Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1909, p. 5

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THE DAILY smn WHIG, weDKESDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 10, '1900. THE M (ASTER PASSION. . a Upon' some of the monuments in the OFT public squares and parks of the larger " Mosiey In \ The Mint. ton Een. & the. mint Jolt cities thera, is engraven the occasion | for. thir erection. And it is well this profit of nearly $300,000 last Another opposition. prophecy wrong. | . PAGE FOUR. CORBETT'S! For MOUSE TRAPS, large assortment. RAT TRAPS, all the best | kinds. Common Sense THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH wie. at a Ea z pres Jnited The heath of the ing boy, or girl, should be | ty guarded. Dur- ing the growing time there is a dan- ger of the Blood becoming poison and the health seriously impaired. T : blood should be kept pure and he child will grow strong, healthy and activo. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro]: an ideal tonié for the young. ad 5 the case, else succeeding generations may be unable to enlighten a common curiosity. The Lincoln monuments, to which fitting references will he made to-day, call to mind the man. who figured zo a Year. gone in stylish, cheap work ; Dine 'tmproved prosses' The British Whig i Png Lr Led Sumathing Xs Up. Hamilton tor. Premier or FREE A A wn oe Se Wat : : KILLS EVERY TIME For Rats and Mice! Only infallible = remedy known. Free from poison. Not dangerous to the hu- man family. No stench--no : small, MATCH BOXES, excep- tional assortment, from 10e. to $1.75 each. a --p------ | Corbett's Hardware Peesssssee Exterminator TORONTO OF OFFICE. Suite 19 and bers, 33 Ch Ee peice, Daily Wibig. 2%. to: Toronts, eR MELONS AND PANICS. preted. The Toronto World has it, however, as saying that Mr. Maclean, on the CPR. : iconoclast, and that. the president of the United States made the recent panic and not the inflationists, The Whig has net put as much study into the C.P.R. stock issue as the World or its publisher, but far from saying that Mr. Maclean is an iconoclast it thinks he has done a ® MS IN CANADA EY: IE Pure Food Insures GOOD HEALTH Magic Baking Powder Insures Pure Food. E. W. GILLETT CO., LTD. Toronto, Ont. A Unique Creation of 9 A inns meson ' z \ fo \ \ z 3 Presionny! Nutrio Nut Chocolate Nutritious'. ' New « Nut « Trio A cake of ofiyds WORLD-FAMED CHOCOLATE with 3 distinct sections each separately blended with roasted Almonds, Filberts & Spanish Peanuts - SOLD EVERYWHERE ss voi i The INOIAN Reveoy. } Best } The Market WoO Ie Tun Mam St. Regis Lumbago Cure Ont Jan. 20th, 190 Rediogd Mills, HE W. A Croshy, SINGLETON (CO Ont "Gentlemen '--~Having 'used Regis Lumbago Cure, commend it for Lumbago or Sciatica. have been troubled for years and since 1 took the second bottle I «¢ not feel an ache or pain. You are Liberty to use my name "1 can also_say it is a great Medici for a cough have tested it and four immediate relief your "Yours truly, "HENRY BELL. i Druggists, Kingston --= { sent St. 1 can heartily re- with it, great deal of good gr iely impor- tant subject. Every /little while there is an increase of whe by many mil- lions, and it is not \aqld to whoever will buy at the market price. It is, on the contrary, divided pro rata, or according to the demand or "capacity of the purchasers, among the old stockholders. There are some reasons why the company and its present stockholders should control the road or its des- tinies. prise, and for commercial, military purposes. should not cease to be Canadian in its manage: ment, But the new stock should not he sold for less than its market value and strategic to any one, and if any other proceed: be regarded as an untimely the ing edn division of melon it is to be re- gretted, The United = States panic due to the inflationists, but to a which The president was not de- trade in suffered. pression in every branch of it been the sworn enemy of the but political writers have pointed out that the great parties are practically in the grip of the monied forces, and all the talk against them has trusts, is merely sham. er ------ -- LAWYERS GETTING BUSY. One of the lawyers who had \-- the fivour--as only some have--of dig- cusfing the proposed faw reform with the premier of Ontario and his 10 ney-general, removes an impression which certainly existed, and to the cficct that the legal gentlemen were after their interests. Most assuredly they were, but they have been doing nofhing more