eh Le ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, S , MARCH 6, 1900. PAGE WIGHT, CTC . |, SATU 6.1908. bi : ss] IGE DERGON OBA 2 m= ED. BLONGEDR WEN,» =e ESQUE SKATING CARNIVAL IN HO RS erred It is supposed. that they are the ad-, stars G.T. R. CARS DERAILED AND Sinead foots two armies Tapidit . BE F ¢ T J ; a i a § ; hi ; : ty 3 re ] et 3 : p= f A u 3 -- . wad 2070 Sage wih log-whiels : y BO dab MAKER : DELAYED TRAFFIC. upon Kemptville. The leader of the MEETING. : or ih So A : ; OF ; " i EEN / : i ; ' BA rr rr ---- Had It Approached Near Enough Brockville sever is Capt. C. T. Wilkin- 7 py ! i fir V ih AT oS Jew RE : " : % a to the Earth, Would Have Left : i & son, of the 41st. The leader of the Ot- ' For' {jolie 8 H ar HA. : t 7 7 Sr ga 4 Le g . ra It Dead--Comet Now Hundred Fined For Practising Without a|iawa team is May. Morrison, 12S.0.,| Eugene Crean, M.P., For Cosi, pan, | V : ; Million Miles Away. This old earth of ours has just had another narrow escape. It was a most extraordinary peril which men: aced it, a peril so utterly unforeseen that no man of science had over i : : ec 3 hi i { . ' ; dicaibee) that. such a thiig could be ; practising without necessary license, | ed by military experti ings from being broken up or unrea- 2 41 As : ? ; ; { ; | ' i fil : poss ) < AND was fined at the police court, 825 sonably interferred with by oppon- {© pte lydia yl 3 % \ . 3 3 i l > Asiroudters. have often speculated and $2. The defendant has been doing| WALL STREET AND TAFT. was opened at Dublin yesterday. : Fink i ; a ] , hat : op as to what might" happen if o Selnel doa a good business in this city, and paid The act 'in this case was evoked by |] Ha TUE ELE i . ae A r } p . H a | intra to strike the earth; in imagina- CANADIAN FINE up with g smile. Inauguration Received With rean, M.P. for tha Southcas AL iar 4 ob k 4 1 jie bs uve Shen Sat World: smnshod Five G.T.R. cars. were derailed at. Passive Satisfaction. against Joseph Dev- . or A wer on | : LE Se i ? i Pact, gpond Admiston, Renfrew county, owing to a how hing eh oo The. tangata: |ling MPs for Hast, and Mri. I 18 : «| VV AET : : LTE 7 ee -- a ; i linto a molten mass of white hot ele ak broken wheel, this morning, and caus- i £ thet new président 'was HE Johnston, secretary of the United Ir-| HV. W. DP. 1 GA 0.1 | fell! etl whe » J | ----_-- , jments~--and wo have the smile | yon : ES Lah : wd _Sowe inconvenience to traffic, with ve: tation in the finan-]ish League, it being a thesemen fan Sills, -- : 3 tif Lows oy Md : ? : } atl } | io thage ho ire Jolerantly ated by Office, ha RO Judge John Deacon died suddenly |. Jr : were yonsible for an assault So i" : bs. vo Fisiena > 5 i 3 '¥ 5 : Cory Ny S g 3 at Pembroke, at the age of eighty-six sigh district So a} ab She opers tions Crean s 'at the recent 'national- § 8 to bi : y A 5 5 J i r : 4 a p 'Just come and gone which hadat ap- F. CONWAY, Shen, Fs, ns --_--T years. s i . indication The chery of ing brokers | i8t_conventign. : i : ' B.S mali p % ¥ d 7 8 : pronched near enough to. the. entth A writ was issued, this morning, in the' fl the announcement |. Timothy Healey, M.P., counsel for J] v H Ig WA wk } 1150 nd { | aR [Would have loft it as dead as the the division court, on behalf of L. on th 8 NObr hpon § Mr I it Mr. Crean, said Devlin had galvanized i id W ; 5 ver 0 os for To ( #i a ; 3 J 5 moot vs far as living creatures are oO n C a Davis, S05 Somerset street, against 9 ° a hie ol Te 8 he into life the ancient faction of M ith - ' gi ; aa S > iui, oh p [ 2 concaned, an carth on which build Charles Lawson, who is said to have I ost Sangh Ea 2 the Maguires, under the title of the Anci- [Le 3 \ . 3 ¥ J a 1 : 3 " - mgs, moauments, machines, ships 140-155 Brock St., Kingston. Dudered, Hl per jo Le Fharacter of | the new president. which [ent Order of Hiburnigus, in order io ; : we : Hille L ; RR \ iy [would have remained as they are, bu liberal committee rooms, at the last |i> Most prized in financial circles is control the doings of public men. i i Rts $F ae We peopled only with rotting corpses. slections that stated by himself in the reci- lin and Johnston, he asserted, im- ARASSOALLAA0800080008 federal elections. al gla y n app! tome of the trees might have sur ¢ A. Knechtel, inspector of Dominion ative estimate of his' predecessor pub-| Po Vind men from Bellast, : % 4 License--An Interesting Mili- | 23rd, F.B. A member dropping out of Takes Action Against Another tary Feature is Being Carried | line over thirty minutes will be per- 'Memiber--Hirelings Paid Ten Jy Out | manently out of action, and his party SiS - * loses five points. They must be on the Shillings Each. i 3 Ottawa, March 6.--"Dr." Pelletier of | move forty-five minutes of every hour| London, March 6.~The first case un- r 121 Bank street, charged, on behalf of { except in bivouac. The scheme in win- [der the new Public Meeting act, the MENTS | the Ontario Medical Council, with| ter movements is being keenly watch-{object off which is to profect meet- : 4 it i ! 