Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1909, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. od India Pale Ale XXX Porter Invalid Stout Every Cork Branded RIGNEY & HICKEY 138 & 138 Princess St. Gress LoveAao Cg The ixoian Reeoy. } Soave Ts Maan 8t. Regis Lumbago Cure Bedford Mills, «Ont., «Jan. 20th, 1909. THE W. A. SINGLETON CO., Crosby, Ont. 'Gentlemen Having Regis Lumbago Cure, I can heartily commend it for Lumbago or Sciatica. 1 have been troubled for years wita it and since I took the second bottle I do not feel an ache or pain, You are al liberty to use my naine. "1 can also say it is a great Medicine for a cough ; have tested it and found immediate relief. ¢ used © your 8t, "Yours truly, "MENRY BELL." fold hy all Druggists, Kingston. STRATA RVR THAR TRO COAL! . The kind you mre looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal {8s good coal and we guar- antes prompt delivery. "Phone, Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. : ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ : ¢ ; ' ¢ ¢ ¢ : : a ] THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pro- perties Municipal and County Deben- tures, Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director *"'wrence street: LADIES" AND GENTS' TAILORING We fully guarantee correct style, artistic perfect fit. d. B. Ouellette, 228 Princess Bt. Auction Sales Rooms ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND govds bought and sold, or goods sold on commission. Auction tended the Auction Sales Rooms, Brock Kingston. J. E. JONES. Aucuonear Bi superior quality, workmanship and Sales premptly City 8t., at- to, 88 at James CampbeHl, TAILOR, 109 BROCK STREET. ami pressed methods 'rice for and deliverec OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and Ohewing at forty-five esints a pound, fs a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclee v Ontario street: Gentlemen's and repaired moderate and garments modern called by Goods M. P, KEYS Antiseplic Barber EBhop lair Dressing and Shaving Parlor. fhree Chair. Quick Barvice. Your vonage solicited. . QA y Sh eis ox 336 King Strect Next door to Wade's Drug Store. The Perfect Prick .& Tile Do., urn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are ready to contract for delivery. Brick that will stand tion at reasonable rates. plant 60,000 dally: ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY Brass and Iron Castings of Any Size or Weight. Place d'Armes ee erin Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ste., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday $ | pats Wash. | | i t GREEMENT CITY AND STREET RAILWAY | For Supply of Power For the Cars | --Negotiations For New Agrec- | ment Now Open¢d---Students 10 Make Test at Light Plant. ~~ | meeting of 'the light, commitice was held, afternoon. The chairman, Elliott, presided, and also pre Alds, Mclhay, Harly, Au- grove awd Carson. . : W. F. Kdly wrote, declining to ful- fil contract to supply oil 'aud asked {that his cheque for 860 be retarned. | Mr, Kelly's reason for not wanting the | contract was that he did not wish to | tender for only one portion of the | supply of sil required. It was decided to return Mr. Kelly's chegiie, but that {in future cases, the forfeit clauso be | attached to all such contracts. | John M. Campbell notified the com- | mittee that he had received a lettar { from the committee in regard to the | gas tank negotiations, and had roferved {the same to his solicitor. The city | solicitor will be advised of this, and | the matter left in his hands, for in- siructions for the committee. On the advice contained in the let- ter of the city solicitor, the commit- tee will recomménd the payment of 18750 to Charles Bostridge, whose son {was killal by touching a livg wire, {thie to bo in full settlement of his | claim. | The street railway notified the com- [niittee that the agreement with the | ¢ity, for the supply of power, expired | this: vear, in the month of June. The company wrote in reference to a new agreement. The chairman said that it would be well for the members to study out the old agreement first, before taking up { the matter. | Ald. Angrove said that the one [question was as to whether or not, the present. agreement was suitable, and could be continued. luformation as to the cost _of the power supplied to the company will be from the superintendent be fore the question