auda- cious than- any set or .class of men, representing other divisions of lahgur, would do were legislation proposed oN feeting thew. The lobbies of parliament exe filled session session with those whose mission at- looking own after it going through, The proposed law reform makes, it seems, "Iwhich have been permissible in past, and the cost of which has been simply ruinous upon of litigants. The has been such that ona mnght well halt about 0. resorting to use, under any circum- there was the pros- pect of carrying the case irom court to another with rapidly creasing some experience stances; where expenses. agreed, it seems, that there but one I io ut eppead 'in the province, that the court of appeals as it now exists shall be a part of the system. ne ned pointed out how "much of the The Whig does not often have to y | complain of improper treatment by its contemporaries. As a rule its position on any public question is fairly inter- stock* question, is an It is a purely Canadian enter-' oun is to influence the measures that are and obviously of con- cern to some company. or community. for a limitatien of the appeals the the one in- The lawyers are shall be but new Then we are told that the lawyers pre- prominently in the life of the Ameri- can nation. One reads of him in the literature of the times, a literature that has become so profuse, but the ts suggest the man as no pen-picture or illustration can. pos sibly do. Washington was ihe father of the nation, and so his name is honoured above all others. Lincoln was the saviour of his country, the emancipator of a race that has since become a potent factor in the citizen- ship of a great commonwealth. Lincoln's monuments stand pre-emin- ently for the service which has "been dignified in some walks of life as "the master passion." Without it no man can achieve real or abiding distific- tion. It is, therefore, {he theme of song and story, the thing which is ex- alting, in its quality and worth the sacrifices it sometimes involves. Said the poet : "Honour and fame irom neo condition rise, ; well your honour lies. There was no straining for effect in thetife of Lincoln, as there should not not he in the life of any man who serves his race with the zeal and fidel- ity of tho true patriot. All those who write of Lincoln, deriving their facts from' authentic sources, present him as a pationt servant of the people, doing every task well, and expressing always the simple; homely and honest truth which was part of his very nature. There was no shams about Plain in private life, and plain in public life, in manner, and in tastes, but great, firm and heroi¢ in his character. Much disciplining had fitted him for the burdens of a high office, and he carried them as perhaps other, then known, He was ofton and cast down, Act part, there all the him. he was could have tired and weary but he only ceased his with him passion, when the assassin mingled his blood with the blood of thousands in defence of a great cause. If any man laid down his life for his fellows Lincoln 'did; and it is an amazing fact which will be' preserved in history long after some of the mopumenis that now revive his mo mory have becn - impaired by the ravages Of time. no done. service, surely the master EDITORIAL NOTES. There will be no railway subsidies this 'Year. There is a large class of the electors who would rejoice if the last had been heard of them. The Ontario government will have its hands full if * it provides for all the feeble-minded, and sees that they are usefully and healthfully employed. An hundred years ago a great man was born into the world. been dead for many many years, but his. soul, like John Brown's, goes' marching on. The prafters are said to be in con- trol of the civic government of Mont- ral. A royal commission is called for. Cannot Judge Cassels be invited to exercise his probe ? The Globe intimates plainly that the militia department, to meet public ex- pectation, must cut down the expenses of the war office at Ottawa. Some of the gold lace must go. What has become of the depreciation which was figured into the electric scheme when the people were asked to vote $85,000 for extensions ? Has there been any deception with regard to it? dis- ! new barracks on Garden street Lincoln has ! are agrecing so frequently these days that one can almost imagine the mil- ensiim is approaching. No Flies On Him. ToroietBin. Another man has been fined for ki- belling Hon. Adelard Turgeon, Mr. Turgeon's reputation can