he KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1909. LAST EDITION --- -- S---- ------ BLIND FARMER ESCAPED, PITCHED TO RIVER BELOW. 11 MARRIED AT BRANDON PROBABILITIES. i : 4 So 2 fo : Luk p-- Moroni, Ot," Feb, 10, --(10 & ©) Severely Scorched With Son Who ' Three Young People Injured in Ac- ; And Now at Napanee on Their | Easterly winds, with snow. 'Thursday, Helped Him. cident. 11 Honeymoon Strong westetty Meisde and becoming mach ---- 3 : Wingham, Ont., Feb. 10.--The news Port Elgin, N.B., Feb. 10.--Pitched Napanoe, Feb. 10.~Gordon E. Min- has just reached here of the complete fourteen feet or more from Port Elgin destruction' by tire of the home of bridge to the river below, and pinned last Saturday, to spend a few weks chinton and bride arrived in tows, AR dl : It Covers Actes of Land In|/emes Bullagh, five mils north of fa Handling the Money in beet = "pug." two daughters of | Despatches From Near And | vith his parcits Mr. and Mrs. J. J, [#= wes vont JOURNAL PATTERNS ; here, in the township of Turnberry, on | Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turner were in- ; Minchinton. Mr. Minchinton was mar: Ireland. the boundary between the counties of Postal Service. jured most dangerously, while {heir Distant Places. ried about a month "age in Brandon. Huron and Bruce. brother, a lad cleven years old, was Man., to Miss Margaret Murdock, of} The father, who has been blind and also badly hurt. that city. Gordon's many Napanee almost helpless . for several years, The accident took place when the] ft Tina frionds wish him and his charming ® heard the cracking of the flames, and three young people were driving from WORLD'S bride many years of wedded happiness. 4 i getting out, called his son, who, with home to Sunday school. As they pass- The funeral of the late Joseph G. difliculty dragged him out of the burn- ed over the bridge, below which were ) Baker, who died so suddealy in Ham- ] ing building, just as the roof fell in, gs piled great rough blocks of jee, tho S---- ilton, on Friday last, took plate; yes: i horse took the blind staggers and be- |GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- terday afternoon, from the residence and not before both of them were HAS BEEN CHANGED BY THE |scverely burned. IS BEING WORKED OUT TO|came uncontrollable. . In a minute of J. R. Dafoe, Bridge street. Rev. W, REMARKABLE EPISODE. The only daughter, Miss Lottie Bul- HELP BUSINESS MEN. horse, pung and people were pitched SIBLE FORM. H. Elmsley conducted the services at | @ ho | lagh, was away at a country dance from the bridge down towards the ice. . the: house. The remains were Jaid to - and did not hear of the fire until next Betweenr the bridge and the bed of ice rest in Riverside vault. Many Persons Had Narrow | day. The Fisheries of Canada Are the|the pung turned over and the young Matters That Interest Everybody| Mis. C. E. Bartlett and little Escapes--Fertile Land Lost 'Lhe mother of the family met wilh Most Extensive in the World-- [people were jammed between the 'pung --~Notes From All Over--Little danghter, Ruth, arrived home from Forever in a Big Bog Slide in|" rather tragical cnd a little over a The Value of Fish Taken Last{®"¢ the ice. As soon as possible they of Everything Easily Read New York this week. Ruth has ai- a year ago, when the team of horses she , : were taken from the river, and Dr. M. most recoveted from her recont serious te Senany of Galway, Ire-|, i her son were driving home with Year. Not As Great' As in Pre-|(). (ulton summoned. He found that and Remembered. pvt ihn gis ¥ cont, Ser) ® fii were nearly struck by a C.P.R. train vious Year. George was in the least serious con-| A crusade "against spitting has be-| Mrs. Stephen Gibson's Sunday school : Dublin, Feb. 10.