PAGE EIGHT, , THE a MEKAY FURS MAKER SEALSKIN GAR- READY 10 CONTEST ==. PLAY ST. MICHAEL Providing Good Ice Secured--Dr, Jock Opinion--Queen's Next Season. Can Harty's Team | It is understood here that Queen { would not he averse to having a con- with St. Michaels, of Toronto, ior | test QUEEN'S NOT OPPOSED Toff. | ace Be | McRelve Foren ' {finishes up the club TT = wmiversity floor, on Friday the m een game with Peterboro, not yet for the and has seniors se iY finals, Curling Matches. At the curling rink on night C. J. Burns defeated and R. J. Hooper was de- W. R. Sills. In the play W. R. Sills defeated C, J. Burns, to 10. This just about games, Tuesday R. J, | 14 shots HE OS "0G LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Viecinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Xe membered. Ribby's $2 hats are swell. Read Harrison Co.'s invitation. Florida golden celery, at Gilbert's. HAD FINE PROGRAMME g | Entertainment. Given By | Council No. 21, C.O.C.F. A goodly number turned -out on Monday evening 10 the entertainment and "At Home" held! by sounci! No. 21, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, in their lodge rooms. Ubief \Csun- cillor William Pillar ably fled the duties of chairman, - and in his. ad- dress dealt ith h Jorge matters in an interestil WP saphell, "of Hamilton, the grand organizer, was present, and in his address he took occasion to re May Have Meeting. The winners of the City League, Re- giopolis, gnd the Royals, winners of the Kingston Amateur Hockey League, may play off for the city champion- 'ship. This game would undoubtedly draw a large crowd was no session of the police court, this morning. Visit: "The London' millinery par- lors, Wednesdhy. Grand opening. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley' s. "Phone 778. The Italian Grand Opera company loft 'at nine o'clock, this morning, for Peterbora. Bibby's $2 hats for style. We clean feather beds and pillows hy steam. H. Hilne, 272 Bagot St., 'phone 542, T. F. Harrison, a member of the declined to act. Bibby's 82 hats for style. A 81 rheumatism eure for 25c., the bargaip counter Cross Drug Store. Bibby's $2 hats are it. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's Boek Store. A new boat-house is being crected for the use. of Fishery Inspector Taudvin's gasoline launch. See Bibby's $2 brown derbies. Mrs. William Howie, visiting in Watertown, N.Y., has returned to her hops in Westhrooke. Colman"s sugar-cured roll bacon, bet- ter than some hams sold in town, and only 12ic. a lb., at Gilbert's. See Bibby's smart $2 hats. The schooner Tradewind, Capt. Oli- ver's vessel, was, vesterday, chartered to carry the coal required this sensory by the Thousand Island Steamboat company. Bibby's 82 hats are beauties. W. H. Godwin was selected as dele- gate from the local lodge, to. attend the high court session of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, to be held at Toronto, Bibby's hats one price, $2. "Black Root Liver ' Pills," regular fer to the made by the coun- cil within the few months, The lodge was in 'condition' and with continued support could be made one of the banner eourts of the pro vince. The audience was also fayored ith a5. addtass Rom Dr. Mylks. the ge physician. The ramme in- cluded the following 0 gs Instrumental selection, by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Routley and sons Master Homer and John; song, F. Leech: sketch, "He and She," by the U's; song, Miss Morrison; recitation, Miss M. Dutton; song, W. Boswell; instru- mental, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rout ley; song, Thomas Wright: recitation, W. McFedridge: mouth organ selec- tion, Mr. Stewart; sketch, "A Shakes: pearean Rehearsal," the Q's. Refreshments were served dose of the programme and the company dispersed after the national anthem, { the Montagu Allan trophy, now in the possession of the collegians. Much {would depend on the weather and the | attitude of the trustees who think it { highly improbable