stesrenee SEALSKIN GAR- MENTS AND CANADIAN FINE at the Fu --War Against Tramps. March 1.---~The Hamilton, interes tunity of visiting the the funeral found their way There are no new developments. police STILL A MYSTERY Scouring Country For Clue--None Was Obtained--Pathetic Scenes ral of the Dead Girl t in the Kinrade tragedy is no wise on the wane. In fact, it is keener than ever. On Sunday, the public had an oppor- scene of the shooting, and. as this was the day of of the viotim thousands to Herkimer street. The emphatically insist on that, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH Kigyadecwas dead pefore the first shot was fired. . The family say she was of a very highly nervous temper- ament, and that she likely died of fright when she saw the desperado with the gun. Provincial Detettive Miller saw Miss Florence Kinrade this méraing, but the girl broke aown, and was unable to tell her story. Officers Brown and Brandon, who had hgen following a suspect through Brant ana Norfolk counties, returned this morning and reported the man did not answer the description of the murderer, and therefore allowed him to go. Attempts to capture the man who shot at Provincial Detective Clark, Niagara Falls, are now being made. The man is said to have been traced as far as Vinemount, near Stoney Creek. Oats Brought From Brazil, Boston, -Mass., March 1.--The first ol. JOHN'S AGAIN FIXED AS THE PLACE FOR HON. P. H. ROY'S TRIAL. Feeling of Hostility in Montreal, and Judge Changes Venue-- The Charges That Mr. Roy Has to Face. Montreal, March 1.--Houw, P. H. Roy, former speaker of Quebec legislature, and ex-president of La Banque St. Jf, who was to have been tried at the term of the court of king's bench, which opened, to-day, has secured an- other change of venue. He was ori- ginally to have been tried in St. John's, but on the plea that fecling there was hostile, a change of venue Na Her. pans for his five-year-old daughter, who, Say s was taken away by his wife with whom he part- ed some four months ago Hoye - which brought Elmer Sanford, of Dexter, Jefferson county, to King- ston to-day. From information be. re- ceived, he was given to \ t his wife came to Ki , with tl irl, but to this ! . had ors to locate either his . child, and. x i children, NOW READY OUR STOCK OF These sults represent the prett that will be --- this season, a studying your own interests if you y i | ) ou an girl, five years of : ' placed in a home 3 cared for by the mo "of relatives in Limerick. 1 {consider that the child was perly" cared for, however, steps to get the custody of the be duplicated again a right he savs was given X him bv i \ reason for refusing. The St. J courts. On Thursday of this week tis season, trial will not likely come off for. claims that his wife made off I : ral. monthe. Roy and two officiald are {child for Kingston. He came or is jointly charged with conspirécy in |Kingston and from the description connection with the bank's failure, find ave of his wife and child he there is a separate charge dgainst Roy, fa to believe that they had gone to of sending false bank reports to the |either Belleville or Na . He con- government, tinued his search to Ce places but his efforts proved fruitless and day he came back to Kiugsten. He left a photograph of his wife . and child, and every effort possible will be made to locate them, While mak- ing enquiries to-day Mr. Sanford was informed that a woman and child, answering the description given, had been inquiring at one of the railway offices about the fare to Goditey, and it may be 'that the woman went there. Further investigation will be made. Mr. Sanford says that a few ago his wife ran away from him and they were re-united. e says that he does 1ot now want her to return but that he will put forth every effort possible to get the chila. REAL ESTATE LIVELY. but the public believes that the police know more than they are telling, and the rumors that gre current, some of them at least, it would not be wise to repeat. There was a persistent ru- more that the police had found the revolver with which the shooting had been done, hidden in an ash barrel, in the backyard, hut the police say that is not true. 