no more bho mishandled than a -Seoteh thistle. will It Be Soon ? Bamilg n Herald. Ringsion factory was burned di recently. Fifteen Ontario muni- cipalities attempted to lure the fac- tory owner away from Kin; by offering him inducements. © He says hes will stay-if Kingston gives him §10,- 000. Some day, pethaps, an end will be put to this foolishnt ! Now Four re Talking. Hamilton Spectator. The Kingston Whig, referring to a recenit . datement. in the Spectator, Has the clean life stamp of emploman are badly needed Be Nn i en ot side of the house, thinks that the suggestion should read, "badly neoded on both sides of the oud'? "The Spectator cheerfully ac- te the E erimert offered. Clean I lo men are needed, and needed badly. JEW WAS IN DANGER. His TIceboat Ran Into Water. ' Gananaque, Teh, 10.-- young Jew, named Elson, coming Se by ice boat from Thousand Island Park, on Monday afternoon, had a very nar- row escape, the boat running irto open water near the government buoy at the foot of Hog Island, and being for some little time almost entirely submerged, Fortunately assistance was at hand and boat and occupant were rescued. The | young Israelite, however, would not return with the hoat_ that brought him up. One of the local ice boats took him home on Tuesday. . It has since been learn- cd that the place where the boat went in had just previously been cut by the ice harvesters and was not bushed to mark open water, and was the cause of the mishap to John Lindsay, engine builder, who skated into 'the place while coming frond Howe Island on Tuesday morning. having a narrow eseape. Several others went ' through 'unmarked sec- tions on Sunday. According to law any place rendered dangerous in that manner is to be marked by brush and 'there is 'some talk of prosecuting the negligent ones. The local Salvation held thew formal opéning Open Army corps of their inst evening with a social, Which was largely attended. A very pleasant evening was spent by 'the quarterly official board of Grace church in the lecture room last evening. After the business of the session was over they were en- tertained at supper by the Ladies" Aid society. The Board of Education held its inaugural session during the past week, The necessary commiftees for | Wie year were struck. E. L. Atkin- son was elected chajrman and Town Clerk Samuel McCammon re-elected as sebrefary-trensyrer at a salary of $100 a year. In the police court Robert Adon, a uarryman, in the employ of D. J. Gordon, was arraigned on. a charge of t being a public sance. After hear- Be / evidence ent was reserved. t is ruméred about town that the Ba of Toronto is negotiating for the purchase of the corner lot, owned by | W. Y. Boyd, on which stood the block of stores destroyed Jan. 3lst, | and that if successful a new bank building will adorn King street at an early date. A gang of men have been set to work to tear down the ruined walls of the Grand Opera House building, which have "been causing considerable vneasiness for the past week. Quite a large amount has been already safely develled. : You Must Cure Dyspepsia. Improper digestion of food harms in £0 many ways that the evil must he corrected at once. The remedy to rely upon 'is Day's Dyspepsia. Cure. It helpe to digest food, it tones up the whole system and it keeps the bowels in proper condition. Each bottle con- never fail to bring color to the pale st some prove; peiite returned; she grew strong; color came into her checks and, today, she is as hoalthy as any young girl could be: I firmly 'believe Dr. Williams' Pink i Suits We're not going to beat around the bush a bit. Pills saved her life." Dr. as successful in mature age back to eh in building up the you pure, 'red blood--thati is banish anaemia, ing those and the genuine "Dr. People, hearing Williams' " imitations. If your medicine does not will boxes liams' be sent' at 50a a box or Madicine Co., Williams' Pine Pills are 8 Squall ' @ the best School Suits on earth. We Want You to See A th as they are | make why * they rheumatism, Vitus' dance, heart palpitation, indi- gestion and tho sceret ills of girlhood womanhood. But you must get the full name, Pink ' Pills for Pale on the wrapper around cach All other so-called pinRppills arc dealer keep 'the genuine pills they 81 for $2.50, from "Fhe Dr, Wil- Brockville, Ont. x DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. Gray Striped Velvet Coar. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Personal Statistics of Members of Parliament. February _Delineator. In the. last parliament there Cloth Gown with Gray and Black wero | | 200 native-born Canadians, in the new house tho nativecborn number 204. There are six English- horn, as com- pared with four in the last hou Ireland sent four sons to the house, but there are ole two members who wore born in Ireland in the new house. In each house "the membership in- Se. ol St. We're going to come right X Piece Snits. out Soldly and -yy that we ve. Good Fabrics, Strong Tailoring, lots of _ 3 o % . % Gp 5 he Special for $2.50 TO-MORROW we place cn sale 50 Boys' Norfolk and Three- Sizes 8 years to 14 years. investigate. GIRLS d SE a ving | cluded three men who were born in the are espediply exposed United States. Scotland had three in tha last house; two. The now new housb: also includes rica. :.2 By - religion interesting. The Roman Catholics are of exactly the same force as in the old house, the representative 5 it has only one member who was born in South Ame: the figures are cqually figura in cach case being seventy. The Presbyterians in the new house; number forty-six ing all day; or sitting in cramped positions ; walking to and from their places of emplo ph in bad weather all tend to break down their delicate feminine 0 sands 'of letters like the ing demonstrate the fact that | LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND The H. D. Kingston's Cash and One Price Clothing House. I hel No class of women are in need | of ter assistance, and thou-: the follow- | Bibby Co. F9493499949 4933395 93999 Something New. A Olearing Sale of Hardware. It will pay you to STRACHAN'S | BQ Increases Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's leading Business School Day and NS ing Classes. Shorthand, Ahir 1. Books Koeplug, Telegra vidual instruction dotolont gt a GOOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our H rade Courses never fail To by kg success Lo our gradu- ate Motaata Bato ing Ras, FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, Phone, 0880. N. STOCKEDALE, Principal. Kingston. ™ BPE W. DOLLAR A as a Waggon wheel us at this ts of the yea Do Not Wait Till Spring fo Make Your Selections. to Prices are lower now and our assort- Belleville last year they had The Intelligencer is turbed because the local water works' surplus is not as great as Guelph's. | Are the rates as high ? A surplus casily raised if the taxation is only! made high enough. procedure creating wa$ unnecessary, unnecessary expense, and strongly advocated a simpler set of rules, which would enable speedier trials at less expense." They also] asked for "the abolition of the pre- sent antiquated tariff, which was fiamed over fifty years ago, taing sixtoen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. forty-seven. The Methodist church is represented bv fifty in the new house, as against forty in the last parliament, The Chureh of England bas forty: one, against forty-two last time. The Baptists numbered eight in the former house: in this they are six. An addition to the religions is a universalist. The Congregationalists are two, ithe same as last year. And there is one Lutheran and one Far- ringdon independent, just as there were in the last house. restores the Jeminine Io_sysietn to a strong, A arram, of ne la yiit Ea of Household Goods bought Miss Al of Neson- Sold, for a square deal. by ¥ Bart _-- = 1, Lesses. was in Ty sick, had aut ess oy Jain in my back, and a feminine Cor: Princess and Chatham Sts, King- ston, Ont. Brewer's Mills Budget. Brewer's Mills, Feb. 9.--A few from here attended the N. A. of No. 6 "At Home" on Wednesday evening. The funeral of Mrs. cole fo Barn: is had been to séveral A sinking fund a municipal electric or power plant may not have, but a depreciation account (in view of possi- ble emergencies) it must have to he | safely financed. Such is the record ,of of the British system, which is older ! than 'any, in, Cangda. and is altogether unsuited to modern condi- tions, as well as being quite unin- telligible to a layman." They suggest- ed instead a ldock tariff, and alter- | native freedom of contract between lawyer and client, so that a man en- tering upon litigation could know advance what it" would cost him, All thi§ "would indicate that if the lawvers have been busy they have Leen getting wiser and have been not tonly willing -but anxious thas some | reform should take place in the ac counting branch of their service. They have not been alone an the building (up of bills which defied analysis from Slat! difiorence 19 in the {the layman. They had the FREATMENT OF OUR {panionship in the same scientific PATRONS | vice of the plumbers, CRAWFORD, show . | visible signs of repentance or reform. 