DAY, MARCH ONTARIO, MON = SEE Ea " : : - y ; PROBABILITIES. Ont., March S.---Ottawa rence © (10 YEAR 76-NO. 56. KINGSTON, rr ANGRY STORM BOLD SCHEME sonal following, and that his views are entertained by a multitude Canadian Methodists. There is a similar quarrel im Univer- sity College. Some time ago 8. H. Blake, K.C., took exception to the {Biblical teaching of Prof. Eakin and it is understood that one of his re TWO YEARS IN KINGSTON. ICELAND IS RESTLESS. of tr em Seduction Case With Intermational Features. » Brockville, March 2.--For seducing Ethel May Wiltsie, aged hifteen, from Copenhagen, N..Y.. Robert Burt, o Toronto, Relations . With Denmark Are Greatly Strained. . Copenhagen, March S.--The relations of Iceland with Denmark have recently become greatly strained. Iceland for Valley und Upper St Law a.m )--Fine to-day. easterly winds, with snow, ul sole localities to Seat of ra Among the Theologians Has Not Abated. IFIER MR. JACKSON New York Swindlers. WAY TO GET MONEY |Act of Nervy ) sons for resigning from the board of goNgriors of the university was to have his handé. free to attack what ho considers ths heterodox teaching. In-. deed, both in Victoria and in the University of Toronto there is aclear- cut battle between the higher eriti- cism and the old theology, and it married = man with a wife. and two small children, was given the maximum penalty of two yedrs ia the penitentiary by Judge McDonald. Burt claimed that the girl was fo blame for his predicament, and that jie had taken her from her father's home on account of the abuse heaped upon her by a step-mother. The ab- Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS long has had home rule and during all possible liberties from Denmark, but the majority of the Icelandic pat liament favors the dissolution of all governmental ties with Denmark. Iceland's minister of home afiairs, Mr. Hafistein, who supports the policy the the past few . years' she has obtained] - mes HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS of a good understanding between Yiwo countries, has been forced to re sign. Bjoern Jonsson has been nomin- ated to succeed him, and he is strongly hostile to Denmark. If his candidature prevails it will be taken in Denmark as a serious affront. . seems certain that if a reconciliation is to be effected some compromise must be made by the Carman and duction having been committed aeross the line, he could not be prosecuted WHO HAS BEEN NAMED AS oit'it here, loko schools as: well as by those who CLUB MEN ANXIOUS TO FIND GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. PROFESSOR. [follow Mr. Jackson. THE PAIR. : LL SIBLE FORM. nly : 4 Faces A Crisis, Ther reason to fear that the Mcthodist church faces a very serious crisis. II patience and charity are not exercised, the denomination may be rns asunder. It will be remembered m + that Rev. George Jackson has been rch 8. > re Bs . : p Toronto, March 8. While there is 2 appointed to the professorship of Bib- lull: in the storm, the excitement in : bed 7s f y ical history in Vietoria College. Un- the Methodist church, a | : . , Dr. Carman's attack upon Rev. Georg der his hand will pass successive class Jackson a » 5 4pon ; ev. A los of students for: the Methodist min- y as heey by. no means abats |i 40 and his mark will be set ed. Mr. Jackson has been appointed | = (po Methodist church of ihe fu- : ia : ad) ' & { professor of Biblical history in Vie | pe x toria College. He declined calls Determined Opposition--It is Re. ported That Nothing Than the Cancellation of Appointment Them. They Secured a Key For a Well- Furnished Club Room, Sold the Furnishings to a Second- Hand Man and Disappeared. Then An Auction Sale Follow- ed. New York, like to buy the be Everything in World's. Fashion found ia Our Vogue in Centres will Collection: is Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. : Soliciting orders for liquor in Prince Edward is prohibited. There has been a conflict between Russian and Chinese troops near Har: bin. An avalanche has destroyed a house in the village of Pradel, province of { Belluno, Venetia, killing fifteen per- i sons P : [ The Deering Coal company, a $5, 000,000 corporation -- eperating mines in Intliana and lines 18 in the hands {of a receiver. : Walter Howie, Brantford, making a | h 'h kick, lost his balance inmid-ai { and fell. heavily to the floor, break- Fing his leg below the knee. Forty-five years ago. John Baker, Pontiac, 11l., bought $1,000 worth He Tess 'SHE WON'T PAY TAXES. His Will Appease Suffragette May Go to Jail For Woman's Rights. Chicago, March 8.