that any more cup matches can be played this vear. Be sides the trustecs want twa matches, hereafter, to decide the cup holders. - It was only' to accommodate Queen's that the sudden death game was agreed to owing to examinations hastening on. To have played two games in Ottawa would have meant of lost time. JH Queen's Michaels here the players would be able to do their work at college as usual. It ig said an at- tempt may be made to got the trustees ni | to agree to game dl Dr. "Jock" Harty {Waiting for Nr. Nixon, a 'passenger savd Queen's cor Id very. readily trim {ON the in-coming train. He got off the 0.H.A. champions. If the gam « | to find his loved omnes mangled and are not arranged for this vear Queen's | bis hoy nowhere to be found. Craig will likely go against St. Michaels is the name of the fireman but so far next January. Next season Queen's [he has not been found. The con- p wi ill likely have: all and "brakesman claim they did b MENTS AND CANADIAN FINE FURS John McKay 140-155 Brock St., this THE HORRIBLE TRAGEDY In the Windsor Station at Mon- treal. Montreal, March 17.--A revised list uf the dead shows the wife and twelve vear old daughter of W. J. Nixon, a train despatcher, are dead, and an cighteen-vear-old son is missing. The family were in the waiting room, who was nominated, five hoard of health, has days played Si. on Kingston. at Gibson's Red the then singing at AOAAEALLL4404044044404 STERLING The Standard of Silver Excellence ; from Me- Laymen's Missionary Movement. Arve ely planning to be at Toron- to, March 3lsi to April 4th? The Canadian Natiopal Missionary con- gress will be one of the most impor- taht conventions ever held. Ii "view of tho possibilitics of this congress, every congregation is appealed to to send commissioners who shall represent them. Every man should he interest od in the movement. Because it presents to men greatest possible spiritual the need of the world; Because it makes the largest pos- sible demands upon men. It remends them that all life is a trust inwolvieg stewardship, of opportunities, influence and 'money; that spiritual atiainments are tha-only enduring assets; Because the effort to cvapgelize the world presents to covery man the lar- gost opportunity of service which can come to him in this life; lecanse the umion of all branches , . of the church in such coroperation em- 32, no higher. . | phasizes as nothing else can, the unity : classes in . domestic | of the church. ir mt, yester- | science, conducted by Miss Susie Baw- J. Campbell White, the general See- and decided to ask the | den, are attracting much attention. says: "To be a tommissioner £2 000 for | ast night twenty-eight ladies attend this. congress will be to receive the | °d the class, probably the mightiest spiritual ine City Park. Iso Gold and Aluminam! |civie § committee had to get along with $1, { the ¥2 hat store. spiration which has ever come to, life. committee = Son S 9 A MITCHELL, aa 000, outside the superintendent' s (1 Millinery uhuting, Wednesday, Hundreds of men will be revolutionized 1 ® -- | Salary of That was a very [1/OBCON, elington street. {in their thinking and lifepurposes hy . the influences of the congress." An Attractive Exhibit. £44 o ; {small amount with which to keop five With the odor: of a_hoiled dinner | in In attendance at |PerMeating the house, a woman can {yesterday's meeting were : Ald. Keni [COUnt on calls from at least two of Y(ehairman).. Car on, Clugston, Twerl- her fashionable friends duving the af An exhibit of German relief wall de- corations, in the window of George Sear's. varant store, 69 Princess street, is attracting considerable at- Every one interested should see the New. Skirts we will have ready for selling To=morrow. 287 Every one stylish and every one (dell, MeCariney and Hoag. tarnoon. . It. was decided to increase Bibby's hats one price, 82. tention. It is being made by H. Wil- kins, painter and paper hanger, 403 good value. Prices from $8.75, 4.50, 5.75 on up to 13 75. There is plenty to in.