Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1909, p. 7

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Ne ------------ SE TRAVELLING. Sr INGSTONS PEMBROKE EAN iN CONNECTION WITH Railway $15.10 PACIFIC COAST Vapcouver, Victoria, Tacoma and Portland, Second-Class One-Way Daily Commencing March I' KINGSTON -- OTTAWA leave Kinghon, 12.01 p.m., arrive O wa, oa »save an. 10.45 a.m., arrive King- ston 3.55 p.m Full parti culars at K. & P. and O. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phorw 50. -¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. 'BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train | station, Ontario street, Lm, in (Sundays excepted) for Tweed Syd enham, Napanee, Deseronto, Bavacch burn and all points north. sg en despatch to Bapngckbhrm, Stirmocn, and Bay of points Central Ontario, route Nord ne Raitws wa rticulars, DIGK: ments one, No, 8. (RAND TRUN Agent, RAILWAY SYSTEM Low One Way Colonist. Fares \ . fo Pacific Coast. On sale dally, March 1st to April 31st, at the Ioowiag fares from Kingston. $45, 10 Co $47.06 $46.05 For Pullman Accommiaations tickets | and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontario Sts. Royal Mail Train VANCOUVER, VICTORIA B. a WLSTMINIBTER, SEATTLE, WASH, TACOMA, WASH. PORTLAND, OREG SAN FRAN 01800: Tus ANGELE 3 C SAN DIEGO, B.C. CAL. MEXICO CITY, MEX. Cor. Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining - Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except . Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Possen or and Baggage at the side of Steamship at Seattle, Do You Suffer ? ll from HEADACHE LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION FORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS Give Positive Relief | in all cases of Billousness, Consti- ion Te Ducts The cxcelleat results obtained ' by the use of Beecham's Pills have them worthy of the coafi- proved ther ajo¥: tay pave: | nd recommend "WOMEN!" . worry, the excitement, all tell upon the merves till ory out in revolt, snd will nos be till a remedy such MILBURN'S HEART. AND NERVE PILLS come along with their nerve-strengthenio and snergiing | properties, and restore th a Mrs. Wm. Levi, Markdale, Ont, 'writes : "1 had for several years been troubled with nervousness, and, like many others, spent lots of money on medicine that did me no , I was so bad that the least noise would make me aod my heart would thuinp 40 you hear it. and I could not lie on my left side at saw a fow testimonials of others an cided to try Milburn's Heart and Pills, and to my joy and su completely cured me and it only boxes to do it. I have a neigh Rickett, and I induced her to try they effected a cure. I can endorse use for anyone afflicted as I was." ip 50. cents a box, 8 boxes for $1. all dealers or mailod direct on receipt i by The T. Co., Limited, 'oranto, Ont. r a iff gif hl E 23 You cannot ossibi Jaw. a better Halifax the long Saturday. Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Tickst Office, 130 St. James Street, or General Passenger Lepartment MONCTON, N.B. Lowest Rates to Bermuda ¥rom New Y ork every Wednesday, 10 am., 8.8, "Trinidad 2,600 $20 and up. From New York 10 a.m, 8.8, ° $30 and up NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES New Bieawer "Guiana,'"' 3,700 with all up-to date ABprovemANLS. "Parima," 8,000 tons, 8.8, 8,000 tons, sail froin New York every alternate, Wednesday, for St. Thomas, Bt. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadé loupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara, For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all intormatioh, apply te A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & CO Agents Quebec Steamship Co., 20 iyroagway New | York; ARTHUR AHERN e'y' Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Ants FP HANLEY, sad O. 8. KIRKP RIOR Kiugston. Royal ALLAN Roza LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. at Lons, every Saturday, 'Bermudian" 5,000 atl tors, toons S. S. 'Korona," From St. John, Halifax Corsican, sails . Mar, Hesperian, sails . 13th. Virginian, sails .. . 