is taken up. The committee decided on Motion of Ald, Carson, to allow Prof. Gill and I hie class of students the privilege of making a todd of thd light plant, they assuming all responsibility and not interfering with the workmen, Chairman Bllioty again brought up the matter of advertising the gas for cooking pwposes, and suggested plac- ing advertisemnts in the newspapers. His suggostion was considered to be a good ove, and on motion of Ald. An Zr the matter of advertising was left. with the chairman and guperinten- dent The office at the plant¥is sadly in need of some repairs, ahd iL was de | cided to get figures on the cost of the needed alterations. atn------------------ Locating In Kingston. | Dr. Thomas Summerville, graduate of the Ontario Veievinacy School, af- tor ten vears' successful practice in the Unitad States and Canada, has taken up resulentco in Kingston, Dr. Sum- morville was made an offer to come hero and act as assistant lo Pr. W.. Ball. V.S., and he decided to ae cept. the offer. Dr. Bells growing business, and the rapidly increasing sales of his Veterinary Medial Won- der, together with the shipment of 1 to all parts of the dominion, made it imperative that ho secure a capable assistant, From present indications, Dr. Summerville will be "able to de- {iver the goods." His friends (and | they are legion) in this city and dis- Fries. extend Zo him a hearly welcome back to his boyhood home The regular 94 and pewer 3 osterday {Ald, | sent were : i | | | i | | | | { secured vi Your Stomach Warns You. Some org ans can § out of order without your knowing it, but not the stomach." Pain, heartburn, = water: brash, belching or a sense of fullness tell the story at once. Use Day's Dyspepsia Cure at once. It has diges- tive, tonic and laxative properties Each bottle contains sixteen days' treatmept. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Walks Dangerously Slippery. The deizzling rain which began fall on Tuesday afternoon nade walks awfully = slippery, and in evening pedestrians took to the road with the horses. This morning the walking was worse, moro rain having fallen and it being just cold enough to freeze it.. The city had men at work sanding the walks. te the the What Hoarseness Means. [t means congestion oi the larynx and vocal cords and probably means a surrounding cgugestion that will es- tond fo the lungs unless you stop it. The Diamond Cough Remedy mmoves thie cause of hoarseness, sore throat, coughs and . colds... In. bottles, 20c. and 50c., at Wade's Drug Store, | To Penitentiary For Arson Provincial (Officer R. Phalon. and De puty Sheriff 8. Camaron, of Goderich, arrived in the city last evening with a ° | growing girls. AVY at. a time, and, we. feared lall responsibility, Reiber secured | assistance THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1909. Cure Anaemia--Pale Faces, Dizzy Spells, Ete. Its Symptoms. Watery blood is an open invitation to disease to fake possession of your systent, . Watery blood is responsible for nearly. all the headaches and bavkaches and sideaches that affliet womankind. Watery' blood is cre ivonsible for the dull eves, sallow he oks and the listless, dragged - out f cling that is found in #0 many Good blood = means ood health, and good blood actually comes through the use of Dr, Williams Vink Pills. Weak, ailing despondent women who use this medicine are made aetive and strong; listless pale faced girls are given new health, rosy cheeks, hright eyes and anew sense of happiness and security," Mrs. E. 8. Nightingale, Chesley, Out., says: 'My hoe was #1 for a long time with sdhaemia. and Would often ie. confined to bed for three or four she was gol lady ing into a decline. A friend nd the use of Dr. Wil liams Punk Pills and 1 got a hal dozen boxes. By the time these were used thers was a marked improvement and 1 got a further snpply for her. The change these pills have wrought in her condition is so great that you world not think that she was the sume girl. 1 will always have a kindly feeling for Dr. Williams Pink Pills, You can get these pills from any medicine dealer 'or hy mail at H0ec. 2 Lox or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. PCTS BL REUTLANG oe] TROL Bo THE MY MCTO BL RE ER. COPVRIGTT ERASE O DALY HINT FROM PARIS. Braided Yellow Cloth Gown. BANKERS IN PENITENTIARY. Discover Discrepancy of $26,000 in Prison Books. Pittsburg, Pa., March 10.