{ terest you here this week,} and we urge you to come and see thislarge collection of Ladies' Spring Buits,{ Coats and Skirts. i are welcome to come and see, and there will not be the} LADIES' SPRING SUITS In the New "Vogue" styles, $14.75, 15.75, 16.75,17.50 and on ; up to 32.00. You may choose now and have your choice placed aside until required. ite present men, j ductor save Macdonnell, who 'will Ox. (all they could to stop the train when fall | they found it was not slowing up ; {for the station, but failed as the | emergeney brakes did not seem to y work. tox | The body of the Nixon boy has {just been taken from the ruins, at { Windsor street, making the third vie | tiem of the one family. It is said that the body of another woman can he {teen under the wreckage but has not {vet been regehed. py Lod { #he rescue work is feverishly pro- jeeeding. It is momentarily feared the engine may crash through the floor, warnings been placed about building Two Cauchnawaga In- irls had miraculous escapes. were lifted by the cow catcher to the other side of the escaped practically unin- go to ford in the Basketball Friday have made of basketball between and juniors, on | | Arrang a practice game the Y.M.C.A ements heen Senkors It costs more at first, but is the kind that does not wear out, Flatware Bon-Bon Dishes Sugar & Cream Sets Batter Dishes In designs and weights to suit everyone. tho challenge Tn, Hand have In 13 lucky colors, is athe fine, tough, quick drying,|{"" durable finish for) l00rS, ari furniture, interiof| work, room. metal work, evedything| ; | 25e. box, on the bargain "hunter at | lared, that needs freshening. | THE PARKS COMMITTEE Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 2 for You can get it in cans at] Be parks' Ne, 30, 50c Si ag sh to Make Another Entrance to aftarnoon, tossed but "Nibhy's hats, The night a an mmm Spangenberg's. SHERI relary, ance at = » committes for work. Last Jihby's, SALES RELLPLBLLPPLLLL0eFSOIFIDIGSIIISIIIVIV "The + SII IIIIS34Y course order. the 8550 to 3600. "I'he increase is well de- ring on the finger of the sweetest girl The matter. -of purchasing [iP the work), he little dreams he will plants, ote... was left to. |ever scold her for burning the heef- {the chairman and the superintendent. steak. . : The chairman said that a driveway Bibby's hats, $2, no higher. entrance to the city park should be Miss Edna Greenwood, Wolfe Island, constructed at tho corner of King and | Nes returned to Notre Dame Convent, ] Such an entrance had | ¥ resume her studies in music and long been noeded. The! cost would ho | PAIRING, after being at home for two | served, | shrubs, serds, Grand Display (salary of Supermiendent Phillips from When a. young man puts a wedding Johnson street, who has the agency for these decorations as well as the skill to put them up right. This is the first time such goods have been exhibited in Kingston. The designs are classic and beautiful, and are used principally for dado work. The decorations ave the natural imitation of wood, and ean be painted to match any color scheme. They are put on like wall paper, and can be washix whén soiled. Their cheapness, when compared with woodwork, makes them very attractive and popular. Mr. Wil- kins has already secured several fine order from leading citizens. OF =e larrio streets, 2 23 Va place this amount in its appropria- Wo Bibs geeat oo hats. : " ps tion request. The sum of $50 will e are the only eather renovators : | betweén Montreal and Toronto. H. {nlso be asked towards the cost of Milne. "plone 542 iwork at the drinking fountain to be ecw pliane ty ba AE hp placed in Clarence street park, chiefly b BE A Jaan Comes A Srap- for comping. hanger in a erowded car so a pretty = woman can have a seat is no sign he gots up early enough Monday morning wo fill the wash tubs for his wife. -- 1 * Red, white and black cherries, That is Why the Exports | tin, at Gibert's, Have Decreased. { The supplemcatary estimates of the to United States Con | House of Commons contain votes of which appear- | $12,500 additienal for the military ed in Tuesday's Whig, regarding the college, $1,200 for gunshed at Artillery decrease in the exports of raw furs to Park, and 8500 for repairs at Tete de [the United States, from Canada, a|Pont Barracks. : | Whig representative called at the John Bibby s hats one price. 