FEBRUARY FURNITURE AND CARPET SALE. THE SOCIETY SIRGUS PRODUCED BY ,A LOCAL COMPANY In The Grand Opera House Last Evening--The Performance Was Clever, and Was Much Enjoy- ed. Those who attended the Society Six- cus at the Grand Opera, House, on { Tuesday evening were delightfully sur- prisod and those that missed seeing it will regret it. One would not credit that local amateurs could put on such a performance, and few would belicve that the city has so many young men !who are quito finished artists in so many different lines. The first scene was called "Dixie 8% Days," opening with some good old- -- time southern coon songs that' were eran coed | delightful. Some new and original {Jokes were cracked by the elever end men, and then a fow more songs were rendered. After this came the pro- gramme proper, and it contained a vaudeville bill that would do any house in Canada credit. On the pro- gramme no names were used, bat it i only fair that the people should kuow + who ono or two 'of the star perform- Cabinets |':'<-. "i Wilsoli and West were first on the All sizes, for Wall or bill with an up-to-date specialty, filled Corner, $18, $16, $20 | ith good, live dope, many good ones up. A hunfisome od being dealt out. "Saw Dow," the Ja- $15, reduced to $36. | ones strong man followed, and he was seally very glever. He is without doubt a very powerful man, and is of splendid physique. "The main acts during the picce were !a high wire turn, acrobats and the Lilliputinn family. The first act was put on hy Miaco, who, in private life, | is George Bews, one of Kingston's best | known all-round athlotes and who loarricd a great surprise. The that Mr. Bews does on the hich wire wore never excelled by any performer 1. in this city. He 'doing all his tricks with the utmost SEES race and case. His act would make (good on any circuit. As acrobats, { have it over anv other' in overy way. J. Thompson is well known in the leity and his work is equally well- known. Mr. Gibson is a student, | hag not been seen so much, but ho 14 bin artist of high order. During their performance, there was nothing that | everyone in the house did not follow | with interest. Mr. Thompson also has four youngsters, the McBroom | Bros., Parnum and Cook, who 'are | good acrobats, and with their direcior | do some fine work. Their act wad] | gre atly an joy ed. The Society born comedian, | tural fun makers seen here in time, Leo Singleton, Brock street, | makes one of the best clowns 'om. the His performance was a great { surprise to the 'large audience. He | was ably assisted by Lolo, another clever fun maker. Many other fine acts, including Prof. Light, in his marvellously illuminated lelub act, were well received and re {ceived great applause. The Society | | Sircus could go on tour at any time | | and play to packed houses. Parlor regular $55, Cabinets, | reduced Cabinets, Hh, reduced, Cabinets, regular $385, reduced to $28. Parlor regular $25, Cabinets, reduced Cabinets, Carpets Curtains Linoleum, Wors, ete We all reduced hold Tt pays will for delivery Phone 90. FF. Harrison Co. |; Yours, ti V Sircus has also one one of the best na- 2 7 TIES JE Ve Alaska Down Cushions White Cambric Covered, all sizes. TEA COSIES, in all sizes. RR. McFaul, Carpet Warehouse. | road." | in B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Mri. S. B. Brown, New Orleans; U. Bodley, John H. Dyas, Toronto ; . E. Waffle, Montreal; W. W. Cole, . B. Mastin, James C. Mulihan, To- onto; George W. Goddard, Montreal; jeorge BB. Meadows, Charles S. Meek, B. Easson, Toronto; Harry F. Cole, Montreal: F. G. Perrin, Oakwood, A. KE. Sherwood, Hamilton; Walter Z. Boak, Ne George E. White, Lon- don; Dillinger, Ottawa; D. Merd- mald, i in F. A. Monk, Mont: Regulatoron which womencan | | 1." * [. M. Brophy, Belleville: a Sold in thre 8 df 8 3 . a oo I IY Widmer Nelles, Montreal; F rederick D 3 | Halstead, Waterloo; F..R. Penelatine, 10 degrees strongc = " Spe ts, or box, New York; W. S. Byers, Niagara | Falls, George King, C ornwall; H pe a on receipt of prico ree amphlet. Add es? Te | Bis srwood, Toronto; P.. VW. Burrton. | Belleville: H. T. P. Maddlarks, Cey- tox Meme Go. JORCN. 