-~Viola B. Squires will" defy the city to collcet her per sonal taxes, and will go to jail if ne ccssary if' the cause of woman suf- frajye. She has! writtén a letter to the county attorney almost, daring him to proceed with his collection, using as hee argument the immoral phrase, "Paxation without representation anny.' "1 am sick of. the notoriety my action has caused," she said this morning, "but 1 am going to stand my ground, regardless of what the county attorney may see fit. to do." Mafch 8.--+ 'Would you some furniture, Mr. Weiss ? asked a man, who, with a companion, stepped into the second- hand store of A. 8. Weiss at cond street "Maybe," answered Mr. Waiss--whe | nd shows eagerness, for fear his customers will ask high prices. "What {you got?' "Why, there is table, 150 leather holstered rockers, hall racks, rugs, genuine oil paintin and a lot of other stufi' "How much "Seventy-five dollars. "let me get my coat," answered Mr. | Weiss, and he got his coat. The three went out--the hurried along by Mr. Weiss, who never was known to let a bargain get away from him. Ax they went the spokesman explained "You sce this 's the furniture of Norfolk Club. It has up cause iu 18 bankrupt and I am the pre sident. My friend tary. We have got occasioned deep 1 | ture, This fact is apparent to lev 0 . : : Dr. Carman and his associates, the Metropolitan and other important}, : ats i bi : . hore is a determination that hs Methodist churches, Great pressure, however, was put upon him ito remain | ang : ap veg £5 is iy pointmens «hall be cancelled. ; : \ % On the other hand, it is felt that in Canada, and at length, in order | Mr. Jackson is a sane and faitnful in that the full advantage of his scholarship and intellectual" should be secured for Canadian odism, he was induced to accept appointment at Victoria. [It said |} eached the ground which Mi Jack that Dr..( arman and those who hold}, geeupics. The old theology does his views are determined that this ap-| i command the respect and confi pointment shall be cancelled. hey | jence of many thinking minds It bold that it is wholly out of the ques: | fenns to effect a divorce hetween Ahe tion that the young ministers of thel hurches and great masses of the peo future should go out tainted with the | ple. Jackson theology. One suggestion 1%! The danger that unless the ehurch that Mr. Jackson should quietly with | ndvances to the ground upon which draw from the field, return to the old| Mp stands it will steadily country, and leave the church in Can-| jose authority. The religion of to-day ada as undisturbed as he, found it land of the future is in the Sermon on The truth is, however, that, on Fhe Mount and in thé New "Testament. question raised by the controversy | he ancient system of Tests and Ter between Dr. Carman and Mr. Jack: |rors is losing its ascendancy. Christ son, the church has been disturbed for jans than must show wvears. The same in the | their lives the fruits of good living case of Rev. Dr. Workman, and ther well The time has gone has- always been a feeling that Dr when literal acceptance of Workman was unjustly and even cruel and chapter of the Old Testa ly treated. Moreover, necessary to sound Christian hle for Mr. Jackson's coming ada, and for his appointment to Vie toria, are very determined that he shall not withdraw, and that the nar vower creed which Dr. Carman professes shall not be imposed upon the whole church. It is understood also, that, while he has not spoken in the troversy, Chancellor Burwash is .in complete sympathy with Me. Jackson. This is true also of Rev. Dr. Crummy, one