LOH CLTY gai EGEE- . RAILWAY IN CONNEOTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway $45.10 'PACIFIC COAST Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. Second-Class One-Way Daily Commencing March 1 KINGSTON -- OTTAWA teave Kingston, 12.01 p.m... Ottawa, 6 p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.45 a.m., arrive King ston 3.06 p.m. Full articalars at K. & P. and O. 7 R. Ticket Office, Ontario St, 'Phone, 50 : F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union i : .m, daily (Sundays ce, burn and all points north. ° d to Bannockburn, 0 Points on Central Ontario, rolite your ship ments le fol sh a. W Bloxsdt Royal Mail Train THLE RAILWAY Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dinin Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. arrive Intercolpnial Railway uses Bon- aventure Umion Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Tickst Office, 130 St. James Street, or RAILWAY. HC DRGUL LESS Low One Way Colonist - Fares to Pacific Coast RIA B.C. wis INISTER, R.C. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL TOURIST SLEEPING CARS cless tickets to CHICAGO AND WEST J. P. HANLEY, Agent, On sale daily, until April 80th, 1900, SEATTLE, WAS. 1.08 ANGELES, CAL., Kingston, Tuesdav. Thursday, and Sat- thereof as far as the PACIFIC COAST, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. at the following fares from Kingston. VANCOUVER; B.C; ) Vic 1 1 TACOMA, WASH. $45.10 PORTLAND, OREG. SAN DIEGO, CAL. MEXICO CITY, MEX. $46.05 urday, at 2.85 a.m.. for the accommoda- tion of passengers holding first or second nominal charge is made for berths, which may be reserved in advance. General Passenger Department MONCTON. N.B. Lowest Rates to Bermuda From New York every 10 a.m. 8.8, $20 and up. From New York 10 a.in., S.8. $30 and up. NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES New Steamer "'Guiana,'"" 8,700 »ous, with all up-to-date improvements. S.8. "Parima,'" 8,000 tons, $5.8. "'Koroona," 8,000 tons, sgil from N@&w York every alternate, W esday, for St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guade- loupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bagbadoes and Demerara. Wednesday, at "Trinidad" 2,600 tous, every Saturday, Vat "Bermudian' 5,500 tors, or illustrated pamphlets giving rates of | and all information, apply to OQUTERBRIDGE & CO, ents, Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y. Quebec, Uanada, or to Ticket A ts, J. PF HANLEY, and OC. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Kilugston. Royal ALLAN Soa" LINE LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. From St. John, Halifax wee Mar, Sth, Mar. 6th. Mar. 1: passage A. E. Quebec Corsican, sails Heaperian, sails 3th. Virginian, sails .. Mar. 19th. Mar, 20th. GLASGOW SAILINGS. Carthaginian, from Boston Mar. 4th. Sicilian, from Portland . 11th. First-Class, $70.00 opwards, Second: Class, $40.00 upwards, Third-Class, $20.00 .00. \ : Additional sailings and 'rates on ap- lication to J. FP. HANLEY, or O. 8. IRKPATRICK, Local Agefits, King: N orth German Lloyd Fastand Luxurious Twin-Serew and, Passenger Steamsbips Express Sailings Tuesdays at (30a.m.) to YMOUTH, CHERBOURG, BHENEY "Kronpringessin Cecilie™ "Kronpring W lbheim™ "Kaiser Wilhelm I1.*' "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse™ TwinScrew Sailings Thursdays at (1%1,0.) to PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, BREMEN "Gedrge Washington (mew) "Grosser Kurfucrst™ "rind Friedrich Wilhelm | + Barbarossa" Friedrich der Groase™ "Bremen iterranean Sailings Saturdays at (1za.m.) to GIBRALTAR, NAPLES, GENO. } i + Neckar" Lule" **Prinzess lreas™ "Koenig Albernt™ » the Globe Travelers' Checks good all ower the world Apply OELRICHS & CO., General Agents s Broadway, New York, or say Local Agent | $41.05 Leave | Reta. EMULSION dy Diamonds For The Tea Table My lady wears her diamonds, to beautify her hands. My lady wears her diamonds, in rings and gorgeous strands, My lady now has" Diamonds,' : of sparkling purity, These brilliant 'Crystal Dia- monds, "* for coffee and for tea. "CRYSTAL DIAMONDS" are the finest table sugar ever produced and are the result of 30 years experience in sugar refining. In attractive 5 pound cartoons and also by the pound. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Company, Limited MONTREAL. ' Had Heart Trouble and "Shortness of Breath For Six Years. Was Weak and Thin--Only Weighed Seventy-three Pounds. Now Weighs One Hundred and Thirteen. Sri, When you find your heart the least bis out of rhythm, your nerves unhinged, your breath short, don't wait until you are strated on a bed of sickness. Take Mil burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. They'll put you in such condition you'll never know" and your whole beigg thrill with new life. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cured Mrs. K. E. Bright, Burnley, Ont. She writes: "1 was greatly tcoubled, for six ears, with my heart and of Truth. 1 could not walk eighty rods with- out resting four or five times in that shart distance. I got so weak and thin I only weighed seventy-three Jouads, I decided at last to take some of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking eight boxes I gained in strength and weight, and now weigh one hundred and thirteen pounds, the most I ever weighed in my life. I feel well and can work as well as ever I did, and can heartily thank Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for it all." Priow 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or mailed direct om receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. 3 ISR clad LLY La] N Cors FULLY RANTEED ) " [hl Rae 0] Ne ? els NONE BETTER MADE Cook's Cotton Root Compound, 'The great Uterine Tonio, fbnly sate effectual Mon latur ou which women can depend, Solid in three ft "0. of strongth--No, |, 2 o. 3 per box 10 degrece strpngcr, Sor special clses, Sold by all druggists, or sent Jropaid on JooQint of price ve yaunphlet. Add ess: Tur Sook Memeing On. Teron 2, S37. Gormeriy Windsor 3 3 "MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big & for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or uicerations of mucous membranes. Painless, and not gent or poisonous. Sold by ats, or gent in plain SraPpa, express, prepaid, for 81.00, or 8 butiles 82.75, Ciroular sent on request. Preveats Cotisgion. Evans Cresical Go. CINCINNATI Standard remedy for Glee, Gonorrass. and Runnings: ney and Bladder Troubles, i a---- you have a heart, make your nerves strong | HOURS." Cures { A WN 48 Kid= | Martin's teams are worthy of special dealers, or Edmagson, Bates & 4 ---- | The Tidings From Various Points | in . Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Death Of An Infant. Gull Lake, March 6.--Death wisited the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Cox and took away their omly son, Charles, aged two mouths, a bright little child, who was in perfect health when taken to bed on Thursday night. On Friday morning as the m was removing him from her arm she found the child was dead. The funeral ser- mon was preached on Sunday in the English church at Ardoch by Rev. Mr. Lyous, of 'Plevna. a Plum Hollow Personals. | Plum Hollow, March 6.--Misses Ed- {na Ackland and Alma Stevens, New- | boro, spent a few days the guests of Miss Lou Smith. Harvey Kilborn has returned from Gananogue. The young- er people of Plum Hollow, spent e { pleasant time at the home of Mrs, { Thomas Percival, Friday. Miss Geor { gin Percival, Athens, spent the week- andl with her cousin, Miss Eliza Perci- val. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills have | moved into the valley. Miss Mary Per- | cival has been spending a few days at Forfar, the guest of her sister, Mrs. | B. Dowsett, | Ferguson Falls Faéts. Ferguson s Falls, March 7.--D. Reid, {of this place, has moved to Lanark | village. Thomas Command has caught mink valued at 814. John Poole has returned home drom the woods last | week. Miss L. Tennant, who has been ill, is recovering. Miss S. Staf- ford visited friends in this lace last week. The farmers around here are drawing a large amount of timber to the river banks which is to be taken away in the spring by A. Nickle. Wil- liam Thomson visited this = vivage |'selling "evaporators. James Carbery {'s on the sick list now. - A Hamon | has bought two hundred dollars worth |of damaged wheat. Thomas Phelan and M. Gray visited Almonte last | week. { oo Wilbur Tidings. Wilbur Station, March 8.--W. Boyd, operator at Folger, has transferred to Lavant Station. weather has been mild but snow come again to the depth of six ches, which will make better sleigh- ing. , H. .Colhoun has come to draw wood for the Wilbur iron ore mines. Miss Hazel Jones has returned from Kingston. . She intends to go west. Frederick: White, who has been living here for some time, is about to mowe to Fallbrook. Miss Mamie Boyd, af ter spending a few days at her home, here, has returned to Kingston. Mrs. Y. McMurty, who has been .on the sick jist, left, last week, for the Kingston Yénered hospital. Charleston Occurrences. Charleston, March 8. --~Thomas I. Spence surprised his neighbors by re- turning home, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 24th, with his bride, a Mise | Scott, of Addison. Master Samuel | Congleton, Addison, is visiting his | brother here. Miss Harriet Green {made a short visit to her home here, {on Monday last. She was accom- { panied by her nephew, R. Steacy, Warburton. Miss Bertha Flood spent Sunday at her home in Trevelyan. She was accompanied by her brother- in-law, Thomas Foster. Wihifrid Cow- an in seriously ill. Anthony McCrea ly, Sand Bay, has been holding a of E. Latimer. Mrs. W. Hunt is very ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. Kelsey. A little son has afrived at the home of R. Covey. i Westport Waits. Westport "March 8.