scm sarin t PAGE SIX. -------- THE SPORT. REVIEW ROYALS ARE RE CHAMPIONS F OF THEK. A. H. A. | Defeated the Mic-Macs By 6 Goals to 5--~Royals Led at Half Time By 5 to 1, But Mic-Macs Finished Strong. Royals ave champions of the King- ston amateur hockey association. They won the title #t the Kingston | skating rink on Monday night when wy defeated Mic-Bacs 6 goals to 5, after an exceptionally hard game. The vigk was well filled with pegple {and the ice in fine condition for the championship games. Royals and Mie- | Macs each lost one game during the { season, hence the tie that was played off last night. Both teams played fast hockey and could give an O.H.A. intermediate team a good go. In the first half the Royals started in very strong and when half time {was called they led by five goals to {one. The crowd were of the opinion | that the Royals wggld be easy win. | but such wag Pot the case. Dur- ing the first period" the Royals played , systematic, hockey, and deserved every goal they secured. Their for- wards played good-combination' and their defence worked like veterans. Ainslie opened the scoring for Royals after two minutes play. McCartney landed next, and then Singleton put in two. La Rush then opened up for A -- RE More Bread to the Barrel Test it yourself. Count the number of loaves you bake with a bag of 'Bearer ' flour Notice the size cf.the lo dough stands up in the ove ee t wh 3 eaver our 7 ". pound fdr pound---makes MORE bread and whiter, lighter, tastier bread with the flavor you never forget. It ithe original Ontario Blended Flour and contains the best qu alities of both Outdrio and M wiitoba Wheat Flours. ® "Beaver"' pe ves, too--and the way the | ners, Flour saves you money. Try it, Dealers--write us for prices on ereals." The T. H. Taylor Co., Feed, Li Coarse Grains and mited, Chatham, Ont, 82 ERE IE PR SR TRIE for und " Evans, rover: wing; Royals hand- James of the of the ther Mic-Macs, landing their only goal of this half. Just before hall time in some places quite strenuous. Singleton and McCartney were retired their opponents only landed once. As 66 : * 1 . : 99 the score became closer the erowd pecla Liqueur {up a hard fight to even the score but ) :ould not succeed in getting another is the Finest Whisky i ! is the Fines 18ky in the World! | 4 {For the 'winners the stars were | 'Monty"' Ainslie, McCartney and {up as follows : Royals (6)--Kennedy, goal; Cherry, wing; M. Ainslie, right wing. Mie-Macs (5)--Sowards, goal; [La Rush, right wing. Referee--'"Senator'"' Powell. some trophy ' donated = by S[peiioe; the genial proprietor was called Muckler netted the fifth for repairs. weame quite excited, Towards the ast the evil eye of "Bill" Kennedy: | the scoring for the Mic-Maecs in the Kennedy and for the losers Nicholson, oint; H. Ainslie, cover; Singleton, ro- point; Dick, cover; Metcalfe, By winning this game the Hall "hotel, and president the Royals. The half was = fast 9 In the second half Mic-Macs came wick very strong and sucteeded in | finding Royals net four times while nd of the game the Mic-Macs put Dowsley, La Rush and Metcale did { «econd half, Dowsley landing twice, | LaRush and Dick. The teams lined Muckler, centre: McCartney, left Nicholson, centre; Dowsley, left become the first holders of the tleague Will, Hold The Cup. will' bevho eompetition the City There vear in the James' méeting C.A, this Basketball League Mcledridge eup held by St. club. This was decided ht a héld "last night in" the Y.M. There was trouble in enteripg one of the local teams and after Tome WECHETON TE War dediled to al- low Sto James' 'club to hold the tro- phy for _anather year, Same good pla aro dyeing > deve laped, in varioud teams this year' aiid fast teams may be looked' for season, : i 'Crystal Di Diamonds' economy of St. tor That Diamonds, mi Théy go so because they 3 the Lawrence - *'Crystal much further than any other sugar, are made fro the choicest Cane Sugar. St. Lawrence 'Crystal Diamonds' are all sweetness. Sold in attractive 5 pound cartoons and.also by the pound. THE ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR BEFINING CO. LIMITED MONTREAL. rare, St, Lawrence GRA At all grocers some next TED SUC otton bag AR has been the 8 or by the pound. 