Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1909, p. 7

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No Contract Too Large No Job Too Small For Us to Handle As Practical Plumbers, we will dome to your home, your office, your store or your factory and esti- mate on any work you may entrust to us. David Hall 66 Brock St. Phone 335 . conn "The Simple Life NEWS OF NEGHBOR -------- | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. | The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Glendower Gleanings. tilendower, March 15.--Edward Bab- cock is drawing cordwood at Thirteen {Island Jake. A. Leemon is getting {ready to build a wire fence. James Wilson is getting out cordwood. Wil- liam Drew is visitin merman's. Daniel Babcock, Desert {.aké, has returned home. Archibald Timmerman is at Sanford Leemon's. Sanford Ieemon and wife, visited at Alan Snider's. , vest. [lo live naturally; work during the "day, keep your temper, eat three meals and take a Beech- am"s Pill regularly, as required. There is no medicine for the sim- ple life, or the strenuous, like 'Beecham's ~ "Pills | Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 com + COUGHS, COLDS, "LA GRIPPE" Every oge is familiar with the distressing. symptoms of the above- named ailments--although "they do not seem serious 'enough to | justify the employment of a phy- | sician = remember "a stitch in time sayes nine" and that if these ailments are allowed to run on ! unchecked they 'may terminate | in diseases most destructive in | their results, such as Bronchitis, {| Pneumonia, Lung Troubles, and Tuberculosis. Collins Bay Notes. Collins Bay, March 13.--Quite a number attended the sale at Mr. Chapman's near the village, last Mon- day, S. Greer was the auctioneer, Some of the farmers are hauling logs to Mr. Trudell's saw mill. T. Marsh, Partsmouth, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Marsh. William Tait left on Monday for Owen Sound, where he is helping to fit up the boat on which he will sail the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McDonald and daughter, visited friends at Sydenham, a couple of \ BOYS he That are suitable for any wear ; they have a neat appearance and fit the foot perfectly, made from fine grain best wearing Box Calf Blucher Cut Extension Soles. FOR $2.00 H. Jennings, King St ANY SIZE YOU WANT. ay 2 ite, F St Yi ts srr WO ny BOOTS | days this week, Invalids' Port (4 la Quina du Pérou) is composed of the most efficient drugs in the Materia Medica for the cure of these com- plaints, and thése in- gredients are ieatit. cally blended so as to get their most benefi- cent effects. Ask YOUR Doctor, Plevna Personals. Plevna, March 13.--Rev. Mr. Hali- penny, of Sharbot Lake, preached in {Methodist church last Sunday. Rev. {Mr. Huyck filled. his appointment at | the Lake. Miss C. Wood is home for § few weeks. Miss E. Wood, visiting a | Sharbot Lake, has returned. Mr: | Graham, of Beechburg, paia his son, [George, a flying visit. Rev. Mr. {Huyck has gone to the north end of {his mission. Miss BE. Shultz accom- panied him. The lumber camps are ahout to break up after a successful winter's work. W. McCrimmon re: BIG BOTTLE | turned from Yankee town this week. Sold at all Pharmacies Visitors : Miss Stalker and Miss Mc- Every | Crimmon, at Mrs. J. Card's; Miss priors. {Baudén, at Mrs. Beckwith's; J. Card land daughter made 'a flying trip to { Denbigh. $7 |. Philipsville Tidings. | Philipsville, March 15.--Mes. {garet Hoskin is very low, with "WOMEN!" {hopes of her recovery. Miss " Are You Nervous?" Dunham is improving slowly {Ler acadent. "Another company { 3 | formed between Miss Inez Mar- no Susan from has | been Gib- «on, of Chantry, and Wesley Tacke- The resulta of modern civilization are |herry, of this town, Mr. Tackeberry svidenced in an increase of nervous dis- [4s president and Mrs. Tackebtrry as srders. It could not be otherwise with the | ccretary-treasuger. They will occupy way we eat, drink, lose slee and keep up rooms in this town on the com- + svapiival found of excitement. The pletion of their wedding trip through a "the Ai By 8 'ezsliomenty all to) {the western part of the province. Mr. il Sri Fo e pid out idan | and Mrs. Willoughby. of Seeley's Bay, a Pp & remedy such | 0 the guests of Mrs, Willoughby's { parents, Mr. d Mrs. Rober rod- MILBU RN"S I in, et oh : Mr. rR bart. Pos: a HEART AND NERVE PILLS {Brown paid friends at Lyn a visit come along with their nerve-strengthenin $e % N ds ARGE. \ RL TN MEDIUM a NEDIU : No) 4 » /) | | { | | "I had for sovorul yous boon troubled with (1. i | could mot lie on my left side at might. I | vices were held In Good Coal can be quickly you leave your erders at WALSH'S COAL YARD, , Barrack St. It you have City prdperty for sale list it with us as we cannot supply 'the de mands of our clients At present WE WANT ;-- 1. A small modern brick dwelling, (3 or 4 bedrooms) located, 2, A large house centrally suitable for boarding house. 