2, Cnt, dormer iy Windacrs | Comme 4 Jont,: WoL Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free. Send 20 stamp for N.Y. Olty Guide Book and Map EY, The great Uterine Tonic, and yonly safe effectual Monthly A Decided Success. Perhaps 'the most enjoyable event of the season took place, last Friday sening, when all the young people of the island and many outsiders from Wolfe Island and Kingston, gathered at the Kane, held, | Wolfe Island orchestra. In spite of the | disagreeable weather the evening was | a decided success and was greatly en- | Joyed by all Tc ------------ | STOMACH COMFORT. When the Stomach Rebels, Head- | ache, Indigestion and Nerve S| Pain Follows--Mi-o-na Brings YOU SHOULD { Ewa OWN A HOME the healthy stomach commences churn the food around and mixes thoroughly with the juices of The ultimate aim of every man should be to own "the home he occupies. rand Union Hote Oop. Grand Central Station, New York City where a jolly little dance j. McAULE Undertaker, Princess and Sydenham Sts. Ambulance "Phone, 861a. Cor. PV VVLVVVVV ATV LVVOVRNS to it the stomach. If the food is not churned, it lays heavily on your stomach, turns sour and causes all kinds of distressing symptoms, such as headache, indiges- tion, stomach pain and dyspepsia. Mi-o-na helps the stomach to properly mix the food. John 8. May, of Isabella street, Belleville, Ont., says: "For over seven months | was in constant agony with a case of nervous dyspepsia and indigestion that medical skill could not ralieve- I was weak and had lost much weight through loss of appetite and suffering. My meals would fill me with gas and a fedding of oppression across the 'stomach and all up the left ide, left me in .a miserable contlition. I was restless at night and as tired and unrefreshed in the ing as on going to bed. A choking senvation in my, throat was always constant when lying down, and my heart scemed te flutter and pound as though it were coming. out through my side. 1 was benefited from "the first two days' use Mi-o-na. 1 be- van to feel like myself again, my ap- petite returned and the depressive feel- ing left me. 1 can enjoy my meals without the least worry of after suf- fering. | have gained in weight and can sleep the night through in com- |Gs The country dweller rents a farm only until such time as he can afford to buy one. There is no reason why the city man should not do the e. Kingston real estate unreasonably high and rents were low, it might pay to rent, but conditions here are quite the reverse. Jere Rents are high, while I can Sel} you a place at an inside figure. Here y $1,700 Brick 6 rooms, B. &C. 1.600 Brick 7 rooms, B. & C. $2,500 Frame 8 rooms, fur- nace. 2 850 Brick 8 rooms, B. & C All centrally located. McCann, Go to G: W. Mahood, the druggist, 51 Brock St. : 51 1S get a 50c. box of Mi-ona Tablets. nee EE IVISIETIRIINRS iMoney back if Mi-ona does not cure. ou are. of | : i { : : | : : ¢ Wn TT BOeTHLBBITVLILLLTHLLTLLRTRLORVTLVS acls | goes over the wire, | Thompgon and Gibson | and | well-known residence of Patrick | was | the music being supplied by the | moen- | | proved a most profitable one. STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S Number 1,402 This Session, a Big Increase. Re G. ¥. Chown to-aay is sued @ statement showing that there are 1,402 students registered at 'ueen's university this season. = Of this number about 1.100 are in ac tual attendance. The increasea regis- tration over last season is 103: The following are the figures : 1907.8, 1908-9. 457 83s Nl Arts, Intra snural Arts, Extra-murail Education Medicine Theology Total Increase Increase over 1906-7 . Increase over 1905-6 .. . It is not too much to predict that within five years Queen's will have a registration of 2,000 students. HAD THRILLING EXPERIENCE. Kingstonians in Ice Boat Dumped Into the Water. To be travelling along in an ice boat, at a very high rate of speed, and then be dumped into the water, would form quite a "thriller." Sach as the experience, on Monday after- noon, of James Norris, the well-known hotelman of this city, and a friend who accompanied him. They had been spending a couple of hours on Howe Island, and were on their way home. They were travelling along at a lively clip, and everything "appeared to be all right. All of a sudden they plunged into an open space, and, besides re- teiving a cold bath, were put to much inconvenience in their endeavor to get out. However, being men of experi- ence, in this line of business, they were soon on hard ice again, and reached the city without further mis- hap. ; TENDERED A RECEPTION. Pleasant Affair in School Room at ? St. James' Church. A pleasant affair was held in the school room of St. James' church, last evening, when the members of the congregation tendered a reception to the new vicar, Rev. T. W. Savary, and his wife. Notwithstanding the in- clement weather, there was a very large attendance, and the evening Francis even- were W. F. Rev. King was the chairman of the ing, and addresses of welcome given by Bishop Mills, Rev. Fitzgerald, Rev. R. 8. Forneri, W: Lewin, Canon Starr, | | | | | some who | { | | bers, and Canon Loucks. favored: with" several fine piano selec- tions, and - the members of the choir | served refreshments. Miss Muriel King HELD "SOCIAL "EVENING »" Fine = Affair Given By Court Stanley, C.0.F. The members of Court Canadian Order of Foresters, held a 'social evening," last night, and the lodge room was well filled with mem- their relatives and friends. Dr. Stanley, | Bogart filled the