SVN - . Why not get your sewing for the summer done up now ? The wise woman' always dees because it's much easier to secure a dress-ma- ker now than later in the spring, |* and later housecleaning starts, and {= also the prettiest Muslins and Waist Materials get picked up very early. Eo you see it pays to get started early. i) TVET HEELS = : : Come to the Store and See |New. Indian Head i Now Prsin Laws Yon Via Laws New Muglins, Spotted ~~ dnd Plain New Figured Mugling : Now Gingham | New Ideas in Fashions New Chambrays ¢ THE NEWEST AND BEST New English Prints OF FASHION BOOKS | Make up your Summer Dresses By Our New Idea Patterns Crumley Bros ¢ # ' ' ' ' ¢ ' ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' ' TRV LPAVLTTLLTLT LAVAL TVTLTTTLLTVATTTTLR GLVTTVLSR TTT LVL TT LTV LEA TBR L LVL RV TART B VATS Seats 5 san A Reis LUMBAG Une The noun Repeoy. Best oof 3 IDEAL. CANAL, NOTICE 'T0 CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to undersigned and endorsed 'Tender for Timber," "will Me Feceived up to 16¢ o'clock on Wednesday the 31st March 1900, for the: supply und delivery of Hritish Colambia or 'Douglas Fir Dimension required for the Rideau Canal Cimber to be delivered as the 14th August next Specifications and Bills' of Timber cam be obtained at .fhe office pi the Superin- tending Engineer of the Rideau Canal, Canadian Building, Slaier 3 Sat, Otta- wa, on and after Monday, thes st March, 1909, An_ accepted hank cheque for the sum of $500.00, made payable to. the order of. the Minister of Railways and Canals, must accompany each tender, which sum will he forfeited, if the party tendering declines entering into contract for "the work, at. the rates stated in the offer submit ted the Market weified hy THE W. A. SINGLETON ( Croshy, Qnt, 0., *Gentlemegn t~Having Regis Lumbago Cure, commend it have been troubled used your I can heartily Fhe cheque thus for with the 1 are sent spective in will be return- years contractors whose accepted Ny ed to tenders ynot feel an ache or You are liberty Lo use my "I ean also say for a cough; have immediate relief, pain. name, it not order, L. K. JOXES, tested and Seer it Yours truly, "HENRY BELL." Sold by all Druggists, Kingston. Department of Railways and ( Ottawa, February 27th, 1900 Newspapers ment without partment will in authority not ke paid serting this from advertise- the De- That Dyes! " MAYPOLE "}~thal's the name of the cake of s0a p that makes successful dyeing at home cleanly, successful, safe. . Department of Railways and Canals, Canada. TRENT, CANAL: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. MACHINERY AND FITTINGS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to Alex? ander Grant, Supevintending kEngineer rent Canal, Peterbaro, and endorsed "Tender for Operating Machines,' will be received until 16 o'clock on Friday, the 26th February, 1909, for the manu- facture, &c., of the *'Operating Ma- chines," "*Anchorage Fittings,, and *'Pi- vots,' for the Lock Gates of the new Locks of the Trent Canal. o Plans and specifications can be seen, , and Forms of Tender obtained of and 109 BROCK STREET. after this date at the oflice of the Sup- Ladiés' erintending Engineer of the Canal at oi Peterboro. : A + modern The lowest or any tender not neces. ds. Drices gmoderate. Goods called sarily accepted 4% and dedivered, % By Order, gg L. troubte. Give e, y| pole real pleasant treat with Soap "uly "Maypaie roc. for colors. se. for biach, Prank I Benatict & Co., Montreal, James Campbell, TAILOR, and Gentlemen's garments pressed and repaired by for K. JONES, Detar. The Pet Cat. Canals. le ball of fur, tat through the household bed of gay pleasant or day an epicure, Department of Railways and Dainty litt sleek and round Ottawa, 18th PFebruare 1909 and Newspapers inserting this advertise-! Yawning ment without authority ffom the Depart ©'S ment will not be paid for it. ying APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that plication will be made by the tion of the City 'of "Kingston legislative Assembly of the Province of Parring an