of the most intellectual men in th church, and of many other of its best : scholars and thinkers: It believed | Mr: Jackson may be excluded from to be alto a fact that the great mass | 1c! win college and may 'return 10 of the students of Victoria ave with | the Old Country. But there are men al Mr. Jackson, and that it is with dif | his side in this: controversy are ficulty they have been prevented from |= able tn resolute J making a demonstration to this effect { Carman. The . i Jackson will not change their atti tude Nor will they longer submit to aecept their theology meekly and hum It understood last Sabbath the [ily from the al superintendent. students had determined to march in a body to the Sherbourne street church hut finally decided that this would bx to provoke unnecoscary irritation and disturbance. The real struggle doubtodly will in the board of gonts of Victoria College, and whether Mr. Jackson seriods sehism will be occasioned in the church if Rov. Dr. Carman insists upon "ti absolute maintenance of the ground | which he has taken. Ih Carman 's statement. that speaks for the whole church from ocean to octan 1 gtrongly resented, and it is determin od to make it plain that this ment i admitted that he { | | which a piano, a seated chairs, pool H- carpets, mirrors great { strength Meth the | texpreter of scripture, that he ex the thought of the best mo- set olarship and that at 'heart whole chureh has practically presses ors £5 18 ) "'Wireless" Direet To America. Rome, March S.--King Vieter manuel granted a private audience William Marconi and afterwards en tertained the inventor at dinner. His majesty congratulated his guest warm iy on the results achieved by his sys. tem of wireless telegraphy, and Mr. Marconi explained that by the erection of an extra' powerful plant at Col tano, Piza, he jkexpected within twelve months to have direct wireless communication with America ol has Em- corn for the northern armies to | just heen paid for his duties, The snow storm in Montreal, "1 week, very severe. The Halifax C.P.R. express had to cut its way through snowdrifts, fiity feet high. . Rev G J: Salton, Ph.B., of the Central Methodist Church, Stratiord, has received an invitation to one ol Uthe leading churches of Vancouver --Tele- Thi * resignation is announced of A. grams received here from E. Elli of the Montreal Carinthia, Austria, report branch the Bank of British North xt a ies of devastating America. Hé to he superannuated alan . have occurred The boiler of a locomotive exploded there and that numbers of nine miles north of Davton, Ohio, on houses in the different will- the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton ages the = section have railroad, killing the fireman. FE. G beer swept away. It is al- Tripp. ready known that ten Hon have resulted. s00n situation an policy touching deepening of the Welland canal be adopted. A Chinese-Siamese syndicate has six Norwegian steamships JORKPH win MORIN who the p visitors last ted he, wis ravines was poi auditor a and W + the | Jackson hi closed AWFUL AVALANCHE. near the at lhat's why we are making you a price.' Mr. Weiss was taken the elub on Avenue B., where one the front door a the second-hand dealer could no hi¢ enthusiasm. represented. "AN for. $75," he asked. "Yeoi." The deal was closed, the * made out a receipt, and the money was handed over. The receipt : chartered Co" Wile, bn | 0 est Spend in Handing War 16 on se tp ork tenn nn written on club stationery. i Equipment. Hoe Halic between Bangkol and Mr. Weiss advortised "an auetion: Lowden? Maret #4 dipabiliey | a ngs T drew a large crowd at the club next | the t to military uses | At Baton Rouge, La., the execution day. and resold at a handsome profit a k the subject ofan experiment, | Of seven Neyross followed the convie As fast as ihe 'purchasers paid their | : cale, March 7th, when | tion of IX of them for murder and they sent waggons to carry of I war office will attempt to convey | one lor criminal assault upon a mem: 3 1% battalion of infaniey of full strength| ber of his own race. London 16 Hastings Samuel McCauley, aged seventy: da Hastings eight 'vears, was struck by M.C.R. ex: the most vulperable spot for in L pros, at the crossing in South Woods- The some. thousands | lee, Ont. 