2 Sporting Notes French but were record, Longboat has returned The team won the six-day thirty miles behind the to Torontc to prepare for the York, six-club inter-city baseball league uggested, with Woodstock, Mamil- -- [ ton and Brantiord as its members The Brantford fwofessional hockey A I; WA YS, The Leaders club lost $500 on the with of Lights total receipts at home wi ere = Longbeat's, present grywhnere in Since 1851. El pil nt Marathon Derby in New A ' I -- rr season, of $3,800 weight ie ace five 156 to eight < ds 4 sang feet is title of T Frank Gotch, wrestling ehampion oi | FOR Edd 'S { meet at the International: Amphithea- 3 Y | Canadian featherweight Most got the first, gnd third falls in | m-- = -- Matohos M: atches 'Find Out If You | his own estimate, tre in Chicago April 14th champion " | cutch-as-caich bout in Toronto erfect | Struck! | H C 'rh Struck! ave atarr . | inches NY . ASK d the world, and Yessii Mahmout, will Artie Edmunds lost his he : | When "Kid" Batten, of South Africa, Matches | -- | - agos of a size convenient for family use. --== | Don't Wait Till Consumption velops, Cure Yourself Now. CATARRHOZONE. {In the discovery of this wonderiul curative medicine the entire race is | given freedom from Catarrhal diseases, including © Asthma, Broachitis = and | Throat Weaknesses. Is catarrh in your nose? Does it affect your hearing ? Is your throat husky ? Are your eyes watery ? Is your breath offensive ? I'hese are the indications of Catarrh now why continue to live in misery when cure is guaranteed with Catarrh- ozone ? So sure is Catarrhozone to cure that thousands recommend it--tell of its 'wonderful merit after being cur- {ed themselves. Read this : How Catar®hozone Cures. | Miss Worgel is a ¥esident of Clarks- {¥ille, Da., and has bety the means of { pointing the way' to hehlth of many { of her: friends : "I received De- L - ) | Su}: irs of this well-known Brand are put up in pac k-| { [xtra Granulated Bags 20 Ibs. Paris Lumps Boxes, about 5 1bs. Equal to, if not better, than anything produced. Ask your grocer for them and refuse substitutes. Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Lid, MONTREAL.. such extraordiMary bene fit that I have induced many of my friends to use 'it also. My catarrh was so bad a year ago. that 1 despajr- od of ever getting cured. I am sure ---- ny lungs were somewhat affected also. iThe relict I got from Catarrhozone was. remarkable. I improved under treatment very quickly, and was thoroughly the disease has returned.' Get the large dollar size of Catarrh- it contains a beautiful hard rub ber inhaler and medicine that: lasts two months. Smaller sizes, 25¢. and = 50¢, { each Beware imitations--adcept only sold by all re liable dealers or by mail frém The Ca 'ompany, Kingston, Oat, this | cured never Open to buy a 'few Miltary Warrants for North West Land. Apply J. O. HUTTON, 18 Mar-! ket St., Kingston. SO dzone; of 'Catarrhozone,"' + tarrhozone ( the) "Fem" Briseall, Engbish feather- weight champion, took away ~~ $17,- 000 in bills of éxchange when he left the ' United States for England after a three months' visit. "Jack" Johnson, the heavyweight champion pugilist, will appear * in vaudeville in New York during = the week beginning Mureh 29¢h, after which he will sail for London, A Boston man named 'Joe' * Man- geni has invented © a new 'style of chewing gum for use ir ball parks. It is made of flavored rubber, and ' can he used both for mastication and to erase mistakes in scoring. "Pat" White, of Dublin, the Irish champion distance runner, defeated John V. Svanberg, the. Swedish cham- pion, in the 'ften-mile race which fol- lowed the end of the six-day eveut in New York. White's time was 57 minutes 7 25 seconds. The race was hotly contestéd,. the men nlter- nately taking the lead at intervals, which rarély' exceeded w Tap or two. Svanbery finished less than' fifty yards behind White. Ottawa Feee Press: Word has been vecgived from Bert. Stronach, ° the Ottawa rugby team's eélebrated out- side wing, who i at present yn Edin- burgh, Scotland, that he had . four- {een stitches inserted in Bis knee ai- ter the surgeons had removed two growths which had formed on. there as the result of his first "season = ih Canadian football, In' addition Stro- nach had water on hoth' his knees, so his lot. bas been an unfortunate one. 'The big Scot is a plucky piece of ma- terial, and not only says he will be out again and occupy his "old posi- tion, but will bring another outside wing with him. The new comer = has won his International cap, and, ac- | THE DAILY BRITISH Pudi TUESDAY. MARCH 16, 1909. 98c. SPECIAL For 2 Days -- TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY We Ofer he Spcl Brin Mentioned Below : * One large lot of Children's $1.25 Fi #Kid Bluchers, in Black and Bron, and a few pairs $1.35 98 values, clearing aieise sre OR Special offer in Girls and Boys, sizes 8 to 10}, regular 1.25 and a few $1.35 valdes, in Fine iq and 1 Bog Calf, clearing ......aiiitai, SEE" OUR 98c. BARGAIN : One small lot of Women's Fine: Kid High Laced Shoes, French 08 heels, regular $3.50, clearing ........ A few pairs of Women's Laced Shoes, sizes 2}, 3 and 4, 6 and 7, regular $1.25 and a tow 1.75, 08¢ clearing .. : One lot of Boys' School "Boots, sizes 11, , 12, 13, also 1 to 5, regu- 086 CETTE A few Men' 8 Working Boots; WAS IN BED FOR cording to Stronach; is a erackerjack. If he is of Stronach's calibre he will | just! be the man to fill the place left vacant by Jack Ryan. AN OLD LADY INJURED And An Ex- Councillor Ill in Gananoque. Gananoque, March 16.--Mrs. den, an aged resident of the town, re- siding on King street, vere, mishap, by falling on the slip- pery walks, yesterday, and serious sly injuring her back. Medical' aid was ealled 1n and she is still in a very critical condition. James Rogers, Charles street, an ex- town councillor, was taken seriously ill at his home, yesterday, and at lat- est reports is in a very critical eondi- tion. 0. of confined street, ly ill George A. Whitmarsh, entertained a number friends, on Friday last, evening's enjoyment. Thomas Herbison! Pine on Monday, for Alberta; poses looking overthe place purpose of locating: ; Mrs. N. Purvi, of Lyn, &pent some time during thé past "week with local friends. Mrs. De Witta, Stone street, has, retyrned from Pefth, to. whivh plade she was called hy the illness of her brother, Rew. John Fexgnson, Mr. and' Mrs. J. J. Niblock, Lyndhurst, spent some time during the past few days with friends. in town. Mrs. A English, Pittsburg township, spent th past week in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Willigm Salter, James street. George ing some einity. Latimer, in charge of Gaspe, Que, for Stun- J. Shaneman, of the milling fum Meclellan & Shaneman, has been to his home, on Tanner for several days pest, serious- Stone street, of his young to a pleasant street, "left, where he pur- for the Brown,,, Athens, is spend time with friends in this vi- (. R. Latimer, son of W. F. of this town, who has been the Toronto hank at some time past, has been promoted to a similar position at Barrie. Miss M. 'Wiltse, Brock street, is Spe nding some time with re- lifives in Boston. Miss Nellie Kirke, Pine street, having comple ted her course in Kingston Business Colleg i has returned home. Mrs, C. W. Taylor, Church spending a few lor with "ther Rex Taylor, in Haileybury, New tario. Thomas Connor, spending few months here with his par , Mr. and Mrs. John Connor, King has left for his home at Ninga, W. street, i sor, On the past ents street, Man Secured The Prize. March 15.~The of last week has caused eonsiderable excitement, Mrs. F. C. Martin the fortunate lady to earry off the prize for being the best looking lady Hn the village. The prize Teonsisted of tharty-seven pieces of silverware. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hicks entertained a large number of friends on Wednes- day evening, and again on Friday of last week. Mrs. George Sigsworth is much improved after a serious illness the past two weeks: Mrs. George Guess, ill with pleurisy, is ting better. William Guess confined to the house suffering cancer. Mrs. Shields, Enterprise, turned home this morning spending a week with her iy W. Capscallen. Several of the school children are suffering from the mumps. Miss Alberta Snider, Har- rowsmith, has resumed work in millipery hoy T. Hicks, Harrow- mith, spent Sunday the guest of his uncle, 8. Hicks. Mrs, Rhinder will spend a few days' in Kingston this week. George Woodruff, Winnipeg, arrived home a few days ago and purposes only remaining a short:.time. Mr. and Mrs. John Clow spent a day last week with friends at Wilton. Messrs. John Wood and lra Hager- man have each purchased new pianos Svdenham, show was of also get is also Speedily Recovering. 8oues' Falls, - March J11.