5 : ¥ Cae, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1909. PYSICIN TELLS HOW HE TREATS RHEOMATC - * PNIENTS A Distinguished Specialist Gives Valuable Advice. In the first place I always impress upon my patients the importance of careful living and regular habits, Moderation in eating, keeping the feet d wearing plenty of warm clothing are some of the precautions. No ount of medicine will cure or even help, unless attention is paid to these few simple rules. I have had perfect results where patients followed these instructions, assisted by the following blood tonic and rheumatic specific: -- Fluid Extract Cascara Carriana Compound ... Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 Dose: One teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. It is advisable to drink plenty of water during the treatmeat. A prominent local merchant who Bas tried this treatment states that it relieves backache, bladder trouble, and urin troubles almost imme- diately has a gentle but thor- oirh action on the kidneys. eo le advise all our readers to keep this prescription. The instructions are valuable. INGSTON PEMBROKE - RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Trains Leave Kingston 12.01 p.m. Express--For Ottawa, Mon treal, Quebec, St, John, N.B., ax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, waver, Hen frew, Beult Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul Winnipeg, Vancouver, ttle, Portsnd and San Kranscisce. 5. pan.~--Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. East and West. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7.45 a.m, Miied--For Renfrew asd fn- Whinediats points. ¢ 12.04 assengers leaving ingston a 5 Al. ey th Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter ro. 4.38 p.n.; Toronto, 6.55 pam. ; Montreal, 7.05 p.m. ; Boston, 7.30 a.m. 8t. 'obn 12,00 noon, KINGSTON -- OTTAWA Leavé Kingston, 12.01 p.m. Ottawa, 6 p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.45 e.m., arrive King- sign 3.50 p.m. 'ull particulars at K. & P. . It. Ticket Office, Ontario St. "Phone, -* ¥. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. vain leaves union station, Omtario street i eed, Sundays; sucepted) for, Taied arrive NEWS OF -- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. + ---- 4 The Tidings From Various Points in Bastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Charleston Briefs. Charleston, Feb. 15.--Patrick Flood and daughter, Bertha, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Laffan and sons, Francis and Fergus, yisiting fiiends for the past three weeks, re- turned to their home at Prescott, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson and' daughters; Gladys and Eva, at- tended a party at Athens, on Friday evening. Mrs. C. Green and Webster spent a few weeks at their home at New Boyne. Wilbur Waits. Wilbur, Feb. 15.--Mr. Pringle con- duoted serviee here and at Lavant on Sunday. There are several men ground here éngmyed in catting wood jor the mine. Miss J. Richardson has come to spend a few days at her home here. R. Alcorn made a flying trip to Renfrew last week. Mrs. B. Rogers spent Sunday here. Mrso W. C. Boyd and Kenneth have returned home after visiting friends in Ren- A T N RAILWAY, GRAND R SYSTEM Local Branch Time Table. ---------------- Trains will leave and arrive at Oity Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING Lve. Otity Arr. Oly No. 05 Mai 12.88 a.m. 1.07 a.m. ' 3 Express 2.35 gm. 8.17 a.m. Local ... 9.15d.m. 947 am nter., Li 12.25 noon 12.56 p Malt 8.19 p.m. 8.51 p. 16 Local ww 7.08 p.m. A few of the successive effects that follow the use of WILSON'S Invalids' Port (a la Quina du Pérou) " n a " 7 The earliest visible effect produced in stimulation of the appetite ; The action of both nerves and muscles is excited ; save Digestion is assisted and stimulation " Lf Ex. BE . 30 pm. promoted ; 12 Local Wh ' 5 a i dad Activity is developed in the flow of 5 6, n v enpiah& AlN0n. 8.017 ofpt Sundags'".| the secietions. Through Pullman Bloqpat to amd from Ottawa via Brockville daily om #fains 2 and 5, leaving Kjngston, 2.835 a.m., and Ottawa, 6.45 p.m. For Pullman Accommodation, tickets and all other information, apply to J. P.. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. Royal Mail Train INTERCOLONIAL Maritime Exp ress Sold at all Pharmacies RAILWAY Famed for excellence of Sleeping Everywhere. and Dini Car service. Leaves ] 5g MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. The necessary con- stituents of tissue and blood are sup- plied to the system ; Physical strength and endurance are greatly increased and the previous im- provement in the actionof thenervesand muscles is confirmed. Energy and capacity for persistent effort of mind are imparted ; manliness and courage are restored; and a feeling of confidence, of fearlessness and ca- pability to endure pain 1s established. Ask YOUR Doctor, BIG BOTTLE w» frew. Mrs. 8. Jackson and daughter, Mrs. KF. Paul, visited at W. C. Boyd's. Westport News. Westport, Feb, 15.--The hockey | game between Westport and Newhoro | %e heduled for 'Saturday last did not fnatecintize owing to poor ice. J. {Williams left on Monday for King- | ston, where he has secured a good | situation. H. KR. Derbyshire is gra- | dually recovering his health. iss | Annie Dermady, of Hastings, is here {visiting her sister, Mrs. P. Don- nelly. Mr. and Mrs. James Conley | entertained a number of young peo- {ple on Monday evening last in hono {of Messrs. E. O. Walker and S. P. Moulton. Doings At Maberly. Maberly, Fob, 15.--Mr. Spicer, Perth, will organize his singing and | music class to-night. Rev. Mr. Alum has returned after attending the Sum- day school convention at Arden, as also have Mr. and Mrs. Rigney. All the people that went down to Harper on Friday cvening had an time. After the concert they were treated to a dance. The.young people of on Friday evening Mrs, tors : Mrs. Thomas - Duffy, Tichborne, at Mr. Hughes'; Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. R. Duffy at Harper's; Frederick 'Sam- well at John Cameron's, Bathurst. James Buchanan at home; Teddy" wsuchanan has returncd from Florida. A Quiet Marriage. Plevna, Feb. 13.~Mrs. G. Ostler has gone to Kingston for afew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Godkin returned to their home in Watertown. / Rev. Mr. Huyek, Miss E. Shultz, J. Derue. and Miss Elsie Shultz attended the Sun- day school convention at Arden last FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. "WOMEN!" Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Tickst Office, 130 St. James Street, or ? y MILBURN'S General Passenger | HEART AND NERVE PILLS Department MONCTON, N.B. come to their normal condition. Mrs. Wm. Levi, Markdale, Ont., writes : "I had for several QUEBEC S. 8. COMPANY. $30 RATE BERMUDA Sailing from New York, 18th, 18th, 20th, and 27th February and afterwards overy Saturday at 10 a.m 3 8.8, Bermudian, 5,500 tons, Special low rate $20.00 to £30.00, New York to Bermuda and return 5.8 Irinidad Wednesday, Feb 17th, and every Wednesday thereaiter at 10 aan. West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana,"" 8,700 tons, with all up-to-date improvements. 5.3. "Parima," 3,000 tons, 8.8. "Korona," 8,000 ions, sail from New York every alternate Wednesday. For beauty of scenery and perfection of thump so oould not lie on my left side at might. I saw a fow testimonials of others and de Pills, and to my completely cu boxes to do it. I have a neighbor, Mrs. Rickett, and I induced her to try them and they effected a cura. I can endorse their use for anyone afflicted as I was." Price, 50 cents a box, 3 boxes for $1.25, ] \ st all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of | 1 te these tri surpassed, F : x a { lust Phjets giving ra p- Foro by. The T. Milburn Ca, Limited, | illate store has changed proprietors illustrated pagphlets giving passage and al information, A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, Quebec Steamshi Co., 29 Broadway New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y. Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket gents, J P. HANLEY, and 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK Kingston. : "IN rates of apply te Agents, oy Gk. You cannot possibly haw) a better Cocoa than EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustain: food. Fragrant, nutritious an economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. Gad by Grocers and Storekeepers = > 1.1b, and }-1b Tins. ~ ALLAK Rox LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. From St. John, Halifax , Feb. 19th. Feb. 20th. Corsican, sails | Mar. 5th. Mar. 6th. Hesperian, sails Mar. 13th. GLASGOW SAILINGS. lonian, from Boston ........cwc. eb, 18th. Corinthian, from Portland 'eb. 25th. irst-Class, $7 upwards, Second Class, $40.00 wards, Third-Class, $20.00 and $30.00. . and rates on ap- . HANLEY, or 0. 