'There is positively noth- ing new to report," declared Inspector McMahon shortly before midnight. Detective Miller, who has been look- ing after the case for the provincial government, will interview Florence Kinrade. The girl has been so hysteri- cal since the shooting that a lucid ac- count of the affair has not been ob- tained. The stories she has told differ somewhat, and Miller believed it would be better to wait till she was quite composed before questioning her In the look any clothes roads cargo of oats to reach any United States port, from abroad, arrived here, yesterday, under the hatches of the St. Quentia from Buenos Ayres. The cargo" is about 200,000 bushels and will be delivered this week in New York: The identity of the con- signee is concealed in the. papers of consignment, the grain being shipped to "order." . ey be to Moutreal was secured. Now his lawyers claim that the feeling there has passed away and that the feeling of hostility has reached Montreal, and they asked Judge Cross to Roy back to St. John's. In 'this \ were successful, the judge seeing an early selection. dh ly Many of the Suits now ready cannot FURS John McKay 140-155 Brock St., Kingston. You may chops & Suit, Coat or Skirt and bave it - placed aside until requir- ed, if not quite ready to Put Them To Death. Sa. Constantinople, March 1.--More than 1,000 non-combatants, including many women and children, were killed by the Royalists-in the recent fight- ing around Tabriz, according to a statement, issued to-day, by the Per- sian revolutionary committee. The revolutionists were also unchecked. [Most of the Royalists who were taken prsoners were put to death. A . to- NOT CAUSED BY ENGINE. Fire in Mill Due to Fire in Stove. Picton, Ont.,. March 1.--It appears that the fire which destroyed the mill} of J. Thompson, at South Bay, was not - caused by the explosion of his gasoline engine, which he had not been using for several days. Mr. Thompson states that he started a fire in the stove in the mill in 'the early morning, preparatory. to a day's grinding, and that when he returned he found the whole building in a blaze. he a precautions. were ent leading out drove for miles, to get a clue. The most puzzling thing about meantime did not over- | Men in plain | Entirely Defensive. h all the! london, March 1.--Messages® from of the-city; they | Bucharest, to-day, says that Rouma- but not one was able pia has been mobolizing troops in an- fu ipatich of an Austro-Servian con- the | flict. The action is said to be entire- tragedy is that no one saw a man an-| Jy defensive. as King Charles will not swering to the description given of | (ko sides unless forced to murderer of Miss Kinrade. People liv- | i -- : ing in the immediate neighborhood de- | clare they saw no tramp approach or leave 'the house. The outcome of the] inquest, which is called for Wednes- day night, is being awaited with great Friday night in his sister's home. interest. That some developments of a stariling nature will be uncovered is SEE HE HOLDS TO HIS COURSE ing to warrant these heliefs from what | | RE aa Dr. Carman Says He Spoke for the Methodist Church. : tion with the proper church officers, one of whom was depuicd to see Mr. Jackson, if he thought. advisable, and his minister in charge. As to my | waiting upon Mr. Jackson, that has been tried before, when a man is sot | upon his path. I spoke as 1 thought for the Methodist church from oecan to ocean, and not merely for Toronto Methodism. There were evils to be cured. Another might®do it more gracefully; certainly none wuld do it with deeper convictions, wifh purer |intercst, or with stronger desire for the general weliare. A firm believer in | pictures of unusual beauty and me- the integrity, sufficiency and' trust-l.¢ a1l by Pathe Freres, ave shown at worthiness of holy scripture must ii 410 Bijou theatre to-day and Tues these days take his stand. Tt does | gay. They include a charming ro- come to pass, as in the former days. mance in colors, "A Love Comedy of that a man is set for a sign to be 990 Years Ago'; a comedy entitled, spoken against, that the thoughts of | "Ihe Burglar And The Cop," a many hearts be revealed. A plain de- unique comedy in which the charac- claration brings things into the light, | ters are taken by the celebrated come- and that which maketh manifest is | dians of the Odeon theatre, Paris. A light." unique film is that depicting the mar- riage of an aristocratic Chinese lady in Pekin; every Canadian girl should see this and realize what a lucky person a Chinese bride is. The pre- sents would make a Vanderbilt en: vious. It takes a regiment of men to carry them. The final picture shows French gentlemen and ladies engaged in the cruel sport or hawk- ing, or "lalconry." This sport, which was so popular among the no- bility 500 years ago, has recently been revived in France. The film is a most remarkable one. This particu. larly beautiful and interesting pro- Smme closes with a livelv illustra- ted song, "I'd Like To Be the Sweet- heart of a Girl Like You," sung by Will West. Glenburnie Were Viotors. Elginburg, Feb. 27.