3. A good sized frame dwelling under $2,000. 4. A medium $1,500. 5. A small 000. 6. A double dwelling under - $3,000. 7 four or five tenement dwel had if 55-57 or stone and well located, | frame dwelling under trame dwelling under $1, 7. Three, last week. A number 'front here at. g | Lended the funeral of the late Mrs. snd energizing properties, and restore them { Sexton, at Delta, on Sunday. to their normal condition. | By : 4 . Leaving For Montreal. Mrs. Wm. Levi, Markdale, Ont., writes: | \allorytown, March 15.--Miss Guild, of. the general hospital Dery Quihens, sud, Jiro any othand, spent {stalf, Kingston, is at her home for a good. I oy ou. Tuefliciee the } DO. days. Alvin Trickey, who died in would make me jump' and my hear would Toronto, after a long ; illness, was I { buried here on Friday afternoon. Ser- thump so could hear it plainly P in the Presbyterian saw a fow testimonials of others and de |¢hurch. Mrs. John Chick, Caintown, cided to try Milburn's Heart and Netve is the guest of Mrs. William Chick. Pills, and to my joy they Sacramental service was held in the completely cu: me and it only took six I'resbyterian church, Sunday, after boxes to do it. I have a peighbor, Mrs. (noon. I. C. Mallory is home®for a Rickett, and 1 induced her to try them and few 'days. Miss Inez Burnham leaves they effected a cure. I can endorse their ir Montreal, on Thursday, where she use for anyone afflicted as I was. has secured a positiont Rev. R. H. Price, 50 cents a box, 3 boxes for $1. | Whiteside, evangelist, who has charge at all dealers or mailed direct on a of the services in the Methodist church, rice by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, | lclivered three interesting sermons on to, Ont. Sunday. The services are held every evening oxcept Saturday. M. J. Con- nelly, Brockville, was in the village Inst week. A. W. Mallory loaded a Ber- fess seee VV VVVTVVRS A at Anson Tim-, | THE DAILY BRITISH son, of Morven, who has beci pgaged as cheesemaker for the coming scason, {is getting his. household effects moved {and setiled in Jrcenlces' house. "The moving of Jobn L. Germain from Athens passed through here last week en route to Duficrin, where he has re- eontly purchased a farm. R. K. Ham- ilton sold a very valuable colt recent- ly to Mr. Nuttall for a handsome fig- ure. George Anderson is preparing {for the building of a new hank barn. J. Weir has engaged Mr. Ticrnoy with his sawing machine and is getting » | supply of wood cut. Mrs. W. Hyland | has returned home from visiting friends lat Whitmount. Recent vicitors : Mrs |T. Makin, and Miss J. Jackson, Sun- bury, at W. Gordon's: Mr. and Mrs. R. Eaton, Dufferin, at Mrs. Ward's; Mr. | and Mrs. W. Curtis at J. Dafiy"s. Al | the sick have recovered. i { i Long Lake Locals. | Long Lake, March 15.--A number of | voung people attended the box social | at Mountain Grove oh the 12th. Miss | Elleda Babcock, Harrowsmith, is visit- | ing her aunt, Mrs. Alfred Charlton. | Arthur 'Cronk, Wagarville, is at J. {Cronk's. Mrs. H. Drew. is convales- cent after her scrious illness. Mise Brown, nurse, will return to the city lin a few days. The funcral of the lat | Mrs. Thomas Bertram was largely 'at- | tended on Sunday afternoon at the | Methodist church here. Miss Brasee at B. Charlton's; Miss Vietoria Cronk | and Robert Ducharme at her sister's, i Mrs. F. Scott; Ernest Bender at {Georgo Drew'ss Mrs. William Coulter lis « visiting her daughter, Mrs. H, | brew: Mrs. William Rawlcy and daugh- ter, Sophia, McLean; at J. Love's; J. | 1.. Penn is having his house extensive | ty repaired. William Drew spent Sun- { day under the parental roof. Mrs. | Jacob Cronk and Miss Jennie spent hursday in Kingston: Robert Coul- ter, Stirling, is at Henry Drew's. Miss Helgha Drew has much improved alter her illness. School is progressing favorably with Miss Grace Patterson it the helm. pr Marysville Matters. Marysvilk a ndinagn, March 13.