--Horse races will be held here on Friday next, a named race and also a farmer's race, which | will let ih all the fast ones. of North { Crosby, Bedford and Burgess. Mrs. L. Burner and children, Ogdensburg, N.Y. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mc Cann. J. E. Whaley is atiending to business again. George R. McLaren, {who spent the past few wecks calling on friends in. this lowality, left on Monday en route for his home in Ed- monton, Alberta. J. M.. Perth Road, was in town, yesterday. Newboro defeated Delta, on Tuesday. by a score of eight to one, and now are entitled to retain The Beaty cupy J. L. McEwen has disposed of a fine {eam of matched bay horses to George Ewing, Salem. Westport has never been as well supplied with wood as it is at present in a Jong time. D. R. DeWolfe, who lately purchased the chevse factory at Forfar, will noi make oherse himself, he having engag- ed William Welsh, -#of Newboro, as maker. . Sydenham Social Functions. Sydenbam, March 8.--Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Joyner were "Av Home" op the evening of February 26th to a large number of friends. Again on the evening of March 4th a number of other friends were also highly onter- tained. Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan cniertained at a tea pacty on the evening of March 4th, a number of [their village friends. Miss E. M. Clow returned pome from Toronto on Thursday last! and will take charge of the branch millinery store at Odessa, under Mrs. J. Gavin, i who will opem up there about April 3rd. Mise Gidley is expected down from Toronio to-night and will 'ake {charge at' Sydenham. 'A large erowd | witnessed the hockey match between { Newburgh and Sydenham on Saturday afternoon. Ryan Bros., are busily en- | gaged sawing wood with their steam power in and around the village. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Asselstine, of Moscow, { were among the visitors of Sunday. Miss Laura Taylor,. ill for a few {days, is improving. James Knapp {of Kingston, accompanied by George | W. Guess. has returned home froin a business trip to Westport. Sydenham, |at tho present time, can boast of | | seeing several fancy single and double | driving hordes. on ils streets ever | ternoon. Messrs. Edward and F. ie C. gote \ | series pi revival meetings at the home. Stoness, | N TORTURED Zam-Buk Will Give You Ease ! Just at this sesson when the cold dry winter. is giving way to a milder vet more hyd season, the germs of rheumatism, sciatica and allied a'- ments come upon their victims with renewed force. ' | As soon as you feel any deep-seated Ipain in the Yoints, hack, wrists or (elsewhere, place a liberal supply of {Zam-Buk on the fingers or on the {peim of the hand, and rub it well in, to the part affected. The ating power of this "embrocation-balm' is 1 xceevingly great, ond once having reached the seat of the pain re moves it speedily. "It also ends the ctifiness which is so unpleasant. Frequent rubbings of the afflicted parts with Zam-Buk will not only drive out all pain, reduce swelling, jete., but will strengthen the skin and {issues and enable them to resist cold and damp. The following case will show how Zam-Buk brings ease to those tortured by rheumatism. P. G. Wells, of 338 Ogden street, Fort William, Ont., says: "Follow- ing my duties in attending to pas- senger trains [ often get wet through with rain and steam (the latter in {winter), This with beurs of Aluty in {icehouses in summer was no doubt jthe cause of my ~ contracting matsm in both knees, left arm and shoulder. This got so bad 1 could no longer work and was laid off on | three different ocegsions for several weeks; during which T was under the treatment of my doctor. I seemed to get little il any better, no matter what 1 tried, and this was my state when Zam-Buk was recommended to me. 1. laid in a supply, and 40 my great joy it began to cure me. I rubbed it. well in' every night, = and when a few boxes had been used, found [ was free again from the pain and stiffness of rheumatism. 1 have {had no more trouble from the dis- case and unhesifatingly recommend 'tZam-Buk to all who suffer from rheu- 'matism, muscular stifiness, ete." Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for eczema, ring-worm, ulcers, abscesses, piles, bad leg, suppurating wounds, jeuts, burns, bruises, chapped hands, cold cracks, and all skin injuries and diseases. All druggists and stores sell lat B50: per box, or post free from {Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. i rheu- | | i ! ai] Fad ry. DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. Blue Satin Evening Wrap. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointndent is = guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- ing or protruding piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. One man was killed and several oth: lers were slightly injured by an ex- iplosion which destroyed two mills in {the Hagley yard of the Depont Pow: der company, near Wilmington, Del. "Ibe dead man is - George Whitman, aged fifty years, an employee. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Greéne, of Brockville, announce' the engagement of their dsughter, Edith, to Rev. Ed- ward Whitmore, of Mound, Minnesota, late of Belmont Row church, Birming- ham, England. The trouble with a lot of mén who have good intentions is their lack of | executive ability. THE USES OF BILE IN DICESTION Bile is Quite As Important As Are the Gastric Juices in the Pro- cess of Digestion. Chronic Indigestion Disappears When An Active Liver Supplies Bile in Sufficient Quantities. You think of bile as something dis agreeable and poisonous, something fo be well rid of. In the blood the bile is poisonous and. harmful, but the liver takes the bile out of the blood and pours it into the intestines, where dence of Dr. Geddes on 4th. A plegsant evening was ames and music, and received. W. W. Pri y Lake View Hotel, is building addition as the presen not large enough to accomodate the tourists who come to this place every summer. Edward Hay of Lake Hotel, is putting up a number of summer cottages on his pr: ¥ near the hotel for the ation of tourists. G. S. Monds is enla his store. Thomas Andrew who bas bs on the sick list, is improving. Detlor and Miss Potter have Thur from a trip to Ottawa and o points. Mrs. Frank Files and son near Ottawa are visiti at her father's, James Williams. James Williams, li- cense inspector, has just returned from an official trip out front. ] F. L. Wormwith came near having a fire the other day. His blacksmith shop caught fire in the roof, but the blaze was put out before much dam: age was done. Mr. Thompson, Napa- nee, is talking of - starting a barber shop, which is much needed. J. E. Hays is improving his already large livery by addipg a couple of fine horses to it and some more new rigs. Some of the people took a trip to Toronto last week. Among them were: J. A. Newton, i. W. Pringle, Dr. Geddes, G. E. Thornton and G. A. Miller. F. LL. Wormwith, game and fish overseer, is getting some hass and salmon fry for Big Clear Lake. F. A. Grendom, Saskatoon, who has been spending the winter here is re: turning to the west in a few days. David Hartwick, V. Clark and Wil liam Tryon, are departing for Alberta in a few days. Dr. and Mra Geddes took a trip to Kingston the other day. J. W. Brown had his two broth- ers for a short visit last week. Del bert Castady is fitting up his trotting horse for the spring races. John Black is fixing over his cheese fae- tory. Mortimer Mosier is very low. Mr. Burnham, Sharbot Lake, was in town last week for a couple of days. John Hay is very busy breaking a broncho which he bought recently. Kd« ward Thomspon and James Matson were quite sick on Saturday last, hut are better. Spy t in $68 was of KICKING AT LANSDOWNE Over Telephone™ Service--Sub- scribers Want it Improved. Lansdowne, March 8.--Hilliard Lati- mor bas sold his residence to Loftus Foley and has purchased a lot from J. D. Latimer at the river, atid will erect p house thercon. William McCon- nell has sold his fine residence - to George Potter. Mr. McConnell will | build in the spring. : i A special meeting of the Lansdowne | Rural Telephone company was held last Wednesday evening and was ~at- tended by nearly all the stockholders. The mecting was called to discuss the question of the contral office, somo claiming the manager was receiving too much for his services. Alter .a good doal of discussion it was decided by an almost unanimous vote that Mr. Fredenburg be retained as manager, as he had given satisfaction in every re spect. In every organization there are a few individuals who are never satis- fied, possibly because they never try to realize actual conditions. H thew could take the place of the central! operator, for a little while, they would find that handling nocarly 300 subscrib- ers from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, with one hour for dinner and thirly minutes for tea, is not so casy, and they would not be. so insistent for continual ser- vice. Though Mr. Fredenburg has agreed to give noon service, it will mean extra expense to him. Two steady operators will soon have to be provided, as the system is steadily | growing. | Wednesday the Star-Bachelors; of | Gananoque, meet tho Ramblers on the Stadium rink. The game wae fast and rough throughout, and at one time nearly