~More than 100 and ran away, throwing the poor old {From Our. Own Correspondent. dition. His back had been hurt, but |gun in New York. class, numbering about forty, met acres of fertile Jand have been lost | Yoman oud and fatally injuring her. Ottawa, Feb. 10.=~The postmaster- the injury was nol dangerous. | he Right Hon. Alfrpd Lyttelton will | their teacher on Monday afternoon in forever by the bog slide at Lismore - general, in piloting his bill to amend younger of the two girls, Martha, was make a visit to Canada in August. Trinity Sunday school rooms to say county Galway, and further damage JEWS TO OBEY LAW. the post office act through: the com- found to have a fractured skull, in ad- Port Arthur city council has accept- | good-bye and spend a couple of hours : A is reaténed. The bog began 10 - monéiyesterday, explained that it dition 'o minor injuries, and her con- {ed a grant of £30,000 from Andrew | together before Mrs. Gibson takes her IN THE t + . . 24d : toe Sand a er lsat RR 'a rnegie ic Kbr » sie so she ine move again this week at the rate of Judge Refuses to Grant Injunction Would provide for payment of a maxi- dition is eritical. Her sister, Lizzie, o Carnegie for a public library. a departure for Belleville, where she in about five miles an hour, and the Against Poli mum of $25 for lost registered letters. girl of cighteen or nidetecn, was also tevolutionists at Resht, Persia, tends to make her home in the future. ern hae ao re gn gaansL olice. i { M a letter is Jost containing less thin | very ba ily hurt. She had a bone frac- murderedisthe governor of the province ---------------------------- Man tle path hastened to remove evorything pyetalo N 4 Hebi 5 first that sum. the full 'amount will be | ture hie Fibuck stain, and one arm gud a number of administrative offi-| THEY COULDN'T HANG HIM. | pati) 3 ase to be argued in Erie county to ; broken, while she had also been injur- | C1818. . thoy owned to places of safely. 9 . 8 , Fruit 4 paid. a n Inu pe a . : 3 Fok hours all (he roads ore. chokid a nt Jaw oh Jhe © Mr. Lomieux said that the burden|ed internally. The {nited Irish League convention, | But He Was Caught By Matrimon- " with carts piled high with furniture, | orthodox Jews was h oh by pe imposed upon: the country under the i rca ig Sass - resolution ial Nooge. : ectio * and bedding, while cattle, sheep. and | Pound in the supreme rt a bill would not be Dherous, During the R. H. HUBES GOT IT. ri pi ri i rty int he London, Feb. 10.--A strange story is pigs added to the confusion plainti wore Siliierger. Bros Nie fiscal year, 1906-07, one hundred re: . i = ers Jon s to adopt obstructionist tae}. \.i Ly {he matriage of John Lee, The land is now covered with twelve | gara FPa'ls, clothiers. They asked that gistered letters, containing $381, Werg Te 18 ® ol own or of Three hundred employees of the C of Babbacombe. Lee, "the man they feet of solid bog, and will never be | the injunetion recently granted dost, and during the last fiscal Pent Picton, Jonial Bleaching ai yous St Hon. couldn't hang," was found guilty x worth anything for agriculture again. | against the mayor and chief of police 208 letters, containing $2484, failed to Picton. . Feb 10. roterral A ~ a] nri, n s Every possible effort is heing made by of Niagara Falls to prevent them from veach their destination. Of this | what, only one could get, and R. H. |is said that the plant will be removed Emma Keyes, by whom ho was on | o Ladi : E S it the authovitics to prevent further [closing the Silberger store on Sunday SOuH, iw was lost through the |Jiubbs, the well-known town barrister |4o Magog ployed as butler at Babbacombe. He es fon Hi S 7 hurning a mail car. a "lucky" > aw ithe si : Th rag a > . . i damage. \ gO car the iucky" one, was ihe situation Governor Hughes bas sent te the was sentenced to death and three at r : be made permanent. In denying the ¢ J lg The entire face of the district has | motion, Justice Pound said: : Mr. Crothers, West Elgin, thought | pr sented at the town council in the |New York senate the name of William RS made ; to hang hw Ir ne Mien myles an well Horace Hotchkiss, Buffalo, to succeed Exeter jail. terials, gged ri $15. been changed. Rivers and roads have "The power of the legislature to re- business men should be encouraged to matter of the appointment of the new by | Otto Kelsey as superintendent of in Each time the mechanism of the gal- tailored. Regular Price, $15. Eleven socking It twenty-three years ago of murdering disappeared, and all the landmarks gulate the observance of Sunday as a send large amounts through the mails | {own clerk in the vacancy caused have been obliterated. ivil and political institution is too rather than through banks and express | he resignation from office of R. A. surance lows failed to act. Immediately be Sale Price, $5. Efforts wore made to recover the | well established to oall for .discussion. | foI0panies. © : Norman, M.P.P. Jt seems that it i » ® foro each attempt the machinery work- body of Mus. MeDonncll, the old wo "It has been uniformly held that Mr. Lemieux explained that he had|gidinst the law to tender for the posi- | ad to have the debate on his resolu- ed perfectly, but three times when Lee . 3 man who was overwhelmed and | our Sunday laws do not interfere with under consideration a plan of govern-| ion of town clerk. Of tho eleven who | tion to abolish the I EE had taken his stand on the drop - it Ladies " Tweed drowned iu her cottage. Nothing but | the religious liberty of any person ment insurance lor larger amounts. | qo oto their application for ihe office, | day, 22nd. He intends. to force the | refused to work. After the third at ' ihe outer walls of the cabin remain, but are restraints upon civil liberty His idea would be to charge more | f,,,. otaied tho amoum. for which thev | house to a division . tempt he was saken back to' his coll. C and yestorday morning a frail cause within police power and valid under than the regular registration fee of} yore willing to do the work. This| Premier Seats, Saskatchewan, wants | The sensation throughout tha coun: oats way of planks were laid over the constitution." five cents for larger sums. The minis- {oo #itutes a tendor. Mr. Hubbs will | the dominion government to pay the try was immense and the Babbacombe quaking bog. A policeman crossed and --ve } ter intimated that this plan would bel iar hie duties February 16th, at expense of taking care of the band of | murder took its place among the fa- Made of good English Twecds tried to explore the house. He dived NOT BOLD AND RESOLUTE. proposed to parliament next session. |g) a year, and as his duties have | fanatical Douliobors sent back to his [mous crimes of the century. His sen- two and three toned colo: into the mass of mud and water, but Mr, Lemieux informed W. F. Mac. Jisied to include those of the province from Ontario. *ltonce was: commuted to penal servi effacts, trimmed with strap- was unable to find the body, and wa Womanly Woman and Loving lean that no post. office had been Pro: l sown solicitor, J. A. Wright, town The managers of Tom Longboat, the tude, and after sorving twenty-two ping and buttons, full three- almost drowned in the attempt. Mother Extolled. tided at Ab new Jang district ot licitor since 1903, is out of the job. | Indian Marathon runner, have decid- | vears he was released a little over a quarter length. : Regular Laurence Martin, whose house was Baltimore, Md Feb. 10.