8 iF Bach ® Er a a 3 i i nl would have been loft of animal life in ; : : mes. '} i had sacks containin ns, one | Winner . v. } } s . ' / : 4 p this wort would have been: the fishes s Suronifliont Manitoba, Saskatchewan wie i te Jestraint. of of which Healey produced 'in court. "pr will play the winner of "DD." The |: § 32 vide M4 Rn and fine. It : " J /§ n | | tiv the ved and the worms and the b : nak to da ay to-morrow an interest- | trained as a lawyer and a judge and These bludgeons, Healey said, + ew : will thn play of forthe ™ value y 3 d So a 4 : on the le | y ? ji $y lnsyne hat live in the bn uld MA, ing milityry feature is being ria am as strongly imbued with 'the neces- Sarved ad 3 the sloremid nie, Tinks SP President wa and Pia et al yr at yo 7 i ; ihe { 2 He grill tend wows TE RCOL 0 ] i AL hI : kn ; J 4 ole o| each of who 'as pe p y J resent, r . pi . ' ga : y J ' ! ) i. #1 Du. between Droscor: and " awa. bs sity, for egal hal rh Seven Snes after the meeting. One of the bludgeon o . bn" Vice] ne cent, Gill. x ; 1 : 4 ' ih h k i Le as made of Spungen - gas 5 so tn] A i (8% f+ Y or 4 L $3pe ons. id vinier scbuting by Wall street's appraissment of all the] men testified in support of Healey's The single competitions are drawing Lg ium tone ; ) ; ; "om § deadly that a few whills of it would ; ami and one from Yrockville The par policies and intentions outlined in the statement. The hearing 'was -adjourn- Ja w Shee. bo TR > i ve a E ra : = , Bow, 3: J . \ it 4 {hee I uihilatal ing ii Maritime Ex ress fou left the respective points at seven |inaugural address is tempered by the d. ha the ad tte If the 3 acl Een y ged vidi . £179 ; WF Ji 7 hy 2 " a i % aoe G rout ies: _ i ---- and P ard o'clock, upon _snowehoes, and with consideration of individual temperac| pon Sormvom mALL, [wine hin nest game, tho Caruthers| 3 275 Yards Corset Cover Embroidery A sl fies in no reacon Lo worry about 1 | Famed for excalionce of Sleeping' TL Eh pen Sue : qd al, Which hag Satpal] : ; C : - CT -- y . (~ i k #3 CN 4 . ; q | This "strange comet," as M. Camille and Dinh = servies: Leaves: " i i Ba " : ) : i "AY ; A : tn terms at, was discov no aily, exce GIVEN A AY Budget o Rewa bos the En- Jo Joe aver Sirly years, beccuics his Full 17 inches wide, in a number of good : ) ant he . E 1 3 En term te wa Giscovined nt ES . ig John . W gineering ents. reperty, . year. : a ' \ / a : on § st, 5, at ' ; : a: A lively meeting of - the Engineering ie Masch points? Gupgtétion for a fs - tterns, None mn the lot worth less than Society was held, Friday: dfternoon. - > ts for th th i orover per yard. ? y FREE S28 oe en ek phe ® Observatory, United States, by Mr, | N.B., Halifax. ld Morehouse, a student, and indepen- ve a report of the pro- the Journal staff for January - and February, and... March go q EN , , Be 3 i 5 dently on Scptember 3rd by M. Bor- FRIDAY'S MARITIME - hy ¢ 4 a; 4 a | Lg relly, astronomer at the observatory EXPRESS NR posed plans o t nn j ; 4 bop ' rell; 3 : : . and tho ownership of a handsome tan- Y ou I O: nigh 15 Y : With every CASH purchase we give Mi next year. Up to the present the kard will be played on Monday, March rs : t, 12 (4 ard J; a » fer En ; Wo, . i : have perished instantly, and all that Ro al Mail Tr convey his lessons by lantern views, |Tesults for good has made him, at the platform, ime. plage added, | | a. play the = Ki Le ummer wear. Itis ' P y via i 3 ; g ! ivived, bui the birds and beasts that : : ge : dn 1 instructed them not to allow any ing. y : A FW kaa en Slt h } inhabit the forests and fields would forest reserves, has gone to lecture on | lished in a periodical in the words ;}anc ins : : the H i Sh the nattion a rt ix "His intense desire to reach practical man With a Cork accent to approach ' 3 en The Standard of Silver Excellence at It costs more at first, but is the kind that does not wear out, i $ Flatware i Bon-Bon Dishes Sugar & Cream Sets Butter Dishes In designs and weights to suit everyone, LOST BOTH WAYS. of Marseilles. It was thon a pale s oh 3 44 Journal has been published every two | . br" ed prype i i a1 ; eT | rm : amd minute nebla of the ninth mag- aes Be ROE aan you checks to amount of your purchase, p weeks, but an attempt will be 'made, 8 \ + i : 3 % 4 A , i i i 7 ! One of Company Was Expert at A Toss of a Coin With An Unex- nitae. But it mercased rapidly 5 at the side of the Steamship at' These to be exchanged for articles on ; Ay CF next year, to publish a weekly pa- Kingston curlers played their last 4 i Game, : ! pected Result. brilliancy; fifteen days later 3 was of Halifax the following Saturday. inh premium list when amount is collected. 2 at) per. Tn * rier 10: be able to Boance game of the soason in the Eastern On- the! eighth magnitude; then it mouni- . We give for $5 worth, your choice of P «! this scheme, the subseription list will tario Curling Lea, , two rinks play- Pocket Knives or Sugar Spoon. \ i 1 have to be. increased from the present ing in Napanee; t defeated by AX general arrived from St. Peters- | Milwaukee Free Press. pi : s, . : : Tew: York: temvalli 3 he sevanih, and in these last y ai " y ' i burg in a garrison town in the in A New York travelling man was tell- ed to, t : rd Sy Pron te : | Kapa, thy wo. doi SE le dee of nn ho gh. | 2 Sao Tock Tame ve 1 bt bail the sixth tials | tatorooianinl Railway, see Hen $10 Butter Knife, Scissors or Spoons 4 / : number, 250, to 600. Every student |%"® po! il i yr, ary I "i + £1 Bob- be eo h aH ticn of the troops. After the review 'fgmpote Bowery character, who fived |['© Sa¥, the I DL wp ble that it aventure Un: pots, oy $15 Table Spoons. i g ; will be canvassed. This is filvh tims this Yh { : / at the" Turn " / oye TEV he stepped into. the officers : mess [DY his wits as a gambler. Tom was naked oye. It is probable a AL making direct connection with $20 Safety Razor. di $ E. L. Fralick, manager of the Co- the local surlers have et by {is nat. 1 : " : : Pi ¥ J ye 4 441 | where he noticed .on the counter a known far and wide, not only beeause heillianes Will frie 16 obi Grand Trunk train, is i The more tickets the better and more Hig ) balt Lake mine. wil Bldresp she sn aig oop. mis 4 dg ee e Ga, A 1) te [i 7. vow of bottles, to which, instead oi |of his gambling mania, which was in- | HOUg! this will no omc. a pojf 3 g tic : ciety on Monday afternoon. Mr. Fra- * ee sree valuable the article. Yick is an old Queen's mati. The so- ? hss & ' ni usual labels, white tickets, with a | satiable, but because of his quaint wis comet, it offers to us some features & For timetables and other infort:'? ' i \ HEPA EE 44 E444 0404 ; ds