-- The «ale held at the farm of John Mc Cullagh, on the second cdheession, was a succome, Cows brought from forty to seventy dollars apiece and hens fifty cents each. John Dapho has moved to Shannonville to reside. Wil- jam Alexander moving on the jarm vacated hy Mr. McCullagh. James Traywor leit for Belleville on Thursday last after spending a few days with his family here. B. McGuin- nis and daughier, Mary, spent Satur- dav in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. John Russell visited her fathor, Matthew Sexsmith, Kingsford, on Sunday last. Miss Aggie McGurn visited with Miss Annie Corrigan, of Albert. The many friends of Miss Annie Fahey are sorry to hear she is to undergo an opera- tion' in the Hotel Diew, Kingslon, on Wednesday morning next. Mr. and Mrs. John Russell were 'At Home' to a number of their friends on Friday John Meagher was in Deseronto on Wednesday * last, Master Ross Cuigg is janitor for- school No. 4, for the balance of 1909. 18 ast. Free Dance At Stella. Stella, 'March 1554Burleigh 1.0.L. No. 482 gave a free dance in Vic toria hall on Friday' evehing. Tug well's orchestra proviaed the music. The dairy meeting was held in the village hall on Friday. This year the whey will be pasturized at 8 «mall cost to each patron. Quite =a number took in the delivery of ma chery from Ernesttown Station to Bath and the Island. D. Caughey, sr., has sold. his farm in the third concession to his son, D. Caughey, r., who is moving to it. Alexander McCormick has rented Mrs. Filson's jar on the south shore. W. S. Mec- l'onald leit for Buffalo on Saturday. The blue waters of Lake Ontarwo are now visible = at. the foot of the Is- land. A few warm, sunny days and thé driving on the ice will have to cease. Farmers are looking over their implements and putting them in shape for seeding. A new driving bouse is to be erected on the Glebe farm. A. McDonald has the contract ' ¢ car of stock for Montreal on Monday ° last. | The kind you are looking for is | the kind we sell. SCRANTON Moving To Dufferin. i Cushendall, March 15.--Mr. Robin- | | lings that would yield a fair rate of in terest on the investment. T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate & Insurance, 159 Wellingtor S Kingston. See new stock of Granije Marble. Just arrived. KINGSTON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. TIDY Half Price, only from March 81st. Prices as follows -- Shirt Cullis, Vest Petticoat Night DUess oes seen Family Washing, per dozen Pry our new hand work; it dainty. our LAUNDRY 1st, to per pair is very vou will be well satisfied. Leave vour d name and address. Goods called for and delivered to .any part of the city Tidy Laundry --73 Clarence St. S00 BROS, Props. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money issued on City and Farm Pro pertios. Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director od 'wrence street. You will want some Home-Made Aince Ment and here is the place to get gow old tashioned kind used to make. Also, our Pork Meat is just Phone. 570. H, 1. MYBURS, | antee and | that mother | Sau | the dressing you a Coal ls good coal and we ar- prompt delivery. 'Phone, 1338 Booth & Co. it FOOT WEST STREET. Headaches--Dizziness. Mrs. Scholes Case Like That | | Thousands Cured By the Cele- { N y OUND Y brated Tonic Ferrozone. \ GROVE S F R | This is but one example of the sick-| Brass and Jron Castings, | ness; the dull aching weariness that af- | of Any Size or Weight. {he so many homes to-day. | A Place d rmes statement symptoms from which they Hundreds of woman, single and mar- | -- sulfer continually. | Atction Sales Rooms Almost instant in its wonderful re sults, better than any other tonic in ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAXD | the world is Ferrozone. All other goods bought and sold, or goods sold on | Her Limbs Ached. | Stomach Derangement. | -- Worn Qut--Tired. 0 . of ° sata sssssssssscssssesesd is medical discoveries seem as nought .ommission. Auction Sales promptly at-| vompared with the vital bracing health tended to, at the City Auction Sales | I'errozone so surely brings. Rooms, 88 Brock St., Kingston. Proof Of Cure. : TR pe : . . J. E. JONES. Auction | "People in ordinary circumstances find sickness the greatest burden of M. P. KEYS all," writes Mrs, W. 8. Scholes, Bo wife of. a well-known citizen in Rus- Antiseptic Barber Ehop oll. But thie mother with young chil- Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor. | dren must keep going whether sick or rare Service. Your pat-| || This was my plight just before 336 ir: Sh al | my third child was weaned. 