outstretched Ontario at the next ensuing session ing It caresses thereof for an Act to validate and con-| R mpipg dhrovigh the house at will firm By-Law No. 11, (1909) of the said ge dow" the hall Corporation entitjed 'YA By-Law to close of pretiy, playful up and authorize the sale and convey: praised bh ance of a part of Earl street and the Wandering fro n to land covered with water at.tha foot of the choi y Earl street in the City of Kingston." Favored little Kingston, 6th February, 1909, is your 3) DONALD M." McINTYRE, DieTPIng Su my. ladys Solicitor for the Applicants, Fed with catnip tea if ill, what a lucky fate ! ' ) oved in lile and mourned in tutfed 'may be at that, kept up on the mantle shell pes cat.' lazy hours, some cat down on a decked in ribs What life you lead, whether from a costly an' aps Corpora- to the with chicken what you like meat or fish the best hand, know- rac Fall pranks, loved and room to find household puss," happy lap, or dozing of {1 be Some giving heeded Why is a man supposed to when he says nothing ? people make a specialty advice they know will not death and And -*'dear saw wood hats, $2, 'no high. Bibbiv's st. Why TO Cure Bedford Mills, Ont, Jan. 20th, 1909. St. re- for Lumbago or Sciatica. I it, and sinte 1 teok the second bottle I do pat is a great Medicine found BURIED ON the Gold Medal in An Elocutionary Contest--Resign- ed to _G& to Bowmanville-- Hockey Contest.' ' Napaneey March 3.--<Tho remains 'of the late Mrs. S. P. Hineh, who died in Carman, last week, were brought to Napanee and the funeral took place, Sunday aftermoon, from her sister's residence," Mrs. Miller, Dundas strect. The florgl tributes from her' Carman' friends and also Toronto and Napanco Irictids were very beantiiul. Mr. Hinch and son, Willrid, accompanicd the re mains and will remain a few works with frionds. Henry Ming, who has been In To- ronto for the past six months, re turned home last week. Miss Muriel Paul xecured the gold medal in the elocutionary contest on Monday night. Walter Exley, Jr., leaves for the west, to-day. J. Kilpatrick, of Ma- dill Bros', "leaves ' this week for Bow: manville, where he has accepted' a dmilar position to the one he resign- ed with Madill Bros. On Saturday afternoon last a friend. Jy game of hockgy was played on the Napanee rink bftween S Kchool and' t team, resulting in a dcore of six wo four, in favor of N.C.l. The ite was in very poor com- dition and the game was somewhat slow in copsequence. " Miss Lilhan' Carman, Green Point, Prince Edward counly, is the guest of Mrs. Willett Vanalstines B, E. Bell, Areoton, returned home, yesterday, al- 'ter attending the funeral of his late sister, Mrs, 8,0. IHinch. Rev. F: 8. Rockwell, of Chicago, is spending a few weeks with relatives in Napanee. A irindly game of hockey was played last evening on the Nae anee rink beuween a Deseronto and or team. Deseronto had a walks over, winning by a score of ten @ io one, Considerable Changes, Moscow, March 1.-~Moving season keene to be on. Reuben Dolking is moving to Enterprise; Mr. Curl is tak- ing his place; while the place he vaecat gd will be occupied by William Clark. Florence Benn will move to the house William €lark is leaving, and Thomas Mills takes his house. William Carr is moving to his farm at Mud Lake, and Chester Card to Newburgh; Frederick Darling to. the ©'Neil farm, and Mr, O'Neil to the Ruttan farm. Farewell parties were given to Messrs Cards and Dobking, the two families leav- } the: neighborhood. The annual cheese meeting was held in the fac- tory and 'the report of last year's business seemed quite satisfactory. The average pounds of milk to make a pound of cheese was 10.74, the aver- age price per pound of cheese, 11.925¢., land the average price per hundred pounds .of milk, 92.67c. The follow ing officers. were elected for the ensu- ipg season : Salesman and treasurer, E. P. Johnston; secretary, E. L. Van- luven; auditor, Alfred Bell. Richard Brooks is the proud father of a baby hoy. Miss Marie Johnston and Miss Tella Baker spent Sunday at their re- spective homes. Mrs. KE. E. Day, of Harrowsmith, spent.a week. with Mrs A. A. Asselstine. Manley Foster has in his possession a mink skin measur- ing three feet and three inches in length. When Ariée Benn whs turning into a yard, in Yarker, on Saturday, the cutter sheered and threw him out His spirited horse got away. Fortu nately he had not a chance to run fa and did but little damage. The-con- cert. given by the choir was a success, and a neat sum was realized. By re quest of the Bell Rock people, the con- cert will be répeated there on Thurs: day evening. Leaving For The West. Chaficy's Locks, March 1.