PEAR, # iy vingle fetter of the alphabet on each, {and originality. He illiterate extraordinary interest. bere : mation, apply to Montreal Ticket"! ciety has been very fortunate, this Military Hockey Match. ; ; wv . : itt {were aflixed. ~The bottles stood .in|and could neither rcad nor write, bus | At M. Flammarion's observatory ab |g. 130 St. James Street, 'of "* pan en er S, ! vear, in procuring speakers. Among The sovered rink wae Jo the hands : FARA WAY FIELD | ' i Chol | 3 : rank and file and in alphabetical or- |in tie Sours of his carcer he handled dJuviey it hae leet wilder ny io 3 \ those wh 6 giv d s »!of the military, on ¥riday evening, 1 > J ; bi der, rerhaps a little more than the aver- | €VOr Since Drs! Dh» i a i . q W A MITCHELL Hardware Ty oR : : Prof. Fane: Henry Holgate, * Dr. when a skating party and hockey $ ; Hi ; z i SI! 1 i { What does this mean ?"' the geno- Ho gambler's share of --~ a pearance, and M. Quenisset took of it Hey hi] : N ! pL aN wry SIFIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINN ' TI. N. L, RN Goodwin, Prof. 8. P. Kirkpatrick. match were the features. The Jrodkey comers pa ; ; A En oil. ened tli Toto Wh a cy ne seventy pholographs, which reveal to ; a TT: HON. JAMES WILSON, A large number of the professors|game was played by officers of = the i Pode bob ddd aan + i nid . . : Secretary of i y howing him around. "One "afternoon Tom 'woke up with [18 transformations that are ven: Agriculture in President | and students are attending the annual | battery against the officers of the . } > A "That is an ofhicers' charade, your la healthy tite : for break 1 | stupefying. Jn its first days a tail be L 0 W I ; Talt's' Cabinet, the Only Roosevelt [ Shece olor by Tr JACI Ro Ee ly Le v healthy appetite : for breakfast, ow ne ay Co onist. tute, in Montreal through. The mounted men proved ovens Tom Blake to an overcrowded 4 Y . ) ; ute, in Montreal. . ) It will pay you to deal with us. SL L08000008620040500 SISIISTIITIIIIIIISIIII VIII 4 : ¥ 3 , y : The cold November downpour drove . € : bo uy Cabinet Minister to Hold Over. meeting of the Canadian Mining Insti-| R.M.C. The game was fast all vid the New = Yorker. gan to form; then it gradually grew crt harinssed investizati his x. He ound on and showed divisions, jets of light F. ~~ P ifi C Ea ; de, it ee {trough, . The mounisd. mep proved 24 street car. There remained one unoc A charming ice festival Was held ten days ago at Hindeloopen in The general continued his inguiries |, Ho i te at, he sad scparated and parted gne from an- ares to acuic 0ask:= ¥ QUITE HUMOROUS. he inter-year hockey matches are [100 , 1 Le 1-6 %, . . . cupied strap, © to which ho attached | Friggland. Holland, in which the old costumes of the country were .|..i elicited the: following informa- |, caret tale to appease his [other over 'great angular distances. | # a Shusing considerable excitement among out io fo goals, the final score he- Stockin S or t e a 1 himself. . ' ri [hn } ) ntorma- i out for the nearest cafe to appease his g ; ; i i js | the students, and the championship [1D © 0. g y ! Sir Richard Cartwright Gives His p I Rs A m I the ve Gi h he g | : "dai iL April 80th, 1909ab . toy revived with immense effect. are quite a people by |! (jon: = La Tad . Thanks to the clearncss of the gky in | On sale daily, unti 3 : i i ¢ Ho looked grimly over the dripping, tive. They speak a peculiar langu- ih' 'bottle © ing oo. | hunger. Bui just as he was about to | "® 0 y at the following fares from Kingston. sl) game, on Monday, is looked forward ter the game a skating party was . 1 : HN d themselves, and are very conservative. ey sp I ) Fach ottle contains a different tnd . A » A . 4 "OVC: Senge 1€ radn- i i i Opinion. to With great interest. On Thursday |held that was greatly enjoyed. Music| ¢ Tg Lassengars \a Wie Iain Special to the hig. i$ : Shel : J . ¢ enter the restaurani he suddenly re. | the limpid nights of an admirable au- MANCOUVER. B.U: q ' wt vistas of the avenue i his | 28% and they do little to modernize their old-world sostumes, which | kind of liquor. At the meeting of | cognized the entrance to the ron lac tumn, our asironomers were able to | y Be rh Eo Indirect) «i. | afternoon the year '10 defeated '12 hy | was furnished by the battery band. . WOMEN'S swept vistas o ie. avenue, and his | jo go tunate. This picture shows the old-fashioned costumes, which | ho officers' club' ene of us mixes | 0 Uttawa March b.~--Indirectly Sir cL ? Ai i v : ¥ the score of 5 to 4. i a name, and | ime, 7 sed: He folt hj moire plates have given marvellous re- | pORTLAND, ORBG juni i i A hig home. Switzerland. Last week extensive winter sports were also held at [ihe older and moresexperienced mem- SE om: pause, vba To m- : . introduced a bill to" amend the post Portsmouth's speedy : junior hockey pair, special. i "What a miserable grind 1.ze1iand. 5 e I = i Ww ¥ ft bet t han. | Sults SAN FRANCISCO, CAL eo FT : ; y } : teelf torn between two emotions . . 20, CAL. a : ; city life i ices h uring Club of France. hers of 'the club after tasti PR is, 41.0 office act to authorize compensation | 71% cover, Pennock; centre, G. George; [seven defeated the Y.M.C.A's lust he Chamonix, under the auspices of the Touring WR of the clu .aller tasting. il guess i i 40d vk h he of t thres | WI ATMINISTER, TO ait i i f . 