1 became 36 Kina Street weak and pale, and at night I was so Next door to Wade's Drug Store. | weary IR CE | poorly, suffered with indigestion | James Campbell, ieadaches that almost blinded me. | TAILOR, | "At last, when: thin, wrinkled and hollow-cheeked, 1 urged to use 109 BROCK STREET. | Ferrozone. For the first time in years Ladies" and Geotlemen's garments | | enjoyed freedom from headaches, my | leaned, pressed and repaired by modern | appetite picked up, I grew stronger, | methods. Prices moderate. Goods called felt better and slept soundly. You { or and delivered. |can't imagine my joy in seeing my RY 4 {strength, color and spirits returning. { Week by week I improved; gained elev- TTT ADES AND GENTS TAILORING 3:5: vo" peat le vi pounds anc wave been robust ever Wa fully guarantees superior quality, | . »s orrect style, artistic workmauship and | Ince. 5 < + Because F errozone mv igorates-- rerfect fit. 3 5 braces--builds up--because it will make Je B. Ouellette, vou feel the oe lat thrill of vitaliz- 298 Princess St tio blood and strong nerves--because | ---- {it will give you comfort, cnergy, 1 . 8, E. Grigg, pastor of the First | lasting health, these are a few of Japtist church, Brockyillo, announces | reasons why you should Jee his resignation to. take effect in the | zone. Sold by all dealers' 5 middle of April western church and was sound Ferro- pe nr Fer | ) i rep Mr or six boxes for $2.50. Try Grigg goes to a | box, rozone. Do it to-day. - | Burleigh. | vied, will recognize in Mrs. Scholes' | that I ached all over. 1 slept | the! lor putting up a new house for Mrs. Patterson, Stella, pave a mice little party to a number of young people on Thursday even ing. in honor of her niece, Miss Mag- + Tait, hefore leaving fdr her home Visitors: Dr. G. H. Pollie, King- HR in Deseronto. Patterson and T. J. tori, with friends here. News Budget From Denbigh. Denbigh, March 13.--Otto- Klein, ac- companied Rev. J. Roble to Raglan last week. The latter conducted di- vine * service last Sunday in Raglan and 'Quadville," and is spending this week making the acquaintance of his new parisioners there and has an nounced service to be held in May- nooth Lutheran church to-morrow. Miss Ida Watlich has been enjoving a week visiting with some young lady friends in Raglan township. Rev. Charles Goodrich, now of Odessa, a former resident and municipal council lor of this municipality, favored for- | mer friends in the village and vicinity with a call. George McCartney, of } Peterboro, organizer for the I... O. society, spent. a few days here calling on members with a view to reorgan- zing some now dormant lodges. Rev. { Mr. Irvine, of Flinion, conducted di | vine service, yestorday evening, in the Slate Falls Settlement schoolhouse ind efter an absonce of about nine years. favored some of his old friends in the village with a short visit Charles P. Stein, while drawing loge in one of J. 8. Lane's camps, had the misfortune to get one of his legs bad- ly 'hurt and will be laid up quite a while before he will be able to recume work. Mp. Fritsch, who owned a half interest in the old Fritsch homestead of 201 acres, near this village, base sold hie hali to his brother, Reinhard Fritsch. who now owns the whole. Otto will leave for Webb, Sask., in a | few days where he also- has a farm and intends to make his future home. a ------ A 'general strike of the telegraphors in the post office department, Paris, |was declared on Monday evening, fol- Howing, a meeting of the general asso- ciation oi post 'telegraph employees, at which 5,000 were present. The kaisor has issued aw edict for- I bidding officers of the army and navy to smoke cigars or figareties in the presonce of women, in' evening dress, Laither at court or elsewhere, ' Th 4 Good Style and Good Taste New Fit-Reform 2 button Sack Suit appeals to men who want something new and something different. The lapels are long and grace- ful--buttons set close together --flap pockets and roll cuffs. This style is extreme enough to be distinctive yet is in perfect taste. CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for King@ton. We can send you a free booklet that will help you buy paints and varnishes intelligently and econom- ically. Write for the