8. Additional sailings alication to J. F IRKPATRICK, Local Agents, ston, NEW LAID * EGGS AT CLOVER, Cor. Bagot & a Phone 47. Buy Your Wall Paper Now and Save Money ee RP -- j D. E. FRASER'S, "Phone 373. 78 William St. Tunisian, sails *Siloer Plare that Wears" Silver of Quality For artistic charm, careful mang- facture, style and long wear « "» 1847 ROGERS BROS. -- spoons, knives, forks, efc., are , onequaled. The standard of silver excellence for 60 years. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS H Turecos, bonbon dishes, trays, efe., phacka for beauty and qualily are s u wade by the & MERIDEN BRITA CO. " Are You Nervous?" | slong with their nerve-strengthening energizing properties, snd restore them ears been troubled with | cided to try Milbura's Heats and Narva t joy surprise they me and it only took six week, and report a very interesting { time, © Miss ¥ Wensley, at Mrs. Woods', has gone on to Kingston. {residence of Rev. J. Lyons, the con: tracting parties being Miss Lapointe land J. Cox, both of Gull Creek. The young couple were unattended. Quite a number of our village enjoyed a dance and party at Mr. and Mrs. Tap- ping's, Ardoch, returning in the wee sma' hours of morning. The skating on the creek is spoiled as we have had considerable snow in the last few days Barriefield Budget Darrichield, Feb, 153.--A few of the young people attended the euchre party at F. McGraw's on the 10th. The next one will be held at Thomas Doyle's on. Wednesday, 17th. A num ber from here attended tho funeral of the late John Conners, Kingstown, on Friday last. Mrs. Cherry and = Mrs. Salsbury recently visitéd Napanee friends. 2 Mrs. Knapp (has raturned from specifi week with friends in the city. L. @unson, Kepler, lv called on friends heve. Visitors : Miss Scott, Newburgh, at Mrs. Henry Knapp's; Mr. and Mrs: William ter, lsle of Man, at Mr. Norman's, on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smylb spent Sunday with, Cushendull friends; Pr. Clara Ryan, of Liberty, N.Y., is oxpectal home this visit, 1 A New Minister. Denbigh, Feb. 13.--Our most central John 8S. Law sold out his general store to his father, John Law, who took possession last week. Messrs. P. Kaladar Station, wheres they went to meet Rev. J. Reble, who has been ap- {pointed minister to the, for some time vacant, Lutheran missionary distriet of Denbigh, Plevna, etc. The reverend gentleman only just arrived from Ger- of labor very well. May his first im- pression be lasting. The Misses Em- ma and Lora Warlich have leit for Berlin, Ont., and are, like most of our farmers' daughters in this® vieinity, going to try ing some time here, visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fritsch, and his other numerous relatives and friends in this vicinity. Visiting In Kingston. |/ Trousdale's . Corner's, Fen. 15.-- {There is a great rush since the last {iall of snow, for the people are very ! busy drawing wood for the sawing machine. Elmer Smith has purchased a fine mare from W. Babeock, Wilton. M. Trousdale's horse is sick with | diphtheria, and is not expected to ! live, Stanley Babeock has sold one of {his Clyde horses for a good price. | Miss G. Smith has gone to Kingston for a fow days to visit friends. The young men attended the charivari par- ty and enjoyed the oyster supper. We are well plensed with our new organ. list, . Miss E. Madcof. Henry Be {dour will not return just yet as he {has had a bad pull beck with diphtheria at Cobalt. The sale of Mrs. |. T. Babeock was attended well irom NEIGHBORS. Mrs. Jeise | excellent | (}, 6th irist., at the age of are talking of a hop in the town hall | Al { very quiet weading took place at the | recent. | Hun- | week for a short | Stein and G. Adam just returned from | many, but seems to like his new field | town life for a while. | George Fritsch, of Renfrew, is spend ! Te {party called on Mrs. H. Jamieson, {and the young folks had a good time. News From Sydenham. Sydenham, Feb. 15. --Mr. and Mrs. iM. R. Reid entertained a number of 'their friends at a tea party on Tues- | day evening last. Mr. and Mrs. G. Guess were "At Home" to a few the young. people on Tuesday even- 'ng of last week. Mrs, George W. McNaughton and Miss May B, Dan- jels entertained a large number of !their lady friends at" an "'At - Home" 'in honor of St. Valentine on Satur- | day afternoon, from three to five ta'elock: "C.. E. Taylor is on the sick ist. The concert given by the Ol Sogthland sextette was well attended, {Wesley Hall being' packed to the 'doors. Miss Effie M. Clow left for {Toronto on Saturday morning te at- | tend the millinery whalesale openings. [On Wednesday evening of last week { Mrs. Rhinders and sister, Miss Creigh- ton, entertained a few friends at {cards. The Kingston Salvation Aemy {band held | a concert in the town hall on Saturday night. turned ed from Kings tod, of At Clarendo). Station. Clarendon Station, Feb. 15.