+~Cardinal Ow fag au the Gitano Bo Ex-mayor Clapp had a 'mayor office" Jed to accept the offer of a $7,500 | year ago. ¢ a Price, $10. Sale' Price, $2.08. a'so submerged, had a narrow cscape. | Gibbons ina sermon had this to iy Spumn a 20 lax fis ery so Me last vear, and it cost $17 to instal | purse for a fifteen mile race in Bui- A few days ago he married the chiei He was awakened by a nose, which he | ahout women 1 : ey He pe ir Ader she clectric wiring in it. This hill has |ialo, on February 25th, with Alfred |nwse of the female mental wards of Child » G d declaved resembled thunder, and when "In one of the passages of the Old " Ee come to the town fathers who refuse: | Shrubb. Newtan Abbott workhouse. The wed l ren S rey an : . on the Ontario government. : aan RE) The P Re he aw . righ N oe saation ho opened the door of his house he wae | Testament there is special praise for a The annual report on Canada's Sisl: to pay it. Picton has no 'loc k-up The C.P.R's application for running |ding took place in the Congregation al almost smothered by the inrush of bog Shon 4 tra : 3 : \ and when the constable wanis to in- [rights over the Intercolonial will not | church, and a large crowd sgathercd Whi L b C and water. He rushed back to rescus Woman. ne Mentioned dn Srige, tabled jn the pou of Lom carceraie a drunk' or disorderly over he considered by the government un- and showered confetti upon "the man ite am oats hie wife and his iwo daughters, and tad 5 "a he 8 J oe "night, _ he has te make use of the [til an arrangement is. made for ex- | they couldn't hang." . : by tho time he reached the Ee again To iain Os oa foe hee eu, pays phasis othe Jatt that county jail. This being inconvenient, | tending similar privileges to the Ca- -------------- Regular Price, $2. Sale Price the flood was up to his armpits. He | j40tieularly the rights of soffraro Tt Ls diuaatles the nar rong the council decided to cousidcr the |nadian Northern: May Work 24 Hours. $1. managed, however, Yo carry his wife fig not told that she in stoking "the to ao figures, the report says hat building of a centeal "lock-up." Queen Helena, of Maly, if di ribut-| New York, Feb. 10.---A World Sie and children to the higher ground, but | hinge was bold ard resolutc. and he hclé oh of fish os Canadians Two prominent citizens are hovering | ing the Christian Herald fund for the |patch from Panama says: all their clothing and everything they shook: her Pst at the prime minister including' fish products Seats ate. at death's door, and indeed sO very fre ief of the mother and baby sufferers | In order to carry out the idea oi owned in the world were loct. No. but we are made to understand [during the 1907-08 season is valued at low is their condition that neither is of the earthquake disaster, The Her: | president-Elect Tait that the Panama ' that she was & womanly woman a five million 'and a half dollars expected to recover. The one is S. M. [ald agreed to supply a. thouséind dol- | cenal can be finished within four years 3. A. Lancaster, M.P., has arrang- AT AGREEMENT REACHED loving mother and a dutiful wife." This is # falling off of three-quarters Conger, for fifty-two years editor and [lars a day toward this object. * {ieut.-Col. Goethals is cousidering a din 5 of & million dollars, as compared with owner of the Gazette. He is troubled | James Crow ley, New York city, win- | plan to work the canal force for And Will Do Mush to Better Re Taken Back To Jail. the production for "the previous fiscal with his heart, and has bem uncon- ner of the Marathon race at New | twenty-four hours a day. This would Yatiohs. a! a oe scious for three days. W. R. Wright, | Haven, Conn.; Saturday night, will is- practically cut the time for comple Ogdensburg, N.Y., Feb. 10.--Alexan- | year. promineftly identified with the A. C.|sue a challenge to Thomas Longboat | tion in half. Miller canning factory, suffered a | to meet him in a Marathon, in. New The only obstacle to this time-sav- : York city, at any time the Indian may | ing plan is the fever mosquito, which Londen, Feb. 10.