5 5 i " z take photographs o Wo or ce VESTMINISTER, R.C. Jwart was filled with longing for the | we ial : stival.. H amch more picturesque s of thse tine 3 Ie oo as the one leading to a gambling : d WA SIL 3 ii i 1 by . p 4 ils re specially revived for the festival. ow much Pp resqu lrome of these varieties in a glass so |4 > 3 . w 2 hours and more exposure, and the Lu- | ! X 3 | Richard Sarowright ag the Sause 2 up as- follows : TY (teams Huey Portsmouth Beat Y.M.C.A Women's Black Cashmere Stockings, 2 i green fields and the meadow lands of the whole scene is than the skating and skiing carnivals one finds in that * the initials spell house which he: had not. visited foe : MA WASH. " 48 S A L E Thtroduced a bil to smend dhe port oot '10--Goal, Ellis; point, McKen- Rm x \ : . . . . is!" he thought. "How anyone can! what it is composed of and name the Q : y : . oy i B SAN DIEGO, CAL. for loss not exceeding $25 for each | Yover, Forgie; wings, B. George and | night, at Zion rink, after a closely Black Cashmere Stockings, 35c pair,or3 . 8 chaos it. is beyond" me, and how | S---- | LC OF |, Should he risk. his gold piece on [of comets are gig Lg | ickito oFiY. mux $46. 08. registered domestic article. Campbell. : : 3 contested game, by. four. goals to for $1 | much worse for a woman--a working | save her his seat and hung on to a |there. My uncle got me this posi-| "Very original idea,' remarked the | the faro table or the roulette or v ) 3 : ; + MEX. . Ne Senator Lougheed gravely asked for| Year '12--Goal, Daniels; point, Lock- | three. The first hali was very fast v . womatr-oven than a than." i an interpretation of the phrase *'do-|ett; cover, Hazlett; centre, Meikle; rov-iand clean. Portsmouth played under ] > m toll ¥ AS I da : or shot y t? Fas ; . | pelling force coming from the fo . Sad strap until ane of the two men scated | tion. . enoval. "And are you #ble to make oud, ho cat Wo bay Wis, He ues star, as if the sun blew upon these RA OLRIST - SLELPING ds ARS Leaves i {eo looked at the dreabbled skirt of fr i Bessie lef he-.@ tle. "And vou like it so much vou nev- guess of 'tk kind ? mn. © g ake a i e, in y Kingston, esdav, iursday, and Sate 1 Galen Oi wh & wh Xml : ror "sick hmere Stockings, 89¢, 45¢, 5 } a a ie olan front of Bessie leit Lae car. NE eed y yor . 4 guess of ithat km , ! whic ; { course ; glestial meteors and forced back their day, at 2.85. a.m. oc isd * ' mestic article." For instance, if, as|er, Sparks; wings, Smith and Devine. |great difficulty, as they had two sick Black Cas ere 8, » 50c. i young girl in the seat opposite, at lglipped into this seat, looking keenly [er want to go back !"" he said witha | "9H it is your exeellency's pleasure which event, of course, he would eat iy a) igor: I hat M. Flam: Lion 61, passengers. Roldunie. fest. OF Meondut O- 1 t C OC recently occurred in Britain suffras Referee-- Bob" McLaughlin. men on the ice. M. Joyce, referee, . ] her old-fashioned hat and her che ap gt is companion sigh. "And. you are making sormuch|l will try," the lentenant, replied. | sumptuously. Then, again, he might | " es ot if 4 hel an ox. | class tickets to CHICAGO. AND Wi ; ' . sists were consigned by parceb post| On Friday afternoon the representa-|kept the game under good control. little imitati i wrevaiiive styles: I iia. Weld Gebruol Val "The weneral wort ta the o lose and face starvation. The na- | marion does no rink that thereof as far as the PACIFIC COAST" fI8LS W y I pos & ') : . ' . y : tule imitations ol prevailing yies, Isn't vour name eldon--Georgoe | mone) 1e general wen o the counter and | x . a ample so typical of this. solar force nominal charge is made for berths hick to the premier and they were lost or | lives of 09 crossed sticks with the {The score at half time was J to 1, in CHILDREN'S ly force of contrast came 'to his | Weldon ?' She looked at him ruefully. mixed a glass, while the officer stood | tural thing for Tom to do wae to inf aver been offered to observers and | may be reserved in RAVANCe. silly injured in transmission would they | vear 'l1, but the sophomores proved |favor of the winners. In the second memory the vision of a slender slip of © "Yeo." said the man, oxtending his; "0 Tom, after I pay my board, | st the other end of the room : with {leave it to chance. 3 come under the head of "domestic ar- | too much for the seniors, and won by half the Y.M.C.A. came out strong : V 3 ; . . : ** 'Houilks " aalk : Aaiile aught in the act as he had his colla- C 1 2 ' % 3 ' i w girl in a dress of peach-pins, stand- |, " 5 almost sure it was you. | washing .and car fare '1 will have!uis face to the wall. Hegde up, I eat breakfast; tajls, 1 caug . at rad oprt J. P. HANLEY, Agent, u ticles" for which compensation could|9 to 17. The teams : : and were successful in landing two Children's Ribbed ¢ or . Plain Cashmere i is knee decp in b field of daisies hand. of. Almost, sure why vou | twenty-five cents a week. 1 work un "Now, guess what this means)' said | Play, said Tom and flipped the coin, borates Ssught ib 2} the cheervaiory Cor. Johnson and. Ontario vy ' aN ) * be claimed, ? Year '09--Goal, Donahue; point, |goals, making the game a tie. Then Stockings, all sizes, 'in different makes, for \ With a shudder he tried to realize her geom to be living here, and how fur [til six at night and go to bed at nine the: general as he handed the glass to | It was heads up. and Tom: scratched U > Yb, } Su soot 2 hove the vab 4 n ite Sir Richard Cartwright declared off-| Bick; .cover, McDonald: centre, Craw-|Portsmouth brushed up and scored 15¢. 