19th, Mar. 20th. GLASGOW SAILINGS. Garthaginian, from Boston Sicilian, from Portland ........M $70.00 upwards, . .00 upwards, Third-Class, $20.00 and $30.00. pat tional Heil . Aad rates on Nr n to . HANLEY, or K RIPATRICK, Local Agents, King | Fas? and Luxurious Xpress and 8 Pesscuger Steamahips of the NorthGermanLioyd Wireless and Submariee Signals ro ress Fi ER Tuesdays at (10 aw ) to Re, BREMEN Kranprinzessin C nz Wilke:m" "Kaiser Wilhergn 110 Waiser inbrn det Grosse" Bo Sailings Thursdays at (103. m.) t YMOUTH. CHERBOURG, NRE KN Mearge Washington {nex "Grosser Kurfuerst™ "Prigiz Friedrich Withelm® © Barbarossa "Frigdrich der Grosse" "Bremen" Medhe EAR Saturdave at (11a. wm.) to ENO. AR, NADL RAL cha *Prinzess lrene*' HCN Luise A "Koenig Albert" Encircling the Globe Travelers' Checks good all over the werid Apply OELRICHS & CO., General Ageats § Broadway, New York, or any Local Agent 6Lh. y he Lar win-Screw LINE EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Geld by Grocers and Storekeepers = in 1-1b. and -1b Tins. ~ "Silver Plate that Wears® » The Newest Shapes in spoons, forks, knives, efc., bearing the well-known mark "1847 ROGERS BROS. the standard of silver excel- lence for 60 years, should grace your fable. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Coffee sels, trays, urns, ele, a 5 combining artistic charm with eaduring Service are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. ata (1978 \ red GRADE N Corsels FULLY " GUARANTEED NONE BETTER MADE CHANGING SENTIMENT, Goldsmith's Village." Goldsmith, in his 'Deserted Village," spoke of a certain chapel where those who "went 'to scoff, remained to pray." So in life one often laughs at { what he does not understand: and lat- |er, when he does understand, his laugh turns to praise. There were some whe doubted the merits of Newbro"s "Her- picide,"" the scalp germicide and hair- dressing; but since they have tried it, they are now among its best friends and strongest andorsers. Herpicide kills the germ that eats the hair off at the root, and the hair then grows again. As a hair dressing it is incom parable; try it | Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample po the Herpicide {Co., Detroit, Mich. 31 "bottles guar- anteed W. Mahood, special agent. Oliver "Deserted G. In these days of frequent divorce and legalized polygamy, a child utterly j without ancestors may still have fore fathers--nay, even five, " Are You Nervous?" I; | i the NEWS OF NEIGHBORS: 'business trip to Brockville this week. 26th was a success. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, LBARCE 2, 1909," WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELLS US. S-- The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Fair View Notes. Fair View, March 1.-A. D. Spider has moved, as also has Mr. Cadman. The latter is' putting in a furnace rnd a telephone in his house. John Mill- iz bas put a furnace in his house. John Henderson is going to draw milk for Siduey Shorey for the com- ing season. Thomas Bennett was at Mrs. Martin's sale and purchased a valughle horse. A Clarendon Wedding. Clarendon, March - 1.--Samuel Mec Coy and Miss M. BE. Crawford, only daughter of the late Frederick Craw- ford, were quietly married last week: Miss Martha Leishman has returned from 'a visit in Almonte. Mrs. J. H. Cannon is spending a weck in King- ston. Peter Tysic has gone to Cobalt again, William and James Cain are home from New Liskeard. Robert White lost a valuable dog by poison, set for foxes. Mr. and Miss Lormer of Ladore, nac Hotel. Edward Jones has gone to live in the United States. George "Dus- tin is running the saw in Vantrim's mill, at Gull Lake, Miss Walker is the new teacher in section No. 8, Oso. are visiting at the Fronte-: has purchased a house at Lada, where he tends to move. Robert Richardson has teturned, home. . from Cobalt for a few days. Alexander McDougail has returned to the west after visiting for the past three months. Miss Jennie Richard: ton has returned to Kingston after spending a couple of weeks at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Paul spent Sunday at Mrs. J. Watts'. Wil- liam Donaldson, jr.) made a flying trip home last week. Mrs. B. Ro attgnded the box social at Clyde Forks on Fridep, evening. Miss Ethel Drasky visited Miss Ethel Boyd on Saturday. A baby bay has one to stay at the home of Mr. and - Mrs. E. J. McFarlane. W. J. Boyd spent Sunday at his; home herve, Three Deaths. Charleston, March 1.--Samuel H. Wier died very suddenly nt the home of Richard Findlay, where he had made his home for a number of years, on Thursday morning. Deceased arose in the morning and went out to feed the stock. Mr. Findlay went out shortly afterwards and was horrified to find him lying face downwards. He made every effort to restore life, but the spark had fled. Mr. Wier was trou- bled since a little boy with convul- gions. Dr. Purvis was summoned, who said death was due to heart failure. The funeral took place, on Friday, to Trinity church, Oak Leal; the services were , conducted by the rector, Rev. R. R. Patterson. was a native of Seotland and has no friends in this ceuntry, but he made {friends here amony strangers, who deeply re- gret , his sudden and unexpected de- mise. John Eyre passed away, on Enterprise Episodes. Enterprise, March 1L.--Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Simmons, of Camden East, vis- ited at Jacob Loucks' on Saturday and Sunday. Ueorge Cooper has mov- ed in: Mrs. Amanda Jackson's house. W. 8. Fenwick has a great pile of logs in his mill yard for spring sawing. Hauling logs, wood and ice seems to be the order of the day. Rev. A. H. Norrington, travelling elder of the Free Methodist church, will hold evan- gelistic services in Keech's hall, this week, commencing Saturday evening at 7.30. Sunday,morning at 9.30, also | Sunday afternoon at 2.30. Come one and all and hear the true gospel. All are welcome. Rev. Steenburgh and family, who have been visiting at Cor- dova, have returned home. C. Clancy is able to be around again. W. Jack- son and wife, of Toronto, have heen visiting amongst us. Gn. Joyceville Jottings. Joyceville, March 1.--The Sisters of the House of Providence, Kingston, | made their annual visit here last week. Quite a number from this place attended the euchre party last Mon- | day, at James Shortell's, Dufferin. A | successful concert was held in Zion! church on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs." Spence, Atkinson, and Mrs Hitehooek of this place, have returned from Toronto, from attenaing the funeral of their brother, Robert Mec- Kee, who died last week. Ross Donel- son is recovering from 4 fractured | shoulder which he got from a fall on: the ice. Miss Lena Joyce is on the | gick list, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Visitors: T.. Starks, Pittsferry, James Murphy and daugh- ter, Evelyn, at Howe Island. John | Vanalstine spent Sunday at the White! City. Mrs. Leo Murphy spent Sunday at McBride's. Briefs From Bongard's. Bongard's, March 1.--Miss M. Me- Auley and brother are spending a few weeks with friends in Trenton. Ira Storms and wife spent a day recently in Greenbush. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Waupoos, were at Francis Faton's, Sunday. Daniel Bongard - is visiting friends in this vicinity. Misses Estella and Rosa week with friends at Waupoos. Ella Minaker, E. Pringle. Waupoos, Miss | Cressy, is visiting Miss B. E. Harrison and wife, were guests at DT. Mc Cormack's, Sunday. Mrs. A. Barber, Picton, is visiting her friend, Mrs. S. Peterson, this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hicks wpent 'a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Milford. Miss L. | Chalmers and brother, of Dorland, were guests of Miss 8S. Bradley, on] Sunday | | Mallorytown Movements. | Mallorytown, March 1.--Miss Inez Burnham and: mother, after spending | a week at Mrs. Manroe's, Young Mills, | have returned home. The funeral of | late Mrs. Lena Wickware was held| on Wednesday last. Rev. Mr. Wells took charge of services at Athens, while Rev. Mr. Reid held anniversary services in Caintown, on Sunday. Double sleighs still cross from Grena- dier Island to the main shore. Mrs. | Washing Mallory is very ill, and; Mrs. (Dr.) Woods and Dr. L. C. Mal lory are still at home with her. Wil liam Hollingsworth, of Escott, is Very] low. Special services sre, to be held for several weeks by Rev. H. White- sides, conference Dy erie « beginning March 7th. Mrs. (Dr.) Lane is visit ing friends at Brockville. | Trevelyan Tidings. Trevelyand Fob. 27.--Rev. Crawley, parish priest for the sight years, has been sent to parish of Frankford, and will be sue- seeded by. Rev. Fr. Cullony. Mrs. George Leeder is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Shea, Brock- ville. Mus Bertha Flood is visiting Charleston friends, Francis Fodey, Brockville, spent Sunday the guest of Miss Olive Leeder. iss Laurettia Leeder, on the sick list for the past two weeks, is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Jed Flood spent Sunday at E. J. Flood's, Lillies. R. Dixie made a M. E. f past the Joseph Flood's wood bee was largely attended. John Flood. sr., is on the sick list. Recent visitors : Mas Ethel Shea and F. Fodey, Brockville; Mr. and Mrs. James Ronan, Athens; Mr. and Mrs. M. Heffernan, Athens; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ronan, Meln. ! tosh Mills; Mr. and Mrs. M. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Foster, Charlesion; Michael Fodey, Lansdowné. I News From Wilbur. Wilbur, March 1.--The snow is go-| 'ng away very quickly which will be | ite 'a loss to lumbermen 'as there | are many logs and ties in the bush. The concert held at Lavant on Feb. Mr. Somerville, conducted services here and Lavant ov Sunday. Ross Aleorn' | i Jaeen s, at | Boyne. | went Eaton spent last, | | Regardless of aught | satisfactory, { dure. it. | tissue forme--trouble is all gone in 'a Thursday, at the Brockville Eastern Hospital, About twenty-seven years ago he lost his mind and had to be removed to Rockwood asylum, Kings- ton. He wus afterwards removed to Brockville; where he remained until his death. His remains -were brought tg his home, near here, on Friday, and the -fungral was held, on Saturday ,at the Methodist church, Athens, the ser vices being conddeted by Rev. F. A. Ried. Deceased leaves a widow, one son and two daughters, William, at home; Jennie, who teaches Charleston school, and Mrs. Robert Scott, of Morton, Mrs. Julia Blake died at the home of her coun, Daniel Beach, in the seyenty-fourth year of her age, ai- ter an illness of about a week. De- ceased thad been stopping with Mr. and Mas, Beach for the past three months. She leaves one son, Freder- ick Vani, of Adams Centre, and one daughter, Mrs. Reuben Bea¢h. of New The funeral takes place, to- day, to Athens, where. the services will he conducted at theiMethodist churgh by Rev. F. A. Ried. Mrs. T. Foster to Brockville for treatment at St. Vincent de Paul 'hospital, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Yatés, | Toledo, are visiting friends. Chaflds Hudson and sister, Lena, of Fairfield Cast, are visiting friends. FOLLOWED MOTHER. Fourteen-Year-Old Girl, Denied a Lover, Kills Herself. Philadelphia, Pa., March 2.--Becanse sbjection had been made to her at: tachment to a nineteen-year-old boy, Nellie Kink, fourteen years. old, of Na 2841 Wetkel street, committed suici (by drinking earbolic acid. Two years ago her mother committed suicide by inhaling gas. ? The Two Kinds Of Sport. In Our Dumb Animals. "Tis a beautiful morning," wan said : "The world looks so happy 1ét's each take a gun Go out and kill something for pastime and fun, And proudest My him most dead a sports-| py who counts the hey blotted out lives that and good Blinded eyes, were happy and broke wings that de- lighted to soar. They killed for mere crippled and tore, but the hunger for pleasure, and blend "Tis a beautiful morning," man cried, Who carried gun ; re The world looks as happy. the sun, slip to the woods things hide."" a sports. a kodak instead of a s0 golden I' where the wild The deer that he "shot' of his aim, Yet the bird that he caught with her song. Poace followed his slaughter and wrone rich were, his 'trophies' : ried his "gal never dreamed went on footsteps, not Yet and va The Cat In The House. i Philadelphia Ledger. The presence of a cat, to those who care for him, is tranquilking and a mental restorative. A cat asleep in the mot: comfortable chair in" the room or drowsing on the window seat suggests reposefulness as almost noth- ing else can do. cat's pmrr spells profound contentmend} and "is the synonym of perfect ce No other domestic animal has suc h a soft fur to stroke. IH it is a weakness in| a school class. nursing care i Bronchitis, sm c. TUPPER -- PUPIL. London Woman Celebrates Her Hundredth Birthday. London, Ont., March 2.--Mrs. Sarah | McCully, of this city, celebrated her hundredth - birthday last week, hale and hearty, and with her faculties al- most unimpaired. Mrs. McCully, who was born in Halifax, had Sir 'Charles Tupper as a member of her Sunday "Abd a wild young lad he was, too," she adas. About 18533 she came to Port Stanley 'with her husband, but soon after removed to Kent county, where che has speat most of her life. DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. Braided Cloth Costume Satin and Facings on Coat. . The Late Mrs. George Amey. On Sunday at noon, of her son, W. J. street, ah estimable passed away in ' the person George Amey. Since thé death: of her hushand, ten years ago, she lived with her son, beloved in the home, and much respected by a large circle of ac- quaintances for her womanly and Christian worth. Formerly she' lived at Ernesttown. In the course of winter her health hegan to decline, and the hest medical treatment and proved unavailing in cheeking the .disease. During the past | few weeks serious rapidly, and