'Fhone, 9, Foot of Queen St. | | A =m | reporting that there will be an edrly l election ime=the old land. It is rarely man in Butte, i Widow" waltz on | that any government lives out a par- | iamontary try we'll | domectic Gananoque, took place to ft. Barna- by's church on Sunday. "Miss E. A. Berrigan has left to take charge of a rite) at Godfrey. Miss Vennie Rochefort | is visiting friends" in King- ston. Visitors : Mr. Gaven and sis- ter, Lansdowne, at J. McKenna's; Miss M. Beaupre, at her wnele's, J. Rochefort's. most fag pn health than I'ever was, aod it ial due | 3 to your medicine." Miss Lillian Ross,of 530 E.84th St. New York, writes to Mrs, " | is assured, we are pre "I had a female trouble, Zeivous } 1 | pared to fill all orders for headaches, ax and re tired all Jie time, Joe Cream at, *7 ran 60c Per Quart Vegstanle "oo No change quality. OW that a supply of Ice The Man Wiso 'Wants But Ligtle" S. PF. Kiser, in Chitago Itecord-Her A steady job that pays me well, A pleasant home in which fo dwell) A raincoat when it's raining ; A liver that is always right, A ver failing appetite, Puts Hair on Your Head and The ait vy -- es that ate bright. Keeps it There. And &f will quit complaining. What's the uso of being bald ? What sense is there in deliberately allowing your hair to turn gray? Do you'want to look old before your time? Give up the thought; old age will come all too soon. Look after your hair. Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff germ, and is. the A bright sun o'er me shining: only preparation, so far as we know, | A little richer every day, that is guaranterd to de so. Youth that will never wear away, % . Man or woman, no matter how old Three times a year ao rase of A in Hon. Mr. Aylesworth, ridiculed = by the conservative press, and taunted for incapacity, has been 'thanked by the governor-general and the British ambassador for distinguished service on the fisheries question. Some cri- ties will want to go into obscurity for a while. They need sundry repairs. Hon. Mr. acclamation, Comox-Atlin, gives tion. Same Price Coal as the Other Fellow --- BUT DIFFERENT ! That difference is in the CLEANLINESS OF Oi R COAL hat difference is PROMI NESS OF DELIVERY hat difference is in the QUALITY OF GUR COAT much better that I Repo err woman | who suffers as I did will try it." FACTS FY FOR SICK or ham's Verba from roots and standard Temedy Tr PARISIAN SAGE. A chance to travel now 'and then, The friendship of 'my fellow men, The luck to néver stumble'; Hair that wit not forsake my head, A nose that' never may turn red, and has positivel Sweet dreams when I crawl into bet, women. Why do And I will never grumble. ; Mrs. Pink Ras A manner that the ladies like, invites all sick women The strength to knock out in Y Sete, for advice. . in the OUR mining thonsands of try it? 'Mass., Templeman's election by the, member for general satisipc- The anti-Asiatic' craze has not been so conspicuous since the Porden telegram has heen properly under- stood. ! . f Te ------ Tr r | World's Famans Milk ser. who have so {far shown no qualms of conscience, no you are, Parisian Sage will make you And I will cease repining. look younger. Why not go to G. W. Mahood and get a large bottle fo-day, it only costs 50 cents, and your money back if it does mot cure dandruff, stop fall- ing hair, or itching of the scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it is the most ro- freshing, plédasant and invigorating hair dressing made. : To have that which 1 want withol The sorrows of delay or doubt, A tongue that's never furry To he from worldly cares 5 ree, will env. ------------------ Winston Churchill is credited with Commander Spain has not lately heefi §ent out on any wrecking en- It's just as well until he has invented some plan--or the marine de- partment "has devised one for him whereby he can keep track of his éx- pensesy Von \ frisky youny Plaved the 'Merry a lutte; He played night Fill tie Cut out that blamed Jutte shoote." tail each quires. ¥owill never worry hag term.. The Asquith minis: and day A netehbors did sav Women over forty years of eatina sleep or re well ow omen Cot has bech earning favour by its policy, and again the war obscure the vision. or cloud comes to > J

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