'He was driving south and dic in number, with machine guus, see ho § train approaching. nition, camp equipment, will *resident Roosevelt. announ: ands his auctioneer befor lrvied "in several hundred will sail for Naples on will be lent by members on the Hamburg-Ameri : The distance to | tan liner Hamburg, which leaves or Mose, in the 1 bi) EL ov Till wi sale," suid he, {Mobile Association 11 will he -showed his receipt to the court | d sold all the furniture. I don't know { Phe ear office recently 3 | who bought it Everybody bought it LOSSY 1 it back.' { tragps there you are jee and the r ine to find "Joe Hart if they have of their natural lives here is SOC a the Vienna, March 8 to sell out one fow manager - Insane Man Had Arsenal Shelbyville, Ky March 8 ---~John W Thomas, who has barricaded him self in his country. home day, and had since held county of Slhielhy bay, dered. and is now iil he Thomas s believed to he insane He had fi teen rifles and thirteen hundged rounds of ammunition in hix house, and pro sufficient to le a month. Iron Ore Shipments. Ottawa, March The total <hip- nents of iron ore from mines in Can- ada in 1008 wove 203,00 short tows, valued at the mine at 186,507, ac compared: with 312.496 tous, valued at $666,941 in 1907. I'he greater part of this production was from the Helen mine, Michipicoten, dolive ed to Mid land and Hamilton. During 1908 very little Canadian ore wis exported. of ) wo n : : is MOE Ad : {o the home of Fourth 188Ue arose street, near Jr, ane doing | by | verse | ment | standing | It would be foolish to that Reve Dr. Carman has great authority {with the Methodist denomination. | Moreover, he has always the {of his opinions. He has served his 'church with zeal and distinction for hall a century and for Methodists there would be little satisfaction in a contest. which would 'subject the gene ral superintendent to humiliation. It is however, that the quarrel averted by compromise of the men open Tues the whole prren since = every 1 od Kes Inside longer I'he furnitu with 4 of Ladies' Tailoring and Gown Making Many of know from markable Ladies' ing and at has those responsi is AS 4 , restrain ' m to Can [# as P. Graham that the financial aggressive was as Says as deny oases the will "4 # 4 # our renders. alfendy HOKHAACK TO MAKE EXPERIMENT secretary" visions Gur lines Dressmaok- are sure ing again this To those who have not tried this depart- went, we would say: There wie pleastire you in prove we fully for courage Ast ol the und experience ro. success in of was | Failoring x these we of see- ton- | season, of antomobile | lees in store for i only be ing for yuiursell that des thy, hest {car | j can on a la on serve our reputation 8 Lhe money . everything. Material, Fit, Finist, Style and Value. BOOKING NOW SIEACY'S, 0006000600000000000 9 thicir goods. When several and back on of the club member appeared, to-day, and lot themselve they the rooms bare. They made enquiry and moved on Weise in force. He couldn't stand them at all; so they ith ed as kh ame being regard an us as surrender found | vasion. troops, ammu- | ot WE AR} be ¢ar- Former which | ces that he the Auto-| March 23rd, under ORbERS him Magistrate ssex market court Action Of Students. took ARE CONFIDENT. is ears, gene ¥ ot Hamilton, Ont., March 8. --The police talk with in- creased confidence of their ability to solve the Kinrade mystery, and intimate that they have hopes of clearing it up very soon. They in- sist that the enquiry shall go on next Wednesday. The detectives have had fre- quent interviews with the family in Toronto. It was not until Wednes- day last that Mrs. Kinrade knew the full truth about her daughter's murder. Up to that time she had been led to believe that the latter's death was due to non-recovery from an opera- tion, the result of an ac- | cident. Miss Walker, the nurse, broke the news which # seemed to come with crush- # ing force. he covered be | ¥ CONSPIRACY TRIAL. -------- St. Petersburg, March 8.