PAGE TWO. February Nearly GonelASKNG MORE STONE Board of Works Want to Rebuild Outer Union and Upper John- son streets--A Number of Con: tracts Awarded. At the board of works meeting, yes terday afternoon, Alds. Graham (chair- man), Kent, Hoag, Givens, Harty and Free were present. William Tait, the city's stone con- tractor, asked the board for permis- sion' {6 sell stone from the city quarry to the Davis Tannery company, and also to local contractors, in view of the city requiring stone, 'this year, only for walks and road patching. The committee didn't seem Bonk to this, and then Mr. Tait asked the board to accept what stone it requir- ed this year from his own quarry, just across the road, at no extra cost. Ther. he ¢ould move the city crusher there and supply whom he wants. On motion of Ald Givens, the committee agreed to do this, provided the stone was satisfactory to the city engineer. Mr. Tait's request to rent the city's scarifier and gradet to do county road work was refused. City Engineer Craig stated that at present the city had 150 toise of hand- broken stone on hand. Before road work began there would be 200 toise, which would be sufficient for road patching for the whole year. About six-toise a day would be required from Mr. Tait for concrete walks. The city engineer recommended that the city council petition the dominion government for broken stone from the penitentiary for macadamizing Union street, from Barrie to the city limits, Johnson street, from Albert _ |the city limits. The penitentiary and sox |asylum traffic is very heavy, and al {ready the new roadway out King street is showing signs of wear. Hence it is necessary to parallel King street with equally good roadways, and Un- ion and Johnson: streets should re- ceive attention. To macadamize both streets would cost $8,246, of which the city would pay $4,860. If free stone were got for, Union street, it would the city 83,426 to do the work. No use and do. You'll' feel easier and your pocket will be better, by buying it this morith, in moralizing. Just get CARPETS that the sun won't hurt, Some Brussels, reduced from $1.25 to Boe. A few specials, Rugs all reduced for this sale, CURTAINS--A whole flat full of these. =F | BUFFETS, regular $85, cut to $78. ' 00 $5 "848, all reduced: EXEENSION TABLES HO designs 25 styles to select from PHONE 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. cost tol Merchant of Venice." i the The engineer recommended that the city council be asked to supply $3,426 OF as a special grant to the board of - is works to grade Union street this year. The committee fell right in with the engineer's recommendation, and it was decided, on motion of Ald. Kent, to request Hon. Mr. Harty to interview | the minister of justice in regard to the { grant of broken stone. Two vears ago | the minister granted the city {stone it required for King street. Silk * Th EneEr i he engineer recommended that {streets be scraped | such scraping would Q |the dust in the lessen the scraping after a year. also recommended that his assistant's, | R. J. McClelland's salary | increased | from 8750 to $900 a year. A short discussion took place in rve- | gard to The engineer said A SACRIFICE Will wear longer, will look better, will hang better and cost no more than Madras Muslin. Come and See Poe R. 'McFaul's Kingston Carpet Warehouse. his ; | assistant was aries in the city buildings had been | raised except Mr. McClelland's. Alds. Graham, Givens, Free and Hoag should get Alds. the whole civic salary question should first be considered before dealing with fone case. It was pointed out, how- ever, that all the other salaries had Leen pretty well adjusted, while Mr. McClelland had been treated rather unfairly. On motion of Ald. Givens, the committee "decided to recommen to council that Mr. McClelland be giv tn 'an increase of $100 a year. It was estimated by the engineer, that the quired by the board of works for the work of this year. This includes the' $3,426 for Union street. Last year the board spent $14,000 on general stree The gréat Uterine Tonic, and jonly safe effectual Monthly lator on which women can depend, of strength--No, 1, 10 degrees stronger, Sold in three \ 8 0. 2, 1 8 por. Box for special cases, per xX. Sold 73 all druggists, or sent ropaid on receipt of price vo pamphlet. Addoess: Ta £20k MEDionE 0. TORON:S, ONT, (formerly Windsor A petition" was received from twen- | Barrie and University avenue, asking M Cc A U i E Y | that street watering be discontinued . dd 9 |on those two blocks. The engineer |said that this was just one-half of the | residents. The 'petition was referred to {Undertaker i : ) | the chairman and engineer for report. Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts. The following tenders were awarded: ty-six residents of Earl street, between | the be stabled {that all trace of him was lost. the suspected thief is said to be twice a year, a8 "thirty years of age, tend to decrease feet summer, and also' clean shaven. He'!and dark overcoat. the latter recommendation. | Francis de Sales church, Smith's Falls, very much underpaid, and deserved re- OP's € ° cognition. Nearly all other civic gal-| himself to the hearts of his people in thought that the assistant éngineer | Work, says the News, more salary, for he was] ture doing a big amount of work for $750, | voung Harty and Kent thought that his last Sunday in Smith's Falls. He » { will be succeeded ly properly "| trouble. sum of $15,000 would be re- | | fell near the post office and had tlhe unharnessed and given a rest. works. { RY GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. * Hyde » YACHT CLUB MEETING i td * - Splendidly Produced. fat Ee There was a fine sudience prosnt DELEGATES APPOINTED TO at the Grand Opera house last might. Mr. Ryan and his company are grow: ; GO TO WATERTOWN ing in rity as their reputation o-- ci] ior high-class actibg becomes known. To Attend the Eastern Yacht Rac. 'The dual charactet of Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde, repulsive as Mr. Hyde is, always has an attraction for play- goers. The reason is probably that the play is interesting (n Jeeaumt of the originality of Kobert uis Ste- venson"s grotesque creation and be- cause such sn opportunity for dis-- tinctive character acting is afforded in the expwession,of the double role. "Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde" held the, poards at the Grand last evening Watertown, to Meet the King- ston Kathleen Next August. A special meeting of the Kingston | Yacht Chay was held Thursday evening 'to appoint delegates to the annual meeting of the Eastern Yacht Racing Circuit, of Lake Ontario to bo held at Watertown, N.Y., on March 5th BeXts Sid for other huciuese. Liat, " . 5 Col. Strange, Barton ton and: H. and Daniel Ryan 'assumed the deading! gop,' oo" osinted to represent the part. His delineation of the amiable. io eton Chub at this mecting, which doct as clear cit and pleas-| ; ng a Hyde in a light! ie hotug | tld to urayge a speciale of that would satisfy the playgoer With | a ha Suming Snag = Tho on an inclination for the most morbid|" quet. of the Crescen : Club will also be held at Watertown, and unshapely in stage portrayal. In mo i il tie' Ring rey ths final scene Mr, Ryan assumed ao 3% ang bh 'ool th part that only an expert in dramatic Sele gates will be the guests of | Jo art could command, and it would be |"atertown Hhditamen. b will chal i diffienlt to elucidate the emotion of The Crescent Yacht ha a the audience. fio the Riggeton Yat Club. oF the Mr. Ryan's s rt as usual did ex-{4e¢ i and the Crescent, cellent ch -- interpretation of ; Watertown, will again sail against the the story was given in a way that | Kathleen for the valuable trophy this most favorably displayed the ability season. The Kingston delegates were and' balance of the company. The|insiructed td: suggest to the Waier- work of Harriet Duke, in the role of | town yachtsmen that the cup races be "Alice Leigh," was well worthy oi sailed at Kingston the week provious commendation. As usual the playjtotho LY. R.A. rendezvous regatta ab was _ beautifully: staged. Everything|Cobourg, in ' August, the Kingsion about the acting and the settings club to hold a two days' regatta in were of the finished kind. conneetion with. the races for the To-night the company present 'The, George cap, which will bo sailed for At the ma- here. tinee on Saturday afternoon "Don't) After the Kingston races it is pro- Tell My Wife," On Saturday night posed to hold a cruising race to Co- "Salome" will be repeated by re- bourg and take part in the L.Y.R.A, quest, races at that port, for which valuable 1 [prizes are being offered. A meeting of {the lake yachtsmen will be beta Be i ; Feb. 28 Cobourg in March to arrange the de s . 