--In an interest ing game of hockey played here, on Saturday afternoon, the Ramblers, of Glenburnie, defeated the locals, by a score of three goals to one. In every way were the locals outclassed, and "twas only the goal-keeper whom they brought from Kingston, and the soft ice, that kept the score down. Shot after shot was pelted at him by the|- Ramblers' forwards. This is the sec- ond time this season that the Ram- blers have defeated Elginburg, winning out on the round by fifteen points to one. Worden Edwards, Cataraqui, son of Dr. Edwards, M.P., made a satis factory referee. After the game, the visiting team was taken to tea and entertained by Mr. Smith. The teams lived up as follows : Ramblers {3)--Fowler, goal; Black- lock, point; McCallum, cover-point; H. Fowler, rover; Smith, centre; Vair, right wing; B. Vair, left wing, Elginburg . (1)--Briant, goal; Kiel, point; Smith, cover-point; Porter, rov- er; Crain, centre; T. Smith, right wing; Ewing, left wing. : : ------ Hick Headaghe and relieve all the troubles inci- dent to a billous state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Idttle Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thisannoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of tho stomach stimulate the Jver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only -- HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who »:ffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu- nately their goodness does notend here,and those who once try them will find these little pills valu- able in so many ways that they will not be wil to do without them. But after all sick head through years James Rainsbery, Petrolea, Ont. dropped dead, on Sunday. He was quite well up to the time of his death. George Cardinal, Ogdensburg, N.Y, | : | nged sixty years, dropped dead on yr trl Ald ae ns Looks As If Turn is Coming For Kingston. The move in real estate is becoming lively, and it does look as if there is a twn coming for Kingston. Isaac Allen will erect a business block at the corner of King and Clarence streets. One block further om, Dr. Isanc Wood has purchased the cofner con- taining three or four low wodden places, standing there for three-quar- ters of a century, and will erect a fine building. This is at the corner of Johnson and King streets. Then one of the quiet and most difficult deals in real estate, has been going on for some time. Under the adept hand of Robert Carson, the locomotive works company have purchased a score of lots on the block bordering on Ontar- io, Gore and Union streets, and will occupy more than one half of the block for moulding and other shops. Five Splendid Acts At Bijou. Funeral Of The Victim. Tne funeral of the victim took place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Thou-| sands swarmed around the house and a squad of police had some trouble in keeping the crowd back. The scenes in- side the stricken home were very path- . etic. The condition ' of the bereaved mother pitiable, and Florence, when she her dead sister in > } wash i the home. Not likely any less casket, swooned, and had to be car- . vied from room. The services were con- | stroke would have done it. ducted by Rev. Richard Whiting, the | At the beginning of this business the pastor of Centenary church, and Rev | gen ral superintendent, when asked, in- Mr. Rowe. a retired Mothodist minis | sisted that there must be a preacher ter, a friend of the family, who lives kK ™M charge appointed from ow own in the city. The pall bearers were: F.| coniorence. He the pastor, afk tobinson, Freaerick Cloke. Clifford] ought fully so to be recognized. He Morden. Charles Pevbles, W. H. Hew- | has been responsible for discipline and lett, ¢. M. Wright, the latter of doctrine. I he present arrangemont Montrea' has not always honored him in his A gréat number | place. Your correspondents deal with were received, and personal | matlers, and do not touch the points of my letter, viz., disciplin- ary irregularities and objectionable teaching, which has grown into a pro- | pagandism of higher criticism. The | wedge enters at the introduction of Prof. George Adam Smith to the preachers" meeting. How easy to ad- vance Adam and Noah myths, Abra- ham and Joshua 'myths, ercation and the flood myths, crossing the Red Sea and the Jordan myths--who dares draw a line and say, thus far and ne farther ? * Once started, where will you stop ? the bane of sa many lives that here is where 'we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. y Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take, One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or Puree. but by their gentlaaction please all who em. Sl FL fd Bo fl Pin