-- Proceedings havevsbegun in high court of Moscow in- volving the largest con- spiracy trial on record, 384 persons being charged with belonging to a criminal organization the object of which was the stealing of merchandise on Russian railways. Between 1905 and 1907 over $17,000,000 worth of property was stolen on two railways alone. The accused belong to three categories, namely, profes- sional thieves, or men who = became thieves during the | political revolt, responsible and «often highly placed # iil railway officials and many i | party was cut and raised, retail dealers. _ | seriously injured being 'Mrs. . Ottawa guest, whose nose was laid the full jength and the bone frac about "tl about. '150 miles. | that date for Gibraltar and Naples. conducted suc- | The German steamer Marienfele transporting {from Calcutta for Boston and New busse Negotiations York, is veported-in the Red Sea with progress for the of the her down. She refused assist- of national danger | ance and was intended te » | Already the government has subsidized | jettison her plane driven by a motor aud it i: 12 000, arranged to ascend from the land on COULD NOT STOP IT mts ---- - - - suriac of Accident to Brockville Driving |§IX GIRLS TRAMPLED IN| ; The et engineers preparing plans Party. SCHOOL FIRE PANIC. { the Quebec bridge ave drawing roc) 0 March 8 %1.000 a month, and they are not Broc ville, nt., March compelled to give their whole time to arly waich from Blaze in 4 bond 5 vis the work. It is expected that the ize in Adjoining Building Stam- | J... Will be ready next autumn. pedes Children--Wild Dash For The old material Quebec the E bridge, lying at the ~ bottom of the Buffalo St. Lawrence and the bank will | 4 girls | not be used in rebuilding the ill-fated { structure, as 'the engineers have "nothing but scrap. At Portland, Oregon, Richard Cor tt unearthed 000 in gold dust nuggets while he was spading his 4 ble | POtatO patch The treasure, which 1 able : x altel trogts| "2% In a rusty tin hox, Helen Ow to have been buried by i old. had tralian miner. The school accommo- AL Washington 2 000 tution < drawn tn | Matihe B= : ch : Wi Ni Iwas shot and Killed phile sitting at from the Polish section on tho | pie jock. 'hy Police Collie Col 3 : i his desk, hy Policeman Collier. 0 ade. Of this mumber, LODO boys | jap. it ix all@red, had heen reprimand- dismissed before the panic | og by Captain Matthews for a vreach : : i lof the rules and this angered him. few IdnieS belore the | In lieu of an anti-Japanese statute tor dismissing the girls the California senate expressed its tugihe came clanging down | views on the subject of Asiatic immi he dire was in a botise ad- | gration by adopting, a resolution call chiool | ing upon congress to enact an Asiatic apparatus stop- | exclusion law that would keep Japan NEFvOISness as well Chinese country. At Omaba. Neb. whil® sell "Albert Edholm, » a necklace which local worth more than $50.0 | Selavinits, a, Gre was arrested. a mob of fear- } The necklace was stolen from Mrs. | Otto ©. Heize at the Nickerbocker Ho would be | tel in New York last fall. atlen The annual of the Deutsche its and | Bank; Berlin, shows total turnover lear thent | of $23,617,500.000, an increase of | 8715.000.000 over the previous year, were | The set down as | ®356000.000 and deposits 3317.000, 00h The net earnings for the year) were 5.500.000.) The dividend tains unchanged at twelve per cent At Madrid the. public prosecutor examples John Jacob Astor withdrew the charges iw. the criminal | Stork n Whitman of New Y ord i action recently begun against a church Vib Ridorwas : on y Stephon oy « | employee nami I Rolfir, in connection | ¢ Philadelphia. Hens o ares iw with the case of Ernest Henri Batiste | gion, Nicholas: Longworth of Gin experiments In motor 11 ® ® 9 v ® * & ® ® ® & < @ ® #* @ & 9 @ 4 ® * 2 @ * #& H ® @ ® un Ix re ant can get s hows Y . real pre now in € are go Williams and 'Jo hunt for the rust and the al secretary So it cargo. , [taxicabs in t