20¢, 28¢, 25¢, 30¢, 35¢ accordin 4 environcd by Tibbon 'counter or offios ff roar thoughts wore" and. T don't kuow: a: soul' to speak to. { the ollicer, L'his head thoughtfully and said : 100 photos how the comet obeys t ( dat hand that they would be very ques-|ford; rover, Williams; wings, D. A. [the winning goal. The teams lined up Je, ' ' ' ' j g 2 3 ! ¢ - 0 : ' } m . Foes owl fi : : f attraction ag servilely as a Ge al P x Fe i i i i i i d k i dee, "There-were only back to; the farm." [It's very gay ! Phe latter drank it at one gulp : Well, we'll 'make it twoiout of lowe pol Ey Joscrine its ner assenger 48a S| - . a rr Who 1. want micas a Ne: point, Good oh King, goal; Vanalstyne to size anc male. Then he fell to wondering as he had | "1 don't wonder. You are a horn! The little break in her voice wuy|*macked his toneng and replied: Hires | ] oats t WwW 1 t on. Mr. Lougheed-- é g p ly aE 8; point, Good- MCA -- » 5 » ; ger and wo spirit of gambling, We bave long known that the tails | LOS ANGELES. cA " ¢ ; ; el 2 oe tram 3 A oui y Sous bs Ai orbit around tho sun; but that at the D t t k is if $25 Id cov the | win; cover, Elliott; centre, Meikle; rov-| point; Brewster, cover; Edgar, rover . sof mauty {imew of late, what had come | farmer. Will you tell me why you leit sweet music to Tom. hat was A 0 ou : xoetlent 1 | the un hk ii ps ue Siig lie same time the molecules of which it is e I men to now 18 1 o=) Would cover he n; cover, Iinoti; ce 2, B 3; TOV- | point; ¢ er, © rr; , rover; exclaimed the general. | 0 go eee s sk a crevice in w | E > A i oe i i if Tri i : i i ves ots | . : m 4 . mee ' ary value of the registered article if jer, Trimble; wings, Gravelle and Ang- | Reid, centre; R. Moore, right w ; Me- girl since he had leit the farm. She jqueathed you ? I should think you'd |sie. Will you resign and let me take "It renuires a lot of 'practice, ch ¥ | sidewalk and disappeared. Tom look- Sompaged. af pnfluchioed by 8 on dic MONCTON, N.B. "' i N i a § wiih { ¢ . ig Jd 3 : : ' 4 Dien > | Cs he ire 3 vn. | force, whic p> po : fo lost 2 Sir Riel 1 Cartwright--*'1 hn... » 0 1 tisfact, Cormack, Jefe MK dy : LJ had been away from home on a visit jask nothing better. vou home tomorrow night? 1'd like Your excellency, 'Anna' is easy | ed at the crack and philo ophically re on. Sir Richard Cartwright--"I am ireg" George made a satisfactory ortsmouth--M. Kennedy, goal; J. : --: Tork 8 : , rrange them. In the presence of this 415 i ; 1 \ samo to + ci i add "1 don' here fi soli to! to make Julia deliver that letter. (cnough, but there is a captain in our | marked a Wak [not conversant with the value of the | official. McGuire, point; C. Baiden, cover; A. Boys' Extra Strong Ribbed Yarn Stock- | when ho ' camo to the city, and had I don't. 1 am here to fit my ; AY {article in other countries. There are . 2 between him and this same slip of a | that fine 600-acre farm your father be "To-morrow will be Saturday, Bes Brave | a g; 3 " Regular values. $1, 1.25, 1.50 ' Los N i e w : i ve ! is , replied to the long lott he 1 here is much in it The final game, between "10 and '11, |Davideéon, rover; F. Dennison, centre; not replied to the long lotter he had : " Wha » 50 aval it as peivablo : AREWOr orns who can even. guess 'Nebuchad- Whipsawed both ways. molecular travail, it is concei run it, that is, scientifically I came Lo answer. a a 5 ad- | 3 : ro : in . { : : p : tat szzar 1' 4 | » that comets may have been smashed : : obi od : 3 ings, all sizes, 3 different makes. loft for her. To 'tho letter he had |hete a couple of months age to; at Tom, | id recign. I couldn't; nezzar ! places where their value would be | takes place on Monday, at noon. I. McGuire, right 'wing; A. Forsythe, ' ' | rather below zero. Generally speak-| The Of C. aA ° t . aly i | i 23 " "ll to atoms, and even may have vanish- | From New York every Wednesday, at final yeay electricals and civils left wing written from here had come in reply | tend the agricultural college and take stand it any longer, ------ Here I Vos. : x * Baf e'ec > id evils le 8 AAA AAA AAA AANA ' ing I should think $25 would cover | defeated the miners, yesterday aftér- the average value of an article which | noon, in a game.of indoor baseball. chains itself to a grille and persecutes 4 q od entirely in space, like Biela's comet. FHP pry hi Trinidad 2:000 tons, iL An ollicial of the superior court of | "pic comet's tail extends for seven- From New York L only a formal little note, and then, | 8 six-months' course, nd 1 way tase you home? ' i. 3 . ] J | i Cook 'eounty, Illinois, which has juris- =n T . 8 e p Saturday, 64,5 M N wm silence Good idea ! ve he college ? Yes. Tom. A Danger In The Home. eis tall ex > von y 0 overy Saturday ake E 'S unbroken i ne " : i : dr al A x "And you will stay there until 1 |!'hiladelphia Bulletin. Fiction in the matter of the 1 i-| teen degrees, 'which represents at I asy 110 a.m. 5.8. Bermudian": 5,000 ars, és WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, I'here"s a seat growled the con- | No, they w > crowded when I VE ie! March 7" "Gunpowder stays: where you put 2 he ot the yulitali forty-three millions: of kilometers; (a |$30 and up it . . xo " a ------ « » ductor. rushing ya im, a To came, so board out here 1 ti tome' home in March { : ; ) you zation o orcigners, tells e follow-} 1 ~ . : : ¢ These blouses are all madein the latest Binistirs of se Wows. GREAT DAMAGE The Crew of the Ferry Steamer Men's Cashmere Sox, 25¢, 35c, 3c, 49c, a A ams each: Tm "Yes, Pom." it, bub gasoline floats away. Though | ing : "In October last a man named lometee Sas oe NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES..- : s : emt { * , - i Bl . ng ' " ; "And will vou say 'yes, Tom," to|® Woman 'wouldn't dream of using { August Hulzberger took out his 'first | 2 ™ ©) 2 "Guiana," 8,700 tons a4} les etre i ns rial, neatl A in: 9 been many exits. When he was seat | Enjoying the city life out of school 3 5 V styles, of extra quality nate al, neatly TAKING FLASH LIGHTS Body of a'Man Fousd Frosen| wo lia pelted, en | trimmed, and excellently finished. ----ie ve 0 ; |] ; il New teamer 5 : on or 5% ob ila ot 3 iquely. T cleus A w about h i tod vements. 8.5, ars. : : we that I asked the "letter--the one | gunpowder in . her 'toilet,' she uses | papers.' As he was about to leave the liquely The nucleus measures a with all up ate improvemer Busi un . HING IN HOSIERY wd, he risaliod the still unopencd le ter hours | Ls kee into -- r ne Fopularly, Wich" is a. Fond pay oO o leave the | -% nuts of are. or about 460.0001 SF bgt pa rons FL of Interior of House and Back Stiff, . mot on Monday and there was §6mo | EVERYT ! in his pockel, and ha proceeded tof From the window the officers again|a victim of the storm, beside the ourt he was observe sean | 1 8. Di: : : court room he was observed to sean kilometers in dismoter. 