--The buzz of the sawing machino is heard in ow locality. Mr. Kerruch, miller, is very husy these days. Although the snow is scarce there is very good sleighing, \ very pleasant event took place at N. H, Howard's on Tuesday evening last, when about forty of his neigh- bors and friends . assembled. at their home to wish them God-speed, health and prosperity in their new home ine the North-West, where they are moving in a few weeks and also to present them with an(addvess and Ja purse! and $20 in gold as a token of remembrance. A very happy and pleasant ovening 8 spent, and after a sumptuous ro the party broke up in the small hours in the morning, singing "For He's A Jolly Good' Fellow." A number from here attentlod the assembly at Newboro, on Monday night. They report a good time. J. Doyle, Kingston, is spend. ing a few dayd with his parents here Miss Mazie Burns, Oates, is visiting hor dister, Mrs. J. K. Regan. While riding down hill, Miss Ruth Howard injured hor knée and is unable to go about. Mrs. Seed, Elgin, is the guest of Mrs. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dwyre has returned from visiting friends at Lansdowne. H. Morrissey, Toledo, is calling on friends here. Keelerville Topics. Keelerville, March 2.--(Quite a num- ber from here attended the hockey match' at Battersea, to-day. A rink at' Keelerville is expected next year, the . tea 'meeting here Friday night. The voung péople are practising for Quite a lot of hay is moving. Alfred Harris has been operating his wood- sawing machine among the farmers. Charles Clarke is getting material on the ground to build au up-to-date horse stable. The parlor social at Harmon Keller's, at Battersea, to-! night, © will be attended by a number of young people of this vicinity. Vis- itors T. Taber, Athens, and Wal- ter Taber,. Elbe Mills, at J. E. Ang- lin"s; Mrs. George Sutherland, of Man- itoba, at Edward Sleeth"s; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mecllvoy, of Seeley's Bay, at John Patterson's; Donald Sleeth, Ce dar Lake, at David Sleeth's. Sale of shirts, 69%. Bibby's. "Pr. Grant's Cathartic Granules'* for liver and stomach, 3 bottles for 25¢., on the bargain cotinier at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Bibby's $2 hais. for mine. Women say lots of things they don't think, and men think{lots of things they wouldn't dare say, J the attraction at the Grand on Mon- | PRINCESS THEATRE ROFT. LIPMAN, Prop. TO-NIGHT : ol KOHL and WOOD It's a burning shame to 'miss these. They're the warmest pair of laugh-mak- ers who've been around for a. leng time. Song--""SWEET ROSIE MAY." Our Pictures for TO-NIGHT are the CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c: & word: Each con- BOUTH AERICAN LAND : -Serip. FAP. py Geo. 67 Clarence teman, street, Ad Ba secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. Minimum ¢harge for ene in sertion, 25¢.; three insertions, Sie. ; six, $1; one month $2. & WANTED----MALE, y finest that can be shown. Subject No. 1.---"A COLONIAL ROMANCE." A Great Indian Drama. Subject No. 2.-~"HIS FIRST BEST BET." A Story of the Track. In. MAN w (MARRIED OR SINGLE) TO Lake Shore 'Road Address SOUTH for 50 CASH PAID FOR SOUTH African - Scrip. Address Box "B.." this Office, 5 AFRICAN SOLDIERS' SCHIP, OL. cash. Advise lowest price, H. Harmer, Caron, Saskatchewan, ETERAN LAND SCRIPPS WANTED: Write givm your spot cash price. Mulholland & Comipany; 84 Victoria St, Toronto... i . on farm near sity, on 0 4 R. M7 Van Luven, Kingston. teresting to every lady who would = like to see a good Herse Race. Don't miss it. H's great. YOUTH TO LEARN MOVING PICTURE operating and act as * assistant operator, Theatre, between 10 John Cairns. doo per Rud Appl; ijou og Ya a.m. 50. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FIVE FINE ACTS ATTRACTION 1. Land of the Midnight ATTRACTION 2. Episodes in Tives of the Sponge-lishers of Spanish Main. ATTRACTION 3. Ships of the Air, "The Making and Sailing of Aeroplanes, hy the Wrights and others." . ATTRACTION 4 'High Wire Walk- ing Across the Grand Canyon and other Colorado Sports."' ATTRACTION 5. Will West sirated Song. 3c WONDERLAND 5c TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW. "THE RING MASTER'S WIFE" A Wry exciting lifelike picture. "THE ROMANCE OF A RAVEN" \By Edgar Allen Poe, "WHY THEY FELL OUT" A Comedy. MISS BLANCHE WHITTIER, "YOU'LL ALWAYS BE JUST SWEET 16 TO ME." ASSAULT - AT-ARMS AT THE QUEEN'S GYMNASIUM, Boxing, Wresting & Fencing Saturday, March 6th, at 8 P.M. Admission, 25c. A PAINFUL INCIDENT. He. "The nderful the the in Hlu- Sings, Rev. Dr. Shaw's View 'of Carman- Jackson Controversy. | Montreal Witness. | "What do you think of the contro: versy between Dr. Carman and Mr. Jackson, of Toronto "I think it is the most painful inci aent of the kind 1 have ever known,' said Principal Shaw. "It is creating a cleavage that is © very disastrous. 1 have perfect confidente in the. motive | of Dr. Carman. He 'is ag fearless as any man in Canada in the discharge | of what he deems his duty." Le 'What do you think of the views of Mr. Jackson, which are challenged ¥"' "I would sooner, at present, not ex- press any opinion.' "Are these views the same as have heen the occasion of the Workman in- | cident ?"* "Not in the slightest degree. The points of error alleged against Dr. Workman by our college hoard relate to hereditary depravity, the deity = of Christ, miracles, the Bible and the | atonement.' The only point in dispute raised by Mr. Jackson is the mode of interpreting the opening chaptérs in Genesis, a far less. serious subject." "Are his views contrary tb the standards of the Methodist church ¥" '1 have carefully" studied and "analy- ed these standards, and written a work on 'their history and contents and relation to other ereeds of Chris- tendom, but I know of nothing in them prohibiting an allegorical inter- pretation of the story of creation and the fall of man, provided the fact of the fall, and of sin and of hereditary depravity as taught 'by St. Paul be recognized. I' faney there have been some unwise utterances of Mr. Jack- son which seem to call in question this aoctriné of sin. The whole doe- trinal system of Christianity in its main purpose of salvation, becomes superfluous if man's universal ruin and guilt be not recognized. 1 consider this is the main thought in Dr. - Car man's mind in his seyere treatment of Mt. Jackson. An easy-going view of ~sin in this self-sufficient ageef ours is most destructive of Christian faith." | | | | \ "Come BatkiTo Erin? Did you ever hear tell of Kate Kearney, Who lived on the Bah « Killarney ? In "Come Back to #2. You will see this famous Iiish beawty © whom the song warns,' Van "Beware of 'that suiile, fHr wang's the wile, Lies hid by thie smile of Kate Vv. But you will' see a faithfdl repro- duction of Kate Kearnéy's cottage by the Lake of Killarney, county Kerry, Irland. You will also hear all the old songs, and see (the colleens" dance to the music of the famous Irish bag- ripes, played by Mr. Mack. J. © Donnell Bennett, the great Chicago eritic, says 'Come Back to Erin' i a thing of beauty and a joy for- ever. "Come: Back to Erin" will be day, March- Sth. } | | Book-Binding. | Ledgers, cash books, loose leaf] systems; and all Kinds letter press | books, at lowest prices. British Whig, | the home of good printing. Room For Spring Importations. Prevost, Brock street, is having a great clearing sale 'in 'made-to-order and ready-made 'elothing, and gents' furnishings. . See window