--The Franco-Ger- | der Bennett escaped some weeks ago The decrease in British Columbia man agreement, regarding Morocco, is | irom the county jail at Canton, where |alone more than accounted for the de- / : - Tate H r most. cordially. welcomed here by the | he was serving a six months' sen- | ficiency, and is attributed chiefly to Sixdie = Mandy Hwioon lets ard chobse. a at night, and mae EY AGENTS newspapers, as ai augury, not only | tence. He managed to cross over lo the shortage of the salmon run. There | "AS ea ey Both EE at quent fear that the sick list. would Li S ul OURN § of general peace, but also of a possi- | Canada, but could not resist the | were handsome increases in the returns | conscious State 3 1 bg SKIN GRAFTING SUCCESSFU b 5 brat (a 3 i AY ' fu ' 3 ay : > g y 3 | Fe dangerously increased. Dr. Georgas ble betterment of the relations be- | temptation to come over on the jee |in the maritime provinces and On- past the middle stage of life. FUL 2 : p tween Germany and Great Britain. It | to spend Sunday with some friends | tario. has been asked to make a series of | #3 MAY i I { WN he rE c---- i Delicate O i Perf bservations and report thereon. i] 4 | is recalled that the reeent Anglo-Ger- | here. The police found him and this | The total value of the catch in the NeW RIFLE SILENGER elicate Operation Performed By | observations anc epo on ps _ : " bh : 3 Madi ONTHLY STYLE man tension was largely owing 'to |afternoon he was taken back to jail. | various provinces was : Dr. Grant ill. Germany's attitude towards France as » ova Seutia ---------------- 3 a us ~ Clayton, N.Y., Feb. 10.~Roswell i regards Morocco, ahd now an accord 1 British COIUMDIR »eeerre : a Sherman, who was hurt in an ico boat has beeh reached on this subject. The : VE | New Brunswick . 800.564 | HIRAM P. MAXIM GIVES |accident near, Clagton on ithe 20th oi ~~ hope 1s expressed that the greatest Quebec AMES --EDWARDS. --In i e February, 1908, had been troubded no po A Ainge " stumbling block in the way of An Uularlo ward Island : PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION. morg Shan usual ¥ith ThE pons that FRENCH WARSHIP IENA ri Bh irda. Soe glo-German harmony has been re Man., Sask. and Alberta 968, resulted, bat something ha 0 3 Newton Ames, Wgsthrook, moved. The synchronization of King DAVID JACOBS ARRESTED The decrease in the amount of the Will Make War Noise s--Silencer | done to keep the wound in a healthy WILL BE FIRED on. Tw. CHORE PEE Bor Li 1 a IN NEW YORK. etch in thie prairie provines exceed Also Reduces Gum'STRecoll BY ay th . fi et A > An Attempt Will Be Made to Dis RIGNEY.--At No. 141 King St. Kin : we agreement is generally remarkec 4 i 1 pis is con : oss and other friggds \ hotlc S- |RIGNEY -- " ig ; ing upon and the coincidence, in somc | game Forward to Act As Witness ol hal it million dollars, a» His Hali--Applicablé to the Larger |}, taken to a hospital, rather than to cover How Great the Loss' of| Siri 1. PA iin Ne a quarters, is regarded as so fortunate on Behalf of a Friend and Was of facilities for reaching profitable Ordnance. \ receive home ireatment. He went to Life on Her Would Be--Animals ws rn rt that it probably will not be credited. . : 28 1 markets for fish in the great west is a Now) York, Feb. Yo.--Hiram Percy Ogdensburg City hospital, January to Take the Place of Men. ROBERT J, REID, Caught--Wanted in England very important factor to the pro-| Maxim gave the first public demonstra- 20th, and has returned to his home ih . : . The Leading Undertaker DAILY MEMORANDA. For Robbing Earl of Chester- ducers. The relative value of the prin- | tion of his new wifle silencer, the lat: Merrick street, after a successful oper- Paris, Feb. 10.--The French govern-| _ . oa NE Prirs He ob Good Skeggug: Zion Rink field. cipal kinds of commercial fishes is as of his inventions, before a group ation in shin grafting. ment is planning to carry on interest- | "Phone, 577. 