--Conviet- od Miinkers, now prisoners in the West crn penitentiary, here, an apparent diserepancy of move than $26,000 in the accounts of the peni tentiary. The board of visitors of the penitentiary some time since appoint- od Henry Reiber, former paying teller of the Farmers' Depoeit National an inmato of the peniteun- have discovered Bank, now tiary, to audit the books of the fnsti- tuiion. Finding an apparent discrep ancy, and being unwilling to assume thi of William Montgomery, former cashier of the Alleghany Na- tional Bank, and 4. B. F. Reinhart, former cashier of the Farmers' and Drovers' - National Bank, of Waynes burg; Pas, both convicts in tho West- ern pemtintiary, who are said to have agreed with him in his findings. Re: port of the alleged disocepancy was made to the board oi visitors, who are awaiting the reiurn of Warden William ' Johnson before mdking fur- ther investigation. It in that probably 'the discrepancy may be ac- counted for hy bad hooit-keeping. said Italian Grand Opera. One of the important attrac tions that will seen "here this sea son, in either the musical drama- tie line, is the forthcoming engage- ment of the. Italian' Grand Opera com- pany at the Grand, presenting, on Monday, March 15th, "Carmen," and on Tuesday evening a double bill, "Cavalleria Rusticana" and *'1 Pag- liner." The Italian Grand Opera company g said to be the greatest operatic or- anization ever heard outside of New York city, numbering * 100 people, in- cluding an ovchestra of twenty-five pieces, and earrying productiohs com- plete. in every detail. 'The. company is now playing a return engagement at His . Majesty's theatre, Montreal, where the press of that city pay the most glowing. tribute' to the princiy pals, orchestra, ensemble and pro- duations. most be or prisoner named Joseph Samson, who | will. spend three years in the peniten- | tiary for bueping buildings. Mr. Phalen told the Whig that the prison- or was not right in his mind. ] tmmediate { inspec. Oapacity of Came For Two Years. Yesterday afternoon, a constable ar- gived in the city from Brockville, with | Robert Burt, sentenced to two years, in the penitentiacy, for abduction. The prisoner is married, with a wife | and two small children. Your Corn Troubles. All corn troubles cease when Peck's Corn Salye is used. It removes all of 'corns, quickly, surely and without pain. In big boxes, 15c., at Wade's Drug Store. sorts Looking For Work. three big able bodied looking men, last -- You feat and h god old used to make. Moat is just ETO Prona ere is the place to fashioned ind Also, our Pork Sausa the dressing you ni TT. MYRR get =o wn Ww 3 purant, Charleston, 8.C., will want some Home-Made Mince t that mother is collector ship night. They said that they were in search of work, and were very anxi- ous to get work at the locomotive works. Notice, Notice. Printing, ruling, book-binding, om* bossing, at British Whig office, 'the home of gogd printing. |Mlerola, Mme. Alweri, | Cilla, and others of note. Was The police station gave shelter to | The organization numbers among its. members such soug birds of _in- {tornational . fame. as Mme, Duce- Mme. Bertosei, Mlle. Madalena Bossi, Mlle. Geoggina Strauss, Sig. Torre, Bari and MM. Arcangeli, Zara, Gravini," Oteri, Sig. -------- Has Made No Statement. Mayor Couper has not made { intimation that the is to be increased. What he said that extra hospital grant very he made from the any rate of taxation no could well DANCING DOLLS AS TRIMMING | Genius is Sure "% 'Madness ~Neay Paris, March: W0.---A frock festponed with dancing dolls as it§ trimming rather sounds the kind of thing thet is given to us as glage and comic pa per burlesques of jon. Yet this freak trimming 38 an accomplished fact, and is at present being shown upon a model by 'a famous Paris shioned old ladies might well 3 'What next ?" and artistic Wo- men might well demand to know what the aesthetic. justification for this childish idea is--but the fact re mains, and it is doub one; of those Parisienne novelties too subtly smart for our poor un ading. Another ugly; and, therefore, quite unjustifiable absurdity, is the Tong severe sheath dress, quite plain," und' modeled to the re, Down the cen' tre front is #T of "small buttons quite close together; these terminate some little, distaiies helgw the waist, and: the seam here opens into a fold, with inlets folds of material. It is so cut, however, that when the weaver a divided skirt, and the whole thing looks extreme and gethel with the severé hat now fash ionable set glosely down over the face the effect 4s decidedly dowdy and un Lecoming. 