ditplay. --- } Loke faring. men ai Detrojt think conditions pont to an carly opéning of navigation and many are preparing for the brightest vear in the history | ol the lakes y ' i . SALESMAN, good add : * , Lockett Shog Store, MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER trade. N UNMARRIED MAN OF One with some retail Apply to The 116 Princess Kingston. ( ress.' experience preferred. St. . Graduates earmn ve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will uip shops. Con- stant practice. Cdreful jimstructions Few weeks complete course. Cata logue free. Write Moler Barber Col lege, Toronto. MEN WANTED, AT ONCE, ON salary and. expenses. One good man in each locality with rig or capable of handling horses to advertise and jatroduce our aranteed Royal Purple Stock Poultry Specifies No experience necessary ; we lay out your work for you. $25 a «und expenses. Position te Write W. A. Jenkins Manulacturing Co. London, Ontario. * 5 WANTED--FEMALE, AF HOUSEMAID. APPLY Office. A HHS A KITCHEN GIRL. APPLY. IROQUOIS Hotel, GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOU work. Apply 42 Montreal Street. COOK teferences required. yy ($Y +. Macnee; 202 'Kind St. comp Mrs. FP. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, RY: 1 wes required... Apply te Mrs, acgillivray, 119 Earl street. SITUATIONS VACANT. THE OPPORTUNITY timated el Eh VETERANS' SCHIP. WiLL PAY $650. « Ih a in A of ISH estima woiy, Al kinds worl Tro » . Biren, Rieotrician, 200 street. ellington Attach sight d bank . of British North A Calgary, and wire Eureka Real Estate Co., Calgary, Alberta. JENTLEMEN FO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suitsy Price and w man- ship guaranteed to please, ssing and repairing done on the' shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 181 Brook St., next. Bibby's Livery. eR AoE Sotwie orate Mapua Saawin's Insurgae. J LID, BRICK, Ni house, situated on Sta. hot wate tween Earl and heating, gas and el rie Ygh! Also t all modern conveniences. house, Frontenac St., e 1 furnace and all modern conveniences. For further particulars, apply Campbell. Bros'., 84 Princess si. TO-LET. HOUSE--198 RIDEAU ST. Apply 8337 Brock St. once if desired, 7 ROOMS. *ossession at out . Modern convenience. ply 214 William street. Ap DWELLINGS, FURNISHED furnished. McCann's Agency, Brock St., AND UN« Real Fstate Cor. King St. Dollar Doublers Our Classified Want Ads. are doublers. 218 BARRIE ST. 9 ROOMS, MODERN. .- 451 University Ave., 9 rooms, mods ern. Apply to J. 8. R. MeCann, 51 Hrock street. HOUSE, 247 BROCK STREET, modern improvements, also we stores, 42 'and. 44 Princess street, Apply 249 Brock street. BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. ion street, near Corner street, twelve rooms, kitchen, hot water heating, gas for M1 DIVIS. of Princess extension THIS MAY MEAN YOU, position Nursery : Stork, Best outfil, Free: adian - Nursery Co. treal. ' PERMANENT to salesmen for our Hardy Grown . if Quehpcs Tavestigate. - Uan- Limi bed; Mon- TEACHERS WANTED. FIVE HUNDRED TFACHERS FOR Saskatchewan and Alberta. Apply The Western School Supply Co. Ltd., Box ""848,'" Regina, Sask. DULY QUALIFIED teacher for 8 N nine months duty ply Ont PROTESTANT 4, for term of per month Ap- Arden to ec Ransen 'reas., Clark, MEDICAL CARD. ROBERT J. GARDINER, M.D., PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, Corner of Bagot and William streets. Office Hours, § to Bam; 2¢t 4 and 7 to 9 pm 'Phone. 870. PERSONAL. HAIR, warts, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, ete. removed permanently without scar. Twenty years' experr ence, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Far, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street, lighting and cooking purposes. kn quire No. 179 Division street. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR 8, ARCHITEQT, Sffics and residence, 181 University MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire lusurance Company. Avaliable assets | $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. -- 1 HENRY P: SMITH, ete., Anchor Building, 'Phone, 3845. ROHITECT, arket Squared POWER & SONS, ARQHITECTS, chant's Bank Building, and Wellington streets. 