28rd. o i mt FOU. He, man , tails of the rendezvous regatta and hired a horse at the stahlés of Chant | the Kingston Yacht Club has been in- & Leggett, Athens, to drive to Henry | vited lo send delegates. Hollingsworth"s cheese factory in | The big yacht Temeraire, owned by that vicinity where he said he had, Major Bruce Carruthers, will enter the been encaged as maker for the com- | water the coming season as a splen- ing season. Not returning by evening didly-equipped cruising yacht, in yaw) owners became anxious and in- rig. A large new cabin house has stituted a search without finding any | been placed on her and the interior trace of the man or the outfit. The entirely remodelled, being. divided in- Brockville police were called up bylito different compartments, elegantly telephone and given a description of fitted up: with a view to the greater the man and the horse and cutter. Mr. |comiort, and convenience of the crow. Leggett came to town this morning | The cabin house and interior work are to further prosecute the search and made from™ a beautiful duality of shortly after noon the horse was | mahogany, giving a very rich offect. found stabled at the Windsor Hotel! Among the improvements will be elce: on Perth street in good condition. rie lighting. The proprietor states that a young . man drove into the yard yesterday], afternoon, requested that the , horse and disappeared. After The about 165 pounds, five fair complexion, wore a peak cap Where Is The Man ? Book-Binding. The. very [nest workmanship at the closest prices. We have been com- rlimented on all sides on onr work. The Briti:h Wh'g, "lhe Home of d : ting. inches, Good "Printing He n'ne Maple syrup, 25c. quart bottles, at Gilbert's. Father Staley Comes Here. Rev. Father Staley, assistant in St. has been appointed palace. to the archbish- Father Staley endeared Smith's Falls, and won, the confidence esteem and respect of the citizens gen-i erally. He has been active in all good. and his depar- will be greatly regretted by the people. . Next Sunday will be 8 by Father Carey, late assistant priest at Gananoque. Saturday Closes Our February Fur Sale Hard On Horses. The present slippery condition of the roads make it very hard for the horses, > and unless the herses are shod they are sure to have Yesterday a dozen or more horses suffered severe falls. A horse, with a very heavy load fell at the corner of Clarence and Ontario street, and it was some time before it could get up on its feet. Another horse to B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W. H. Boddy, Andrew Hope, A. S. Grocott, W. A. MacKillop, R. Hys- lop, 8. C. Thompson, Toronto; D. D. Hay, Wrayford; i. K. Faulkiner, Guelph; A. G. Miller, Samuel Harris, R, A. Corley, G. McHaffir, Montreal: James E. McDonald, New York: F. S. Lazier, Frankfora; G. E. White, Lon- ing Oireuit--The. Crescent, of || FAILED TO. CONVGT EDW. M'COY, GANANO court, «nso Inspector F.: B. Taber, of Mor- committee, has % Yards Rc Worth 9¢ and 10c yard. To goat * a font Hp y -- FOR SELLING In Gananoque Without a License-- Cottages Broken Into on .Tre- mont Parlke--The Young Cul- prits Have Been Discovered. Gananoque, Feb. 26.--In the police ow Thursday, the case of Li- ton, against Edward McCoy, was given a hearing. The case has caused considerable interest as it deals with a phase of the law, which is seldom touched upon or infringed. The charge against McCoy was that of selling liquor within' the municipality with- out a license. After hearing the evi dence, it not being sufficient to con- viel, 'the case waw dismissed. James Taylor, Stone strect, having occasion to visit his cottage on Tre mont Park, found the place had been broken open and on investigation found soveral other cottages had also been dealt with in like manner. Upon further investigation several lads, under fftcen years of "ago, sons of well-known residents of the town, were found to be the authors of the, deed. Not wishing to suficr the conse quences of their misdecds, the lads left for parts unksown, but a clio was soon obtained and they will be called on to make suitable amends. i Rov. J. Tallman Pitcher's new Move: ment Bible class together with the of- ficial staff and teachers of. Grace Sabbath school, held 'a banquet in the lecture room of the * church last even- young | ing. The affair was the offtcome of a | competition between the male and, fe- | male members of the clase to bring it | up to the century limit, the gentlemen | having succeeded in bringing in the | yreater number of new members. The | ladies of the class were therciore call- | ed on lo 'provide the evening's oater- | 'ainment which they did in a most | saticfactory manner, some 150 sitting down to the good things so lavishly provided. The class was organized September 20th, last, now numbers 180 on the roll, and has taken in class col- lection fifty-four dollars. Michael McParland, for several years past .a member of the town council, and present chairman of the finance tendered his resigna+ tion as councillor, he having decided to retire from public life. Charles McLean has disposed of the right of