8,000 tons, sail from New: York every. b *® ® | el ing ted : ied potentate, Leva God Jehovah! || it George Hammond, of the villa is Tom looked dejectedly- out of the | {surveyed the back yard and measured | tracks of the United Railways, by 2 ) " ; dal = % bi dnkeat : A : : ee it o 3+] study Sy ening: I want to) "1 don't know. what vou * asked lines more dangerous. Here is an- | very closely the : altimore, Md., arch 6.--Latest | hot discussion hetween the two local . . op . : i as much in these six months as! i,m » : othar terror born Jof "the automobile." Yard Views. and careful estimates, based on. infor- | bridgemen. Two mates were engaged Now ready for early spring. : It was from his "F~had always wanted to take this} hould think they would take breath. s a recorded. 'case whord-the Vapor, | you are here August seemed sur- | the observer, but it was in reality an . r , : . taking down his hotee stable and in : o window. His world seemed upside course, and one day when September | I'hink of a man in hs family, hurried | (pavelling twenty feet, :took fire at a | prised. He exhibited, his official envel- [extraordinary object to the eve of the The most fashionable style. Regular 35¢ thie distunons ii so rious, points. [linmen of the road. He was frozen {ands building a boathouse out of the down. ' He was vaguely conscious of for his breakfast, praying in seh a - . These actions have given rise o a stl. and 10¢ quality, rumor that the detectives are working '3 official envelope i : alternate, Wednesday, for St. Thomas) which had been inclosed the oD ithg On October Ist, whens M. Flammar- | St. Croix, St. Kitch, Antigua, Guaded, know no. oue here, and 1] «pagsie! You do know !" I'he speaker was a chauffent. He | thats was to assist in' his naturaliza- | ion obtained his remarkablo photo- {loupe Dominica, Martinique, St. Luda, . i! read : [don't care to make 'any a juaintances | yoo ' seen Bessie yet ? "She has | for so hott a time: 1 tell you, Wel : s + Barbadoes and Demerara. Tom!" resumed : tion. In a few days August again graphic dotument, M. Bigourdan, as: For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of¥ : : : | i aie Seana "The automobile 'has familiarized 'ug'| turned up. Presenting himself to the | tronomer at the observatory of Paris, ge ahd all information, apply to. taken n fine position in an ofticé in the | don, the green fields will look pretty : with gasoline, aml we have forgotten | clerk of the court, he bestowed upon declared the tail had disappeared. This e BRIDGE & 50 bi Fy : : Gy Gets a iy Salary, and nover | good to me next spring A Praying Man. York ; AUR AHERN, Sec ward Walker arc going on the steam- wants 10 come back to the country | . Weldon . : I: ho ] 1 i { we tke out grease spots with it, 'we | saying : 'Vell, here -4 vos !' 'Pleased | least modified. The comet's tail, viry bec, Canada, or to Ticket A, . barge Simla, of Garden Island The again. v seems she learned {ypewri the house and view of the back yard {tion was republican candidate for E . ' » : A 2 Co s gunts, J. ¢ tetough of his old time acquaintanee's | "0 thou omnipotent, omniscient, om-| oven use it in shampoos. to see yop, I'm sure," said the clerk, [faint in the radiations that ware HANLEY, snd 0.8, KIRKPATRICK, new cnginecr is "Del." Simmons, of . - ng while she was at her aunt | affairs, but Tom insistently continu |nipresent, all seeing, ever living, bless and lawn. governor, was found dead, yesterday, |Garden Island. y 3 3 : ps Pe . + ¥ hi had 1 Wi bea ; ; [its perils. We wash glaves with it, | that dignitary a broad Teutonic smile, declaration must be revised, or at Q ship looked 'as if he hac ward | en men begin their prayers with : : . Fo x .; | Klugston. | y "Gunpowder stays where you put [With a polite sarcasm. 'Would you visible to the human eye, had in fact Li aura = . 3 , but gasoline uses its wings, There | mind adding who you are and why | almost disappeared from the eye of cousin, and house- | an. 1 Hamilton, Ont., March 6.--Accom-| mation obtained yesterday and last |for the boat, the captain engaging onc keeper, Julia. At the close lu of. harvesting was well under way, 1 just | gas jot and burned a young girl to) OPC. 'It says, "Rofirn in five days," | camera. But for its portrait its faint- material. Daniel Catinach, carpenter, panied by a photographer Detective | night, placé the damage done by the and tho council the other. The old "Have you Bleakley and Detective Coulter again | storm to public service corporations | crew, except the engineer and fireman, visited the Kinrade home, this morn-|.t $700,000 to $1,000,000. Harry|are the same. Rawley Mullin and Ed- ing. The photographer took flash|Granger, a brother-in-law of George light photographs of the interior oi |R. T. Granger, who, at the last elec- at some one qreupy ing fhe scat beside packed my gip and came on a mo Strain} He ig A nose Sorting aes | douth: So the next lime vour wife he exclaimed, 'under here I vos!" Hess, above all in the shy of the greay H RPOOL Sal ANGE ian ny is ill with pneumonia. Martha 1, him. and then thaetice of his dreams ment's notice." nix 4° BoE 10 he paid today, | asks you to ofder her' somo gasoline, eivy. ans, woulp ave Hace one { ' on the theory that the murderer GREATEST ALARM the 'five-year-old daughter of Charles ii . : ; spoke. ie Morton av I Yawled the contuc td he fouls mogant, and he goes | toll her Youd rathot she'd: try gun. Reward Goodness In France. helicve it had really disappeared. orsican. sulla... Mar. Sth, Mat. 6th, ' mounted the back fence and escaped Hall, has been wvery ill this week. . "You haven't forgotten old friends tor 3 hy | on his kiees (Le a cricket on | | owder." : Every year the French Academy | The spectrum analysis of this comet | Virginian, sails ... Mar. 19th. Mar. 20th. by a lane at the back to Bay street | Over Report of An Advancing |Charles Laws and family left on Wed- : ; ' so:soon." 5 LC | Tom helped Bessie off the car, and |." Be these majes. | 3 seeks out some one person whose life |i* no less strange than its photo |, GLASGOW SAILINGS. or C. ar > Shape ts the mouwdtain, possibly to| Army. jay for their new howe in Roches ha hi 3 ; ; oP He tur and Tooked into Bessie's f they 'went down the avenue under the | oicaly moving phrases about God. | he asylum. Teheran, March 6.