said i ---------- cock or stays, a sident AX bh n tim BORN. Fownship Mr Major Parseval has completea a new aeroplane which will be tried out shortly near Berlin. In is a mono Woot on of Brighton ve and Mrs. Aubrey Woof, a MilForli Mr. and CRUMBLE 251} « Feb Milford Bloomfield, H. ; 25th ne: @ son Feb. Crumble Mrs THEOWN FROM HULME ~In t M d M 10 HUE FEFHE FER F EF FE SLEIGH 0 rs. "tale goes beyond tho mark, while i per A driving two dant has a great March beloved son KEitinger, aged went here in a | o band sleighs' to attend { Maitland, five miles away, had . | trying experience The sleigh pulling into the hall when the) throwing the occupants [road Nearly every member arg DAILY MEMORANDA. 4 | 9 | at morsing, FEFEF FF AER EERE RRRE ERA ERS used in Tuesday Division Court wel FEE ERERFF #* Vaccination Ontario pau. Light and Tuesday. ston March TH Barbara Archi on upset : on Bagot St ix voung i: A a panic at School in oul on of the Forrester 1 wife of Pr itee i Ww br > ver Co i wer mi tho 86 [ia re hs » Fillplors is requested {hat no mos Parochi: } Eri F "Come Back To Grand House 8.15 pm 8 pou Regimen I'neatre--Wonderful 800 feet in the au Fan," (Colored) ; 'The wiother,' (Pathetic Drama). in Illustrated Songs. March 8th, In Canadian History. 1822--The lirst built Canada. 1851--S8ir jug the strait of Opera | | ported "it was FOR A FEW DAYS WILL BE DEMONSTRATED IN OU STORE A IT IS WELL WORTH TRYING Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Prircess street - hl et it KE NOTICE. An Mahogany and Wal e, already ished, for $85 can't everyday, ay ® + children HADIGIHOIHNS --~Toronto St. Michac $ inh : NQULD TAX INHERITANCE Hockey; 14in Bijou flying an open 34 ) {tured>s--She was also cut ni ot 8 severe With | and v lacerated faces and n the head and the wii arms. ASIA LILY LOST LOOKED INTO HOLE AS "AUGER EMERGED. Wilbur lhe French Will Wri M Step Wes SHACK childs were {head. IN BE | Whole | : ¢ supposed | omes old Aus -------- ment b Surgeons an LAMP FLASH KILLS 1,000. 'a ut Es Ig " trowska, ele vers a Captai W H tne ia aptain "a BY of the fifth police precinct sprained anl dates about troly cast Fleet of Flower Boats Burned. Victoria, B.C., March 8 on the Canton river, costing the loss had | of more than 1,000 lives, followed theloccurred. An | overturning of a kerosene lamp on It flower boat, while the steamer Akima, regular reached this port last night t Hong Kong. hoat burned the Hames boats and permitting no owing to the difficulty the cumbrous flower |along in an unbroken line was | by iron. chains: a jron bridge was in Alexander Baunerman, Cros Nofthumberland in an jeeboat, arrived at Charlottetown Lo as sume office as Lieutenant-Governor of rdce E rd Island. | » : Phince Ewa aos forse acrived ot | Point Edward Man Met With m South Halifax on their return ir R Accident in a Peculiar Manner oa. Aoou-. The Rev. Father One Day Last Week. St. Michael's Cathedral 10903-=Richeliou & Untario new steamer Montreal burned at Mon- {ein real. One person was killed and sixty | were injured at the fire by the collapse of a shed. 1904--The holders in Frunk Pacific \ dizaster ; = i Former Minority Leader Jimmy Oliver Brings Out New Bill at Albany. Albany, N.Y March 8.--Adsembly man Oliver, of" York, has intro duced a bill providing for a grauluat sd inheritance tax to range from on to twenty-five per cent." on all pro gerty, inherited by will ck intestacy f more than 35,000, although such inheritance is not liable: to the when it is of value between and S10000 and is of the immediate family cedent. Otherwise such than. $5,000 and less than Ou § tax of per it ite value. The rate then gradually in as the amount of the inher until Gt 1s ty ty five inheritance of heen was only a time which when a fir {was a March S Nel The i Point lost | edge, f his eves through a The captain building of a scow Vo Hyan, Toronto, | Company's we + ww the siree to the reaching Capt. water sy jdning ward, to othe one to es\ of mov-\ ving Sarma, Unt, R. Empey, the sight of one o whe ol Ihe sound of ping among the by caused ese aliens out of of | the stam- ns dent the