manufacture and sale of his patent loose pulley invented by him a ew years ago, to an Oitawa manufac- turer, who will shortly place them on the Canadian. market. The pulley is covered by letters patent. in the United | States as well as in England. J. B. Abbott is having the rooms over Harrison's drug store fitted up | as a dental office for Dr. A" H. Mabee, | whose former location in Kenny and | Cockrill's block was destroyed hy fire | tome six weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDonakhl, Tanner street, have re turned from a few days' visit with re lativee and friends at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Muir, King street, spent a short {ime this week in King- $ See this Towelling in our window. 600 Men's Co Worth 15c. To go at brads ue Signs of Asthma The signs of Asthma are unmis- takable--want of Death Josling of oppression in the comes the attack which gives the suflerer hours of suffocating pain and loss of sleep. GRIPP'S ASTHMA CURE Will check these attacks and "event their recurrence thus al- owing natural si and rest. here is no rugging with dangerous poisons a medicines, Cripp's Asthma 'Cure contains not{ing injurious, but on the contkary is a tonic and blood purifier. Sufferers from Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis or Bronchial Asthma should not} delay in getting "CRIPP'S ASTHMA CURE, 50c. Mahood's Drug Store, Bagot and Princess Sts. We passed through Customs to-day some swell creations from We have a new and varied § . line of these useful articles. » The Mechanism of Each is Guaranteed to Successfully Heat Water to the Required Temperature. : Many will not do this, and are therefore unsatisfactory. Ours are satisfactory. SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, * 200000000000000000000¢ NOTICE. We have just received our New Fur Styles for 1909 and 1910. Can make over OLD FURS into latest style now. See Our New Stock of Feather Boas. W. F. GOURDIER. _ McLeod's RESORCIN r' ¥ * Centres. Call and see the Dandruff 'Wash Removes and prevents Dan-. druff, allays the Itch and Fever of the Scalp, and keeps the Head clean and in a 4 1 display. Ambulance "Phone, 861a. | E. McFadden, street 'watering, three or five years; 8. Grimshaw, plank healthy condition. , 3 : don; E. Barry, Guel Ryan, Wah Long's Laundry Removed From 73 Clarence St., to 155 Welling- ton St., between Brock and Clarence Sts. Best laundry in the city, Goody called for and dellvared. -- frrsrrrersrrenretseantee MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate Mortgage on easy terms. THIS IS THE TIME To pick up a HOME or an investment in REAL ESTATE. The safest and best secnrity. THIS IS THE PLACE To lind what you want. McCann | ne 51 Brock street. | ~ : : : ¢ : : : : ¢ : : : : ¢ | : » VOPR VUYT HLL RLLBVRTRRS AUT LTLLTLLLLLLLLLL LLL LVLTLT ES ph; Mrs. M. {walks * and crossings, same price as | last year; McKelvey & Birch, iron ivipe for gateway approaches; James Laturney, repairing and painting nine watering oarts, The city engineer was authorized an stant \{o make out the sewer | rolls Novering the last seven |years. It i$ figured that probaly between $2,500 and $3,000 may be collected in this way. Mrs. Charles O'Reilly, Smith's Falls; Sylvester Pine, Bellevilly; A. La- prirrox and wife, Buckingham; W. H. | A. Prunes, Montreat. Owner Was Warned. Yesterday Inspector Arniel, of the Human» Society, with Dr. Nichols, V.8.. made an inspection of a horse, jabout which complaint had been made {with the result that the owner was {instructed not to work thes horse again, he at the same time being warned that if he did not carry out the orders he would be summoned be- fore the police court. The poor ani- 'mal is wm a sad comdition and may have to be shot.. at "45 Minutes From Broadway." "Forty-Five Minutes - from Broad- way" comes to the Grand on Monday March Ist, Coban & Harris take pleasure in announcing that this great musical play is presented in this its fourth season, with the original cast, an entire new scenic investiture, brand new costumes and after a general overhauling by the famous author himself, George M. Cohan. Scott Welsh, as "Kid Burns," who modestly wears the weight of laurels | gathered in every big city in the Un- ited States returns in the creation he | made famous ana will be warmly wel- comed here both for his ecloverness {and for the many warm friends he has {inthis city. | Miss Frances Gordon," as "Just | Plain Mary," { character presents one of the best | _ impersonations know. to | the American stage. The part calls for {a versatility that i unique in its variations To Meet In Kingston. The presbytery of the