duties of chairman in | {an able manner, r, and a programme of recitations was rendered. were given by Rev. Dr, and Organizer Currie music and | Addresses | MacTavish 'l'wenty-five members have heen added to ithe order since Mr. Currie arrived in the city, a few weeks ago, and the court i¥ in a most flourishing ondi- tion. At tho regular meeting on Wed- nesday evening next, cight pew mem- bers will be initiated. Inverary Wedding. At the home of W. J. Arthurs, In- vevary, on Wednesday evening, Febru- ary 3rd, his only daughter, Beatrice, was wedded to Ferdinana Holmes, by Rev. Mr. Roadhouse. The wedding | march was played by Mrs. F. Fergu- son. , Frederika Ferguson, the year-old daughter of Major Ferguson was the charming flower girl. The bride was attired in: cream crepe de chene trimmed with all-over lace, and cream sash. The hoquets were of pink carnations and asparagus fern. About seventy ypuestst were entertained to supper, with Major Ferguson as toastmaster. The presents were many, including cheques from a pair of well- pleased fathers. its the happy their home in st, couple will laverary settle at about march Ice Boat Agcident. It happened on Monday evening Oak Point, seven miles from the Three young men received a cold | bath, ore they will not soon forge P. Quinn, Howe Island; J: Norris and DD. McLieve, of the city, return- city. were ing from Howe Island at a fast speed | when, cme of the skates dropped through, throwing McLieve heavily the ice, injuring him quite badly. hoys went to Mrs. Murphy's, and stayed for the night, the city next afterhoon. Hadn't boys showed presence of mind would have had difficulty from the thin ico. Nr. quite ill after boing in the water lone. driving in escaping Sad Case Of Destitution. A caso of extreme destitution discovered last night of a family liv- ing near the corner of Division and Ellice streets. On investigation, it was found that there was neither food nor fire in the house. The saddest part of the discovery was the finding of a baby eighteen months old, with- out shoes or stockings. Charitable wersons have no conception of the suffering there is in the city at pre sent. There are poor but proud people who will not tell oi their condition until it is found out by accident. The Lake Levels. The United States lake survey ports that during the month of Jan- uary Lake Ontario fell 37 inches. It is 18% inches lower than in January last your, and 2 inches lower than average January stage for 'the past ten years. In 1862 it was 23} inches higher, and in 1886 29} inches higher. In January, 1906, it was 16) inches lower. During February the lake expected to rise § of jan inch. is And Neuralgia From} Colds. ; Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide cold and grippe remedy, removes cause. Call for full name. Look for Headache signature, E. W. Grove, 25e. Canon Grout ! four-'| After a round of vis~i tor | The nearby, | to i the | they | Quinn was | © was | re- | the | VIEL VL e---- FEBRUARY 10, 1009 SURPLUS _WELL IN 1908. fo Solicitor "Says J. M. Camp- Gas Tank--Report Given on the Bostridge Damage Case. It was made known to the light, | heat and power committee yesterday ! ! afternoon, that the plant operations ! during the, year 1908 would yield a re- | venue of over $4,500 as compared with | #1, 400 in 1907. Df this amount 34 024 june i vit of $508. Lg dd of gas amd electricity combine was 3.516, and this, notwiths « the much criticized reduction in rates | The year | | 1908 was recognized as the most eriti- | ; of the light plant | {made by Ala. Toye in 1907. cal in the hist as a civic utility. turned out so well, should be a most there will | consumers in proportion to street ex- tensions. However, it is certain that no further reduction in rates will be made for some time, at least so far as gas is concerned. The committee held over the finan- cial report till next meeting for con- sideration, and gave out only the ac- | tual result of the year's operations. i City Solicitor McIntyre was Dresemt | and reported upon the case of Bostridge against the city for damag- es for the death of his- fifteen-year-old son, 'who was killed on the night of | October 25th last, by grasping the guy rope of the arc lamp at the cor- ner of Centre and Union streets. It- is supposed that the trouble arose by contact between the electric | wire and a large tree through which it passed. The manager said that the light department should have author- lity to do any tree trimming it deems necessary for the safe conduet {of its wires. At present, trees could 'not be touched by the department. Ald. Rigney said he certainly thought that the city council would give the department authority {oo cut trees where danger existed. The department was carrying deadly wires through the city and it should not be hamper- ed in any way in securing a safe pas- snge. The