<The heavy snow that fell Sunday has made the roads hard to travel, Dr. Spankie, 1.P.8., visited the school, and gave an address on educational topics, his re- 'marks Being appreciated by all who heard him. His report was favorable on the condition the school room was in and. the work done By the 'teacher, | Miss M. Leishman. Mrs. M. J. Hunt has returned from visiting in Athens, | Winchestér, Finch and Ottawa. Mrs. {J. Hannan attended thy Sunday school convention at Arden. A tele- phone line is likely to' be . run from here to Ardoch early in the spring. The combatents in a drunken row here on' Saturday, will likely appear before the magistrate. Levi Moss at- tended Oso couneil meeting Monday. W. Y. Cannon and . wife of Sharbot Lake, spent Sunday at J. H. Can- non's. Miss Jessie Crain has returned from Elphin. Mrs. William Barr and 1D. Barr spent Sunday at Sharhbot | Lake. | Deaths At Bloomfield. | the sick Davis and Miss A. Earle, Temperance Lake, were guests of Mrs. H. Franklin on " last. Mrs. Wi nant, Athens, is the guest of her father, J. Warren. Mr. and ei, How- ard," Lyn, were recently guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Bummoers, William' Flood, proprietor of Junetown chcese factory, had a wood bee on Saturday last. J. C. Turner is hauling logs to Escott. A roll-way is being lee"s Corners for W. B, Warren, Lans- downe. At present there are about 1,500 logs. Leslie Warren, Rockfield, is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. 3 Had A Fine Time. Oso Station, Feb. 12.--The' carnival and fancy dress party and tea-meet- ing, held in the "Prentice Boys' hall on tho 11th, under the auspices of Christ church, was a decided success. 'The programme was * splendid, each person doing his part -well in the way of fancy costumes, recitations and songs and choruses. After the supper was served the judges gave decision on the costumes nearest. to the .represeata- tions and prizes were given to the fol land Chieftain;" Mrs. James F. Mc' Pherson, "Gipsy Queen;" Martha Jane Lutz, "Spring of '190%; Hezvo Lute, "Sgathern Indian Chief." Tho re ceipts of the: evening amounted over $20. Mrs. Robert Francis, is «an list and her many friends wish her a specdy recovery. There is so much timber coming to the siding here that they cannot get banking ground: for it. The bean party nt Charles Bedard's, was carried gut: to the leiter, and the young people in tend to hold several more before Laat. Mrs. John A. Bourk intends moving back to New Ontario in the near fu- tare. to Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, Feb. 13.--1here isa large | attendance at the Harlowe union school. J. Black 'is at William Black's. Mr. and Mrs. Willian Mil Jer and Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall are visiting at Cosy Nook. George Hall has teams on the road drawing lum- ber from his farm to Ardendale. Miss Bloomfield, Feb. 15.--Barney Mack, a respected citizen, died on the 5th inst., after only a few days' sick- ness, being attacked with aeute in- |digestion. Mr, Mack was about i forty-five years of age and leaves a wile and one daughter. Mrs. Ran- sellor Tripp, who has been ailing for ha past two months, passed away on siXty- |cight years." She Jeaves a higband {ind several sons and daughters. Mr. Halpenny, organizer for the William | (.0.F., is here in the interest of ny: r y inn .O.F., is ercst of that | Hughes; Sr., is on the sick list. Visi- | W lie t order. Webster Talcott, his home for several weeks, is able to be about again. Mrs, Edwin Baxter entertained company on evenings of last week. Harold Way entertained a company of young peo- [ple on. Wednesday evening. Misses ! Florence and owena Saylor on | Thursddy evening entertained a 'few friends. Several cases of searlet fover are quarantined around here, Clay- ton Burr 'and wife, who -bave been in Toronto" during the past month, returned" Home ' last week. Canniff confined to Chicago.' = Isaac Suider, 'an old resi: dent of" this place, is dead. Junetown Tidings. Junetown; Feb. I.