--Hauliog wood is the order of the day. A number from this vieinity attended the. sales of Arch. Mustard, near gin, and John Regan," €hafiey's Loo i this week. Miss Bella Stuart returned home after spending the past month with her 'sister, Mrs. Stratton, Dufferin. Mrs. Margaret | Sly. Elgw, is the guest of Miss Ella mith. We are glad to report tha: | Mrs. John Glover, who had the mis- fortune of breaking her arm some | few weeks ago, speedily recovering. The township assessor, Mr, Proud, of Newboro. * visited this, section on Thursday last Miss Frankie Kenny has returned from visiting friends in Elgin. Mrs. Michael Maugan, At kinson, Ont., bas returned home ni- ter spending the past week with her sister, Mrs fhhey Miss Pella Stuart is iting. friends in Port land, has Vi Seriously | met with a se-' from | after | daughter, | they IF YOU HAVE A THOUGHT That leans toward 4 New Spring Suit or Over- coat; the garments are here to clinch it. Our display has no rivals in this city. The styles and patterns are emtirely away from the ready- made idea, and,can..only be had at firgt- lass merchant tailor. shops, by ing double our prices. Come in and try on one of our New Spring Suits: And. get our prices. You will surely be sur ¢ 1t is only a pleasure for us to show you through our New Spring Stak - We know if you wear 'one of.our Suits or Oyer- coats this scason, that. you will give fie méwi. chant tailor the go-by: hereafter. 'They are sure to please. oo .! THREE MONTHS. "PEOPLE SAID SHE HAD ~~ CONSUMPTION. | Read how Mra. T. G, Buck, Bracebridge, Ont., waa cured (and also her little boy) by the use of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine She writes: "I ti and let you know the ceived through the use of Norway Pine Syrup. A few was dl troubled with my lungs people said I had Consumption and that I would not live through the Fall. I had two doc- tors attending me and they were much alarmed about me. I was in three shoutha nd when | gut up I could hot walk, #0 had to go on my hands and knees for threo weeks, and my limbs seemed of no use to me. I gave up all hopes of ever sting better when I happened to sce in fs B.B. Alisaas that Dr. ous, Noews Pine 8, was good for wi ungs. | Show hy 1 would try a bottle and by She had used it I was a lot better, so ih and it made a complete cure. Ty little boy was also troubled with wea fangs and it cured him. I keep it'in the house all the time and would hot bé with- out it for anything." { Price 25 cents at all dealéfs. 'Beware 6f po imitations of 'Dr. Wood' Norway' Pitis Syrup. AskTor jt and, insist on getting the scigiha. Pat up ing yellow" papper and three pine troes the trade mar! You Have Tried Others Now Order | J PRICE'S {CE CREAM A rich, Syrup. ht I would write t I have re- our Dr. Wood's Jor ee a % New Spring: Hats and Caps, ; the late shapes. New Spring Neckwear dainty dessett of a 'very superior ' quality, 'thit "may" be ordered in or bulk, at-a moment's notice. ' 288 Princess St. . 2 P YiC€-S, Phone 845. ONLY THING THAT HELPED HIS KIDNEYS British Columbia Likes Gin Pills. brick "New Spring : Hosiery New - Spring Shirts, ety just arrived. ; : Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. Chilliwack, B.C. I divide the year about equally work: ing on this ranch and on various logging claims, being consequently entir rely da pendent on bodily . fitness. for a living At times I have suffered like many others in this country from backache and § weak Kidneys, sometimes to the extent : of being laid up er weeks together. Having tried "many remedies I have pleasure in stating that your Gin Pills are the only one from which T have de- rived any permane nt , benefit, 1. had been using them only a short time when the trouble left me, and has not returned | since, J. EDWARD JAMES. Try them at our expense. Write for sample box, free if you mention this paper, then, when you see that Gin Pills are helping you, yon can get them at your dealer or from us direet, 50c. a box --&6 for $2.50. Dept. B., National Drug & Chemical | Co, Limited, Toronto. 118 NOTE THE PRICE LINEN LAID WRITING PAPER FOR LETTER COPYING, ETC. Pads of 100 Sheets, size 8) x11 inchies---7¢. cach, Pads of 100 Sheets, size 51 x 8) inches--4c. each. British Whig Publishing Company JOB PRINTING® DEPARTMENT : THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING. "Silver Plate that Wears" | Ice Cream Forks Fancy serving pieces, knives, forks, spoons, efc., always in good taste, are marked --- "1847 ROGERS BROS. RA great variety of exquisite patterns noted for quality. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Silver urns, pitchers, butter dishes, sugar bowls, fo be right, should be made by - MERIDEN BRITA CO. | Ignition Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Spark: Plus, Carburetors, Ete. | TRY OUR DRY RY BATTERIES. To il, ig. a Phone, 873. Oranges, Oranges Sweet Juicy Mexicans Large Regular 30c Size, Only 20c per Dozen. : A.J.REES, 166 Princess, St. Phone 58. atavasean I : ' ¢ ¢ ' ' ¢ ; ' 1 ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ! ' ¢ ' + PLUMBERS : 'Standard remody for Gleet, Gonorsars, and Santitgs W 48 HOURS, Cures b ney and Bladder Troables, I Ey I'Syssusws *eatseane TABLET LRL RAL LTARRR NN TBR RTRBBTRE RRB RAR Sass.