--The greatest|ter, N.Y. Many of their friends went i % ; : : 7 ee i 8 Then he ¢GRS 6 ths TT i How She Recited It. has been a model of goodness and vir- { graph. The moasurements of M. le Carthaginian, from Boston ....Mar. 4th." | blue eves. : . | same umbrella : fen h ay that h he ol A Chitawo stage manager was tells | PU and recompenses him or her with i de la Baume-Pluvinel, assisted | Sicilian, from Portland .....Mar, 11th08 In Black Brown. Navy Tan HAMILTON TRAGEDY alarm yet felt in the Persian capital [over to Cape I just learned from a letter that! "Tom." she said shyly, "1 heard all 5 Ha) a 5 ' ' ' . . ' b { : rE . ~0 E A ond : 2 . C ) ; ; ined : 4 om : y, , inner. Then he asks for his daily |g of amusing incidents of blunders a thousand francs, and the name is by A rs i Whe shacrvalors. of ot Cait od Spwards, Third. Clas, A Srey is_being experienced to-day as the re-|Mrs. J. Robert, ¥ eel r he fy bh re 5} Pd To fome ou said to that man . | sead He has it, and he can al-| and errors caused by stage fright. In Shgraved iu tho ol ol Oe Sa re of on is ad, 430.00 and rates on ig i A Foreign Woman Jumped From lt of the report that General 2 Rae, of J aterton Adon. 00 . S O i us AL onpig Tor eity ie, Saing | a Ted Be should. It ways ask for it. when he has it. Then romantic play, recently revived, one | mes: the prize falls to an old; ses ond I comtn the, | pilcation 30. Th JRANLEY:. of hs PE Fgh Bridge. ig Tord DE ral aers kT Rey of the. late Maurice J. . iis fae decked, © Tn wwe talking. Hunk Eihe 'jumps up and goes over 1g the OF the minor shatacters, a dairy: maid, 1/80, Y Ose COROSIOn (6 Somme "hoor , ELS, i. . A KIRKPATRICK, Local Ageots, King. ; : } # i city He comes back at night and! comes forward at the end of the ve family has endured through ycars of one is formed principally of cyanogen, | ston. : 5 Hamilton, Ont., March 6.--Another against Teheran from Rosbt. The few | Langdon, who died in Boston, of ap- oe : . a 1 ' "You don't 'seemed to he pleased," | "When I came home from Aunt | A x A -- Ly 4 a r S ac tragedy was enacted known this | government troops available are ro itis, aged thirty-iwo years, took 1 : cS ap > ¢ 2 ' | # : to think of you as anywhere but back Julia, told me vou had gone because goes through a similar wordy jem of cital of a love romunee, and comments | Misery and hardships. Again, as in{a gas composed of azote and carbon. morning, when an afknown woman being called on to defend their city. {place from his uncle's, J. leary, ° ! i 0 8 i , might as well call myself amqrnitho- ted their «dove; they plighted their [er life-long faithfulness and care of. a Jit into our peighborhood, and if, oa Wate red Moreen . : di 1 3 " 1 thero in the green fields. I wish we vou were tired of farm life." logist because I eat a chioken ou in | troth: [" ' blind mother and brother. Among all [we have said, swe had received a few ? nelly, of the city, has t Mra. A. EL Made Up Like. His Dads." A were both there this minute." "But Ahe surely gave you the long y rail. She landed on the ice, 100 feet | Stevenson's cottage. at Alexandra ' yt 'No, bessie: I am not. I don't like went to your house and vour cousin, praying man A praying man? 1! Hope filled their youth and whet. {academy awarded her the prize for Jf the ¢xirse of our vagabond had led high level bridge. A farmer, named|to be far greater than first announ-!jist church in the villa, James Don- ced. : Eh « : | Beecher. girl who playéd the dairy maid was |honor there are barely twenty mascu- | meters of tha gas arising from its dis Nichol, saw the woman jump off the a / " "You'd give up your active, stirring: - "No; not evén a message. Then came | ee i nbsent = without. notice. At the last |line ones. integration, the political afiaits of our > 5 . [| ter, which is about ten feet deep. The| [ondon, Ount., March 6.James Pyke, of Kingston, has moved to Jos- & " life herve? 1 thought vou were oniwre-. vour note from the college, and well, ! Z moment: the manpger gave the lines to nieces planet would have come to a stand- make. Regular value 50¢ yard. [body was later recovered. The woman | Dykes, Wardsville, the famois checker [eph Saunders' snd will assist Mr. 1a shepherdess, who had never had See Bibby's new 50c¢. caps. still for some time, and discussions om years fa i f th oa x 0 ve He stared at her wonderingly ¥ time 1 saw Julia, she said she had For sale at Whig office, "the home | lines to F 2 } Y d | years g heen noti S i 1 T vi yy 1 ime 0 © r it 18 necessa y t ha o . o A, a | ; = jyears of ge. - been notified by a firm of Scottish coming season. The Calvin company, Th 8 y Tr Iv weaned away from green fields. I didn't write again, because every | Customs. Entry Forms. ' s : . |was a foreigner, about twenty-four | player, forty miles from London, Bes |Saunders to works his large farm this A : : : spenk before, and who was| We are solv agents in Kingston for | fiscal reform or the licensing bill would er rv---- : . : <1 "Will you tell me when you (ame, heard from you and that you were | Of good printing." | excessively nervous when her cue came. the famous Neilson's chocolates, at| have ceased entirely. : | lawyers that the members of the fami- | Garden Island, are employing twenty- ood solid Shoes on the youngsters. Keep their 4 where your position is. where vou live, having such a gay time, and that vou | es i his is what the astonished audience | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. But the coma is far away. 150,000, | Express Wrecked. ly have fallen heirs to the Fredericks- | five Wolio Irland young men in 'the ice f. £004, Solid & or . ; 3 i } . » Easton, Pa., March 6.