82. : {McKay Fur House to obtain Mr. Me- R. C. Wilkes, agent for Austin & | Kay's views on the matter, and learn-| Wainwright's vaudeville and moving led that for the past four years, the picture attraction, is making arrange- ldemand for fine Canadian furs has | nents for the engagement of the com- been so great that they have, with the | pany at the Grand for six nights. exception of a few kinds, been used in Orange slicers to rent at Gilbert's. Canada, and ninety per cent. of those The police have been ihvestigaling [left have been exported to the London | cases of truancy, and as a result of | market, which means they would not | their efforts, several youngsters who show in the United States consular | have , playing hookey from reports. school, now back at their An interesting studies. \ . il.w. with the above, Joseph Manley, son of J. W. Man- Kav Inctorv ley, press foreman at the Whig, Ro : is employed in the C.P.R. offices at po Cangdis Montreal, his of- shfpped on her " i pts. Sti where the train sales Over 70 Distinct Styles. All this Spring's Models. Prices $12. 75 to $37.50 Each. CANADA USES HER FURS Latest In Waists Attractive designs just received in many of the latest New York models. The Embroideries and Laces used you will not see with any other firm here. $1.75, 1 10c. a Deserted On A Train. Mayor Couper had to degl with a v [sad case this morning. A young Jewjsh woman, born in Germany, ar- ivd here on the morning train with fF child, both destitute, She, her husband and child were en route to Dakota. 'When she woke wp in the train going west she found that her husband had deserted her. She got off here and appealed to the authori ties for aid, As the woman could not speak English 8, Oberndorfier was called and he learned the stranger's sad plight. Mayor Couper gave her railway transportation to a point west. | And In reference sul Van Sant's report, LATEST IDEAS IN DRESS GOODS Satin Cloth, Stripe Worsteds, Broadcloths, French Taffetas, Voiles, &c., &c. Prices S0c. to $2. 30 Yard. .50, 2.00, 2.50, 8.00 up to 5.00, heen are To-Night, St. Patrick's Night. "O'Brien, the Contractor," hy Mr. Ryan and company, under the aus pices of the United Irish societies, is to he given at the Grand Opera Hous: to-night. O'Bien is\'a noble, witty, Irish character creation, and #aid to be one of Mr. Ryan{s ablest perform- ances. A wonderful mailroad building scene is the set of the second act. The Ryan company is eminently Suited for the presentation of the great play, it being one of the most successful in Mr. Ryan's repertoire. One night only, St Patrick's night, fact «in connection is that the John Me- used over £20,000 worth furs last and | Lz S . | the Windsor station, consignment foi fice being fight above 101 crashed through. He !jured. a ------ | Accidents are often caused by weak "TIS ST. PATRICK'S DAY. |ankles and weak eyes. These are a {sure sign of kidney trouble (in. a dangerous stage) and can be cured by contents of one bottle of St. Regis Lumbagoe Cure. * Half teaspoonful night and morning. For sale at all drug stores. 