan Oalf, Vici Kid, Gun Me- tal Calf and Pat, Colt Skin Boots, | Now $2.95. 5 Special for S Regular $5.00 Black and Tan: Winter Calf. Viseoliz- ed Soles, Genuine Wate Proof, See our windows. Reid "& Charles. Breakfast on Nature's Best matches, winning them all, and are regarded as likely league leaders, Vancouver World : = The press across the line who think well of Longboat are consfantly referring to him as the "Amevican,"" 'Now once and for all Longboat has not taken naturaliza- tion papers, and never can. Neither cen Longboat, like the late Sir John A. Macdonald, utter the historie words : "A British subject I was born on Britisn subject I will die"' In the first place, were the Onondaga to go over to the enemy he would lose his cut up, would fetch a pFetty price. He would abandon all claim. And again the United States does not recognize an Indian as having any status what- soever. He can never become an Am- erican citizen. So that on the whole we hardly imagine the desire of Mr. Longboat to join the ranks of Uncle San'. will ever be fulfilled. Toronto Globe : The long-distance championship is still with a Canadian, for Thomas Longhoat defeated the re- doubtable Alfred Shrubb, just as he has beaten others, by his endurance, at a 'pace that they could not carry to the end. Had Longhoat been de- feated, the honor would still have never sets. The two men who battled for it, and 'made a thrilling. spectacle for the 12,000 New Yorkers who crowd- ed the great Madison Square Garden, carried no emblems of the country tn which they ran, and there was no chance to cheer for. the Stars Wwnd Stripes. The one from. the north land ander. Muir's song. that rang g ough the building above the frenzie Hemon- nér was decided. The beaten man wore the Union Jack on the lhifeast of his red jersey, and nobody . ever car- ried it more pluckily 'against insuper- able odds. been with the flag on which the sun | Energy Maker. A brealkfast that starts you qut "just fit" for the hardest day's work. in the coldest weather--more notrishing than. 3 rridge and meats--keeps the veins full of warm bl an the bowels active and healthy: Sold Hy ali grveersiiisel a carton; Mate ¥ wo fobs For. "Chooolate Pudding" -- for | «Homemado Fudge"--for Ia PAT, ete:,~--use Cowan's Perfection Cocoa. Delicious in flavor, nutritious, economienl: . THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. x RPT . : 79 TRY OUR ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CAKES FOR 5 O'CLOCK TEAS, ETC. Pineapples Russet Apples You Must Cure Dyspepsia. Improper digestion of food harms' in { to 'many ways that the evil must be | corrected at once. The remedy to rely | upbn is 'Day's' Dyspepsia Cures © It | helps to digest food, it tones up the | 'whole system and iv keeps the Bowe 8 | inn Proper condition. Edch bottle con- tains sixteen days' treatment. For sale | only atsWide's drug wtore. | | Lharles McVittie, barrigter, Toronto, has become associated with T. W. Me- Garry, M.P.P., in his law practice in Renfrew. Dr. A. At Toye's, 302 Kin PHONE 141. ., g St. ~~ PLUMBERS: USE our STAR EXTRA WIPING SOLDER, the round. end blocks, costs no more than the common kinds. One trial will make it al- ways your SOLDER, v 8. Wade, Renfrew, and Dr. | E Wickware, Smith's Falls, have. been | elected: chairmen. of the boards of edu- | cation in their towns. Money issued on City and Fafm Pro- perties. Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. '"'arence street: Canada Metal Co., L td Kingston. i r 31 William St., Toronts. Roya . ALLA Mail LINE LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. From St. John, Halifax. .. Feb. 19th. Feb: 20th. Corsi sails + Mur A Mar. « Hoesper i « Mar. 13th GLASGOW SAILINGS. from Bost EN OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO " : Smoking and Chewing at forty-five in * Pol '| eapts a pound, is a good tobacco. Why 0 4 wd | PAY eighty-five cents. Apdrew Macles\ upwards, Se % upwards, Third-Class, | Ontario strem. FEBRUARY s*SALE | T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS % 1 Cn The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are Beady to contract delivery. Brick that will tion at reasonable rates. plant 60,000 daily. Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | . etc., for sale. 3 Sale of Horses every Saturday WORN BY MISS MITCHELL : > 1 iC or PRINEN DONNA CO HATO av IOBL FEDERS v y tes - superior . quality : Every one interested in spring dressm > ¥ pSoaran - € lity, | ive to know how to make colored linen correct style, tistic workmanshi an : . at. AILSVS Yo y | This graceful dress of corn coloced line TL Quellett o |'ache in a definite pattern which simula' o cuffs. The little bodice is made lTonian Corint i First-Class, $7¢ Class $ { and rates HANLEY, al Agents, Additional plication to RIRKPATRIUL, - 14 ston. NEW on or C ¥ LAID EGES AT GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot & Earl Phone 47. One lot of Women's: High Grade Shoes in Tan, Red, Patent Colt and Vici Kid, regular $3.75 and 4.00. For 2 days only. 4 Toesday and Wednesday, for immediate stand inspec Capacity of Puy Y our Wall Paper Now and Save Money AT -- E. FRASER'S, ine plains is on the gai n the 'many dainty huss. is braided with white sout- an overskirt, bertha and loose from the sleeves and is set I.