BLA8444444440044480444 » { STERLING The Standard of Silver Excellence | The following is Dr. Carman's reply | [to strictures in Saturday mornings | papers by wire from 'Smith's Falls : | "The stroke of the hammer drives New Spring Dress Goods A large collection just opened, replete with good looks, style and new ideas, materials for smart tailoring gowns at prices that will surely please. was | saw : | the nail | vigorous 18 Van A Anderson's Famous Scottish Ginghams, Many very beautiful new designs. The colors of these are absolutely fast. Prices 121c, 15¢, 18¢, 20c. of floral tributes many letters and telegrams of condolence had heen sent to the bereaved family It costs more at first, but is the kind that does not wear Blood Stained Scarf. Hamilton, March 1.--The latest de- velopment in the Kinrade murder case was the announcement, this morning, that lady's scarf, blood stained, was picked up in the. backyard of the Kinrade home, when the police first arrived on the. scene. The authorities tried to keep this discovery in the dark, but the news leaked out this morning. The scarf was found a short distance from the back door through which Miss Flossie Kinrade ran to the street. The police QC c 8 a Flatware Bor.-Bon Dishes Sug :r & Creain Sets . Butter Dishes In designs and weights to Did Not Impute Cowardice. Toronto, March 1.--At the Metho- dist. Ministerial ~~ Association, this morning, Rev. George Jackson, who, during the controversy which followed a recent lecture, has been accused of imputing cowardice io his ministerial brethren was heard. At the close of his address the following resolution was unanimously passed : That, whereas this Methodist min- isterial meeting has heard the ex- planation of Rev. George Jackson, denving any imputation of cowardice to his ministerial brethren in the mat ter of Biblical toaching and stating that he was thus misreprsented in the public press, we accept, heartily, the said explanation as not impugning otir courage and our honesty. New Linen Suitings In all the popular shades. New Foulards, Imported In exact copies of designs in Silk. who engaged Mr. Jackson should have known whither he going. Mer. Flavelle writes straight personal views, but under the eircum- [stances 1 must be my own judge of the propricties. When 1 wish to write keen things 1 will study his style. Mr. ~ Jackson must, of course, have full latitude of defence. He has many mere | friends, and no doubt their sympa- | thies will be sincere and their support mighty. All this I foresaw before 1 I Spangonberg's. | GIVEN AWAY ois cic VIVIVITINIIIIIIIVIING | {to be discharged, and some one had [to do it. Tt was done after consulia- a | 5 * | . | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. CASH purchase we give] you checks to amount of your purchase.| Rev. Dr. MacTavish Tells How to These to be exchanged for articles Raise Gymnasium Money. A) Hie hen mount See | Kingston, March 1.--(To the Edit- Pocket Knives or Svar Sooon for): A short time ago the finance gar bf . | commitice of the city council, and af- $10 Butter Knife, Scissors or Spoons. | terwards the council itself, practically $15 Table Spoons ignored a petition signed by 1,200 loti ered to any part y 20 Safety Razor {electors asking for the cancelling of Tidy Laundry 73 Clarence Bt. Leight liquor licenses. Why was the The more tickets the better aud more oh nym S00 BROS, Props. : . ag: ag {petition . thus dealt with? The only | valuable the : ith ? > | reason given was that if cight licenses | were cut off, there would be a loss of £2,000 in vevenue, and the city could not afford to lose that amount. "Those was attach considerable | importance to the find, as they think | the murderer wiped his hands © | scarf, otherwise it would | account for the presence stains on it. The latest theory is that Miss Fthel on the be hard to of blood suit everyone. { { A AA A AN ee SII IS IIIS II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII ¥ 4 4 3 . $ © & ¥ 4 & ¢ & ¢ ¢ & & i ¢ $ : + € ® ¢ ¢ + 1 4 4 ¢ < © v Special Prices for Present Lot Only 25¢ Yard. NDRY March 1st, to TIDY Half LAU mly from dst Shirt . Collar Cufis, per pair Handkerc Vest ( 1 THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. Price With every a The Annual Meeting of the Tennis Club Held. The regular meeting of the Alma Mater Society was held, Saturday evening, with a very good attendance. The annual meeting of the Tennis Club was held and the following offi- cers 'were elected : Honorary -president, Prof. J. ¥. MacDonald; president, W. Dobson; vice-president, W. F. Dyde; secretarv-treasurer; F. C. Casselman; committee, C. McGaughey' (arts), C. 8S. Butler (science), F. W. Gravelle (medicine), Misses McAllister Goodwin. The mock parliament, which was to have been held, was postponed until next fall, on account of the lateness of "the term. The feature of the even- ing was the presence of Prof. Gwillim, who presented the trophies, prizes and emblems won in the warious athletic contgsts during the year. PL Morison class met, as usual, on Sunday morning. The subject was "Christianity and Socialism." This subject will be continued next Sunddy morning, after which the class will be discontinued. The Queen's University Missionary }'Association will hold its annual meet- ing on March 13th. The annual meeting of the Basket- ball Club will be held next Saturday evening. Two Old-Timers stg . In St. Andrew's church last evening, Licut.-Col. James Galloway, D.AAG.. of Toronto, sang as solo, "In Old Judea' (Geibel.) Col. Galloway has lost none of his old-time power as . baritone, since the days when he was choir director in old Chalmers church, He was heard last evening with great pleasure. While he was singing in St.| Burglars operated in Smith's Falls, Andrew's, his former comrade, in old 'y, Thursday. night, visiting three 3 Chalmers, Mavor Couper, was charm- [stores and rifling tills. Thomas Llovd ing the people of Queen Street: Mctho: {who sought to capture one of them, dist church. was hit in the face. -- There is such a thing as being too Wopst. . Some veung men ever even try to steal a kiss. hief Plain Shirt on | hing of Family W i \ new hand wi bo well satisfied, 1 1 t edve 'Vout me and address. Goods « called for and of the cit article. L You will want some Home-Madde Mine | Men: and here is the place to get the! | gond old fashioned kind that mother | used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage) Meat is just the dressin ou need ir I) io ' : " : Phone. 570 Y. Myers NY. . ' The council is now 'up against' an . Se -- | Ther proposition. It is asked to a ir pi | raise £4,000 for a new gythnasium at {the collegiate. The finagce committee |lwsitates; it knows net where the [money is to come from. There is an | solution. The wonder is that » : ¢ easy ! | some great genius did not think of it | hefore. It is this : Issue sixeeen more {liquor liccnses. These would yield the | exact amount required--not one dollar | too much, and not one dollar' too little. There's statesmanship: for you. | True, the direct cost of the liquor | traffic to tho city is now $165,000 per { annum, and the indirect cost 1s esti- | mated to be a great deal more, but {what of that, so long as wo get $8.- {000 of revenue from: it? What bril- | liant financing ! Wasting $16,000 to lasllect $8,000! No wonder our finan- {ees are flourishing ! Hf sixteen more | licenses were issued it wonld cost the lcity probably abopt $220,000 to main tain the traffic. but what wotdd that signify so long as we gol the $4,000 for the gymgasium ? It may be, too, that some ® the boys upon whose laducation we spend so much. money A may finish up their career as bar- room sote, hut who cares for boys so £1 000 more from MACTAVISH It will pay you to deal with us. and " " ' LLL RRARVLRVRTRRRDRRS VRE Sodje | Will Be Submitted. A list of the names of pupils kept out of scoool on account of not bei vaccipated has been propared, and will bo submitied fo the Board of 'Educa- tion at its next sessiom, when question of submitting the names to the board of health will be discussed. ARE NOW OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION IN OUR DEPARTMENT OF TAILORING. A At I A a nm The new imported Fabrics display, the smartest styles and the choicest qualities that' have been known to the Sartorial = trade in many seasons past. Swell Stock, Sound Sunkist And Sweet. Navel oranges from California, irom 15c. to 75¢c. per dozen, at Carmov- sky's. bast "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes cast you but $3.00 to $4.00, but they are worth ten times that sum to any woman who values a stylish appearance with entre comfort. Th Locket Soe Se. We respectfully invite your early inspecs tion. Prices Moderate. The marriage took place, in Toron- to, of Miss Alice L. Washington and Thomas N. Hillman, on February 17th. The groom is a 'son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hillman, Brockville. get i long as a -------- A r---- =. LIVINGSTON'S {licenses ? J ji em -------- To Cure A Cold In One Ray. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- § 4 : » {lets. Druggists refund money if it iTails cure. EE. W. Groves signa- "ture is on each box, 20e. pou Hao BE RTS SOB LRLLLRBTLATABVLTEN TTT LITTLRVLLLLLLRBERY to Mrs. Oshorne. Sarnia, disappeared, and the police are looking for her, I ~ Leese sasnes \