1 Another novelty, isa tendency to in: troduce the idea' of wings on to gowni sits down the effect 18" that of wearing | § i See the Special Bargain in ~ Mex's Tan Bluchdrs, Patent: f ¥ One lot of Boys' Box Calf Bluchers. Sizes 1.to 5. Regu- ilar $2.50, for .............. $1 $1.59 One lot of Boys' Box Calf Bluchers, Sizes 11, 12 and 13. Regular $2.00, for $1.59. v A vulgar; and, to} 5 » | Seo 'the Bargains .in eur "Windew, 'Men's Patent Colt, ' Velour Calf and Box Calf Bluehers, ; Lace and Button Btylés. Regular $4:00, $4.50, and a few $5.00, for THIS Box Calf, for ...........81,98, : Orie large lot of Children's Shoes. Sizes 3 to 104. Regular $1.25, for .....198e. Oné lot of 'Baby Boots. Regular 60%, TOR, cuivpenr 80. 5 3 % --of course, embroidery in that shape, not the real thing. This Jooks rather quaint. when placed upon the shoul ders at the back, and it would seein to take a considerable. amount of as surance to wear that with any amouni of cheerfulness. or Upon the front of the.fersage, how ever, it makes rather a pretty motif Fashion g lly seems to be civeping toward ar al 'of the frocks of th seventies afid early eighties, when the skirts were gathered and draped up to ward the back, and that much-ridicuk ed pad. was worn at the back. This would seem to be far off from the press ent sheath dresses; nevertheless, the very latest 'tout ensemble has a de cidedly 1870 look; and even the half- dressing is beginning to (take this ap- pearance: DISTRESS IN ENGLAND. Enquiry Into the Cause of it-- Workhouses to Be Abolished. Montreal Witness. The British Royal Commission en} "The Poor Laws and Relief of Dis | tress, ter holding over two hun- | dred meetings in various parte of the United Kingdom, and gathering vol uminous evidence regarding the, opera tions of the poor laws pow in foree, | have submitted the results of then investigations in a bulky veport of | some twelve 'huhdred pages. = There | was also a minority "report of nearly half the size. But while there wae dufference in 'the details of the pro- | posed remedial measures to 'be adopt-| ed, they 'were unanimous int' récom-| mending the abglition of the board | of guardians and the general work- house. The 'reouneil" "and 'borough councild arg named instead to attend | lation, and instead of # general work- | house. for alt sorts of dilapidated hu- manity, theve shall he: separate in| stitutions for the children, the aged aud infirm, the able-bodied men, gthe | able-bodied. womens the. vagrants, the: fecble-minded, the sick and the epilep tics... Public assistance is recommend- | od to replace poor law relief; home as-| sistance instead of indoor, relief, cura-!| tive and restorative treatment for in- | mates detained in ingtitutions, home assistance. 10 be adequate. and. admin- istered on a uniform plan, compul- sory detentign for, dmmkavds and those of dirtyt habits, a "nationkl syk: tem of labor exchanges to be estab- ished and. worked by the Board of I'racde, insurance against unemploy ment, with state assistance. It will | be seen that these recommendations | are revolutionary so far as England is concerned, but they are in line with much that has been. accomplish ed in other countries, The essence of the change is of a piece with the | change of attitude towards eriminals. | In all cases the purpose is to the subject in those conditions conducive to his: mental and moral | health. The segregation of drunkards | until 'cured would pay for itself in the diminutjon of disorder,' gust as the segregation of prisoners till morally | reformed would wipe out nine-tenths of the cakes that come befcre the mina place most | courts, Toronto Street Market. Toronto, March 9 --~Wheat, fall, bush., $1.07; wheat, goose, bush., $1. 02; oats, -bush., 50c.; barley, bush., 62c. and 63c.: rye, Lnsh., 69¢. to 70¢,; peas, bush., 9c. to 92c.; buckwheat, bush., 60¢c. to 6lc.; hay, per ton, $13. to 814; hay, No. 2, 89 to 810); straw, per ton, $13 to 813.50; dressed hogs, ).25 to- $9.75; butter, dairy, 18c. to 27c.; butter, creamery, 25c. to, 20c.; eges, new laid, 28¢. 