~The Chicago | burg, Va., estate worth 87,000,000. |hysiness, as they have three large feet warm and dry, and they will be healthy. This material makes ideal anderskirts and : : and why vou did not l¢t me know you lived in a big boarding-house and | ! tecommended by physicians," Red | heard : SeeBibby's 82 brown derbies. 600 of kilometers from our planet, so {New York express, on/the Lehigh Val-| Captain Wood, superintendent of the | hoats to lohd for a Chicago firm. > . Tuesdays at (10a, ms.) 10 it were hero ? werg going to theatres and--' . Cross Beef, Iron and Wine. Sold in| 'Hope filled their trough. and Blight: | The face value of courage shows up {we may continue to watch it without | I Pry ER OURS, BREMEN Sail . y 3 J - essin Cecilie" Ki minz Wilbetm'* (y i hed Pack : i Selkirk. Manitob ill I het Cape We h splendid stock of 'Little Boys' "I came. threo days ago. I do type | Tom's laugh rang out lustily. | Kingston at Gibson's Rei Cross Drug led thei love; they whetled their } When it faved mislortune:, Roval tea alarm. : RARE 1 tr Will or Grin . | ley railway, was socked in Packerton | insane asylum, Selkirk, Manitoba, wi There is great travel ween ave 8. 3 : writing in the law office of Boardman 'I am at a big boarding-house, but|Store. { tooth 1 eautiful premiums with Roya a} w Sailings on mis linings, and is almost one-half the regular {vards, forty-three miles west of this | represent the family in Scotland. Vincent 'and the ¢ity 'these days. The |: : e . re rt : P $-Calf & Livingston. 1 bourd at 227 Morton as yet only know one man to speak} Seo Bibby's new brown derbies | sii id mii Gilbert's. © Overjoyed. Fe Wea! tae) URG, BAX nen solli h > fae ity. No passengers were injured. ice in both channels ig excellent. Wil- nd Boots, made up in Vici Kid, Box Calf aten 8 avenue" tog Haven't been to a thefitre--we will! How 3 neve man does penis point. | At The Market. "| Seo Bibby's 32 brown hats. Houston Post. "Friedrich der Grosse" "heme % 58 ng PH : : | The Sentences Tmposed. liam Howe; eystom officer, ave jf of and' the 'heavy Grain Ledther at prices ranging "I'hat is in the same block where go to one to-night." (ing with pride to his superior judg- Harpecyg® Bazar If you are dissatisfied with your lot "How did papa act when you ask Customs Entry Forms. Guelph, Ont., March 6.--Judge Rid; |house warming to. his many friends on 5 § : Br oA Re . my boarding house is--but wy last Her laugh was mirthiul but hedittle ment ! { 5 : : , w ihe 1 For sale at Whig office, "the home dell, Toronto, to-day, announced sen- Friday evening. Many fom the. city from $11.00 2.00. a io ffi : question, Bessio 1" apologetic Bibby's, the Jatest hats, 82 'hope vonr master and mistress have| -A fool and his father's money are 1 could see that he was tryibg to. lof good printing." ; tences in the cases of the three Grand [attended. W. Taylor, biacksmith, = is ? 4 ; i C . 6 : ¢ "1 didn't suppose you would care to 'I ought to have seen ihe ancthod) Cooks mn come nnd cooks may go, {not forgotten that they're coming to | easily separated. ' control himself, but he presented all Ep --_ Aaet°° nj Trunk trainmen convicted of man-|laid wp with a cold. Willigm Patier- 8, . * : know." in Julia's madness." but the eating habit goes on forever, dine with me to night Tho latest hats, $2. Bibby 's. ~|the symptoms of a man who has A DRO | School teachers, pupils, members, of slaughter, in having caused the Harri- |son, of Prbalny & on the island buy- | ; . B pa : Resse!' fell me why vou came here Bes | Fresh snpply ggi soups. He. pke.,| Cook-Indade ' aml ' they've not 7-1b. pails marmalade, 6 "ilo drawn a straight flush." { Board of Education, all invited to [son wreck, in January last. Engineering horses. Mrs. John Xedos ; Fol " = . h | . ; CK i i t, : : es : i hear Bonner, Ontario Hall, Monday, | Kennedy got » ed Just then a woman. weary and old, vie? pt Gilbert's. N {They've orderdd a good, hearty meal | bert's. , Ee RL ear aie pune eight. gH jell . a tow Jays visting wo: ic PA 1 & : 4 i " Es ; came into the car, and Tom instantly "I was so lonesome, 1 couldn't stay] Bibbw =, ¢ {at home at six o'¢lock. : + Bibby's, the £2 hat store. The latest bats, 2. Bibby's. | Mareh Sth, at 8 o'clock. while - Conductor Fleming ay rake- Hast week, at MH. Morrison %, ard & 2 x Re p | It isn't necessary to tell a booze! man Lane were allowed to go on sus-| Ranious have filled many of the large tighter that he should love his encmy, 'pended sentence, ice houses at the village, J sho said, flushing. | Laura's I heard you had come here. I' "evening prayer," and he is Falled "5 a8 follows : the case of Miss Sclinga Le Clere; the | And that is an exiremecly deadly gas. commitied suicide bf jumping off the |The strength of Petrofi's army is said {on Thursday morning to the Metho- : : ! TY he { a while . for dinner. ~Henry ard | Jut at onepi the performénces the the names mentioned on the list of | whifis of stveral million eubic kilo 38 inches wide, extra quality, English {below, and went through to the wa- Are Heirs To Millions. Point, and has moved there. Rodney he: lguked incredulous. letter I left for you Irs. C.--Good morping, Bridget. 1|advertiso it fof sale. him for my hand ?"'