2 Tircess stree Queen Zeno, rehearsal, to-night . . follows : of newspaper men, in the offices of his Dr. Grant Madill states that no fur- [ing experiments with the disabled bat- -- Bourg of Worla.ed 0.5. Tiredsy New yo Pe, VN his A Salmon... . $5,014,446 | counsel, Redding. Oreoley & Austin, | ther irouble will result from the tleship lena in a few months to estab- "The Merry Widow," Grand 'Opera|@nce as a witness here in the extrac: ] : Lobsters ..... anvisins . '12238 Park Row. The silencer reduced | wound. lish certain facts concerning the dura House, 8.15 pm tion case of Oscar Slater, recently or- | Cod 3 Sa a 619,815 the report from the highest powered bility of modern warships under the O cc woes Coe Council ham dered deported in conneston with vis ak A, ot 06 rifles of this and foreign countries to An Interesting Suit. fire of shells, and also to discover how ° Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A. 0. U. W msde of Miss Marion, Gilchgiet, a Halibut - ee : iy 387 | the noise made by the initial cleavage Ottawa, Feb. 9.--Angus McQuaig gryat, the we al fie would De 76 At this: season of the year, especially SE end A, x asy * ye } py N ' : ty : 'As y § , $ y 4 ar, i 4 meets Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. ir id ] b kote in jewel Hutdon ioe ie 0 bv the air and 'puck' of the bullet | was a paid-up member of the Indepen- oT ng ( Sofie mon he ng Aothing 4% 0 much mpprociated - in the Jacobs ale rwels | § i. le PE mavasd . . : - kb TA : a 3 sr nr : De sure to keep the evening of Feb of David Jacobs, a dealer Im JURSER ELC CEon 5 as it struck in a packed sand back | dent Order of Foresters, until he: ~be- [that / the lena Was no onger fit for | jnorning us a cup of real good ay He te uirne and Babhie Burns | lery, on. the charge' of having. in 1904; | fore vs oe3 rs \ wi - 3 i ik : service 1 should be destroved, but : \ . (1 . : . . ston. The whole sound was #10 louder | came insane. His wile, not knowing | service an ved, a in St. Andrew's Ch h Hall. obbed the Earl of Chesterfield in Lon: | Ggpdi : ~]8t0f : i 51. : A. i 4 ) \ Bijan pny AES Child' obey p and sca ripin valued at Pickerel aw 280 than that made by the discharge of | that he was entitled to one-half of the i a ae eared i x ge ath vl a Tule of the New York Tenderloin ; $3,000 Jacobs had been sought ever | Hake . rien 208.993 | an air rifle in an inclosedy gallery, Mr. policy and the fees, did not then pay oink : er ahells aimed at her . b "Funny Side of An' Actor's Life," - Mr 50 0 Tit 4 fi! : : Maxim fired a shot irom the naked |for some months. Afterwards she | 5 v 1 Y Our Java and Mocha Blend i Shakespeare Barnstorm's Adventures on a since by the British authorities. On The value of the catch of all other . : . a 8 a z sided : tad x % ah rive iden of the report. > + these benefits, but the krench guns. Now it has been decide Country Tour ; "'Happy Jack's Luncheon Saturday last, when he appeared 10 | varieties is less than hali a million Ne w a an rh the ee ats ade aim for the man was not then | to turn this destruction to the best ac COFFEE PERFECTION. Party": "1 Don't Like You," sung by|sign a deposition he had made in |Jjollars. eels being at the foot of the hen he hired § co w i "click," i i count. r i Vat. Slater's behalf, United States Marshal | jist, with a value of $116,478. Apart tached, Then ws click, spout paid w and uot. entitiel Sr them, Naturally, animals will be substitut- II's PURE. PRICE 40¢ (CENTS ; enkole recalled that a man of that |g, Gi il & Lad loud as one y - he case o 3 i ; Feb. 10th, In Canadian History. Hote wasted in Fngland Déoo! "» nam uimon, the phudgal {Huctus ping the trigger of an old-fashioned | court, here, and will be strongly con- ou oF wen ou beard He doompel ship, WAL Lo A 5 v's 4 Y . i cli : moa i Ane § i ¥ Tec v, . to ex: 1763--The treaty of Paris was signed | wag arrested, arraigned on the old | red thousand dollars in the value of musket. tested by reason of McQuaig being fa Pro-- hy ch France ced fo i 2 : : he a teak ha op ; ilate . 