committee gave the certain instructions in regard to the Bostridge So far a preliminary examination has taken place, At the request of the chairman, the city solicitor wave his opinion as to the Hability of "5. M." Campbell to the city in regard to the defective gas tank. He said that after care. fully into the wuestion, {to the conclusion that was liable, The solicitor steps. be taken the tank, Now that it has the solicitor case, going Mr. Campbell recommended that to repair or replace reserving the right of ac 'tion against Mr. Campbell, and that Mr. Campbell be supplied with a re 'port of Expert Mckay, and also in: formed that the city was going to hold him responsible. Ald. Rigney wanted to know if the i committee should not give Mr. Camp- bell a chance to make the tank good, instead . of proceeding itself to do so. The. solicitor said that could be done, but 'the city should not give him a free hand to make some taw- dry repairs. If he is given such a chance, he should be notified that the repairs are to be subject to the satis faction of the city's expert. The solicitor was instructed draw out a statement of the matter for submission to the city council. The chairman pointed out that it wouldn't do to delay too long, for the tank should be thoroughly "complete before next November. A reasonable ftime will be given Mr. Campbell if {he wishes to give the city a satisfac. | tory tank. On the petition of the British Whig { Publishing company for a lower rate, i no action was recommended. The sub- { committee reported that the regula. | tiong of the department would not {admit of a lower rate. The Whig, the chairman reported. paid $1,396 last | year for gas and electricity. The committee decided to purchase | "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." More Surprises in White] Furs at The Fur Sale. White Furs are more fashionable now than ever, and ; our assortment 1s still quite large. Fox, Ermine, Thi- bet, etc., are ex- 4 tremely popular {i Come in and look at these : & 1 only Royal Eruiine Stole, satin lined, trim- med with tails. Regular price $40, tor $31.85. Mult (Large Empire match, $36.50). White Fox Stole, . trimmed with two 1 oal satin lin large nafucasl tails. Regular price $18, for $13.50. (Large Empire Muff 4 only White Thibet Stoles, { | match, $20). satin lined, good large size, 1e= duced 10 $5.20. Muifs to (Large Empire match, $5.50). '}! White Coney (Im. Ermine) Sets at | ti | | | i } | | to to } Makers of Fine Furs Princess Street. i | k rofit on electricity. Gas showed | Thus, the net ve- | present year | profitable one, as be a greater increase of | 'harles | he had come, to bell is Liable For Defective | See the Swell Net Waist, worth i re Wes EE $2.95 At This Xin } ee 16,000 pounds of cable wire, which can inow Le got at about six cents pound cheaper than last year. The | superintendent was instructed to tele- aph the lowest tenderer offering {ime figure for 6,000 pounds. The superintendent was authorized | to purchase what hard coal screenings { the plant required, at $1.75 a ton. Letters were received from W. Mun- ! dell, on behalf of the estate of John | | Gaskin, and from George Sexton, com- | planing of gas and water escaping | into their premises on Place 1)'Armes. | The . former declared that the city | | would be held liable for all aamages, The superintendent said that the gas | came through the leakage of water from the tank. It was decided to re- fer | { the city was taking steps to have the tank trouble remedied. Davis & Farnum Mig: 'Co., of Wal- tham, Mass., wrote asking payment of the balance of their account, $401. - 69, for the steel work of the gas tank. There is a discrepancy of near- ly $200 between the above amount and that at the credit of the com- pany in the department's books. This will have to be rectified. The Standard publishing asked for a lower rate for gas and electricity, as it was paying at the rate of over $800 a year. The matter was referred to a sub-committee for report. It was decided that hereafter all tenders for supplies should be direet- ed to the chairman. In attendance at Aldermen Elliott (chairman), srove, Harty and Riguey. company Au- BEGGING oN THE STREET. Lads Are in Habit of Doing It. Several 'n the city who are in the habit "of stopping people on the street and aking for money. Most of the ap- peals hate been made at might but n a few, cases citizens have been 'he'd up' in the day time. Thys mbrning a citizen was hurry- ng along King street when a lad, not more than ten years of age, s anrding in a doorway, called out after him, in rather a saucy . tone, 'Say, misty, give us a cent, will ver. The youngster could give no reason for wanting the money, and the citizen, believing that 'it was just a straight appeal for money, which would go to the very first store for candy, passed along, and