ended in a fight. It is an ab- solute impossibility for the Bachelors to play a clean game. The score was six to three, in favor of the visitors. A large number of Gananoque 1.0.0.F. came down, Friday night. and wera entertained by local brethren. Evan Steacy is moving out to Bp farm ve- i contly bought from W. J. Turner. Mrs. William Graham is moving into the house vacated by - Mr. Steacy. W. B. Foley is moving on to Mrs. Gra- ham's farm as tenant. Mrs. W. A. Bell is still in the general hospital, Brockville, but is reported hotter. Mrs. Lutz is seriously ill with pneumonia. Miss Ida Moles left Tucsday for Nor- wood to enter store of B. W. Leve- reite. Miss Dake, milliner at H. C. Mulvaugh's, has returned for the spring season. | BOUGHT ISLE ROYALE. Purchased it From British Corpor- - ation. Houghton, Mich., March 8.--The largest island in fresh water in the world has reverted to American own- it fulfills a most important mission. Without bilé human life is chort; for, i. Bile hastens the passage of the food | 'along the alimentary canal. Bile neutralizes the acid which passes from the stomach.to the intestines. | Bile prevents the fermentation food in the intestines, which in | causes gas, wind, flatulency. Bile, in short, is Nature's cathartic and maintains a regular and health- ful process of digestion and of eli- mination. oi waste matter by way of ibe boweis. . But to have a regular flow of the liver must be kept healthy active apd just here is where Dr. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills come in, for they are definite, specific and direct in their action on the liver. | It is only by setting the liver right that constipation can ever he cured. It 'is only by making the livie heal thy, that biliousness and 'bilious, sick headaches can be thoroughly over- come. It is only by making the liv- er active that the most diffienlt cases of indigestion and dyspepsia will over vanish. e A single box of Dr. A. W. Chase's Pills at 25¢, a box of turn bile, and A. Kicney-Liver y af 'will convince vou of their extraordin- recently married to! ary merit. Ome pill a dose, all Co., at Toromto. ership through the diplomacy of busi- ness and without probably the knowl- vdge of Washingion. Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, in almost its emtircty has just been purchased by American intercets from the English syndicaie which owned-it for many years. The deal was concluded in London by ¥. W. Nichols, of Houghton, and Oscar J. Larson, of Duluth, the latter an attorney for the United States Steel Cotpocation. Ii ihe copper country it is believed that the steel corporation intends to cut the timber from the island. and probably to exploit anew its abandoned copper workings. The company making the sale is the slo Royals Land Corporation, Limit ed, with an office in Liverpool. It was organized in 1890 as the Wondigo Copper company, limited, but the name was changed to the present title in 1901. An Invitation To Mrs. fesse. Windsor, Ont., March 9.--Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest woman in Shed world, bas been tendered an invita- tion Ly the executive of the "Old Boys' Association of Windsor" to at- tend a re-union next August. Mrs. Green, her daughter, who was Astor Wilks, and her son; Edwin H. Green, now a railvay magnate, lived at =~ "Windsor teach habits tg Stomach, Liver, Ki are subject to Bilious Attacks, with Indi i N Pill wilt veto adil ge BB will reform health, which the body will quickly f . You ro Corti ug: "health Overcoats : Fit-Reform Song There's nothing in Canada with which to compare these Overcoats. Tan No Merchant Tailor can dupli- cate them in style, workmanship or value. : : The name "Fit-Reform" in a garment means the truest economy, just as it means the finest tailoring. | Guay and Black Cheviot and Vicuna Overcoats $15.10 $25, 16 Tit-TFelorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. All First.Class Dealers Sell DEWAR'S "Special Liqueur!" , 10 about thirty years ago. " IF YOU HAVE A THOUGHT That leans toward a New Spring Suit or Over- coat; the garments are here to clinch it. Our display has no rivals in this city. The styles and patterns are entirely away from the y- made idea, and can only be had at first/class merchant tailor shops, by paying double our 'prices, Come in and try on one of our New Spring Suits and get our prices. You will surely be surprised. Tt is only a pleasure for us to show you through our New Spring Stock We know if you wear one of our Suits or Over- coats this season, that you will give the mer~ chant tailor the go-by hereafter. They are sure to please. New Spring Hats and Caps, all the late shapes. New Spring Neckwear - New Spring Hosiery New. Spring Shirts, etc., just amved. : £5 x 127 Princess Street, Kingston. + The Store That Sects the Pace.