--Willilam Sim- mons alteadal the Oddiellows' "At Home," ow Friday ovening last at Mallorytown. Several from hore Lat- tonded the Manhardi-Tennant wedding on Wednesday evening last at Mrs. Tennant's:. Mrs. G. R. Taylor was the day evening last. Miss Vera Herbison, {who was visiting her sister, Mrs. F. {L. Slack, has returned home. Veter 'Does Your Heart Flutter ? Short Breath. (Easily Fatigued. Rush of 'Blood. [It's in this den and unexpected death comes. {into a | | A slight fluttering and shortness of {breath is ao sign of failing stength, | arising from weakened digestive pow- ler, or from weakness of the nervous | sy¥tem. { The organic and dangerous affections j of the heart seldom manifest them- { selves until the climax fs | when death usually supervenes. Even a small variation in | renders the * heart susceptible on the { emotional side. anda little fright, {anxiety or haste will set it going at ! a frightful rate. i You ought to kvow that when your heart flutters easMy, when your | | breath comes in gasps, when you tire } {quickly upon exertion, and west does not recuperaté, yon have allowed {yourself to run down. {" It is under these conditions that | Ferrozone acts like magic 'iin its | steength-giving power. Tens of thou- sands of Canadians can testy to the marvelous - curative power of Ferro- zone, : When it's remembered that Ferro- | {zone has the power of making rich, | {red blood, of giving: tone to the sys- tem, of vitalizing all the functional | | powers of the body, it wifl be easily seen in cases such as yours, in which {these fluttering sensations are pre- gent. Ferrozone will speedily restore you to health. Ferrozone makes you strong because it enables you to digest your food, i because it makes rich, red blood--be- | cause it tomes, strengthens, reinforces ; the whole system. ! "I was so overcome with heart Hut- | 1 could | without pant- my breath," tering and acute indigestion scarcely wall upstairs ing and catching for writes BE. K. Young, a well-known merchant in Augusta. " After after two months I was cured and am sound and healthy as ever to- dav.' The best proof of Ferrozone's merit is' the enormous good it will da vou, in your own 'case; try it, 50e. ad box, or six haves far 30:50. ° at: ull this locality, Miss Addella Ewing re- { i : using one box of Ferrozone I improved, and doglers, two | Haight and wife left on Thursday for | guest of Migs Edna Simmons, Satur- | condition that sud- | | roads and | time, endeavoring to get back to | cutter. reached, i the right te i : strength | .0 0 their way and soon reached the * annual | Douro, the heir of the Duke of | { ington, has picked for his bride Mins | | Maud Coats, the daughter of a H. Critchley gave a little party to { her friends before she left for her i school. No. 4 school has again { opened. It was closed for two weeks on account of diphtheria. No more | eases have broken out. Martin Neal, | who came home on account of the | death of his sister, Myrtle, has left again for Huntsville. N. Mills { drawing logs for J. Chritchly, Myer's Cave. Miss H. Chritehly is teaching in the school above Cloyne. Visitors! Mr. and Mrs. W. Pipe, at Me. Scott's; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, at | Bradshaw; 'Miss Eva Miller is home again after a few weeks in Napanee. The friends of J, McCausley will be i glad to hear he is doing well after an operation and will soon be able to leave the hospital. Miss M. Morrison i left with her uncle for Centreville for { a vigit. William Henderson, of FEyo, {spent the week at Cosy Nook. Heo i returned yesterday to his grand: daughter's, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler's, Perry Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. White and little Annie spent part of last week with friends near Belleville and returned home on Monday. Some are drawing lumber from. Harlowe to Ar- dent while the roads are good. Lost On The Lake. Arden, Feb. 15--The Sunday school convention, held here, on the 11th and 12th inst., was a decided success. J number of delegates from the differen { Sunday schools throughout the dis- trict were present, and all reported favorably on Sunday school work for { the past year. William McGregor and rD. A. Oshone returned home from To- ronto, on