the young- ~~ went on his way, no doubt to lay the game on someone else. \ For some time sma' boys have been in the habit of standing in front ! of the theatres seeking alms the people passing. Just a couple of weeks. ago two newsboys were tak- «n_ in charge by the police for sich warning. The lads should be at school but it is a question whether they can go, as they may be among {those who are not vaccingted, and {if spoken to will tell you this story iat any rate. | It has been pointed out that it is | the vaccination question that is mak- { 'ng it very hard for the truant jeer. Boys are reported to be walking the streets and when the cases are investigated it is found that they {hy ave not bern vaccinated, and there- {fore barred from attending school. Cathedral Ceremonies. I" To-morrow afternoon the {designate of Kingston and Mrs. Hell will arrive from |e very cordially received. At 3% p.m. the ceremony of induction as {rector of the cathedral church {take place. Cn Friday at 11 {the impressive installation as lof the cathedral and diocese (lows. The elergy and church officials of the parishes of the diocese and the ministers of all churches in 1 Kingston have been cordially invited. | }f the new dean follows the course {of Mls predecessor this courtesy will {mean all that the words imply. The | communions have never been so near- lly in tonch as they now are. Cn | Friday evening a reception - will 'be {tendered to the Dean and Mrs. Bid- { well. i | rector: id- Leunox¥ille and a.m. The Square Deal Pays. And square with the enemy every man gets when he soparates himself {from his corns bv Putnam's Corn Ex- { tractor. For filty vears "Putnam's" thas cured covery man it treated--use | "Putnam's" only--it's paigless and | sarc. Franci: H. Shepard, known in King- | ston, as an express agent between Wa- tertown and Kingston in the eighties. is dead at New York, aged Gf ty-six years. Since 1890 he was in the Am- lerican Express company's office, New York. Accidents are often caused by weak ankles and weak eyes. These are a sure sign of kidney trouble (in a | dangerous stage) and can be sured by contents of ome bottle of St. R {Lumbago Cure. Half teaspoon] ul inight and morning. For sald at all | drug stores. i John Stansbury, Jr., has leased the inews stand at Swift's' wharf, fe the is PY. * al od the matter to the city solicitor | for him to write to the parties that | the meeting were { There are a number: of small boys from | in offence, and allowed to go with a | off. | will * dean | fc 8 8 1 'Shortness of Breath, ' Bronchial Affection, | Lingering Cough, Deep Seated Chest and Lung Troubles | Aud that cough that hangs on after | La Grippe is quickly cured by Cripps Asthma Cure al i | land strengthen the bronchial tubes to resist future attacks. Used and recommended by well-known Kingstonians. Mahood's Drug Store Cor. Piincess and Bagot Sts. +4424 4 The New Goods Have Arrived Larger variety, bet- ter styles and lower prices than in any pre- '3 vious season. £ Erodes and erin In all widths, wide, me- dium and narrow, a range of patterns that will prove a real treat to ladies wanting some- thing entirely different from the ordinary. A swell range of ¢ Prints, Ginghams, Whitewear, Waists, etc. Call in and see the i nice things. Winter Goods + 4 4 Being closed cheap. Wool Blankets One- Third Off. Ladies' Tweed Coats, ¢ 3 $ 10 line, for $2.50 each. kinds greatly reduced. 4 i | ¢ out Underwear of all Litle Things! We have constantly on hand the numerous little re- newals which are needed where there are rubber goods such as : Rubber Tubing for Douches. Bulbs ior Atomizers. Irrigating Tips for Enema Syringes. Stopcocks Syringes. Stoppers and Washers for Hot Water Bottles, etc Dr. A.P. Chown Druggist and Optician. 19000000 for Fountain Guaranteed to relieve Asthma| FEISS EE PA SSSA bbb bbb ORRIGA of sacrifice to make for later goods. H SOME OF THESE PATTERNS MAY SUIT YOU, AND ARE BARGAINS AT THE PRICES WE HAVE THEM MAFKED. in Hadley, Coal- port and Royal Worcester, also fine Hand-Painted de- signs. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 King St. "Phone, 6686. L904 0006060000000 GQourdier WIRING AND REPARIG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' MARINE AND AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. Our Work Guaranteed. Tubal Electrical Mig. Co. : ANGROYE'S FOUNDRY Brass and lren Castings of Any Size or Weight. Place d'Armes You will want "ne Home. | Meat and here i Made Mince the lacs Lo get the good old os ind that mother used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage Mantua, he yey To te Monuments LATIST IN MATERIAL AND DESIGN. James Mullen, PRINCESS STREET. IF_YOU ARE INTERESTED IN Life Insurance = ' Accident Insurance Fire le Insurance Fire Insurance Plate Glass Insarance 'CONSULT Jd. K. CARROLL 14 Market Bt. (ON TRE MARKET an