40 .30c.; eggs, feesh., 23¢. to 27e.; chickens, dressed, Ih.; 16c. to 18e.; fowl, 1b., 13¢, to Hc.; turkeys, lh, de. to. 26c,; cab- bage, per dozen, 40c. to 60c.; celery, per dozen, 40¢. to 60c.; potatoes, bag, 75c. to 8dc.; onions, bag, 75¢. to 85e; to the' necessities: of "the 'pauper popu 31 Everything She Ate SEEMED A BURDEN TO CARRY. years. Everything I to carry. I always arose in the with a sickening snd feverish tas! mouth and was also troubled with' swel- lings in my hands and feet, which m sician said was due to the disordered stnte of my stomach. 1 tried everything that was putchasable, and also consulted two or three physicians, but could find no relief antil one of my neighbors told me of a wonderful cores by Burdock Blood Bitters, {' nsed altogether ten bottles and am now ricctly cured. I wish to recommend EB to anyone who may be so unfortun- as I was, Foe sale by all dealoss. TIDY LAUNDRY Half Price, only from Marchi Ist, Prices as follows :-- sohRns tae ib nts ge. --Collar ... 2¢.--~HandkefcHinr ©. 10¢c,~Plain Shirg 1 SHirt Culls, per pair Vest Petticos Night Dress . Family Washi 2 our new dainty. A You will He well satisfied. Le name and, address. Goods calle feliyered to any part of the city. Tidy, Laundry-----73 Clarence Bt. S00 BROS. Props. to any Dye wx At Homel "Maypole is a cake of soap that washes and dyes at one operation. Not an oll fashioned dirty, fuessy powder dye. It gives brilliant; fast colors--dyes anything dyes to any color or shade. bye to that trip to the dye house dye at bome With Maypole, Maypole Soap 0c. for' Colovs--ise. for Black, Frank L. Benedict & Co. Montreal. 3 Oc. ~Blouse per dozen hand wark ; it dave vour for and Every Woman | 18 interested and should kn~v 1 NEL the wo derfu MAR EL Whi in Spr ay A ww Yeginal Beat ost conven: leanses m k-ge: ATS AD os. : it PPLY C0,, Windsor, Ont: General Agents for C "nada. 50 to 810; beef, forequar- beef, choice, car- quarters, 38 ters, 36 to case, $8 to § beef, medium, $5.50 to mutton, per $8 to $10; veal, prime, per -cwt. to $11.50; lamb, per cwi., $12 to S110 : cne- RT: case, od Book-Binding. Ledgers, cash hooks, logse leal systems, and all kinds letter pres: hooks, at lowest prices. British Whig, apples, barrel, $1 to 85; beel, bind tho 'home of good printing. ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS. win 500 ix 50c Briar Pipes. Special, 26c. OUTLEY, (NEN LAID WRITING PAPER FOR LETTER COPYING, Pads of 100 Sheels, size 8% x11 inches-~Te. cach, Pads of 100° Sheels, size 5} x 8% inches--de. each. British Whig Publishing. Company * JOB PRINTING: DEPARTMENT THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING. p------ wn URNITURE SPECIAL Everything reduced from | { | | : | ' 10 to 15%. This will be a splendid opportunity to save money R. J. REID, 2 TT 30 Princess St Phone 877. ESAT ETTATTATLTTABAVALL VAL AT RRA ARR BARR ANS | Oranges, Oranges -~ a2 Sweet Juicy Mexicans Large Reguld¥30c Size, Only 20c ger | Dozen. A.J. REES, 166 Princess'St BVVVULVLLALLLALSALLRABLA TVTLRLLLT LARS BABAR GS ior 4 . - 7reTeeBNTRBTLE BBB RBE. present revenue of the city. The ques- | not | considcred by the eivie fi- | Couper | mat- | tion of increased taxation has vet been nance committee, 'and Mayor | has made no statement on the ter and will not until the prepared by the matter city treasurer, Gossip connects the names of { Secretary of State Robert Bacon and | exéGovernoe... Curtis Guild, of Massa- chusetts, as the possible successor to { United States {at Rome. 3 | Miss Anng M. Nairn, Galt, now | the missionary field in India, is to be married to Mr. McKay, BSA, a graduate of the 0.A.C., Guelph, also doing missionary work iu ladia, 4 wil Fifty-one years of experierice in them. too. baked so' pérfectly -- a revelation of crispness, superfine flavor. / . ' 1 You Try McCormick's . . F-A-N-C-Y Soda Biscuits ? \ \ McCormick-Quality in these delicious biscuity, have passed 'a rigid purity-and-quality exaniinat expert bakers and our own chemist. / that's why 'they are All ingredients ion made by 0 flakiness and is | ex- Ambassador Griscom, | in { Xr CCOl 'ANCY JERSEY CREAM SODA \ : « MECormick's exclusive design, very neat, thin and flaky --the right size and style for a discriminating hostess. Remember to distinctly say McLCormick's F-A-N-C-Y Jersey Cream Sodas when you desire design shown in picture. Soldionly in 10c and 5c Blue Label Packages. } See that "Little Lord Fauntleroy' trademark appears pn package. + SIR Na WW! WN SER NAN

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