4 Great Sight At Bijou. The most exquisitely beautiful pic i | ture drama in colors ever shown at {sermon on the lilo of St. Patrick was the Bijou Theatre is on to-day and [8 banquet, which was held by the Na- Fovenched by Rev. Father Halligan. |Thursday. Tt is a work of 'the high- tional Whelegntle Cumber Dealers' As- {There was a large congregation pre- lest art from the studios of Pathe | sociation, at Philadelphia, on March sent, and the music was of a special | Freres, France, entitled, "The Love of | 2nd. The menu card is bound in blue nature. {c upid and. Psyche." The actresses | leather, handsomely illsiratod, and The flags on the city buildings and | | taking part are remarkably beautiful { the letter press is done in gold and « Irish halls floated in honor of the | women ghd very numerous. The cas- hinck and is a beautifunl specimen of {day. The only local celebration will [tumes are (he most exquisite produc- lthe svork of the engraver and printer. be at the Grand Opera House, this | tions of the sartorial art, and the col- | {evening, when Daniel Ryan and his|oring is a miracle of delicate loveli- {fine company will present an Irish lness. It is seldom that the public has | Jy ' \ n play, undér the auspices of 'the local [an opportunity to see so much deli- be if something is taken that will Trish Catholic societies. cate loveliness. Another drama, is en- cleanse the stomach and bowels, in- | teem titled "The Miser's Gold," and a hel | crease the flow of -digestive fluids and Notice. ter-skelter comedy is entitled "The | give the stomach vigor and tone, im: You 'are invited to see Nordheimer| Visit of the Vagrahts." Will West {mediate Benefit will follow. Day's Plazes on view in Kirkpatrick's Art |SiDEs. | Dyspepsia Cure helps in these ways, Gallery, 159 Princess street. Also Ca- re ipromptly and every time. Each bot nadian representatives for Steinway & Must Stamp All 11 Labels. | the contains sixteen days' men {Son's, New York. Catalogues on ap- Rubber stamps for use by druggists, { For sale only at Wade's Drag Store. | plication. ete. in conformity with proprietary and patent Viigo. | season, ol 33,000 the London was not in- Nove ity Mus s1ins Kor Spriag and Summer w dress to a design. 15¢, 25¢, 80c¢, 60c yard. White Cotton Poplins 25¢, 30¢, 3bc yard. White Indian Head 12}¢, 15¢, 20c. Colored Linura Cloth looks like yard. One 10c¢, ar. 30c, Pontifical Mass Held in St. Mary's Cathedral. St. Patrick's day was obsarved In {St. Mary's cathedral, this morning, {by the celebration of pontifical mass, | Archbishop Gauthier being celebrant. {Rov. Father Men wale high priest, | Rev. Father Hanley deacon, and Rev. 'ather Meacher sub-deacon. A fine Handsome Menu Card. Robert Hendry is in receipt of a menu card from W. 8S. Phippen, New York, a "Yormer Kingstonian, and a ward of Mr. Hendry's. The card is for Ladies' High Shoes At} Three Dollars New Shoes For Spring. The finest assort- ment we ever had. Tan Calf Button, Tan Calf Lace, Patent Colt Button, Patient Colt- Lace, Viei Kid Blucher Lace; Box Calf Blucher Lace and Smooth Gun Metal Calf Lace. All $3.00 a pair and New S. Will not crush, linen, in all colors, 18¢c, 20c v All White and All Black Muslins Stripes and Fancy 10c, 50c, 60c y nm | bi ---- Better Digestion To-Morrow. No matter how faulty digestion may Fanc De- ard. In Checks, signs, 25¢,.30c, 35¢, . Special Offerings in Slightly Damag- ed Napkins and Table Cloths at Greatly Reduced Prices. {mite for forty vears. | The shah of Persia i= taking | wards the granting of a stitutiog to his people, storekeepers, the aot, fice plied. labels. Visited The Y.M.C.A. may be ordered at the Whig of C. M. Copeland, provincial secretary Any colored stamping ink of the Y.M.C.A., and Mr. Cullens, in Very neat designs for stamping | charge ~of thé county work, were . in { the city, to-day, and paid the loeal in- stitution a endl, They are on their way home to Toronto, from Mont- For Another Month. Wer will have Malaga grapes, sweet, crisp, Tokay-tinted variety, Carnovsky's. the sup- at Who Said Corns? Must have been some one who never; real. tried Peck's Corn Salve. This remedy | L -- always cures, even when other remedies | Spring Importations Of 1909. fail. In hig 15¢., ut Wade's| Prevost, Brock street, has received Drug Store. {three cases of imported goods for his , 'order clothing department, including {Scotch and English tweed, serge, etc. To compensate Turkey for the payvwrent of an indemnity from parin, Russia has agreed to naon- Bul- forego indem- boxes, stops | third con- id . : Bibby's $2 hats' for comiort,