which has a dredging Edward holes boring. He was on man with the anger on | Toronto, Just. as Empey put | Craig, the hole the workman, who ompleted it hrot _ strikmg Mr bursting Leingular was and when one. "Fire wild cape, tailway share the Grand | Grand Trunk London approved arrangement superin tending them or the company feonty Point SOM boat trying 1c local jeweller wellers say is #, John D tar (HH made fast pe nimost to were Swept stan and 1 he that a wt at their they seconds the did 1 to om hat the de 1 } transfer up aug nt tenet ck Powers To County Council March Major J. member of legislature East Wellington. shoved posal in regard to. the operations Empey ball pre to was r¢mob hntng ck the ot workman was ons side and the opposite side wade and in a few S the has a drastic ways were ammed with crazod children. When it impossible t 1c inheritance of = mor TA his eve t« that girls, th te ; "Pro was seen 1 «uhje to a one GO boring control the tc madi oO repart \ | aut Book: | An article yo genuine tigue the auger the automobiles on country roads was turned a which hé will give notice ol shortly. The proposal is. in word, 1] il give county coudeils the power -1 hree-fourths « t he h auto ' } sk bhcfore the | CrEASeS the know of the other's in Neith sence { the ed. motion 5 i phone tabee increases B® mea Mr Empey hospital; wher the evi ¢ TOS. for : O00 or My said per cent an over. 6 FeRIOVEd $ dren quick assets are : or mat in SRT was Temover to ir quick: assets a Taking Out Policies. London, March S.-~Many merthanis are taking out policies providing for the payment of capital sums in the went. that the fdext budget contains a heavier taxation on tea and sugar ° than that laid on other qemmodities. The premitms charged are \DXry heavy, Ehon Daklwin, who murdered his mother, Mary Baldwin, on their farm. two miles cast of Sangatuck, Mich was sentenced for life in Jackson pris- prohibit entirely the running of mabiles on Saturday and -- such localities as the council should rk Holocaust order. Saturday chosen The little lis the farmers' market day, lav being the day of rest. ih than very few contyy. He Oliver in introducing that a hit ago there were lionaires in this i bi laps line occurrid | ay o More Memorial To Ma Cleveland, Ohio. March = of land in Collinwood. stand the ruins of the which burned a year ago 9 nuffed out of 170 en. | the will be purchased by the state hoon, will be held for ever as a probable site ska, a monument Tos . tn vears WHS those is bece no be the and am plot upon hind Ja which house 1 + floor, ------ creaming When the school Giracd flung at he woman who herself from high level hridge Hamilton, has und entified as Miss Annie Robidos: a Polish woman, twenty-two of age, employed at the Tuckett She had Lk the lives Wa ! ys 3 ae West, claimant of the Sa kville peer} innit. and Hohn Hopkins, of Balti age and estates.' The prosecutor sta- | ted that there was po evidence { against the defe®lant. and UnCONnSC ous vive The agyeratod, drew BEAUTIFUL SETS $1.43, all A 1Q-piece sets, from $1.99 3 Odd shapes in Old Blue, at $2.25 large variety of rich sets, in Doulton and other high-grade makers more, who were worth a uillion more. "The wealth of the country was vo much more evenly divided at that time among the entire popula: Ontario hall, to-night, Bonner, of | tion," said Me. Oliver, 'that we were am- | England, anti-vaccination lecture. Fine|a prosperous, happy and contented Ipictures, 14th hockey returns, Free, people." vials YAS rompad \ returns, with fine views strange Iv. hall, to-night anti-vacanation of. the pauic, greatly ex- large crowd of for- juke, and it was | colors, 0 OF Quaint 6 pieces, for S 6 piece C ely beny astis ---------------- ¢ a hockey 14th 0 QT } nn the police re for the nn and fears are entertained that he may noi recover, 3 oft i out Ladies, children, evervbody. will get fine views, good lecture, 14th hockey returns, Ontario hall, to-night. Free, ntario with | The pope is suffering Ir influenezy | necessary ' to clear bulance doors, onne lecture, | seryes the wr Robertson Bros... Way - -