4] 5 Was amine the ship after cach shot hax , hy Wich Jrance. oedtd tw Euglatl in warrant issued in 1904, and commit: | {ha Jobster catch, as well as a decline | When the testd had heen made ol stplavitated at the time he was fully ne red Fe guns. will be placed | 1 : 8 nh encies. mitted. without bail. He said the li, jerrings of almost as large an the military arms, Ome one remark: | paid up. on land. as firing from shipboard ' mn 1841--Uu on of Upper and Lower Can: | Chesterfield matter had been settled : ine : in {od ox Importers Of Fine Groceries ada. bh} wp amount. An increase of $350,000 in |™ [4 4 : will make wal would be both dangerous and useless. po: ¢ Ss. 1870--The*' Provisional Government of long Mee. He will Fo held prudisg So this value of the catch of smelts is ur sim, you wi . , Are on The Frater i The experiments will be in two series, the Northwest Territories" formally | firmation of 'his story. by Cable rom | nove than wiped out by the decline in RO wd iat io i 'ettinje, Mont, Feb. ~Twelve | {lie first at short distance with small \ ARPET i a Sanadio i TT og a England. the mackerel Bary, That » ight, Ta Py ah entor, | 4 ustro-Hungarian warships have = ar-| hails, the second at Jong distance] gg A anvgsE1a GARD us new 02 an p . y 3 b 3 s y > v : hy ; | sh ' " y 5 : (HOC y, atte ---------- of enthusiastically, shall make war} co.q at Spizza, close to the Montene: | with regulation charges, 128 Gor per $ard. Also n Mahogany meeting held at Washington to discuss 'An idea of the immense wealth { absolatel Teilosn.t' : 4 e international 'trade relations. Pays Employees A Bonus. the fisheries is given by the following absolutely noisele 3 ied also that the | &T° frontier, and a cruise 18 trol | The animals will be placed on board | Eurior, Cabinet. cost 840, for $20, At Mr. Maxim explained also tha € ling the coasts. Avstrian infantry, |. ship in' col rtments which will FTURK'S, 'Phone, 705, 1800--Archibald Lampwan, Canadian be carefully ventilated, and the efiect - Merritton, Ont., Feb. 10.--%t the gi; | table showing the value of the five . soot. 0 . B, : : : : 3 lancer 'dimint . : to To mia {oaistuture | nual meeting of the directors' # principal sea-fishes for the vears 1369 stlencer diminished by about Shy per with machine guns also, have arrived cent. the recoil o n gin_on ' i ot lat the frontier between Herzogovina | 4 gases which will result from ex A CHEESE CASE. was used. Howas asked i A coulc hb {and Montenegro. plosions on these beasts will he -ob er opened, shareholders of the Lincoln Paper {to 1907 : de pa Mills, vesterday, the employees of the $143,184.371 J an 1 a : company were granted their usual six | Salmon sesso LBA, 60D applied pie . ¥ = tive. | 3 served by means of instruments. Hodgson Bros., Montreal. Win per cent. on their wages. This is the | Lobsters : 87,875,600 nance, and replied in the atirmauive. | Did A Collision Occur ? posi Suit at Belleville. eighth year the company has paid this joriing a ue IS eayn! a | Gibraltar, Feb. 10--Local newspa- Sherring Won't Turn "Pro." Belteville, Ont. Feb. 10--A case ime bonus to its men and it is principally + hey fish 18h 'pr Child Badly Injured. pers publish a rumor that the United Hamilton, Feb. 10.--William Sher: | portant to éheese mien was tried here due to the president, Welland D. Wood-| During She year ih Ssh pro-| ajandria Pay. N.Y. Feb. 10. | States steamship Georgia, has been in | ino when asked about the, rumor oi | Division | court before Judge Fras yuff, that the generosity is meted out [duets to the vant 1900.3 Luey Davis, the forevear-old daughter collision with 'another vessel of the | i loving the amateur ranks to race | sek. last sommer a shipment of to the men. The company has a large exported to foreign coUMtr es. ia of William Davis; of = Weldey: Island, | fleet and that 'both vessels are res | [ono boat, gave an emphatic