Mrs. ber of Chalmers church. at the residence Amey, of Mrs. Sunday the ena came. Huskiness, Throat Gatarrh Im-------- Cures Quickly. Old-fashioned remedies were tered through the as it is impossible thing into the resulted. stomach opky, but to: swallow lungs, little chloro: resorted good. Strong drugs, such as opium, dyne and cocaine, were but did more harm than a doctor finds the throat all the way Catarrhozone, Nowadays, when of eatarrh with mucous-- he prescribes he knows it meets case sore Toes Catarrhozone by balsams that are carried by you breathe direct to the "rouble. It aids expectoration--clears the phlegm--carries health-laden pors to the sore, irritated tissues, cures antiseptic the away va In one minute you experience relief with Catarrhozone and invaria bly it does eure every type of Catarch, irritable throat hoarseness. Just think of it out noxious. drugs- that is guar anteed and delightiully pleasant as well. Catarrhozone only, two months' use, $1 small 90c., at all dealers. a sure cure with one We are de ngaciales of Turkish and Pasian Bugs every fow days, as our spring shipments arrive through the custom house." The lots include many very handsome specimens of Belliasas, Serebend and Cashmere carpets, Tabriz and Kirman. shah rugs. Come and See the Frosh We remind the public that our representatives i» 'Gonstanki- nople and other rug centres are able to pick up the most de- sirable rugs and get them at much lower prices than Europe- ans can get them. This enables us to sell at lower prices than any other dealers and an inspection of the quality, patterns and colors of our rugs will convince anyone. Rugs sent on ap- proval to out.of town patrons. Write for a copy of our new illustrated booklet. Courian, Babayan & Co., 40 King St. East, Torento, Opp. King Edward Hotel. The Leaders. of Lights Singe 1851. u ALWAYS, Everywhere in Canada, Revers | and cultured lady | the | symptoms developed | Amey was a much-esteemed mem- | BRONCHITIS, Delightful Cure Discovered That adminis- | any- benefit ever | to, | a' filled | down, | because | direct to the disease. | air | source of the decided | and complete for | (trial) size | ASK FOR The Most Perfect Matches You Ever Struck! Eddy's ° Matches i 16 Rideau _. [Eas STILL ON! --- Our Big ol [1 ll Clearing Sale of Furniture Watch our delivery. Big \ loads for city and country: | FY fd i This is the sale that furnished a / 4 the city and country last year. Everything included, Rugs an'l Squares, Brass and Iron Beds, Springs a Buffets and C with { ina Chairs to match. { . ! Closets, 1 | | The Leading Undertaker, James Reid, Tint { PDT VBTVVV LLL VVVVVRS thd hfe ih fini ed Ganong's Chocolates The best. In bulk, 50c per lb. One-half pound Fancy Boxes, 25¢. Any flavor. One pound Fancy Boxes, 50c. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 88, ATV T ETL VEVTEROEEEE TALS VAABTTSAAAARALRN NN VDOBVBREGCSLEE Rese VaR ail TRVVVTTVTBS i Open to buy a few Military Warrants for North West Land. Apply J. O. HUTTON, 18 Maxr- ket St., Kingston. human to care for a cat, the cat lov- er errs. in' the excellent company of the good and great of all the ages. The Cold Hand. Cold hands or feet indicate more "than poor circulation, they are signs that vitality is lacking and that seri- ous conditions are apt to follow. Thin, watery conditions, of the blood should not be allowed to exist. There is no need of them. Wade's Iron Ton- ic Pills (Laxative) are a sure cure for all anaemic conditions. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back is not Live so to get the approbation of vour other self, and success is yours. But pray that success may not come any faster than you are able to en The Walter M. Lewney company, 'Boston, has appealed thé conviction against it for selling' brandy choco- lates in Montreal. I it be true that the devil sends the ooks, we should rejoice' that he is at last engaged in so usciul an occupa: tion. Sore, Cracked Lips. Nothing will lieal them as fast as Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. Rub it in three times a day--cracks heal--naw day. You'll find a thousand uses for a healing Ointment like Dr ton's. Buy a 50c, box, : NIH INI rh a=] Hamil | -- We have placed on sale for Tuesday and Wed- nesday, One Jot of Men's Patent Colt, Velour Calf Bluchers and Button Shoes. Regular $4.00, 4.50, and a few $5.00. The same bargain offered in Women's Shoes. All to be cleared out in 2 days at $2.98 1d Mattresses,

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