Saturday, where they had heen attending the convention of the i Provincial Fairs Association. We are { having beautiful sleighing at present. Pwo of our Arden ladies, Mrs. Brown : and Mrs. Snider, took a pleasure drive j down the: lakes, recently, and, not be- { ing acquainted, 'lost the way, and, af ! ter driving around' for some time, came across a man who directed them where '10 go. However, they did not go fm | until they again lost their way, and, after wandering about, came to the i home of Mr. Gendron, who directed them, and advised them to take a trail leading to the main-vroad, which they did. ! thay came to where a road, that swamp, crossed the road the led which road to take. After some deli beration 7 it decided for Brown to get out of the cutter and go the swamp road to was on the Night coming on, matiers were getting serious, but finally she struck trail and succeeded in get ting back to the cutter. They proceed main road and drove home just before dark, determined to not soon have an ; other such experience. To Increase The Tax. Paris, Feb. 10.--The chamber deputies, yesterday, passed an article of the jncome tax bill imposing turn over 500,000 fraucs. The extra tax is one per cent. on the turnover between wr 000 and 1,000,000 franes; two per eent. up to 5,000,000 francs and three per cent. when the turnover ex- ceeds 5,000,000, A Marquis And His Bride. London, Feb. 15.--The Marquis made Scottish artizan, George Coats, now one of net income of over $10,000,000 a year. cmm-------------- To Visit Canada. Loudon, Feb. 16.--Inspector General Hoad will return to Australia shortly by way of Canada snd the United States. While in Canada he hopes to study the military question le has been discussing with the imperial gen- eral staff and the home authorities, Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles in 6 to 14, days or money refunded. 5c. E Even the flower of the family may am Teo | a placed at | lowing: James F. McPherson, "High | A Pointer fo Ambitious Cooks : Tob Before they had goue far) ve : ! wero travelling, and they did not know | Thegheart is an. unfailing ivdex of | streng@E. Bodily vigor and a strong { heart Yo band in hand. | Mrs. | : investigate, | which she did; but after getting in the { swamp she soon got lost amongst wandered around for some ws ---- a PACT RY NRE Le SCENE) PROMINENT SINGER PROSTRATED BY LA GRIPPE Thomas P. Macdonald, a prominent singer of Teessater, tells how PSYCHINE restorad him to perfect health after a severe attack-of La Grippe, which robbzd him of his voica. He says, ** Six years azo I became a victim to La Grippe and had it in its worst form. The attick was unusually severe, and left me in terribly bad shape. [I was u'terly prosirated ; weak, and run down entirely. My voice alse complitely gave out, and my iungs see.ed to be seriously affected. People who knew me, thought I was not land for this werid "* "" | had for years been 2 vember of our Chuich cho r, and accustomed io singing at concerrs and other entertiinmefts, but the doctor told me that Jf could never hope to do so any more, a3 it was impossible to cure me in the state | was then in."' " One day I saw in the paper what PSYCHINE had done for others, and thought | would giva ita trial, to | sent for a sample bottle. This gave me such immediate relicf, and belped me so, that 1 de.crmined to keep on with it at all cest<, and in spite of what tho docior had said. In an incredibly short space of time [ wa: completely restored, and my voice was soon ia grand shape again : They used to t2ll- me that a breaih of wind would blow me away, I had got sc thin, but PSYCHINE b me up in no time; 1 ama preity solid specineca of humariity. to-day, having geined in weig'it and put on flesh all the time."' " am stronger aud better to-day than I have ever been in my life before. PSYCHINE dd wond rs for + id really I do not think there is anything like it tor combating the al ts of that scourge LA GRIPPE." NE SHOULD BI | Free Trial 2enid Coupon to GLA the | of | an | | extra tax on departmental stores, the of which exceeds | of Waol- | seli- | thie principal proprietors | { of the Coats Thread company, witha | go to seed. E SPECIAL Everything reduced from 10 to 15%. This will be a splendid opportunity to save mouey .J. REID; *32hoem I ALWAYS, Everywhere in Canada, ASK FOR The Most Perfect Matches You Ever Struck! ¢ The Leaders of Lights Since 1851.