booklet you need. BookLETs ON PAINTS AND VARNISHES B-60--Paints and Varnishes for the Home. A valuable 60-page booklet on the prope: Siaish for al hola Fe 115+ bool :70--Puints and Varnishes for the Farm. 1} klet full particu- {ars of S-W. Products for use about the farm, page giving B-65-- Who Makes the Best Paints and Varnishes ? Explains the why and where- foe of paints and varnishes--their manufacture and uses. ' B-68--Brighten Up Booklet. A handbaok on paints and varnishes for the home which should be in the on of every bousewife. full particulars how to finish both B-19--8herwin- Williams Floor Finishes. Gives painted and varnished floors. Tue SHERWIN-WiLLIAMS Co. LARGEST PAINT AND VARNISH MAKERS IN THE WORLD MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG Leave Ottawa, § The flour that excels in strength, flavor and nutriment The Purity Brand guarantees-- " More bread and better bread" or your money back. Western Canada Flour Mills Co Limited Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Brandon Every "Caloric" lower burnér-cup, besides being deep, is made with an air-mixer, which latter section has nickel-plated cover for air adjustment. Upper face of burner being corrugated causes a current of air to pass between the corrugations and intermix with the gas. The air and gas are thus thoroughly blended before ignition takes place, which prevents the escape of gas. 4 A) TOADS LAA Every burner automatically drilled, hence the uniform flame. The "Caloric" system stands for rigid gas economy, great velocity of flame, and safety of operation. Save gas, save time, save anxiefy--get "Caloric." M<Clarys Caloric" Gas Range RCL RAL LEL RAILWAY IN " RONNECTIO 1 KINGSTON -- OTTAWA Kingston, 12.01 p.m. arrive m. Ottawa 10.45 a.m., arrive Kiag- at K. & P. and O. Ontario St. "Phone, Pass, . CONWAY, Gen, Leave RR Royal Mail Train via : INTERCOLONIAL =F: ANA Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS' points ments further Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. at tors, mation, apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 130 St. James Street, or MONCTON, N.B. Low One Way Colonist Pacific C Fares to Pacific Coast at the following fares from Kingston, bee | $45.10 Si be 3 FACOMA, WASH. y * SAN FRANCISCO, CAl. LOS ANGELES, UAL. | MEXICO CITY, MEX. $46.05 TOURIST SLEEPING OARS Leave urday, at 2.35 a.m.. for the accommoda- tion of passengers holding first or second thereof as far as the PACIFIC COAST, nominal charge is made for berths, which J. P, HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johuson and Ontario Sts. From New York every Wednesday, 10 a.m., 8.8, Trinidad" ot From Wew York eve Saturday, 10 a.m., 8.8, Bermudian' 5,500 New Steamer "Guiana.'"" 8,700 tous, "Parima," 8,000 . B.8. "kK . 8,000 toms, sail ng Now York avery St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guade- loupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, For illustrated pamphlets giving ratee of and all information, apply to E. Ls, 9 8Y bec, Canaga, or to Ticket Agents, Je BR RANLEY Yaad 0. 8. KINKPATHICR, Kingston. - Royal Mail 1909. Montreal to Liverpool Roval Mail Steamers. ontreal to Glasgow, Mon- For' timetables and other infor- On sale daily, until April 80th, 1909, & PORTLAND, ORBEA. t SAN DIEGO, CAL. $47.05 Kingston, Tuesdav. Thursday, and Sat- class tickets to CHICAGO AND WEST may be reserved in advance. $20 and up. 3,000 , tom; $30 and up. with all up-to-date improvements. 8,8, alterpate, Wednesday, for St. Thomas, Barbadoes and Demerara. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, A Quobec Bleamabip Co., 2 Siroatos New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec Passenger Service, Summer Season geal to Havre and London. The Tur- bine Steamers Victorian and Virginian are the only steamers of this type on the St, Lawrence Route. Accommoda- tion for 250 first and second-class passengers. Steamers are fitted with Wireless and the submarine signalling system. GRAMPIAN and HESPERIAN. are the largest and fastest steamers sailing be tween Canada-and Scotland. Eight days from Port to Port. Steamers of the Montreal-London ser- vice call at Havre, France. One class (second eabin) passengers carried. Full particulars of rates and sailings from Local Allan Line Agents. ToENGLAND and the CONTINENT | 23 the Fast and, Luxurious win-Screw Express a Steamships of the

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