district meets in Chalmers church, next Tuesday. An {unusually heavy docket of business may be expected, including the elec- ton of commissioners to assembly. Luncheon will be served by the ladies of the congregation, to be followed by a missionary conference, and some nt- tention to systematic giving. Gone Into Insurance. E. C. Brady, for the past year the energetic and successful representative of the Intemational Correspondence is Schools, of Scranton, Pa., has resign- staff of the Canada Life Insurance Co. The schools have lost a good repre- sentative. Mr. Brady ought to do well in the insurance business. Notice. You are invited to see Nordheimer pianos on view in Kirkpatrick's Art | Gallery, 159 Princess street. Also Ca- |nadian representatives for Steinway & {Son's, New York Catalogues on ap+ [plication. Waltzing On Skates. Did you ever try to waltz skates ? In Kingsjon, this pastime appears to be quite popular.--At the skating rink, last night, several.cou- ples went through the waltz in a most creditable manner. The ice was in ders for the year's supplies. The mat- |fair condition, and the band was pres [ter of tabulating was left to the city |ent. lelerk and chairman. : N on tetas | The civic printing committee met, {yesterday . afternoon, and opened ten- | ed that position and joined the local |i | Tey Bibby's 7c. night robes. Suppose you reséive not to\ talk }| 4 Ios. new figs, 25¢c., at Gilbert's. too much during the Lenten period. 1 Since the opening of our sale (February lst), we bave pleas ed a great many people who have purchased Furs. We haye gained the people's confidence as dependable furriers, and we only need to announce a sale to assure it's success, Careful bayers have taken advantage of the sale. Many people do not realize that Furs are continually advancing 'in price, and that next season many articles of Fur will actually be worth twice the amount of the price we are selling them at now. For instance : Ladies' Fur-lined Coats, 48 inches long, made of imported broadcloth, lining of Hamster, collars and revers of best Alas- ka Sable or Isabella Fox, for $35.75. : Men's Fur-lived Coats, 50 inches long, made of English Beaver Cloth, lining of best muskrat, collar and lapels of Persian Lamb or Otter, for Saturday is positively the last day of the sale. Makers of Fine Furs Princess Street. ston in attendance at the marriage of | their son, Albert Muir, to Miss Litton, | of Kingston. Did Not Dispute 'Action. | Sanitary Inspector Gordon says he | did not dispute ihe board of health's | right to appoint him to summon the | unvaccinated. All be said at the board meeting was that his duties as | asscssor would soon commence, and' that he couldn't continue throughout the year to keep summoning sons to the polivs court. He wouldn't have the time to do so. Ae yet, the sani- tary inspcotor has nol summoned any- one, but has the mater in hand. They Are Doing Well. Report has been current for a couple of days, that Masters Harry and Tom- my Hunter, injured in a toboggan ac- cident, were not improving as well as could be expected, The Whig made in- quiries and founda that both the lads were doing well and showing improve- ment every day. They are still at the Hotel Dieu. . Commercial Printing. For neatness and quickness we can't be beat., Our prices are the lowest. Letter heads, bill heads, envelopes, statements, ete. The British Whig, "The Ho=3 of Good Printing." : Room For Spring Importations. |. Prevost, Brock street, is having a great clearing sale in made-to-order and ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings. See the window display. A meeting of the Levana Society, of Queen's University, was held on Thurs day afterngon. An exira large number of the fair students wero present. Dur- ing the meeting the prophecies of the different vears were read, and many good hits made, especially in "08. "Woe unto the prophetess of 09," says more than one person. : Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. "uc » 0 y Speedily relieve 'and Cure Acute 7 bary Beaver laundry soap (twenty years old), 2c, at Gilbert's. BLAUD'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS. and Chronic Dyspepsia, Distress after Eating, Sour Stomach, Sick or Bilious Headache and all troubles arising from imperfect digestion, PUT UP IN BOXES AT 40c. FOR SALE ONLY BY Dr. A.P. Chown ' Druggist and Optician. PRICE 25¢. PER BOTTLE. * PREPARED By Jas. B. McLeod, Druggist. Monuments i Justreceived, for Spring Latest designe. Rock- Opp. Y.M.C.A IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN Life Insuranc ass Ls Jd. K. CARROLL 14 Market St. | (ON THE MARKET SQUARE),