denial to | cheese wax sent 10 Montreal, the buy: number of employees and a large stall deep-sea Jshetmien 8 ne agi hme while playing with her brother, yester- turning here m need of extensive re | hy story. Sherring says if he ever lors being Hodgson Bros. Four boxes of men is at work on the reconstruc: | BISKILTS, received, during the year gp . oume pear having ber right hand pairs. No confirmation of the report | fons his running togs again it willbe {of the cheese did not pass inspection. tion of another mill which will be eon: 18156,114 in bounties. The number Ol oit off. The children were playing in {of "the accident can be secured. in preparation for the Olympic games 1 was alleged that the cheese in ques- | verted into one of the best paper mills [men Engaged - the ngustry a Hh el he vard with an old buzz saw which | s------ at Greece, and be is confident he will L tion was made by the Evergreen lin Canada. = } 71,004 ig foot id oe pi ote * 9% had a handle attached to it. Her | Many Are Entombed. settive an amateur card. éhosse factory, in Prinee Edward coun- | . ter En EE ir Lhe om al | brother was turning this when his sis- | Yuzovka, Russia, Feb. 10.--An ex- oh co me ee : ty. and they were asked to make | To Consider Treaty. | "Th A ct branch: of salmon | {ET Sumitten Was caught by the saw,qplosion vecurred in the Catharine mine | Local cabmen held a most enjoyable | good the price of the cheese. They re Washington, Feb. 10.--The Canadian a Por BE a Columbia. ave | drawing in het hand, The saw caught | ve rday, and was quickly followed | dance. Monday night, at the dancing fused, and the present suit was the re- boundary waterways agreement was |B Cd a . oar ee. | her band just above the wrist, and {by fire. One hundred and twenty-five [hall at the dairy budding. Crosby | sult. The Montreal men won, and the | taken up in session of the senate ves: { emp Dye n n HFOE o ne yea: if Py {when her hand was teleased the saw | miners are imprisoned in the mine. Ad | & O'Connor's orchestra provided the | Prince Edward factory has to make terday. After a long debate, members | Y a ea is ane a | Had cut through all 'he bones in. the engineer and three workmen, who at Imusic. ; , : good the rice of the | 3 cheese, to- of the foreign relations committee sug: | QUEL OYE ny Ah Pugs Only fifteen | Hand, except one on which it hung. | tempted to rescue the victims, have A man under the influence of liquor, |g ther with a of costs, aggregat- Tr : gested, that i De permitted Bguin, ol Chopin iy ne fon | De Forsyth was called sock upon ox- { been killed. - : Tell against one, of sd plas glo ing several hilndred ollars. ; : oo Tea Service 1s one bi ® the a -- i -- heer ie seals... They secured: 5.307 skins, valu: es BN Be idl ug BS 5 | Lord -Dalmeny To Wed, store, King street, Monday nigh t, and | FEourfesn cows and io horses were Hhought w gives to enjoyment and Jat ed against it. The treaty was not re- edat 2107.90. {the main arteries was not. touched. London, Feb. 10.--~The engagement there was a great smash in glass. burned to death nth stables of H. faction Ne amlart. for very little. We | commended, but consideration was | ' -- { esos lis announced of Lord Dalmeny, eldest | Miss Julia Ralph, Melcombe, has re 1. Evans, milkman, Hote ab hve thi daintiest China, at the duint- | given and a meeting, in the meantime, All Skates At Cost. | Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence street, {son of the fifth Earl of Rosebery, to |turned to her home, after Thomas Milss, 79 Cl street, lost prices. probably, will be granted by the com- | Agytomobile skates a specialty. | buys South African serip. Best of | Doroth; ;, the youngest daughter of | two weeks with her cousin, has several choice building lots fox Robertson Bros. uitte, Strachan's. terms, Lord Benry George Grosvenor, nie Fowler, Point Road, sale, Terms of payment i