2 MER- rier Frock mone, 2134 FOR SALE: Hounds, FOX HOUNDS, and all other Sporting and Pet Pigeons, labbits, Pigs, Cattle, Sheep and Swine. 60 page catalogue, lie. ; 90 page eata- logue with poultry combined, 12¢, Mount Penn Kennels, Reading, Penna. U. 8. A i BEAGLE breeds of Dogs, Fancy WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFFICH Ferrets, Cuinea second floor over ahood"s Dry store, Corner Princess and Pages Streets, "ntrance on Bagot street, 'Phone, 608. " FINANCE AND INSURANCE. BU BLARY INSURAND 5: PARTICU- SIC rom ' i Lr 432 PE oNn, Blarence St., telephone, 568. morning. - to, 188 Ridean IN ON Princess St., Finder please 8t. and receive Spangennerg on Tuesday return reward A GOOD POLICY w THE NORTH American Life Assurance Co. Every- thing guaranteed. 20 payment life guarantees 1,000 at death. All pred miums returned if you live 20 years. Get particulars, T. J. Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington street. MINK evining, 23rd Ontario, Barrie or Street Car. Will finder kindly return to 82 Barrie Si, and 'receive a reward. STOLE ON Feh., Sts., TUESDAY on Ularanece, Book-Binding, Ledgers, cash books, systems, and all kinds letter press books, at lowest prices. British Whig, the home of geod printing. loose leaf It's an argument until the other fel low gets dispute. os Experience is a great teachsf~_ It teaches us how to make other kind of mistakes. the better of it. Then it sad] WORKINGMEN The bulk of our business is done with that careful calculating portion of the community --the workingman, SWIFT'S. a Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 1S THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 13 years old, may homestead a quarter- Section (160 acres, more or less) of Available Dominion lamd in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Ihe applicant ust appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made al any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homestend wm live within nine miles of his ho tead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, other, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter. Section along-side his hcmestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homeatead eutry Shcluding the time ul © earn homeste: atent nd bh iy whi filty acres extra. P 3a A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a re-emption may take a purchased omestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Purchased homestead may be acquired on any on either odd or even mum South of townshi gory and est live of and line. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 6ifty acres and erect a house worth $300. 4 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN. NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal minin, rights may be leased for twenty-one yonrn at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 0 acres can be leased to one appli- cant. Royalty, five cents per tom. QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of age and over having mi a F resolln may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1.500 feet. Feo, $5.00. At least $100 must be on the claim each year, or the t Railway expended paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 has heen expended or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square, Eatry fee, $5.00. DREDGING --~Two leases of five miles MRS. JOHN A. She has separated from her husband who is several times a mill- | ionaire because of the latter's friendship for too many women. Mrs. Hoogland, before her marriage to Hoogland was Hartford, Conn. and was s singer in Holy Trinity, FES Brooklyn, . ~ y 5 e each of a river may be issued to one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10 a mile per amum. ty, 2§ per tent after the output $10,000" . W. W. CORY, Deputy of the dlinister of the Tuterior HOOGLAND: a Miss Weir of veg FURNISHED ROOMS, Wr : 5 TH OR WI'TH« De ih